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1454, Pape Nicolas V - Attaquer, Conquérir, Vaincre, Réduire et Soumettre en esclavage perpétuel païens, Sarrasins - LOUIS XIV CODE NOIR 1685.

 Petit-fils des survivants de l'esclavage par les Occidentaux christianistes et aristocratiques!

Battle of Hattin, 1187 - Saladin's Greatest Victory -معركة حطين

Published on 17 Nov 2018
 ► To skip straight to the battle, head over to 12:50► Please consider supporting our work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/historymarche Narration: Alexander Doddy www.alexanderdoddy.com Script: Matthew Hollis Arabic Subtitles: Abdelrhman Ahmed Emira and Hadji Ahmed Saladin bust model based on József Czakó wonderful work: https://jozsefczako.artstation.com/pr...

Abby Martin : How Palestine Became Colonized (The Empire Files )

Published on 6 Dec 2016
MUST !!! Trump and the Greater Israel (WARNING! 
 DISTURBING CONTENT!) : Previewing Abby Martin's on-the-ground investigation in Palestine, The Empire Files looks at the long history of Zionist colonization, expansion and expulsion of . In this snippet from an of the The Empire Files, Abby Martin tells how from its inception, political Zionism was not only a plan for colonization and . In her first on-the-ground report from Palestine, Abby Martin gives a first-hand look into two of the most attacked refugee camps in the West Bank: Balata and .

Resurrection Ertugrul Season 1 Episode 1

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 Achtung! I have not yet listened to this "gentleman" combattant!

Srdja Popovic - Comment faire tomber un dictateur quand on est seul, tout petit, et sans armes


Srdja Popovic: How to topple a dictator

Published on 15 Jul 2015

2011 was a year of people-powered resistance, starting with Arab Spring and spreading across the world. How did it work? Srdja Popovic (who led the nonviolent movement that took down Milosevic in Serbia in 2000) lays out the plans, skills and tools each movement needs — from nonviolent tactics to a sense of humor. (Filmed at TEDxKrakow.) TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tednewsLike TED on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TED Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksD...


1454, Pape Nicolas V

Attaquer, Conquérir, Vaincre, Réduire et  Soumettre en esclavage perpétuel païens, Sarrasins...

8 Janvier 1454 : l’Église catholique et le Pape Nicolas V bénissent l’esclavage et la traite négrière !

3 compléments

L’Église catholique a joué sur un triple registre négrier, en co-produisant une idéologie de légitimation de la traite et de l’esclavage des Africains et de leurs descendants ; en s’impliquant directement dans le partage des prédations négrières ; enfin en étant bénéficiaire économique et confessionnel de la traite négrière.

Extrait de la Bulle du Pape Nicolas V, du 8 janvier 1454, qui a eu pendant des siècles des conséquences désastreuses sur les Africains.
" Nous avions jadis, par de précédentes lettres, concédé au Roi Alphonse du Portugal, entre autres choses, la faculté pleine et entière d’attaquer, de conquérir, de vaincre, de réduire et de soumettre tous les sarrasins (c’est-à-dire les MUSULMANS*), païens et autres ennemis du Christ où qu’ils soient, avec leurs royaumes, duchés, principautés, domaines, propriétés, meubles et immeubles, tous les biens par eux détenus et possédés, de réduire leurs personnes en servitude perpétuelle, (...) de s’attribuer et faire servir à usage et utilité ces dits royaumes, duchés, contrés, principautés, propriétés, possessions et biens de ces infidèles sarrasins (MUSULMANS*) et païens...
Beaucoup de Guinéens et d’autres Noirs qui avaient été capturés, certains aussi échangés contre des marchandises non prohibées ou achetées sous quelque autre contrat de vente régulier, furent envoyés dans les dits Royaumes ".
(*Un petit malin, en principe un RACISTE ANTI-ARABE, ANTIMUSULMAN, s'est amusé à dire que SARRASINS = AFRICAINS!)

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"Africaine" emmenée en esclavage marquée au fer rouge
L’église catholique, accoudée à ses anciens coalisés de la période esclavagiste tente d’allumer des contre-feux médiatiques visant à faire pièce au puissant vent d’exigences de reconnaissance et de réparations qui a agité comme une lame de fond la Conférence Contre le Racisme de Durban en septembre 2001. La diversion toute trouvée a été la piteuse mise en scène en 2003 de prélats catholiques africains, qui plaidaient une responsabilité africaine dans la Traite négrière. Cette sortie inconséquente donnant volontairement ou non à s’absoudre aux associations négrières avérées : Lumières, Royautés, Industriels et Eglises. Il s’agit de rendre à l’Eglise catholique l’entièreté de l’empreinte déposée de son ensauvagement - incivilisation - négrier.

Il est important de saisir la traite "négrière" comme une énorme entreprise de pratiquement cinq siècles de barbarie pendant lesquels l’alliance criminelle et afrocide des puissants d’Europe a fonctionné comme un broyeur d’humanités. Prélats, aristocrates, industriels, savants se sont mutuellement soutenus et influencés pour fabriquer une an-Afrique à leur image : le lieu spécialisé d’une déportation sanglante de millions d’Africains esclavisés.
L’autorité morale de l’Eglise dans la société européenne était incontournable pour toute activité d’ampleur, elle régissait le quotidien, le spirituel, imbriquée au pouvoir qu’elle renforçait et à qui elle en imposait. La puissance d’évocation de la chrétienté, les territoires dominés par la religion et l’ordre chrétien relevaient de la diligence des hautes cimes de la société européenne.

Ainsi l’Eglise catholique a t-elle joué sur un triple registre négrier, en co-produisant une idéologie de légitimation de la Traite et de l’Esclavage des Africains et de leurs descendants ; en s’impliquant directement dans la partage des prédations négrières ; enfin en étant bénéficiaire économique et confessionnel de la Traite négrière.

D’un point de vue idéologique, l’Eglise a popularisé la légende de la descendance de Cham, fils maudit de Noé dans la Bible, condamné à n’être à jamais que l’esclave de l’esclave de ses frères, identifiant les Africains aux descendants de Cham…

Cette désignation arbitraire d’une couleur, d’une altérité à mettre sous les fers, permettait de contribuer à l’extinction en Europe de stades extrêmes d’asservissements, accordant les pratiques d’exploitation sociale des puissants avec le discours chrétien à usage interne. Les infidèles, païens, hérétiques et incroyants lointains devenaient des esclaves par nature pour les mélanodermes spécifiquement.

Dans ce contexte de justification de l’injustifiable, de légitimation de l’illégitime par essence, le 8 janvier 1454, Nicolas V, de son vrai nom Tommaso Parentucceli [1398-1455], 208e pape, écrit au souverain du Portugal Alphonse V une bulle papale spéciale l’autorisant à soumettre en esclavage les "nègres" de Guinée et les "païens".

Cette position de l’Eglise catholique, accompagnée de la légende de Cham que la noble institution diffusait sans s’encombrer de son réel fondement textuel et théologique, trop contente de disposer de nouveaux territoires de croisades, d’évangélisation, ferait autorité balayant les réticences des négriers en herbes et traitants néophytes.
La position de l’Eglise catholique par rapport à la Traite négrière n’allait pas être un épiphénomène loin de là, ses encouragements à l’ensauvagement esclavagiste continueraient tout au long de la période négrière, à l’instar de l’activisme doctrinaire de l’éminent théologien français Bellon de Saint Quentin, qui se servait des "Saintes Ecritures" pour libérer la conscience des traitants qui s’en remettaient à sa science.

L’Eglise catholique fut aussi l’institution qui consacra, par l’intermédiaire de son représentant le pape Alexandre VI, Rodrigo Borgia de son vrai nom, le partage du monde entre le Portugal et l’Espagne en 1494 par le traité de Tordesillas. Au Portugal, revenaient l’Afrique, l’Asie et le Brésil alors que l’Espagne se voyait octroyée le reste de l’Amérique.

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Traduction de l’affiche ci-jointe : "Vente d’esclaves !" dans la note de bas de page [1]

Théoricienne et organisatrice de la Traite négrière, l’Eglise allait s’activer pour en être un bénéficiaire direct et temporel, ne s’oubliant pas au festin des prédateurs. En effet lorsque le premier acte négrier fut posé par le rapt de dix Africains, perpétré par une expédition militaire portugaise menée par Nuno Tristan et Antam Gonsalves, les « meilleurs esclaves » furent offerts à Gabriele Condulmer dit Eugène IV, 207e pape de l’Eglise catholique, apostolique et romaine. A cela s’ajoutent les esclaves qui travaillaient dans les abbayes, monastères et autres lieux de résidence des religieux, soumis à toutes les servitudes liées à leur double de statut de bien meuble et d’esclave par nature, convertible à souhait au christianisme.

Il ne faut pas oublier, en sus, le Code noir qui régissait dans les colonies françaises l’ensemble des soumissions et tortures légales des esclavisés, tous les instants de leur quasi-existence étant par décret orientés vers l’économie de plantation. Ce Code fait expressément référence à l’Eglise catholique, seule religion autorisée dans les colonies, monopole sur le marché du divin ...
Il convient par conséquent de rendre au christianisme négrier ce qui lui revient, de s’armer d’une intransigeante culture de veille devant les nouveaux assauts de évisionnisme décuplés depuis que la question des réparations à la Traite négrière est abordée dans les grands forums internationaux comme Durban. La soudaine publicité au Vaudou béninois se termine rituellement dans les médias occidentaux par l’allégation avec pseudo témoignages de la participation volontariste du Dahomey à la Traite négrière. De telles indigences intellectuelles programmées pour produire des effets de désagrégation des dynamiques afro-diasporiques en cours et pour insensibiliser les opinions publiques occidentales à leur culpabilité historique procèdent par compilations sélectives des faits relatifs à la Traite négrière.

Il est caractéristique que l’on ne se demande pas quelle était l’économie du Dahomey avant son entrée dans la Traite esclavagiste … Cette absence n’est pas neutre, elle s’explique par la nécessité de présenter des cas purs de collaboration volontaire d’Africains à leur démolition négrière. Or les historiens n’ignorent pas que avant que le Dahomey tombe pieds et poings dans les filets négriers, le roi Agaja Trudo avait déployé une énorme énergie résistante et politique pour arrêter la traite, proposant d’autres formes explicites de coopérations aux pays européens, faisant appel à leurs artisans, ainsi qu’il en fut des rois Ashantis, Kongo, etc…
Akam Akamayong

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Afin de se rendre compte de la prégnance du lien entre l’Eglise catholique et les puissants dans l’institution de la colonisation, il est aussi intéressant de lire comment s’organiser le lien entre le gouvernement belge et les missionaires catholiques en 1920, soit presque 500 ans après la bulle papale de Nicolas V. Siècle après siècle, esclavagistes et religieux ont travaillés main dans la main.

Extrait de la causerie de Jules Renquin, Ministre Belge des Colonies, en 1920 avec les premiers missionnaires catholiques du Congo-Belge.

Les devoirs des Missionnaires dans notre colonie
Révérends Pères et Chers Compatriotes, soyez les bienvenus dans notre seconde patrie, le Congo Belge
La tâche que vous êtes conviés à y accomplir est très délicate et demande beaucoup de tact. Prêtres, vous venez certes pour évangéliser. Mais cette évangélisation doit s’inspirer de notre grand principe : tout avant tout pour les intérêts de la métropole (Belgique).

Le but essentiel de votre mission n’est donc point d’apprendre au noirs à connaître Dieu. Ils le connaissent déjà. Ils parlent et se soumettent à un NZANBE ou un NVINDI-MUKULU, et que sais-je encore ? Ils savent que, tuer, voler, calomnier, injurier.. est mauvais.

Ayant le courage de l’avouer, vous ne venez donc pas leur apprendre ce qu’ils savent déjà. Votre rôle consiste, essentiellement, à faciliter la tâche aux administratifs et aux industriels. C’est donc dire que vous interpréterez l’évangile de la façon qui sert le mieux nos intérêts dans cette partie du monde. Pour ce faire, vous veillerez entre autres à :

- 1. Désintéresser nos "sauvages" des richesses matérielles dont regorgent leur sol et sous-sol, pour éviter que s’intéressant, ils ne nous fassent une concurrence meurtrière et rêvent un jour à nous déloger.

Votre connaissance de l’évangile vous permettra de trouver facilement des textes qui recommandent et ’font aimer la pauvreté’. Exemple : « Heureux sont les pauvres, car le royaume des cieux est à eux » et « il est plus difficile à un riche d’entrer au ciel qu’à un chameau d’entrer par le trou d’une aiguille ». Vous ferez donc tout pour que ces Nègres aient peur de s’enrichir pour mériter le ciel..

- 2. Les contenir pour éviter qu’ils ne se révoltent.
Les administratifs ainsi que les industriels se verront obligés de temps en temps, pour se faire craindre, de recourir à la violence (injurier, battre..). II ne faudrait pas que les Nègres ripostent ou nourrissent des sentiments de vengeance. Pour cela, vous leur enseignerez de tout supporter. Vous commenterez et les inviterez à suivre l’exemple de tous les saints qui ont tendu la deuxième joue, qui ont pardonné les offenses, qui ont reçu sans tressaillir les crachats et les insultes.

- 3. Les détacher et les faire mépriser tout ce qui pourrait leur donner le courage de nous affronter.

Je songe ici spécialement à leurs nombreux fétiches de guerre qu’ils prétendent les rendre invulnérables. Étant donné que les vieux n’entendraient point les abandonner, car ils vont bientôt disparaître, votre action doit porter essentiellement sur les jeunes.

- 4. Insister particulièrement sur la soumission et l’obéissance aveugles.

Cette vertu se pratique mieux quand il y a absence d’esprit critique. Donc évitez de développer l’esprit critique dans vos écoles. Apprenez-leur à croire et non à raisonner.
Instituez pour eux un système de confession qui fera de vous de bons détectives pour dénoncer tout noir ayant une prise de conscience et qui revendiquerait l’indépendance nationale.

- 5. Enseignez-leur une doctrine dont vous ne mettrez pas vous-même les principes en pratique. Et s’ils vous demandaient pourquoi vous comportez-vous contrairement
à ce que vous prêchez, répondez-leur que "vous les noirs, suivez ce que nous vous disons et non ce que nous faisons". Et s’ils répliquaient en vous faisant remarquer qu’une foi sans pratique est une foi morte, fâchez-vous et répondez : "heureux ceux qui croient sans protester".

- 6. Dites-leur que leurs statuettes sont l’oeuvre de Satan.
Confisquez-les et allez remplir nos musées : de Tervurene, du Vatican. Faites oublier aux noirs leurs ancêtres.


Donnez-lui tout au plus une cigarette. Ne l’invitez jamais à dîner même s’il vous tue une poule chaque fois que vous arrivez chez lui.


Exiger qu’ils vous appellent TOUS"MONRE".

- 9. Criez au communisme et à la persécution quand ils vous demandent de cesser de les tromper et de les exploiter.

Ce sont là, Chers Compatriotes, quelques-uns des principes que vous appliquerez sans faille. Vous en trouverez BEAUCOUP D’AUTRES dans des livres et textes qui vous seront remis à la fin de cette séance. Le Roi attache beaucoup d’importance à votre mission. Aussi, a t il décidé de faire tout pour vous la faciliter. Vous jouirez de la très grande protection des administratifs. Vous aurez de l’argent pour vos oeuvres évangéliques et vos déplacements.
Vous recevrez gratuitement des terrains de construction pour leur mise en valeur, vous pourrez disposer d’une main d’oeuvre gratuite.

Voilà donc Révérends Pères et Chers Compatriotes, ce que j’ai été prié de vous faire savoir en ce jour.

Main dans la main, travaillons donc pour la grandeur de notre Chère Patrie.

(Source : Avenir colonial Belge, 30 octobre 1921)


Lire aussi :
- Le péché du Pape contre l’Afrique d’Assani Fassassi, éd. Al qaram
- Qui étaient les esclaves brésiliens au 16e siècle ?Transposition pour le Web du travail de Pascal Burquel
- En mars 1685 est promulguée le « Code noir » par le roi de France Louis XIV
- Christophe collomb découvre l’amérique : au premier jour d’un ethnocide

En mars 1685 est promulguée le « Code noir » par le roi de France Louis XIV

Le Code noir de l’esclavage a été concocté par Colbert, sur les ordres de Louis XIV, au profit des colons, notamment aux Antilles, en Louisiane, en Guyane, à la Réunion... Il a été promulgué en mars 1685. Aboli par la Convention en 1794, l’esclavage fut rétabli en 1802 par Bonaparte et les dispositions du Code noir furent intégrées au Code civil en 1803. C’est un des textes les plus monstrueux de notre histoire.

Le Code noir de l’esclavage a été concocté par Colbert, sur les ordres de Louis XIV, au profit des colons, notamment aux Antilles, en Louisiane, en Guyane, à la Réunion... Il a été promulgué en mars 1685. Aboli par la Convention en 1794, l’esclavage fut rétabli en 1802 par Bonaparte et les dispositions du Code noir furent intégrées au Code civil en 1803. C’est un des textes les plus monstrueux de notre histoire qui considère que l’humain de race noire n’est qu’une marchandise, qui met en place tout un arsenal répressif avec des sévices sadiques (même s’il aurait été établi pour limiter la cruauté des colons), qui rend criminelle la liberté de l’esclave (mise à mort des marrons, esclaves fugitifs). Et les philosophes soi-disant des Lumières ne se sont même pas insurgés contre ce texte, certains profitant des trafics négriers ...

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Édit du roi sur les esclaves des îles de l’Amérique
Mars 1685, à Versailles,
Louis, par la grâce de Dieu roi de France et de Navarre :
À tous, présents et à venir, salut.


Comme nous devons également nos soins à tous les peuples que la divine providence a mis sous notre obéissance, nous avons bien voulu faire examiner en notre présence les mémoires qui nous ont été envoyés par nos officiers de nos îles de l’Amérique, par lesquels ayant été informés du besoin qu’ils ont de notre autorité et de notre justice pour y maintenir la discipline de l’église catholique, apostolique et romaine, pour y régler ce qui concerne l’état et la qualité des esclaves dans nos dites îles, et désirant y pourvoir et leur faire connaître qu’encore qu’ils habitent des climats infiniment éloignés de notre séjour ordinaire, nous leur sommes toujours présent, non seulement par l’étendue de notre puissance, mais encore par la promptitude de notre application à les secourir dans leurs nécessités.
A ces causes, de l’avis de notre conseil, et de certaine science, pleine de puissance et autorité royale, nous avons dit, statué et ordonné, disons, statuons et ordonnons ce qui suit.

Article 1er

Voulons que l’édit du feu Roi de Glorieuse Mémoire, notre très honoré seigneur et père, du 23 avril 1615, soit exécuté dans nos îles ; ce faisant, enjoignons à tous nos officiers de chasser de nos dites îles tous les juifs qui y ont établi leur résidence, auxquels, comme aux ennemis déclarés du nom chrétien, nous commandons d’en sortir dans trois moisà compter du jour de la publication des présentes, à peine de confiscation de corps et de biens.

Article 2

Tous les esclaves qui seront dans nos îles seront baptisés et instruits dans la religion catholique, apostolique et romaine. Enjoignons aux habitants qui achètent des nègres nouvellement arrivés d’en avertir dans huitaine au plus tard les gouverneur et intendant desdites îles, à peine d’amende arbitraire, lesquels donneront les ordres nécessaires pour les faire instruire et baptiser dans le temps convenable.

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Vente d’esclaves

Article 3

Interdisons tout exercice public d’autre religion que la religion catholique, apostolique et romaine. Voulons que les contrevenants soient punis comme rebelles et désobéissants à nos commandements. Défendons toutes assemblées pour cet effet, lesquelles nous déclarons conventicules, illicites et séditieuses, sujettes à la même peine qui aura lieu même contre les maîtres qui lui permettront et souffriront à l’égard de leurs esclaves.

Article 4

Ne seront préposés aucuns commandeurs à la direction des nègres, qui ne fassent profession de la religion catholique, apostolique et romaine, à peine de confiscation des dits nègres contre les maîtres qui les auront préposés et de punition arbitraire contre les commandeurs qui auront accepté ladite direction.

Article 5

Défendons à nos sujets de la religion protestante d’apporter aucun trouble ni empêchement à nos autres sujets, même à leurs esclaves, dans le libre exercice de la religion catholique, apostolique et romaine, à peine de punition exemplaire.

Article 6

Enjoignons à tous nos sujets, de quelque qualité et condition qu’ils soient, d’observer les jours de dimanches et de fêtes, qui sont gardés par nos sujets de la religion catholique, apostolique et romaine. Leur défendons de travailler ni de faire travailler leurs esclaves auxdits jours depuis l’heure de minuit jusqu’à l’autre minuit à la culture de la terre, à la manufacture des sucres et à tous autres ouvrages, à peine d’amende et de punition arbitraire contre les maîtres et confiscation tant des sucres que des esclaves qui seront surpris par nos officiers dans le travail.

Article 7

Leur défendons pareillement de tenir le marché des nègres et de toute autre marchandise auxdits jours, sur pareille peine de confiscation des marchandises qui se trouveront alors au marché et d’amende arbitraire contre les marchands.

Article 8

Déclarons nos sujets qui ne sont pas de la religion catholique, apostolique et romaine incapables de contracter à l’avenir aucuns mariages valables, déclarons bâtards les enfants qui naîtront de telles conjonctions, que nous voulons être tenues et réputées, tenons et réputons pour vrais concubinages.

Article 9

Les hommes libres qui auront eu un ou plusieurs enfants de leur concubinage avec des esclaves, ensemble les maîtres qui les auront soufferts, seront chacun condamnés en une amende de 2000 livres de sucre, et, s’ils sont les maîtres de l’esclave de laquelle ils auront eu lesdits enfants, voulons, outre l’amende, qu’ils soient privés de l’esclave et des enfants et qu’elle et eux soient adjugés à l’hôpital, sans jamais pouvoir être affranchis. N’entendons toutefois le présent article avoir lieu lorsque l’homme libre qui n’était point marié à une autre personne durant son concubinage avec son esclave, épousera dans les formes observées par l’Église ladite esclave, qui sera affranchie par ce moyen et les enfants rendus libres et légitimes.

Article 10

Les solennités prescrites par l’ordonnance de Blois et par la Déclaration de 1639 pour les mariages seront observées tant à l’égard des personnes libres que des esclaves, sans néanmoins que le consentement du père et de la mère de l’esclave y soit nécessaire, mais celui du maître seulement.

Article 11

Défendons très expressément aux curés de procéder aux mariages des esclaves, s’ils ne font apparoir du consentement de leurs maîtres. Défendons aussi aux maîtres d’user d’aucunes contraintes sur leurs esclaves pour les marier contre leur gré.

Article 12

Les enfants qui naîtront des mariages entre esclaves seront esclaves et appartiendront aux maîtres des femmes esclaves et non à ceux de leurs maris, si le mari et la femme ont des maîtres différents.

Article 13

Voulons que, si le mari esclave a épousé une femme libre, les enfants, tant mâles que filles, suivent la condition de leur mère et soient libres comme elle, nonobstant la servitude de leur père, et que, si le père est libre et la mère esclave, les enfants soient esclaves pareillement.

Article 14

Les maîtres seront tenus de faire enterrer en terre sainte, dans les cimetières destinés à cet effet, leurs esclaves baptisés. Et, à l’égard de ceux qui mourront sans avoir reçu le baptême, ils seront enterrés la nuit dans quelque champ voisin du lieu où ils seront décédés.

Article 15

Défendons aux esclaves de porter aucunes armes offensives ni de gros bâtons, à peine de fouet et de confiscation des armes au profit de celui qui les en trouvera saisis, à l’exception seulement de ceux qui sont envoyés à la chasse par leurs maîtres et qui seront porteurs de leurs billets ou marques connus.

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Article 16

Défendons pareillement aux esclaves appartenant à différents maîtres de s’attrouper le jour ou la nuit sous prétexte de noces ou autrement, soit chez l’un de leurs maîtres ou ailleurs, et encore moins dans les grands chemins ou lieux écartés, à peine de punition corporelle qui ne pourra être moindre que du fouet et de la fleur de lys ; et, en cas de fréquentes récidives et autres circonstances aggravantes, pourront être punis de mort, ce que nous laissons à l’arbitrage des juges. Enjoignons à tous nos sujets de courir sus aux contrevenants, et de les arrêter et de les conduire en prison, bien qu’ils ne soient officiers et qu’il n’y ait contre eux encore aucun décret.

Article 17

Les maîtres qui seront convaincus d’avoir permis ou toléré telles assemblées composées d’autres esclaves que de ceux qui leur appartiennent seront condamnés en leurs propres et privés noms de réparer tout le dommage qui aura été fait à leurs voisins à l’occasion desdites assemblées et en 10 écus d’amende pour la première fois et au double en cas de récidive.

Article 18

Défendons aux esclaves de vendre des cannes de sucre pour quelque cause et occasion que ce soit, même avec la permission de leurs maîtres, à peine du fouet contre les esclave, de 10 livres tournois contre le maître qui l’aura permis et de pareille amende contre l’acheteur.

Article 19

Leur défendons aussi d’exposer en vente au marché ni de porter dans des maisons particulières pour vendre aucune sorte de denrées, même des fruits, légumes, bois à brûler, herbes pour la nourriture des bestiaux et leurs manufactures, sans permission expresse de leurs maîtres par un billet ou par des marques connues ; à peine de revendication des choses ainsi vendues, sans restitution de prix, pour les maîtres et de 6 livres tournois d’amende à leur profit contre les acheteurs.

Article 20

Voulons à cet effet que deux personnes soient préposées par nos officiers dans chaque marché pour examiner les denrées et marchandises qui y seront apportées par les esclaves, ensemble les billets et marques de leurs maîtres dont ils seront porteurs.

Article 21

Permettons à tous nos sujets habitants des îles de se saisir de toutes les choses dont ils trouveront les esclaves chargés, lorsqu’ils n’auront point de billets de leurs maîtres, ni de marques connues, pour être rendues incessamment à leurs maîtres, si leur habitation est voisine du lieu où leurs esclaves auront été surpris en délit : sinon elles seront incessamment envoyées à l’hôpital pour y être en dépôt jusqu’à ce que les maîtres en aient été avertis.

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Article 22

Seront tenus les maîtres de faire fournir, par chacune semaine, à leurs esclaves âgés de dix ans et au-dessus, pour leur nourriture, deux pots et demi, mesure de Paris, de farine de manioc, ou trois cassaves pesant chacune 2 livres et demie au moins, ou choses équivalentes, avec 2 livres de boeuf salé, ou 3 livres de poisson, ou autres choses à proportion : et aux enfants, depuis qu’ils sont sevrés jusqu’à l’âge de dix ans, la moitié des vivres ci-dessus.

Article 23

Leur défendons de donner aux esclaves de l’eau-de-vie de canne ou guildive, pour tenir lieu de subsistance mentionnée en l’article précédent.

Article 24

Leur défendons pareillement de se décharger de la nourriture et subsistance de leurs esclaves en leur permettant de travailler certain jour de la semaine pour leur compte particulier.

Article 25

Seront tenus les maîtres de fournir à chaque esclave, par chacun an, deux habits de toile ou quatre aunes de toile, au gré des maîtres.

Article 26

Les esclaves qui ne seront point nourris, vêtus et entretenus par leurs maîtres, selon que nous l’avons ordonné par ces présentes, pourront en donner avis à notre procureur général et mettre leurs mémoires entre ses mains, sur lesquels et même d’office, si les avis viennent d’ailleurs, les maîtres seront poursuivis à sa requête et sans frais ; ce que nous voulons être observé pour les crimes et traitements barbares et inhumains des maîtres envers leurs esclaves.

Article 27

Les esclaves infirmes par vieillesse, maladie ou autrement, soit que la maladie soit incurable ou non, seront nourris et entretenus par leurs maîtres, et, en cas qu’ils eussent abandonnés, lesdits esclaves seront adjugés à l’hôpital, auquel les maîtres seront condamnés de payer 6 sols par chacun jour, pour la nourriture et l’entretien de chacun esclave.

Article 28

Déclarons les esclaves ne pouvoir rien avoir qui ne soit à leurs maîtres ; et tout ce qui leur vient par industrie, ou par la libéralité d’autres personnes, ou autrement, à quelque titre que ce soit, être acquis en pleine propriété à leurs maîtres, sans que les enfants des esclaves, leurs pères et mères, leurs parents et tous autres y puissent rien prétendre par successions, dispositions entre vifs ou à cause de mort ; lesquelles dispositions nous déclarons nulles, ensemble toutes les promesses et obligations qu’ils auraient faites, comme étant faites par gens incapables de disposer et contracter de leur chef.

Article 29

Voulons néanmoins que les maîtres soient tenus de ce que leurs esclaves auront fait par leur commandement, ensemble de ce qu’ils auront géré et négocié dans les boutiques, et pour l’espèce particulière de commerce à laquelle leurs maîtres les auront préposés, et au cas que leurs maîtres ne leur aient donné aucun ordre et ne les aient point préposés, ils seront tenus seulement jusqu’à concurrence de ce qui aura tourné à leur profit, et, si rien n’a tourné au profit des maîtres, le pécule desdits esclaves que les maîtres leur auront permis d’avoir en sera tenu, après que les maîtres en auront déduit par préférence ce qui pourra leur être dû ; sinon que le pécule consistât en tout ou partie en marchandises, dont les esclaves auraient permission de faire trafic à part, sur lesquelles leurs maîtres viendront seulement par contribution au sol la livre avec les autres créanciers.

Article 30

Ne pourront les esclaves être pourvus d’office ni de commission ayant quelque fonction publique, ni être constitués agents par autres que leurs maîtres pour gérer et administrer aucun négoce, ni être arbitres, experts ou témoins, tant en matière civile que criminelle : et en cas qu’ils soient ouïs en témoignage, leur déposition ne servira que de mémoire pour aider les juges à s’éclairer d’ailleurs, sans qu’on en puisse tire aucune présomption, ni conjoncture, ni adminicule de preuve.

Article 31

Ne pourront aussi les esclaves être parties ni être (sic) en jugement en matière civile, tant en demandant qu’en défendant, ni être parties civiles en matière criminelle, sauf à leurs maîtres d’agir et défendre en matière civile et de poursuivre en matière criminelle la réparation des outrages et excès qui auront été contre leurs esclaves.

Article 32

Pourront les esclaves être poursuivis criminellement, sans qu’il soit besoin de rendre leurs maîtres partie, (sinon) en cas de complicité : et seront les esclaves accusés, jugés en première instance par les juges ordinaires et par appel au Conseil souverain, sur la même instruction et avec les mêmes formalités que les personnes libres.

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Article 33

L’esclave qui aura frappé son maître, sa maîtresse ou le mari de sa maîtresse, ou leurs enfants avec contusion ou effusion de sang, ou au visage, sera puni de mort.

Article 34

Et quant aux excès et voies de fait qui seront commis par les esclaves contre les personnes libres, voulons qu’ils soient sévèrement punis, même de mort, s’il y échet.

Article 35

Les vols qualifiés, même ceux de chevaux, cavales, mulets, boeufs ou vaches, qui auront été faits par les esclaves ou par les affranchis, seront punis de peines afflictives, même de mort, si le cas le requiert.

Article 36

Les vols de moutons, chèvres, cochons, volailles, canne à sucre, pois, mil, manioc ou autres légumes, faits par les esclaves, seront punis selon la qualité du vol, par les juges qui pourront, s’il y échet, les condamner d’être battus de verges par l’exécuteur de la haute justice et marqués d’une fleur de lys.

Article 37

Seront tenus les maîtres, en cas de vol ou d’autre dommage causé par leurs esclaves, outre la peine corporelle des esclaves, de réparer le tort en leur nom, s’ils n’aiment mieux abandonner l’esclave à celui auquel le tort a été fait ; ce qu’ils seront tenus d’opter dans trois jours, à compter de celui de la condamnation, autrement ils en seront déchus.

Article 38

L’esclave fugitif qui aura été en fuite pendant un mois, à compter du jour que son maître l’aura dénoncé en justice, aura les oreilles coupées et sera marqué d’une fleur de lis une épaule ; s’il récidive un autre mois pareillement du jour de la dénonciation, il aura le jarret coupé, et il sera marqué d’une fleur de lys sur l’autre épaule ; et, la troisième fois, il sera puni de mort.

Article 39

Les affranchis qui auront donné retraite dans leurs maisons aux esclaves fugitifs, seront condamnés par corps envers les maîtres en l’amende de 300 livres de sucre par chacun jour de rétention, et les autres personnes libres qui leur auront donné pareille retraite, en 10 livres tournois d’amende par chacun jour de rétention.

Article 40

L’esclave sera puni de mort sur la dénonciation de son maître non complice du crime dont il aura été condamné sera estimé avant l’exécution par deux des principaux habitants de l’île, qui seront nommés d’office par le juge, et le prix de l’estimation en sera payé au maître ; et, pour à quoi satisfaire, il sera imposé par l’intendant sur chacune tête de nègre payant droits la somme portée par l’estimation, laquelle sera régalé sur chacun desdits nègres et levée par le fermier du domaine royal pour éviter à frais.

Article 41

Défendons aux juges, à nos procureurs et aux greffiers de prendre aucune taxe dans les procès criminels contre les esclaves, à peine de concussion.

Article 42

Pourront seulement les maîtres, lorsqu’ils croiront que leurs esclaves l’auront mérité les faire enchaîner et les faire battre de verges ou cordes. Leur défendons de leur donner la torture, ni de leur faire aucune mutilation de membres,à peine de confiscation des esclaves et d’être procédé contre les maîtres extraordinairement.

Article 43

Enjoignons à nos officiers de poursuivre criminellement les maîtres ou les commandeurs qui auront tué un esclave étant sous leur puissance ou sous leur direction et de punir le meurtre selon l’atrocité des circonstances ; et, en cas qu’il y ait lieu à l’absolution, permettons à nos officiers de renvoyer tant les maîtres que les commandeurs absous, sans qu’ils aient besoin d’obtenir de nous Lettres de grâce.

Article 44

Déclarons les esclaves être meubles et comme tels entrer dans la communauté, n’avoir point de suite par hypothèque, se partager également entre les cohéritiers, sans préciput et droit d’aînesse, n’être sujets au douaire coutumier, au retrait féodal et lignager, aux droits féodaux et seigneuriaux, aux formalités des décrets, ni au retranchement des quatre quints, en cas de disposition à cause de mort et testamentaire.

Article 45

N’entendons toutefois priver nos sujets de la faculté de les stipuler propres à leurs personnes et aux leurs de leur côté et ligne, ainsi qu’il se pratique pour les sommes de deniers et autres choses mobiliaires.

Article 46

Seront dans les saisies des esclaves observées les formes prescrites par nos ordonnances et les coutumes pour les saisies des choses mobiliaires. Voulons que les deniers en provenant soient distribués par ordre de saisies ; ou, en cas de déconfiture, au sol la livre, après que les dettes privilégié auront été payées et généralement que la condition des esclaves soit réglée en toutes affaires comme celle des autres choses mobiliaires, aux exceptions suivantes.

Article 47

Ne pourront être saisis et vendus séparément le mari, la femme et leurs enfants impubères, s’ils sont tous sous la puissance d’un même maître ; déclarons nulles les saisies et ventes séparées qui en seront faites ; ce que nous voulons avoir lieu dans les aliénations volontaires, sous peine, contre ceux qui feront les aliénations, d’être privés de celui ou de ceux qu’ils auront gardés, qui seront adjugés aux acquéreurs, sans qu’ils soient tenus de faire aucun supplément de prix.

Article 48

Ne pourront aussi les esclaves travaillant actuellement dans les sucreries, indigoteries et habitations, âgés de quatorze ans et au-dessus jusqu’à soixante ans, être saisis pour dettes, sinon pour ce qui sera dû du prix de leur achat, ou que la sucrerie, indigoterie, habitation, dans laquelle ils travaillent soit saisie réellement ; défendons, à peine de nullité, de procéder par saisie réelle et adjudication par décret sur les sucreries, indigoteries et habitations, sans y comprendre les nègres de l’âge susdit y travaillant actuellement.

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Travail de la canne à sucre

Article 49

Le fermier judiciaire des sucreries, indigoteries, ou habitations saisies réellement conjointement avec les esclaves, sera tenu de payer le prix entier de son bail, sans qu’il puisse compter parmi les fruits qu’il perçoit les enfants qui seront nés des esclaves pendant son bail.

Article 50

Voulons, nonobstant toutes conventions contraires, que nous déclarons nulles, que lesdits enfants appartiennent à la partie saisie, si les créanciers sont satisfaits d’ailleurs, ou à l’adjudicataire, s’il intervient un décret ; et, à cet effet, il sera fait mention dans la dernière affiche, avant l’interposition du décret, desdits enfants nés esclaves depuis la saisie réelle. Il sera fait mention, dans la même affiche, des esclaves décédés depuis la saisie réelle dans laquelle ils étaient compris.

Article 51

Voulons, pour éviter aux frais et aux longueurs des procédures, que la distribution du prix entier de l’adjudication conjointe des fonds et des esclaves, et de ce qui proviendra du prix des baux judiciaires, soit faite entre les créanciers selon l’ordre de leurs privilèges et hypothèques, sans distinguer ce qui est pour le prix des fonds d’avec ce qui est pour le prix des esclaves.

Article 52

Et néanmoins les droits féodaux et seigneuriaux ne seront payés qu’à proportion du prix des fonds.

Article 53

Ne seront reçus les lignagers et seigneurs féodaux à retirer les fonds décrétés, s’ils ne retirent les esclaves vendus conjointement avec fonds ni l’adjudicataire à retenir les esclaves sans les fonds.

Article 54

Enjoignons aux gardiens nobles et bourgeois usufruitiers, amodiateurs et autres jouissants des fonds auxquels sont attachés des esclaves qui y travaillent, de gouverner lesdits esclaves comme bons pères de famille, sans qu’ils soient tenus, après leur administration finie, de rendre le prix de ceux qui seront décédés ou diminués par maladie, vieillesse ou autrement, sans leur faute, et sans qu’ils puissent aussi retenir comme fruits à leur profit les enfants nés desdits esclaves durant leur administration, lesquels nous voulons être conservés et rendus à ceux qui en sont maîtres et les propriétaires.

Article 55

Les maîtres âgés de vingt ans pourront affranchir leurs esclaves par tous actes vifs ou à cause de mort, sans qu’ils soient tenus de rendre raison de l’affranchissement, ni qu’ils aient besoin d’avis de parents, encore qu’ils soient mineurs de vingt-cinq ans.

Article 56

Les esclaves qui auront été fait légataires universels par leurs maîtres ou nommés exécuteurs de leurs testaments ou tuteurs de leurs enfants, seront tenus et réputés, les tenons et réputons pour affranchis.

Article 57

Déclarons leurs affranchissements faits dans nos îles, leur tenir lieu de naissance dans nosdites îles et les esclaves affranchis n’avoir besoin de nos lettres de naturalité pour jouir des avantages de nos sujets naturels de notre royauté, terres et pays de notre obéissance, encore qu’ils soient nés dans les pays étrangers.

Article 58

Commandons aux affranchis de porter un respect singulier à leurs anciens maîtres, à leurs veuves et à leurs enfants, en sorte que l’injure qu’ils leur auront faite soit punie plus grièvement que si elle était faite à une autre personne : les déclarons toutefois francs et quittes envers eux de toutes autres charges, services et droits utiles que leurs anciens maîtres voudraient prétendre tant sur leurs personnes que sur leurs biens et successions en qualité de patrons.

Article 59

Octroyons aux affranchis les mêmes droits, privilèges et immunités dont jouissent les personnes nées libres ; voulons que le mérite d’une liberté acquise produise en eux, tant pour leurs personnes que pour leurs biens, les mêmes effets que le bonheur de la liberté naturelle cause à nos autres sujets.

Article 60

Déclarons les confiscations et les amendes qui n’ont point de destination particulière, par ces présentes nous appartenir, pour être payées à ceux qui sont préposés à la recette de nos droits et de nos revenus ; voulons néanmoins que distraction soit faite du tiers desdites confiscations et amendes au profit de l’hôpital établi dans l’île où elles auront été adjugées.

Si donnons l’ordre à nos aimés et loyaux gens tenant notre conseil souverain établi à la Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint-Christophe, que ces présentes ils aient à les faire lire, publier et enregistrer, et le contenu en elles garder et observer de point en point selon leur forme et teneur, sans contrevenir ni permettre qu’il y soit contrevenu en quelque sorte et manière que ce soit, nonobstant tous édits, déclarations, arrêts et usages, auxquels nous avons dérogé et dérogeons par ces dites présentes, car tel est notre plaisir.
Et enfin que ce soit chose ferme et stable à toujours, nous y avons fait mettre notre sceau.

Donné à Versailles au mois de mars 1685.
Signé : Louis le quatorzième.

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Image result for david Sassoon

 By Mike King

There once was a wealthy Jew named David Sassoon --- who, like his father, had served as treasurer to the pashas (governors) of Ottoman-ruled Baghdad (in modern day Iraq). Eventually, the people and a new pasha turned against the Jewish money manipulators (surprise surprise). In the early 1830's -- as the result of a corruption scandal -- David and his brother Joseph left "anti-Semitic" Baghdad to seek new scams in new lands.
Joseph Sassoon settled in the city of Aleppo (modern day Syria)where he established a merchant house. Later on, his business interests spread to Alexandria, Thessaloniki, and Athens, which included a shipping company and a money exchange house. His five sons later branched out in different directions.
But it was David -- who led the community's exodus to Bombay (now known as Mumbai, India) -- that established the branch of the Sassoon Family which was to rank among the wealthiest and most respected and influential dynasties in the world. Though David Sassoon and his eight sons profited handsomely from several different types of businesses. They made a fortune in textiles; but the trade which really raked in the shekels for the new "Indians" later dubbed "the Rothschilds of the East" was in selling opium, aka narcotics, aka "dope" in China.
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1. The ancestors of the Jewish Sassoon Family had been expelled from the Iberian Peninsula (Spain / Portugal) 300 years before David had been born. The Ottoman Turkish Empire welcomed the banished Jews. But when the Sassoons became embroiled in a corruption scandal, it was time for David and Joseph to pack up and leave again -- this time, for India and Syria respectively. // 2 & 3. David Sassoon later founded Sassoon & Sons -- a mighty financial and political operation which later expanded to the trafficking of opium to China.


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1. Massive synagogue in Mumbai, India --- built by the Sassoon Crime Family. // 2. There are still 4,000 Jews and 10 synagogues in Mumbai. // 3. The massive tomb of the famously ostentatious David Sassoon -- in India.

The First Opium War was fought between the United Kingdom and the Qing dynasty of China, mainly over the trade in opium. The privately owned British East India Company, (cough cough, Rothschild, cough cough)had been growing opium in India and smuggling it into China illegally. The influx of narcotics reversed the trade surplus which China had enjoyed while creating millions of opium addicts. Understandably, Chinese officials were not pleased about the British India-China opium trade.
In 1839, the Emperor instructed viceroy Lin Zexu to stop the trade. To that end, Lin wrote a letter to British Queen Victoria appealing to her moral responsibility to stop the opium trade. Little did the viceroy know that by that time, Queen Victoria was already just a figurehead. It was Rothschild and his ilk that ruled Britannia. There was no response to the letter.
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1. Coat of Arms for the private company / military force --  The British East India Company // 2. The trade routes from India to China. // 3. There's a LOT of shekels in dope!

Finally, Lin resorted to force by confiscating all supplies and ordering a blockade of foreign ships and confiscation of their cargoes of opium. The British Rothschild government responded by dispatching its sophisticated heavy gunboats to defeat those of the Chinese. The Chinese were forced to sign the Treaty of Nanking in 1842 --- which granted treaty ports to foreign merchants, imposed reparations, and ceded Hong Kong Island to the British Empire.

Thanks to that unjust war, by the 1840's, Sassoon and sons came to dominate the opium trade between India and China. Branching out from Bombay, the drug smuggling low-lives established operations in some of the Chinese port cities which the British now controlled --- Shangai, Hong Kong and Canton. In time, Shangai would become notorious for its opium use, prostitution and other vices. The dope, and the shekels, were really flowing now!
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1. French political cartoon from 1840 depicts an Englishman ordering the emperor to buy opium as a dead Chinaman lays on the floor. The caption reads: "We want you to poison yourself completely because we need a lot of yea in order to digest our beef." // 2. Another cartoon: Englishman pouring opium down Chinaman's throat. // 3. British gunboats gave the British an advantage -- hence the term "gunboat diplomacy."
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The terms of the Treaty of Nanking humiliated and weakened China  --- buy pleased the Sassoon gangsters.
Resentment over the humiliating Treaty of Nanking and continued concern and hatred over an opium trade that was, by this time, completely dominated by the Sassoons, the Chinese again rose up against British (Rothschild) imperialism. Again, the British (this time joined by Rothschild France) -- would be victorious.
The 2nd Opium War resulted in the Treaty of Tientsin in 1858, which was even more unjust and humiliating than the previous treaty. The Treaty:
  • Imposed reparations upon China for the expenses of the recent war.
  • Ten more ports were forced open to European control
  • The opium trade was legalized
  • China was forced to admit foreign traders and missionaries
Both in the short term and in the long run, these events were very bad for once-prosperous China; but very good for the drug-dealing Sassoons and the money-lending / stock-owning Rothschilds.
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Another war -- the same result.
As easily as David had gone from being an "Arab" to an "Indian," so too did his son Abdullah (born in Baghdad) transition from "Indian" to being an 'Englishman." He simply changed his first name to Albert, moved to London, and was granted he title of "Baronette." The son of David -- also a drig dealer -- was now "Sir" Albert Sassoon.
"Sir" Albert's title passed on to his son, "Sir" Edward Sassoon. The 2nd Baronette became most noteworthy for serving as a member of the British Parliament and marrying Aline Caroline de Rothschild -- the grand daughter of "nobleman"James de Rothschild(Paris branch) and great grand daughter of Rothschild partriarch Mayer Amschel. She was known as, "Lady Sassoon."The Sassoons and the Rothschilds -- a marriage of money-grubbing families from hell. The titled couple spawned "Sir" Philip Sassoon, 3rd Baronet -- who also held a seat in Parliament.
From the late 1800's until 1903, Rachel Beer (a Sassoon), also owned two influential newspapers -- The Sunday Times and The Observer -- both left-leaning, of course.
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Patriarch David spawned three generations of "English" Barons / politicians which took the Sassoons into the 20th Century. The 2nd Baronet married a Rothschild.
Other Sassoon cousins made their mark in business and "philanthropy" --- which is how elite criminals buy influence and status -- and some ended up in New York. Unlike the undying influence of the Rothschilds, the Sassoons, though still with us, fizzled about 50 years ago.
But the evil deeds inflicted upon 19th Century China by "the West"(cough cough) are still remembered as what the Chinese refer to as "the Century of Humiliation."As it was with the African slave trade and the Iraq war, elite Jews do the oppressing -- and "white westerners" get the full historical blame. The Italian-based American poet Ezra Pound -- who ended up being wrongly committed to an American insane asylum for 7 years after World War II -- best summed up this dynamic during a wartime radio address aimed at Britain:
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"It is an outrage that any nice young man from the suburbs should be expected to die for Victor Sassoon. It is an outrage that any drunken footman's byblow (bastard child) should be asked to die for Sassoon. You can not touch a sore or a shame in your empire but you find a Mond, a Sassoon, or aGoldsmid. You have no race left in your government."  
Tell it, Mr. Pound. Tell it!
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1 & 2. Sassoon's doped-up Chinamen of the late 19th / early 20th Century. // 3. The Chinese remember the humiliation -- but do they know about the Sassoons?





Further Reading

A History of Race and Racism in America, in 24 Chapters

Clockwise, from top left: Phillis Wheatley, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Alice Walker, Michelle Alexander, Margaret Mitchell, Edgar Rice Burroughs and Thomas Jefferson.CreditHulton Archive/Getty Images (Stowe); Associated Press (Walker); Getty Images North America (Alexander); Atlanta History Center (Mitchell); Bettmann/Corbis/Associated Press Images (Burroughs); Hulton Archive/Getty Images (Jefferson)

CreditCreditHulton Archive/Getty Images (Stowe); Associated Press (Walker); Getty Images North America (Alexander); Atlanta History Center (Mitchell); Bettmann/Corbis/Associated Press Images (Burroughs); Hulton Archive/Getty Images (Jefferson)

Many Americans might not know the more polemical side of race writing in our history. The canon of African-American literature is well established. Zora Neale Hurston, Richard Wright, James Baldwin are familiar figures. Far less so is Samuel Morton (champion of the obsolete theory of polygenesis) or Thomas Dixon (author of novels romanticizing Klan violence). It is tempting to think that the influence of those dusty polemics ebbed as the dust accumulated. But their legacy persists, freshly shaping much of our racial discourse.
On the occasion of Black History Month*, I’ve selected the most influential books on race and the black experience published in the United States for each decade of the nation’s existence — a history of race through ideas, arranged chronologically on the shelf. (In many cases, I’ve added a complementary work, noted with an asterisk.) Each of these books was either published first in the United States or widely read by Americans. They inspired — and sometimes ended — the fiercest debates of their times: debates over slavery, segregation, mass incarceration. They offered racist explanations for inequities, and antiracist correctives. Some — the poems of Phillis Wheatley, the memoir of Frederick Douglass — stand literature’s test of time. Others have been roundly debunked by science, by data, by human experience. No list can ever be comprehensive, and “most influential” by no means signifies “best.” But I would argue that together, these works tell the history of anti-black racism in the United States as painfully, as eloquently, as disturbingly as words can. In many ways, they also tell its present.

* (BAFS: This expression "Black History" in itself has RACIST CONNOTATIONS.  There is no such thing as BLACK History!)
“Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral,” by Phillis Wheatley (1773)
No book during the Revolutionary era stirred more debates over slavery than this first-ever book by an African-American woman. Assimilationists and abolitionists exhibited Wheatley and her poetry as proof that an “uncultivated barbarian from Africa” could be civilized, that enslaved Africans “may be refin’d, and join th’ angelic train” of European civilization and human freedom. Enslavers disagreed, and lashed out at Wheatley’s “Poems.”
* “An Address to the Inhabitants of British Settlements, on the Slavery of the Negroes in America,” by Benjamin Rush (1773)

“Notes on the State of Virginia,” by Thomas Jefferson (1785)
The author of American freedom in 1776 wrote of American slavery as a necessary evil in this book, widely regarded as the most important political portrait of the nascent United States. Jefferson indicted the “tyranny” of slavery while also supplying fellow slaveholders with a batch of prejudices to justify slavery’s rapid expansion. Blacks “are inferior to the whites in the endowments both of body and mind,” he wrote. And Wheatley is not “a poet.”
* “The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano; Or, Gustavus Vassa, the African” (1789)
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“Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia Almanac and Ephemers,” by Benjamin Banneker (1792-97)
After helping to survey the District of Columbia, Banneker compiled his first almanac, replacing Wheatley’s “Poems” as abolitionists’ finest showpiece of black capability. He enclosed the almanac in a letter to Jefferson, writing, “I apprehend you will embrace every opportunity, to eradicate that train of absurd and false ideas and opinions.” Jefferson did not jump off the train, but other Americans did while reading this remarkable book.
“An Essay on the Causes of Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species,” by Samuel Stanhope Smith (second edition, 1810)

The Princeton president tried to stop the polygenesis theory that the races are created unequal, stoutly defending biblical monogenesis and the notion that first humans were white. He called for physical assimilation: In a colder climate blackened skins would revert to their original white beauty; “the woolly substance” on black heads would become “fine, straight hair” again. His racist idea of the lighter and straighter the better still demeans after all these years.
“Thoughts on the Colonization of Free Blacks,” by Robert Finley (1816)
Blacks should be freed, trained “for self-government” and returned to Africa, according to the antislavery clergyman and former student of Samuel Stanhope Smith. Finley wrote the manifesto for colonization, a cause supported by several American leaders until Lincoln’s failed schemes doomed the movement during the Civil War.
* “An Appeal From the Judgments of Great Britain Respecting the United States of America,” by Robert Walsh (1819)
“An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World,” by David Walker (1829)
This Boston abolitionist viciously assailed colonization and “Mr. Jefferson’s arguments” in the first book-length attack on the “inhuman system of slavery” by an African-American. Black seamen smuggled the appeal into chained Southern hands; community readers sounded the appeal to violently throw off the violent yoke. Walker’s ultimatum for slaveholders: Give us freedom and rights, or you will “curse the day that you ever were born!”
“Crania Americana,” by Samuel Morton (1839)
This book revived the theory of polygenesis that dominated intellectual racial discourse until the Civil War. What reviewers hailed as an “immense body of facts” were Morton’s measurements of the “mean internal capacity” of the human skulls in his renowned collection in Philadelphia, from which he concluded that whites had the “highest intellectual endowments.”
* “Review of the Debate in the Virginia Legislature of 1831 and 1832,” by Thomas Roderick Dew (1832), and “Thoughts on African Colonization,” by William Lloyd Garrison (1832)
“The Narrative of the Life,” of Frederick Douglass (1845)
The gripping best seller earned Douglass international prestige and forced readers around the world to come to terms with slavery’s brutality and blacks’ freedom dreams. No other piece of antislavery literature so devastated Morton’s defense of polygenesis, or John C. Calhoun’s recently popularized theory that slavery was a “positive good.”

* “The Narrative of Sojourner Truth” (1850)

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852)
Inflamed by the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, Stowe offered a fugitive slave story that made millions sympathize with slaves. Her novel — and its dramatic adaptations — turned the “hard and dominant Anglo-Saxon race” toward Christian salvation with a simple lesson: to stop enslaving quintessential Christians in all their “lowly docility of heart.” From accommodating Uncle Toms to superior mulattoes to soulful Africans, the book also popularized any number of lasting racist tropes.
* “On the Origin of Species,” by Charles Darwin (1859)
“The Principles of Biology,” by Herbert Spencer (1864)
In “Principles,” Spencer coined the term “survival of the fittest,” becoming the ultimate amplifier of Social Darwinism in the United States. Americans fell in love with his comprehensive theory of evolution, claiming that Reconstruction policies would allow inferior blacks to evolve (or assimilate) into white civilization or lose the struggle for existence. The net effect of Spencer’s Social Darwinism: the eugenics movement of the early 20th century.
* “Hereditary Genius,” by Sir Francis Galton (1869)
“The Prostrate State: South Carolina Under Negro Government,” by James Pike (1874)
This prominent New York journalist blanketed the nation with fairy tales of corrupt, incompetent, lazy Black Republican politicians. Reconstruction’s enfranchising policies were a “tragedy,” Pike wrote, nothing but “the slave rioting in the halls of his master.” His “objective” reporting caused many once sympathetic Northerners to demand a national reunion based on white rule.
* “The Descent of Man,” by Charles Darwin (1871)
“Our Brother in Black: His Freedom and His Future,” by Atticus Haygood (1881)

In the 1880s, Southern segregationists marketed their region as the New South, among them this Methodist bishop and Emory College president. In his popular book, Haygood eased consciences that the end of Reconstruction meant the end of black rights. The New South will be as good for black folk as the old, Haygood declared, as new white Southerners would continue to civilize inferior black folk in their nicely segregated free-labor society.
* “The Plantation Negro as a Freeman,” by Philip Alexander Bruce (1889)
“Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro,” by Frederick Hoffman (1896)
Better covered than the Plessy v. Ferguson decision that year, “Race Traits” catapulted this statistician into scientific celebrity. At the time of emancipation, blacks were “healthy in body and cheerful in mind,” Hoffman wrote. Thirty years later, the 1890 census forecasts their “gradual extinction,” due to natural immoralities and a propensity for diseases. He blazed the trail of racist ideas in American criminology when he concluded that higher black arrest rates indicated blacks committed more crimes.
* “Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases,” by Ida B. Wells (1892)
“The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan,” by Thomas Dixon (1905)
Convinced that “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” had misrepresented the South, Dixon emerged as Jim Crow’s novelist laureate. “The Clansman” was the most influential of his works, particularly after it was adapted into a popular play and D.W. Griffith’s 1915 film “The Birth of a Nation.” In Dixon’s telling, the virtuous Ku Klux Klan saved Southern whites from their “awful suffering” during Reconstruction.
* “The Souls of Black Folk,” by W.E.B. Du Bois (1903)
“Tarzan of the Apes,” by Edgar Rice Burroughs (1912)
With his racist colonial plot, Burroughs glued animals, savages and Africa together in the American mind, and redeemed white masculinity after the first black heavyweight champion knocked it out in 1908. Forget boxing and Jack Johnson — white men embraced Tarzan, the inspiration for comic strips, 25 sequels and dozens of motion pictures.

* “The Passing of the Great Race,” by Madison Grant (1916)
“Nigger Heaven,” by Carl Van Vechten (1926)
Van Vechten was the Harlem Renaissance’s ubiquitous white patron, a man as curiously passionate about showing off black people as zookeepers are about showing off their rare species. Through this best-selling novel, he gave white Americans a racist tour of the safari of Harlem, casting assimilated blacks in the guise of tropical exotic lands being spoiled by white developers.
* “The Weary Blues,” by Langston Hughes (1926)
“Gone with the Wind,” by Margaret Mitchell (1936)
The Pulitzer Prize-winning jewel of the plantation fiction genre, this was Americans’ second all-time favorite book behind the Bible, according to a 2014 Harris Poll. Mitchell portrays white enslavers as noble, slaves as shiftless, docile and loyal. Mitchell did for slavery what Dixon did for Reconstruction and Burroughs for Africa.
* “Their Eyes Were Watching God,” by Zora Neale Hurston (1937) and “Native Son,” by Richard Wright (1940)
“An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy,” by Gunnar Myrdal (1944)
As Americans fought against Nazism overseas, this Swedish economist served up an encyclopedic revelation of racial discrimination in their backyards. If there was a scholarly trigger for the civil rights movement, this was it. Myrdal concluded that “a great majority” of whites would “give the Negro a substantially better deal if they knew the facts.” Segregationists seethed, and racial reformers were galvanized to show the truth of Jim Crow.
* “Race: Science and Politics,” by Ruth Benedict (revised edition, 1943)
“To Kill a Mockingbird,” by Harper Lee (1960)
This instant classic about a white lawyer defending a black man wrongly accused of rape was the “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” of the civil rights movement. “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy,” a neighbor tells the lawyer’s daughter, Scout. She’s talking about their reclusive white neighbor, Boo Radley, but the African-Americans of 1930s Alabama come across as singing spectators, thankful for the moral heroism of Atticus Finch. The white savior remains the most popular racist character in American letters.

* “Invisible Man,” by Ralph Ellison (1952)

“The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” as told to Alex Haley (1965)
It was the manifesto for the Black Power movement, where young black saviors arose, alienated by white saviors and the slow pace of civil rights change. Malcolm wrote black pride before James Brown sang it. His ideological transformation from assimilationist to anti-white separatist to antiracist inspired millions of all races.
* “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” by Maya Angelou (1969)
For African-Americans in the radiance of Black Power’s turn to Pan-Africanism, the thrilling and terrifying story of Kunta Kinte and his descendants arrived right on time. The best seller inspired one of the most watched shows in American television history. “Roots” dispatched legions of racist ideas of backward Africa, of civilizing slavery, of the contented slave, of loose enslaved women. The plantation genre of happy mammies and Sambos was gone with the wind.
* “The Declining Significance of Race,” by William Julius Wilson (1978)
“The Color Purple,” by Alice Walker (1982)
Of the black feminist classics of the period, Walker’s garnered the most prestige — a National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize — and controversy. Set in 1930s rural Georgia, the story shows a black woman finding happiness beyond abusive black patriarchs, Southern poverty and racist whites. Steven Spielberg’s 1985 blockbuster adaptation cemented its legacy.
* “Beloved,” by Toni Morrison (1987)
“The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life,” by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray (1994)
Herrnstein and Murray offered validation for Americans raging about pathological blacks and crime, welfare and affirmative action. “Inequality of endowments, including intelligence, is a reality,” they wrote, sparking one of the most intense academic wars in history over whether genes or environment had caused the racial “achievement gap” in standardized test scores.

* “America in Black and White,” by Stephan Thernstrom and Abigail Thernstrom (1997)
Two years after Obama’s election, Alexander put the entire criminal justice system on trial, exposing racial discrimination from lawmaking to policing to the denial of voting rights to ex-prisoners. This best seller struck the spark that would eventually light the fire of Black Lives Matter.
* “Dreams From My Father,” by Barack Obama (2004 reprint)

Ibram X. Kendi, a professor of history at the University of Florida, won the National Book Award for “Stamped From the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America.”
A version of this article appears in print on , on Page 16 of the Sunday Book Review with the headline: Rights, Wrongs and Roots.

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Since my Royal College days in the early sixties, I lived in 4 different laboratories, the Slave Colony of Mauritius, the Judaic Bolshevik USSR, Zionist France-Israel, and the Freemasonic United Kingdom of Yakov, and I saw each and every experiment carried out in those laboratories run by the British USA Corporation and their Military Industrial Complex with their Hollywood, Media, political, Churchian and Academic prostitutes as their weapons of mass deception that proved to me that behind all our world problems there was only one Supreme Architect, one Supreme Engineer, one Supreme Power - SATAN OR THE SUPREME US AMERICAN ZIONIST QABBALAH - well described in Alain Soral's book


Alain Soral analyse les attentats du 13 novembre 2015 à Paris


Published on 24 Nov 2015

Dans l’émission en direct du 22 novembre 2015, Alain Soral analysait, entre autres, les attentats du 13 novembre. Nous diffusons aujourd’hui cet extrait en accès libre. L’émission en intégralité sera rendue accessible dans les prochaines semaines, augmentée de post-production, pour la somme de 2 euros. 

Commenter cette vidéo : http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr...


Trump contre le politiquement correct : Soral avait raison !


Published on 10 Nov 2016

Dans l’émission Soral répond ! du 22 mai 2016 puis dans celle de l’automne, diffusée sur E&R il y a deux jours, Alain Soral évoquait le cas Donald Trump, la volonté des peuples de se débarrasser du politiquement correct et le train de l’histoire dans lequel le Front national doit monter pour ne pas perdre en 2017. Des propos que la victoire de Trump à l’élection présidentielle rendent une fois de plus prophétiques. Commenter cette vidéo : http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr... Pour soutenir ERTV : http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr...


Dieudonné répond à l'État


Dieudonné replies to the State


Streamed live 77 minutes ago

Courrier complet de la préfète d'Eure et Loir  
Sophie Brocas : https://bit.ly/2WTNgwu 
La pré-fête d'Or 
ce Samedi 22 Juin : https://bit.ly/2DlNkOT 
Clip musical "Keski'Spass ici ?" : https://youtu.be/JUqvUUUtNL8 Nouveau spectacle "Gilets Jaunes"à partir du 5 juillet : https://bit.ly/2FucNGL#sophiebrocas, #giletsjaunes, #baldesquenelles

La Préfète 

Chartres, le I 8 juin 2019 


Selon le site internet « Dieudosphère », vous envisagez de jouer, 1e 22 juin prochain à votre domicile de Saint-Aubin-de-la-Haye,le spectacle intitulé «En vérité »


Siberia, Kingdom of All Extremes!


Published on 2 Nov 2018

6000 kilometers from Paris, in Siberia, life is very hard and the land is often thankless. In winter the temperature can go down to minus 63 degrees. Siberia has long been talked about for its gulags ... And fascinates for its immensity, its factory factories and its ruthless climate. 
A hostile land that represents 77% of the country's surface and is home to only 27% of the population ... 
During the winter, the living conditions are extreme, sometimes inhuman. The polar night can last three months.  
This documentary offers an unprecedented immersion on this icy earth alongside those who adapt each day and fight against the cold to survive. From Yakuskt, the coldest city in the world to Norilsk, a closed city of Siberia, we traveled thousands of miles to meet these extreme people. For several months, we passed through them a dreadful winter to the most mysterious and remote areas of Siberia. 

Our camera first stopped at Yakuskt. Natural anomaly, this city is considered by meteorologists as the pole of cold. There, the winter is freezing. The inhabitants live each in the extreme The cold is their enemy, it kills every year more than 200 people. Siberia hides even more hostile territory. Difficult to find them, they are called forbidden cities. They did not even appear on the Soviet maps. Simply designated by a postal code, we now list about forty in Siberia. The closed cities have long been kept secret and their inhabitants with. As natural gas-producing machines known for their extraction of minerals, these factories were priceless economic boosters for Russia. 
At one time, these cities were gulags. There, for one who dreamed of another life: only death was a way out. We got special permission from the FSB to go in to meet the people of Norilsk. No road or train to go there. Only the plane will take you there ... Here the snow is black and the air feels the sulfur, we are in one of the largest mining towns in northern Siberia, located 340 km north of the Arctic Circle. Norilsk is known to be the 6th most polluted in the world
For the first time, a French camera was able to film its inhabitants. To escape from these inhospitable lands and men often violent under the influence of alcohol, more and more young people are fleeing these extreme territories to succeed another life. Under the influence of their parents, they leave home and enroll in Novosibirsk University. Capital of Siberia, this city offers a modern and comfortable life to its inhabitants. 
City of success, it is the promise of another life for the youth of Siberia. From the capital to the most hostile territories, this documentary offers an unprecedented immersion in Siberia, kingdom of all extremes. Tony Comiti Productions. 
Author: Delphine Cinier. 



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Ben Halima Abderraouf was born in Tunis in 1967 from a Tunisian father and an American mother. He grew up in both cultures until he embraced Islam at the age of fifteen. He since engaged in learning and teaching Islam through student, youth and daawa organizations. He came to continue his studies in France in 1986 then settled there. Statistical and economic engineer, Olympic mathematical champion, he also learned Quran by heart on his own an achieved a master degree in Arabic. 

After tremendous experience in daawa in various communities and countries, he gave full time to Islamic activities since 1995 and founded a French Islamic publishing house where he wrote, translated and edited 20 books, including the translation of Hayat Assahabah of Al-Kandahlaoui. 

He is practicing Roqya professionally since 1997 and since 2005 spends most of the year in tours for explaining Roqya and shirk issues, treating, training and installing Roqya centers in Africa and elsewhere.

Captage de djinns pour l'émission télévisée internationale 

Présentation complète de la roqya, traitement de la sorcellerie, djinns et mauvais oeil avec le Coran et la sunna du Prophète (sws). Explication de la psychothérapie et du captage, Association Al istissal.

About this website
Présentation complète de la roqya, traitement de la sorcellerie, djinns et…
About this website
Published on 22 Apr 2019
Qu'Allah nous donne les armes pour se défendre du Satan car il maitrise bien son travail.
Aimez la vidéo, abonnez à la chaine et partagez-la vidéo si elle vous a plu vous pouvez suivre ben Halima sur ce lien 


11 rakaat après icha en lisant sourate 33 verset 68 après Fatiha 100 fois dans chaque rakaat, soit au total 1100 fois, donc ça prend environ 1h30, en posant les bouteilles ouvertes ou le bidon devant soi pour récupérer toute cette malédicton dans l’eau et ça foudroiera in cha Allah les auteurs de la sorcellerie quand le patent se lavera. Nous prescrivons cela quand il y a récidive de sorcellerie ou quand on voir que la sorcellerie est méchante et que le patent a envie de se battre. Nous avons constaté que cette prière a un grand effet sur les djinns car les patents font des rêves et sentent des réactions des djinns alors qu’on a déjà fait leurs captages.

Un savant disait que la prière de malédiction est du chirk ce qui a poussé les frères d'Afrique du sud à questionner un mufti et alhamdou lillah la réponse va parfaitement dans notre sens et nous avons maintenant même le dalil exact :
Donc la réponse est simple, c'est que dans la prière nafila ou Sunna, vous pouvez répéter les versets.

Voici la réponse de mufti Salajee:

Q: est-il permis de lire le même verset du Coran en UNITES de prière? Par exemple une personne a appris une page et veut la réviser, il serait permis de lire la même page dans toutes les quatre rakaat de la prière sunna?  
R: la prière sera valide.
Et Allah (الله تعالى) sait mieux.

Répondu par :   Mufti Ebrahim Salajee (Isipingo Beach)  
Abou Dhar Ghifari (RA) a rapporté que : une fois le Messager d’Allah (s)a effectué la Salaat (Tahajjud). Toute la nuit dans sa prière il récitait un unique verset jusqu'au matin. Le verset est :  
« (Ô Allah!) Si Tu les punis, ils sont Tes serviteurs (c'est-à-dire, Tu as toute l'autorité sur eux). Si Tu leur pardonnes (c’est en Ton pouvoir), car Tu es Tout-Puissant et Sage ».   (Nisaai et Ibn Majah)
Ce que nous appelons prière de malédiction est en fait tahajjud (8) et witr (3)  

Boukhari : Volume 2, livre 21, numéro 241 :
Il est rapporté par Aisha qu’Allah soit satisfait d’elle :
Le Prophète (s) avait l’habitude d’effectuer treize Rakat de prière dans la nuit et qui comprenaient le Witr et deux Rakat (Sunna) de la prière de Fajr.

Donc, nous ne disons pas que c'est une sunna de faire la prière de malédiction comme nous l'avons lu, mais c'est une sunna de prier tahajjud et witr, et que dans votre Salat tahajjud et witr priez Allah de vous aider contre les ennemis et les sanctionner, en lisant
 رَبَّنَا آتِهِمْ ضِعْفَيْنِ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ وَالْعَنْهُمْ لَعْنًا كَبِيرًا   

Oui les méthodes que nous utilisons proviennent pour la plupart de la Sunna, mais n'oubliez pas que pratiquer l'exorcisme n'est pas tawqifiyah donc tant que ça n'implique pas de l’associationnisme ou quoi que ce soit qui est opposé à l'Islam, c’est permis. La prière « malédiction » entre dans cette catégorie et comme dit le Très Haut :
 « Demandez l'aide (d’Allah) grâce à la patience et la prière ».

Allah sait mieux.

Pendant un captage, un portable se mit à sonner et le djinn dit : « C’est quoi ça ?». Je dis : « C’est un portable, un petit téléphone que les humains utilisent ont inventé pour se parler de loin ». Il dit « Aah bon ?! Est-ce qu’on peut en avoir pour nous ? ». Je dis : « Euh, vous les djinns vous n’en avez pas besoin car si vous voulez parler à quelqu’un vous pouvez vous déplacer rapidement et aller lui parler directement ». Il dit : »Aah bon, d’accord ».
La meilleure : un djinn est venu nous attaquer à Dakar. Nous avons récité, tapé, montré l’enfer, négocié, mais le djinn nous tenait toujours tête. Il a commencé à dire : « Aha ! Je suis fort ! Vous avez lu le coran, j’ai résisté ! Vous m’avez montré l’enfer, j’ai résisté ! Vous avez essayé de me convaincre, j’ai résisté ! » Effectivement nous étions fatigués. Alors je lui ai dit : « Toi là, tu dis que tu es fort, mais tu n’es même pas capable de devenir musulman ! ». Il dit « Quoi ? Comment ça ? ». Je dis : « Oui, plein de petits djinns de rien du tout se sont convertis et toi, tu n’es même pas capable de devenir musulman ! ». Il dit : « Quoi, comment tu peux me parler comme ça ? ». Je dis : « C’est vrai, tu n’es même pas un homme ! Tu n’as rien dans ta culotte ! Tu n’es même pas capable de devenir musulman ! ». Il dit : « C’est pas vrai, arrête de dire ça ! ». Je dis : « C’est vrai, d’ailleurs je vais même plus parler avec toi, je vais laisser mes petits talibés s’occuper de toi » et je me suis levé. Il dit : »Non, il ne faut pas partir, moi aussi je peux me convertir, Achhadou an la ilaha illa Allah wa achhadou anna Mouhamadou Rassoul Allah ! ». Et nous sommes tombés par terre de rire.
Avant d’aller à Khorogo nous avons demandé à Allah de nous ramener le chef des djinns sociers. Il est venu et s’est mit à dire : « Ah vous, les criminels ! Vous tuez les djinns par centaines et par milliers en quelques secondes ! (C’était avant qu’on découvre que le Coran agit directement sur les djinns et qu’on arrive à les convertir par le Coran). Vous dites de nous convertir ou de nous tuer ! Est-ce que l’Islam a dit ça ? La ikraha fi ddine ! » (Il nous cite le verset : pas de contrainte en religion). Je lui dis : « Ce n’est pas parce que vous refusez d’être musulman qu’on vous tue. Vous êtes des bandits. Vous travaillez pour les sorciers. Vous ne faites que gâter la vie des gens. Maintenant, on vous a attrapés. On peut vous tuer sans rien vous dire à cause du mal que vous faites. Mais comme nous sommes gentils, très gentils même, nous vous proposons une solution : vous devenez musulmans, on devient frères et on oublie tout ce que vous avez fait. Autrement on vous tue à cause de vos crimes ». Il dit : « Mais est-ce qu’on vous a fait quelque chose à vous ? De quoi vous vous mêlez ? Laissez-nous avec les gens ! ». Je dis : « Mais quand la police attrape les bandits, est-ce qu’ils peuvent dire, laissez-nous, on n’a pas affaire à vous, il faut nous laisser voler, violer et tuer les gens ? Non, la police est là pour protéger les gens et nous aussi nous sommes là pour aider les gens ». Il dit : « D’accord mais comme ça, attaché, prisonnier, je n’accepte pas, j’ai ma fierté, je préfère mourir. Tuez-moi ! Tuez-moi ! ». Je dis : « Bon, tu sais quoi, on va oublier toute cette affaire de sorcellerie, de crimes, qu’on t’a attrapé et attaché. On te propose juste d’être musulman. Est-ce que ça t’intéresse ? ». Il dit : « Ah, une proposition ! Ah, ça c’est intéressant ! ». On a discuté un peu et il s’est converti.
J’ai discuté une fois avec un djinn tellement savant, tellement cultivé, il avait réponse à tous mes arguments, en plus de sa force et de son âge. J’ai dit : « Vraiment tu es fort, je n’ai rien à dire. Il y a juste une chose que je ne comprends pas : pourquoi un djinn aussi savant, aussi intelligent et aussi fort que toi travaille pour un imbécile comme Iblis ? » Ca l’a déstabilisé et il dit : « Non, ne dis pas ça ! ». Je dis : « Je veux juste savoir, je ne comprends pas. ». Il ne savait plus quoi dire alors il s’est converti.

Les maths, c'est quelque chose qui coule dans mes veines, qui file dans mes neurones, qui structure ma vision du monde, qui met en équation tous les paramètres de la vie. D'abord en ce qui concerne mon parcours scolaire, j'ai toujours été premier en maths bien sûr. En primaire, je ne faisais jamais mes devoirs de calcul et quand la maîtresse m'interrogeait, je lisais la question et donnait la réponse en même temps. Au secondaire, la plus mauvaise note que j'ai eue en maths fut 13,5 en cinquième et la plus mauvaise moyenne 17 en cinquième toujours. Arrivé au bac, il y eut une erreur dans l'énoncé que j'ai corrigée; finalement ils m'ont donné 19,5. Ensuite, dans la vie, tout est mathématisé. Par exemple, je vois chaque fois les cuisinières prendre un concombre, le découper en deux dans le sens de la longueur, puis encore couper chaque partie en deux dans le sens de la longueur, puis enfin prendre un à un chacun des quatre morceaux pour découper des fines tranches pour la salade. Alors qu'un mathématicien averti voit tout de suite qu'il y a une mise en facteur évidente qui nous fera économiser presque 75% du temps: il faut commencer par couper le concombre en deux mais pas complètement, en laissant un bout collé; puis idem pour le couper en quatre en gardant le bout collé; maintenant tu serres les quatre morceaux avec une main et tu découpes les tranches avec l'autre. Et je n'ai jamais compris comment les gens ne voient pas cela spontanément. Autre exemple des maths dans la vie. On donne un bonbon à un enfant et il est content. Puis quelqu'un le lui prend ou il le perd et il se met à pleurer. Mais avant d'avoir le bonbon, il ne pleurait pas, tout allait bien, et pourquoi maintenant de retour à la situation initiale cette crise de larmes? Il n'y a qu'à se dire: « je n'ai jamais eu de bonbon » et garder sa bonne humeur et passer à autre chose.
Et comme le rêve de tout matheux est de résoudre l'équation et d'optimiser la fonction, me voici perpétuellement à la recherche de solutions et d'amélioration. Je me demandais au début de mon islam à quoi cette intelligence pouvait bien servir dans la religion, puisque la religion a pour principe d'apprendre et d'appliquer et non d'innover et de trouver des solutions, mais il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour comprendre qu'il y a énormément de travail à faire et j'espère que les œuvres ici vous le prouveront.

Les sorties et activités de daâwa et tabligh sont vraiment mon moule de formation en spiritualité, en prédication et en gestion de groupes. J'ai fait ma première sortie de trois jours en Angleterre en 1983 quand j'avais seize ans, puis mes premiers quarante jours en 1987 et au Pakistan. Depuis j'ai fait 19 fois quarante jours en plus des quatre mois, et j'ai même appris l'urdu (pakistanais) pour avoir un contact direct avec les dirigeants.
L'activité de daâwa et tabligh est un cadre unique pour comprendre l'effort du prophète, salla Allahou alayhi wa sallam. On reproche souvent au tabligh que c'est une méthode archaïque de prédication et qu'il faut profiter des moyens modernes: c'est passer complètement à côté du but et de l'esprit du tabligh. Le tabligh n'est pas une structure de prédication mais de formation; et tu ne vas pas te former en prêchant à la radio ou dans un journal, mais en confrontant dans la rue toutes sortes de gens, en te rabaissant chaque fois qu'on t'agresse ou t'humilie, en recherchant toutes sortes de sagesses pour toucher leurs cœurs et en implorant tous les soirs Allah de les guider. Telle est la formation qui colle le mieux à celle des sahabas, qu'Allah les agrée, qui reproduit la vie des prophètes et qui permet de vivre le Coran. Sinon, pour l'efficacité de la daâwa, mon choix aujourd'hui est les livres, la télé et radio et enfin la voie officielle: être reconnu par les autorités et prêcher par les voies officielles.
Je vais maintenant citer les limites et lacunes de ce mouvement, non pas que je me suis retourné contre lui ou que je le déconseille à quiconque, mais un esprit rationnel doit savoir les limites de ce qu'il fait et avoir une idée de ce qu'il n'a pas su conquérir. D'abord il y a une étape dans le tabligh après la daâwa de la rue qui est la daâwa au travail. Je donne l'exemple de cheikh Amjad Ali de Karachi, médecin cardiologue qui a sa propre clinique. Il me raconte comment il fait la daâwa au travail:
« Quand un malade vient, je lui explique que sa maladie est due à ses péchés car Allah dit: « et tout malheur qui vous atteint est à cause de ce que vos mains ont fait » (La Consultation). Il doit donc commencer à se repentir et je lui demande ce qui se passe dans sa vie pour voir si c'est la prière qu'il doit arranger, ou sa façon de gagner sa vie ou ses relations avec ses proches ou autre. Ensuite, quand je donne la prescription, je mets: lire Yasin trois fois par jour, faire tel et tel douâa, et ensuite les médicaments. Quand il faut faire une opération, je demande à la famille de jeûner et de venir se recueillir dans la mosquée de la clinique pendant que nous demandons l'aide d'Allah et procédons à l'opération. Quand un malade séjourne à la clinique, nous lui amenons la pierre pour la tayammoum et nous lui expliquons comment prier dans son état. Les malades ont aussi une séance quotidienne de hadiths et de lecture de sourates. Les infirmières ont une séance quotidienne d'apprentissage de Coran et d'étude de la science, et il y en a parmi elles qui sont devenues alimat – savantes – et hafizat – ont appris le Coran entier par cœur – avec cette séance quotidienne ».
Et c'est ainsi qu'on enseigne le tabligh à tous les médecins au Pakistan et en Inde ainsi que tous les pays qui suivent leurs instructions, et pour chaque catégorie professionnelle il y a un programme pour prêcher au travail. Et vous allez me demander qu'est-ce que j'ai à reprocher à cela? Ce que je reproche est qu'il y a plusieurs pays qui ne suivent pas ce mouvement et qui sont toujours limités à la daâwa de rue. Et savez-vous pourquoi? Parce que les dirigeants du tabligh dans ces pays sont des gens qui ne travaillent pas et pour eux le tabligh consiste à pousser les gens à ne pas travailler pour se consacrer à la daâwa.
L'autre lacune dans le mouvement daâwa et tabligh est l'inexistence de la conception de l'émir. On insiste beaucoup sur la choura – concertation – mais il n'y a pas de formation d'émir et quasiment même pas de conseils à l'émir sur la façon de gérer le groupe et jamais d'évaluation des émirs. Il en résulte une reconduction indéfinie des émirs inefficaces et des erreurs de gestion humaine. Le critère de choix de l'émir est unique: l'engagement et l'ancienneté, alors que certains ne seront jamais aptes à diriger.


1) La séparation du couple
C’est l’affectation la plus fréquente, et celle qu’Allah a citée pour illustrer la gravité que peut atteindre la sorcellerie : « ils apprennent auprès d’eux, ce qui sème la désunion entre l’homme et son épouse » La Vache, 2/102. Il y a deux symptômes révélateurs : la femme ne supporte plus son mari sexuellement et ne sent plus de plaisir dans les rapports ; ils se disputent sans raison, s’aiment quand ils se séparent et se disputent dès qu’ils se retrouvent. Ces symptômes se déclenchent brusquement après une période de vie normale ou même avant d’avoir commencé la vie commune. Les disputes normales se distinguent des disputes dues à la sorcellerie par le fait qu’elles ont une cause solide et bien connue et peuvent être gérées avec la raison. Les deux symptômes ci-dessus sont très révélateurs de sorcellerie. Si rien n’est fait pour l’enlever, la dispute peut s’aggraver jusqu’à détruire l’amour du couple et atteindre un point de non retour, surtout quand les familles s’en mêlent. Aussi est-il important de diagnostiquer la sorcellerie le plus tôt possible pour limiter les dégâts. Il se peut qu’en plus, on fasse de la sorcellerie pour que la femme ne puisse pas avoir des enfants ou pour que l’homme ne puisse pas avoir de rapports sexuels. Les formes sont variées : la femme n’a plus du tout de règles, elle ne tombe pas enceinte, elle fait des fausses couches, elle perd le bébé après quelques mois de grossesse ou le bébé meurt dans son ventre ; l’homme n’a aucune érection, il la perd en approchant de sa femme ou il la perd après avoir commencé l’acte, ce qui est le plus pénible. Le malade qui cherche à se soigner doit tout dire sans honte pour bien cerner le problème.

2 Blocage du travail
La personne possède toutes les conditions pour avoir du travail mais à chaque tentative ses efforts n’aboutissent pas, sans raison valable. La place peut être promise, due ou garantie, mais il se passe quelque chose et cela n’aboutit pas ou bien la personne veut travailler mais n’a aucune énergie et aucune ambition.

3 Blocage des études
Il y a plusieurs variantes : l’étudiant ne peut pas raisonner mais seulement apprendre par cœur ; il oublie tout ; il a des maux de tête au moment d’étudier ; il arrive des problèmes au moment des examens ; il croit avoir réussi mais le résultat est insuffisant de justesse…

4 La santé
La sorcellerie peut provoquer des dérèglements très importants dans la santé. Nous avons cité la stérilité de la femme et l’impuissance de l’homme. Il y a aussi le cancer l’hémophilie, le diabète, la mort des reins ou des ovaires, l’eau dans les poumons, la chute des cheveux, l’eczéma… Les réponses de la médecine sont :
1. Il n’y a rien, tout est normal ; mais la personne souffre quand même.
2. Il y a un problème mais on n’en a jamais vu de pareil.
3. C’est du au stress et on prescrit des antidépresseurs qui ne font que créer un second problème sans résoudre le premier.
4. Vous avez telle maladie, mais on ne sait pas comment c’est venu.
5. Dans tous les cas, il n’y a pas de traitement ou le traitement est inefficace.

5 L’apathie
La personne perd toute motivation et n’essaye plus de rien faire. Elle repousse sans cesse à plus tard, passe son temps à dormir, part pour des démarches mais laisse tomber…

6 Le faux amour
La personne, homme ou femme, n’est pas amoureuse de l’autre, mais elle est obsédée, pense toujours à elle, la voit partout et peut croire qu’elle est véritablement amoureuse, alors que logiquement, il n’y a pas d’attirance ni de raison d’aller vers elle. On retrouve le plus souvent un intérêt de la deuxième personne à se marier avec la première, qu’il soit affectif ou matériel ou bien l’intérêt d’une tierce personne.

7 La folie et la mort
La personne perd les pédales, doute de tout, parle toute seule, se prend pour quelqu’un d’autre, doute de tout le monde, voit des choses, établit des relations entre plein de choses, etc. Pour la mort : la personne devient suicidaire et se sent poussée à se jeter par la fenêtre, à s’ouvrir avec un couteau, à prendre des médicaments dangereux, à se jeter devant les voitures ou autre. Ou encore elle subit des accidents très graves dont elle échappe de justesse.

8 L’assujettissement
La personne obéit au doigt et à l’œil au sorcier, ou à celui qui a commandé la sorcellerie, il est incapable de lui tenir tête ou d’exprimer son désaccord. En son absence, il se peut qu’il regrette sa soumission et décide de résister ou dans certains cas même en son absence il croit avoir bien fait et défend son sorcier quand on lui dit de s’en méfier. Ce type de sorcellerie est utilisé dans plusieurs cas : pour exploiter financièrement une personne, femme voulant dominer son mari ou vice versa, mère croyant diriger ses enfants dans le bonheur, un sorcier veut utiliser quelqu’un pour poser sa sorcellerie, combiné avec de la sorcellerie de l’amour précitée…

9 Enfants désobéissants
La sorcellerie faite aux enfants touche le plus souvent leur comportement et leurs études. L’enfant se met à faire des bêtises à outrance et ne se calme pas avec n’importe quelle punition : lui-même ne sait pas ce qu’il lui arrive et il se sent projeté dans les bêtises et incapable de rester droit.

10 Autres effets
- L’emprisonnement : la personne ne sort plus ou sort difficilement d’une maison ou d’une pièce ou d’un pays.
- L’énervement. Le déséquilibre de la personnalité : la personne change constamment de décision, d’avis, d’appréciation, d’humeur.
- La maladie du doute, de la peur, et de l’angoisse.
- Pour s’attirer constamment des problèmes.
- La sorcellerie par héritage : l’enfant attrape la sorcellerie par le sang de sa mère. Il en résulte une santé fragile, la désobéissance et le refus de l’apprentissage.
- La sorcellerie peut être conditionnelle : le couple se séparera après la naissance du premier enfant ; le mari perdra son travail chaque fois que sa femme le rejoindra ; etc.
- Il y a bien sûr la sorcellerie que se font les gens pour « réussir » dans la vie : pour obtenir un travail, pour réussir les études, pour réussir le permis, pour gagner un jugement, pour garder des clients, etc. C’est interdit et c’est un acte de mécréance au même titre que la sorcellerie « méchante », mais je n’en parle pas car ces gens-là ne cherchent pas à se soigner.
- Il n’y a pas de limite à ce qu’on peut programmer par la sorcellerie.

11 La sorcellerie dans la maison, le magasin ou la voiture
Cela provoque des disputes à la maison et la dispersion de la famille ; au magasin des disputes, une baisse de l’activité et des accidents ; et des accidents pour la voiture. On peut aussi faire la sorcellerie à n’importe quel objet.

12 Les rêves
Souvent l’arrivée de la sorcellerie est annoncée par un rêve : on est mordu par une bête, frappé par une personne, ou on tombe dans le vide ; on peut aussi voir la personne qui a fait le mal.

13 Les types de sorcellerie
Nous connaissons actuellement 4 types de sorcellerie : faite à distance, mangée, piétinée, et déposée dans le corps.

La sorcellerie mangée provoque dans 95% des cas des effets secondaires qui sont des difficultés dans le système digestif : estomac et intestins : brûlures, nausées, vomissements, nœud ou boule dans le ventre, gaz, piqûres.

Ces difficultés sont le plus souvent permanentes, mais il arrive qu’elles se manifestent un certain temps puis disparaissent. Elles sont médicalement inexplicables, mais les brûlures peuvent s’atténuer avec un traitement médical.

Quand la personne reconnaît ces difficultés dans son ventre et qu’elle a des symptômes de sorcellerie parmi ceux décris plus haut, elle peut être quasi sûre d’en avoir mangé. Notons aussi que la sorcellerie peut être mangée accidentellement : elle était destinée à une personne et une autre l’a mangée.

La sorcellerie piétinée est le plus souvent accidentelle : la sorcellerie traînait là pour une raison ou une autre, et quelqu’un a marché dessus. Il en résulte surtout des affectations cutanées : des plaies, des eczémas et des boutons dans le corps et surtout dans les jambes, souvent qui se déplacent dans le corps, et qui sont médicalement inexpliqués. Cela peut aussi causer la chute de cheveux, ou un affaiblissement des jambes. Il n’y a pas les affectations de séparation du couple, de blocage du travail ou autre, mais seulement les affectations physiques. Parfois, on dépose la sorcellerie sur la route de quelqu’un - le plus souvent devant sa maison - pour l’atteindre. Elle joue alors l’effet voulu et ne se limite pas aux affectations cutanées.

La sorcellerie déposée signifie que le sorcier envoie un djinn déposer la sorcellerie dans le corps de la personne. Le plus souvent, cela est mis dans les ovaires de la femme pour empêcher qu’elle ait des enfants. Cela peut aussi être mis dans le sexe de l’homme pour l’empêcher d’avoir des rapports. Elle est aussi mise dans toute partie du corps pour provoquer des douleurs et un dysfonctionnement. Enfin, il arrive qu’elle soit déposée dans le corps simplement parce que le sorcier a aussi envoyé des djinns dans la personne, et la sorcellerie déposée les empêchera de partir tant qu’elle est présente ; si le malade va se soigner et qu’on essaye de lui enlever les djinns alors qu’ils sont liés à une sorcellerie déposée dans le corps, et que la personne qui le soigne ne sait pas la lui enlever ou ne s’en rend pas compte, elle aura beau tout faire, les djinns ne partiront pas. Donc, la sorcellerie peut être déposée dans le corps simplement pour compliquer le rétablissement de la personne si elle essaye de se soigner. On peut s’en douter quand on sent une douleur permanente ou récurrente dans un endroit bien spécifique.

La sorcellerie faite à distance est la plus classique et la plus fréquente, mais elle peut être compliquée en employant des symboles. Accrochée dans un endroit en hauteur, elle aura pour effet de dominer la personne, de l’envelopper de façon à ce qu’il tourne en rond et fasse du sur place quand il essaye de progresser dans sa vie. Elle a aussi l’effet de sortir son mental de la réalité, de façon à ce qu’il vive dans un monde imaginaire, que ce soit le doute, la crainte, l’indécision, le changement d’humeur ou autre. Enterrée dans la terre, elle aspire la personne de ses forces et de son énergie, rend son sommeil non reposant, et lui donne un air déprimé et vil et une mentalité de perdant. Enterrée dans une tombe, la personne devient comme morte, apathique, et il y a un lien avec la mort : la personne ne voit plus son avenir, et se laisse aller au jour le jour, elle pense à la mort, ou rêve de morts. La sorcellerie peut être faite avec le sang des règles : il en résulte des difficultés gynécologiques, des difficultés au moment des rapports et / ou une altération des sentiments affectifs. Une sorcellerie avec une chaîne ou un cadenas sert à enchaîner une personne pour l’empêcher de vaquer à ses affaires. Elle peut aussi servir à enchaîner des djinns dans la personne. Ensuite, les symboles utilisés sont vraiment illimités : graisse pour que la personne engraisse, oreilles d’âne pour qu’elle soit un âne, peau de crocodile pour qu’elle soit méchante et agressive, tête de porc pour qu’elle tombe dans la débauche sans retenue, papiers administratifs pour bloquer ses démarches administratives.

14 Sorcellerie multiple
Toutes les sorcelleries précédentes peuvent être combinées sans aucune limite. Tant qu’on ne se soigne pas, on garde la sorcellerie à vie et on les accumule avec l’âge. Mais il arrive aussi que l’on veuille tellement de mal à quelqu’un qu’on lui en fasse plusieurs d’un coup ou qu’on lui en refasse régulièrement, si bien qu’il se retrouve rapidement avec un nombre très élevé de sorcellerie. Quand la personne commence à être submergée de sorcellerie, elle se met à perdre totalement le contrôle de sa personne et de sa vie. 

15 Sorcellerie en série
Il arrive aussi que le sorcier fasse plusieurs sorts en une fois, de façon à ce que chaque fois qu’un sera enlevé, le suivant entrera en action. On voit alors le malade se rétablir pendant quelques jours puis rechuter. Il se peut aussi que le sorcier fasse un suivi du malade : il est informé par des djinns chaque fois qu’il se soigne et lui refait de la sorcellerie. La différence avec le premier cas est que la sorcellerie est différente à chaque fois. Ce dernier cas est très rare et signifie que le sorcier en veut personnellement au malade.

16 Réaction à la lecture
- On peut aussi interpréter les réactions de la personne à la lecture du Coran pour aider à la diagnostiquer.
- La réaction la plus typique de la sorcellerie est la chaleur dans tout le corps : c’est la sorcellerie qui brûle.
- La personne peut aussi ressentir des choses qui sortent d’elle : c’est la sorcellerie qui s’en va.
- Quand elle sent une lourdeur ou la chair de poule, si elle ne supporte pas le Coran, qu’elle étouffe, qu’elle s’énerve : cela révèle la présence de djinns.
- La personne peut se détendre, se calmer et s’endormir : cela peut avoir deux significations. Soit on lui a fait de la sorcellerie pour qu’elle soit nerveuse ; avec la lecture, l’effet de la sorcellerie baisse et la personne se détend. Soit on lui a fait pour qu’elle soit toujours fatiguée ; elle se repose alors et s’endort d’un sommeil reposant.
- Si la personne bouge ou parle sans que ce soit elle qui le fasse, on est en présence d’un djinn.
- Mal de tête : cela est dû à des djinns dans le corps ou extérieurs. Il peut aussi y avoir de la sorcellerie déposée dans la tête.
- Beaucoup de réactions : la personne doit avoir plusieurs affectations. Cela est suivi généralement par de la fatigue et un épuisement.
- Pas ou peu de réaction : la personne est légèrement atteinte ou pas du tout ou le djinn est à l’extérieur de son corps et l’influence de l’extérieur. Dans ce cas, la lecture permet simplement de brûler le lien du djinn avec la personne sans atteindre le djinn et cela est suffisant pour l’enlever. Il se peut bien sûr que le lecteur soit trop faible.
- Il ne faut pas oublier que diagnostiquer un djinn ou de la sorcellerie n’exclut pas l’autre. Le diagnostic est toujours minimal.

17 Certains amalgames
Des fois, des parents viennent nous voir parce que leur fille est partie avec un non musulman, et pensent que c’est dû à la sorcellerie. Dans tous les cas, c’était un amour naturel et non un effet de la sorcellerie. Il se peut que la fille ait changé de comportement et qu’elle ait rompu ses liens avec sa famille ; le plus souvent c’est à cause du manque de dialogue et d’ouverture d’esprit. Cela n’exclut pas qu’elle ait de la sorcellerie touchant d’autres domaines et que cela a affaibli sa capacité à confronter le problème familial et la pousse à fuir la situation. On nous demande parfois de faire quelque chose pour qu’un enfant ou un conjoint qui a fugué revienne : cela est pure sorcellerie, il n’y a qu’à prier et demander à Allah, tout en acceptant l’épreuve d’Allah avec patience.

Certains pensent qu’on peut faire la sorcellerie « pour le bien » ; c’est complètement faux, la sorcellerie est un acte de mécréance, quelle que soit la finalité recherchée. Certains veulent faire réussir un mariage, un examen ou un jugement : tout cela est pure sorcellerie. S’il y a un effet néfaste dû à la sorcellerie, on peut l’éliminer en éliminant la sorcellerie. Sinon, il ne faut pas intervenir sur le cours naturel des choses. Priez Allah et faites de bonnes œuvres pour qu’Il bénisse votre vie. Certains pensent qu’il faut « s’en remettre à Allah » et refusent d’attribuer leurs problèmes à la sorcellerie. Il faut d’abord savoir que le Prophète, bénédictions et salut sur lui, a dit : « Allah, Puissant et Majestueux, a créé avec chaque maladie son remède ; soignez-vous donc » (rapporté par Ahmed). Le corps, le temps, l’argent, les relations avec les autres, sont des dons d’Allah qu’on ne peut se permettre de laisser dépérir par négligence : nous devons les entretenir et parer aux déficiences. Rappelons que le Prophète, bénédictions et salut sur lui, et les compagnons, affrontaient tous les problèmes en usant du maximum d’intelligence et en exploitant tous les moyens disponibles ; c’est donc une erreur de croire qu’on s’en remet à Allah en négligeant les causes.

Par ailleurs il est effectivement une erreur d’attribuer à la sorcellerie des problèmes qui n’y sont pas dus, tout comme il est très dommageable d’attribuer des problèmes de sorcellerie à autre chose. On fait la part des choses avec le critère suivant : ces problèmes ont-ils une explication rationnelle ? Arrive-t-on à les surmonter de façon normale, avec l’effort et les causes ? Il arrive que la sorcellerie accentue un point faible de la personne : colère, indécision, timidité…on passe alors d’un état de faiblesse à un dérapage incontrôlé : là où la personne ne se maîtrise pas et n’arrive pas à faire ce qu’elle pense être le meilleur, la sorcellerie - parfois accompagnée d’un djinn - prend les rênes et c’est le dérapage. Ceci dit, je vous conseille de ne pas insister pour soigner les gens qui refusent de croire à la sorcellerie où qui pensent s’en sortir sans votre aide ; vous aurez déjà assez à faire avec ceux qui veulent s’en sortir, et ceux qui tiennent le moins à votre aide sont ceux qui vont causeront le plus de problèmes, et témoigneront le moins de reconnaissance. Cependant, laissez toujours la porte ouverte au cas où ils changeraient d’avis. Conseillez-lui de prier Allah de lui montrer le problème et la solution.
Les jeunes qui ont vécu en France, non habitués à ces histoires de sorcellerie, ont parfois du mal à y croire. Pourtant, un grand nombre de cas de délinquance, d’échec scolaire et professionnel, de déchirure familiale et de déséquilibre de personnalité s’expliquent par la sorcellerie.

Le mauvais œil est la plus légère de trois affectations et en général la personne ne s’en rend pas compte et ne cherche pas à se soigner : elle sent de la lourdeur et de la fatigue ; un manque d’énergie. Par contre, les bébés peuvent être très affectés par le mauvais œil : fièvre, perte d’appétit et de sommeil ; de plus, les djinns de la maison y trouvent une brèche pour les effrayer. C’est l’explication la plus fréquente des frayeurs nocturnes des petits enfants : des djinns habitant dans la maison profitent de la brèche causée par le mauvais œil pour les effrayer. Il faut alors soigner le petit contre le mauvais œil et la maison contre les djinns. Il est fréquent que les gens croient avoir le mauvais œil car ils ont de la « malchance » alors que c’est de la sorcellerie.

Certaines personnes ont ce pouvoir du mauvais œil ; dès qu’elle regarde une chose avec admiration, elle se détruit. C’est un effet spirituel qui ne peut être expliqué pas les lois physiques. Heureusement ces personnes sont rares. Le plus souvent, ce regard admiratif est accompagné de jalousie et de méchanceté. Le mauvais œil peut agir sur une personne, une famille, un véhicule, un magasin, une maison ou quoi que ce soit, même la moindre chose.
Une autre variante du mauvais œil est celle faite par le groupe : les gens se mettent à parler d’une personne, de sa réussite, de sa beauté, de sa force ou de quoi que ce soit, et l’énergie de la personne est cassée, elle devient lourde et fainéante. Il en est de même pour un magasin ou quoi que ce soit. Le mauvais œil peut aussi être fait par les djinns.

Il y a plusieurs raisons pour lesquelles un djinn intervient sur un humain, mais il faut qu’il y ait une raison. Dans tous les cas qui suivent, il y a toujours trois possibilités : le djinn peut être à l’intérieur du corps de la personne, ou bien à l’extérieur ; il se peut aussi qu’il entre et sorte à sa guise. Quand il est à l’intérieur du corps, il arrive qu’il prenne possession de la personne et qu’il parle à sa place ; cela peut être permanent, périodique ou occasionnel.

1 La sorcellerie
La raison la plus fréquente est la sorcellerie. La sorcellerie n’est pas forcément accompagnée par un djinn, mais on envoie parfois un djinn pour accentuer l’effet de la sorcellerie. Par exemple, pour séparer un couple, le djinn peut donner au mari une apparence effrayante ou repoussante pour la femme ; pour empêcher quelqu’un de travailler, ils font que l’employeur n’ait pas confiance en lui ou qu’il le rejette… mais là où les djinns interviennent le plus, c’est la perturbation mentale du malade ; il devient en proie à des pensées et des obsessions interminables, comme si quelqu’un parlait dans sa tête à longueur de journée. Ils interviennent aussi beaucoup dans les maladies et douleurs physiques pour perturber le fonctionnement du corps.

Les djinns envoyés par la sorcellerie sont forcés de faire le travail. Ils peuvent être bons, musulmans et pratiquants ou méchants et mécréants. Les bons feront le travail à contre cœur et les méchants en rajouteront. Il existe aussi des djinns qui travaillent volontairement pour les sorciers. Cela est extrêmement développé en Afrique, où les djinns vont même choisir et former un sorcier si le leur est mort.

2 La vengeance
Les djinns vivent autour de nous. Ils sont très nombreux dans les endroits désaffectés et inhabités par l’homme. Les endroits sales et humides sont particulièrement habités car les djinns trouvent leur nourriture dans les restes et les excréments. Ils sont aussi dans les maisons, surtout vieilles et mal entretenues, mais aussi dans les maisons neuves et bien entretenues. En vivant autour de nous, ils nous évitent ; mais il suffit d’un geste brusque sans avoir dit « Bismillah » ou de lancer une chose ou de l’eau chaude, et que cela atteigne l’un d’eux, pour que ça leur fasse très mal ou même un handicap physique ou la mort. Il arrive alors qu’ils se vengent ou qu’ils vengent un de leurs proches en frappant la personne qui leur a involontairement fait du mal. La personne peut alors être à moitié paralysée ou engourdie, elle peut être angoissée ou déprimée, elle peut avoir des envies suicidaires ou des pensées harcelantes ou autres manifestations. Cela s’accompagne souvent de cauchemars : la personne est frappée ou poursuivie par des êtres effrayants.
Les djinns ont moins de raison que nous et plus de passion. Ils ont trois passions fortes : l’orgueil, l’amour et la vengeance. Un djinn peut se venger sur une personne toute sa vie. Il ne va plus faire que ça, et ne fait plus rien d’autre dans sa vie.

3 L’amour
Cela arrive quand on se déshabille sans dire « Bismillah » : les djinns nous voient nus, et ils peuvent être sexuellement stimulés comme quand nous regardons des personnes déshabillées car il y a une certaine compatibilité sexuelle entre hommes et djinns. Bien entendu, avoir des rapports sans dire « bismillah » ou toute pratique sexuelle interdite ne manquera pas d’attirer beaucoup plus encore les djinns. Les djinns mâles tombent amoureux des femmes et les djinns femmes (djinniya) tombent amoureuses des hommes - les cas d’homosexualité sont rares chez les djinns. Ce que les djinns aiment chez les humains, c’est les personnes qui n’ont dans leur cœur aucune méchanceté pour personne. Aussi, comme on doit aimer le bien, il faut détester le mal et ne pas avoir de pitié pour les injustes. Il ne faut pas être gentil au point de faire pour les autres ce qu’en vérité on ne veut pas faire. Une personne qui a bon cœur ferait mieux d’écouter son cœur que d’écouter ceux dont les cœurs ne sont pas aussi bons. La mentalité d’accepter de subir les autres prédispose la personne à subir les djinns ou la sorcellerie.

Il arrive que cet amant passe inaperçu. Le plus souvent la personne aura des rêves érotiques. En général, ces rêves ne sont pas « difficiles » pour les hommes mais plutôt très agréables car la djinniya vient sous la forme idéale pour l’homme. Ils sont aussi d’une fréquence très élevée alors que la normale pour un jeune célibataire est une fois tous les 10-15 jours. Quand c’est une femme qui subit le djinn amoureux, les rapports sont très intenses. Si elle refuse ou résiste, elle peut être forcée et bloquée. C’est le fameux « boughattat » : on se sent bloqué au moment de s’endormir et on se débloque dès qu’on fait un geste ou qu’on prononce le nom d’Allah. Il arrive aussi que le djinn vienne sous la forme de son mari pour la tromper, et une fois l’acte fini, elle se rend compte que ce n’était pas lui. Quand la personne est mariée, il arrive que le djinn accepte le conjoint ; mais le plus souvent il ne le supporte pas, et donc la personne ne supportera plus son conjoint. Cela arrive plus aux femmes. Le mari doit alors s’y prendre avec douceur pour avoir des rapports. S’il insiste, il se peut que la femme s’énerve, pleure et cela finira en dispute.
A la limite, si la personne accepte de se marier avec le djinn, elle peut avoir des enfants avec lui. Les enfants seront à cheval entre les deux mondes : si la mère est humaine et le père djinn, ils seront plus humains ; dans le cas contraires, ils seront plus djinns. Mais il arrive aussi que la femme a un retard de règles puis elles arrivent et on lui présente son enfant djinn en rêve.

Il faut comprendre que la formation des couples chez les djinns est différente de la nôtre. Ils n’ont pas de mariage avec cérémonie et témoins ; il suffit que l’un aime l’autre, ils vont ensemble et c’est un couple fidèle et attaché. Avec les humains, ils se comportent de la même façon, et trouvent légitime de défendre jalousement leur conjoint contre tout concurrent. Même des djinns musulmans pratiquants peuvent se retrouver dans cette situation.

4 L’hébergement
Les djinns ont une vie très simple par rapport à la nôtre. Ils ne transforment pas la nature et vient dans l’environnement qu’ils trouvent. Ils cherchent des habitations appropriées et ne peuvent en aménager. Ils cherchent de la nourriture : restes et excréments, et ne peuvent pas en préparer ou en emmagasiner. A part ces deux soucis, ils n’ont plus grand-chose à faire. Certains se consacrent à l’adoration, d’autres fondent une famille et d’autres passent leur temps à combattre. D’autres encore fréquentent les endroits malsains et participent aux vices des hommes. Quand un djinn est dans un corps humain, il est nourri et logé, et en général n’en demande pas plus pour être bien. Pour cela des djinns peuvent venir habiter chez des êtres humains uniquement pour se loger. Mais il leur faut une brèche pour entrer : c’est la présence de sorcellerie, mauvais œil ou djinn chez la personne. Donc, à partir du moment où une personne est touchée par un ou plus de ces problèmes, elle est exposée à être habitée par des djinns qui cherchent un hébergement. Malheureusement, les invocations protectrices ne garantissent pas une protection suffisante à partir du moment où la personne a une brèche, comme une blessure expose le corps aux microbes et les règles d’hygiène usuelles ne suffisent plus.

Souvent, le djinn hébergé ne se manifeste pas. La personne peu sentir une lourdeur dans la partie du corps où il est logé. Il arrive qu’il y ait interaction entre les deux : le djinn transmet à la personne ses sensations et ses émotions : peur, joie, déprime, colère, attirance ou répulsion vers une chose quelconque, notamment vers a religion ; la personne aussi peut imposer au djinn ses sentiments et le forcer à devenir comme elle ou à s’effacer devant elle ou à partir.

Par ailleurs, s’il y a un autre djinn dans le corps, les deux djinns peuvent interagir jusqu’à se battre ou un des deux peut être écrasé par l’autre ou caché par sa présence.

Le djinn peut venir habiter chez une personne pour une autre raison : si la personne progresse bien dans l’islam, il arrive que les diables détachent un diable particulier pour s’occuper de lui. Iblis est un djinn et n’a jamais été un ange. Seulement les djinns sont d’une nature volatile et changeante. Quand ils sont pieux, ils deviennent purs et ressemblent aux anges ; plus ils sont méchants et mécréants, plus ils deviennent noirs et ténébreux. Avant de désobéir à Allah, Iblis était tellement pur qu’il était assimilé aux anges. Quand il a désobéi, il fut maudit et transformé en diable. Il fut à tel point maudit et diabolisé que sa descendance sont tous des diables. Il y en a de deux sortes : ceux qui sont liés à la personne ; ils naissent avec elle de l’union des diables des deux parents ; et ceux qui sont libres : ils se concertent, programment et œuvrent pour pousser les gens vers l’enfer. Quand une personne suit la religion, elle arrive assez facilement à dominer son diable au niveau physique mais les pensées et les émotions sont plus difficiles à contrôler. Quand la personne réussit une « percée » spirituelle et se rapproche d’Allah, de façon à contrôler ses pensées et ses émotions et à ne plus laisser aucune possibilité d’influence au diable qui lui est attaché, les diables la considèrent comme « dangereuse » et lui délèguent un diable ou parfois un djinn travaillant pour le diable ou encore un métis djinn - diable, pour l’égarer. Il essaye alors de l’énerver, de le disputer avec les gens, de l’empêcher de se consacrer à la spiritualité, de l’attirer vers des péchés, etc.…Ce cas est rare, car rares sont les personnes qui ont dominé leur diable, mais il est bon à connaître et vous le trouverez parmi les plus engagés dans la religion. Il arrive aussi que parmi les djinns venus habiter dans la personne, un soit musulman ou se convertit à l’islam, et essaye d’aider la personne ; elle est alors tiraillée entre plusieurs effets.

Le djinn peut aussi changer de statut : il peut venir par la sorcellerie, puis tomber amoureux ou rester après l’enlèvement de la sorcellerie pour être logé et nourri ou il peut venir pour se loger et tomber amoureux de la personne. Il en résulte que plus quelqu’un reste malade longtemps, plus il risque d’accumuler des problèmes avec le temps jusqu’à complètement perdre la raison ou devenir un clochard. Il faut donc traiter les choses jusqu’au bout et ne pas négliger un problème sous prétexte qu’il est supportable car il peut en causer d’autres.

5 Les djinns dans la maison
Les vieilles maisons et les maisons abandonnées sont presque toujours habitées, et les maisons neuves le sont souvent. Il est beaucoup plus facile aux djinns d’entrer dans une maison et de s’y installer qu’aux habitants de les empêcher (pour cela voir la prévention, chapitre III §D.1).

Le plus souvent les djinns passent totalement inaperçus. Quand ils sont croyants et pratiquants, on sent une atmosphère légère et agréable ; ces djinns croyants habitent souvent chez les gens très pratiquants dont la maison est animée par le Coran, les prières, les invocations et les discussions religieuses. Les djinns ne sont pas forts en science, n’ont pas accès aux livres et n’ont pas beaucoup d’activités et d’initiatives religieuses ; pour progresser dans la religion, ils cherchent une ambiance de religion chez les humains.
Malheureusement ces bons djinns sont rares. La majorité ne sont ni bons ni mauvais, comme les hommes ordinaires qui font leur vie sans plus, et ceux qui se font le plus remarquer sont les mauvais qui détestent les pratiquants. Quand ceux-là sont dans la maison, on ressent une ambiance lourde, et les personnes touchées par de la sorcellerie, un mauvais œil ou un djinn, ainsi que les petits enfants, le ressentiront plus, et verront même parfois des djinns sous diverses formes. Les djinns pourront aussi leur nuire en perturbant leur sommeil et en leur faisant faire des cauchemars. A force de vivre ensemble tôt ou tard les habitants de la maison frapperont accidentellement des djinns et subiront leur vengeance ou se déshabilleront sans dire « Bismillah » et des djinns seront amoureux d’eux. Si en plus certains membres de la famille ont subi la sorcellerie, ils subiront encore plus puisque les djinns pourront entrer en eux sans cause.

Il se peut aussi que les djinns dans la maison soient envoyés par la sorcellerie ; à ce moment-là, ils œuvrent directement pour nuire aux habitants de la maison.



Apocalypsis 20 

La Mutation de notre Terre a commencé ???

3ème partie 

(Aucune preuve!)



Published on 29 May 2019
Une vidéo de la série (de 44 vidéos) intitulée Apocalypse d'Adriana Evangelitz qui a disparu des radars depuis quelques années... 
Télécharger et partagez.Le blog d'Adriana Evangelitz : http://apocalypse666.over-blog.com/

  L'Apocalypse est pour Demain (Aucune preuve!) 

  Et les quatre anges qui étaient prêts pour l'heure, le jour, le mois et l'année, furent déliés afin qu'ils tuassent le tiers des hommes.
(Apocalypse 9, 15)
(L'Apocalypse de Jean n'a aucun fondement christique ou autre!)

D'après le calcul des Anciens...
La Terre doit basculer de 180
dedegrés le jour du Solstice d'hiver de l'an 2016 du calendrier des Anciens... ce qui représente la fin de l'Ère des Poissons.
Si les calculs des tables de pierre sont exacts...
La Terre doit basculer de 180° selon le Calendrier EGYPTIEN.
(Prévu pour l'an 2012 selon le calendier MAYA!) 
Le site de mes amis... SPIRITUAL LAND. 
Le forum Spiritual Land 
 Sur le FORUM SPIRITUAL LAND mes videos.

Mes videossur RutubeSurYoutube
(Il n'a jamais libéré personne!) 
(Aucune preuve des extraterrestres!) 

21 septembre 2013
Une diplomate européenne, Française de surcroît, a été arrachée manu-militari d'un camion transportant de l'aide humanitaire pour des bédouins dont les maisons ont été démolies cette semaine. D'autres diplomates de l'UE ont été également malmenés, ainsi que les Palestiniens présents sur les lieux dont les "expulsés" ne pouvant se résoudre à quitter l'endroit où ils vivent depuis des millénaires... le village de Makhoul dans la VALLEE DU JOURDAIN... site symbolique... ô combien...
Le Mauvais Principe sait ce qu'il fait... dommage qu'il ne sache pas ce qu'il va advenir bientôt... dans tous les endroits où le Maître est passé... Ses pérégrinations n'ont pas été faites par hasard. Il a "délimité" un territoire bien précis dont Jérusalem, Sa Station Finale, est la Clef de Voûte... Parce qu'après avoir "purifié" l'endroit par Sa Présence, il sera régénéré par le Feu. Nous n'en sommes plus très loin. Que celui qui a des oreilles, entende !
Le village de Makhoul, donc, a été rayé de la carte par l'Occupant, les maisons détruites et 50 familles se retrouvent sans abri, malgré qu'un juge israélien ait reconnu la totale et entière propriété de leurs terres par ces villageois. Mais, là-bas comme ici, nous le savons, les juges se suivent mais ne se ressemblent pas. Car un nouveau juge, colon celui-ci, a levé cette Ordonnance, autorisant l'armée à se lancer dans son entreprise de terrorisme d'état. Le Droit par la Force, selon leur Bible Protocolaire...
Que dire de tels comportements lorsque l'on est dans la Voie de la Conscience ? Que dire ? Le régime de Netanyahou et de ceux qui l'ont précédé est-il "démocratique" ? Où sont les valeurs morales ? Où est le Respect ? Où est la Compassion, personnifiée par l'Être parfait qui posa Ses pieds sur les bords du Jourdain et dans sa Vallée, justement ? Où est tout simplement l'Humanisme et , ce qui va de pair, l'Humanité ?
Mes Frères et Soeurs... nous savons aujourd'hui ce que signifie exactement le mot "Démocratie". Nous avons vu comment elle a été exportée en Irak, en Afghanistan, en Libye... et maintenant en Syrie, à coups de bombes et en se servant des "coupeurs de têtes" pour assassiner des innocents, ruiner un Peuple et son pays. Aussi... devons-nous bien comprendre que "démocratie" = DICTATURE. La LOI DU PLUS FORT. Y compris pour les habitants dudit "pays démocratique". Il faut marcher au pas, bonhomme... et exécuter les ordres que l'on te donne. Sans rechigner. Et sans écouter la Voix de ta Conscience... car ta Conscience, c'est NOUS, tes Supérieurs.
Le Mauvais Principe sait ce qu'il fait. Oui. Il sait qu'en ordonnant le pire, il fera tomber les pauvres Âmes de ceux qui lui obéiront. Voilà pourquoi le Maître a dit :
Malheur à vous aussi, docteurs de la loi! parce que vous chargez les hommes de fardeaux difficiles à porter, et que vous ne touchez pas vous-mêmes de l'un de vos doigts.
(Luc 11:46)
Ceci dit, ceux qui donnent les ordres sont encore plus coupables que ceux qui les exécutent. En leur Âme et Conscience, s'entend...
Volez ! Détruisez ! Tuez ! C'est un Ordre !
Et c'est ce Principe Destructeur qui règne aujourd'hui sur la Planète entière. On les endoctrine... on les habille en trouffion... on leur dit : Exécute ! Le plus aberrant étant qu'ils le font.
Comment est-il possible d'obéir à de tels ordres ? Comment est-il possible d'arriver avec des bulldozers... de détruire un village entier... toutes les maisons... et de ne point éprouver le moindre sentiment de compassion ou de pitié pour toutes les personnes, du bébé au vieillard, qui supplient, pleurent et se lamentent devant le spectacle de désolation qui s'offrent à leurs yeux ? Comment ? Que faut-il être ou... que faut-il ÊTRE DEVENU ?
Est-ce notre Mission sur Terre de parvenir à un tel degré d'Inhumanité... et de n'en éprouver aucune Gêne et aucune Honte ? La réponse est bien sûr... NON. C'est à l'intérieur que le "travail" se fait. Parce que la Conscience ne tolère pas de pareilles ignominies. Elle crie... elle hurle... au fond de l'être qui doit beaucoup prendre sur lui pour n'en rien laisser paraître. Sinon... il se ferait taxer de Traître. Voilà pourquoi au lieu de DESOBEIR... il préfère PERDRE SON ÂME. Avec toutes les conséquences futures qui en découleront. C'est la raison pour laquelle le Maître a dit :
Malheur à vous, scribes et pharisiens hypocrites!parce que vous courez la mer et la terre pour faire un prosélyte; et, quand il l'est devenu, vous en faites un fils de la géhenne deux fois plus que vous.
Matthieu 23 : 15
Ce qui signifie, dans les temps modernes : "vous vous dépensez beaucoup ou vous faites tout ce qui est en votre pouvoir pour que des gens adhèrent à votre RELIGION ou à votre DOCTRINE... et lorsqu'ils y ont adhéré... vous en faites une ÂME PERDUE qui l'est deux fois plus que vous." Voir ICI d'où vient le mot GEHENNE. Très significatif.
Aussi... faut-il bien comprendre l'IMPORTANCE de notre LIBRE-ARBITRE lorsque l'on nous donne des ORDRES INIQUES. Lorsque l'on veut nous obliger à commettre l'Irréparable. Notre SEUL GUIDE est notre Conscience. Elle est NOTRE SEUL MAÎTRE. Parce que notre Vie est quelque chose de TRES PRECIEUX. Bien plus que vous ne l'imaginez. Et notre vie dépend de NOTRE ÂME et de notre CONSCIENCE. Aujourd'hui, certes... mais surtout DEMAIN... si nous tenons à EVOLUER selon le PRINCIPE HARMONIQUE et BÂTIR UN MONDE où le MAUVAIS PRINCIPE ne fera plus sa Loi.
Vous pourrez voir toutes les photos de l'agression sioniste ICI 
Des soldats israéliens brutalisent une diplomate de l'UE et confisquent l'aide humanitaire destinée à des Palestiniens
Par Al Akhbar
Marion Castaing violence soldats israeliens
Des soldats israéliens ont malmené des diplomates européens, vendredi 20 septembre, et saisi [volé, ndt] un camion plein de tentes et d'aide d'urgence qu'ils essayaient de livrer aux Palestiniens dont les maisons ont été démolies cette semaine [à Khirbet al-Makhul, Vallée du Jourdain occupée, ndt].
Marion Castaing violence soldats israeliens 6
Un journaliste de Reuters a vu les soldats tirer des grenades assourdissantes sur un groupe de diplomates, de personnel humanitaire et d'habitants locaux et arracher violemment d'un camion une diplomate française avant d'emmener [de voler, ndt] le camion avec son contenu.
Marion Castaing dégagée manu militari d'un des camions d'aide humanitaire (Abed Omar Qusini, Reuters)
Marion Castaing violence soldats israeliens 2
"Ils m'ont traînée hors du camion jusque sur le sol, sans aucune considération pour mon immunité diplomatique," a dit Marion Fesneau-Castaing, la diplomate française. "C'est ainsi qu'est respecté le droit international, ici," a-t-elle constaté, couverte de poussière.
Marion Castaing violence soldats israeliens 3

L'armée et la police israéliennes n'ont pas souhaité faire de commentaires.

Khirbet al-Makhul abritait environ 120 personnes. L'armée a démoli leurs maisons, étables et jardin d'enfant lundi (1) après que la Haute Cour israélienne a décidé qu'ils n'avaient pas les permis de construire adéquats.

Bien qu'ils aient perdu leurs biens, les habitants ont refusé de quitter la terre sur laquelle leurs familles ont vécu depuis des générations, avec leurs troupeaux de brebis.

L'armée israélienne a empêché le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge de livrer de l'aide lundi, et mercredi, des personnels du CICR ont réussi à installer quelques tentes mais l'armée les a obligés à les démonter.
Des diplomates de France, Grande-Bretagne, Espagne, Irlande, Australie et du bureau politique de l'Union européenne sont revenus vendredi avec un camion chargé d'équipements. Dès leur arrivée, une dizaine de soldats ont convergé vers eux pour leur dire de ne pas décharger le camion.
Marion Castaing camion confisque
"C'est choquant et scandaleux. Nous rapporterons ces actions à nos gouvernements," a dit un diplomate de l'UE, qui a refusé de donner son nom parce qu'il n'a pas l'autorisation de parler aux médias.
Marion Castaing violence soldats israeliens 5

"Notre présence ici est directement liée au droit humanitaire international. Selon la Convention de Genève, une puissance occupante doit subvenir aux besoins de la population sous occupation. Ces gens ne sont pas protégés," a-t-il dit.

Dans les échauffourées entre les soldats et les habitants, plusieurs villageois ont été détenus et un vieux Palestinien s'est évanoui.
Marion Castaing vieux palestinien
Un rapport du Bureau des Nations Unies pour la Coordination des Affaires humanitaires (OCHA) dit que depuis août 2013, Makhul est la troisième communauté bédouine à être démolie par les Israéliens en Cisjordanie et dans la municipalité de Jérusalem.

Les Palestiniens ont accusé les autorités israéliennes de s'emparer progressivement de leurs pacages historiques soit en les transformant en zones militaires, soit en les donnant aux Israéliens dont les colonies parsèment la Cisjordanie .

Les forces israéliennes démolissent régulièrement les maisons palestiniennes, prétendant que leurs propriétaires n'ont pas les permis de construire adéquats, pendant que le gouvernement israélien annonce régulièrement l'expansion des colonies, qui sont toutes considérées comme illégale en vertu du droit international.

Israéliens et Palestiniens ont repris les pourparlers de paix le mois dernier après trois ans d'interruption, et les responsables palestiniens ont émis de sérieux doutes sur les perspectives de cette ouverture.

"Ce que font les Israéliens n'aide pas les négociations. En toutes circonstances, pourparlers ou pas, ils sont obligés de respecter le droit international," a déclaré le diplomate anonyme de l'EU.

Vallée du Jourdain : 50 familles sans abri après la démolition de Makhoul par l’armée israélienne d'occupation, ISM-France, 18 septembre 2013.

NdR ISM-France : Il aurait été plus "humain" que les délégués européens soient sur place AVANT les démolitions et s'interposent entre l'armée d'occupation et les Palestiniens de Al-Makhoul, plutôt que de venir, une fois le village démoli, apporter de l'aide "humanitaire". Toutefois, nous espérons que Marion Castaing et les autres membres de la délégation européenne n'ont pas été trop réprimandés par leurs hiérarchies pour avoir perturbé les soldats de leur Israël chéri pendant le nettoyage ethnique des Palestiniens de la Vallée du Jourdain.

Toutes les photos sur
Source : Al Akhbar
Traduction : MR pour ISM
Des diplomates européens malmenés par l'armée israélienne
De vifs incidents ont éclaté vendredi, en Cisjordanie, entre Tsahal et des travailleurs humanitaires et diplomates européens venus ravitailler des Bédouins, après la démolition de leur village.
L'incident ne contribuera sans doute pas à améliorer les relations, passablement tendues depuis plusieurs semaines, entre Israël et l'Union européenne. Vendredi après-midi, plusieurs travailleurs humanitaires et diplomates européens ont été malmenés par des soldats israéliens alors qu'ils étaient venus distribuer des tentes et du matériel humanitaire à des Bédouins récemment évincés de leur hameau de Khirbet al-Makhoul, en Cisjordanie.
Les militaires, chargés d'empêcher la reconstruction d'une dizaine d'habitations détruites lundi en application d'une décision rendue, le 28 août dernier, par la Haute Cour israélienne, affirment avoir usé de la force après avoir été la cible de jets de pierre - non confirmés par les journalistes présents. Ils ont alors fait usage, à deux reprises au moins, de grenades assourdissantes. Une diplomate française, attachée de coopération humanitaire au Consulat général de Jérusalem, a été extraite sans ménagement d'un camion que les soldats ont ensuite confisqué. Trois Palestiniens ont été interpellés.
Ces heurts sont intervenus alors que des travailleurs humanitaires tentaient, pour la quatrième journée consécutive, de ravitailler la cinquantaine de Bédouins dont les habitations ont été détruites lundi, en l'absence d'un permis de construire en bonne et due forme, mais qui refusent de quitter les lieux. « Le jour même, nous avons voulu leur porter des matelas, des couvertures et ustensiles de cuisine, qui ont tous été confisqués par les soldats israéliens », raconte Nadia Dibsy, porte-parole de la Croix-Rouge. Le hameau a par la suite été décrété «zone militaire fermée».
Tandis que plusieurs sources européennes peinaient, vendredi soir, à dissimuler leur agacement, l'armée israélienne campait droit dans ses bottes. « Les informations selon lesquelles des diplomates étrangers auraient abusé de leurs privilèges diplomatiques sont en cours de vérification, a simplement indiqué un porte-parole. Le cas échéant, des plaintes seront déposées devant les autorités concernées. »
Ces frictions interviennent alors qu'une directive européenne publiée fin juillet a assombri les relations entre l'UE et Israël. Le texte, qui proscrit l'octroi de financements communautaires aux institutions qui ont des activités en Cisjordanie, sur le plateau du Golan ou à Jérusalem-Est, a vivement irrité le gouvernement de Benyamin Nétanyahou.
Selon un décompte établi par l'Office des Nations unies pour la coordination de l'aide humanitaire, Khirbet al-Makhoul serait le troisième village bédouin en un mois à être démoli par l'armée israélienne. Après trois années d'interruption, cependant, les négociations de paix entre Israéliens et Palestiniens ont repris début août à l'initiative du secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry.
Sources Le Figaro
Vallée du Jourdain : 50 familles sans abri après la démolition de Makhoul par l’armée israélienne d'occupation
Par Solidarity Movement for a Free Palestine
Lundi 16 septembre 2013, à 5 heures du matin, plus d’une centaine de soldats de l’armée israélienne d'occupation, des jeeps et trois bulldozers ont investi le village de Makhoul où vivent 50 familles, et ont démoli entièrement le village en moins de 3 heures. La troupe est arrivée tôt le matin pour fermer la zone d’accès à Makhoul et pouvoir ensuite commencer le travail de démolition du village, engendrant destruction systématique etterrorisme.
82 personnes vivaient à Makhoul, où sont rattachées 50 familles selon les derniers chiffres, et un bébé âgé de seulement 2 jours était sur les lieux lors de la démolition. Aucun délai n’a été accordé aux villageois pour sauver leurs effets personnels ; et les affaires récupérées par les soldats, dans ce qui a tout d’abord semblé être un accès soudain d’humanité, ont finalement été rapidement détruites par ces mêmes soldats.
Vallée du Jourdain : 50 familles sans abri après la démolition de Makhoul par l’armée israélienne d'occupation
Le village de Makhoul se situe au cœur de la Vallée du Jourdain, considérée comme relevant de la Zone C suite à l’échec désormais consommé des Accords d’Oslo. Ce qui signifie que la zone est entièrement placée sous les contrôles militaire et civil de l’occupation israélienne. En 2009, l’armée a émis des ordres de démolition contre les habitats des villageois pour de soi-disant raisons de sécurité. Le village a toujours existé sur cette terre depuis l’Empire Ottoman.

Les ordres de démolition, qui ont été contestés par les villageois, ont été suspendus par un juge israélien qui a reconnu la totale et entière propriété de leurs terres par ces villageois.20 jours avant la démolition du 16 septembre, les villageois ont appris qu’un nouveau juge, un colon, a levé cette Ordonnance, autorisant de ce fait à l’armée de se lancer dans leur entreprise de terrorisme.

Refusant d’être arrachés à leur terre ancestrale, 7 jours plus tard, les villageois ont fait appel de cette décision auprès de la Cour israélienne de Salem, en Palestine occupée, où un Juge a réaffirmé leurs droits sur leurs terres. Pourtant, bien qu’une Cour israélienne ait réaffirmé que les terres sont bien la propriété des villageois, l’armée est venue ce matin et a entièrement rasé le village.

Après les Accords d’Oslo, la Vallée du Jourdain a été désignée Zone C, laissant le champ libre à l’armée pour régner en maître absolu sur la région. Les villages sont régulièrement démolis et les villageois terrorisés. Dans le même temps, de vastes étendues de territoire sont totalement interdites d’accès aux Palestiniens, que ce soit du fait de la présence de colonies illégales, au nom de la fameuse" sécurité", ou parce que l’armée y organise des exercices militaires d’envergure, les transformant en "Zones de Tirs".

Pour ceux qui souhaitent aider le village de Makhoul, consulter la page Facebook de SFP. Merci de relayer l’information.

Photos du terrorisme sioniste en action ici et ici.

Source : SFP
Posté par Adriana Evangelizt
19 septembre 2013
Nous voyons que le Chaos généralisé prend des proportions EXPONENTIELLES... toujours plus de crimes... toujours plus d'horreurs... davantage de Perversité... des manipulations sans nombre. Les Eternels Mensonges pour duper et manipuler les foules... et une descente dans la décadence, à n'en plus finir...
Dans l'Ombre se tiennent les Marionnettistes... ils fulminent... leurs yeux lancent des éclairs brûlants de colère... les sabots des Nephilim renaclent d'impatience... les évènements -dont ils se croient Maîtres- ne vont pas assez vite à leurs yeux. Ceux qui prônent la Paix plutôt que la Guerre -notamment pour la Syrie- les indisposent... ils leur réservent un chien de leur chienne... ils ont encore sorti de leur chapeau d'illusionistes leur fantôme Zawahiri. Celui qui pose devant des rideaux remplis d'étoiles... Obama devrait s'occuper de son cas, après avoir fait semblant de trucider Ben Laden, mort dix ans auparavant... pour que cessent ses apparitions sur des videos fabriquées de toutes pièces par les Ennemis du Genre Humain...
Il y a, ici, sur notre pauvre Terre... quelque chose de Néfaste qui règne depuis des millénaires. Une Caste Inhumaine -c'est bien le mot- qui a pris le monde en otage. Bientôt vous sera révélé qui ils sont... d'où ils viennent... et CE qu'ils veulent... mais en réalité, leur BUT ULTIME ne sera PAS ATTEINT. Parce qu'il y a PLUS FORT QU'EUX... même si la Destruction de notre Planète par un Holocauste Nucléaire est à l'ordre du jour chez ces diaboliques, ils n'échapperont pas à la Combustion Planétaire qui a été programmée depuis longtemps déjà par l'ORDRE SUPERIEUR qui, SEUL, décide et PRESIDE à la DESTINEE TERRESTRE...
C'est, du moins, ce qu'il ressort lorsque l'on commence à comprendre la Symbolique de la Pyramide dite de Cheops... personnage énigmatique qui n'a pas pu construire un tel Chef d'Oeuvre. Encore une Falsification pour nous induire en erreur...
Comme je vous l'ai déjà expliqué, le dernier Cataclysme Planétaire a provoqué une "amnésie" sur l'Histoire des temps passés. Les Survivants, éparpillés sur la Planète, se sont retrouvés dans un dénuement complet, luttant pour leur survie au milieu des éléments déchaînés. Il faut bien comprendre ceci et se mettre à leur place. Je pense que c'est facile à imaginer lorsque l'on regarde avec attention les inondations, par exemple, qui sévissent aujourd'hui aux quatre coins du globe. Les situations dramatiques qu'elles entraînent doivent nous servir de leçon, à nous, tant que nous n'en sommes pas encore "vraiment" victimes. Il y a d'abord, ceux qui périssent et ne pourront plus raconter l'Histoire de leurs Ancêtres. Puis, ceux qui survivent. Pour ces derniers, il ne fait aucun doute que la panique doit être telle que SEUL prime l'INSTINCT DE CONSERVATION. Comment se sauver, après avoir tout perdu ? Comment échapper à ce Désastre ? Où se réfugier ? Où trouver un abri ?
Voilà les préoccupations premières que durent également connaître nos Ancêtres, en sachant que la Catastrophe Planétaire n'a pas duré quelques jours... mais des centaines d'années, voire des centaines de milliers... car la Reconfiguration Terrestre ne se fait pas sur le court terme, ni à petite échelle. Il a donc fallu plusieurs générations avant que la Terre ne se stabilise. Ce qui a entraîné, obligatoirement, au fil du temps, une PERTE MEMORIELLE, par faute de TRANSMISSION, qui effaça  A JAMAIS les souvenirs des temps passés.
J'insiste lourdement sur ce point parce que si nous en sommes, en ce 21ème siècle, dans un état de SI GRANDE IGNORANCE, c'est parce que le dernier Cataclysme Planétaire fut si VIOLENT... si MEURTRIER... si DEVASTATEUR... qu'il réduisit A NEANT, non seulement le SAVOIR et les CONNAISSANCES que nos Grands Ancêtres possédaient avant la Destruction, mais également les VALEURS FONDAMENTALES qui leur servirent de base pour l'établissement d'une Société fondée sur LA LOI COSMIQUE DU PRINCIPE CREATEUR ou Dieu.
La Preuve de ce fait INCONTESTABLE se trouve justement dans leurs Oeuvres, et notamment la Grande Pyramide de Gizeh, construite bien avant la Catastrophe qu'ils avaient anticipée. Et s'ils l'avaient anticipée, c'est qu'ils savaient qu'elle allait avoir lieu. Ce qui prouve, justement, qu'ils étaient dotés d'une Pensée, d'une Intelligence, d'un Esprit très Supérieurs aux nôtres. Et à cause de tout cela, une façon de Vivre totalement différente de l'Humanité actuelle dont la quasi-totalité est tombée dans une complète Déchéance. Déchéance, d'ailleurs, qui n'est que le reflet de CEUX qui dirigent les Peuples et le Monde, et ne possèdent pas un millionième de Science, de Conscience, de Sagesse, de ces Guides Eclairés qui nous ont légué un Héritage défiant le Temps et les Colères de la Terre.
Comme déjà dit, la Grande Pyramide est une Bible ou un Livre de Pierre. Rien n'y est inscrit. Parce qu'ils n'écrivaient pas. Ils n'avaient pas besoin de cela pour se comprendre entre eux. Et je dis qu'ils n'ont rien inscrit parce que l'on ne peut pas prendre comme argent comptant le fameux "gri-gri" tracé à la main que l'on nous présente comme la cartouche de Kheops. Ceci est une falsification. Une de plus. Un rajout tardif pour nous faire croire que les Habirou auraient construit ce gigantesque monument. Ce qui est faux. Car les Constructeurs, versés dans la Science Sacrée, n'utilisaient pas de hiéroglyphes, ils pratiquaient la LANGUE UNIVERSELLE DES NOMBRES... ce qui induit LA FRATERNITE ENTRE TOUS LES PEUPLES... c'est vous dire combien l'Unité et l'Harmonie faisaient partie intégrante de leurs Concepts dont il ne reste rien aujourd'hui, quand on voit ce que l'on voit...
Un Livre de Pierre, donc, où tout est inscrit en nombres, mesures, Géométrie, Astronomie, etc... comme un Code Secret que les plus aptes et les plus Intelligents pourront réussir à comprendre. C'est un travail fastidieux car il faut posséder des connaissances dans de nombreux domaines pour résoudre l'Enigme. Il y a un verset dans l'Apocalypse qui pourrait se rapporter à cette Compréhension pour élucider le Mystère :
Heureux celui qui lit et ceux qui entendent les paroles de la prophétie, et qui gardent les choses qui y sont écrites! Car le temps est proche.
(Apocalypse 1;3)
Le mot "entendre" signifiant "comprendre"... car quelque part on peut également dire que ce monument contient des "prophéties", dans le sens où tout, ou du moins l'Essentiel, est inscrit en ce qui concerne le Futur de l'Homme, de la Terre et du Cosmos... il faut multiplier ou diviser les Nombres pour obtenir des Cycles, la Précession des équinoxes, la distance de la Terre au Soleil, de la Terre à la Lune, le Diamètre de notre Planète ainsi que sa Circonférence. La disposition des couloirs ascendants et descendants étant également très significative, entre autres, sur la Destinée Humaine... car tout se déroule en Symboles, chez ces Omniscients... ainsi, en regardant le schéma de la Grande Pyramide, que voyons-nous ? A droite, qui correspond à la face Nord, vous avez deux entrées... la seconde, en partant du bas, est celle conçue par les Bâtisseurs. Vous la prenez... vous empruntez obligatoirement le couloir ascendant et là, vous vous trouvez à une intersection... deux routes s'offraient à l'Humanité... d'après vous, laquelle a été prise ? Celle qui monte vers la Lumière ? Ou celle qui descend dans les bas-fonds ? Je pense que vous trouverez la réponse tout seul, car l'image est très parlante...
Kheops plan
Nous en sommes donc rendus à l'en-dessous de l'en-dessous... ce qui est sans doute un record pour des gens dits civilisés !
Alors ci-dessous j'ai posé deux vidéos de deux chercheurs, dont un, Georges Vermard, étudie les Pyramides, et plus spécialement Kheops depuis plus de quarante ans. Vous pouvez voir ses travaux sur son site, mais il est évident que pour ceux qui n'ont aucune base en Mathématique, en Géométrie ou en Astronomie, cela sera difficile à suivre...
J'ai posé sous les videos son texte de présentation. On va procéder par ordre.
Vous avez ICI une video où il se présente.
Sur cette page, ses travaux à proprement parler. Avec 52 diaporamas et 52 commentaires à côté. C'est très long à regarder et à  lire, il est nécessaire de prendre son temps, si l'on veut bien comprendre. Il faut commencer par le bas, bien entendu, pour suivre la 1ère révélation ou Semaine 1. On regarde d'abord le diaporama, puis ensuite le commentaire situé à côté, dans la présentation. J'explique pour vous faciliter la tâche.
Je pense sincèrement que son "oeuvre" est fort instructive et qu'il nous apprend beaucoup de choses...
La Grande Pyramide : Révélation Cosmique
par Roger Vermard
Ce que nous exposons au cours de ces 360 jours représente la plus importante découverte qui n’ait jamais été révélée au monde. Elle réforme l’histoire de l’humanité, elle nous enseigne les voies du futur, elle justifie l’inspiration spirituelle.
L’être humain a désormais une raison d’être,
révélée en Egypte, sur le site de Gizeh.
Face aux enseignements dispensés, lesquels se réfèrent d’une convention mondialisée, nous prétendons et prouvons que ce monument principal qu’est la Grande Pyramide, n’a jamais eu pour destination première d’être un tombeau.
Cet édifice est une encyclopédie universelle des sciences, mise à la portée des capacités cognitives des êtres humains, lorsque ceux-ci, par désir ou nécessité, se mettent  en quête de transcender leurs conditions psychiques.
Ces informations, que nous avons rassemblées et que nous nous faisons un devoir de transmettre, apparaîtront probablement dans le cadred’un enseignement classique, comme de simples déductions métapsychiques à caractère douteux, voire subversif.
Le message émanant de ces révélations est certes déstabilisant, il témoigne d’uneTradition Primordialeà l’origine d’une humanité prétendue archaïque et antédiluvienne, ce qui est contraire à tout précepte établi. Mais l’évidence est sous nos yeux ; vous en ferez le constat par vous-mêmes.
Notre rôle n’est pas de spéculer sur les fondements conceptuels de l’œuvre ou même de son utilité à être. Nous nous limitons à une présentation factuelle en privilégiant l’entendement au merveilleux, la beauté et la dimension primaire de cette anthologie des sciences que nous inspirent cesbâtisseurs d’éternité.
Evoluer dans la tromperie instituée n’est pas digne des principes que prétendent inspirer nos lois. L’amoralité grandissante ne saurait conduire les générations futures à une sérénité existentielle. Souhaitons que ce début de millénaire endigue cette rage hédoniste qui dénature en nos consciences le meilleur de nos aspirations.
Nous retrouverons au cours de cette progression documentée, les préliminaires des lois numériques et géométriques qui régissent un univers à notre portée. Nous aborderons quelques-unes des grandes constantes qui fédéralisent les formes. Nous pressentirons les liens subtils que l’entité terrestre entretien avec les cycles astraux et les regroupements stellaires. Nous évaluerons les écueils qui nous séparent d’une pensée synthétique universelle. Nous mesurerons l’omniscience de ces faiseurs de pyramides et de ces penseurs d’éternité.
Nous serons alors à même de jauger de cette réflexion à caractère universel, loin de nos esprits contraints axés sur la domination de l’autre.Nous pourrons puiser aux seins des engendrements, la magnificence de la pensée.
Pour la première fois, nous pourrons raisonnablement nous poser la question d’unPrincipe Créateur Universel , banalement galvaudé lorsqu’il n’est pas ridiculisé, sous le nom deDieu.
Que sommes-nous appelés à voir et comprendre ?
Pour aborder la mystique secrète que recèle la Grande Pyramide dite de Kheops, il faut désenclaver en nous le système inhibiteur de l’acquis pour nous entrouvrir aux domaines de l’inconcevable. Il nous faut solliciter nos deux hémisphères cérébraux pour corroborer le surréel dans le réel, la mythologie dans l’interprétation, le doute dans la certitude. Nous n’avons pas pour ambition de révéler des secrets concernant des recherches à haut indice de discrétion qui ne concerneraient qu’une élite soigneusement sélectionnée.
Ces connaissances appartiennent à la communauté humaine. Elles sont à inscrire en lettres d’OR aupatrimoine de l’humanité. Elles ne font pas l’objet de droits d’auteurs, de domaines réservés, d’appropriations ou de privilèges cachés.Elles sont à nous, hommes et femmes de la petite planète bleue.
Ces recherches ont pourtant nécessité plus de 40 années de travail et de vérifications, des jours et des nuits d’incertitude et de méditation, mais la rémunération d’un tel labeur ne peut avoir cours ici bas… et c’est bien ainsi !
360 jours d’animation pour quelle information ?
Nous allons découvrir, contrairement à ce qui est dit et enseigné, que le site de Gizeh n’est pas seulement une nécropole placée sur le haut d’une colline. Que les monuments qui célèbrent l’endroit, ne sont pas les œuvres privilégiées de quelques monarques en mal de certitudes post mortem, mais bien les témoignages d’une science congruente et révélatrice d’universalité.
Chaque semaine, à partir du 1er Janvier 2012, il vous sera possible d’accéder sur notre site Horizon 444à laRévélation de la semainesous forme d’animations.
Notre démarche ne peut se passer de la présence constante des nombres ; ils sont vecteurs des preuves dont nous étayons le concept. Contrairement aux mots induits d’interprétation, leurs résultantes sont ou ne sont pas. Lorsque les nombres épousent la géométrie, ils deviennent les fleurons anthologiques de la déduction mentale ; ils ôtent le doute et procurent la joie de la certitude.
Les données émises font appel à l’astronomie, à la géodésie, à la symétrie, à la géométrie et aux mathématiques. Mais aussi à ce que nous savons de l’histoire, la mythologie, l’alchimie, les datations et les probabilités. C’est l’approche esthétique d’une science nouvelle, que les esprits en éveil auront soif d’assimiler.
Sources Horizon 444
Posté par Adriana Evangelizt
13 septembre 2013
Je remercie Enlil pour le lien sur l'interview de Semir Osmanagich qui nous intéresse au plus haut point, bien entendu...
J'avais déjà évoqué dans un article combien l'homme était contesté par les chercheurs "patentés", d'ailleurs si vous allez sur Wikipedia, vous verrez qu'à peine quelques lignes lui sont consacrées. Quant à l'article Pyramides de Bosnie, il ne vise qu'à le démollir. Nous aurions affaire à des formations géologiques naturelles, et toute une armada de scientifiques est passée à l'attaque pour l'empêcher de continuer les fouilles. Voir ICI leur déclaration en anglais, pour que cesse ce "cruel hoax", selon leurs propres termes...
Si vous voulez que vos thèses soient admises, dans quelques domaines que ce soit, il est nécessaire de faire partie du "sérail". C'est-à-dire du "club très fermé" où ne sont admis que les individus bardés de tout un tas de titres pompeux, décernés par leurs pairs, lesdits titres étant comme les décorations que l'on décerne aux militaires... plus vous en arborrez sur votre poitrail et davantage vous inspirez le Respect. Dans le monde des apparences, il est nécesssaire de duper les "incrédules" et les "ignorants", si vous voulez leur en imposer, les empêcher de réfléchir et obtenir leur Confiance. Ainsi, si le "monsieur" face à vous est "chercheur en".. "spécialiste de"... et qu'il possède une chaire dans une université de renom, le tour est joué ! Pourquoi iriez-vous remettre en cause les théories qu'il vous assène avec certitude, puisqu'il "semble être" quelqu'un qui sait de quoi il parle ? Pourquoi ? Dites-moi...
La naïveté des gens de CE monde est la principale Arme de Destruction Massive par les temps de Manipulation qui courent. Et je dis cela, parce qu'il n'en était pas ainsi à l'Origine. Comme déjà dit, nos premiers Ancêtres étaient naïfs et purs, voilà pourquoi le Maître a dit : Heureux les simples d'Esprit, car le Royaume des Cieux leur appartient." Le Royaume des Cieux étant associé à la Conscience. Heureux les gens purs et naïfs car personne n'a encore altéré leur Conscience et leur Jugement, pourrait-on traduire... car leur Cerveau n'a pas encore été malaxé, comme de la pate à modeler, pour lui donner l'endoctrinement voulu par ceux qui s'arrogent le droit de vous interdire de Réfléchir pour vous imposer leurs idées et leur doctrine. Ceci commence dès l'enfance... que ce soit religieusement... politiquement... idéologiquement ou socialement. Je suis communiste, tu seras communiste. Je suis bouddhiste, tu seras bouddhiste. Je suis sioniste, tu seras sioniste. Je suis charcutier, tu seras charcutier. Et si votre Conscience vous pousse à sortir des chemins que l'on veut tracer pour vous, de votre plus jeune âge à votre majorité... (et même après...) vous serez condamné à beaucoup souffrir. Je sais de quoi je parle...
Dans ces cas-là, la Liberté se gagne au PRIX FORT. Le fameux PRIX dont le Maître, encore et toujours, nous a dressé le tableau, sans fioritures et sans guirlandes, dans Ses fameux propos :
Ne croyez pas que je sois venu apporter la paix sur la terre; je ne suis pas venu apporter la paix, mais l'épée.
Car je suis venu mettre la division entre l'homme et son père, entre la fille et sa mère, entre la belle-fille et sa belle-mère;
et l'homme aura pour ennemis les gens de sa maison.
Celui qui aime son père ou sa mère plus que moi n'est pas digne de moi, et celui qui aime son fils ou sa fille plus que moi n'est pas digne de moi;
celui qui ne prend pas sa croix, et ne me suit pas, n'est pas digne de moi.
Celui qui conservera sa vie la perdra, et celui qui perdra sa vie à cause de moi la retrouvera.
Matthieu 10:34 à 39
Très fortes, Ses paroles... les "croyants" glosent beaucoup dessus car ils n'en ont pas compris la signification profonde. Le "moi" représentant notre Conscience à laquelle Il se substitue si nous suivons Son Enseignement à la lettre. Et c'est effectivement ce qu'il se produit... lorsque vous portez en vous le Germe de l'Illumination qui éclora plus tard et fera de vous un Missionné. C'est-à-dire quelqu'un qui, contre vents et marées, mènera le Combat Sacré pour la Justice et la Vérité dans CE monde d'Injustices et de Mensonges. Nous voyons là que ce qui nous est demandé n'est pas facile, loin s'en faut... contrairement à tout ceux qui disent ou pensent que le Maître est "doux comme un agneau"... car doux, Il ne peut pas l'être, en Vérité. Il est venu ici nous inculquer LA LOI DE LA CONSCIENCE... celle qui nous permettra d'EVOLUER et d'atteindre un NIVEAU SPIRITUEL SI HAUT, qu'il INFLUERA SUR NOTRE CORPS PHYSIQUE. Parce que LA LOI DE LA CONSCIENCE est associée à LA LOI DE L'EVOLUTION. Ce qu'ignorent les Scientifiques et les "croyants" incrédules, si je peux me permettre l'expression.
Je ne suis donc pas venu apporter la Paix... je suis venu vous Apprendre à Maîtriser votre Destin. A vous servir de vos Facultés latentes et en sommeil, pour y parvenir. Ne laissez pas les autres, quels qu'ils soient, influer sur votre vision du monde, sur vos choix... apprenez à Reconnaître ce qui est Juste et Injuste. Ce qui est Vrai et Faux. Ne comptez pas sur les autres. Quitte à vous fâcher avec vos proches, père, mère, frères ou soeurs... et sachant que TOUT CECI va vous apporter d'énormes désagréments. Mais SEUL, celui qui écoute la Voix de sa Conscience accèdera à l'Immortalité. C'est-à-dire que son apparence charnelle deviendra aussi LUMINEUSE que sa Conscience...
Au fil du temps, et de l'Initiation, le Corps se métamorphose. Les scientifiques peuvent toujours chercher le "chaînon manquant"... il n'existe pas.
Voilà le Message. Nous sommes loin là des niaiseries "tends la joue". Le Programme du Maître est le PLUS DIFFICILE QUI SOIT pour celui qui emprunte Sa Voie. Il nous dirige vers un But... son Enseignement nous aide à l'Atteindre. Et lorsqu'Il prend le Contrôle de notre vie, il ne faut pas croire qu'Il va nous faire des cadeaux, si nous ne les méritons pas. Voyez :
Car le Seigneur châtie celui qu'il aime, Et il frappe de la verge tous ceux qu'il reconnaît pour ses fils.
Hébreux 12:6
C'est-à-dire que rien ne nous est passé. La moindre erreur aura ses répercussions. Nous récolterons ce que nous aurons semé, si nous pensons mal, parlons mal, agissons mal, sans aucune Raison valable ou par Manque de Maîtrise. Ce qui ne signifie pas qu'il ne faut pas se fâcher lorsque la Cause est Juste et qu'il n'existe pas d'autres moyens pour se faire entendre. En ceci aussi, Il nous a montré l'exemple.
Sa LOI DE LA CONSCIENCE vise à nous faire acquérir des VALEURS MORALES de plus en plus nombreuses et de plus en plus Hautes. C'est une DISCIPLINE qui nécessite beaucoup d'efforts... car le Guide, qui devient Intérieur, se montrera sans pitié :
Il les paîtra avec une verge de fer, comme on brise les vases d'argile...
 Apocalypse 2:27
Et il en sera ainsi pour tous ceux qui s'engageront dans cette Voie. Dans tous les pays du monde. Car la LOI DE LA CONSCIENCE doit devenir une REGLE PLANETAIRE, si nous voulons transformer l'Enfer d'aujourd'hui en Paradis de demain. Les Valeurs. La Justice. La Vérité.
De sa bouche sortait une épée aiguë, pour frapper les nations; il les paîtra avec une verge de fer; et il foulera la cuve du vin de l'ardente colère du Dieu tout puissant.
Apocalypse 19:15
Cette petite démonstration visait à vous montrer qu'il ne faut donc faire Confiance à personne, y compris dans l'Histoire de notre Monde et de nos Origines. Les pseudos "spécialistes", qui gagnent confortablement leur vie, en posant une chappe de plomb sur notre Passé, ne doivent pas nous empêcher de chercher la Vérité là où elle se trouve. Les Grands Ancêtres nous ont laissé beaucoup d'indices parce qu'ils savaient que les Forces Obscures allaient nous duper. Il faut faire fonctionner, à fond, son Intuition et sa Raison. Les Symboles qu'ils nous ont laissé doivent agir comme des "Révélateurs". Ils nous permettent d'ouvrir des "portes dans notre Esprit". Et ces portes qui s'ouvrent, une à une, nous font ACCEDER A LA CONNAISSANCE UNIVERSELLE. C'est ce PROCESSUS QU'IL FAUT ENCLENCHER. Et que beaucoup n'ont pas compris.
Il ne sert à rien de courir de sites en sites en quête d'informations plus ou moins fiables, d'écouter le dernier qui a parlé, ni d'adhérer à une thèse parce qu'elle nous plaît... nous ne venons pas en CE monde pour nous leurrer sur nous-mêmes mais pour trouver qui nous sommes, d'où nous venons et où nous allons. Encore une Discipline difficile.
Ceci dit, certains Chercheurs "révolutionnaires" ont des idées qui nous permettent également d'ouvrir notre Champ de Conscience. Il faut savoir les reconnaître. Je vais vous en poser un, juste après. Mais les travaux de Graham Hancock, Bauval, Anthony West, Michael Cremo, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns, nous aident également à approcher de la Vérité.
Personnellement, je vous fais part de mes propres recherches, non dans le But de vous influencer en quoi que ce soit, mais dans l'Espoir qu'elles permettront à certains d'approfondir les sujets abordés. Et bien sûr, je ne puis être d'accord avec les thèses fantaisistes des "chercheurs patentés".
Nous faire gober, par exemple, que les Pyramides de Gizeh n'ont que 4000 ans est une foutaise. Qu'elles ont été constuites par les pharaons de la IVème dynastie en est une autre.Tout comme nous certifier qu'elles seraient des tombeaux de ces monarques est la plus grande Injure que l'on puisse faire à nos fantastiques Aînés. Ils ne possédaient certainement pas un Ego aussi démesuré que les Psychopathes Falsificateurs qui passent leur temps et dépensent leur argent à nous faire prendre des vessies pour des lanternes.
La Pyramide dite de Kheops, à elle seule, nous démontre le Génie immense de ces Êtres d'exception. Ils nous ont légué UNE BIBLE DE PIERRE, où tout se décline en nombres, en mesures précises, en Orientation significative. L'Harmonie étant le Maître mot de leur Oeuvre. Et ceci avec les valeurs fondamentales de la Cosmogonie et de la Position de la Terre dans le Cosmos. Nous tenons là la TRADITION PRIMORDIALE d'une Civilisation hors du commun qui, connaissant le Passé Universel, était capable de nous prévenir des dangers du Futur. La Pyramide tronquée en est la Preuve. Elle s'arrête là où nous nous arrêterons, incapables d'aller au sommet de la Connaissance, nous avons Régressé et sombré dans la Décadence et la Violence, deux PRINCIPES MAUVAIS voulus par les Nephilim afin de nous éloigner de nos Frères désormais Célestes.
Il y eut, ici, une Civilisation des Pyramides. Elles furent construites pour que la Terre puisse garder le Contact avec toutes les planètes, toutes les étoiles de la Galaxie. Un puissant FIL nous relie du Ciel à la Terre, comme la Symbolique Biblique de l'Arc-en-Ciel. Le Pouls de notre Mère leur parvient... ils en suivent l'Evolution désastreuse... et ils feront tout ce qui est en LEUR Pouvoir pour la sauver, elle... quant à l'Humanité Pervertie, il en sera comme dans les temps Anciens.. seuls seront préservés, aujourd'hui pour demain, ceux qui n'ont pas participé à sa Destruction et à celle du Genre Humain... ce n'est pas tout à fait la même "histoire" que Darwin....
Posté par Adriana Evangelizt
12 septembre 2013
Il y a eu un tremblement de terre, lundi soir, près de la centrale nucléaire de Civaux. Rien de grave en soi... si l'on écoute les medias "patentés" dont j'ai reproduit un article juste en dessous. Le premier. Nous allons voir la différence de traitement de l'info, avec témoignages à l'appui, par rapport à certains sites régionaux qui rapportent l'évènement...
Donc, dans le premier cas... il y a bien eu un séime de 3,1, à proximité de la centrale nucléaire de Civaux, "il n'a pas fait de dégâts". Et les pompiers n'auraient reçu QUE "deux appels, après la secousse"... Selon la direction de la centrale, le tremblement de terre n'a eu "aucun impact, aucune incidence" et "les deux réacteurs ont continué de fonctionner normalement", "aucune alarme ne s'est déclenchée", mais "les personnels dans le centre de commandement ayant ressenti la secousse, ont envoyé des techniciens pour effectuer des rondes de contrôle." Déjà... il est vrai que si l'on n'écoute que la "direction de la centrale" nous pouvons être rassurés ! Nous pouvons, sans problèmes, leur faire confiance. Mais voilà, comme nous ne faisons plus confiance à personne, étant donné toutes les manipulations qui nous sont servies à longueur de journées, en ce qui nous concerne, nous émettons quelques doutes sur ce qui nous est dit par cette "direction". Car, malheureusement, les faits passés et actuels nous prouvent que les pseudos "élites", dans tous les domaines, sont toutes aussi corrompues les unes que les autres. Elles défendent, avant tout, leurs intérêts. Or, dans ce cas précis, nous savons très bien que les menteurs sont prêts à raconter n'importe quoi afin de nous imposer le Nucléaire comme "mode de vie" sensationnel, avec la "suprême excuse" qu'il "réduirait les gaz à effets de serre" et donc le "réchauffement climatique". Hélas, nous savons qu'il n'en est rien. Nous savons, par contre, que le "lobby nucléaire" a vendu son âme au diable, dans le SEUL BUT de contaminer la Planète entière et son Humanité avec.
Les "forces obscures" qui règnent ici-bas ne veulent pas notre Bien... souvenez-vous toujours de cette maxime. Elles n'ont qu'UNE MISSION : la DESTRUCTION TOTALE de notre Terre-Mère et de ses enfants. FAIRE LE MAL POUR LE MAL... voilà ce qui les stimule. Et les "naïfs" pensant que nous disont des "çonneries" n'ont qu'à constater la situation désastreuse de notre monde aujourd'hui pour s'en convaincre. Figurez-vous que si notre Planète était dirigée par des "anges", elle ressemblerait vraiment à un Paradis. Mais ce n'est pas le cas. Ici, c'est l'Enfer... les Démoniaques y règnent. Notre Pays, par ses DIRIGEANTS INDIGNES, n'étant pas le dernier à montrer l'exemple. Nous avons même l'impres-SION qu'ils veulent détrôner les Etats-Unis dans l'Ignominie. Soyons les premiers, que diable !... hissons-nous au Pinacle de la Malfaisance ! Voilà pourquoi, sans doute, nous possédons 58 REACTEURS NUCLEAIRES sur notre Sol, pour en revenir à notre sujet... 58 !
Comme déjà dit... inutile de vous dire que lorsque la Terre va vraiment entrer dans sa Grande Danse Finale, nos chères centrales ne vont pas rester statiques comme les Pyramides d'Egypte... non. C'est une chose que les Malfaisants savent très bien. Tout comme ils n'ignorent point que, s'il y a des séismes dévastateurs ou des inondations dans presque tous les pays, il n'y a point de raison pour que nous soyons épargnés...
La Réalité étant que plusieurs Fukushima nous attendent... voilà pourquoi ON minimise les séismes qui ont lieu près des centrales. Ce n'est pas grave, voyons... nous ne risquons rien... ON minimise... "il s'agit du QUATRIEME et PLUS FAIBLE tremblement de terre ressenti dans la Vienne... la plus forte secousse de 4,1, a été enregistrée en JUILLET 2010, au sud de Poitiers... en comptabilisant les six départements imitrophes de la Vienne, SEULES 15 secousses ont été enregistrées depuis 1996." SEULES QUINZE SECOUSSES, pourquoi s'affoler ? Y'a pas mort d'homme, n'est-ce pas ? Une broutille ou bagatelle, en quelque sorte...
Seulement... lorsque l'on connaît le réel fonctionnement de la Terre qui "accouche régulièrement d'un nouveau monde", c'est-à-dire qu'elle SE RECONFIGURE "pour prendre un nouveau visage" afin de se nettoyer des Impuretés qui la souillent et, ainsi, se REGENERER ... lorsque l'on a Conscience des mécanismes qui se mettent en place et du Processus DESTRUCTEUR que cela entraîne... il est difficile de gober les mensonges des vendeurs de Nucléaires. Il faut, pour cela, se projeter dans le temps... et imaginer ce qu'entraînera LA DEVASTATION lorsque la Radioactivité se répandra sur toute la surface terrestre.
Peut-on penser que les "trafiqueurs de l'Atome", âmes damnées des Forces Obscures au service d'une SCIENCE SANS CONSCIENCE, n'ont pas perçu le Danger de leur Création ? Bien sûr que si... il n'y a qu'à voir la tête d'Oppenheimer le jour où la première bombe explosa pour comprendre qu'il n'est rien d'autre qu'une âme tourmentée parce qu'il sait très bien à quoi il a participé... et je repose encore la video qui l'accable lors de son fameux discours... car il ressemble davantage à un Mort qu'à un Vivant..
La Conscience... l'Âme... sont des concepts étrangers aux scientifiques matérialistes, payés pour IGNORER LES EFFETS DE LEURS INVENTIONS. Devant les sommes faramineuses qui leur sont offertes, ils balaient d'un revers de main toutes les objections que pourrait leur suggérer "la petite voix" qui parle à chacun de nous lorsque nous sommes sur le point de MAL AGIR.
 "Si l’on soustrait à l’homme sa connaissance donc sa science il nous reste une conscience, essence même de l’âme de chaque individu. Une conscience qui devrait permettre au génie créatif de peser le pour et le contre de ses découvertes. Mais le fait-il toujours bien ? N’aborde-t-il parfois pas les choses sous l’aspect seul de la science. Ne néglige-t-il pas encore de consulter ce qui fait de lui un être responsable ?" (Rabelais) 
Science sans Conscience n'est que ruine de l'âme... disait le Grand Homme... voilà pourquoi nous insistons lourdement, sur ce blog, sur l'importance des pensées, des paroles et des actes. Parce tout s'inscrit sur votre Conscience... TOUT, ABSOLUMENT TOUT... dans ce domaine, l'Enseignement du Maître étant HAUTEMENT SIGNIFICATIF, parce qu'IL savait que LA CONSCIENCE FAIT TOUT... y compris votre FUTUR CORPS... donc, je vous laisse imaginer à quoi pourrait ressembler Oppenheimer et ses suivants s'ils reviennent un jour dans ce monde.
Parce que nous sommes RESPONSABLES, non seulement de nos ACTES, mais également des EFFETS QU'ILS PRODUISENT SUR LES AUTRES... or, qu'ont produit les bombes jetées sur Hiroshima et Nagasaki ?
Lorsqu'Oppenheimer, en poussant son dernier souffle, se sera retrouvé seul face à sa Conscience... il aura sûrement été très étonné, comme le sont tous ceux qui se croient très forts ici-bas et n'en finissent pas de se vautrer dans la Violence, pensant, comme le dit si justement Job : Mais qui me verra ? Qui me jugera ? Notre pauvre Inconscient se sera donc retrouvé face à son propre Jugement... il aura vu le déroulement de sa vie... le résultat de ses actions... et il aura vu également le défilement des innombrables victimes à qui il a porté ATTEINTE. Non seulement les morts... non seulement les blessés... non seulement les proches de tous ces malheureux qui ont souffert à cause de lui... mais également, loin dans le Futur, il aura vu le film des conséquences de sa Maudite Création. Les répercussions sur toute l'Humanité et la Planète entière, et ceci... pour des centaines de milliers d'années... 
Vous voyez ce qu'une seule décision, dans nos choix, peut engendrer et la lourde Responsabilité que nous portons si nous avons pris la Route sombre des Malfaisants. Cependant, il est bien évident que plus vous jouez un rôle important dans ce monde et davantage vous serez tenus pour responsables de vos décisions et de leurs conséquences.Je vous avais posé ICI un extrait d'un texte de Georges Barbarin sur la Destinée des Princes... qui est assez explicite sur le sujet.

Revenons à la Centrale de Civaux... je vais donc finir par un autre article, d'un media de la région concernée, qui nous en dit un peu plus long sur ce séisme que la "propagande étatisée" nous présente comme insignifiant...
 Déjà... ce tremblement de terre a été ressenti sur QUATRE communes, et non une seule. Lhommaizé, Valdivienne, Lussac-les-Châteaux et Civaux. J'ai fait une petite recherche pour voir la distance entre ces villages et celui où il y a la centrale. Je pose les chiffres en arrondissant... avec les liens adequats...
Lhommaizé-Civaux : 6,6 km
Valvidienne-Civaux : Presque 9 km
Lussac-les-Châteaux-Civaux : 6,7 km
Nous voyons que ce séisme a été ressenti dans un petit périmètre allant de 6 à 9 km, autour de Civaux. Mais ce qui nous interpelle, cest que des témoins ont entendu un "bruit comparable à une déflagration". Bruit dont il n'est pas question dans l'article cité plus haut. Certains ont cru à un incident nucléaire dans la centrale de Civaux. Je pose la video des témoignages ici, si vous ne pouvez la voir,  allez sur le site...
Avouez que ce séisme "insignifiant" a fait du bruit... je cite quelques témoins... le second qui apparaît sur la video : "On a entendu comme un GROS ROULEMENT, et puis tout à coup comme une GROSSE EXPLOSION... les volets les portes, ça a tout vibré..." notez qu'il parle de la centrale...
La troisième intervenante :  "J'ai entendu un BRUIT ASSEZ IMPORTANT... j'ai entendu bouger... oui, très très fort..."
4ème témoignage du couple : "Une GROSSE DEFLAGRATION... avec un peu de bruit et beaucoup de vibrations... ON PENSAIT QUE C'ETAIT LA CENTRALE..."
Cinquième témoin : "Une SECOUSSE DANS L'AIR, déjà... et des VIBRATIONS AU NIVEAU DE LA MAISON, des CHARPENTES... c'a été TRES COURT MAIS TRES FORT..." Ce dernier témoignage est assez inaubible à cause du bruit...
Bref... de tout ceci il retourne qu'il y a eu un gros roulement... une grosse explosion... un bruit assez important... une grosse déflagration... beaucoup de vibrations... une secousse dans l'air... des vibrations... mais d'où venait cette EXPLOSION ? Du sous-sol ? De l'atmosphère ? D'où, précisément ? Je tiens aussi à signaler que là, les pompiers n'ont pas reçu 2 appels, mais une VINGTAINE...
Comme vous pouvez le constater, nulle réponse ne nous est donnée. On nous dit que "ça reste dans la normalité." Parce que«le secteur touché se trouve sur la zone sismotectonique ligérienne. Les techniciens la présentent comme une « zone surfacique » qui englobe « un ensemble de failles potentiellement sismogènes». Elle se caractérise par une « fréquence notable des séismes historiques».
Or, quand on sait, encore, que le magma est en train de remonter vers le manteau terrestre, sur toute la planète, il est évident que "l'ensemble de failles potentiellement sismogènes" ne vont pas rester statiques. Elles vont bouger de plus en plus... d'autant qu'à vol d'oiseaux, nous ne sommes pas loin de la région Auvergne... avec tous ses volcans que l'on nous dit "éteints"... ce qui est faux...
Sans vouloir être alarmiste... mais en gardant, au contraire, le cap vers le Futur... et vu tout ce qu'il se passe dans le monde, nous devons nous attendre à ce que notre Chère France tressaute, elle aussi... et ses centrales avec... d'où l'importance d'être prévoyants... et d'essayer de s'éloigner de ces lieux nucléarisés. Si c'est possible...
Léger tremblement de terre proche d'une centrale nucléaire dans la Vienne
Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 3,1, dont l'épicentre se situe à proximité de la centrale nucléaire de Civaux (Vienne), a été ressenti lundi soir sans faire de dégâts.
L'épicentre se situe à proximité de la centrale nucléaire de Civaux, dans la Vienne. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 3,1, a été ressenti lundi soir, ont annoncé mardi le Bureau sismologique français et la direction du site. Il n'y a cependant pas eu de dégâts. Les pompiers ont indiqué mardi n'avoir reçu "que deux appels" après la secousse survenue à 22h50, et selon le protocole, s'être rapprochés des services de la centrale nucléaire.
Le tremblement de terre "n'a eu aucun impact, aucune incidence", a indiqué la direction de la centrale, "les deux réacteurs ont continué à fonctionner normalement". Aucune alarme ne s'est déclenchée après la secousse, mais les personnels dans le centre de commandement ayant ressenti la secousse ont, par sécurité, envoyé des techniciens effectuer des rondes de contrôle, a-t-on précisé de même source.
Selon les données du Bureau central sismologique français de Strasbourg, il s'agit du quatrième et plus faible tremblement de terre ressenti dans la Vienne. La plus forte secousse, de 4,1 sur l'échelle de Richter, avait été enregistrée en juillet 2010 au sud de Poitiers. En comptabilisant les six départements limitrophes de la Vienne, seules 15 secousses ont été enregistrées depuis 1996, début du recensement de l'ensemble des séismesde faible magnitude sur le territoire français.
Sources TF1
Séisme à Lhommaizé : les habitants témoignent
10/09/2013 - Les habitants du secteur de Lhommaizé, dans la Vienne, ont eu peur hier soir après avoir ressenti une secousse. Il s'agit d'un tremblement de terre de 3,1 sur l'échelle de Richter.
Un tremblement de terre de 3,1 sur l'échelle de Richter s'est produit hier, vers 22 h 50, dans la vallée de la Vienne. Il a été ressenti à Lhommaizé, Valdivienne et jusque Civaux et Lussac-les-Châteaux.
Les habitants ont entendu un bruit comparable à une déflagration. Certains ont cru à un incident nucléaire dans la centrale de Civaux toute proche.
Aucun dégât à déplorer
A peine ressentie, la secousse a d'ailleurs donné lieu à une ronde de surveillance sur le site de la centrale. « Elle n’a rien décelé d’anormal », indique Emmanuel Pedrono du service communication. « Il existe des automatismes qui mettent en sécurité des équipements et qui peuvent aller jusqu’à déclencher l’arrêt du réacteur. Le séisme de lundi soir n’était pas de ceux-là ! »
Les pompiers ont reçu une vingtaine d'appels. Aucun dégât n'est à déplorer.
Selon les différents sites de sismologie, l'épicentre se situerait à Lhommaizé ou Valdivienne. Selon RéNaSS, il est placé sur la commune de Lhommaizé, au lieu-dit le Trait Gaucher. France Séisme le décale sur Morthemer, commune de Valdivienne.
Posté par Adriana Evangelizt
Published by Adriana Evangelizt
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11 septembre 2013
Ah Hollande aime la Révolution chez les autres... eh bien... il va bientôt avoir la sienne... la même qu'en Syrie !
Philippe Bouvard écrit à Hollande et ne mâche pas ses mots ! Un VRAI PLAISIR...
Avec Hollande, c'est facile maintenant pour le décodage. lorsqu'il dit :
"Je suis normal " comprendre dangereux."
Monsieur Hollande, l’élection démocratique a fait de vous un président.

Elle vous a donné des droits, certes, mais pas TOUS les droits.
Elle vous a surtout donné des devoir : garantir et défendre les valeurs fondamentales de notre nation.
En aucun cas, elle fait de vous un dictateur, menteur et manipulateur de surcroît.

Alors, de quel droit ?

De quel droit faites-vous disparaître les couleurs de notre drapeau du site de l’Elysée ?
L’Elysée ne vous appartient pas, Monsieur Hollande. Il appartient aux Français qui vous l’ont prêté pour la durée de votre mandat.

Rendez-nous nos couleurs !

De quel droit faites-vous disparaître les archives de l’Elysée ?
La mémoire de la France ne vous appartient pas, Monsieur Hollande. Elle appartient aux Français qui vous l’ont confiée pour la durée de votre mandat.

Faire croire que l’Histoire de France commence le 6 Mai 2012 et qu’avant, c’était le néant est une trahison de haut niveau.
Rendez-nous notre Histoire !
De quel droit détournez-vous notre argent pour promouvoir sur le site de l’Elysée une personne dont vous avez scellé vous-même le sort et le statut, c’est-à-dire « RIEN DU TOUT, et d’affecter à ce « fantôme de la République » un service et des employés à nos frais ? Le budget de l’Elysée ne vous appartient pas, Monsieur Hollande. Il vous a été concédé par les Français pour régler les dépenses afférentes à vos fonctions pour la durée de votre mandat.

Rendez-nous notre argent !

De quel droit osez-vous influencer la Justice en interférant dans une affaire personnelle, vous qui promettiez une « République Irréprochable »
(engagement 53 : je garantirai l’indépendance de la Justice). La Justice ne vous appartient pas, Monsieur Hollande. Elle appartient aux Français qui ne vous permettront pas de la bafouer.

Rendez-nous notre Justice !

De quel droit abusez-vous des pouvoirs qui vous sont conférés en plaçant vos amis à la tête de toutes les institutions, en recevant en cachette le chef du PS, en faisant de la République l’antichambre du Parti Socialiste ? (engagement 48 : j’augmenterai les pouvoirs du Parlement, notamment sur les nominations aux plus hauts postes de l’Etat afin de les rendre irréprochables) et (engagement 51 : la désignation des responsables des chaînes publiques de télévision et de radio dépendra d’une autorité indépendante et non plus du chef de l’Etat).

Rendez-nous notre indépendance, MENTEUR !

De quel droit privilégiez-vous une communauté religieuse et ignorez ostentatoirement les autres, vous qui prônez la laïcité (engagement 46 : je proposerai d’inscrire la laïcité dans la Constitution). Vous qui prétendez être le Président de tous les Français (Je veux rassembler toute la France). La religion ne vous appartient pas, Monsieur Hollande. Elle appartient aux Français qui ne vous permettront pas de l’instrumentaliser à des fins électorales.

Honorez nos fêtes chrétiennes !

De quel droit un de vos ministres impose-t-il aux établissements privés le principe de neutralité en empêchant les débats sur le mariage homosexuel alors qu’une autre en assure la promotion dans les écoles, aux côtés d’un membre de l’Inter-LGBT ?

Rendez-nous nos écoles, Monsieur Hollande !

De quel droit supprimez-vous du Code Civil, du Code de la Famille et d’une douzaine d’autres Codes des termes qui sont le fondement même de notre société ?

De quel droit détruisez-vous les valeurs de la famille ? Libre à vous et Ségolène de demander à vos enfants de vous appeler parent 1 et 2, de bafouer les valeurs de votre propre famille. L’héritage de notre modèle de société ne vous appartient pas, PARENT Hollande. Il appartient aux Français qui ne sont pas dupes de tous les mensonges proférés publiquement par la double condamnée à qui vous avez confié la Justice de notre pays.

Rendez-nous nos Papas et nos Mamans. Rendez-nous notre famille !

« Cela fait des semaines que vous voulez faire croire aux Français que les mots de Père et de Mère vont disparaître du Code Civil, mais ces mots demeurent dans le Titre 7 du Code Civil relatif à la filiation et dans le chapitre 8 » avait répliqué la ministre de la Justice Christiane Taubira. «Mais il serait bien misérable de notre part d’ouvrir le mariage sans en tirer les conséquences dans le Code Civil. Nous ne toucherons pas à ces mots quand cela ne sera pas nécessaire », avait-elle assuré.

De quel droit recevez-vous une association représentant une minorité au premier claquement de doigts et menaces, et refusez cette rencontre aux élus de notre République ? Les élus ne vous appartiennent pas, Monsieur Hollande.

Ils appartiennent aux Français qu’ils représentent. Respectez nos parlementaires !

De quel droit vos ministres, surtout le 1er d’entre eux, insultent-ils les chefs d’entreprises qui réussissent, les Français qui quittent le pays par votre faute, avec à leur actif des dizaines de créations d’emploi, des années de loyauté et une renommée internationale ?
Qu’avez-vous à votre actif, Monsieur Hollande, sinon un poste en or à la Cour des Comptes pour un rendement nul (c’est vous qui l’avouez), un département des plus endettés, un parti que vous avez réussi à anéantir, une fausse déclaration de patrimoine et aucune expérience du pouvoir ?

Rendez-nous la valeur du travail !

De quel droit mettez-vous en danger l’économie de notre pays en refusant d’écouter tous les indicateurs de votre mauvaise gestion ? (rapport cinglant de la Cour des Comptes, rapport Gallois, mises en garde de la Commission Européenne et j’en passe). Quand tous, unanimement, réclament d’urgence une baisse drastique des dépenses publiques et la réduction du coût du travail, vous faites exactement le contraire ; vous dépensez comme un fou et matraquez les Français de taxes en plombant la compétitivité.

Rendez-nous notre économie !

De quel droit profitez-vous de notre armée pour redorer votre image désastreuse?

De quel droit insultez-vous les Français en déclarant au Mali que c’était le plus beau moment de votre vie politique ?

De quel droit Faites-vous le paon lorsque le vice-président des US honore nos soldats ?

C’est un scandale, Monsieur Hollande ! Honte à vous !

Les Français ne sont pas derrière votre petite et mesquine personne. Ils sont derrière leur armée, et soutiennent leurs soldats lorsque le pays est en guerre.
Il leur appartiendra de vous demander des comptes lorsque nos enfants qui se battent pour la liberté seront hors de danger, pas avant.

Rendez-nous notre armée !
De quel droit voulez-vous accorder un droit de vote aux étrangers, sans exiger une réciprocité de la part des autres pays ? Le droit de vote est un acte citoyen, Monsieur Hollande. Il ne vous appartient pas. Les étrangers travaillant dans notre pays souhaitent l’exercer ? Que n’ont-ils demandé la citoyenneté française ?

Rendez-nous notre identité nationale !

De quel droit votre Gouvernement refuse-t-il la liberté de vote aux députés socialistes ?

De quel droit empêche-t-il la volonté du peuple de s’exprimer ?

De quel droit tord-il le bras aux parlementaires en refusant les débats de fond, en court-circuitant les procédures législatives, en confisquant la démocratie, en refusant toutes les propositions telles que le référendum, l’union civile, le renforcement du pacs ?
Les députés ne vous appartiennent pas, Monsieur Hollande. Ils appartiennent aux Français qui les ont élus pour défendre leurs choix et qui sauront s’en souvenir lors des prochaines élections.

Rendez-nous nos voix !

Rendez-nous notre démocratie !

Monsieur Hollande, vous avez volé nos Couleurs, notre Histoire, notre économie, notre Justice, nos valeurs, notre démocratie, notre armée, notre identité.


Philippe Bouvard
Publié par :vilistia.info

Vu sur twitter@tambour2003
Posté par Adriana Evangelizt
8 septembre 2013
Il y en a qui disent qui si nous en sommes où nous en sommes, c'est notre faute à nous. Je ne suis pas d'accord avec cette vision des choses car nous voyons bien que ceux qui prennent le Pouvoir se contrefichent de l'avis des citoyens. Comme déjà dit, ils font ce qu'ils veulent une fois qu'ils sont assis sur le "trône". Que nous votions ou non, cela ne sert à rien. Nous l'avons vu avec Sarkozy et le Traité Européen... et là, nous le voyons avec le Pinocchio qui nous sert de président. Car bien que 64 % des Français soient opposés à une intervention en Syrie, le "droit dans ses bottes"refuse de tenir compte des sondages et donc, de notre opinion. Alors que faire, dans ces conditions ? Que faire lorsque les "élus" ne le sont que pour faire l'exact contraire de ce qui leur est demandé par le Peuple ?
Il reste campé sur ses décisions sans tenir compte de notre avis. Le même scénario se joue dans presque tous les pays. Ce qui entraîne Frustration, Colère, Ressentiment... pour d'autres, de la Haine. S'il attaque la Syrie, il paiera très cher son entêtement. Avant même les élections présidentielles...
Comment François Hollande a réussi à susciter autant d’irritation chez les Français que Nicolas Sarkozy
par Maxime Tandonnet
Selon le dernier sondage TNS Sofres pour Le Figaro magazine, la cote de confiance de François Hollande après 16 mois à la présidence atteint un niveau historiquement bas. Et pour cause, le président pourtant dit "normal" s'avère être en décalage avec la sensibilité profonde de la nation.
Le dernier sondage TNS Sofres pour Le Figaro magazine de septembre 2013 montre une stabilisation de la cote de confiance du président de la République au niveau le plus bas de l’histoire après 16 mois à la tête du pays : 27%. A la même époque, Nicolas Sarkozy était à 34%, Jacques Chirac (premier mandat) à 40% et François Mitterrand (premier mandat), 54%.
Pire : seuls 3% des sondés font "tout à fait confiance au chef de l’Etat".Le désaveu, pour atteindre un tel niveau, porte probablement sur la personne du président, au-delà de sa politique. La situation catastrophique de l’emploi – 3,3 millions de chômeurs–  ne saurait expliquer à elle seule une telle défiance de l’opinion. Cette impopularité paraît d’autant plus profonde que le chef de l’Etat bénéficie, par rapport à son prédécesseur, constamment caricaturé et dénigré ("président des riches", "bling-bling", "voyou", etc.) d’un traitement plutôt favorable de la presse et des médias, même s’il n’est pas lui non plus épargné par les critiques. Raymond Poincaré, chef de l’Etat de 1913 à 1920, écrit dans son journal – Au service de la France – à la veille de la grande Guerre, "nous n’avons pas senti les mouvements de l’âme du peuple français". L’actuel occupant de l’Elysée semble, depuis le début de son mandat, en décalage avec la sensibilité profonde la nation.
- Contrairement à la classe dirigeante, le peuple français est assoiffé d’unité et de concorde. Le choix de l’anti-sarkozisme comme ligne de conduite et fondement d’une politique à l’issue du scrutin présidentiel, alors qu’il fallait au contraire en appeler à la réconciliation, a eu un effet négatif dans l’opinion en accentuant la coupure idéologique et politique du pays.
- L’évolution du chef de l’Etat reproduisant "l’hyper présidence" de Nicolas Sarkozy après l’avoir tant fustigée – pas un jour où il ne s’exprime, n’apparaisse à l’écran –  a encore amplifié le malaise.
- La psychologie d’un peuple est complexe. En surface, en apparence, il est attaché à la facilité, à la conservation des droits acquis. Mais au fond, il a conscience de l’intérêt du pays, sait gré à ses dirigeants de réformes difficiles, nécessaires, n’est jamais dupe des politiques (ou non-politiques) destinées à l’amadouer, à l’image de celles qui sont mises en œuvre, par exemple sur les retraites .
- Les Français ont le sentiment d’un pouvoir qui ne joue pas franc-jeu avec eux,  ne les regarde jamais dans les yeux, ne leur parle pas en adulte. Quand le gouvernement, avec un taux de chômage record de 10,5% de la population active "se félicite (sic)" d’une dégradation moins forte que prévue, ils se demandent si ces paroles procèdent du dédain ou d’une fuite devant la réalité et leur amertume rejaillit sur l’image du président.
- La personnalité de ce dernier échappe toujours au peuple français. Il ne la sent pas. Qu’est-ce qui l’emporte chez lui de l’apparence joviale et consensuelle ou du caractère solitaire ? Longtemps accusé d’être indécis, il apparaît comme plutôt rigide dans ses positions et peu porté aux remises en question. Qui est-il au fond ? Les foucades surmédiatisées de Nicolas Sarkozy irritaient peut-être les Français mais ces derniers se voient plus encore désarçonnés par le flou actuel.

Quand l’image personnelle d’un dirigeant est ainsi atteinte dans les profondeurs, redresser la barre est sans doute difficile, sinon impossible, sauf séisme politique comme une cohabitation, à la suite d’une dissolution, qui le verrait changer totalement de rôle et d’habit. La situation est d’autant plus compromise que nous ne sentons pas les hommes et femmes au sommet de l’Etat suffisamment lucides et humbles pour ressentir, même partiellement, ce qui vient d’être exprimé dans ce billet et en tirer les conséquences. Nous aurions enfin bien tort de nous réjouir de cette situation parce que les déboires du président de la République sont aussi les malheurs et le déclin de la France.
Posté par Adriana Evangelizt
8 septembre 2013
Les criminels de guerre de Washington sont en train de peaufiner leur mise en scène qui ne sera qu'un remake du scénario Libyen, Irakien et Afghan...n'en doutons point, vu les dernières informations qui nous parviennent.
Nous avons entendu dire qu'il ne s'agirait qu'un d'un petit "blitzkrieg" de deux ou trois jours pour "punir" Assad de s'être servi d'armes chimiques qu'il n'a JAMAIS utilisé, dans les faits. Mais voilà que de 48 h, nous passons à QUATRE-VINGT-DIX JOURS ! C'est-à-dire TROIS MOIS de pilonnage intensif. Voyez la video...
 La Duperie et l'Arrogance de la Clique Infernale continuent... ces diaboliques ont bien l'intention de faire avec Assad ce qu'ils ont fait à Kadhafi et à Saddam Hussein. Ils ne cachent même plus leurs intentions et leurs menaces sont à peine voilées, y compris pour tous les pays du monde.Regardez ci-dessous la morgue de cette blondasse et la façon dont elle présente le programme... alors qu'ils sont en train d'évacuer l'ambassade de Beyrouth. Signe que le Liban va aussi avoir droit au coup de semonce. J'ai retranscrit ses propos et surlignés ce qui est hautement significatif.
"De toute évidence, la tension dans la région, notamment en Syrie, joue un rôle. Je pense que ce serait évident pour la plupart des gens et serait stupide de penser autrement. Donc, clairement, cela joue un rôle. Il y a d'autres tensions régionales. Nous allons continuer à évaluer pays par pays avant de décider si nous devons prendre des mesures supplémentaires. Ce que Assad va ressentir quant à notre réponse ne sera pas un coup d'épingle. Il le saura quand cela va se passer, ce sera plus fort que certaines personnes disent et si l'Amérique parle d'une seule voix, en prenant ces mesures, elle aura beaucoup plus de crédibilité dans le monde entier, non seulement face à la Syrie, et pas seulement en Iran, mais aussi auprès de nos partenaires internationaux."
Si ces propos ne sont pas des menaces envers tout le monde, qu'est-ce que c'est ? Notons qu'elle précise bien pour Assad que cela ne sera pas un coup d'épingle, mais plus fort que certaines personne le pensent... ce qui promet une belle ruine, une fois de plus. Et la morgue lorsqu'elle prévient qu'en prenant ces mesures, l'Amérique aura beaucoup plus de crédibilité dans le monde entier, pas seulement face à la Syrie, pas seulement face à l'Iran, mais AUSSI auprès de nos partenaires internationaux. Israël est-il compris dans le lot ?
Nous sentons dans ces propos, comme un compte à régler et un avertissement. Une forte envie d'en découdre. Au sens large, avec tout le monde.
Et tout ceci nous fait penser que,  malheureusement, le sort de la Syrie est déjà joué, depuis fort longtemps... que tout a été soigneusement mis en place dès le départ, par les Frères Musulmans, principaux opposantsà Bashar Al Assad.  Ils ont été les déclencheurs de la fameuse "rébellion" en Syrie, et la fameuse Organisation des Droits de l'Homme Syriens, d'où émanent toutes les infos dont se servent abondamment les dirigeants français ainsi que les medias prostitués, n'est qu'un faux nez de la Confrérie. Ils veulent faire dans ce pays, ce qu'ils ont fait en Tunisie... ils sont les principaux responsables du bain de sang en Syrie... et qui les sponsorise ? Les Etats-Unis, le Sionisme et le Qatar, nous dit-on... et pourtant... pourtant... on ne cesse de nous rebattre les oreilles que les Frères veulent "la destruction d'Israël"... ceci serait leur principale "obsession". Comme nous l'avons dit ailleurs, ceci est assez paradoxal... car Obama les soutient, c'est indéniable. On l'a vu pour l'Egypte. Alors que d'un autre côté, il nous serine avec la "sécurité d'Israël". La sécurité d'Israël en l'encerclant d'états islamistes ? C'est très étrange... Mais alors... quel est le BUT poursuivi ?
Il est temps de se poser la question, au vu de l'acharnement d'Obama -et du caniche Hollande qui, lui, n'y voit goutte- à vouloir frapper la Syrie. En sachant que divers acteurs ne resteront pas les bras croisés tandis que les bombes pleuvront sur tout le territoire Syrien. L'Armageddon dont il est question in the Apocalypse serait-il également programmé ?
Nous sommes tombés sur un petit texte en pdf intitulé Un Armageddon se prépare contre Israël... pour bien le lire, il faut grossir le texte en cliquant sur le +. En sachant que le régime de Netanyahou participe activement à l'armement des terroristes salafistes, tout obnubilé qu'il est à vouloir se débarrasser d'Assad pour nettoyer le terrain, afin de bombarder l'Iran... ce à quoi ne tiennent ni les Américains ni les Russes...
Vous montrez la Lune à l'imbécile, mais il regarde votre doigt... c'est tout à fait le cas...
Franchement... nous trouvons le comportement d'Obama et son acharnement sur Assad très anormaux. D'autant qu'il sait très bien que les preuves d'utilisation d'armes chimiques sont fausses... mais il insiste lourdement. Il ne peut pas ignorer non plus que sa provocation va entraîner un feu d'enfer dans la région, et au-delà... et pourtant, malgré tout, il continue sa propagande pour entraîner un maximum de pays dans son aventure guerrière... ceci nous fait penser à certains versets de l'Apocalypse, où il est écrit :
Et il (Satan) sortira pour séduire les nations qui sont au quatre coins de la terre, Gog et Magog, afin de les rassembler pour la guerre...
(Apocalypse 20:8)
Avouez que ce verset correspond assez à ce que nous voyons actuellement avec Obama. Il essaie de séduire un maximum de chefs d'états afin de les rassembler pour la guerre. Le seul foutriquet à s'y être vraiment laissé prendre est Hollande. Après ce verset, il est question de l'encerclement de la ville de Jérusalem. Ce qui peut correspondre à la bataille finale pour la fameuse ville dite sainte dont DEUX CLANS veulent s'appoprier. Mais au final, elle n'ira à personne...
Il nous semble que nous sommes juste sur le seuil d'une porte qui va s'ouvrir sur tous les désastres, dont l'Holocauste Nucléaire. Le fameux Armageddon. Puissions-nous nous tromper...
Adriana Evangelizt
6 septembre 2013
Alors... je vais faire ici mon "mea culpa"... parce que, quoiqu'en disent "certains"... je n'ai nullement honte de reconnaître mes erreurs... et Dieu sait que j'en ai fait avant de prendre la Voie de la Sagesse. Mon "mea culpa", en effet, car j'avais écrit qu'Hollande possédait des qualités de coeur que n'avait pas Sarkozy... et je finissais en disant : "En tout cas, même si ce n'est pas la panacée, moi je suis contente que François Hollande ait pu éjecter Sarkozy. Je pense que c'est Salutaire pour la France... l'Avenir nous dira le reste..."... Et l'Avenir justement... nous semble bien funeste. Si l'aura du Pierrot lunaire était plus claire que celle de Sarkozy, au départ... malheureusement pour lui, elle vire de plus en plus au rouge brunâtre, dépassant en cela son prédécesseur, comme si... finalement, il n'avait qu'un seul but : lui ressembler... en pire...
Pour vous parler franchement, nous sommes dans la consternation totale... et nous sommes très nombreux. Mais sans doute que le nombre des mécontents ne va cesser de grandir. Parce qu'il y a des limites à prendre les Français pour des imbéciles. Des limites qu'il a largement franchies avec son comportement de dictateur. Parce qu'il ne faut pas quand même oublier que 64 % des Français sont contre une intervention en Syrie. Mais, voyez-vous, Hollande n'en a que foutre ! Excusez-moi l'expression. Il est dans la même ligne que Sarkozy avec le Non à la Constitution Européenne.
C'est un fait avéré que la situation du Peuple Souverain de la France s'est largement dégradée avec les deux derniers présidents, pour qui nous avons toujours compté et comptons aujourd'hui encore pour des prunes. Ce que nous pensons ou voulons est le cadet de leurs soucis. Ils n'en font qu'à leur tête, notre seule utilité étant celle de BANQUER pour satisfaire leur vie seigneuriale et leurs agendas guerriers.
Nous tenons à signaler à Hollande et à ses suivants que nous ne le suivrons pas sur son projet de dévastation de la Syrie et que certains commencent même à se mobiliser pour rejoindre les Syriens afin de servir de bouclier humain. Tes bombes pourront tomber sur nous, Hollande, sans problème ! Envoie-les ! Mais sache que tes crimes seront inscrits sur ton Âme vendue au Diable qui te guide... voyez la video et les mains rouges de sang derrière Kerry, le retouché au Botox comme il est dit dans l'article ICI...
Ils sont tellement laids qu'ils sont obligés de se faire refaire la façade. Voyez le pif de Kerry, on dirait qu'il sort d'un match de boxe... et voyez la face de Hollande qui ne peut pas cacher ce qu'il est : un Halluciné !
hollande photo
Avec des personnages de ce gabarit, les Peuples sont bien servis. Mais les Peuples ont également le Droit de refuser l'Intolérable. Comme nos parents et nos grands-parents ont choisi de prendre le maquis ou d'entrer en Résistance contre Pétain et contre les nazis. A partir du moment où les individus qui nous gouvernent ne correspondent plus à nos Idéaux... à nos Convictions... et que leurs décisions vont à l'encontre de notre Conscience, il est de notre Devoir, non seulement de le leur faire savoir, mais également de lutter de toutes nos forces contre ce qu'ils représentent.
Voilà pourquoi, en soutien au Peuple Syrien qui subit des atrocités sans nombre par les ignobles terroristes que Hollande nous présente comme des "rebelles" et soutient, nous prévenons qu'un mouvement de bouclier humain est en train de se mettre en place avec des participants du monde entier. Puisqu'en France, on sait qu'il y a des islamistes et que ce régime les laisse partir en Syrie pour assassiner des Syriens, pourquoi n'y aurait-il pas des Français qui iraient soutenir leur Frères et Soeurs de Syrie dans le malheur ? Rien ne nous en empêche. D'autant que nous venons d'apprendre la dévastation d'un village chrétien par ces saletés. Je poserai la video en suivant... mais vous pouvez déjà voir ICI comment sont traités les Chrétiens et toutes les minorités par cette vermine. Je vous avertis, les images sont très difficiles... tués, torturés, émasculés (castrés) par ces immondices qu'Hollande cautionne. Nous aussi, nous avons des preuves, et elles sont meilleures que celle de ce régime sur les armes chimiques attribuées à Assad, preuves "fabriquées" par les services de renseignement de tout bord. Quand on sait que c'est le Mossad qui les a fournies, tout s'éclaire... mais nous, nous ne voulons pas de ces preuves-là, nous préférons les nôtres. Nous possédons PLUS DE VINGT VIDEOS prouvant qu'elles ont été posté la veille (le 20) du "fameux tir à l'arme chimique" qui aurait eu lieu le 21. Nous possédons la preuve que toutes les scènes filmées l'ont été par la crapule terroriste et nous possédons même la preuve qu'ils ont eux-mêmes tués ces malheureux enfants en leur faisant inhaler un produit toxique. Et nous allons les mettre en ligne... vous voyez, il y a mieux ici que le Mossad ou la CIA ou la DGSE. Les services secrets ne servent à rien d'autre qu'à nuire, c'est reconnu.
Hollande ne nous entraînera pas dans un crime de guerre pour soutenir des assassins qui, au final, ont comme seule ambition d'éradiquer les Occidentaux qui iront combattre en Syrie. Il faut le lire pour le croire... voir ICI...
Lisez attentivement l'article ci-dessous qui montre la manipulation et la fabrication des preuves de Hollande... qui a sans doute dû beaucoup promettre à l'Arabie Saoudite et à d'autres... quitte à TRAHIR LA FRANCE ! Quel dégoût !
La France rend public un bref rapport sur la guerre en Syrie, fondé sur des mensonges
par Alex Lantier
Les services secrets français ont rendu public hier un bref rapport de huit pages sur la guerre en Syrie au moment où le premier ministre PS (Parti socialiste), Jean-Marc Ayrault, exhortait les dirigeants des partis d’opposition de droite français à soutenir la politique belliciste du président François Hollande.
Le bref rapport de Hollande est une compilation de mensonges d’ores et déjà discrédités, de raisonnements fallacieux et d’affirmations infondées. Un examen du rapport montre clairement que les accusations émises par Hollande contre le régime syrien manquent tout autant de preuves que ceux du premier ministre britannique, David Cameron, qui a subi un échec humiliant en tentant d’obtenir la semaine passée l’approbation du parlement pour la guerre en Syrie.
L’affirmation centrale du document est que le président syrien Bachar al-Assad a employé des armes chimiques « notamment du sarin, dans des attaques limitées contre sa propre population, en particulier au mois d'avril 2013. L’analyse des renseignements dont nous disposons aujourd’hui conduit à estimer que, le 21 août 2013, le régime syrien a lancé une attaque sur certains quartiers de la banlieue de Damas tenus par les unités de l’opposition, associant moyens conventionnels et usage massif d’agents chimiques. »
Le premier mensonge selon lequel les forces du régime Assad ont utilisé en avril des armes chimiques dans les villes de Saraqeb et Jobar a déjà été réfuté par l’inspectrice de l’ONU, Carla del Ponte. En mai, elle avait déclaré sur la base d’enquêtes faites par l’ONU sur le terrain en Syrie, que l’opposition soutenue par les Etats-Unis était responsable du recours aux armes chimiques. (Voir : « UN says US-backed opposition, not Syrian regime, used poison gas. » De leur côté, les autorités turques ont constaté que les combattants de l’opposition syrienne en Turquie possédaient des quantités de gaz sarin.
Le rapport français ne mentionne ni ne tente de réfuter ces observations mais dissimule simplement les preuves que les forces liées à al Qaïda qui se trouvent parmi ses propres forces intermédiaires sont responsables des attaques aux armes chimiques, tant en avril qu’en août.
Après avoir consacré quatre pages aux détails concernant la composition et la structure du commandement des forces syriennes disposant d’armes chimiques, ce qui ne prouve en rien qu’Assad ait effectivement utilisé ces armes, le court rapport se penche sur la présumée attaque du 21 août à Ghouta. En citant « 47 vidéos originales » et « d’autres évaluations indépendantes, par exemple effectuées par Médecins sans frontières, » il conclut que les comptes rendus des événements de Ghouta concordaient avec l’attaque chimique syrienne. Le rapport fait état de « renseignements crédibles de plusieurs partenaires » que les armes chimiques faisaient partie d’un plan d’attaque du régime syrien.
Il conclut en précisant, « Aucun groupe appartenant à l’insurrection syrienne ne détient, à ce stade, la capacité de stocker et d’utiliser ces agents, a fortiori dans une proportion similaire à celle employée dans la nuit du 21 août 2013 à Damas. »
Aucune de ces affirmations n’a de crédibilité. Premièrement, le rapport a été publié après que les premiers reportages sont apparus sur des forces d’opposition revendiquant la responsabilité pour des attaques chimiques en août à Damas, reportages que, une fois de plus, le rapport ne mentionne pas (Voir : « Un reportage associe l’attaque au gaz à Ghouta à l’opposition syrienne qui est soutenue par les Etats-Unis»). Le rapport ne fournit pas non plus d’information sur les sources des vidéos ni sur les « partenaires » qui lui ont procuré les renseignements.
Ces « partenaires » pourraient être la CIA, le régime saoudien ou des forces liées à al Qaïda en Syrie – tous ont un intérêt direct à provoquer une guerre avec la Syrie et des antécédents en matière de mensonges concernant des événements majeurs.
Quant à l’organisation Médecins sans frontières, on peut difficilement dire que c'est une source « indépendante ». Elle a une longue tradition de liens avec les services secrets américains – notamment durant les années 1980, lorsqu’elle s’est servie de fonds américains pour aider à promouvoir les mujahedin afghans qui combattaient l’URSS en collaboration avec les précurseurs d’al Qaïda. Son ancien président, Rony Brauman, qui siège encore au conseil de surveillance de l’organisation, a dernièrement consacré une rubrique parue dans Le Monde pour réclamer des frappes aériennes contre la Syrie.
Les comptes rendus relatifs à la réunion des politiciens de droite qui ont rencontré hier Ayrault ont encore souligné le fait que la campagne pour la guerre menée par Paris contre son ancienne colonie est fondée sur des mensonges et des histoires montées de toutes pièces.
Après avoir eu connaissance, lors de sa réunion avec Ayrault, des informations classifiées, l’ancien ministre de droite Jean-Louis Borloo a dit, en décrivant l’argumentation du gouvernement en faveur de la guerre : « Il y a raisonnement mais pas de preuves. » Après avoir reconnu par un euphémisme que le gouvernement Hollande ne disposait de rien pour justifier une guerre, Borloo a cherché à trouver un moyen pour sauver la politique belliqueuse de Hollande en proposant « soit un mandat de l’ONU, soit un débat parlementaire » afin de légitimer une agression impérialiste contre la Syrie.
La campagne belliciste du PS témoigne de la faillite de l’ensemble de l’establishment politique. Non seulement le gouvernement Hollande mais aussi les groupes réactionnaires petit-bourgeois de « gauche » comme le Front de Gauche et le Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste sont impliqués dans des crimes monstrueux. Ces partis avaient soutenu l’élection de Hollande et oeuvrent pour présenter les forces d’opposition syriennes qui collaborent avec la CIA et les services de renseignement français, comme faisant partie intégrante d’une « révolution ». (Voir : « Gilbert Achcar cherche à dissimuler son soutien pour les guerres au Moyen-Orient“).
Ces partis ont soutenu une guerre impérialiste par procuration en Syrie et qui menace actuellement de s'intensifier en une intervention directe franco-américaine et une guerre régionale bien plus vaste. Une telle guerre, comme les guerres en Afghanistan ou en Irak plus tôt, coûterait la vie à des centaines de milliers voire des millions de personnes. La campagne en faveur de la guerre a été menée au mépris d’une vaste opposition de la population. Des sondages ont révélé lundi que 64 pour cent de la population française étaient opposés à la guerre, soit une augmentation de cinq pour cent par rapport à jeudi.
Ayrault a indiqué hier soir que le parlement français ne voterait pas sur la guerre lors de sa séance de mercredi 4 septembre. Il a dit, « c’est au président de décider si un vote… doit avoir lieu… Mercredi, il y aura un débat sans vote. »
Ceci reflète en partie la crainte d’une possible répétition de l’échec retentissant que Cameron a subi au parlement britannique. Il y a aussi la préoccupation de savoir ce qui se passera au congrès américain. La volte-face d’Obama pour rechercher une autorisation du congrès pour la guerre, après le débat parlementaire français prévu, a pris Paris à l’improviste. La France n’a pas la capacité militaire pour attaquer seule la Syrie.
Les commentaires de la presse ont amèrement décrit Hollande comme ayant été « piégé » par Obama, et Le Républicain Lorrain l’a qualifié de « cocu magnifique » dont les projets de guerre ont été éconduits par son partenaire américain.
Mais le gouvernement Hollande est pour le moment en mesure de contourner un vote du parlement en vertu des dispositions antidémocratiques de la constitution française de 1958 qui octroie au président des pouvoirs exceptionnels en matière de politique étrangère. Elle avait été modelée durant la guerre d’Algérie pour Charles de Gaulle qui avait pris le pouvoir dans le contexte d'un putsch de parachutistes et d’agents des services secrets visant à mettre en place un gouvernement engagé à écraser la lutte pour l’indépendance du peuple algérien. Elle stipule que le président français peut lancer une guerre durant quatre mois sans l’autorisation du parlement.
Actuellement, la guerre syrienne témoigne du fossé grandissant et de l’aggravation des tensions sociales entre la classe ouvrière et l’ensemble de l’establishment politique. Cinquante-cinq ans après le putsch de 1958, les services secrets ont modelé un dossier mensonger en vue d'une guerre dans une autre ancienne colonie française, cette fois-ci avec l’aide directe des partis de pseudo-gauche. Ces forces sont unies dans leur soutien à une agression impérialiste à l’étranger et dans leur hostilité à l’égard du sentiment anti-guerre qui existe au sein de la classe ouvrière dans le pays même.
A voir aussi:
[5 juin 2013]
(Article original paru le 3 septembre 2013)
Posté par Adriana Evangelizt
3 septembre 2013
Obama et Kerry, deux menteurs acoquinés qui ont leurs jumeaux en France, Hollande et Fabius. Vous pouvez regarder les preuves des Américains et celles des Français, à peu de chose près, ce sont les mêmes. Et ils pensent qu'ils vont nous convaincre avec leurs simulacres ! C'est vraiment nous prendre pour des imbéciles, comme jamais. Et le comble, c'est qu'ils vont bientôt nous dire que cette guerre ne sera pas coûteuse. La fameuse "pédagogie" de Hollande est en route pour formater les esprits. Souvenez-vous, la deuxième video ICI. Seulement, la Vérité est toute autre. Lire "Une guerre qui ne rapportera rien, mais coûtera beaucoup." Vous verrez que là, ce n'est pas le même son de cloche. C'est comme pour les "preuves". L'auteur nous annonce le menu, je cite un extrait  :
Le prix de la Syrie, une récession mondiale.
Le coût d'une intervention militaire en Syrie ne se chiffre pas en millions d'euros dépensés par jour pour envoyer des avions ou même des troupes au sol (des commandos, pour commencer). Mais en destruction de richesse pour l'économie mondiale en général, occidentale et européenne en particulier. Alors que nos économies sont convalescentes, et loin dans les faits d'être sorties de l'ornière de la crise des subprimes et des dettes souveraines, un conflit en Syrie, additionné à un conflit diplomatique ouvert avec la Russie, risque de replonger nos économies dans une profonde dépression, et relancer la machine à faillite et chômage.
Voilà où Hollande va nous entraîner. Je vous l'ai dit, s'il attaque la Russie, ce sera sa Bérézina. Ainsi que celle de Fabius, et de tout leur gouvernement. Et il n'est pas dit qu'il ne soit pas jugé pour crimes de guerre et Trahison s'il ose attaquer la Syrie, sous de faux prétexte et pour des entités étrangères. Figurez-vous qu'il y a autre chose à faire que des guerres qui ne nous concernent pas. Des centaines de millions vont partir en fumée, c'est le cas de dire... et c'est encore nous qui paieront l'addition. Il peut se préparer à faire ses valises...
Les États-Unis sur le point de lancer une guerre contre la Syrie
en s'appuyant sur des mensonges
Par Bill Van Auken
Le président Barack Obama et le ministre des Affaires étrangères John Kerry ont présenté vendredi leurs arguments pour une guerre contre la Syrie qui consistent en une compilation de mensonges éhontés et d'hypocrisie bornée. Leurs déclarations montrent clairement que Washington est sur le point de lancer une nouvelle guerre unilatérale en violation du droit international, et en opposition directe aux sentiments de tous les peuples du Moyen-Orient et de la population américaine.
Si Obama et Kerry ont indiqué qu'aucune décision n'a encore été prise au sujet de l'action militaire contre la Syrie, c'est parfaitement faux, comme tout ce que dit ce gouvernement. La marine américaine a positionné un cinquième navire de guerre en Méditerranée, pendant que les unités de l'armée de l'air sont renforcées sur la base américaine du Qatar en préparation d'un assaut qui est planifié et imminent. Une des dates envisagées est le 5 septembre, date de la nouvelle lune, une condition qui avait aussi été choisie pour lancer l'offensive « choc et stupeur » contre l'Irak il y a dix ans.
Toute cette opération est préparée au mépris du droit international, des processus démocratiques et de l'opinion publique américaine. Cela a été rendu abondamment clair par la présentation que Kerry a faite depuis le ministère des Affaires étrangères vendredi après-midi.
Obama a suivi peu après avec une déclaration pour la forme faite pendant une séance de photos avec les chefs d'Etats des trois pays baltes. Cette occasion ne fait que souligner le manque de soutien international pour l'agression américaine à venir, en particulier à la suite du vote stupéfiant du Parlement britannique qui a rejeté la participation à une nouvelle guerre.
La déclaration d'Obama visait à assurer à la population américaine que toute attaque américaine contre la Syrie serait un « acte limité, restreint » sans « poser le pied au sol » ni « d'engagement sur une durée indéfinie. » Kerry a fait des promesses similaires, disant que l'intervention en Syrie « ne ressemblera pas à l'Afghanistan, à l'Irak ou même à la Libye. »
Il n'y a aucune raison non plus d'accorder foi à ces affirmations. Le Washington Post de vendredi a publié un article en première page s'appuyant sur des entretiens avec du personnel militaire américain, et qui qualifie cette action de « très dangereuse» et prévient que les États-Unis ne pourraient pas se contenter de ne tirer que quelques missiles de croisière sur Damas avant de s'en aller.
L'ex-chef du US Central Command, le Général James Mattis était cité mettant en garde que : « si les Américains se chargent de ça, ce sera un guerre complète, très, très sérieuse. »
L'article citait également le président du Comité des chefs d'état-major interarmées, le Général Martin Dempsey qui a prévenu le Congrès que « une fois que nous commençons à agir, nous devons être prêts à ce qui va suivre. Une implication plus profonde est difficile à éviter. »
Dans sa déclaration télévisée, Kerry a présenté le gouvernement comme étant «en train de consulter » le Congrès et de discuter de l'action militaire imminente « directement avec le peuple américain. » Avec la majorité du peuple américain opposé à toute intervention militaire et, d'après les derniers sondages, 80 pour cent opposés à une attaque contre la Syrie sans un vote du Congrès pour autoriser une action militaire, de telles affirmations sont non seulement fausses mais insultantes.
Comme preuve de la prétendue franchise du gouvernement Obama à l'égard du public, Kerry a cité la publication d'une « estimation qui n'est pas classée confidentielle » produite par le renseignement américain sur l'attaque à l'arme chimique qui aurait eu lieu le 21 août autour de Damas – le prétexte choisi par Washington pour justifier sa guerre. »
« Je ne vous demande pas de me croire sur parole, » a dit Kerry. « Lisez vous-même, chacun d'entre vous, tous ceux qui écoutent, vous tous, lisez vous-même les preuves qui viennent de milliers de sources. »
Cependant, toute personne qui lirait ce rapport, qui a émergé sur Internet peu après le discours de Kerry, n'y trouvera pas une trace de preuve déterminante. Ce document, qui fait à peine trois pages, comprend une série d'affirmations non prouvées qui s'adaptent à l'objectif politique américain de fabriquer un prétexte pour une intervention directe dans une guerre civile provoquée par les États-Unis et visant à faire tomber le régime syrien de Bashar el-Assad.
Ce sont précisément les « paroles » de Kerry, aussi faux que son visage retouché au Botox, et celles de tous les haut responsables de la CIA que le peuple américain se voit dire de prendre pour argent comptant.
Ce document consiste en une série d'affirmations qui commencent par les mots, « le gouvernement des États-Unis affirme avec une forte conviction» pour ensuite accuser le gouvernement syrien pour l'attaque présumée du 21 août.
Ce document présente des affirmations infondées sur le fait que les précédentes attaques à l'arme chimique auraient été commises par le gouvernement syrien, qui aurait déployé du personnel formé aux armes chimiques avant les attaques, et discuté des attaques après-coup, tout cela sans livrer une seule preuve vérifiable.
Il cite un « corpus de preuves, dont des pratiques syriennes passées» sans les détailler, pour affirmer que le régime d'Assad était « au courant des attaques et les avait ordonnées. »
Il affirme que le lancement de l'attaque par les rebelles soutenus par l'occident, un ramassis de milices fascistes, liées à Al Qaïda, est « hautement improbable. » Et cela en dépit du fait que le régime d'Assad avait tout à perdre à mener ce genre d'attaque, lancée le jour même où les inspecteurs des Nations unies commençaient leur travail à Damas. De l'autre côté, les « rebelles, » confrontés à une série de défaites militaires et cherchant absolument à obtenir une aide militaire directe des États-Unis, y avaient tout à gagner.
Le document poursuit, « Nous affirmons que l'opposition n'a pas utilisé d'armes chimiques, » une déclaration qui est contredite par des éléments d'Al Qaïda qui se sont vantés d'avoir obtenu de telles armes et par les conclusions de Carla del Ponte, de la commission d'enquête de l'ONU en Syrie, qui affirmait en mai dernier que l'essentiel des preuves indiquait que l'usage des armes chimiques était le fait des rebelles.
« Nos sources de renseignement à Damas n'ont détecté aucune indication, durant les jours précédant l'attaque, que les soutiens de l'opposition se préparaient à utiliser des armes chimiques, » affirme ce rapport.
Dans le résumé de ce qu'il établit, ce rapport admet que son « évaluation » n'est pas tout à fait une « confirmation, » tout en promettant, « Nous continueront à rechercher des informations supplémentaires pour remplir les blancs dans notre compréhension de ce qui s'est passé. »
En d'autres termes, Washington lance une guerre en s'appuyant sur des affirmations non confirmées et des spéculations qu'il a arrangées en un prétexte pour une agression militaire. De plus, il n'a aucun intérêt à confirmer ses accusations montées de toutes pièces, rejetant l'enquête sur place en Syrie par les inspecteurs de l'ONU comme étant « sans intérêt», au moment même où ils commençaient à interviewer des soldats syriens qui avaient subi les effets des attaques au gaz lancées par les « rebelles».
Si l'on examine sérieusement le langage de ce rapport, il est clair que c'est un document rédigé par un juriste véreux. Les mots sont choisis avec soin. « Le gouvernement des États-Unis affirme avec une forte conviction » que le régime d'Assad « est responsable de l'attaque» – en d'autres termes, nous n'en sommes pas sûrs.
Il est « hautement improbable » que ce soient les rebelles liés à Al Qaïda qui aient commis cela. Ou bien « il est possible que. » Et les informateurs des services américains « n'ont détecté aucune indication » que les forces de l'opposition soutenues par les États-Unis planifiaient une attaque au gaz. C'est-à-dire que si on continuait à chercher on pourrait trouver ces preuves.
Il ne serait pas possible, sur la base de preuves pareilles, de déclarer quelqu'un coupable d'un banal cambriolage devant un tribunal américain, où l'on exige des preuves au-delà du doute raisonnable. Pourtant le gouvernement des États-Unis propose de se servir de cette justification pour lancer un bombardement sur Damas au cours duquel des milliers de personnes perdront la vie.
Il ne faut pas croire un seul mot de tout cela. Si l'on veut vraiment savoir ce qui s'est passé ce jour-là, il faudrait interroger la CIA, le Mossad et les agents des services secrets du Qatar et d'Arabie saoudite qui arment et dirigent les opérations meurtrières des forces anti-Assad et qui ont joué sans aucun doute le rôle principal dans l'organisation de cette provocation à l'arme chimique pour ouvrir la voie à une action militaire américaine.
Les remarques de Kerry vendredi n'ont fait que souligner que pour être ministre américain des Affaires étrangères, une qualité essentielle est d'être un menteur et un faussaire accomplis. Avec ses manières aristocratiques, Kerry fait vraiment penser à Joachim Von Ribbentrop, le ministre des Affaires étrangères de Hitler, et le contenu objectif de son discours consiste en une arrogance et une criminalité affichées sur toute la planète, dépassant celles du régime nazi allemand.
On peut se dispenser de toute la rhétorique de Kerry sur « l'horreur inconcevable des armes chimiques qui frappent leurs victimes sans discrimination» et sur la prétendue mission spécifique des États-Unis de défendre les « valeurs universelles » et les « principes fondamentaux de la communauté internationale. »
Qui espère-t-il tromper ? L'impérialisme américain est bien le dernier à avoir le droit de prêcher la moralité au Moyen-Orient ou n'importe où ailleurs sur la planète. Au cours des dix dernières années de guerre, il a directement tué des dizaines de milliers d'Irakiens, y compris par l'usage de munitions à l'uranium appauvri et d'obus au phosphore blanc, tout en créant des conditions de vie catastrophiques qui ont coûté la vie à des centaines de milliers d'autres.
Qu'étaient le napalm et l'Agent orange, déployés massivement durant la guerre du Vietnam qui a coûté la vie à plus de 3 millions de personnes, sinon des armes chimiques ? Et c'est l'impérialisme américain, et lui seul, qui a employé l'arme la plus abominable, la bombe atomique, tuant près d'un quart de million de civils japonaisà Hiroshima et Nagasaki.
Chaque guerre que l'impérialisme américain a menée au cours de la dernière période s'est appuyée sur des mensonges, depuis l'incident fabriqué du Golfe du Tonkin au Vietnam jusqu'aux armes de destruction massives en Irak. La guerre à venir en Syrie n'est pas une exception.
L'affirmation selon laquelle Washington ne fait que mener une action « limitée » et « adaptée » est complètement fausse, étant donné que la CIA et le Pentagone ont été impliqués au cours des deux dernières années à fomenter une guerre civile et à armer des groupes d'Al Qaïda qui sont en train de démanteler la Syrie. Si le gouvernement Obama voulait vraiment faire cesser ce bain de sang, alors il se retirerait immédiatement de Syrie et cesserait d'interférer dans ses affaires.
Il ne veut rien faire de la sorte évidemment. L'attaque à venir menace la vie de milliers de Syriens. Il faut noter que Kerry qualifie le président syrien Bashar el Assad de « voyou et meurtrier, » reprenant le même langage que celui utilisé pour parler de l'Irakien Saddam Hussein et du Libyen Mouammar Kadhafi. Comme dans leurs cas, les objectifs des États-Unis incluent clairement la chute de son régime et son meurtre ainsi que celui de sa famille.
Si on enlève les mensonges et la démagogie, le discours de Kerry a présenté une doctrine américaine de pure agression. Les intérêts de la sécurité nationale américaine sont en jeu en Syrie, a affirmé le ministre des Affaires étrangères, parce qu'on ne peut autoriser Assad à défier les diktats américains.S'il s'en tire à bon compte, d'autres pays « croiront qu'ils peuvent faire ce qu'ils veulent.» Ce qui est implicite dans cette mise en garde c'est que l'attaque contre la Syrie ne représente que l'antichambre d'une guerre bien plus vaste qui peut embraser l'Iran, la Russie et la Chine ainsi que la planète toute entière.
(Article original paru le 31 août 2013)
Posté par Adriana Evangelizt
3 septembre 2013
Un article de WSWS qui nous brosse un tableau terrifiant de ce qui nous attend. A bien des égards, nous ne pouvons que, malheureusement, constater combien les guerres impérialistes et expansionnistes de la Bête Américaine -auxquelles s'associent les pays européens dont la France... et même surtout elle- n'ont rien à envier aux menées hitlériennes allant dans le même sens. Vous verrez, il est écrit :« pour l'Allemagne, il était question d'"organiser l'Europe." Les États-Unis doivent "organiser" le monde. » et tout ceci, bien évidemment, entraînera une dévastation planétaire : "Le fait que l'on ne puisse atteindre la domination mondiale sans des guerres qui coûteront des centaines de millions de vies, et, très probablement, la destruction de la planète, ne dissuadera pas Washington de s'y lancer tête baissée."
Comment avons-nous pu en arriver là ??? Bien sûr... cela ne s'est pas fait en un jour... mais cela s'est fait. Et je dirai que... finalement, nous sommes la dernière génération des imbéciles, mais que nous ne sommes pas les plus coupables. Il faut remonter très loin en arrière pour comprendre le processus qui s'est installé peu à peu. Et saisir l'ORIGINE DU MAL. Car il a une Origine, bien entendu. Parce qu'au Commencement, les premiers Humains étaient purs et naïfs. Comme les plantes. Comme les animaux. Et puis un ESPRIT DE PERVERSION est venu changer l'ORDRE des choses... et aujourd'hui la Bête règne... non seulement sur la Terre, mais également dans le coeur d'une multitude d'hommes et de femmes. De la Base au Sommet, nous ne pouvons que constater la DECHEANCE de l'Humanité.
Nous pouvons nous demander... quelles sont les motivations des Destructeurs ? La réponse est simple : DETRUIRE. Ils n'aiment pas cette Terre. Ils n'aiment pas son Humanité. Ils ne sont pas Humains, tout simplement. Dans le sens le plus strict du terme.
Pourquoi les États-Unis veulent la guerre contre la Syrie
Par David North et Alex Lantier
Dans la foulée de la prétendue attaque à l'arme chimique de la semaine dernière, les États-Unis et leurs alliés européens se mobilisent rapidement pour lancer une guerre contre la Syrie. Des frappes de missiles vont pleuvoir sur ce pays jusqu'à ce qu'il se soumette, et cela pourrait commencer d'ici quelques jours. La campagne de propagande lancée par les médias, visant à vendre au public une nouvelle guerre impopulaire, est passée à la vitesse supérieure.
Les raisons officielles données pour cette attaque imminente sont un paquet de mensonges sans fondement, un ramassis de prétextes visant à justifier une politique planifiée de longue date.
On ne peut comprendre les véritables raisons de cette dernière guerre en date que dans le contexte de la crise géopolitique, économique et sociale du capitalisme américain et européen, et du système impérialiste mondial dans son ensemble.
Premièrement : D'un point de vue géopolitique, la guerre prévue de longue date contre la Syrie est une étape de plus dans la campagne de Washington, depuis la dissolution de l'URSS en 1991, pour assurer sa domination mondiale par la force militaire. Confrontés au déclin prolongé de leur position, jadis dominante, dans l'économie mondiale, les États-Unis voient dans leur puissance militaire le moyen d'établir une position hégémonique. Dès 1992, le Pentagon Defense Planning Guidance [document de perspective rédigé par le ministre de la Défense, ndt] affirmait que la politique américaine visait à empêcher l'émergence de toute puissance capable de devenir un rivalà la mesure des États-Unis. En 2002, le US National Security Strategy [rédigé par l'ensemble du gouvernement à l'attention du Congrès, ndt] affirmait que les États-Unis auraient recours à des guerres préventives pour atteindre ce but.
Une caractéristique centrale de l'extension à toute la planète du militarisme américain est la volonté de Washington de s'assurer une position dominante non seulement au Moyen-Orient, mais sur tout le continent eurasien. Ces dernières années, les écrits datant de la fin du 19e siècle et du début du 20e du stratège impérialiste Sir Halford Mackinder sont à nouveau devenus des textes essentiels pour les décideurs du ministère de la Défense, du Pentagone et de la CIA. Dans de nombreux livres et un nombre incalculable d'articles publiés dans les revues universitaires, ce que Mackinder appelait « l'île-monde », s'étendant depuis les frontières occidentales de l'Allemagne jusqu'à la côte chinoise, est considéré être d'une importance stratégique décisive pour les États-Unis et leurs alliés d'Europe de l'Ouest.
Comme l'affirme une étude récente, « le continent eurasien devrait être le point focal des efforts stratégiques occidentaux […] Si le processus naissant du déclin occidental doit être arrêté et inversé, une meilleure compréhension de l'importance géopolitique de l'Eurasie, et de la lutte qui s'y joue, ainsi qu'un effort concerté là-bas, est cruciale. » [The World Island: Eurasian Geopolitics and the Fate of the West, d'Alexandros Petersen] Comme toutes les stratégies impérialistes visant à la domination mondiale, cela implique une lutte contre les puissances considérées être des obstacles à sa réalisation. L'effort pour dominer l'Eurasie entraîne inévitablement un conflit de plus en plus grave avec la Russie et la Chine.
La série de guerres d'agression lancées par les États-Unis depuis les années 1990, dans les Balkans, au Moyen-Orient, et en Asie centrale, fait partie d'un agenda qui se donne pour but la domination mondiale et incontestable des États-Unis. Le fait que l'on ne puisse atteindre la domination mondiale sans des guerres qui coûteront des centaines de millions de vies, et, très probablement, la destruction de la planète, ne dissuadera pas Washington de s'y lancer tête baissée.
Cette stratégie de conquête impérialiste est peut-être complètement démentielle, mais celle de Hitler l'était tout autant. Les objectifs géopolitiques de Hitler semblent presque provinciaux dans leur ampleur, comparés aux ambitions de l'impérialisme américain. Comme Trotsky, anticipant l'évolution de l'impérialisme américain, l'écrivait il y a près de 80 ans : « pour l'Allemagne, il était question d'"organiser l'Europe."Les États-Unis doivent "organiser" le monde. »
Quant aux puissances européennes, pour le moment, elles considèrent que leurs propres ambitions impérialistes sont mieux servies en liant leur sort au Pentagone. Elles espèrent pouvoir participer au pillage des guerres américaines et, au passage, légitimer leurs propres opérations de pillage, comme les guerres de la France en Afrique.
Deuxièmement :Économiquement, le capitalisme mondial est dans la cinquième année de sa plus profonde crise depuis la Grande dépression, produisant une stagnation économique, du chômage de masse, et un effondrement continuel du niveau de vie. La situation économique toujours plus désespérée, avec des dettes qui s'approfondissent, des monnaies qui perdent leur valeur, et une compétition internationale qui s'intensifie, entraîne des politiques étrangères encore plus téméraires et violentes.
La Grande dépression des années 1930 a entraîné la seconde guerre mondiale, les puissances impérialistes cherchant dans la guerre une solution aux maux du capitalisme. La Grande récession qui a commencé en 2008, et qui ne montre aucun signe de ralentissement, nous mène à la troisième guerre mondiale. Les formes du parasitisme économique associées aux processus de la financiarisation mondiale,l'enrichissement d'une petite couche de la société est réalisé par des escroqueries commises à une échelle monumentale, trouvent leur complément naturel dans une politique étrangère qui réalise ses objectifs par une violence criminelle.
Il est significatif que les États-Unis passent outre les Nations unies et se lancent dans la guerre sans l'approbation du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU,la Russie et la Chine ont un droit de veto. Cela rappelle la manière dont la Société des nations s'était effondrée après l'invasion de l'Abyssinie par l'Italie fasciste en 1935.
Troisièmement : Tous les pays impérialistes sont confrontés à une crise sociale qui ne cesse d'empirer, produite par l'accroissement de l'inégalité sociale et des tensions de classes. Aux États-Unis, où les 10 pour cent les plus riches de la population possèdent près des trois quarts de la richesse, et le 1 pour cent le plus riche monopolise la moitié de cette somme, des villes sont contraintes à la faillite dans une contexte d'assauts permanents contre les salaires et le niveau de vie.
En Europe, l'Union européenne se désintègre dans le contexte de tensions entre les différentes puissances européennes et d'un assaut contre les emplois et le niveau de vie dont la dévastation sociale de la Grèce est emblématique. Plus les conflits sont âpres et insolubles entre grandes puissances européennes et plus elles s'en remettent aux agressions extérieures comme unique politique sur laquelle elles peuvent toutes se mettre d'accord.
Les puissances impérialistes considèrent de plus en plus la guerre comme un moyen de détourner l'attention de la révélation de leurs opérations criminelles dirigées contre le peuple. Le moment choisi pour la guerre actuelle est clairement lié à la crise politique provoquée par les révélations d'Edward Snowden sur l'espionnage massif et illégal des agences de renseignement contre les populations des États-Unis et les puissances européennes. Le militarisme impérialiste est considéré par l'élite dirigeante comme un moyen essentiel de diriger les tensions sociales vers l'extérieur, vers les canaux inutiles et destructeurs de la guerre.
Mais le vingtième siècle nous enseigne que les classes dirigeantes qui espéraient s'extraire de la faillite du capitalisme en remportant le gros lot à la roulette du militarisme ont fini par découvrir que les probabilités de l'histoire étaient contre elles et qu'elles avaient fait de très mauvais paris.
La guerre en Syrie, tout comme les guerres en Irak et en Afghanistan, va provoquer des morts et de la souffrance à très grande échelle,intensifier la crise économique et politique mondiale, et pousser l'humanité dans son ensemble plus près de la catastrophe.
Le lancement de la guerre contre un petit pays de plus témoigne non seulement de la brutalité, mais aussi de la faillite du capitalisme américain et européen et de l'ensemble du système mondial qui s'appuie sur l'exploitation et le pillage. Le seul moyen de sortir de l'impasse sanglante du capitalisme et de l'impérialisme est par la lutte unie de la classe ouvrière internationale pour la victoire de la révolution socialiste mondiale.
(Article original paru le 28 août 2013)
Posté par Adriana Evangelizt

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Muhammad Ali Ben MarcusThe plain truth! I studied some three years in the USSR (1964-1967), and my best friend MICHAEL STEPANOVITCH DRINKIN, was JEWISH, pork eating atheist and Communist!


Sami, The Bedouin.

  Historical facts:

First, let's establish the fact that Palestine (even according to the Jewish Torah and Literature) was never the native land of the Jews. Whether the old Jews invaded Palestine as migrants from Iraq along with their forefather Abraham, or from Egypt along with their Moses, or even from deep Africa where their alleged Exodus originally started, the old Jews were never natives of Palestine.Now, if you want to believe in ancient Talmudic fairytales of the fevered Moses that Jehovah (the Jew) suddenly popped his eyes in the Desert of Sinai to give (the already inhabited) Palestine to the “poor slaves” of Egypt, it is your problem, but that has nothing to do with reality or History: the old Jews (as well as the modern European invaders) are nothing more than colonizers to a land that was never ever their homeland.

natives 1

It is needless to say that historically the Canaanites, Jebosites (of Jerusalem), the Hittites (of Hebron); the Amorites of Schem, and the rest of the seven nation-tribes are the original inhabitants of Palestine who dwelled in this land for thousands and thousands of years before the old Jewish invasion. It is needless to say that the natives of Palestine are those who built the ancient cities (towns) of Palestine like Jerusalem, Hebron, Jericho, Schem/Nablus  and the rest of the Palestinian-Canaanites towns and villages.

It is needless to state the fact that the Jebosite natives of Canaan/Palestine had built Jerusalem with its paganist temple some 1500 years before any Jew stepped this land.


It is clear in the Torah (YA HU WAH addressing Moses) talks about “their” (the other nations) land, but not “yours” or the land of the Jews.  And that the Jews had to fight the natives of that land, and even to annihilate those natives (according to the orders of the Jewish YA HU WAH), which they couldn’t, as it was clear from the New Testament that the natives of Palestine (the Canaanites) believed in Jesus and stayed in their land, while the Jews didn’t, but plotted against him and accused him of blasphemy. and were subsequently kicked out of the land.

The Zionist-Jewish Justification

But how the ancient (as well as the modern) invaders of Palestine justify their land robbery and bloody crimes against the natives including genocide? There are two keywords that can clarify the Zionist delusional way of thinking, these two words are the “promised land” and “Amalek”


“Promised land” or “God gave us the land” are the first words the modern Zionist colonizers use to justify their ethnic cleansing of the natives and their ongoing crimes. Whether you believe their Torahic heresies or not, whether the Zionist colonizer in Palestine was ultra religious or from the far-left fringe, whether he was an ardent Zionist or a “peace dove”, none of them can justify his/her mere existence in Palestine other than through this magic word of “god gave us the land”, as if God is nothing but a real-estate agent working for others.

One evening, we sat under the stars looking at the flickering lights of Palestinian villages. Bobby Brown [A zionist settler], with a wave of his arm, said: “All the Palestinians have to leave this land. God gave this land to us, the Jews.”

This is how they justify robbing the native Chrtistian land property

YA HA WA HA, Jehovahm Yehwah, YHWH, Elohim, Hashem or “god” are all various names for the same Jewish “god”/ or a bush, that popped his head in the desert of Sinai to chat to the fevered or deluded Moses  to give him a land that was never ever Jewish land before that bush suddenly talked.

The annihilation of the Amaleks, (the original natives of Palestine) is the second keyword the Zionist-Jewish mentality uses to justify their criminal acts. The Amalek and the necessity to fight and annihilate them is widely discussed among the Jewish religious circles, which refers to all the non-Jews especially the natives of Palestine in particular. To gain a sacred motivator for the Zionist colonial project, the Jewish references have to demonize the Palestinian native (or any possible opponent of the Zionist colonial project), the Jewish religious circles attribute the (amalekite) nature to Toratically justify the annihilation.


Now, whether you believe it or not, Palestine has become the “jewish homeland” and all those who oppose this heresy or when the natives fight back for their stolen homes then they are demonized as “anti-semitic” Amalekites that should be annihilated by direct orders from the jewish Jehovah.

Sami, the Bedouin

Stoning “Adulterous” Women and Its Talmudic Origin !!

The Origin of Stoning

3And the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before them 4and said,“Teacher,this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such a woman. So what do You say?”…John 8:4

Then they reminded Jesus that adultery was punishable by stoning under the Law of Moses and challenged him to judge the woman so that they might then accuse him of disobeying their law. Jesus thought for a moment and then replied, “He that is without sin among youlet him cast the first stone at her.”
Probably this is the ever first reported stoning of a woman in history and it used to be done according to the “Law of Moses”… When Jesus PBUH came with his principles of forgiveness and love, they didn’t only disbelieve in Him, but they accused Him of blasphemy. 

Furthermore, you might be surprised, and even shocked, to know that stoning (skila in Hebrew) is the Jewish capital punishment perscribed in the Torah for over 17 “sins” and not only for adultery of a married woman.

Stoning is not the only barbaric punishment prescribed in the Torah, but there is also another more barbaric punishment of Burning (Serefah in Hebrew) which is also prescribed for 10 “deadly sins” that are all different “types” of adultery.
The ever first stoning event happened in the history of The Arabian peninsula, was also committed over a jewish couple by jewish people:

In the pre-Islamic Arabia, stoning wasn’t used and even wasn’t known, and even prophet Mohammad himself didn’t know about it but through the jewish tribes in the old Medina.

After prophet Mohamnmad was harassed by his own tribe in Mecca, and after he kept calling for Islam for ten years, he found followers and supporters in Medina. As Prophet Mohammad left to Medina, he became the spiritual and social leaders for the people of Medina. He used to be consulted for the disputes and solve them according to what he sees suitable and/or according to the teaching of Islam.

In the old Arabian peninsula there were some Jewish communities living among the Arab tribes, as the same in Yemen and they were called “the people of the book”.

One day, while prophet Mohammad was in his “public house”, the Jews of Medina brought a couple for him and asked him to judge them. then he said: “I can't judge while you have a book. What does your book say about it?” There was a dispute among the jews and they presented different “punishments” including flogging the couples, blackening their faces and make them ride on a donkey with their faces turned backwards then tour them round the town to be known for their sins.

Then (and it is clear that prophet Mohammad didn’t know what to do with the adulterous according to the Islamic law or the Arab traditions) prophet Mohammad ordered a copy of Torah to be brought. When the Torah was brought and through reading it, one of the jews put his hand on the verse that prescribes the stoning punishment. prophet Mohammad ordered him to take off his hand, then asked them to do what their Torah orders them.

Stoning in Islam: 

There is no single Ayah “verse” in the Quran that orders stoning. the punishment for adultery of the MARRIED man or woman is 100 lashes, for the free and 50 lashes for the slave. So, how stoning got to Islam?

After the jews stoned their woman in Medina, it is alleged that an Ayah “verse” was delivered to prophet Mohammad ordering him stoning (this ayah never appeared in the Quran) but it was abolished or, it is likely to be one of the first drafting of the Quran by Mohammad affected by the Torah or the “Law of Moses”, but later he abolished it.

To understand the process of drafting the Quran you should know what is called (Nasekh and Mansoukh) the abolished and abolishing verses, in which the Quran was delivered gradually in stages for the Arabians to get it and/or get used to the new law.

 Let's take an example: Drinking alcohol wasnt completely prohibited by the Quran at the first stages of the Dawah “preaching” , but the Muslims were not allowed to be drunk while they are praying, and they are allowed to drink between prayers ( dont come close to prayers while you are drunkلا تقربوا الصلاة وانتم سكارى  ) .. However, later on, there came an Ayah that prohibits drinking completely. The later Ayah, abolished the earlier ayah as null, though the first was kept literally written in the Quran.
The prescribed punishment for adultery is 100 lashes and this ayah came AFTER the alleged (but never existed ayah of stoning) and accordingly (even if the stoning ayah was true) the later ayah of lashing should be known to abolish that barbaric punishment.
The current version of Torah dictates:

Torah 5

Stoning, and the same as female Circumcision is NOT Islamic, nor there is an ayah in the Quran states and orders that Talmudic punishment.. these came down to the Arab culture from other ancient cultures like the Egyptian and the Hebrew ones. This could explain why female Circumcision is used in Egypt and Sudan and some parts of Saudi Arabia but NEVER in Syria. As a Palestinian, who is not affected by the ancient Egyptian and the old Israelite (law of Moses) culture, I can assure you that no single Palestinian female is Circumcised

Most of the Muslim sheikhs “scholars” prohibited stoning as non-Islamic including the supreme head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars IUMS   who repeatedly said that stoning is NOT Islamic but an ancient Hebrew tradition that was abolished by Islam.

About Sami !!

Who am I?
One day I was standing by the window gazing vacantly and smoking at the lunch break at work, when a colleague came and stood by me without me noticing her. I was looking out blankly and she was, probably, looking at my look, or the way I looked. Then out of sudden she asked me in a decisive and assuring tone: “Are you existentialist Sami?” I was shocked and startled for that direct unexpected question and remembered the “parties” of interrogation they held on me in the zionist jail.

What? Existentialist? What’s that? And I was really astonished not only from the question, but from the questioning person whom I never thought she knows (and I was right) anything of Sartre or Fanon.

What? Existentialist? Why the hell I am always taken to be –ist?

“You are communist, and we know that” roared the zionist interrogator suddenly (actually not one but three interrogators to complete the “party”) which is part of their job to surprise you with new dimensions that you have never heard of!!!

“What? Existentialist?” and I, realizing that she is not an interrogator, burst in a sudden hysteric laugh. “why do you think I am ‘existentialis’, Lady?” I got the courage to ask in a defensive way as if facing a mean interrogator in a decisive time of a “session”. “No, but really just asking. I mean the way you think, the way you talk, they way you contemplate dreamingly.” She explained apologetically “Is all that (existentialism) in me?” I asked in a sarcastic but polite way. “I don’t know but just asking!!”
‘why the hell you ask’ I thought feeling the blood dripping on my side cheek. “I am the one to ask here, son of a bitch!” shouted the interrogator while his two mates were watching angrily as if echoing his tone. One of them seemed to be taking initial training on me, such a little “academician” probably studying my case of a “strong headed” person, or probably having a seminar of “crises management”!!!!…. I looked at him, at them actually, and took my final decision (I am not going to talk, even after death)
Existentialist!!! Communist!!! Atheist!!! Tribalist!! 

Why the hell you ask, you little ignorant lady. Does it matter for you if I am existentialist or f-k-ist?

So, I am existential-IST, sweet lady!!!!
“What does it mean to be existentialist dear?” I asked her in a defensive retaliation for her unexpected, perplexing and torturing question.
“I don’t know exactly, but it means to believe that you exist.
‘The hell, I do exist. I am still not driven crazy.” I thought to myself. ‘I do feel the blood bruising over my side face.’ Silence! Silence… silence is my only weapon in this battle. Patience!! Who in Satan sake can be patient while a very little “academician” is holding his experiment on him, on his very body, very mind, on his ability to hold a “sustainable” coordination between his mind and body!!! Can an existentialist do?

“Get up, you dirty athe-IST!” and he was looking at me in a clear irritation. ‘you mustn’t be irritated, dear interrogator. Irritation is the first step for falling’ I thought to myself and kept motionless and silent, and didn’t get up. He got up swiftly looking at his mates urging them to help  and they all jumped standing. ‘Is it time for a new “party”’ I thought to myself, still trying to hold silent and “coherent”, I loathe this word “coherent”.
“I don’t know, but I am sure you can give me a full and “coherent” explanation.” Said the lady cunningly smiling while still looking that perplexing look of… of… don’t know but so sweet and submissive.
Oh sweet lady!! Why in heaven you come to “irritate” me? Why should I give a “coherent” explanation to everybody, including the zionist interrogators?!!!
“take his clothes off!” the chief interrogator ordered his mates. They jumped on me but I kept completely silent, motionless. The very “academician” bunched my head angrily then retreated as if stung by a snake: “Oh, shit!! His dirty blood, this asshole!!” and he was “smeared” by my dripping blood on my side face.
Oh!! So clean and soft “academician”!! It’s awful to have a “blood-smeared hands”!!! But it’s my dear blood!!!

The hell, I have to start writing!!!
And still the crazy question is angwishly waiting for a quenching answer…. Why the hell I am always taken to be –ist all the time…. Why I can’t be just a simple Bedouin who is dreaming to live a normal life in this very “holy, or promised” land of the “chosen people”???

I am Just a little Bedouin boy who is still so fresh like the vast burning desert, of a hollow feverish hot heart roaming the land in an everlasting search for the heavenly shade of God, and shade (for us bedouins) is like the warm sun for Scandinavians. Here we are burned by the hellish heat of sun pouring over our heads and so you (always) would find us lunatic hallucinating like fevered children. The sun did its work today and thank god (YOUR GOD) that I am still alive!!

Monday, 29 October 2007

Israel's Multiple World Record Holder of several types of atrocities



Uploaded by on Nov 16, 2007
Facts every American should know about Nazi Israel. Nobody with a conscience would do any of these things to another person. So: why should we be expected to support this terrorist state?

"Those who try to silence the truth only succeed in spreading it."

Israel and the apartheid analogy ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_the_apartheid_analogy
Prior to 2002 Israeli Identity Cards included a reference to the bearer's ethnic group (such as Jewish, Arab, Druze or Circassian) but the reference was removed in 2002. Since 2002, if the bearer of the identification card is Jewish the Hebrew calendar birth date is included on the card, but if the bearer is non-Jewish, it is omitted ~ Wiki

Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defines crimes against humanity as:
For the purpose of this Statute, 'crime against humanity' means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:

Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;
Enforced disappearance of persons;
The crime of apartheid; The 'crime of apartheid' means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime
Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.

** All information was correct as of 2007 **

Not So Cool Facts About Apartheid Fascist Israel

2- Made by Israel
121 videos








2- Made by Israel

*Terror against the Palestinians in occupied Palestina.. 
Stop the Terror of the state "Israel"..!!

Facts about the suffering of the Palestinians every day and 60 years ago until now.. It´s a little part of the reality.  

*Stop den Terror des Staates von "Israel"..!!

Fakten über das Leiden der Palästinenser seit 60 Jahren in dem von "Israel" besetzten Palästina, das noch heute andauert.. 

Hier wird einen Bruchteil der eigentlichen Realität, in der die Pal. leben, angezeigt..

“The best way to destroy the Free Open Market Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens.”
Rothschild formed the Soviet Union by Financing Vladimir Lenin in the orchestrated 1917 bloody murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family in Russia.
Rothschilds are the originators of MAFIA. They are unelected controlling thugs, who have cheated, murdered, bribed, fear mongered their way into public control.
The people of the World have now begun to unravel this web of deceit and are taking action.
In 1917 Vladimir Lenin With Rothschild over throws The Russian Monarchy starting Rothschild’s Devised Doctrine of socialism/marxism/communism/ in Russia to become USSR.
President Putin paid off Russia’s debt to rothschild in 2006 and has been removing his goons from Russia ever since.
– Volubrjotr
money changers jn 2 raymond balze
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Fusant dans les étoiles
Guettant la divine réponse
...M'accordes-Tu le droit
De vivre comme un homme
Où n'ai-je que le choix
De mourir sur la Croix ?
Dis moi Père... oh dis moi...

J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où le cri des agneaux s'échappaient hors du temple
A m'arracher des larmes...
Où le sang versé des béliers sacrifiés
N'enlevait pas le mal
Des infirmes se traînant
Et des lépreux rampant
Dans les ruelles borgnes
Des quartiers mal famés de Jérusalem...
Oh Jérusalem... Jérusalem...
Toi qui tues les innocents
Et lapides les prophètes...
J'ai compris en te voyant
Le mal qui te minait
Mais tu le préférais
Au bien que j'apportais...
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où les puissants priaient en se vautrant dans l'or
Tuaient des animaux pour tuer leur conscience
Appliquaient une loi cruelle
Qui n'était pas la Loi Originelle...
Mais ignorait la misère du Peuple.
Qui était ce dieu en qui ils croyaient ?
Qui était ce Yahvé barbare et sanguinaire
Se repaissant de crimes ?
Etait-ce vraiment ce que vous nommez Dieu ?

Tableau de Mark Harrison
Le dieu de Moïse était-il donc si différent du mien ?
Ou bien... avait-ON trahi sa parole ?
Ou bien... les Imposteurs l'avaient-ils confondu
Avec une de leurs idoles
Rapportée du pays égyptien ?

J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où mes mains se tendaient pour alléger la peine
D'un pays égaré dans de fausses croyances
Que j'ai voulu éclairer de mon Enseignement...
Remplacer la veangeance par l'Amour
Agir au lieu de faire des discours
Mais les princes du Sacerdoce
Ne voulaient pas donner la Vérité aux hommes...

Ils préféraient asservir le Peuple
Sous le joug de l'ignorance
Le laisser porter seul
Le fardeau des souffrances...
Ils préféraient la Loi du tallion
A celle du Pardon
Et juger l'Innocent pour masquer l'Imposture
Et tuer la Lumière pour que vive le Mensonge.

J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où grondait le tonnerre... certain soir...
D'un dernier repas entre amis
Etrange scène que cette Cène
Et eux, tous là autour de moi
Ne comprenant pas le sens de mon message
De Pierre le naïf à Jean le bien-aimé...

Tenez... prenez mes frères
Ce pain que je vous donne...

Et souvenez-vous de moi
Lorsque je ne serai plus là
Car il faut que je parte...
Tenez... buvez mes frères

Le bon vin de la treille...
Vous avez la meilleure part
Je garde pour moi le calice amer
Qu'il me faudra vider jusqu'à la lie...
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où j'ai prêché dans le désert
Même avec mes disciples...
Ont-ils saisi mon message
Ce soir-là ?
Ont-ils perçu ma souffrance
Et le sens symbolique
Du baiser de Judas à l'Ami trahi
J'ai souvenance d'un immense chagrin
Dans le jardin de Gethsémani
Seul... si seul...
Les apôtres endormis...

Oh mon Père... mon Père...
Quelle fut longue la nuit à scruter les étoiles
Pour trouver ta présence dans ce désert glacé...
Seul... si seul... et pas un pour m'aider
 A alléger le  poids de ma souffrance...
Pas un pour partager le lourd sacrifice
Dont tu m'avais chargé...
Et plus le temps passait plus mon coeur se brisait
De tant d'indifférence...
Seul... si seul... avec ma douleur
 Et les larmes de mon âme
Roulant sur mon visage...
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où les gardiens d'une foi dévoyée
Falsifièrent mes paroles
Et me rendirent coupables d'un seul crime
:"Aime ton prochain comme toi-même...
Pardonne à la femme infidèle...
Et ne fais pas à l'autre ce que tu ne voudrais pas que l'on te fasse..."

Coupable d'Amour Universel.
Coupable d'avoir dit aussi :
"Mon Royaume n'est pas de ce monde."
Mais comment leur expliquer
Que nous possédons une Âme
Qui vient d'Ailleurs ? Comment ?
Et de quoi avaient-ils donc si peur
Pour me livrer à l'Envahisseur
Afin qu'il m'assassine à leur place ?

J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où pour avoir préféré le Peuple aux privilèges
Les princes du sacerdoce me crachèrent au visage...
Me giflèrent, m'insultèrent...
Puis me livrèrent à l'ennemi
Qui, lui se serait contenté de me faire fouetter...

Et sans doute Ponce Pilate comprit-il mon désarroi
Lorsqu'il me vit seul... si seul...
Comme un agneau au milieu des loups...
Comme l'Innocence au milieu du Mensonge
Humble... si humble au milieu de tant d'arrogance...

"Quelle accusation portez-vous contre cet homme ?"(Jean 18/29)
Je ne trouve aucun crime en lui."(Jean 18/38)
Qu'ils lui donnèrent comme prétexte :

"Nous avons une loi; et, selon notre loi, il doit mourir,
parce qu'il s'est fait Fils de Dieu."
(Jean 19/7)
Ont-ils si mal compris mon Enseignement
Ou bien ont-ils fait semblant ?

Et Caïphe était celui qui avait donné ce conseil aux Juifs :
Il est avantageux qu'un seul homme meure pour le peuple."
(Jean 18/14)
Etais-je donc si dangereux ?
Que craignaient-ils pour en arriver là ?
Qu'avaient ils à cacher ?
Pourquoi ont-ils voulu m'empêcher de parler ?
"Je publierai des choses cachées depuis la création du monde."Mat.13/34"...car il n'y a rien de caché qui ne doive être découvert,
ni de secret qui ne doive être connu."
Mat. 10/26
Un autre après moi viendra et... dira la Vérité...

J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où une foule hostile me conspua
Et préféra un certain Barabbas...
Ô Souviens-toi mon Âme, cet étrange vertige...
Revenir au Royaume céleste passait par une étape
Où le Martyre faisait partie du Plan...
Mais la souffrance humaine
Quelle terrible Epreuve...
J'aurais bu le calice jusqu'à la lie.
Impossible d'y échapper.
Seul... si seul jusqu'au bout...
Mais malgré les cris de haine
Tant de silence au fond de moi
Promesse d'une paix à venir...
Sérénité avant Agonie
 Et la voix de mon Père résonnant

"Vas jusqu'au bout de ton calvaire... mon Fils...
Montre leur le chemin...
Ouvre leur la voie... qu'ils comprennent
Que la rédemption ne s'obtient pas
En immolant des animaux
Mais en se sacrifiant Soi...
C'est le symbole de la Croix..." 
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où planait la tourmente sur la fin du parcours...
D'un pays où la douleur et le sang
Furent ma récompense...
Seul... si seul.. lorsqu'ils me suppliciaient
 Et déjà si proche de la Fin
Quand ils m'ont crucifié...

 Oh mon Père... mon Père...
Dans l'atroce souffrance
J'ai presque failli douter de ton Amour pour moi...





J'ai souvenance d'un pays
 Où plane encore
L'ombre d'une croix...
Toutes les photos ou presque sont tirées du film de Franco Zefirelli Jésus de Nazareth avec le sublime Robert Powell dans le rôle de Ieschoua...

Poème le Messager de Lumière Ieschoua Jesus
par Adriana Evangelizt
Poète Mystique

 Adriana Evangelizt Jésus le Messager de Lumière - Poésie Cosmique - Adriana Evangelizt


Cosmic Poetry by Adriana Evangelizt

I remember a country
Bursting of light that dazzled my eyes
A country where the morning mist
Wrapped around the countryside
Like a celestial hijaab...
Where one could hear chanting voices of that Elsewhere
That I had to leave
In order to incarnate into a man...
I came from so far away
From so far away...
Painting by Wojtek Siudmak
It cost me so much lo leave my Palestine.
I knew beforehand my earthly destiny
Drawn by a fatal finger
By perverted men…
Loved by the smallest,
Hated by the greatest.
And so many deaf, so many blind,
So many ignorant people
Who would remain impervious to my Teaching,
And would not fathom
The sparkling mystery buried
In the very heart of my Parables…

I remember a country
With scorching sun
Where my feet carried me
On the dusty paths…
Of a country
With an overpowering atmosphere,
Where the crowd was waiting for me by the River Jordan…
So many desperate people!
So may suffering hearts!
So many ailments to heal,
And I, all alone… so alone… so alone,
Preaching in the wind!
Having become only a maker of miracles,
A healer of the body
When I was only a healer of the soul…
But, how to tell them
That they shelter the key to their deliverance
Deep inside themselves?
How to explain to them
That the perishable flesh is only superficial?
I remember a country
Where burning flames danced in women’s glances;
Where their eyes sometimes clung
So brightly to mine;
Where a glimpse of possible happiness emerged…
I could have chosen another burden…
I could have, me too, a companion,
And put my life
In the hollow of her hands…
Nothing was easier for the human that I was,
Really nothing…
It took me time
To follow the Path
Of the wise Nazarean…
So, I took the very cold road leading to exile.
I had to experience loneliness, cold and hunger
In order to evaluate my courage
And strenghthen my faith.
Heading for the desert
Forty days and forty nights
Alone with myself…
And then in a grotto.
Some dried figs,
A trickle of a stream…
And my exalted soul
Merging with the stars
In blueish ecstacy
Watching for the heavenly reply…
Do Thee grant me the right to live as a man
Or do I have but the choice
Only to die on the Cross?
Tell me Father… Oh, please, tell me…
I remember a country
Where the screams of lambs escaped out of the temples
Driving me to tears…
Where the blood of the sacrificed rams
Did not remove the ills
Of the dragging along invalids,
And the creeping lepers
In the half blind roadlets
Of the ill reputed quarters of Jerusalem…
Oh Jerusalem… Jerusalem…
You who kills the innocent
And stones the prophets…
Looking at you I have understood
The evil that gnaws at you,
But, you preferred it
To the good I was bringing to you…

I remember a country
Where the rich prayed while wallowing in gold,
Killed animals in order to kill their conscience,
Applied a cruel law
That was not the Original Law…
But, ignored the misery of the People.
Who was it that god they believe in?
Who was this barbaric and bloodthirsty Yahweh
Who feasted on crime?
Was it really this that you call God?
Painting by Mark Harrison

The god of Moses was he so different from mine?
Or else… have THEY betrayed his Message?
Or else…the Impostors have they confused him
With one of their idols
They brought home from Egypt?
I remember a country
Where I used to stretch my hands in order to heal.
A country lost in false beliefs
That I wanted to enlighten by my Teaching…
Replace vengeance by Love.
Acting instead of making speeches.
But, the Sacerdotal Princes
Did not want to give the Truth to men…
They preferred enslaving the People
Under the yoke of ignorance.
Letting them alone carry
The burden of sufferings…
They preferred the Law an eye for an eye
To that of forgiveness,
And judge the Innocent in order to hide their Deceit,
And kill Light in order for Falsehood to live.
I remember a country
Where there was thunder… on a certain evening…
During a last supper between friends,
A strange scene that Last Supper!
And they, all seated around me,
Not understanding the meaning of my message.
From the naïve Peter to the beloved John…
Here…take, my brothers,
This bread I am giving you…
And remember me
When I will be gone
Because I need to go…
Here…drink my brothers…
The good wine of the vine…
You have the best part,
I keep for myself the bitter chalice
That I have to empty up to the sediment
I remember a country
Where I preached in the desert
Even with my disciples…
Have they grasped my message
On that evening ?
Have they sensed my ordeal
And the symbolical meaning
Of Judas’ kiss to the betrayed friend…?
I recall the sense of a great sadness
In the garden of Gethsemane
Alone… so alone…
The apostles all asleep…
Oh my Father… my Father…
How long it was that night scrutinising the stars
To find your presence in this extremely cold desert…!
Alone… so alone… and not a single one to help me
Lighten the burden of my ordeal…!
Not a single one to share the heavy sacrifice
You have lain upon me…!
And, the more time went by,
The more my heart was shattered
By so much indifference…
Alone.. so alone… with my pain
And the tears from my soul running down my face…!
I remember a country
Where the guardians of a corrupt faith
Falsified my words
And found me guilty of one single crime:
“Love thy neighbour as thyself…
Forgive the unfaithful wife…
And do not do unto others what you do not wish to be done unto thyself…”
Found guilty of Universal Love.
Guilty also for having said:
“My Kingdom is not of this world.”
But, how to explain to them
That we have a soul
That comes from Elsewhere? How?
And, what were they really so afraid of
To make them deliver me into the hands of the invaders
In order to murder me in their place?
I remember a country
Where because I chose the People instead of privileges,
The Sacerdotal Princes spat in my face…
Slapped me, insulted me…
Then delivered me to the enemy
Who would have been satisfied to see me only whipped…
And, undoubtedly Pontius Pilate understood my helplessness
When he saw me alone… so lonely…
Like a lamb in the midst of wolves…
Like innocence in the midst of Falsehood.
Humble… so humble in the midst of so much arrogance…
John 18:29“Pilate then went out unto them, and said:
“What accusation bring ye against this man?”
John 18:38Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them:
“I find in him no fault [at all].”
Humble… so humble in the midst of so much arrogance…
That they gave him as pretext:
John 19:7The Jews answered him: “We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.”
Have they so misunderstood my Teaching
Or have they just pretended?
John 18:14Now Caiaphas was he, which gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man should die for the people.
Was I then so dangerous?
What were they afraid of to come to that point?
What were they hiding?
Why have they tried to prevent me from speaking?
Matthew 13:34All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:
1Corinthian 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
Matthew 10:26Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
Another after me shall come and… shall tell the Truth…
I remember a country
Where a hostile crowd booed at me
And preferred a certain Barabbas…
Ô my Soul, remember that weird dizziness…
To return to the Heavenly Kingdom,
One had to go through a phase
Where martyrdom formed part of the Plan…
But, human suffering,
What a horrible Test…
I would have drunk the chalice to the dregs
Impossible, there is no way out.
Alone… so alone up to the end…
But, despite the screams of hate,
So much silence deep inside me.
Promise of a coming peace…
Serenity before Agony
And the voice of my Father resounding
Go to the end of your Calvary… my Son…
Show them the way…
Open the path to them… they should understand
That Redemption cannot be obtained
By sacrificing animals,
But, only by sacrificing Self…
It is the symbol of the Cross…”
I remember a country
Where turmoil hung over the end of the trip…
Of a country where pain and blood
Were my reward…
Alone… so alone… when they tortured me
And yet so close to the End
When they crucified me…
Father… forgive them
Because they know not what they do…
Oh my Father… my Father…
In the atrocious pain
I nearly doubted your Love for me…
Eli… Eli… Lama Sabachthani
Eli… Eli… Lama Sabachthani
It is your Son they are tormenting!
Father… Father… why hath thou forsaken me?
Where are you? I am in so much pain…
So much pain… So much pain…
Eli…Eli…Lama Sabachthani
Father… Father… why hath Thou forsaken me?
What crime did I then commit?
Eli…Eli…Lama Sabachthani
How long will this Calvary last?
Did I deserve such a punishment?
Is it this then human justice?
Forgive them, for they know not what they do…
And my pain shall be theirs as long as they will not have understood why I have come HERE…
I am coming Father…
I remember a country
Where still floats
The shadow of a cross…
All the photographs or nearly most are from Franco Zefirelli’s Jesus of Nazareth with the sublime Robert Powell in the role of Yeschua…

Adriana Evangelizt
Translated byGhyslaine ROC
Jésus le Messager de Lumière

Des Juifs et d’autres gangsters usuriers des banques (échangeurs de monnaie) ont assassiné de nombreux leaders qui essayèrent de les stopper :

2 empereurs romains, 2000 ans avant l’ère commune (avant Jésus Christ),

Jésus (selon les Chrétiens),

 Jules César en 48 EC

Abraham Lincoln – assassiné le 15 avril 1865

James Abram Garfield – assassiné le 2 juillet 1881

Tzar Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov (Saint Nicholas le Martyre) – assassiné le 17 juillet 1918

John Fitzgerald Kennedy – assassiné le 22 novembre 1963

Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti– assassiné par exécution (pendaison) le 9 avril 2003

Muammar al-Ghaddafi – assassiné et sodomisé en mars 2012 par des mercenaires recrutés par l’occident et le Juif sioniste Bernard Henri-Lévi à leur tête.

Hugo Chavez – assassiné le 5 mars 2013 suite à un cancer provoqué

Et de nombreux autres

Les gangsters usuriers ont raté Andrew Jackson (USA), et Mahmoud Ahmedinejad (IRAN) est sur la liste des prochaines cibles ou victimes. (Consulter: Money Masters, Monopolymen, Freedom to Fascism, etc.)

Cosmic Poetry by Adriana Evangelizt

I remember a country
Bursting of light that dazzled my eyes
A country where the morning mist
Wrapped around the countryside
Like a celestial hijaab...
Where one could hear chanting voices of that Elsewhere
That I had to leave
In order to incarnate into a man...
I came from so far away
From so far away...
It cost me so much lo leave my Palestine.
I knew beforehand my earthly destiny
Drawn by a fatal finger
By perverted men…
Loved by the smallest,
Hated by the greatest.
And so many deaf, so many blind,
So many ignorant people
Who would remain impervious to my Teaching,
And would not fathom
The sparkling mystery buried
In the very heart of my Parables…

I remember a country
With scorching sun
Where my feet carried me
On the dusty paths…
Of a country
With an overpowering atmosphere,
Where the crowd was waiting for me by the River Jordan…
So many desperate people!
So may suffering hearts!
So many ailments to heal,
And I, all alone… so alone… so alone,
Preaching in the wind!
Having become only a maker of miracles,
A healer of the body
When I was only a healer of the soul…
But, how to tell them
That they shelter the key to their deliverance
Deep inside themselves?
How to explain to them
That the perishable flesh is only superficial?

I remember a country
Where burning flames danced in women’s glances;
Where their eyes sometimes clung
So brightly to mine;
Where a glimpse of possible happiness emerged…
I could have chosen another burden…
I could have, me too, a companion,
And put my life
In the hollow of her hands…
Nothing was easier for the human that I was,
Really nothing…
It took me time
To follow the Path
Of the wise Nazarean…
So, I took the very cold road leading to exile.
I had to experience loneliness, cold and hunger
In order to evaluate my courage
And strenghthen my faith.
Heading for the desert
Forty days and forty nights
Alone with myself…
And then in a grotto.
Some dried figs,
A trickle of a stream…
And my exalted soul
Merging with the stars
In blueish ecstacy
Watching for the heavenly reply…
Do Thee grant me the right to live as a man
Or do I have but the choice
Only to die on the Cross?
Tell me Father… Oh, please, tell me…

I remember a country
Where the screams of lambs escaped out of the temples
Driving me to tears…
Where the blood of the sacrificed rams
Did not remove the ills
Of the dragging along invalids,
And the creeping lepers
In the half blind roadlets
Of the ill reputed quarters of Jerusalem…
Oh Jerusalem… Jerusalem…
You who kills the innocent
And stones the prophets…
Looking at you I have understood
The evil that gnaws at you,
But, you preferred it
To the good I was bringing to you…

I remember a country
Where the rich prayed while wallowing in gold,
Killed animals in order to kill their conscience,
Applied a cruel law
That was not the Original Law…
But, ignored the misery of the People.
Who was it that god they believe in?
Who was this barbaric and bloodthirsty Yahweh
Who feasted on crime?
Was it really this that you call God?

Painting by Mark Harrison

The god of Moses was he so different from mine?
Or else… have THEY betrayed his Message?
Or else…the Impostors have they confused him
With one of their idols
They brought home from Egypt? 

I remember a country
Where I used to stretch my hands in order to heal.
A country lost in false beliefs
That I wanted to enlighten by my Teaching…
Replace vengeance by Love.
Acting instead of making speeches.
But, the Sacerdotal Princes
Did not want to give the Truth to men…
They preferred enslaving the People
Under the yoke of ignorance.
Letting them alone carry
The burden of sufferings…
They preferred the Law an eye for an eye
To that of forgiveness,
And judge the Innocent in order to hide their Deceit,
And kill Light in order for Falsehood to live.

I remember a country
Where there was thunder… on a certain evening…
During a last supper between friends,
A strange scene that Last Supper!
And they, all seated around me,
Not understanding the meaning of my message.
From the naïve Peter to the beloved John…
Here…take, my brothers,
This bread I am giving you…
And remember me
When I will be gone
Because I need to go…
Here…drink my brothers…
The good wine of the vine…
You have the best part,
I keep for myself the bitter chalice
That I have to empty up to the sediment 

I remember a country
Where I preached in the desert
Even with my disciples…
Have they grasped my message
On that evening ?
Have they sensed my ordeal
And the symbolical meaning
Of Judas’ kiss to the betrayed friend…?
I recall the sense of a great sadness
In the garden of Gethsemane
Alone… so alone…
The apostles all asleep…
Oh my Father… my Father…
How long it was that night scrutinising the stars
To find your presence in this extremely cold desert…!
Alone… so alone… and not a single one to help me
Lighten the burden of my ordeal…!
Not a single one to share the heavy sacrifice
You have lain upon me…!
And, the more time went by,
The more my heart was shattered
By so much indifference…
Alone.. so alone… with my pain
And the tears from my soul running down my face…!

I remember a country
Where the guardians of a corrupt faith
Falsified my words
And found me guilty of one single crime:
“Love thy neighbour as thyself…
Forgive the unfaithful wife…
And do not do unto others what you do not wish to be done unto thyself…”
Found guilty of Universal Love.
Guilty also for having said:
“My Kingdom is not of this world.”
But, how to explain to them
That we have a soul
That comes from Elsewhere? How?
And, what were they really so afraid of
To make them deliver me into the hands of the invaders
In order to murder me in their place?

I remember a country
Where because I chose the People instead of privileges,
The Sacerdotal Princes spat in my face…
Slapped me, insulted me…
Then delivered me to the enemy
Who would have been satisfied to see me only whipped…
And, undoubtedly Pontius Pilate understood my helplessness
When he saw me alone… so lonely…
Like a lamb in the midst of wolves…
Like innocence in the midst of Falsehood.
Humble… so humble in the midst of so much arrogance…

John 18:29“Pilate then went out unto them, and said:
“What accusation bring ye against this man?”
John 18:38Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them:
“I find in him no fault [at all].”
Humble… so humble in the midst of so much arrogance…
That they gave him as pretext:
John 19:7The Jews answered him: “We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.”
Have they so misunderstood my Teaching
Or have they just pretended?
John 18:14Now Caiaphas was he, which gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man should die for the people.
Was I then so dangerous?
What were they afraid of to come to that point?
What were they hiding?
Why have they tried to prevent me from speaking?
Matthew 13:34All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:
1Corinthian 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
Matthew 10:26Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
Another after me shall come and… shall tell the Truth…

I remember a country
Where a hostile crowd booed at me
And preferred a certain Barabbas…
Ô my Soul, remember that weird dizziness…
To return to the Heavenly Kingdom,
One had to go through a phase
Where martyrdom formed part of the Plan…
But, human suffering,
What a horrible Test…
I would have drunk the chalice to the dregs
Impossible, there is no way out.
Alone… so alone up to the end…
But, despite the screams of hate,
So much silence deep inside me.
Promise of a coming peace…
Serenity before Agony
And the voice of my Father resounding
Go to the end of your Calvary… my Son…
Show them the way…
Open the path to them… they should understand
That Redemption cannot be obtained
By sacrificing animals,
But, only by sacrificing Self…
It is the symbol of the Cross…”

I remember a country
Where turmoil hung over the end of the trip…
Of a country where pain and blood
Were my reward…
Alone… so alone… when they tortured me
And yet so close to the End
When they crucified me…
Father… forgive them
Because they know not what they do…
Oh my Father… my Father…
In the atrocious pain
I nearly doubted your Love for me…
Eli… Eli… Lama Sabachthani
Eli… Eli… Lama Sabachthani
It is your Son they are tormenting!
Father… Father… why hath thou forsaken me?
Where are you? I am in so much pain…
So much pain… So much pain…
Eli…Eli…Lama Sabachthani
Father… Father… why hath Thou forsaken me?
What crime did I then commit?
Eli…Eli…Lama Sabachthani
How long will this Calvary last?
Did I deserve such a punishment?
Is it this then human justice?
Forgive them, for they know not what they do…
And my pain shall be theirs as long as they will not have understood why I have come HERE…
I am coming Father…
I remember a country
Where still floats
The shadow of a cross…
All the photographs or nearly most are from Franco Zefirelli’s Jesus of Nazareth with the sublime Robert Powell in the role of Yeschua…

Adriana Evangelizt
Translated byGhyslaine ROC

I Met Jesus Today

3 Votes
By Nahida the exiled Palestinian
I met Jesus today
His name was Palestinian
Issa… Jesus he was called
On the altar of “chosen-ness” he was crucified
Time and time and time again

His face was Palestinian
Olive, with a hint of agony
Years of torture fail to conceal the glow
The purity of his soul peeks through
The sparkle in his eyes invites you to dive in
His pain was Palestinian
The colour of his words
Grips your guts
And squeeze… squeeze … squeeze
Until you lose consciousness
You fall on your knees
Begging for forgiveness
His faith was Palestinian
“Their sadism too much to bear
In the street I waited for a car
No way out but to kill myself
Twilight hour the fall of night
The call to prayer woken my heart
Healing balsam caressed my soul
Maybe…. In this life… still…there is something I can do”
His heart was Palestinian
Carved with sorrow
Filled with love
Flames of rage and roars of thunder
Hound his torturer to his grave
His tears were Palestinian
His first crucifixion… he was only fourteen
On the second, he was nineteen
From then on
He was crucified every minute
…of every hour
…of every day
…of every week
…of every month
…of every year……
His dignity was Palestinian
Anguished by his rapists
With his broken back he stood tall
His wounds run deep… his head held high
He saw the rainbow in the horizon
When all gave up he gave them hope
His smile was Palestinian
It has been said:
“To smile when confronted with most severe oppression
Is an act of Resistance
In unparalleled beauty” *
The smile of Issa
Was Palestinian
His resilience was Palestinian
“As he punched me in the face
I felt stronger
As he kicked me in the stomach
I felt stronger
As he slashed my arm
I felt stronger”, he said
His hope was Palestinian
Insha’Allah, ya rab, Alhamdulillah
Bouncy words sprinkled around
Buds of trust bloom and grow
His broad grin whiffs you to life
His nightmares close their eyes
His tales of horror lie to slumber
When all lost hope he saw a future
I saw Jesus today
The Memoirs of Saint John:
No Greater Love

Who was Mary Magdalene and what was her relationship with Jesus?

As the United States and its allies threaten to invade Syria, an archaeological expedition in the country's east yields an ancient cache of scrolls whose authorship is uncertain though whose text consists of classical Greek with occasional passages in Aramaic. Beginning a translation, New Testament scholar David LaSalle quickly realizes what he has in his hands is a 2000-year-old love story, as told from the point of view of John the disciple. But LaSalle is in a race against time. What if the U.S. invades Syria? No one can say what will happen, but the loss of such a priceless archaelogical treasure is unthinkable.

The novel tells two stories in two timelines, both of which unfold simultaneously. The sections of the book set in the first century chronicle the saga of John, the disciple, from his early childhood up through the crucifixion, including his journeys with Jesus and the other disciples throughout Galilee and Judea. John becomes a very eloquent and human bearer of the classic gospel story...the miracles of healing, the turning over of the tables of the moneychangers...as well as that part of the narrative to which the gospels only briefly, and temptingly, hint at: the relationship between Jesus on the one hand, and Mary Magdalene on the other--with whom John is in love himself.
In its modern-day-set sections, the novel's main character is Dominic David LaSalle, a tenured university professor of religious studies who also is a Catholic priest. The head of the Syrian archaeological expedition happens to be LaSalle's old college friend, Arthur MacBride, and at the outset of the story, the latter appeals to LaSalle for help in translating the text on the scrolls. A key concern of scholars becomes determining whether the "John" of the Syrian scrolls is the same "John" who authored the Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament, also known as St. John's Apocalypse.

But LaSalle’s efforts become sidetracked by Cateline, a 13-year-old ward of a Catholic-run orphanage, who, though blind, has psychic visions. The young girl’s vision of a tsunami in the Indian Ocean presages one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history, a catastrophe that claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people. While doctors attempt to identify the cause of Cateline’s symptoms, including manic depression and the shedding of blood-filled tears, LaSalle and Sister Denise Michallat, director of the orphanage, must come to terms with the young blind girl’s apparent ability to see into the future.


  “The nearest to this great book is Joseph and his Brothers of Thomas Mann. Enjoyable, adventurous, light, even boisterous, thrilling, never sermonizing, this story of St. John the Divine rolls from his childhood on the idyllic Sea of Galilee shores through many encounters with fishermen, robbers, Gnostics, priests, to his mission as the Favourite Disciple in the exciting and fateful time when the pious Jew had met with the intellectual Hellene and the state-minded Roman to create our civilisation. This full-size, many coloured saga of the first century Palestine world brings the Bible characters to life: meek and sweet John, lecherous and thieving Judas, spiritual beauty of Magdalene, and above all, the majestic figure of Christ depicted with love and admiration.
  “Richard Edmondson’s profound learning and his wealth of details form a reliable factual basis for the book, at the same time it entertains the reader. You’ll never be bored!”

--Israel Shamir, author of Galilee Flowers
and Cabbala of Power
“William Blake wrote that ‘imagination is evidence of the divine.’ In Memoirs of Saint John, Richard Edmondson wrote, ‘when the purpose of life has been forgotten, when wisdom recedes and men become scarcely truthful in speech, God manifests himself on earth.’ Memoirs of St. John is a manifestation of the divine imagination expressed through well-developed characters from antiquity and today. Edmondson writes from a heart enlightened by the wisdom of women and the oneness of humanity.”

—Eileen Fleming, of We Are Wide Awake and
author of
Keep Hope Alive

“Ancient papyrus scrolls found in the Syrian desert give the first person account of Saint John’s life as dictated to his friend, Quintus Cintugnatus….I was totally caught up in the story and had forgotten that it’s a novel. The Memoirs of Saint John will have that effect on you.

—Paul Griffin (DJ Captain Fred) Berkeley Liberation

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Richard Edmondson

I am a journalist, poet, novelist, and peace activist. Email: info@memoirsofsaintjohn.com

The Memoirs of Saint John:

No Greater Love

ISBN 978-0-9678909-0-6
retail price: $24.95
492 pages
Publisher: OTWAY Books


  1. Nearly 3 years have gone by and no friend or foe showed any interest in that legendary, mythical, religious or whatever figure.

    Strange world I live in. No wonder I feel like an alien completely lost on this planet.
  2. Issa was banned from schools.
    The Younger Age know nothing and is too much influenced by MTV.
    I wish you a good year.
    This year is pressed for many changes. Everything becomes unpredictable. In the direst moments then hope is permitted.
  3. #3 by B.A.Frémaux-Soormally on January 5, 2012 - 8:43 pm

    Several years ago Adriana Evangelizt wrote a “cosmic” poem in French on Jesus the Messenger of Light, the best poem I ever read in my entire life, but I did not find ONE SINGLE Catholic who said he or she liked that poetry!

    Now, Adriana’s website has again been hijacked by the JEWISH PORNOGRAPHERS who are allowed by the powers that be to operate pornographic websites in absolute freedom and even force them on Internet users (which means even kids have access to Jewish porn!) and sabotage our efforts to reveal the truth to the world.

    So, unfortunately, I cannot give Adriana’s link here anymore, but I’ll give the link of its translation in English and hope this one too is not going to be Jewjacked. Today, I was unable to post my latest article “THE MARXIST JEWISH APOCALYPSE PROMISED FOR MARCH 2012!” as it came up with funny messages each time. I however managed to post it with great difficulty although not in the form I wanted to post it. The word JEW in the title has frightened many!

    The last post had a maximum of visitors from all over the world: “JEWISH MENDACITY – JEWISH DEGENERATE AND IMMORAL ARMY OF COLD-BLOODED ASSASSINS AND THIEVES”.


    Consequently, I will not pretend (hypocritically) that I like the present poem (Nahida’s) as I am more interested in the message here than the poetry itself.


    Suffice to say that Jesus’ suffering (assuming that he ever physically existed) was not great enough for Christians in general to feel or share the pain.

    If Jews, Christians and their friends scream all over the world that there was and is no Palestine, how can there be any Jesus at all?

    Christendom has to hide its ugly face (that of a hideous monster) for allowing the Jewish murderers to commit more crimes, more mass murders and always get away with it!

    Jews sentenced Jesus to death, but it was Rome that tortured, humiliated and crucified him, if we are to believe the Gospels!

    Today, Jews are the actual crucifiers of both Jesus and his people, over and over again as Nahida points out, and their accomplices in crime are the modern Romans who call themselves Europeans, Catholics, Christians, Protestants or whatever!

    The Jewish United States Corporation of Great Britain had already been sending their dual citizens to crucify the people of Jesus for at least the past 70 years (including the 100,000 or so “Ring Worm Children”), and are now officially sending their soldier-assassin hordes (troops) to finish off the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and bomb Iran and Syria in the process.

    I saw Jesus yesterday and today being betrayed by not only Christians but Muslims as well. And, the betrayal is not soon to end!

    “The smile of Issa
    Was Palestinian
    His resilience was Palestinian
    “As he punched me in the face
    I felt stronger
    As he kicked me in the stomach
    I felt stronger
    As he slashed my arm
    I felt stronger”, he said
    His hope was Palestinian
    Insha’Allah, ya rab, Alhamdulillah

    INSHA’ALLAH, as some say! But, I will not praise GOD (alhamdulillah!) for such a lousy job!

    Thursday 5th of January 2012
  4. #6 by Adalberto Erazo on January 6, 2012 - 3:39 am

    @ Basheer

    I was wondering where you where. I missed your long informative posts.Loved Adriana’s poem as well as this one by Nahida.

    Sometimes I wonder why didn’t God make me be born to different parents that way I wouldn’t be living in this demonic country called America which is a mirror image of IsraHell. I know it’s not kind to say that. After all Honor thy mother and thy father.

    I wished I could have lived a different life somewhere in Latin America away from this madness and be in peace. Or maybe living in the Malaysian countryside would be nice to get away from it all.

    Who knows perhaps God has a plan for me. If I can’t wake people up in this country about the demonic crimes America has committed in these God Damn Wars for IsraHell then maybe I can warn those who are not American to steer clear from this insane asylum. As we all know some of these people around the world are all starry eyed about America like those Green Movement idiots in Iran who wish to be enslaved by IsraHell and the west or like those opposition traitors in Russia who are protesting against Vladimir Putin.

    Those opposition traitors only want to return to the days of the jewish oligarchs who in league with the west, economically raped and enslaved Russia bringing misery to the people. Maybe if they heard from the words from someone who lived in the United States of IsraHell how bad it is here then maybe they would reconsider their love for this demonic beast. Make no mistake, it’s a police state filled with hateful and selfish people. The only reason you see people protesting on the streets is because these God Damn Wars for IsraHell are hitting them in the pocket book and they are losing too many of their “soldiers”. You see it’s only about them.

    They don’t give a damn about other peoples suffering. Millions were being butchered on the alter of the demonic entity of IsraHell and they celebrated it because they were murdering Muslims. Never mind the fact that they can’t handle the truth that their own government and IsraHell did 9/11 so they can start their longed plan wars for Greater IsraHell.

    For these Green Movement idiots, I would like to say Islam is being demonized here 24/7, 365 days, for the past 12 years and even before 9/11. You’re brothers and sisters live in fear and are considered second class citizens who don’t even have the same rights like the rest of the population.

    You can search the internet and find news about Muslims being discriminated, assaulted, and even murdered simply because of the religion and by the way they look. Their businesses and houses of worship are attacked and vandalized. The Holy Book, the Qur’an is desecrated and the people bear false witness against it, never even bothering to get to know it in which Jesus and his mother Mary are revered and honored.

    It is a religion of peace and truly the word of God yet the Americans love and worship the jew. The very same jews who say Jesus was a sorcerer and is burning in Hell for all eternity in a Cauldron of boiling excrement.

    The jews who insult the mother Mary by calling her a whore who conceived Jesus while in her menses. The vast majority of Americans have allied themselves with the Devil with the exception of a minority who truly know what’s going on.

    Adalberto Erazo
  5. (continued)

    The Americans have the utter gall and audacity to call you barbaric yet you are an ancient civilization with thousands of years of history and are far more civilized than they are. The Americans call themselves brave and free but in reality they nothing but barbaric cowards who do not realize they are already slaves. They refuse as a people to own up for the crimes America has committed against others overseas.

    Americans like to call themselves a light upon all nations, are exceptional, and that they can do no wrong which is exactly like jewish exceptionalism. They are arrogant, ignorant, and prideful to a fault never realizing they are behaving just like Lucifer.You people need to stand united because they could care less if you are part of the Green Movement or not. When those bombs drop they don’t care who they hit because to them you are all the same. Whatever you do don’t travel to America because you will be subjected to the indignities of being grouped and being irradiated through an x-ray porno scanner that can see the most intimate of parts.

    The police here are brutal and everyone lives in fear of them and the fact that they give war criminals who commit atrocities overseas slaps on the wrist shows what this country really is. Never mind the fact that the every politician is a psychopath who is a corrupted mass murderer or a future one who wants to take America on more murderous wars. America has no culture.

    What passes for “western culture” is nothing but a gutter culture with sex, drugs, alcohol, homosexuality,Hollywood, McDonalds, “reality” t.v., and mass consumerism to buy endless crap just so people can feel better about themselves.

    Unfortunately people in the west wouldn’t know western culture even if it bit them in the ass. Western culture originated in Greece yet many in the west would not know this because being educated and knowledgeable is considered a sin while being an ignorant idiot is given high praise. Please stay away from it or it will destroy you. Stay true to your roots and return to Islam and God. In the end God will cut America and IsraHell down to size.

    Adalberto Erazo
  6. #9 by B.A.Frémaux-Soormally on January 6, 2012 - 8:31 am

    Adalberto Erazo says:
    January 6, 2012 at 3:39 am

    @ Basheer

    “I was wondering where you were.”


    It looks like it is the first KIND thought addressed to me I read since the New Year 2012 has begun – to remember that I exist and has been contributing quite a bit to this site.

    I am always where people are LOOKING FOR the truth and always try to keep away from people who claim they have already FOUND IT.

    My friend, nobody else seems to have missed my “long informative posts”. I did write one for The Ugly Truth but decided to send it to two other carefully selected websites. One said it was great and agreed to post it. The other simply ignored it.

    Adalberto Erazo: “Loved Adriana’s poem as well as this one by Nahida.”

    You will be the very first earthling who said that he loved Adriana’s poem ever since it was posted in 2008 and advertised quite widely. Unfortunately, I could not provide Adriana’s link to its original French version as you cannot go there anymore without being flooded with tons of pop ups by the French Jewish “laïc” (secular) pornographers showing women and men, very young and very old, as worse than wild animals indulging not in sex but in all kinds of abominable activities which once provoked the Israelite God’s wrath who got so fed up that He decided to obliterate the land of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    I stopped writing here because I did not find people (my peers) to communicate or dialogue or debate with and I was fed up with childish and irrelevant commentaries and of neophytes posing as experts. And, also because I had no intention to “disturb…annoy…provoke…) Mark’s guests because at times I am a real pain in the neck.

    Adalberto Erazo: “Sometimes I wonder why didn’t God make me be born to different parents that way I wouldn’t be living in this demonic country called America which is a mirror image of IsraHell.”

    I know the feeling. I have long decided that I was born on the wrong planet or at the wrong time. At the time of Muslim Golden Age, the West did not own the entire world, but today it is gradually and surely become reality. When Rome took over Christianity we saw the grandeur as well as the abominations it brought to the world. Today, Christianity is almost dead. Christian humanity is almost dead. I have seen an old American having the guts (we get bolder when we have no more anything to lose!) trying to tell the Americans that Muslims did not do 9/11, but the International Jewish tribe did with the Americans themselves. Most people are shown in the video clip that they are not at all concerned with the truth but only with their amusements and do not wish to be “disturbed…annoyed” by the truth!



BAFS - 7 December 2018 
Martin Brech 1944

eisenhower.jpg (3665 bytes)

Eisenhower the "Swedish jew"?

"God, I hate the Germans..."--Dwight David Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in September, 1944

"We now stand ten years past the midpoint of a century that has witnessed four major wars among great nations.  Three of these involved our own country.  Despite these holocausts ..."

"Although it might be necessary to grant blacks certain political rights, this does not mean social equality or that a negro should court my daughter"
White House Ghosts: Presidents and Their Speechwriters

As observed, Eisenhower was little different from the general run of whites who held ambivalent views on race and integration, but his default position was one of patronization of blacks.   One historian reported that when he talked to eager African American audiences, Ike would remove his glasses and say, �Now, you people have to be patient.�  He had served for forty years in a segregated army and believed, as he told the Senate Armed Services Committee in 1948, that segregation should continue at the platoon level and below.  He told jokes about black people in bull sessions during the campaign and even in the White House.  He confided to a friend that he did not believe the races need socialize or that a Negro should court my daughter. In office as president, Eisenhower and his advisors worried constantly about

bulletIs this man a war criminal?
bulletIs this man a jew?
bulletBy renaming POWs as DEFs, he bypassed the Geneva Convention, a typical jew mentality.
bulletChanging his name from Eisenhauer to Eisenhower is a typical jew tactic.     
horizontal rule

A comparison of German censuses of 1946 and 1950 shows the effect of food shortages. The 1950 census showed 5.7 million people fewer than there should have been according to the number of people recorded in the 1946 census, minus officially reported deaths, plus births and "immigrants" (people expelled from the east and returning prisoners) in the period from 1946 to 1950. The total tally of unacknowledged deaths among prisoners, refugees and non-expelled civilians comes to about nine million people between 1945 and 1950, far more than the number who died during the war itself. All of these deaths were surplus to those actually reported. Moreover, those deaths occurred in peacetime while the world media did not bother to report of them.

horizontal rule
The Missing Holocaust
"I've checked out Churchill's Second World Warand the statement
is quite correct” not a single mention of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a
'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.

This is astonishing.  How can it be explained?

Eisenhower's Crusade in Europeis a book of 559 pages; the six
volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and
de Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerreis 2,054 pages.  In this
mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including
the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find

no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews,
or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war."
In 'Eisenhower's Death Camps':
A U.S. Prison Guard Remembers

Martin Brech

In October 1944, at age eighteen, I was drafted into the U.S. army. Largely because of the "Battle of the Bulge," my training was cut short, my furlough was halved, and I was sent overseas immediately. Upon arrival in Le Havre, France, we were quickly loaded into box cars and shipped to the front. When we got there, I was suffering increasingly severe symptoms of mononucleosis, and was sent to a hospital in Belgium. Since mononucleosis was then known as the "kissing disease," I mailed a letter of thanks to my girlfriend.
By the time I left the hospital, the outfit I had trained with in Spartanburg, South Carolina, was deep inside Germany, so, despite my protests, I was placed in a "repo depot" (replacement depot). I lost interest in the units to which I was assigned, and don't recall all of them: non-combat units were ridiculed at that time. My separation qualification record states I was mostly with Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment, during my seventeen-month stay in Germany, but I remember being transferred to other outfits also.
In late March or early April 1945, I was sent to guard a POW camp near Andernach along the Rhine. I had four years of high school German, so I was able to talk to the prisoners, although this was forbidden. Gradually, however, I was used as an interpreter and asked to ferret out members of the S.S. (I found none.)
In Andernach about 50,000 prisoners of all ages were held in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The women were kept in a separate enclosure that I did not see until later. The men I guarded had no shelter and no blankets. Many had no coats. They slept in the mud, wet and cold, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement. It was a cold, wet spring, and their misery from exposure alone was evident.
Even more shocking was to see the prisoners throwing grass and weeds into a tin can containing a thin soup. They told me they did this to help ease their hunger pains. Quickly they grew emaciated. Dysentery raged, and soon they were sleeping in their own excrement, too weak and crowded to reach the slit trenches. Many were begging for food, sickening and dying before our eyes. We had ample food and supplies, but did nothing to help them, including no medical assistance.
Outraged, I protested to my officers and was met with hostility or bland indifference. When pressed, they explained they were under strict orders from "higher up." No officer would dare do this to 50,000 men if he felt that it was "out of line," leaving him open to charges. Realizing my protests were useless, I asked a friend working in the kitchen if he could slip me some extra food for the prisoners. He too said they were under strict orders to severely ration the prisoners' food, and that these orders came from "higher up." But he said they had more food than they knew what to do with, and would sneak me some.
When I threw this food over the barbed wire to the prisoners, I was caught and threatened with imprisonment. I repeated the "offense," and one officer angrily threatened to shoot me. I assumed this was a bluff until I encountered a captain on a hill above the Rhine shooting down at a group of German civilian women with his .45 caliber pistol. When I asked, "Why?," he mumbled, "Target practice," and fired until his pistol was empty. I saw the women running for cover, but, at that distance, couldn't tell if any had been hit.
This is when I realized I was dealing with cold-blooded killers filled with moralistic hatred. They considered the Germans subhuman and worthy of extermination; another expression of the downward spiral of racism. Articles in the G.I. newspaper, Stars and Stripes, played up the German concentration camps, complete with photos of emaciated bodies. This amplified our self-righteous cruelty, and made it easier to imitate behavior we were supposed to oppose. Also, I think, soldiers not exposed to combat were trying to prove how tough they were by taking it out on the prisoners and civilians.
These prisoners, I found out, were mostly farmers and workingmen, as simple and ignorant as many of our own troops. As time went on, more of them lapsed into a zombie-like state of listlessness, while others tried to escape in a demented or suicidal fashion, running through open fields in broad daylight towards the Rhine to quench their thirst. They were mowed down.
Some prisoners were as eager for cigarettes as for food, saying they took the edge off their hunger. Accordingly, enterprising G.I. "Yankee traders" were acquiring hordes of watches and rings in exchange for handfuls of cigarettes or less. When I began throwing cartons of cigarettes to the prisoners to ruin this trade, I was threatened by rank-and-file G.I.s too.
The only bright spot in this gloomy picture came one night when. I was put on the "graveyard shift," from two to four a.m. Actually, there was a graveyard on the uphill side of this enclosure, not many yards away. My superiors had forgotten to give me a flashlight and I hadn't bothered to ask for one, disgusted as I was with the whole situation by that time. It was a fairly bright night and I soon became aware of a prisoner crawling under the wires towards the graveyard. We were supposed to shoot escapees on sight, so I started to get up from the ground to warn him to get back. Suddenly I noticed another prisoner crawling from the graveyard back to the enclosure. They were risking their lives to get to the graveyard for something. I had to investigate.
When I entered the gloom of this shrubby, tree-shaded cemetery, I felt completely vulnerable, but somehow curiosity kept me moving. Despite my caution, I tripped over the legs of someone in a prone position. Whipping my rifle around while stumbling and trying to regain composure of mind and body, I soon was relieved I hadn't reflexively fired. The figure sat up. Gradually, I could see the beautiful but terror-stricken face of a woman with a picnic basket nearby. German civilians were not allowed to feed, nor even come near the prisoners, so I quickly assured her I approved of what she was doing, not to be afraid, and that I would leave the graveyard to get out of the way.
I did so immediately and sat down, leaning against a tree at the edge of the cemetery to be inconspicuous and not frighten the prisoners. I imagined then, and still do now, what it would be like to meet a beautiful woman with a picnic basket under those conditions as a prisoner. I have never forgotten her face.
Eventually, more prisoners crawled back to the enclosure. I saw they were dragging food to their comrades, and could only admire their courage and devotion.
On May 8, V.E. Day [1945], I decided to celebrate with some prisoners I was guarding who were baking bread the other prisoners occasionally received. This group had all the bread they could eat, and shared the jovial mood generated by the end of the war. We all thought we were going home soon, a pathetic hope on their part. We were in what was to become the French zone [of occupation], where I soon would witness the brutality of the French soldiers when we transferred our prisoners to them for their slave labor camps.
On this day, however, we were happy.
As a gesture of friendliness, I emptied my rifle and stood it in the corner, even allowing them to play with it at their request. This thoroughly "broke the ice," and soon we were singing songs we taught each other, or that I had learned in high school German class ("Du, du, liegst mir im Herzen"). Out of gratitude, they baked me a special small loaf of sweet bread, the only possible present they had left to offer. I stuffed it in my "Eisenhower jacket," and snuck it back to my barracks, eating it when I had privacy. I have never tasted more delicious bread, nor felt a deeper sense of communion while eating it. I believe a cosmic sense of Christ (the Oneness of all Being) revealed its normally hidden presence to me on that occasion, influencing my later decision to major in philosophy and religion.
Shortly afterwards, some of our weak and sickly prisoners were marched off by French soldiers to their camp. We were riding on a truck behind this column. Temporarily, it slowed down and dropped back, perhaps because the driver was as shocked as I was. Whenever a German prisoner staggered or dropped back, he was hit on the head with a club and killed. The bodies were rolled to the side of the road to be picked up by another truck. For many, this quick death might have been preferable to slow starvation in our "killing fields."
When I finally saw the German women held in a separate enclosure, I asked why we were holding them prisoner. I was told they were "camp followers," selected as breeding stock for the S.S. to create a super-race. I spoke to some, and must say I never met a more spirited or attractive group of women. I certainly didn't think they deserved imprisonment.
More and more I was used as an interpreter, and was able to prevent some particularly unfortunate arrests. One somewhat amusing incident involved an old farmer who was being dragged away by several M.P.s. I was told he had a "fancy Nazi medal," which they showed me. Fortunately, I had a chart identifying such medals. He'd been awarded it for having five children! Perhaps his wife was somewhat relieved to get him "off her back," but I didn't think one of our death camps was a fair punishment for his contribution to Germany. The M.P.s agreed and released him to continue his "dirty work."
Famine began to spread among the German civilians also. It was a common sight to see German women up to their elbows in our garbage cans looking for something edible -- that is, if they weren't chased away.
When I interviewed mayors of small towns and villages, I was told that their supply of food had been taken away by "displaced persons" (foreigners who had worked in Germany), who packed the food on trucks and drove away. When I reported this, the response was a shrug. I never saw any Red Cross at the camp or helping civilians, although their coffee and doughnut stands were available everywhere else for us. In the meantime, the Germans had to rely on the sharing of hidden stores until the next harvest.
Hunger made German women more "available," but despite this, rape was prevalent and often accompanied by additional violence. In particular I remember an eighteen-year old woman who had the side of her faced smashed with a rifle butt, and was then raped by two G.I.s. Even the French complained that the rapes, looting and drunken destructiveness on the part of our troops was excessive. In Le Havre, we'd been given booklets warning us that the German soldiers had maintained a high standard of behavior with French civilians who were peaceful, and that we should do the same. In this we failed miserably.
"So what?" some would say. "The enemy's atrocities were worse than ours." It is true that I experienced only the end of the war, when we were already the victors. The German opportunity for atrocities had faded, while ours was at hand. But two wrongs don't make a right. Rather than copying our enemy's crimes, we should aim once and for all to break the cycle of hatred and vengeance that has plagued and distorted human history. This is why I am speaking out now, 45 years after the crime. We can never prevent individual war crimes, but we can, if enough of us speak out, influence government policy. We can reject government propaganda that depicts our enemies as subhuman and encourages the kind of outrages I witnessed. We can protest the bombing of civilian targets, which still goes on today. And we can refuse ever to condone our government's murder of unarmed and defeated prisoners of war.
I realize it's difficult for the average citizen to admit witnessing a crime of this magnitude, especially if implicated himself. Even G.I.s sympathetic to the victims were afraid to complain and get into trouble, they told me. And the danger has not ceased. Since I spoke out a few weeks ago, I have received threatening calls and had my mailbox smashed. But its been worth it. Writing about these atrocities has been a catharsis of feelings suppressed too long, a liberation, that perhaps will remind other witnesses that "the truth will make us free, have no fear." We may even learn a supreme lesson from all this: only love can conquer all.

About the author
Martin Brech lives in Mahopac, New York. When he wrote this memoir essay in 1990, he was an Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Brech holds a master's degree in theology from Columbia University, and is a Unitarian-Universalist minister.
This essay was published in The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1990 (Vol. 10, No. 2), pp. 161-166. (Revised, updated: Nov. 2008)

For Further Reading

James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950 (Toronto: Little, Brown and Co., 1997)
James Bacque, Other Losses: An investigation into the mass deaths of German prisoners at the hands of the French and Americans after World War II (Toronto: Stoddart, 1989)
Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, Nemesis at Postsdam (Lincoln, Neb.: 1990)
Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the Eastern European Germans, 1944-1950 (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994)
John Dietrich, The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy (New York: Algora, 2002)
Ralph Franklin Keeling, Gruesome Harvest: The Allies' Postwar War Against the German People (IHR, 1992). Originally published in Chicago in 1947.
Giles MacDonogh, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation (New York: Basic Books, 2007)
John Sack, An Eye for an Eye: The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge for the Holocaust (2000)
Mark Weber, "New Book Details Mass Killings and Brutal Mistreatment of Germans at the End of World War Two" (Summer 2007)
( http://www.ihr.org/other/afterthereich072007.html )

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Eisenhower Had Jewish Blood

West Point yearbook
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Eisenhower Questioned
West Point was very conscious of any 'Non-White' candidates. It was obvious from Eisenhower's appearance that he was carrying another race's blood. The headmaster quizzed him and he admitted he had Jewish ancestors. His father was a Swedish Jew who married a Swedish gentile woman.
During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen. Douglas McArthur in the South Pacific, McArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff. In 1943, Washington not only transferred Col. Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star general and placed him in charge of all the US forces in Europe.

wpe1BD.jpg (31559 bytes)

Eisenhower Is A derivative Of Eisenhauer A Jewish Name

Eisenhower Was Considered Incompetent
During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen. Douglas McArthur in the South Pacific, McArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff. In 1943, Washington not only transferred Col. Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star general and placed him in charge of all the US forces in Europe.
Bernard Baruch was behind Eisenhower
His military promotions on the eve of WWII and during the war are curious to say the least. Zionists found an Army officer who had been a military failure until Bernard Baruch promoted him to General.
His actions and responsibilities during and after the war: direct, personal negotiations with Stalin on the placements of the armies (and the surrender of territory won by Americans, with the ceding of that territory to the Russians).

wpe101.jpg (4008 bytes)

The massacre of surrendered Germans at Dachau, the fire bombing of Dresden, Operation Keelhaul, and the intentional starvationof over 1,250,000 "disarmed enemy forces" all clearly mark him as a war criminal and an embarrassment. Dresden video
In 1952, although he had been a Democrat most of his life, Baruch endorsed Dwight D. Eisenhower for president.
Interesting pictures

Eisenhower flaunts his mistress

West Point was very conscious of any ' Non-White' candidates. It was obvious from Eisenhower's appearance that he was carrying another race's blood. The headmaster quizzed him and he admitted he had Jewish ancestors

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"It was clear in 1952 that the Republicans would return to the White House. Harry Truman* had more problems than the Alger Hiss scandal. "Containment" was simply not working. Sicne the concept's origination, hundreds of millions of people had fallen under Communist domination. Americans sensed the need for a strong new leader who could stand up to the Soviets. The favorite of the GOP's rank and file was Senator Robert Taft of Ohio, the son of the former President, and an outspoken foe of Communism.

Douglas Macarthur openly supported Taft, who entertained plans to make the general his running mate. It was the Establishment's aversion to this candidacy that brought Dwight D. Eisenhower forward.

In 1941, the year we went to war, Eisenhower or "Ike", was a lieutenant colonel who had never seen a battle in his life. Yet by 1943 he had become a four-star general and supreme commander of the Allied forces in Western Europe...After the war Eisenhower commanded U.S. occupation forces in Germany. He returned home to become US Chief of Staff...Bernanrd Baruch became a close acquaintance. Althihg he had no academic background, Eisenhower was made president of Columbia University in 1948. He joined the Council on Foreign Relations,...

The Establishment knew that to divest Taft and Macarthur of the Republican nomination, they would have to present a candidate who looked incredibly tough and anti-Communist. General Eisenhower, who was still wearing an aura of World War II glory, became their choice.

By no stretch of the imagination was Ike a Republican teaditionalist. In fact, until he ran, he had no party affiliation...At the Republican nominating convention, "dirty tricks" abounded. The rules for selecting delegates were changed; Taft delegations from Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas were thrown out and replaced by Eisenhower's supporters...Once again, the Establishment had succeeded in controlling both parties..."

The SHADOWS OF POWER, by James Perloff. pp. 102-103.     

* Since the inauguration of perpetual peace by the United Notions, only two Presidents, Sheeny Truman (20) and a crook from Texas (21), have had the fun of shipping large numbers of American men to be slaughtered on the other side of the globe, and creating an excuse for massively increased taxation to bleed the boobs some more.
(20. His father was a Sheeny, his mother, a White woman, so he was not a Jew by orthodox standards.)

(21. Johnson, a small-time politician, on whom see J. Evetts Haley, A Texan Looks at Lyndon, was married to and supervised by a Kikess, who probably guided him to power.

His character is adequately shown by the fact that he had or simulated a tantrum when some Vietnamese boats supposedly fired at an American destroyer, but when the Kikes bombed and torpedoed the U.S.S. Liberty, killed many American sailors, and tried to sink the little ship without survivors so that they could blame the Egyptians, Lyndon personally forbade the ships of the U.S. Navy near the scene to go to the assistance of the ship that had been detached from their squadron and personally expressed the hope that the Sheenies would succeed in killing all those stupid American swine on the American naval vessel. He was not impeached, convicted of high treason, and shot.)


"It is noteworthy that Rabbi Gruenewald ignores the fact that Truman's father was a Sheeny. The pious rabbi may have been applying the orthodox criterion that the sons of Jews by White women are not really Jews, or he may have thought it tactless to mention that Americans, with their simplistic notions of heredity, thought Truman half-Jewish but were evidently not alarmed. A little later, he likewise makes no mention of the Jews' share of Franklin Roosevelt.)"




The following document was faxed to Richard Claypool [Head of U.S. Presidential Libraries, Maryland] on June 16th 2002 , at (301) 837 3218 , concerning Anne Morrow's identity investigation. A slightly modified version was also faxed on this same date to Harold Holt [Executive Director, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library , Kansas] , at (785) 263 4218.

"...Anne Morrow & myself have discovered that the name & spelling of Eisenhower was & has been corrupted from it's original spelling Eisenhauer. Although your establishment discounts Eisenhower's Jewish &/or Negro ancestry [see; http://www.Palatinepress.com/images/teasleyletter2.gif] the corruption of the original spelling , to the existing & publicly embraced & accepted Eisenhower implies the former President's descendents was a Jewish , perhaps even a German bloodline. This further supports Anne Morrow's story & that she in fact descended from "old , old blood out of Europe." Anne Morrow & myself have substantiated that the reason for the Eisenhauer name corruption to Eisenhower was merely for public relations during World War II & through-out the Cold War , & to cloak the true heritage & bloodline of Dwight D. Eisenhower. This corruption was positively reflected & perpetuated most importantly within the confines of education circles.

 The names Campbell , Gabbard & Morrow seem to be interlocked & are seemingly different names for the same bloodline , which is intended to hide the heritage & origins of an Eisenhauer (Eisenhower) line which extends back into Europe (under most likely , many other different names)."

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Dear DJ,

The following document was faxed to Richard Claypool [Head of U.S. Presidential Libraries, Maryland] on June 16th 2002 , at (301) 837 3218 , concerning Anne Morrow's identity investigation. A slightly modified version was also faxed on this same date to Harold Holt [Executive Director, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library , Kansas] , at (785) 263 4218.

It was Anne Morrow who confided in me , many months ago , after I published a non-related article in my independently owned & operated publication , BEACHHEAD , her belief that she was in fact the illegitimiate daughter of former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower & her biological mother may in fact be Dwight D. Eisenhower's former driver , Kay Summersby. Rumours were confirmed in 1975 , when Kay Summersby wrote a book titled; "Past Forgetting; My Love Affair With Dwight D. Eisenhower". It was Mr.Eisenhower's superior General George Marshall who quashed a plan by Dwight D. Eisenhower to divorce his wife Mamie & marry Summersby. It has been stated , General.Marshall threatened to bust Eisenhower out of the military while fighting in Europe [World War II] , if he was to go ahead & marry Summersby & divorce Mamie. As docummented , General George Marshall served in President Truman's Cabinet , as Secretary of State & then as , Secretary of Defense.

Through my own genealogical research I have established a definite link betweeen the names Campbell , Gabbard , Morrow & Eisenhower. However , Anne Morrow & myself have discovered that the name & spelling of Eisenhower was & has been corrupted from it's original spelling Eisenhauer. Although your establishment discounts Eisenhower's Jewish &/or Negro ancestry [see; http://www.Palatinepress.com/images/teasleyletter2.gif] the corruption of the original spelling , to the existing & publicly embraced & accepted Eisenhower implies the former President's descendents was a Jewish , perhaps even a German bloodline. This further supports Anne Morrow's story & that she in fact descended from "old , old blood out of Europe." Anne Morrow & myself have substantiated that the reason for the Eisenhauer name corruption to Eisenhower was merely for public relations during World War II & through-out the Cold War , & to cloak the true heritage & bloodline of Dwight D. Eisenhower. This corruption was positively reflected & perpetuated most importantly within the confines of education circles.

 James W. von Brunn (http://www.holywesternempire.org/bio.html) writes:

"General DWIGHT EISENHOWER (appropriately named "The Swedish Jew" by fellow West Point cadets) was
promoted over the heads of many more qualified officers for a reason. He agreed, apparently, to exchange America's honor quid pro quo for 5-Stars and glory. After the war, at the dedication of a New York City park honoring the Bernard Baruch family, key-note speaker Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, USA-Ret., admitted: As a young unknown major I took the wisest step of my life. I consulted Mr. Baruch. (General Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. Army), cited by A.K. CHESTERTON, op. cit., The New Unhappy Lords.)

"...it is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His (DEF) [POW camp] policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed in the European Theatre.......one Allied officer compared the American camps to Buchenwald........It is known, and will be documented in my upcoming book in newsprint format, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for these German soldiers. This was deliberately and intentionally denied them."

Professor Revilo P. Oliver (February 1992):

The real influx of savages began in the administration of the filthy mongrel called Eisenhower, noted for his open and vicious hatred of Germans and dissimulated hatred of other Aryans, and his scrapping of what was left of the American Constitution.

"Canada was thus ready for the next act in her enemies' program, and one is reminded of the trick used so effectively in the United States when the Republican Party was bought to install in the White House "Barney" Baruch's tool, a mongrel named Eisenhower.(5)

(5. Eisenhower's mother was probably a quadroon. His features were distinctly Negroid when he was a cadet at West Point, where he was barely able to "squeak through" to a commission.)

ALSO: "It is noteworthy that Rabbi Gruenewald ignores the fact that Truman's father was a Sheeny. The pious rabbi may have been applying the orthodox criterion that the sons of Jews by White women are not really Jews, or he may have thought it tactless to mention that Americans, with their simplistic notions of heredity, thought Truman half-Jewish but were evidently not alarmed. A little later, he likewise makes no mention of the Jews' share of Franklin Roosevelt" (REVILO OLIVER) http://www.resist.com/Articles/rpo/1987_Poor_Old_Ronnie.html

The issue of "Life" I have cited contains other significant photographs: the father of the disgusting creature named Harry Truman was obviously a Sheeny; the unfortunate mother seems to be a White woman.)

Following WWII, the part negro Eisenhower reclassified surrendering German forces as "unarmed enemy forces", thus removing them from the protection of the Geneva Convention which applied to "prisoners of war". This gave them the latitude to starve to death over one million German "combatants". Read Bacque's Other Losses. There are two printings. Seek the Canadian version as the American version has been tainted by jew sanitization.

Kill the Best Gentiles by James Von Brunn

This new book is available for free download of the first six chapters. This carefully documented treatise exposes the Jews and explains what you must do to protect your White family. Kill the Best Gentiles! Is a must for every concerned parent and a manual for every student of World History.

Surf over and check it out at:


>From FAEM.com


15 August 2002
Dear Mr. Maguire
In your article Elite American Political Leadership you mention Eisenhower's nickname "The Swedish Jew". I am interested to know how he got that nickname. To my knowledge Eisenhower did not have anything to do with Sweden.

Best Regards -- Mr. J. -- Northern Europa

PS! I am an avid FAEM-reader and have been for the last two years. I have read almost everything posted on the site. Dear Mr. J.,

<b>Eisenhower was nicknamed "The Swedish Jew" as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point. In Ike's time USMA cadets were required to be 100% white and non-negroid, or as close to that as medical doctors and geneological research could then ascertain. Serious official questions arose about Ike's obvious part non-white genetic heritage. These appeared to be negroid in origin. "Ike" explained this away as being due to a Jewish ancestor from Sweden, hence the nickname "The Swedish Jew". </b>

Military Academy cadets and other officer candidates get to know each other extremely well during their schooling, provided it's conducted on an intensive basis as U.S. officer schooling formerly was. Everyone is at close quarters running 24/7. There's no place to hide character traits in those conditions. Cadet nicknames are usually extremely descriptive. And when they're keyed to obvious non-white themes it's a warning signal to look deeper. Here's another example. The U.S. Pacific Fleet commander who allowed himself to be surprised at Pearl Harbor, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, was nicknamed "Mustapha" as a midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Other "Mustaphas" in Egypt and Syria allowed this to happen to themselves in 1967.

The academy and officer training schools (used?) to take official advantage of that close quarters peer knowledge through an anonymous peer rating mechanism. I knew this as "Top Five/Bottom Five" and it meant what it said. Officer candidates rated their platoon fellows on leadership in rank order from Top One to Bottom x. People who accumulated too many "Bottom Five" rankings were automatically scheduled for periodic official leadership review boards for enquiry into whether they should be dismissed without commission. The presumption of such boards used to be such individuals should be dismissed unless they could prove they were worthy of commission. Very, very few survived such review boards.

Judeo-Marxist Academics like the military scribbler Weigley and the Jew military 'sociologist' Moscowitz are generally extremely hostile to processes like peer rating and also to troop election of officers at regimental level and below. The admixture of females has added feminist hostility to the opposition to such processes. The long-term result is a corps of military leaders who possess less and less confidence where it really counts. That's among their soldiers. This has gone so far that the average U.S. ground combat unit is unusable for its designed purpose.

After long military experience and study the wisdom of both peer ratings and also electing regimental officers in militia and citizen-soldier units seems more and more profound to me. I think the only safeguard needed is a veto power for general officers to remove obvious misfits. You can conduct all the bureaucratic schooling processes you want. But if an officer does not possess the confidence of his troops they will not follow him in combat, obey his orders or stay the course in difficult times. Consequently years of academic training simply go to waste. Electing first and schooling second is probably the best way.

P.S. The leadership qualities required from military leaders and from political leaders are not identical. Some individuals combine these two attribute sets. Hitler did not combine these qualities, at least at the lower infantry unit level. This is proven by the fact he entered the Bavarian Army as a private and emerged after four years of war as a corporal. Despite this many fellow war veterans from his former battalion willingly followed him as a political leader, including his former battalion sergeant-major and some officers.

Nineteenth Century America managed to select many men for high office who did combine both leadership sets in fairly large numbers. This more than anything explains the rapid conquest of the continent. It was not 'luck'. The old American Republic (long since vanished) actually conformed very closely in practice to the ideals of the old Roman Republic in both military process and results. The Roman Republic constitutionally required that political leaders prove themselves as leaders in war. This was an ideal for early Americans but not a definite legal requirement. Had the Founding Fathers mandated this in the Constitution our history would have turned out very differently. Certainly Canada, Mexico and Cuba would not exist as independent states. Whether this would have prevented subsequent miscegenation or the Civil War is another question.

And results (output) are the real measure of military efficiency (or any other efficiency). The military stature and efficiency of a state is not measured by the numbers of troops raised or the percentage of the budget applied to 'military' appropriations; i.e. inputs. The Neo-con pseudo-patriots of the Judeo-Republican Party (non-veterans to a womandman) do think in these Communist terms of inputs. If this measurement were valid then Italy would be one of the military success stories of the 20th Century rather than one of the premier failures. When judged by this standard of results 19th Century America was a resounding success as a military state. Twentieth Century America was a military failure to the point that political loss of territory is now occuring in the Southwest.

P.P.S. Note to the former student of Russell F. Weigley who wrote in to defend him.

In my 1984 edition of Weigley's "History of the United States Army" he devotes about 40 pages to the War of 1812. He dedicates nearly all of this to harping on the relatively small Congressional size authorization and even lower actual personnel fill (about 20,000) of the "Regular Army". In this section Weigley glosses over the militia contribution in the sentence "this number was exclusive of those men from the volunteer and common militias who served for short periods against British raids and invasions in their own districts and who may have numbered in the hundreds of thousands."

Then Weigley reverts back to beating to death obscurities like poor Regular Army horse recruitment and rotten contractor commissary stores. The obscure "Battle of Lundy's Lane" (actually a minor skirmish around Niagara) receives an extensive autopsy. The Battles of Put-in Bay, New Orleans and General Harrison's campaign to reconquer the Northwest are ignored. These large-scale decisive events were commanded by regular officers leading Weigley's ignored militia.

And New Orleans was decisive despite being fought after 'peace' was signed. Anyone who thinks the extermination of Britain's best veteran regiments at the hands of frontier militia didn't exercise a subsequent deterrent effect on British decision-making doesn't understand how governments arrive at war and peace decisions. The British decision to negotiate over "Fifty-four Forty or Fight!" in the 1840s was undoubtedly influenced by that memory.

If Weigley had ever marched even once 20 miles with a 100 pound pack in 100 degree heat he would have understood something. Even 100,000 perfectly trained regulars alone would have resulted in American defeat. In the early 19th Century transport proceeded by foot, by horse or by sea. Since the British had overall naval superiority moving troops by sea convoy was not possible. This left marching on land. The factors of force/space/time applied to North America dictated that the early Republic had to rely on 'militia'. This was especially true when fighting an enemy possessing command of the sea and the choice of where and when to strike with large amphibious raiding parties. There was no possibility of a timely counter-concentration of a central reserve at the tactical level, especially on defense. This comes back to Nathan Bedford Forrest's "he who gets theah fustest with mostest." Overall numbers are irrelevant in such conditions unless you create a 'nation in arms' as was done by the Militia Act of 1792.

Like I said, Weigley's book is worthless garbage that should be collected up and pulped


-----Original Message-----
From: New Order <neworder@execpc.com>
To: bikpatel@aol.com
Sent: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 14:33:02 -0600
Subject: Re: Eisenhower had Jewish blood

We are not impressed.  The evidence you have presented
would not make a very good case in eugenics court. 

College high-jinks remarks are not at all convincing.   
You must have something considerably more substantial. 

Also, having a Jew find a shabbos goy does not make such
a prot�g� a Jew.  Remember Lord Beaconfield's Coningsby?
One need not be a Jew to be a swine (if we may be allowed
to disparage swine in this disrespectful manner).



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: Eisenhower had Jewish blood

Eisenhower had Jewish blood

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One Million German POWs
Killed After WWII By US & France
Environment News Service

Excerpt from - OTHER LOSSES
By James Bacque
Stoddart Publishing
Toronto, Canada
ISBN 0-7737-2269-6    
June, 1945 US POW camp in Germany
"Starting in April 1945, the United States Army and the French Army
casually annihilated one million [German] men, most of them in
American camps . . . Eisenhower's hatred, passed through the lens of
a compliant military bureaucracy, produced the horror of death camps
unequalled by anything in American history . . . an enormous war
--Col. Ernest F. Fisher, PhD Lt.
101 st Airborne Division, Senior Historian, United States Army
From Stephen R.
I heard this kind of story repeatedly in the late 1940's. Some were
much worse as to numbers involved. I was super patriotic, and told a
kid his relative was a liar.
One Sunday, he came to my house and got me, and I heard a drunken
discourse from his mothers' scarey boyfriend who had been a GI guard.
He became hysterical talking about burying 100's per day. I have no
doubt this was true. He was with some kind of roving death squad.
They arrived at the German POW camps late in 1945, took selected
prisoners from shelters to open fields in mid-Winter. And watched
them in shifts until they were dead.
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Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 21:03:23 -0500
From: dkuehne@erols.com
Subject: Eisenhower's Holocaust: I DON'T like IKE!

 From: "Bob Jones"<dragonslayer@lvcm.com>

IKE, THE KIKE! Eisenhower's Holocaust!

"God, I hate the Germans..." --Dwight David Eisenhower
in a letter to his wife in September, 1944.

     First, I want you to picture something in your
mind. You are a German soldier who survived through the
battles of World II. You were not really politically
involved, and your parents were also indifferent to
politics, but suddenly your education was interrupted
and you were drafted into the German army and told
where to fight. Now, in the Spring of 1945, you see
that your country has been demolished by the Allies,
your cities lie in ruins, and half of your family has
been killed or is missing. Now, your unit is being
surrounded, and it is finally time to surrender. The
fact is, there is no other choice.

     It has been a long, cold winter. The German army
rations have not been all that good, but you managed to
survive. Spring came late that year, with weeks of cold
rainy weather in demolished Europe. Your boots are
tattered, your uniform is falling apart, and the stress
of surrender and the confusion that lies ahead for you
has your guts being torn out. Now, it is over, you must
surrender or be shot. This is war and the real world.

     You are taken as a German Prisoner of War into
American hands. The Americans had 200 such Prisoner of
War camps scattered across Germany. You are marched to
a compound surrounded with barbed wire fences as far as
the eye can see. Thousands upon thousands of your
fellow German soldiers are already in this make-shift
corral. You see no evidence of a latrine and after
three hours of marching through the mud of the spring
rain, the comfort of a latrine is upper-most in your
mind. You are driven through the heavily guarded gate
and find yourself free to move about, and you begin the
futile search for the latrine. Finally, you ask for
directions, and are informed that no such luxury
exists. No more time. You find a place and squat. First
you were exhausted, then hungry, then fearful, and
now--dirty. Hundreds more German prisoners are behind
you, pushing you on, jamming you together and every one
of them searching for the latrine as soon as they could
do so. Now, late in the day, there is no space to even
squat, much less sit down to rest your weary legs. None
of the prisoners, you quickly learn, have had any food
that day, in fact there was no food while in the
American hands that any surviving prisoner can testify
to. No one has eaten any food for weeks, and they are
slowly starving and dying.

     But, they can't do this to us! There are the
Geneva Convention rules for the treatment of Prisoners
of War. There must be some mistake! Hope continues
through the night, with no shelter from the cold,
biting rain. Your uniform is sopping wet, and formerly
brave soldiers are weeping all around you, as buddy
after buddy dies from the lack of food, water, sleep
and shelter from the weather. After weeks of this, your
own hope bleeds off into dispair, and finally you
actually begin to envy those who, having surrendered
first manhood and then dignity, now also surrender life
itself. More hopeless weeks go by. Finally, the last
thing you remember is falling, unable to get up, and
lying face down in the mud mixed with the excrement of
those who have gone before.

     Your body will be picked up long after it is cold,
and taken to a special tent where your clothing is
stripped off. So that you will be quickly forgotten,
and never again identified, your dog-tag is snipped in
half and your body along with those of your fellow
soldiers are covered with chemicals for rapid
decomposition and buried. You were not one of the
exceptions, for more than one million, seven hundred
thousand German Prisoners of War died from a deliberate
policy of extermination by starvation, exposure, and
disease -under direct orders of General Dwight David

     One month before the end of World War 11, General
Eisenhower issued special orders concerning the
treatment of German Prisoners and specific in the
language of those orders was this statement, "Prison
enclosures are to provide no shelter or other
comforts." Eisenhower biographer Stephen Ambrose, who
was given access to the Eisenhower personal letters,
states that he proposed to exterminate the entire
German General Staff, thousands of people, after the
war. Eisenhower, in his personal letters, did not
merely hate the Nazi Regime, and the few who imposed
its will down from the top, but that he hated the
German people as a race. It was his personal intent to
destroy as many of them as he could, and one way was to
wipe out as many prisoners of war as possible. Of
course, that was illegal under International law, so he
issued an order on March 10, 1945 and verified by his
initials on a cable of that date, that German Prisoners
of War be redesignated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces"
called in these reports as DEF. He ordered that these
Germans did not fall under the Geneva Rules, and were
not to be fed or given any water or medical attention.
The Swiss Red Cross was not to inspect the camps, for
under the DEF classification, they had no such
authority or jurisdiction.

     Months after the war was officially over,
Eisenhower's special German DEF camps were still in
operation forcing the men into confinement, but denying
that they were prisoners. As soon as the war was over,
General George Patton simply turned his prisoners loose
to fend for themselves and find their way home as best
they could. Eisenhower was furious, and issued a
specific order to Patton, to turn these men over to the
DEF camps. Knowing Patton as we do from history, we
know that these orders were largely ignored, and it may
well be that Patton's untimely and curious death may
have been a result of what he knew about these wretched
Eisenhower DEF camps.

     The book, OTHER LOSSES, found its way a few months
ago into the hands of a Canadian news reporter, Peter
Worthington, of the OTTAWA SUN. He did his own research
through contacts he had in Canada, and reported in his
column on September 12,1989 the following, in part:

     "...it is hard to escape the conclusion that
Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic
proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more Germans in
peace than were killed in the European Theatre."

     "For years we have blamed the 1.7 million missing
German POW's on the Russians. Until now, no one dug too
deeply ... Witnesses and survivors have been
interviewed by the author; one Allied officer compared
the American camps to Buchenwald."

     It is known, and will be documented in my upcoming
book in newsprint format, that the Allies had
sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for
these German soldiers. This was deliberately and
intentionally denied them. Many men died of gangrene
from frostbite due to deliberate exposure. Local German
people who offered these men food, were denied. General
Patton's Third Army was the only command in the
European Theatre to release significant numbers of
Germans. Others, such as Omar Bradley and General
J.C.H. Lee, Commander of Com Z, tried, and ordered the
release of prisoners within a week of the war's end.
However, a SHAEF Order, signed by Eisenhower,
countermanded them on May 15th.

     Does that make you angry? What will it take to get
the average apathetic American involved in saving his
country from such traitors at the top? Thirty years
ago, amid the high popularity of Eisenhower, a book was
written setting out the political and moral philosophy;
of Dwight David Eisenhower called, THE POLITICIAN, by
Robert Welch.

     This year is the 107th Anniversary of Eisenhower's
birth in Denison, Texas on October 14, 1890, the son of
Jacob David Eisenhower and his wife Ida. Everyone is
all excited about the celebration of this landmark in
the history of "this American patriot." Senator Robert
Dole, in honor of the Commander of the American Death
Camps, proposed that Washington's Dulles Airport be
renamed the Eisenhower Airport!

     The UNITED STATES MINT in Philadelphia, PA is
actually issuing a special Eisenhower Centennial Silver
Dollar for only $25 each. They will only mint 4 million
of these collector's items, and veteran's magazines are
promoting these coins under the slogan, "Remember the
Man ... Remember the Times.." Pardon me if I

     There will be some veterans who will not be buying
these coins. Two will be Col. James Mason and Col.
Charles Beasley who were in the U.S. Army Medical Corps
who published a paper on the Eisenhower Death Camps in
1950. They stated in part:

     "Huddled close together for warmth, behind the
barbed wire was a most awesome sight-- nearly 100,000
haggard, apathetic, dirty, gaunt, blank-staring men
clad in dirty gray uniforms, and standing ankle deep in
mud .... water was a major problem, yet only 200 yards
away the River Rhine was running bankfull."

     Another Veteran, who will not be buying any of the
Eisenhower Silver Dollars is Martin Brech of Mahopac,
New York, a semi-retired professor of philosophy at
Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, NY. In 1945, Brech was an
18 year old Private First Class in Company C of the
14th Infantry, assigned as a guard and interpreter at
the Eisenhower Death Camp at Andernach, along the Rhine
River. He stated for SPOTLIGHT, February 12, 1990:

     "My protests (regarding treatment of the German
DEF'S) were met with hostility or indifference, and
when I threw our ample rations to them over the barbed
wire. I was threatened, making it clear that it was our
deliberate policy not to adequately feed them."

     "When they caught me throwing C- Rations over the
fence, they threatened me with imprisonment. One
Captain told me that he would shoot me if he saw me
again tossing food to the Germans .... Some of the men
were really only boys 13 years of age .... Some of the
prisoners were old men drafted by Hitler in his last
ditch stand .... I understand that average weight of
the prisoners at Andernach was 90 pounds ... I have
received threats ... Nevertheless, this ... has
liberated me, for I may now be heard when I relate the
horrible atrocity I witnessed as a prison guard for one
of 'Ike's death camps' along the Rhine."

horizontal rule

     Betty Lou Smith Hanson

     Note: Remember the photo of Ike's West Point
yearbook picture when he was dubbed "IKE, THE TERRIBLE
SWEDISH JEW"? By the way, he was next, or nearly so, to
the last in his class. This article was first printed
in 1990, but we thought it was meaningfull to reprint
it now.

     (Note: During Cadet Eisenhower's time at West
Point Academy, Eisenhower was summoned to the office of
the headmaster and was asked some pointed questions. At
the time, it was routine procedure to test a cadet's
blood to insure White racial integrety.

     Apparently there was a question of Eisenhower's
racial lineage and this was brought to Eisenhower's
attention by the headmaster. When asked if he was part
Oriental, Eisenhower replied in the negative. After
some discussion, Eisenhower admitted having some Jewish
background. The headmaster then reportedly said,
"That's where you get your Oriental blood?". Although
he was allowed to remain at the academy, word got
around since this was a time in history when non-Whites
were not allowed into the academy.

     Later, in Eisenhower's West Point Military Academy
graduating class yearbook, published in 1915,
Eisenhower is identified as a "terrible Swedish Jew."

     Wherever Eisenhower went during his military
career, Eisenhower's Jewish background and secondary
manifesting behavior was a concern to his fellow

     During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was
working for Gen. Douglas McArthur in the South Pacific,
McArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC)
that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not
want Eisenhower on his staff.

     In 1943, Washington not only transferred Col.
Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30
more experienced senior officers to five star general
and placed him in charge of all the US forces in
Europe. Thus it comes as no surprise that General
George Patton, a real Aryan warrior, hated Eisenhower.)
horizontal rule
WAR CRIMES - U.S.A.  (The Final Truth About WW II)

A Book Review on OTHER LOSSES

by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, AUS Ret.

". . . there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed: and hid that shall not be made known." - Matthew 10:26

The Final Truth About World War II

Is America finally about to be thrown a scrap or two of historical truth? If so, have the Soviet relations of recent months, which has caused its leaders to admit to the murder of millions of their own people, allowed a few rays of truth to filter down and penetrate the Iron Curtain which has been erected over World War II, and which has kept vital facts from our people?

Something out of the ordinary seems to be going on within America's ruling circles. Are we finally to be told the truth about World War II?

Recently a book was written by an eminent Canadian author, James Bacque, of Toronto. It is titled OTHER LOSSES and deserves the widest possible distribution in the United States, especially among our veterans who fought World War II. Although Mr. Bacque's book does not picture America and her allies in a favorable light, it has had an amazing reception in Canada, although the people of the United States, for the most part have been kept in the dark about one of the most heinous episodes of World War II, which revolves around the Supreme Commander of the Allies in Europe, Gen. Dwight David Eisenhower, who was known during his days at West Point as that "terrible Swedish Jew."

I have my own opinions of Dwight David Eisenhower, opinions formed during the early days of World War II, from information I received from officers who knew "Ike" before he became Supreme Commander.

During the days before World War II, "Ike," as he was affectionately called, was noted as a ''ladies man, and the best damned bridge player on the Post." (Quotation not mine.) When anyone would mention Ike as a troop commander, it was met with hilarious, profane skepticism. Then too, my opinions of Ike were formed by the attitude of my Commanding General, Gen. George Patton, who looked on Eisenhower as a "whimp," not worthy of his rank.

As many of you will remember, Ike was promoted to Supreme Commander in Europe. From Lieutenant Colonel, in early 1941, Eisenhower was promoted to full Colonel in March 1941, to Brigadier General (temporary) in September. In February 1942, after he became a favorite of Gen. George Marshall during the Louisiana Maneuvers, he was appointed Assistant Chief of the War Plans Division. About this time, Ike became acquainted with the daughter of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and she introduced her boy friend to "pappa." Evidently F.D.R. recognized in this young officer, a man who would agree with his plans and who would do anything to get promoted. This began a rapid spiral of promotions which by-passed many officers who outranked him and who were much more qualified for the posts he occupied. He became Chief of Operations Division, War Department General Staff (March, 1942), to Commanding General of the European Theater of Operations in June 1942, to Allied Commander in Chief, for the invasion of North Africa (November, 1942), Sicily, (May 1943), Italy (September, 1943) and finally to his ultimate designation by President F.D.R. as Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force for the invasion of Europe.

It was Eisenhower's advise to F.D.R. and Churchill, which caused the war to drag on for two extra years, resulting in millions of deaths on both sides, and hundreds of billions of dollars of profit for Eisenhower's racial brethren, the International bankers, who financed both sides.

In early 1943, General Patton and the British Commander, Gen. Montgomery, presented a plan to Churchill and F.D.R. which called for the invasion of Europe through the "soft underbelly of Europe." This would have liberated all the eastern European countries from Communist control and would have ended the war in 1943.

But Eisenhower's hatred of the Germans, which was openly shown many times during those terrible days of the war, demanded that as many Germans as possible be made to suffer for their part in the war.

It might be well to state here, that as early as 1902, International Jewry had a plan for the destruction of Christianity in Europe.

This called for the destruction, first of Czarist Russia, which took place in 1917, and then for the destruction of Germany. A war chest of some $2-billion was set aside for this purpose, long before a man named Adolf Hitler came on the scene. When Churchill and F.D.R. listened to the advice of Stalin, instead of their two best military leaders, it gave Stalin two years to establish control over all of Eastern Europe, which is now known as the Warsaw Pact Nations.

We can see the further treason in Eisenhower's actions, when in 1945, as Patton's armored forces swept into Germany, they were held back from entering Berlin, and were even ordered to withdraw to the Western borders of Germany, until Soviet troops could enter Germany.

Any military commander "worth their salt," knows that Patton could have ended the war on the Eastern border of Germany and that country would have never been divided. Patton by this time was beginning to realize that a conspiracy existed among the top war leaders, which were keeping him from the victory he so richly deserved. It was a traumatic lesson which was to be later repeated with General Douglas MacArthur in Korea, when he was not allowed to attack enemy positions north of the Yalu River.

The One Worlder's in Washington, D.C., and London had other plans and aided Stalin in his rape of Eastern Europe and Germany.

It was the "terrible Swedish Jew" Eisenhower, whose open hatred of everything German, caused him to promote Operation Keelhaul, at the end of the war, where thousands of anti-Communist fighters, who had surrendered to American forces, were forced at bayonet point, back to the tender mercies of the Communists. Thousands of them were murdered outright, or disappeared into the Gulags of Russia.

Eisenhower returned to the States, made a hero by the controlled prostitute press of America, and his popularity from a populace he had betrayed, was such that he became the 34th President of the United States in 1953.

Eisenhower was quoted at lie war's end as saying: ''I hate war as only a soldier who has lived through it can only as one who has seen it's brutality, it's futility, it's Stupidity" But he did not hate it as much as he hated Germans, and he took a terrible Jewish revenge on over a million surrendered German soldiers and civilians when the war ended. Praised by the media and the ''kept'' historians, this man was directly responsible for one of the most reprehensible acts in the history of civilized warfare. One which should put him in the same class with Atilla the Hun and other barbarians.

The peace which was inflicted on a completely defeated Germany in 1945, was called the Morgenthau Plan. It was promoted by Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, a Jew, who later stated that most of the ideas for this plan had come from Eisenhower.

Now, after a tremendous research of over twenty years, the truth about this Jew Commander of America's forces, who became the 34th President of the United States, can be known.

In 1945, during the post-World War II period, American foreign policy was largely in the hands of a small group of very powerful Zionists based in Washington, D.C. This secret, invisible government, which has controlled America for over fifty years, was headed then by Sen. Herbert Lehman; Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, and Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau. They drew up the "blueprint" for a plan, which the enthusiastic Eisenhower carried out in Europe, which was the most monstrous policy of hate and vengeance known in the annals of civilized history.

This policy is still in operation today, fifty years later, where media pundits, twisting, exaggerating, and even manufacturing historical claims, have hounded, harassed, and had arrested 70 and 80-year old European war veterans for alleged ''war crimes,'' which were supposed to have taken place over fifty years ago.

The following article, entitled THE EISENHOWER DEATH CAMPS, was taken from the January 1990 issue of INSTAURATION, a scholarly American monthly. Every American veteran who served in World War II should know these facts. They are entitled to know how we were lied to and inveigled into a war for the benefits of the Internationalists. Every American Legion and Veteran's of foreign War Post in this country, should have this article read to its them bets, for you see, the same treason was carried out in Korea and then later in Vietnam. It is we, the veteran's of America, who have the right to know the truth, about the traitors who were responsible for the murder of our buddies, and the crippling of hundreds of thousands more, and who are even now laying the groundwork to get your sons and daughters involved in World War Ill.

The National Archives in Washington, (D.C.) contains an official document called the Weekly Prisoner of War and Disarmed Enemy Forces Report for the week ending Sept. 8, 1945. It shows that 1,056,482 German prisoners were then being held by the U.S. Army in the European theater, of whom 692,895 were still classified as POWs (Prisoners of War) and the other 363,587 as DEFs (Disarmed Enemy Forces.)

This latter designation was illegal under international law and completely contrary to the Geneva Convention, to which both the United States and Germany were signatories. A German soldier designated DEF had no right to any food, shelter, or water in fact, to anything. Quite often he did not receive even the basic necessities of life and died within days.

In the first week of September 1945, 13,051 of the 363,587 Germans died and were listed cryptically as "other losses." This was the equivalent of a death rate of 3.6% per week. At such a rate, all the remaining 350,536 DEFs would have been dead within 28 weeks before the end of the approaching winter.

The civilian death rate immediately outside the American camps in Germany was about 2% per year, or nearly 100 times lower, despite the greater proportion of older people. Since adequate supplies were readily available to the American troops at all times, this killing seems to have been deliberate.

As for the 692,895 German soldiers still falsely listed as POWs, the last of them had actually been transferred from POW to DEF status a month earlier on August 4, by order of General Eisenhower. Their death rate quickly quadrupled within weeks, from .2% to .8% per week. Assuming the latter rate for the week ending September 8, about 5,543 of the so-called POWs listed in the report as being alive and in American hands had died that week - all would have died within just over two years.. (The reason this death rate was lower than 3.6% weekly for the longer-term DEFs was simply that the barbaric treatment of the DEFs was cumulative, and that some of the American troops refused to go along with this barbaric treatment.) I recall the winter of 1945, when I was on occupation duty in Japan. A similar order came from our local U.S. military commander who was known for his hatred of all Japanese. It did not come from MacArthur's headquarters in Tokyo. We were not allowed to give food of any kind to Japanese civilians, although many of them were on the verge of starvation. I was commanding a detachment of 28 men, which were guarding a Japanese Quarter Master dump at the little town of Niski'ya'hama, about eighty miles south of Osaka. Food in this storehouse was literally spoiling, yet we were not allowed to share it with the Japanese people. For Christmas rations that year, my detachment received eight sheep carcasses and 28 turkeys, with no refrigeration for storage. Rather than see this food go to waste, I shared it with the starving population, and when word leaked out, I came very close to being court marshaled. It was only the intervention of a high ranking officer from MacArthur's Headquarters which saved me.

The same thing happened over and over again in Germany, and American officers and servicemen were court marshaled, on Eisenhower's orders, for sharing their rations with the starving Germans. If you were a young man, with several small children at home, you know how these enemy children played on the minds of decent Americans who knew what their government was doing was wrong. Enemy children have never been enemies, to big hearted Americans.

But with a man of unbounded hatred for the Germans, his order of August 4th, made it impossible for there to be such a thing as a bona fide German POW in American hands on European soil.

Instead, there were vast concentrations of men (including some women and children) starving to death in open, muddy, disease-ridden fields.

In November 1945, Eisenhower returned to Washington. A month later, a slight relaxation went into effect. Men of conscience such as General George Patton, had no qualms about killing German soldiers in combat, but he drew a line at the deliberate policy of murder which was advocated by Eisenhower. I firmly believe this was one of the reasons he met his untimely death The truth which is now coming out of old records, show that "war crimes" was by no means a German monopoly, and the "good war," the Jewish media and historians called it in the United States, was as evil as any conflict in world history.

Bacque's careful calculations forced hty o conclude:

Eisenhower had deplored the German's useless defense of the Reich in the last months of the war because of the waste of life. At least ten times as many Germans - undoubtedly 800,000, almost certainly 900,000, and quite possibly a million died in the French and American camps as were killed in all the combat on the Western front in northwest Europe from America's entry into the war in December 1941, through April 1945."

Bacque was ably assisted in his research by Col. Ernest F. Fisher, a senior historian for the U.S. Army, as well as by other highly placed members of the American military. One of them, Co!. Philip S. Lauben, Chief of the German Affairs branch of SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force), stated that, in late 1945, "the Vosges (northeast France) was just one big death camp (for Germans)."

In spite of everything which has been written about Eisenhower which makes him out to be a hero, there seems little question that Dwight Eisenhower meets all the qualifications of a certified war criminal, even if Bacque's figures are off a bit. (If Germany had been the winner, there is little doubt he would have been tried and found guilty of the most heinous crimes against mankind.)

Many veterans will get upset with this appraisal of a man they looked on as a "bona fide" American hero. But the proof for these accusations can be found in what happened to those Germans who were fortunate enough to surrender to the British and the Canadians some two million of them. The evidence shows that "almost all continued in fair health and many were quickly released and sent home or transferred to the French, to help in the post-war work of reconstruction.

Bacque specifically commends General Patton for behavior towards his POWs it a civilized manner. His Third Army freed vast numbers of German captives during May 1945, to the dismay, no doubt, of the Zionists who controlled Washington

Both General Omar Bradley and J. C. H. Lee, Communications Zone (ComZ) Europe, ordered the release of prisoners within a week of the war's end. This SHAEF order was countermanded by Eisenhower on May IS, 1945.

While German soldiers from the British and Canadian zones were quickly regaining manr strength and were helping rebuild Europe, Germans taken by the Americans were dying by the hundreds of thousands - emaciated figures in diarrhea smeared clothing, huddling pitifully in watery holes with perhaps a scrap of cardboard over their heads and a rotten potato for supper. At times many of them were reduced to drinking urine and eating grass.

Did all this happen because of one supremely unprincipled and influential man named Eisenhower? Or was Ike in turn influenced by a small circle around him or by his superiors in Washington? Historians will be probing this question for decades to come.

Here are the principle dates by which this infamy will live:

1944: Eisenhower told the British ambassador to Washington that the 3,500 officers of the German General staff should be ''exterminated.'' He also favored the liquidation of perhaps 100,000 prominent Germans. Soon after, he wrote to his wife, Mamie: "God, I hate Germans! Why? Because the German is a beast!" Eisenhower said he was ashamed to bear a German name.

August 1944: The North American wheat surplus was create greater than at any time in history, nearly one billion bushels. The U.S. corn surplus and potato crop also reached a new high.

March 10, 1944: A message sent from Eisenhower to the Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS) of Britain and the U.S. recommended the creation of an entirely new class of prisoners, Disarmed Enemy Forces or DEFs. At a press conference in Paris, this same day, Ike said: "If the Germans were reasoning like normal beings, they would realize the whole history of the United States and Great Britain is to be generous towards a defeated enemy. We observe all the laws of the Geneva Convention.''

March 19, 1945: Eisenhower's special assistant, General Everett Hughes, visited the American supply depots at Naples and Marseille. In both places, he writes, there are ''more stocks than we can ever use. (They) stretch as far as eye can see.''

Spring 1945: The International Red Cross had over 100,000 tons of food stockpiled in Switzerland. At one point, it sent two trainloads into the American Zone of Germany, but the food was sent back. The Morgenthau Plan for a ''Carthaginian Peace'' in Germany, to use the words of Military Governor Lucius Clay, is implemented through the directive JCS (Joint Chiefs of Staff) 1067, which specifies to Eisenhower the policy he must adopt towards every institution in Germany. The directive is largely the work of three of Henry Morgenthau's underlings in the Treasury Department Harry Dexter White, Frank Coe, and Harry Glasser. White and Glasser were both Jews and all three were Communist ''fellow travelers.''

April 11, 1945: On the eve of his death, FDR told Morgenthau in Warm Springs, GA: "Henry, I am with you l00%" When Truman took over, he continued Morgenthau's "Carthaginian Policy" towards conquered Germany.

April 17, 1945: The Americans opened their enormous Rheinberg Camp, six miles in circumference, with no food or shelter whatsoever. As in the other big "Rhine meadow" camps, opened in mid-April, there was initially no latrines and no water. In some camps, the men were so crowded they could not lie down. Meanwhile, at Camp Kripp, near Remagen, the half-American Charles von Luttichau determines that his German comrades are receiving about 5% as much food as their captors." Complaining to the camp commander, HE SAID: ''Forget the Geneva Convention. You don't have any rights."

Late April 1945: Heinz Janssen, a survivor of the Rheinberg camp, described conditions as they were at the time. "Amputees slithered like amphibians through the mud , soaking and freezing. Naked to the skies day after day and night after flight, they lay desperate in the sand of Rheinberg or sleep exhaustedly into eternity ill their collapsing holes.''

April 26, 1945: The Combined Chiefs of Staff sent a message to Eisenhower, urging him not to take any more German prisoners after VE Day. He ignored it. The CCS approved of Ike's proposed DEF status, but only for certain types of German prisoners. The British refused to go against the Geneva Convention. The CCS orders the illegal DEF status to be kept strictly secret. By this date, Eisenhower's Quartermaster General of ASHAEF, Gen. Robert Littlejohn, has already twice reduced the rations to German prisoners. A message to Gen. George C. Marshall, signed by Ike, mandated: ''No shelter'' for German prisoners, despite an unusually cold and wet March and April.

May 4, 1945: The first German POWs were transfer-red to DEF status. Mail to and from all German prisoners was banned for more than a year.

May 8, 1945: Germany surrendered unconditionally. The U.S. State Department wasted no time dismissing Switzerland as the official Protecting Power for German prisoners, contravening the Geneva Convention. State also informed the International Red Cross that, with no Protecting Power to report to, there is no point in sending delegates to the camps. From this day forward, prisoners held by the U.S. Army had no access to any impartial observer. The British and Canadians also removed the Swiss protectors, but continued treating their POWs decently.

May, 1945: The American Red Cross reported that more than 98% of Americans captured by the Germans will be coming home safely, thanks in part to the food parcels sent to them during the war, which were promptly delivered by the Germans.

May 15, 1945: Eisenhower and Churchill talked about further reducing the rations for the German POWs. Churchill was informed that the POWs have been getting 2,000 calories per day (compared to 4,000 for American troops) and that 2,150 was regarded as an absolute minimum required for sedentary adults living under shelter. Eisenhower failed to tell Churchill that the U.S. Army was not even feeding many DEFs, and that they were feeding others, much less than 2,000 calories per day.

Mid-May 1945: The Bingen camp, near Bad Kreuznach in the Rhineland, was now holding between 200,000 and 400,000 German POWs, with no shelter, food, water, or medicine. The death rate for prisoners in these U.S. camps were now about 30% per year, according to a U.S. medical survey.

June 2, 1945: The European Theater Provost Marshal issued two reports. One, the last in a series of daily reports, logged 2,870,400 POWs on hand. The other, the first report in a weekly series, dated the same day, logged only 1,836,000. At one point in mid-June, the prisoner strength on the ration list is given as 1,421,559, despite the evidence of Gen. J.C.H. Lee and others that there were about 4 million. This bizarre bookkeeping persisted throughout 1945 in all branches of the occupying army. The apparent purpose was to obscure the death toll by means of an indecipherable mass of conflicting Statistics. (One of Bacque's greatest coups has been to decipher them.)

Mid - June, 1945: British "Tommies" took over the huge Rheinberg camp from the Americans, saving many thousands of German lives. The final act of the ''Yanks" before the British took charge, was to bulldoze one section flat while the men were still living in their holes in the ground. Meanwhile, a team of doctors from the U.S. Army Medical Corps completed a survey of some of the smaller Rhineland camps, holding some 80,000 POWs (not DEFs). They found a death rate 80 times higher than anything they have known in their professional career.

July, 1945: Eisenhower becomes military governor of the U.S. Zone in Germany. He continued to turn back all relief teams from Switzerland, the U.S. and elsewhere.

July 10, 1945: A French Army unit under Gen. Rousseau, took over the Dietersheim camp (near Mainz) from the Americans. He found 32,000 men and women of all ages in a moribund (dying) State. Another French officer Capt .Julien, was taking command 17 days later and found a vast mire ''peopled with living skeletons, male and female, huddling under scraps of wet card board ." Horrified, Julien wrote: 'This is just like the photographs of Buchenwald and Dachau.

July 20, 1945: Gen. Littlejohn received a memo stating, "These men, German POWs are authorized a maximum of 1,150 calories for the non-workers and 1,850 for workers.'' (Remember, it takes 2,000 calories of keep a sedentary adult alive.

July 26, 1945: The International Red Cross proposed restoring mail service to German POWs. Fearing that the reality of the death camps might come to light, the U. S. War Department rejected the idea.

August 4, 1945: Eisenhower ordered that all remaining German POWs be stripper of their rights, thus reducing them to DEF status.

August 27, 1945: In a long memorandum, Gen. Littlejohn informed Eisenhower that 1,550,000 Germans who supposedly were getting U.S. ARMY RATIONS, WERE RECEIVING NOTHING. Ike turned a deaf ear to his report and the death rate continued to climb.

August 30, 1945: Max Huber, head of the International Red Cross, wrote a stinging letter to the U.S. State Department about American interference in efforts to save starving Germans. Some months later, an evasive response, signed ''Eisenhower,'' arrived in Washington, falsely claiming that giving Red Cross food to enemy personnel was forbidden. Thousands of train cars loaded with decaying food were sent back to Geneva arid to sources in Paris and Brussels. Huber apologized for tying up the French rail system because of the food which was being returned by the Americans.

By this time, more than 2-million German men had been discharged into American custody, including thousands of priests, ministers, doctors, and professors. Not one single camp commander or guard was questioned by the Allied press corps and the controlled media of the U.S. concerning conditions in these hell holes.

It might be well, to stop right here and ask this question: ''Is anyone who reads this horrifying account, so naive as to believe that the American people would have put up with these barbaric actions by its chief military men if they had known about it? Do you think that the politicians who were in the forefront of those who kept these facts from Americans would have lasted very long in office, if the truth had been known? Do you think that millions of Americans would show such concern for the Holocaust of the Jews, if they knew that it was Jewish hatred for their fellow kinsmen, that were killing over a million Germans? I sincerely doubt it! That's why these facts have been kept from the American people for almost fifty years.

Late Summer, 1945: Jean-Pierre Pradervand, head of the International Red Cross delegations in France, told Henry W. Dunning, an American Red Cross official, that conditions in the French camps are worse, in many instances, than anything seen in the former Nazi camps. Pradervand showed Dunning pictures of the living skeletons. Dunning explained all this to the American Red Cross in Washington, which informed key government officials. Nevertheless, the cover-up continued. Pradervand also informed Charles De Gaulle that one-third of the prisoners handed over to France by the Americans will die soon without a radical change in treatment. De Gaulle showed no interest and the prisoners continued to die.

September 27, 1945: Pradervand's pictures of German living skeletons were shown to Eisenhower in his office.

September 30, 1945 - October 1: The French newspaper, Le Monde, ran a story which began: "As one speaks today of Dachau, in ten years people throughout the world will speak about camps such as Saint Paul d'Egiaux.''

October 11,13, 14, 15, 20: The New York Times ran a cover-up report of the death camps by star newsman Drew Middleton. Interviewed by Bacque in 1988, Middleton admitted that he never actually visited any of the 50 U.S. camps located within 40 miles of his Frankfurt desk, but was only 'driven by,' as he was being debriefed by the military."

December 1945: Eisenhower returned to the States and the U.S. Army allowed the first relief shipment to enter the American sector.

1947 - 1950's: Nearly all the surviving records of the Rhineland death camps were destroyed. The West German government concluded that 1.7-million German soldiers were alive at the wars' end, and who were known to have been in fair health, and disappeared. The Western Allies pinned virtually all the blame on the Soviets.

1950: The first German edition of ALLHERERTE KRIEGSVERBRECHEN is published. Never translated into English, the book gives eye-witness descriptions of the conditions which prevailed in the American camps.

1960s - 1972: The West German Foreign Office, under Willy Brandt subsidized books denying the atrocities in American POW camps and the high death rate.

1980: The International Committee of the Red Cross refuses to open its archives to James Bacque and other investigators into Allied atrocities. To this day, the ICRC has remained silent on the subject, despite the visits of Pradervand and other Red Cross delegates to many methhe camps.

September 1989: James Bacque's book on the American death camps, "Other Losses," published by Stoddard, a Canadian Publishing House, was released, after being refused by more than 30 American publishers. Saturday night, one of Canada's most respected magazines. simultaneously published a summary of this book as its lead story and within days Canada was buzzing about Gen. Eisenhower's war crimes. Why is it that we have heard little or nothing of this in the United States?

As American citizens, many of us who served in the American Armed Forces during World War II, and a great many of us who are of German heritage, should demand of our leaders in Washington, D.C. that the truth about this War be made known.

With accurate information of what really happened, instead of Zionist propaganda, just possibly we might be able to avert World War III, which is now being planned by these same One Worlders.

It is interesting to note, that it has been proven in recent years, that many of the pictures taken in Germany during WW II, purporting to be Jewish victims of ''racial extermination,'' were actually pictures of German civilians who had died under American war criminals.

(Most of the information in this article came from the March 1990, CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE. Their mut Wly intelligence newsletter is available from the above address)

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City Hall & Market Square in Gotha

The city of Gotha is mostly known to Americans, if at all, as the first headquarters of the American Army, set up by General Eisenhower in April 1945, and as the site of one of the Prisoner of War camps where captured German soldiers were treated in a barbaric fashion with total disregard to the rules of civilized warfare. Eisenhower mentioned Gotha in his book "Crusade in Europe," as the nearest city to the "horror camp" at Ohrdruf-Nord, the first concentration camp to be discovered by American soldiers in April 1945, but he failed to mention his own notorious POW camp located near Gotha.

On March 10, 1945 as World War II was coming to an end, General Eisenhower signed an order creating the status of Disarmed Enemy Forces for the German Prisoners of War who would soon be surrendering to the Americans. This order was a violation of the Geneva Convention because it allowed Eisenhower to disregard the rules for the treatment of Prisoners of War. It allowed him to starve the German POWs, deny them the right to send and receive letters, receive Red Cross packages or packages from Germany civilians. All these rights were enjoyed by the prisoners in the Nazi POW camps and even in the notorious concentration camps. Eisenhower signed this order before he had even seen the horrors of the concentration camps, which so affected him.

James Bacque wrote in his book Other Losses: "There were no tents in the Gotha DEF camp, only the usual barbed wire fences round a field soon churned to mud. On the first day, they received a small ration of food, which was then cut in half. In order to get it, they were forced to run a gauntlet. Hunched over, they ran between lines of guards who hit them with sticks as they scurried towards their food. On April 27, they were transferred to the U.S. camp at Heidesheim further west where there was no food at all for days, then very little."

On May 8, 1945 the German army surrendered to General Eisenhower, who refused to shake hands with the German General, as is customary. The neutral country of Switzerland was removed as the Protecting Power for German prisoners, which violated the Geneva Convention. General Patton quickly released the prisoners who had surrendered to his Third Army, but General Eisenhower held his POWs until the end of 1946, forcing them to live on starvation rations. Red Cross packages sent to the POW camps were returned. The POW camps had no barracks or tents. The German prisoners were forced to dig holes in the ground for shelter, as the picture below shows. Even though the American army had plenty of tents, the prisoners lived for months in their holes. When it rained, the holes collapsed and the prisoners died.

German POWs had to dig holes for shelter

After 1947 most of the records of the POW camps were destroyed by the U.S. government, according to James Bacque who wrote Other Losses. The Germans determined that 1,700,000 soldiers who were alive at the end of the war and had surrendered to the Allies, never returned home. All of the Allied countries denied responsibility, and the families were never told what had happened to their loved ones.

Ironically, Gotha also holds a place in history as the birthplace of the Socialist Worker's Party of Germany in 1875. The very house, called the Haus am Tivoli, where August Bebel and others got together to form this new leftist political party, is at the intersection of Cosmartstrasse, but it is closed to tourists. A plaque was placed outside the house by the Communist East German government, commemorating this as the place where a "glorious moment in the history of the German working class" took place. Karl Marx wrote a scathing paper called "Critique of the Gotha Programme" in which he criticized the new party as a sell-out of the proletariat and the Communist party, which he had popularized in 1848 with his "Communist Manifesto." In 1890, the name of the party was changed to the Social Democratic Party, which is still one of the largest political parties in Germany today.

It was the Social Democrats who declared a Republic in Germany on November 9, 1918, forced the Kaiser to abdicate, and then signed the Armistice which ended World War I. The Nazis referred to the Social Democrats as the "November Criminals" and called their actions the "Dolchstoss" (Stab in the Back). The claim that Germany had lost World War I on the battlefield was called "The Big Lie" by Hitler in his book, "Mein Kampf." The harsh peace treaty signed by the Social Democrats at Versailles insured that another war would soon follow.
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Eisenhower's Starvation Order
James Bacque
[Allied POW Camp] http://netjunk.com/users/library/camp.jpg

Never had so many people been put in prison. The size of the Allied captures was unprecedented in all history. The Soviets took prisoner some 3.5 million Europeans, the Americans about 6.1 million, the British about 2.4 million, the Canadians about 300,000, the French around 200,000. Uncounted millions of Japanese entered American captivity in 1945, plus about 640,000 entering Soviet captivity. [Above: A U.S. Army soldier stands guard over thousands of German POWs at Sinzig-Remagen, spring 1945.]

As soon as Germany surrendered on 8 May 1945, the American Military Governor, General Eisenhower, sent out an "urgent courier" throughout the huge area that he commanded, making it a crime punishable by death for German civilians to feed prisoners. It was even a death-penalty crime to gather food together in one place to take it to prisoners ... The order was sent in German to the provincial governments, ordering them to distribute it immediately to local governments. Copies of the orders were discovered recently in several villages near the Rhine ... The message [which Bacque reproduces] reads in part: "... under no circumstances may food supplies be assembled among the local inhabitants in order to deliver them to the prisoners of war. Those who violate this command and nevertheless try to circumvent this blockade to allow something to come to the prisoners place themselves in danger of being shot...."

Eisenhower's order was also posted in English, German and Polish on the bulletin board of Military Government Headquarters in Bavaria, signed by the Chief of Staff of the Military Governor of Bavaria. Later it was posted in Polish in Straubing and Regensburg, where there were many Polish guard companies at nearby camps. One US Army officer who read the posted order in May 1945 has written that it was "the intention of Army command regarding the German POW camps in the US Zone from May 1945 through the end of 1947 to exterminate as many POWs as the traffic would bear without international scrutiny."

... The [American] army's policy was to starve [German] prisoners, according to several American soldiers who were there. Martin Brech, retired professor of philosophy at Mercy college in New York, who was a guard at Andernach in 1945, has said that he was told by an officer that "it is our policy that these men not be fed." The 50,000 to 60,000 men in Andernach were starving, living with no shelter in holes in the ground, trying to nourish themselves on grass. When Brech smuggled bread to them through the wire, he was ordered to stop by an officer. Later, Brech sneaked more food to them, was caught, and told by the same officer, "If you do that again, you'll be shot." Brech saw bodies go out of the camp "by the truckload" but he was never told how many there were, where they were buried, or how.

... The prisoner Paul Schmitt was shot in the American camp at Bretzenheim after coming close to the wire to see his wife and young son who were bringing him a basket of food. The French followed suit: Agnes Spira was shot by French guards at Dietersheim in July 1945 for taking food to prisoners. The memorial to her in nearby Buedesheim, written by one of her chidren, reads: "On the 31st of July 1945, my mother was suddenly and unexpectedly torn from me because of her good deed toward the imprisoned soldiers." The entry in the Catholic church register says simply: "A tragic demise, shot in Dietersheim on 31.07.1945. Buried on 03.08.1945." Martin Brech watched in amazement as one officer at Andernach stood on a hillside firing shots towards German women running away from him in the valley below.

The prisoner Hans Scharf ... was watching as a German woman with her two children came towards an American guard in the camp at Bad Kreuznach, carrying a wine bottle. She asked the guard to give the bottle to her husband, who was just inside the wire. The guard upended the bottle into his own mouth, and when it was empty, threw it on the ground and killed the prisoner with five shots.

Many prisoners and German civilians saw the American guards burn the food brought by civilian women. One former prisoner described it recently: "At first, the women from the nearby town brought food into the camp. The American soldiers took everything away from the women, threw it in a heap and poured gasoline [benzine] over it and burned it." Eisenhower himself ordered that the food be destroyed, according to the writer Karl Vogel, who was the German camp commander appointed by the Americans in Camp 8 at Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Although the prisoners were getting only 800 calories per day, the Americans were destroying food outside the camp gate.

James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950, pp. 41-45, 94-95. Crimes and Mercies can be purchased from The Institute for Historical Review, PO Box 2739, Newport Beach, CA 92659. $18.95 postpaid (CA sales tax $1.31)
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Vae Victis - Blow to the loser After the transport over the Atlantic, many prisoners where locked in "cages". It were extremely bad conditions there. In the book "Other losses" written by James Bacque he claimed, that Eisenhower was primarily responsible for the catastrophe in the cages. Eisenhower let the German soldiers starve despite sufficient reinforcements, just due to his feelings of personal revenge. General Eisenhower was in his own words on a "crusade in Europe". The Canadian Bacque estimates, that about 1 million soldiers died in US custody. The anthology by Bishop and Ambrose tries to refute the thesis of James Bacque. They doubt that there where 1 million casualties. How many men exactly died in the cages, fact is that the SHAEF had with 5 million prisoners a considerable problem at the end of the war. An objective report, of the 11 to 12 million German prisoners of war in 20 custody states, is a publication of the "scientific commission for the documentation of the destiny of the German prisoners of the second World War". With up to 16 employees and important scientists, that commission became 400.000 statements of men returned from captivity, 50.000 reports as well and own interviews, published in 22 volumes at more than 10.000 printed pages. After ten years work, when the study had been finished, the (socialist) Westgerman chancellor Herbert Frahm, better known under his pseudonym "Willy Brand", ordered that this report had to be closed and prohibited publishing. He wanted to avoid a public discussion in Germany or even worst in the foreign countries. In his opinion people could get the impression, that a crosscheck would be opened about the injustice of the Allies against the injustice of the Nazis. He was scared that this could endanger the foreign policy turned toward reconciliation. However, it cannot be that the wrong of one site is discreet and the wrong of the other site get accused again and again. <http://home.arcor.de/kriegsgefangen/photos/rheinwiese.gif> In this air picture of the "Rheinwiesenlager" represents every dot a German soldier sitting on the bare field for month. They graved holes to be protected of the wind at least. Some drowned in their foxhole when it rained strongly because they were too weak to creep out, died by their war wounds, by diarrhea, starved..... A horrible catastrophe. The viable prisoners where obliged to forced labor in France and England for many years. To this the Americans submitted to the French powers approx. 800.000 men. The need of the prisoners was particularly great in France. This doesn't have to be explained by revenge, hate or prejudices but we must consider, that large portions of France were destroyed and the Frenchmen had to suffer under a lack of food also. On 8-21-1945 the ICRC wrote a memorandum, that the life of 200.000 German POW's in French custody where immediately endangered, 2000 would hardly recover, 2000 could take no food and had to be fed artificially and 600.000 men had only inadequate accommodations what dangers their life in the approaching winter. Like on a slave market, farmers chose their workers. Thigh, arms and teeth were examined but the soldiers had not to be naked during that procedure like in Russia. A speedy dismissal was offered to soldiers who voluntarily reported for mine clearing commands in view to their highly dangerous job. But, the explanation was even given in writing, the soldiers who risked their life day for day were sent to the coal mines later. That made the prisoners so brittle that some recruited to the Foreign Legion either and died for France on battle-fields in Alger or Indochina, mutilated their self or tried an escape like 171.029 POW did.
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As soon as World War II ended, the United States began shipping food to the hundreds of millions of people acing starvation as a result

of the war. Unprecedented in world history; this massive program fulfilled the highest ideals. Our generosity seemed to have no limit. We fed former enemies Italy and Japan as well as a new enemy, the Soviet Union. Only Germany was left out.

It is well known that for the next 50 years the Allies hanged and incarcerated Nazis for their alleged crimes, the murder of 6 million Jews and their alleged criminal conduct of war. The crimes against the Jews seemed to be well documented but were a concoction. The verdict of guilty was a requisite of hanging the political and military leadership and also to justify the ravaging of the vanquished enemy.

Far worse than the crimes against the Jews and the pretended general war crimes by the Germans was in fact the National Socialist philosophy, which was intolerable to the international bankers. National Socialism stood against the international capitalism of the West and the communism of the East. Between those superpowers National Socialism emerged, forged by a determined leader to liberate a demoralised country

The cruelty imposed on defeated Germany was nothing new to the Germans. They had experienced a hunger blockade after World War I. During those eight months eight hundred thousand people died. The Allies didn’t even allow the German fishing fleet to go to sea.
<http://abbc.com/nj/images/muknd.gif> This child looks at you, and to all those who enjoyed the terrible slaughters of Germans as "the only just war of the century"!

He doesn't need words - the little face says it all

The above foto was taken in Bromberg (West Prussia) on January 22, 1945. It shows a German mother with her little boy. The two were unable to flee Ehrenburg's genocidal Red troops (Morgenthau raged in the west). Ehrenburg's hordes then proceeded to liberate the helpless boy's mother from Hitler. This liberating orgy of rape also "liberated her of her life". For three days and nights the sobbing child clung to his dead mother's hair, until the last strength left his exhausted little body. Heads together, the two, united forever, lay on scorched German earth.

The occupying Allied armies carved 25 percent of Germany’s most fertile land (Silesia, Pomerania, East Prussia and Bohemia) and placed it under Russian and Polish control, forcibly expelling at least 8 (and some claim 12) million people into what remained of Germany It has been forgotten that the Allies kept millions of prisoners in forced labour camps. International charitable aid to Germany was banned for another year, then restricted for more than one year. When it was permitted, it came too late for millions of people.

The Allies slashed production of oil, tractors, steel and products essential to an industrial nation. They cut fertiliser production by 82 percent They undervalued German exports, depriving Germans of

cash needed to buy food. During the next three years following the end of the war Germany’s industrial production fell by 75 percent. The loss of fertile land and the drop in fertiliser supplies caused agricultural production to fall by 65 percent Sixty million people began to starve.

The mass expulsions from one part of Germany to another, approved at the Allied victory conference at Potsdam in July and August 1945, were enforced with a maximum of brutality. In the West, the plan to dismantle German industrial capacity began at the headquarters of Gen. Dwight Eisenhower in August of 1944. Eisenhower prescribed a treatment for Germany that would be "good and hard," giving as his reason that "the whole German population is synthetic [sic] paranoid."

With 13 percent of Germany’s heavy industry destroyed during the war, an additional 3 percent was dismantled afterward, according to German statistics.

But it was the Jewish World Organisation and the Zionist World Congress which saved Germany from this fate of industrial destruction. It was thought that the Germans could be made to pay restitution for the "enormous crime of genocide." In order to commit them to that task they would need to keep the remaining industry intact. The German industrial capacity was restored to aid Israel.

Nov. 11, 1944 young German Josef Wende was murdered by the Allied-Armies for wearing a German uniform.

The government of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer conducted a massive survey about the deaths of German prisoners of war in Allied camps. It was found that some 1.4 million died in captivity. The fall of the Soviet empire in 1989 provided a spectacular test of the truth; the KGB archives were opened for historical scrutiny and the reports from KGB Col. I. Bulanov revealed that 460,000 German POWs had died in Soviet camps alone. In addition, the KGB records show that the Soviets had also imprisoned hundreds of thousands of German civilians, of whom thousands died.

Documents from the National Archives in Ottawa, Moscow, Washington and Stanford, Conn., recently revealed that the Allies not only destroyed most major industry but also reduced German food production.

A comparison of German censuses of 1946 and 1950 shows the effect of food shortages. The 1950 census showed 5.7 million people fewer than there should have been according to the number of people recorded in the 1946 census, minus officially reported deaths, plus births and "immigrants" (people expelled from the east and returning prisoners) in the period from 1946 to 1950. The total tally of unacknowledged deaths among prisoners, refugees and non-expelled civilians comes to about nine millionpeople between 1945 and 1950, far more than the number who died during the war itself. All of these deaths were surplus to those actually reported. Moreover, those deaths occurred in peacetime while the world media did not bother to report of them.

Courtesy of THE DECKERT-DISPATCH, P.O. Box 101117, D-69451 WEINHEIM, GERMANY

The Torah-True-Jews proclaim: "[The Zionists] provoked and increased anti-Semitism in Europe which led to the Second World War ... The world-wide boycott against Germany in 1933 and the later all-out declaration of war against Germany, initiated by the Zionist leaders and the World Jewish Congress ... The Role of Zionism in the Holocaust ... The Zionist leaders: 'Spiritually and Physically Responsible'." (www.jewsnotzionists.org)
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In 'Eisenhower's Death Camps': Part I -- A U.S. Prison Guard's Story
Martin Brech

In October 1944, at age eighteen, I was drafted into the U.S. army. Largely because of the "Battle of the Bulge," my training was cut short. My furlough was halved, and I was sent overseas immediately. Upon arrival in Le Havre, France, we were quickly loaded into box cars and shipped to the front. When we got there, I was suffering increasingly severe symptoms of mononucleosis, and was sent to a hospital in Belgium. Since mononucleosis was then known as the "kissing disease," I mailed a letter of thanks to my girlfriend.

By the time I left the hospital, the outfit I had trained with in Spartanburg, South Carolina was deep inside Germany, so, despite my protests, I was placed in a "repo depot (replacement depot). I lost interest in the units to which I was assigned and don't recall all of them: non-combat units were ridiculed at that time. My separation qualification record states I was mostly with Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment, during my seventeen-month stay in Germany, but I remember being transferred to other outfits also.

In late March or early April 1945, I was sent to guard a POW camp near Andernach along the Rhine. I had four years of high school German, so I was able to talk to the prisoners, although this was forbidden. Gradually, however, I was used as an interpreter and asked to ferret out members of the S.S. (I found none.)

In Andernach about 50,000 prisoners of all ages were held in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The women were kept in a separate enclosure I did not see until later. The men I guarded had no shelter and no blankets; many had no coats. They slept in the mud, wet and cold, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement. It was a cold, wet spring and their misery from exposure alone was evident.

Even more shocking was to see the prisoners throwing grass and weeds into a tin can containing a thin soup. They told me they did this to help ease their hunger pains. Quickly, they grew emaciated. Dysentery raged, and soon they were sleeping in their own excrement, too weak and crowded to reach the slit trenches. Many were begging for food, sickening and dying before our eyes. We had ample food and supplies, but did nothing to help them, including no medical assistance.

Outraged, I protested to my officers and was met with hostility or bland indifference. When pressed, they explained they were under strict orders from "higher up." No officer would dare do this to 50,000 men if he felt that it was "out of line," leaving him open to charges. Realizing my protests were useless, I asked a friend working in the kitchen if he could slip me some extra food for the prisoners. He too said they were under strict orders to severely ration the prisoners' food and that these orders came from "higher up." But he said they had more food than they knew what to do with and would sneak me some.

When I threw this food over the barbed wire to the prisoners, I was caught and threatened with imprisonment. I repeated the "offense," and one officer angrily threatened to shoot me. I assumed this was a bluff until I encountered a captain on a hill above the Rhine shooting down at a group of German civilian women with his .45 caliber pistol. When I asked, Why?," he mumbled, "Target practice," and fired until his pistol was empty. I saw the women running for cover, but, at that distance, couldn't tell if any had been hit.

This is when I realized I was dealing with cold-blooded killers filled with moralistic hatred. They considered the Germans subhuman and worthy of extermination; another expression of the downward spiral of racism. Articles in the G.I. newspaper, Stars and Stripes, played up the German concentration camps, complete with photos of emaciated bodies; this amplified our self-righteous cruelty and made it easier to imitate behavior we were supposed to oppose. Also, I think, soldiers not exposed to combat were trying to prove how tough they were by taking it out on the prisoners and civilians.

These prisoners, I found out, were mostly farmers and workingmen, as simple and ignorant as many of our own troops. As time went on, more of them lapsed into a zombie-like state of listlessness, while others tried to escape in a demented or suicidal fashion, running through open fields in broad daylight towards the Rhine to quench their thirst. They were mowed down.Some prisoners were as eager for cigarettes as for food, saying they took the edge off their hunger. Accordingly, enterprising G.I. "Yankee traders" were acquiring hordes of watches and rings in exchange for handfuls of cigarettes or less. When I began throwing cartons of cigarettes to the prisoners to ruin this trade, I was threatened by rank-and-file G.I.s too.

The only bright spot in this gloomy picture came one night when.I was put on the "graveyard shift," from two to four A.M. Actually, there was a graveyard on the uphill side of this enclosure, not many yards away. My superiors had forgotten to give me a flashlight and I hadn't bothered to ask for one, disgusted as I was with the whole situation by that time. It was a fairly bright night and I soon became aware of a prisoner crawling under the wires towards the graveyard. We were supposed to shoot escapees on sight, so I started to get up from the ground to warn him to get back. Suddenly I noticed another prisoner crawling from the graveyard back to the enclosure. They were risking their lives to get to the graveyard for something; I had to investigate.

When I entered the gloom of this shrubby, tree-shaded cemetery, I felt completely vulnerable, but somehow curiosity kept me moving. Despite my caution, I tripped over the legs of someone in a prone position. Whipping my rifle around while stumbling and trying to regain composure of mind and body, I soon was relieved I hadn't reflexively fired. The figure sat up. Gradually, I could see the beautiful but terror-stricken face of a woman with a picnic basket nearby. German civilians were not allowed to feed, nor even come near the prisoners, so I quickly assured her I approved of what she was doing, not to be afraid, and that I would leave the graveyard to get out of the way.

I did so immediately and sat down, leaning against a tree at the edge of the cemetery to be inconspicuous and not frighten the prisoners. I imagined then, and still do now, what it would be like to meet a beautiful woman with a picnic basket, under those conditions as a prisoner. I have never forgotten her face.

Eventually, more prisoners crawled back to the enclosure. I saw they were dragging food to their comrades and could only admire their courage and devotion.

On May 8, V.E. Day, I decided to celebrate with some prisoners I was guarding who were baking bread the other prisoners occasionally received. This group had all the bread they could eat, and shared the jovial mood generated by the end of the war. We all thought we were going home soon, a pathetic hope on their part. We were in what was to become the French zone, where I soon would witness the brutality of the French soldiers when we transferred our prisoners to them for their slave labor camps.

On this day, however, we were happy.

As a gesture of friendliness, I emptied my rifle and stood it in the corner, even allowing them to play with it at theirs! request. This thoroughly "broke the ice," and soon we were singing songs we taught each other or I had learned in high school German ("Du, du liegst mir im Herzen"). Out of gratitude, they baked me a special small loaf of sweet bread, the only possible present they had left to offer. I stuffed it in my "Eisenhower jacket" and snuck it back to my barracks, eating it when I had privacy. I have never tasted more delicious bread, nor felt a deeper sense of communion while eating it. I believe a cosmic sense of Christ (the Oneness of all Being) revealed its normally hidden presence to me on that occasion, influencing my later decision to major in philosophy and religion.

Shortly afterwards, some of our weak and sickly prisoners were marched off by French soldiers to their camp. We were riding on a truck behind this column. Temporarily, it slowed down and dropped back, perhaps because the driver was as shocked as I was. Whenever a German prisoner staggered or dropped back, he was hit on the head with a club until he died. The bodies were rolled to the side of the road to be picked up by another truck. For many, this quick death might have been preferable to slow starvation in our "killing fields."

When I finally saw the German women in a separate enclosure, I asked why we were holding them prisoner. I was told they were "camp followers," selected as breeding stock for the S.S. to create a super-race. I spoke to some and must say I never met a more spirited or attractive group of women. I certainly didn't think they deserved imprisonment.

I was used increasingly as an interpreter, and was able to prevent some particularly unfortunate arrests. One rather amusing incident involved an old farmer who was being dragged away by several M.P.s. I was told he had a "fancy Nazi medal," which they showed me. Fortunately, I had a chart identifying such medals. He'd been awarded it for having five children! Perhaps his wife was somewhat relieved to get him "off her back," but I didn't think one of our death camps was a fair punishment for his contribution to Germany. The M.P.s agreed and released him to continue his "dirty work."

Famine began to spread among the German civilians also. It was a common sight to see German women up to their elbows in our garbage cans looking for something edible -- that is, if they weren't chased away.

When I interviewed mayors of small towns and villages, I was told their supply of food had been taken away by "displaced persons" (foreigners who had worked in Germany), who packed the food on trucks and drove away. When I reported this, the response was a shrug. I never saw any Red Cross at the camp or helping civilians, although their coffee and doughnut stands were available everywhere else for us. In the meantime, the Germans had to rely on the sharing of hidden stores until the next harvest.

Hunger made German women more "available," but despite this, rape was prevalent and often accompanied by additional violence. In particular I remember an eighteen-year old woman who had the side of her faced smashed with a rifle butt and was then raped by two G.I.s. Even the French complained that the rapes, looting and drunken destructiveness on the part of our troops was excessive. In Le Havre, we'd been given booklets warning us that the German soldiers had maintained a high standard of behavior with French civilians who were peaceful, and that we should do the same. In this we failed miserably.

"So what?" some would say. "The enemy's atrocities were worse than ours." It is true that I experienced only the end of the war, when we were already the victors. The German opportunity for atrocities had faded; ours was at hand. But two wrongs don't make a right. Rather than copying our enemy's crimes, we should aim once and for all to break the cycle of hatred and vengeance that has plagued and distorted human history. This is why I am speaking out now, forty-five years after the crime. We can never prevent individual war crimes, but we can, if enough of us speak out, influence government policy. We can reject government propaganda that depicts our enemies as subhuman and encourages the kind of outrages I witnessed. We can protest the bombing of civilian targets, which still goes on today. And we can refuse ever to condone our government's murder of unarmed and defeated prisoners of war.

I realize it is difficult for the average citizen to admit witnessing a crime of this magnitude, especially if implicated himself. Even G.I.s sympathetic to the victims were afraid to complain and get into trouble, they told me. And the danger has not ceased. Since I spoke out a few weeks ago, I have received threatening calls and had my mailbox smashed. But its been worth it. Writing about these atrocities has been a catharsis of feeling suppressed too long, a liberation, and perhaps will remind other witnesses that "the truth will make us free, have no fear." We may even learn a supreme lesson from all this: only love can conquer all.
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Eisenhower was nicknamed "The Swedish Jew" as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point.  In Ike's time USMA cadets were required to be 100% white and non-negroid, or as close to that as medical doctors and geneological research could then ascertain.  Serious official questions arose about Ike's obvious part non-white genetic heritage.  These appeared to be negroid in origin.   "Ike" explained this away as being due to a Jewish ancestor from Sweden, hence the nickname "The Swedish Jew".
Military Academy cadets and other officer candidates get to know each other extremely well during their schooling, provided it's conducted on an intensive basis as U.S. officer schooling formerly was.  Everyone is at close quarters running 24/7.  There's no place to hide character traits in those conditions.  Cadet nicknames are usually extremely descriptive.  And when they're keyed to obvious non-white themes it's a warning signal to look deeper.  Here's another example.  The U.S. Pacific Fleet commander who allowed himself to be surprised at Pearl Harbor, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, was nicknamed "Mustapha"as a midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis.  Other "Mustaphas" in Egypt and Syria allowed this to happen to themselves in 1967.
The academy and officer training schools (used?) to take official advantage of that close quarters peer knowledge through an anonymous peer rating mechanism.  I knew this as "Top Five/Bottom Five" and it meant what it said.  Officer candidates rated their platoon fellows on leadership in rank order from Top One to Bottom x.  People who accumulated too many "Bottom Five" rankings were automatically scheduled for periodic official leadership review boards for enquiry into whether they should be dismissed without commission.  The presumption of such boards used to be such individuals should be dismissed unless they could prove they were worthy of commission.  Very, very few survived such review boards.
Judeo-Marxist Academics like the military scribbler Weigley and the Jew military 'sociologist' Moscowitz are generally extremely hostile to processes like peer rating and also to troop election of officers at regimental level and below.  The admixture of females has added feminist hostility to the opposition to such processes.  The long-term result is a corps of military leaders who possess less and less confidence where it really counts.  That's among their soldiers.  This has gone so far that the average U.S. ground combat unit is unusable for its designed purpose.
After long military experience and study the wisdom of both peer ratings and also electing regimental officers in militia and citizen-soldier units seems more and more profound to me.  I think the only safeguard needed is a veto power for general officers to remove obvious misfits.  You can conduct all the bureaucratic schooling processes you want.  But if an officer does not possess the confidence of his troops they will not follow him in combat, obey his orders or stay the course in difficult times.   Consequently years of academic training simply go to waste.  Electing first and schooling second is probably the best way.
P.S.  The leadership qualities required from military leaders and from political leaders are not identical.  Some individuals combine these two attribute sets.   Hitler did not combine these qualities, at least at the lower infantry unit level.   This is proven by the fact he entered the Bavarian Army as a private and emerged after four years of war as a corporal.  Despite this many fellow war veterans from his former battalion willingly followed him as a political leader, including his former battalion sergeant-major and some officers.
Nineteenth Century America managed to select many men for high office who did combine both leadership sets in fairly large numbers.  This more than anything explains the rapid conquest of the continent.  It was not 'luck'.  The old American Republic (long since vanished) actually conformed very closely in practice to the ideals of the old Roman Republic in both military process and results.  The Roman Republic constitutionally required that political leaders prove themselves as leaders in war.  This was an ideal for early Americans but not a definite legal requirement.   Had the Founding Fathers mandated this in the Constitution our history would have turned out very differently.  Certainly Canada, Mexico and Cuba would not exist as independent states. Whether this would have prevented subsequent miscegenation or the Civil War is another question.
And results (output) are the real measure of military efficiency (or any other efficiency).  The military stature and efficiency of a state is not measured by the numbers of troops raised or the percentage of the budget applied to 'military' appropriations; i.e. inputs.  The Neo-con pseudo-patriots of the Judeo-Republican Party (non-veterans to a womandman) do think in these Communist terms of inputs.  If this measurement were valid then Italy would be one of the military success stories of the 20th Century rather than one of the premier failures.  When judged by this standard of results 19th Century America was a resounding success as a military state.   Twentieth Century America was a military failure to the point that political loss of territory is now occuring in the Southwest.
P.P.S.  Note to the former student of Russell F. Weigley who wrote in to defend him.
In my 1984 edition of Weigley's "History of the United States Army" he devotes about 40 pages to the War of 1812.  He dedicates nearly all of this to harping on the relatively small Congressional size authorization and even lower actual personnel fill (about 20,000) of the "Regular Army".  In this section Weigley glosses over the militia contribution in the sentence "this number was exclusive of those men from the volunteer and common militias who served for short periods against British raids and invasions in their own districts and who may have numbered in the hundreds of thousands."
Then Weigley reverts back to beating to death obscurities like poor Regular Army horse recruitment and rotten contractor commissary stores.  The obscure "Battle of Lundy's Lane" (actually a minor skirmish around Niagara) receives an extensive autopsy.  The Battles of Put-in Bay, New Orleans and General Harrison's campaign to reconquer the Northwest are ignored.  These large-scale decisive events were commanded by regular officers leading Weigley's ignored militia.
And New Orleans was decisive despite being fought after 'peace' was signed.   Anyone who thinks the extermination of Britain's best veteran regiments at the hands of frontier militia didn't exercise a subsequent deterrent effect on British decision-making doesn't understand how governments arrive at war and peace decisions.   The British decision to negotiate over "Fifty-four Forty or Fight!" in the 1840s was undoubtedly influenced by that memory.
If Weigley had ever marched even once 20 miles with a 100 pound pack in 100 degree heat he would have understood something.  Even 100,000 perfectly trained regulars alone would have resulted in American defeat.  In the early 19th Century transport proceeded by foot, by horse or by sea.  Since the British had overall naval superiority moving troops by sea convoy was not possible.  This left marching on land.  The factors of force/space/time applied to North America dictated that the early Republic had to rely on 'militia'.  This was especially true when fighting an enemy possessing command of the sea and the choice of where and when to strike with large amphibious raiding parties.  There was no possibility of a timely counter-concentration of a central reserve at the tactical level, especially on defense.   This comes back to Nathan Bedford Forrest's "he who gets theah fustest with mostest."  Overall numbers are irrelevant in such conditions unless you create a 'nation in arms' as was done by the Militia Act of 1792.
Like I said, Weigley's book is worthless garbage that should be collected up and pulped.
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By Martin Brech
FORTY-FIVE years ago, I witnessed an atrocity: the deliberate starvation of German POWs by our own army. History, written by the victors, suppressed all news of this atrocity until James Bacque, a Canadian author, published his brilliant expose, OTHER LOSSES. This book is a best seller in Canada, a sensation in Europe, yet is virtually unavailable (censored?) in the U.S. Our major booksellers told me their distributors are not handling it. When I prevailed upon a small, independent bookstore to order direct from Canada, the publisher told them they would be the only store in New York State to carry the book. This in 'the land of the free'?"
Fortunately, Pat Buchanan called attention to OTHER LOSSES in his January 10, 1990 column. He wrote:
"Conclusion: the U.S. Army killed ten times as many Germans in POW camps as we did on battlefields from Normandy to V.E. day. (German POWs) had their rations cut below survival level until they were dying at rates up to 30% of exposure, starvation and neglect... Red Cross food trains were turned back and U.S. food shipments sat on the docks...One French officer said the U.S. camps reminded him of Dachau and Buchenwald...The book blames Eisenhower. 'The German is a beast,' Ike had written... But that was not how the Canadians and British felt, who treated their prisoners justly...It was not the view of General Mark Clark, nor of Patton...Ignoring the book is not enough."
Pat Buchanan's courageous column inspired me to help end the cover-up of the atrocity I had witnessed. I wrote letters to several newspapers which were, of necessity, short and incomplete. Now I would like to finally free more of my painful memories, hoping to be heard, so that this will help us to acknowledge our share in the "banality of evil", cleansing ourselves with the truth. Perhaps we as a nation may then put this behind us with some integrity and with some hope for redemption.
In October 1944, at age eighteen, I was drafted into the army while a student at the NYS College of Forestry. Largely due to the "Battle of the Bulge", my training was cut short, my furlough cut in half, and I was then immediately sent overseas. Upon arrival in Le Havre, France, we were quickly loaded into boxcars and shipped to the front. By the time we reached it, I had developed mononucleosis severely enough to be sent to a hospital in Belgium.
By the time I left the hospital, the unit I had trained with in Spartenburg, South Carolina was so deeply into Germany that I warn placed in a "repo depo" (a replacement depot) despite my protests. I then lost interest in which units I was assigned to because non-combat units were generally not respected. My separation qualification record states that I served mostly with the 14th Infantry Regiment, during which time I guarded prisoners of war and served as an interpreter. During my seventeen month stay in Germany, I was transferred to other outfits also.
In late March or early April 1945, I was assigned to help guard a POW camp near Andernach along the Rhine. I had four years of high school German, so I was able to talk to the prisoners, although this was forbidden.
Gradually, however, I was used as an interpreter and asked to ferret out the S.S. (I found none.)
In Andernach, between 50,000 and 65,000 prisoners, ranging in age from very young teens to very old men, were crowded together in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The women were kept in a separate enclosure which I did not see until later. The men I guarded had no tents or other shelter, no blankets and many had no coats. Inadequate numbers of slit trenches were provided for excrement, and so the men lived and slept in the mud and increasing filth during a cold, wet spring. Their misery from exposure alone was evident.
It was even more shocking to see them eating grass, sometimes throwing it into a tin can containing a thin soup. They told me they did this hoping to ease their hunger pains. Soon their emaciation was evident. Dysentery raged and, too weak and crowded to reach the slit trenches, they were increasingly sleeping in excrement. I saw no sign of provision for water, so the thin soup was their food and water for the day. Some days there was bread, less than a slice each. Other days there was nothing.
The sight of so many men desperate for food and water, sickening and dying before our eyes, is indescribable. Even now, I can only think of it momentarily.
We had ample food and supplies that could have been shared more humanely, and we could have offered some medical assistance, but did nothing. Only the dead were quickly and efficiently taken care of: hauled away to mass graves.
My outrage reached the point that I protested to my officers, but I was met with hostility or bland indifference. When pressed, they explained they were under strict orders from "higher up". No officer would dare to systematically do this to over 50,000 prisoners if he felt he was violating general policy and subject to court martial. The term "war criminal" was just beginning to come into fashion.
Realizing my protests were useless, I asked a friend working in the kitchen if he could slip me some extra food for the prisoners. He too repeated that they were under strict orders to severely ration the prisoners' food, and that these orders came from "higher up". But he said they had more food than they knew what to do with and would sneak me some.
When I threw this food over the barbed wires to the prisoners I was caught and threatened with imprisonment. I repeated the "offense", and one officer threatened to shoot me. I naturally assumed this was a bluff, but I began to have some doubts after I encountered a captain on a hill above the Rhine shooting down at a group of German civilian women with his .45 caliber pistol. When I asked, "Why?" he mumbled, "Target practice," and fired until his pistol was empty. I saw the women running for cover, but, at that distance, couldn't tell if any had been hit.
This is when I more fully realized I was dealing with some cold-blooded killers filled with moralistic hatred. They considered the Germans sub-human and worthy of extermination; another expression of the downward spiral of racism. Articles in the G.I. newspaper, Stars & Stripes, played up the Nazi concentration camps, complete with photographs of emaciated bodies; this amplified our self-righteous cruelty and made it easier to imitate behavior we were supposed to oppose. Also, I think, soldiers not exposed to combat were trying to prove how tough they were by taking it out on the prisoners and civilians. At least, many combat soldiers told me later they would not have tolerated this, for they combined hatred with respect for a courageous enemy.
The prisoners I spoke to were mostly simple farmers and workingmen, as ignorant, albeit nationalistic, as many of our own troops. I heard many versions of "my country, right or wrong, my country," which we still hear in our own country today.
As time went on, many of them lapsed into a Zombie-like state of listlessness. Others, maddened by thirst, tried to escape in a desperate or suicidal fashion, running through open fields in broad daylight towards the Rhine to quench their thirst. They were mowed down.
Some prisoners were extremely eager for cigarettes, saying they took the edge off their hunger. Accordingly, some enterprising G.I. "Yankee traders" were acquiring hordes of wrist watches and rings in exchange for handfuls of cigarettes or less. When I began throwing cartons of cigar-ettes to the prisoners to ruin this trade, I found myself threatened by rank-and-file G.I.s also. At least this taught me an indelible lesson: how wrong majorities and authorities can be.
A bright spot in this gloomy picture came, oddly enough, one night when I was put on the "graveyard shift", from two to four A.M. Actually, there was a graveyard on the uphill side of this enclosure, not many yards away. My superiors had forgotten to give me a flashlight and I hadn't bothered to ask, being disgusted with the whole situation by that time. It was a fairly bright night and I soon became aware of a prisoner crawling under the wires to the graveyard. We were supposed to shoot escapees on sight, so I started to get up to warn him to get back. Suddenly I noticed another prisoner crawling from the graveyard back to the enclosure. They were risking their lives to get to the graveyard for something; I had to investigate.
When I entered the gloom of this shrubby, tree-shaded cemetery, I never felt more vulnerable, but somehow curiosity kept me going. Despite my caution, I tripped over the legs of someone in a prone position. Whipping my rifle around while stumbling and trying to regain composure of mind and body, I soon was relieved I hadn't reflexively fired. The figure sat up, moving erratically. Gradually I could see the beautiful but terror-stricken face of a woman with a picnic basket nearby. German civilians were not allowed to feed, nor even come near, the prisoners, so I quickly assured her I approved of what she was doing, not to be afraid, and that I would leave the graveyard to get out of the way, telling no one.
I left the graveyard as quickly as possible and sat down, leaning against a tree at the edge CF the cemetary to be inconspicuous and not frighten the prisoners. I imagined then, and often since, what it would be like to be a prisoner under those conditions and meet a beautiful woman with a picnic basket. I never saw her again, but I have never forgotten her face.
While I watched, more prisoners crawled to and from the enclosure. I saw they were dragging food back to their comrades and could only admire their courage and devotion. As I walked back to my quarters at the end of my shift, a nightingale and I were singing -- both felt a touch of spring.
(I originally did not intend to reveal the following incident, for it moves into a realm termed "mystical". However, for me, it was an extremely significant experience, changing my life, providing a light no darkness can extinguish. It must be told, hoping it will foster understanding.)
On May 8, V.E. day, I decided to celebrate with some prisoners I was guarding who were baking bread, meager amounts of which the other prisoners occasionally received. This group had all the bread they could eat, and shared the jovial mood generated by the end of the war. We all thought we would be going home soon, a pathetic hope on their part. We were in what was to become the French zone, and I later witnessed the brutality of the French soldiers when we transferred our prisoners to them for their slave labor camps (see below).
However, on this day we were happy.
After chatting with them about the potentials of peace for the rest of our lives, I decided to risk a gesture of trust that objectively would seem foolish. I emptied my rifle and stood it in the corner. They tested me further by asking to play with it, and I agreed. Intuitively I felt I could rely on their sense of honor not to attack me, for they knew they too were being tested. This thoroughly 'broke the ice', and soon we were singing songs we taught each other or I had learned in high school German ("Du, du, liegst mir im Herzen"). Out of gratitude, they secretly baked a small sweet bread and insisted I take it, explaining it was the only possible gift they had left to offer. Expressing my gratitude with a lump in my throat, I put it in my tight "Eisenhower jacket" so I could sneak it back to my barracks. I later found an opportunity to eat it outside.
Never had bread tasted more delicious, nor conveyed to me a deeper sense of communion while eating it. A wonderful feeling pervaded me, gently opening me to an intimation of the Oneness of all Being. Through those prisoners I sensed the ~cosmic presence of what has been called the Christ, Buddha-nature, or, perhaps most aptly, the Ineffable: cosmically present, but hidden and apparently separate, until revealed in the wholeness of the giving of the self. Even within the horror humans had created, I was taught a path to redemption may open by taking a first, tentative step in the direction of love, understanding and forgiveness. This above all the prisoners taught me: not only are we all potentially humane humans, there is divinity within us waiting for us to dissolve the defensive shield of ego. I was pleased to discover later the words of Matthew 25:34-46, expressing the potential within prisoners and all who are at our mercy.
Shortly after this experience I was plunged into even greater horror. Some of our weak and sickly prisoners were being marched off by French soldiers to their camp. The truck we were on first passed another truck picking up bodies along the side of the road, and then came up behind a slowly moving column of men. Temporarily we slowed down and remained behind, perhaps because the driver was as shocked as I was. The French soldiers were apparently incensed at the poor condition of our prisoners, not only for labor but for marching to another camp. Whenever a prisoner staggered or dropped back, the French clubbed him to death and then dragged him to the side of the road. For many, this quick death might have been preferable to their prolonged suffering. Even gas would have been more merciful than our murder by neglect in our slow 'killing fields'.
When I saw the German women held in a separate enclosure, I asked why we were keeping them. I was told they were "camp followers", selected as breeding stock for the S.S. to create a super-race. We provided them with tents but they were extremely hungry. I spoke to some and must say they were still spirited and attractive. However, I believe I was objective enough when I told all concerned that I didn't think they deserved our treatment.
As an interpreter, I was able to prevent some particularly unfortunate arrests. One somewhat amusing incident occurred during a pre-dawn raid we conducted on a town to discover Nazis or arms. An old farmer was being dragged away by some soldiers. I was told he had a "fancy Nazi medal", which they showed to me. Fortunately, I had a chart identifying such medals. He had been awarded it for having five or more children! Perhaps his wife was somewhat relieved to get him "off her back", but I didn't think one of our 'death camps' was a fair punishment for his contribution to Germany. The soldiers agreed and released him to continue his "dirty work".
Famine was spreading amongst German civilians also. It was a common sight to see German women up to their elbows in our garbage cans looking for something edible -- that is, when they weren't chased away.
When I interviewed mayors of small towns and villages, I was told their supply of food had been taken away by "displaced persons" (foreigners who had worked in Germany), who packed the food on trucks and drove away. When I reported this, the response was a shrug or an expression of helplessness.
Although the Red Cross coffee and doughnut stands were available everywhere for us, I never saw any Red Cross in the prison camps or helping the civilians. While my girlfriend had all the "contraband" doughnuts she could eat, most Germans had to share their meager hidden stores and wait until the next harvest.
This hunger undoubtedly made many German women more "available", but, despite this, rape was incredibly prevalent and often accompanied by additional violence. I particularly remember a charming eighteen year old girl who had several unsuccessful suitors and was "just friends" with me, who had the side of her face smashed with a rifle butt and was then raped by two G.I.s. The casual shooting of German civilians also continued, usually by drunken soldiers who would tell of this as something amusing. All too many G.I.s gave the impression they were 1ike animals released from cages, free to do what they liked because they were dealing with yet a lower species of animal, a reverse racism, inflamed by our propaganda. However, even the French complained to me that our rape and drunken destructive behavior in their country was excessive. When we had arrived in Le Havre, we had been given booklets instructing us that the Germans had maintained a high standard of behavior with French civilians who were peaceful, and that we should do the same. In this we failed miserably.
So what? we might still say. The enemies' atrocities were worse than ours. Certainly my experiences were only of the last phases of the war, when we were already clearly the victors. The Nazi opportunity for atrocities had faded and ours was unleashed. But we might have learned the simple lesson that two wrongs do not make a right. Perhaps we might even have broken the cycle of vengeful retaliation and unbridled hatred, fed by racism, that has plagued human history and blighted human potential all to long. Instead, we committed our own atrocities and now are clinging to a cover-up. That is why I am speaking out now, forty-five years after the crime. We can never prevent individual war crimes, but we can, if enough of us speak out, influence government policy. We can reject government propaganda that depicts our enemies as subhuman and encourages the kinds of outrages I witnessed. We can protest the bombing of civilian targets, which still goes on today. (I will never forget the sickly sweet smell of rotting human flesh rising from the shattered remains of the cities and towns I entered.) And we can refuse ever to condone our government' s murder of unarmed and defeated prisoners of war.
I realized it's difficult to admit witnessing a crime of this magnitude, especially if implicated oneself. Even G.I .s sympathetic to the victims told me they were afraid to oppose so massive a policy that would surely seek to cover its tracks. I never heard this directly from an officer, but it was the belief of the rank-and-file G.I.s I spoke to that we were not to "talk" because, first, no one would believe us, and second, we would surely get into trouble. They all insisted it was better not to talk, and slowly I too realized it would be futile and dangerous. That is, until now, thanks to James Bacque and Pat Buchanan. This is not to say the danger has passed. Since I "spoke out" recently, my mailbox has been smashed and I have received threatening phone calls. But I believe it is worth the risk. Writing about these atrocities has been a atharsis of feelings suppressed too long, a liberation, and perhaps will remind other witnesses and citizens -that "the truth shall make us free, have no fear." And, in any case, "the truth shall out".
We may even learn a supreme lesson from all this: Hate is self- destructive; only love can conquer and evolve all as One.
Martin Brech (Adjunct Professor, Philosophy & Religion, Mercy College; Ex-G.I., Finally Free)

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Ike and the Disappearing Atrocities
New York Times Book Review, February 24, 1991

Seldom has the publication of a historical monograph on a subject ordinarily of interest only to a few specialists - the treatment of prisoners of war - received so much attention or excited so much anger as James Bacque's "Other Losses." Published in 1989 in Canada, it was the subject of a cover story in the popular Canadian magazine Saturday Night, of a British Broadcasting Corporation documentary, of two German television documentaries and of a coming Canadian Broadcasting Network documentary. (The Canadian book, I should say immediately, carries a jacket blurb from me that was taken out of context and used without permission) It has been discussed on American television, in Time magazine and in many other news media outlets. In its German edition, it was a runaway best seller. The British edition elicited major reviews in the Times Literary Supliment and elsewhere. Prima Publishing of California intendes to publish the book in May, which could fan the flames in the United States.

The reason for the notoriety is the author's conclusion that Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, as head of the American occupation of Germany in 1945, deliberately starved to death German prisoners of war in staggering numbers. Mr. Bacque charges that "the victims undoubtedly number over 800,000, almost certainly over 800,000 and quite likely over a million. Their deaths were knowingly caused by army officers who had sufficient resources to keep the prisoners alive."

Eisenhower's method, according to Mr. Bacque, was simple: he changed the designation of the prisoners from "Prisoners of War" (P.O.W.), required by the Geneva Convention to be fed the same rations as American G.I.'s, to "Disarmed Enemy Forces" (D.E.F.), which allowed him to cut their rations to starvation level. Mr. Bacque says the D.E.F. were also denied medical supplies and shelter. They died by the hundreds of thousands. Their deaths were covered up on Army records by listing them as "other looses" on charts showing weekly totals of prisoners on hand, numbers discharged and so forth.

So outraged is Mr. Bacque by his discovery of this heinous crime that he has been quoted in a wire service interview as saying Americans "should take down every statue of Eisenhower, and every photograph of him and annul his memory from American history as best they can, except to say, 'Here was a man who did very evil things that we're ashamed of.'" Questions immediately arise. If there were a million dead, where are the bodies? Did Eisenhower have such vast power that he could order starvation on a mass scale and keep it a secret? Was the undoubted suffering in the camps, especially the transit camps along the Rhine, the result of Eisenhower's policy or the result of the chaotic conditions that prevailed in Europe in the spring and summer of 1945?

Mr. Bacque, a Canadian novelist with no previous historical research or writing experience, says in his introduction: "Doubtless many scholars will find faults in this book, which are only mine. I welcome their criticism and their further research, which may help to restore to us the truth after a long night of lies." Last December, the Eisenhower Center at the University of New Orleans invited some leading experts on the period to examine the charges. The conference participants, including me, plan to publish the papers in book form.

Our first conclusion was that Mr. Bacque had made a major historical discovery. There _was_ wdiespread mistreatment of German prisoners in the spring and summer of 1945. Men were beaten, denied water, forced to live in open camps without shelter, given inadequate food rations and inadequate medical care. Their mail was withheld. In some cases prisoners made a "soup" of water and grass in order to deal with their hunger. Men did die needlessly and inexcusably. This must be confronted, and it is to Mr. Bacque's credit that he forces us to do so.

Our second conclusion was that when scholars do the necessary research, they will find Mr. Bacque's work to be worse than worthless. It is seriously - nay, spectacularly - flawed in its most fundamental aspects. Mr. Bacque misuses documents; he misreads documents; he ignores contrary evidence; his statistical methodology is hopelessly compromised; he makes no attempt to look at comparative contexts; he puts words into the mouth of his principal source; he ignores a readily available and absolutely critical source that decisively deals with his central accusation; and, as a consequence of these and and other shortcomings, he reaches conclusions and makes charges that are demonstrably absurd.

Apart from its assessment of Mr. Bacque's findings, however, the conference - along with the book itself - raises a larger issue: how are readers who are not experts to judge a work that makes new, startling, indeed outrageious, claims? Without the knowledge or the time to investigate, how are they to know if an author has finally revealed the truth "after a long night of lies," or is simply misleading an unwary public?

As for Mr. Bacque's claims, the most immediate question is that of Eisenhower's motive: why on earth would Ike do such a thing? Mr. Bacque answers that Eisenhower hated the Germans. Now it is absolutely true that in the spring of 1945, Eisenhower's anger at the Germans was very great. He never attempted to hide these feelings. In "Crusade in Europe," published in 1948, he wrote, "In my personal reactions, as the months of conflict wore on, I grew constantly more bitter against the Germans." He relates that he signed tens of thousands of letters of condolence to the wives and mothers of his fallen men, and he wrote, "I know of no more effective means of developing an undying hatred of those responsible for aggressive war than to assume the obligation of attemption to express sympathy to families bereaved by it." The uncovering of the concentration camps added to his emotion.

Eisenhower was an enthusiastic supporter of denazification, but not because he hated the Germans or believed in collective guilt. To the contrary, he believed that there were Germans who were committed to democracy and that the task of the occupation was to find them and bring them to the fore. In a speech in Frankfurt in 1945, he declared "The success or failure of this occupation will be judged by the character of the Germans 50 years from now. Proof will come when they begin to run a democracy of their own and we are going to give the Germans a chance to do that, in time." This does not sound like a man who simultaneously was directing the death by starvation of one million young Germans.

Mr. Bacque completely misunderstands Eisenhower's position and activity in the occupation. He puts full responsibility on Eisenhower for every policy decision, never recognizing that he had superiors from whom he took policy directives and orders - specifically, the Army Chief of Staff, the European Advisory Commission, acting in the name and with the authority of the British, Soviet and American Governments, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combined Chiefs of Staff, that is, the American Joint Chiefs and the British Chiefs of Staff; and the heads of the British and American Governments. The report at the New Orleans conference on the diplomatic background, by Brian Villa of the University of Ottawa, noted that the policy of Eisenhower's superiors was to impress upon the Germans the fact of their defeat, the fact that they had brought it on themselves and in other ways to "treat 'em rough." Denazification was one aspect of that policy. Another was that German prisoners would not be fed at a higher level than German civilians, than the civilians of the liberated nations, or than the displaced persons (DPs).

An assertion that is central to Mr. Bacque's accusation is his contention that there was no European food shortage in 1945. He points to warehouses in Germany full of food. He says that the Red Cross had food available. One of his most daming pieces of evidence is that a train from Geneva loaded with food parcels sent by the Red Cross to feed German prisoners was forced to turn back.

This is shocking - food was available, men were hungry and American officers ordered the train to return to Geneva. But there was a reason: the Allied Governments had decided that Red Cross food parcels would be used to feed displaced persons, of whom there were more than two million in Germany, and the orders to Eisenhower on this policy were explicit. So DPs got those food parcels. It is painful beyond description to have to set food priorities in a hungry world, but it had to be done, and who could argue with the decision?

In his conference report on the food situation in Germany, James Tent of the University of Alabama - Brimingham says there was no question that there were severe shortages. Still, as Mr. Tent points out, there was food stocked in warehouses that was not distributed to prisoners living on a near-starvation diet. Again, this is shocking, until the reason is noted. The Allied Governments were fearful of famine in the winter of 1945-46, and they were stockpiling food. Even with the reserves, they barely got through the winter, and it was three years before the European foot shortage was overcome.

Mr. Bacque's myth was Eisenhower's nightmare. No food shortage? Eisenhower wrote the Chief of Staff, Gen. George C. Marshall, in Februayr 1945: "I am very much concerned about the food situation... We now have no reserves on the Continent of supplies for the civil population."

And here is Eisenhower writing to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on April 25, 1945: "Unless immediate steps are taken to develop to the fullest extent possible the food resources in order to provide the minimum wants of the German population, widespread chaos, starvation and disease are inevitable during the coming winter."

These - and many, many similar messages - went out before the surrender. After the first week of May, all of Eisenhower's calculations as to how many people he would be required to feed in occupied Germany became woefully inadequate. He had badly underestimated, for two reasons. First, the number of German soldiers surrendering to the Western Allies far exceeded what was expected (more than five million, instead of the anticipated three million) because of the onrush of German soldiers across the Elbe River to escape the Russians. So too with German civilians - there were millions fleeing from east to west, about 13 million altogether, and they became Eisenhower's responsibility. Eisenhower faced shortages even before he learned that there were 17 million more people to feed in Germany than he had expected.

No food shortage? This is the report of the Military Governor for Germany in July 1945: "The food situation throughout Western Germany is perhaps the most serious problem of the occupation. The average food consumption in the Western Zones is now about one-third below the generally accepted subsistence level." The September report declares, "Food from indigenous sources was not available to meet the present authorized ration level for the normal consumer, of 1,550 calories per day."

Mr. Bacque says that the prisoners were receiving 1,550 calories a day, and he contends that such a ration means slow starvation. He apparently never looked at what civilians were getting, in Germany or in the liberated countries. In Paris in 1945, the calorie level was 1,550 for civilians. It was only slightly higher in Briatin, where rationing continued. It was much lower in Russia, where rationing also continued. As noted, the official ration for German civilians was 1,550, but often not met. In Vienna in the summer of 1945 the official ration sometimes fell to 500.

There is such a thing as common sense. Anyone who was in Europe in the summer of 1945 would be flabbergasted to hear that there was no food shortage.

According to Mr. Bacque, Eisenhower personally, secretly, and with sinister intent changed the status of surrendered German soldiers from prisoners of war to disarmed enemy forces. In fact, the change in designation was a policy matter. The decision was made not by Eisenhower but by his superiors, specifically by the European Advisory Commission. Nor was any attempt made to keep it secret. All those involved acted with the authority of the British, Russian and American Governments, and they were perfectly straightforward about the reason for the change in status.

What happened is simple enough: the Allies could not afford to feed the millions of German prisoners at the same level at which they were able to feed German civilians, not to mention the civilians of the liberated countries of Western Europe, and not to mention as well the displaced persons. But the United States and other Allied nations had signed the Geneva Convention, which had the force of a treaty. They did not wish to violate it, so they used the new designation of "Disarmed Enemy Forces." The orders to the field commanders were straighforward: do not feed the DEF's at a higher scale than German civilians.

With regard to another of Mr. Bacque's conclusions, he arrives at his sensational figure of one million dead through a system of analysis that has left almost everyone who has tried to check his statistics and methods befuddled. He did make one mistake because of a typing error by a clerk. He saw a figure of 70,000 prisoners in an Army medical report and then calculated the total death rate for all prisoners in American hands on the basis of that number and the 21,000 deaths also mentioned in the report. That is, he arrived at his most basic conclusion, a death rate in all camps of 30 percent, by dividing the 21,000 deaths by the 70,000 prisoners. However, the 70,000 figure should have been 10 times higher. All other figures in the document make it clear that the correct number of prisoners was 700,000. This would make the death rate not 30 percent but 3 percent.

In fact, as Albert Cowdrey of the Department of the Army's Center of Military History reported to the conference, the overall death rate among German prisoners was 1 percent.

Mr. Cowdrey's conclusion, strongly supported by another conference participant, Maj. Ruediger Overmans of the German Office of Military History in Freiburg (who is writing the final volume of the official Germany history of the war), is that the total death by all causes of German prisoners in American hands could not have been greater than 56,000.

Finally, there is the matter of the column of figures in the weekly reports of the United States Army Theater Provost Marshal entitled "Other Losses." It is here that Mr. Bacque finds his "missing million."

What were the "other losses?" Mr. Bacque interviewed Philip S. Lauben, a retired Army colonel who was a member of the German Affairs Branch of Eisenhower's headquarters in 1945. He writes that Colonel Lauben told him "other losses" meant "deaths and escapes."

"How many escapes?" Mr. Bacque asked.

"Very, very minor," Colonel Lauben replied. Mr. Bacque says they were less than one-tenth of 1 percent, with no explanation of how he arrived at such a figure.

Neil Cameron, the producer of the BBC documentary about "Other Losses," told the conference that he had obtained from Mr. Bacque the tape of the interview. It seemed clear to Mr. Cameron that Mr. Bacque had got an old man to agree with words that Mr. Bacque used and then put in his mouth. Mr. Cameron did his own on-camera interview with Colonel Lauben; in it, Colonel Lauben said he was misled by Mr. Bacque and was wrong about the meaning of the term "other losses."

David Hawkins of CNN wanted to do an interview with Colonel Lauben. Colonel Lauben turned him down, explaining in a letter "I'm not being difficult. I am 91 years old, legally blind, and my memory has lapsed to a point where it is quite unreliable. Furthermore I am under regular medical care. Often during my talk with Mr. Bacque I reminded him that my memory had deteriorated badly during the 40 odd years since 1945.

"Mr. Bacque read to me figures...It seemed to me that, after accounting for transfers and discharges, there was nothing left to make up the grand total except deaths and escapes, i.e. the term 'Other Losses.' I was mistaken."

Thus, Mr. Bacque's only witness for the charge that "other losses" was a cover-up term for deaths has twice repudiated what Mr. Bacque maintains that he said.

What then were the "other losses?" In many cases they were transfers from one zone to another, something that was regularly done for a variety of reasons, none of them sinister, and all duly recorded in footnotes on the weekly reports.

But the greatest number of "other losses" is revealed in the August 1945 Report of the Military Governor. (These monthly reports are in the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kan., in the National Archives in Washington and elsewhere; they are a basic source on every aspect of the occupation, including food shortages and prisoners. Mr. Bacque did not cite them and there is no evidence he examined them.) The August report lists the numbers of disarmed enemy forces discharged by American forces and those transferred to the British and French for forced labor.

The report continues: "An additional group of 663,576 are listed as 'other losses,' consisting largely of members of the Volksturm [Peoples' Militia], released without formal discharge."

It takes little imagination to see what happened here. The People's Militia consisted of older men (up to 80 years of age, mainly World War I veterans) and boys of 16 or sometimes less. American guards and camp authorities told the old men to go home and take care of their grandchildren, the boys to go home and return to school. Along with the transfers to other zones that Mr. Bacque ignores, these people account for all the "missing million."

In short, Mr. Bacque is wrong on every major charge and nearly all his minor ones. Eisenhower was not a Hitler, he did not run death camps, German prisoners did not die by the hundreds of thousands, there was a severe food shortage in 1945, there was nothing sinister or secret about the "disarmed enemy forces" designation or about the column "other losses." Mr. Bacque's "missing million" were old men and young boys in the militia.

Nevertheless, Mr. Bacque makes a point that is irrefutable: some American G.I.'s and their officers were capable of acting in almost as brutal a manner as the Nazis. We did not have a monopoly on virtue. He has challenged us to reopen the question, to do the research required, to get at the full truth. For that contribution, he deserves thanks. But as to how he presented his discovery, I turn again to Albert Cowdrey: "Surely the author has reason to be satisfied with his achievement. He has no reputation as a historian to lose, and "Other Losses" can only enhance his standing as a writer of fiction." There remains, finally, the larger issue. It took a conference of experts to challenge Mr. Bacque's charges. Individual scholars have hesitated to take him on because to do so required checking through his research - in effect, rewriting his book. Instead, many of them have said in their reviews in Britain, France, Germany and Canada that they cannot believe what Mr. Bacque says about Eisenhower is true, but they cannot disprove it. Mr. Bacque has all the paraphernalia of scholarship; it looks impressive enough to bamboozle even scholars. Under these circumstances, what is a lay reader to do? I suggest that he or she trust common sense. As when confronting the Holocaust-never-happened school, ask the obvious questions. If the answers aren't clear, the charges have not been proved. In Mr. Bacque's case, two such questions are: Where are the bodies? and Is this book consistent with our picture of Eisenhower's character as we know it from innumberable other sources? Ultimately, in cases such as this one, it is often the obvious questions that bring us closest to the truth.

Post-World War I Germany yields two significant examples of the  effective use of nonviolence. In 1920, a pro-monarchist faction led by Dr. Wolfgang Kapp attempted to seize control of the Weimar government. German generals, sympathetic to the coup, refused to assist the civilian government, and many police actively sided with Kapp's forces. In response, President Theodor Ebert called a general strike and bureaucratic non-cooperation. While the military eventually came to the aid of the elected government, nonviolent resistance acted as the chief obstacle to Kapp's seizure of power.

A  second  instance of the use of nonviolence came during the so-called Ruhrkampf  from 1923 to 1925. When Germany defaulted on its war reparation payments, French and Belgian troops entered the Ruhr -- one of Germany's chief industrial centers -- to extract the payments by force. Strikes and civilian and bureaucratic obstruction made the occupation so costly that the French and Belgians withdrew without net gain.

… some of  the most famous cases of nonviolent resistance were carried out against foreign powers: colonial North America and India against the British [[would British government agree that it was a “foreign power”]]; Germany against France and Belgium in the Ruhrkampf; and Hungary against the rule of the Austrian Empire.

Humane Studies Review Volume 9, Number 1   Summer 1994
by Bryan Caplan

… one neglected but useful perspective comes from the  tradition of  nonviolent resistance. While almost exclusively associated with Gandhi,  the idea  has a long history of theory and practice. This bibliographic essay  outlines the  contours of this tradition, beginning with its roots in the more general  theory of  resistance to tyranny; it then explores the theory and practice of nonviolent  resistance and its implications for classical liberal social theory.

***Resistance Thought:  Violent and Nonviolent

An excellent survey of the history of theories justifying resistance  to tyranny is  Oscar Jszi and John D. Lewis, "Against the Tyrant: The Tradition and  Theory of  Tyrannicide" (Glencoe, IL: Free Press, 1957). While it focuses on the  question of  tyrannicide, it actually covers a much wider ground. Unsurprisingly, the  concepts of  tyranny and justified resistance to authority simultaneously arose in  ancient Greece.  Plato and Aristotle discussed tyranny without commenting on the  permissibility of  resistance to the state, but the histories of Xenophon and Herodotus  openly  sympathized with instances of tyrannicide. Romans also considered tyrannicide.  Cicero, Plutarch, Seneca, and Polybius explicitly endorsed it.  Presumably, they would  have endorsed less drastic resistance to authority as well. Christian  philosophers  such as Thomas Aquinas and William of Ockham endorsed a limited right to  resistance against tyranny. Finally, during the Italian Renaissance, the  revival of  classical authors led to a parallel revival of interest in the right of  resistance against  unjust government.

The question of resistance appeared in its modern form and won  profound  practical significance during the Protestant Reformation. While Martin  Luther and  John Calvin denied the right of resistance in any form, their  intellectual heirs --  especially Calvin's -- questioned the doctrine that all "powers that be  are ordained of God" (Romans 13:1) and considered justifications for rebellion against  political and  religious persecution.

British Calvinists radicalized first. John Ponet,  successively  Bishop of Rochester and of Winchester, defended resistance and  tyrannicide in his  book "A Shorte Treatise of Politike Power" (1556; reprinted in Winthrop  S. Hudson,  "John Ponet" (1516?-1556), Advocate of Limited Monarchy [Chicago: University of  Chicago Press, 1942]). The Scottish Calvinist John Knox turned radically  against passive resistance and defended the right to establish the true religion  by force if  necessary. Knox's English compatriot Christopher Goodman took a similar  line. 

Franois Hotman's "Francogallia" (1573; trans. J. H. M. Salmon and ed.  Ralph E.  Giesey, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1972; Julian H. Franklin,  trans. and  ed., "Constitutionalism and Resistance in the Sixteenth Century: Three  Treatises by  Hotman, Beza, and Mornay" [New York: Pegasus, 1969], 47-96) initiated the  genre of  French Calvinist resistance -- or "monarchomach" -- literature. In it he  argued that  historically, the French monarch had been limited, subject to both  election and  deposition by the people. "It has been sufficiently demonstrated, we  believe,"  Hotman concludes in the third edition, "that the kings of France have not  been  granted unmeasured and unlimited power by their countrymen, and cannot be  considered absolute" ("Constitutionalism and Resistance," 90).

Theodore Beza's "Right of Magistrates" (1574; "Constitutionalism and  Resistance," 97-135) gave this historical critique a firmer theoretical background. 

Fearing  individual rebellion, he gave special weight to the right of lesser  magistrates to rebel  against a tyrant. He countenanced individual rebellion only against  tyrants without  legitimate titles -- but, only if the resistance of lesser magistrates  failed.

Philippe du  Plessis-Mornay, in his "Defence of Liberty Against Tyrants" (1579;  "Constitutionalism and Resistance," 137-99) essentially drew the same  conclusions,  emphasizing that the people, not the king, are properly the owners of the kingdom.  Julian Franklin has abridged and commented upon all three works in his Constitutionalism and Resistance. Franklin emphasizes that the Calvinist  resistance  literature needed to avoid radical conclusions to convince moderate Catholics to join the Huguenot cause. Quentin Skinner's "The Foundations of Modern  Political  Thought," vol. 2, "The Age of Reformation" (New York: Cambridge  University  Press, 1978) contains an extensive discussion of Hotman, Beza, and  Mornay, as well  as lesser-known Calvinist authors and comments on their Lutheran,  Catholic  Scholastic, and humanist predecessors. For a general treatment of Huguenot  thought, see Michael Walzer, "The Revolution of the Saints" (New York:  Atheneum,

The radical Calvinists' interest in the right of resistance spread to  broader religious circles.

The humanist thinker George Buchanan defended the right to  resist tyranny  not on partisan religious grounds but on the basis of social contract theory and  Aristotle's politics."Powers of the Crown of Scotland" (1579; trans. C.  F. Arrowood,  Austin: Texas University Press, 1949) is his most famous book; I. D.  McFarlane, in  his "Buchanan" (London: Duckworth, 1981), offers a more detailed  treatment of his  thought. At the same time, Catholics like Juan de Mariana and Francisco Surez validated the right of resistance against tyranny. Using state of nature  theory and the idea that rulers' power is delegated rather than inherent, both of these Jesuit  thinkers justified some form of the right of resistance. Surez stood behind the classical distinction between the usurper and the tyrant-by-conduct.  While it was  permissible to use violence against a usurper, such could be justified against a  tyrant-by-conduct in only the most extreme situations. Mariana took a more extreme view; he bypassed the dichotomy between the two types of unjust rulers and argued for every individual's right to kill a tyrant. Most of Surez's thought on resistance is in his "Tractatus de legibus" (1612; translated in  "Selections from Three  Works of Francisco Surez" [New York: Oxford University Press, 1944]).  Mariana's  chief work in this area is "The King and the Education of the King"  (1599; ed. and  trans. George Albert Moore, Washington, DC: Country Dollar Press, 1948).

It should be emphasized that the monarchomachs chiefly justified  resistance as  such, rather than nonviolent resistance. Their principal contemporary  critics are  Jean Bodin and William Barclay.

See Bodin, "On Sovereignty: Four Chapters  from  'The Six Books of the Commonwealth’ and Barclay, "The Kingdom and  the  Regal Power". Both  argue that this was more likely to lead to endless bloodshed and further  tyranny  than anything else.

In this context, Etienne de La Boetie's "Discourse on  Voluntary  Servitude" (1577; trans. Harry Kurz, 1942; reprinted as "The Politics of  Obedience:  'The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude'" [New York: Free Life Editions,  1975]) appeared, promoting the efficacy of nonviolent resistance. Anticipating  David  Hume's "Of the First Principles of Government" (1777; reprinted as  "Essays, Moral,  Political, and Literary", ed. Eugene F. Miller, rev. ed.[Indianapolis:  Liberty Classics,  1987], 32-36), La Boetie saw that the rule of a tiny minority over  society was possible only if the majority voluntarily accepted it.

Taking it one step further, La Boetie argued that the social consensus theory implied that it could overthrow tyranny peaceably if the majority withdrew its consent. "It is therefore," he wrote, "the inhabitants themselves who permit, or, rather, bring about their own subjection, since by ceasing to submit they would put an end to their servitude" (La  Boetie, 50). 

While La Boetie's arguments for mass civil disobedience seem more moderate than  the Huguenot justification for violent resistance, he is, in every other  respect, far  more radical. All tyrants, he argued, whether by inheritance, force of arms, or  elections, are equally bad and, therefore, equally permissible to resist.  Perhaps most  significant, La Boetie justified resistance not through custom or  national tradition  but because "freedom is our natural state" (La Boetie, 57).

La Boetie explained the oppressed state of mankind with a theory of ideology and caste exploitation. The  former, he contended, suppresses humanity's natural urge for freedom; the latter develops as a tyrant fortifies power by privileging a pyramid of followers.

Despite the originality of La Boetie's theory, it exerted little  influence on  subsequent theorists who continued to equate resistance with violence.  Thus, the  three pillars of seventeenth-century British resistance theory -- Locke,  Sidney, and  Milton -- focused chiefly on violent revolution. John Locke, in his  "Essay  concerning Civil Government," the second of the "Two Treatises of  Government"  (1689; student ed., ed. Peter Laslett, New York: Cambridge University  Press, 1988),  not only justified rebellion against tyranny but also assumed that physical force  existed as the necessary means to subdue a tyrant. While more moderate  than Locke  on many questions, Algernon Sidney in his "Discourses concerning  Government"  (1698; reprint, ed. Thomas G. West, Indianapolis: Liberty Classics, 1990)  militantly  advocated violent revolution against tyrants. And John Milton in his book  "The  Tenure of Kings and Magistrates" (1649; reprinted in "Political  Writings," ed. Martin  Dzelzainis [New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991], 1-48), defended  the right of  the people to execute a tyrant if the established watchdogs failed to  manage him  effectively.

The nineteenth century produced two significant theorists of  nonviolent  resistance: Henry David Thoreau and Count Leo Tolstoy.

In Thoreau's  famous essay  "Civil Disobedience" (1849; reprinted in "On Civil Disobedience: American  Essays,  Old and New,' ed. Robert A. Goldwin [Chicago: Rand McNally, 1969],  11-31), he  argued that the individual had a moral duty to resist unjust acts of  government.  While not primarily a work on collective action, Thoreau noted that "[i]f  the  alternative is to keep all just men in prison, or give up war and  slavery, the State  will not hesitate which to choose. . . . When the subject has refused  allegiance, and  the officer has resigned his office, then the revolution is accomplished"  ("On Civil  Disobedience," 21). One can find Tolstoy's arguments on nonviolence in the compilation  "Tolstoy's  Writings on Civil Disobedience and Non-Violence" (New York: Bergman,  1967).  Unlike Thoreau, who largely treated his conclusions as simply the  consistent  application of Jeffersonian principles, Tolstoy based his condemnations  of violence  on the philosophy presented in the New Testament. His most notable essays  on the  issue of non-violence include "Patriotism, or Peace?" which argued that  the general  renunciation of patriotism was a precondition of international peace and  his "Notes  for Officers" and "Notes for Soldiers", which argued that members of the  military  had a duty to resign their posts and obey their consciences rather than the state. For  more on Tolstoy's political thought, see his "The Law of Violence  and the Law of Love" (New York: Rudolph Field, 1948), in which he  favorably cited  the work of La Boetie on the efficacy of nonviolent struggle against  tyranny.

Tolstoy's "A Letter to a Hindu: The Subjection of India -- Its Cause  and Cure" in  "Tolstoy Centenary Edition," vol. 21, "Recollections and Essays" (New  York: Oxford  University Press, 1937) significantly influenced the twentieth-century's  preeminent  exponent of nonviolence, Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi began his lifetime  interest in  nonviolence when, as a lawyer in South Africa, he used nonviolence to  help repeal  governmental discrimination against the Indian minority. He later  acquired world  fame for his leadership of the nonviolent struggle for Indian independence from  the British. One can find a good sampling of Gandhi's writings in his "Non-Violent  Resistance (Satyagraha)" (New York: Schocken Books, 1951). While Gandhi's advocacy of nonviolence was chiefly religious and deontological, he also  defended  its practicality. Not only will nonviolence win more public support than  violence,  he argued, but it also has a greater chance to convert one's opponents  and succeed  with minimal casualties. In a typical passage, Gandhi wrote that a "civil  resister  never uses arms and hence is harmless to a State that is at all willing  to listen to the  voice of public opinion. He is dangerous for an autocratic state, for he  brings about  its fall by engaging public opinion upon the matter for which he resists  the State"  (Gandhi, 174). Elsewhere, echoing La Boetie, Gandhi stated that in "politics, its  [power's] use is based upon the immutable maxim that government of the  people is possible only so long as they consent either consciously or unconsciously  to be  governed"
(Gandhi, 35).

Gandhi makes for difficult reading because he mixed religious ideas  with more practical observations. Gene Sharp does a good job of disentangling these  two strains  in his "Gandhi as a Political Strategist" (Boston: Porter Sargent, 1979).  If one ignores  Gandhi's religious views and focuses on his discussion of practical strategic questions, one finds a shrewd and insightful thinker in the tradition of La Boetie.  Several of Sharp's interpretive essays -- especially "Gandhi on the  Theory of  Voluntary Servitude" -- bring together the bits and pieces of Gandhi's  theory of  nonviolent resistance. For further writings on Gandhi's philosophy which  emphasize his mystical side, see Raghavan N. Iyer, "The Moral and  Political  Thought of Mahatma Gandhi"
***Nonviolent Resistance:  Theory and History

There can be little doubt that today's foremost thinker sympathetic to  nonviolent resistance is Gene Sharp. With an eye toward practical strategy rather  than  philosophy, his major work "The Politics of Nonviolent Action" (Boston:  Porter  Sargent, 1973) covers virtually every aspect of the theory and history of  nonviolent  resistance to government. In the opening of the book, Sharp carefully  crafts his  arguments as an extensive discussion of the nature of power. He draws on  the long  tradition of thinkers who argue that ideology and consent -- whether  grudging or  enthusiastic -- rather than brute force are the ultimate basis of  political power. If a large enough segment of the population refuses to comply with the government, it will lose its ability to rule. Merely the threat of non-compliance is  often serious  enough to provoke the government to redress grievances. Moreover, when  governments use violence against protesters who are clearly committed to  nonviolence, they undermine their ideological foundations and often make  uncontested rule even more difficult. He cites such diverse thinkers as  Auguste Comte, Etienne de La Boetie, David Hume, Gaetano Mosca, Bertrand de  Jouvenel, Max Weber, Jeremy Bentham, Montesquieu, and Niccol Machiavelli.

Sharp distinguishes between three stages of nonviolence: protest and  persuasion;  social, economic, and political non-cooperation; and nonviolent  intervention.  Normally a movement begins with the first stage and gradually escalates  until the  government meets its demands or agrees to compromise. As examples of  protest  and persuasion Sharp lists public speeches, petitions, distribution of  literature,  public demonstrations, and fraternizing with low-ranking soldiers and  other  government enforcers.

Nonviolent resisters bring more serious sanctions to bear when they resort to  social, economic, and political non-cooperation. Here Sharp offers as  examples social boycott, excommunication, student strikes (social non-cooperation);  consumers'  boycotts, workers' strikes, refusal to pay fees, rent, or interest,  refusal to accept a  government's money (economic non-cooperation); and the boycott of legislative bodies and elections, draft resistance, tax resistance, deliberate  bureaucratic  inefficiency, and mutiny (political non-cooperation). Unlike protest and persuasion, many of these tactics could pressure a government into changing its policies without actually changing anyone's mind.

Sharp's final category, nonviolent intervention, includes the most  radical forms of resistance against authority. Some examples include fasting until death  (Gandhi's  famed tactic), sit-ins, occupying or surrounding critical government  buildings,  blocking of roads, setting up alternative markets and transportation  systems (such as  black markets), overloading administrative systems, and forming a  parallel  government.

Sharp documents a number of examples for each category. While not all  of them  have met with success, the historical effectiveness of nonviolent action  is  surprising. One familiar but neglected example is colonial resistance to  Britain  before the American Revolution from 1765 to 1775. For further details on  the  nonviolent stage of colonial resistance, see Edmund S. Morgan and Helen  M.  Morgan, "The Stamp Act Crisis: Prologue to Revolution" (New York: Collier  Books,  1963); Lawrence Henry Gipson, "The British Empire Before the American Revolution" (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961-1965); Arthur Schlesinger,  "The  Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution" (New York: Frederick  Ungar,  1966); Lawrence Henry Gipson, "The Coming of the American Revolution"  (New  York: Harper Torchbooks, 1962); and Murray Rothbard, "Conceived in  Liberty," vol.  3, "Advance to Revolution, 1760-1775" (New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House,  1976).  The famous boycotts of tea and other British imports, refusal to pay  taxes such as  those required by the Stamp Act, and ostracism of the Tories imposed  serious costs  upon the British government, leading to desperate action to preserve  British  authority in the colonies. Fewer works on later American tax resistance  exist. See,  however, Dall W. Forsythe's "Taxation and Political Change in the Young  Nation, 1781-1833" (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977), and James Ring  Adams,  "Secrets of the Tax Revolt" (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984),  both of  which David T. Beito discusses at length in 'Tax Revolts in American  History,'  "Humane Studies Review" 4 (Winter 1986-87). Beito's major work in this  area,  "Taxpayers in Revolt: Tax Resistance during the Great Depression" (Chapel  Hill:  University of North Carolina Press, 1989), offers a broad discussion of  the largest tax  rebellion in modern America; he emphasizes the tax resistance in Chicago  during  the New Deal era.

Post-World War I Germany yields two significant examples of the  effective use of nonviolence. In 1920, a pro-monarchist faction led by Dr. Wolfgang Kapp attempted to seize control of the Weimar government. German generals, sympathetic  to the coup, refused to assist the civilian government, and many police actively sided with Kapp's forces. In response, President Theodor Ebert called a general strike and bureaucratic non-cooperation. While the military eventually came to the aid of the elected government, nonviolent resistance acted as the chief obstacle to Kapp's  seizure of power.

For more details on the Kapp putsch, see Erich Eyck, "A  History of  the Weimar Republic" (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1962).

A  second  instance of the use of nonviolence came during the so-called Ruhrkampf  from 1923 to 1925. When Germany defaulted on its war reparation payments, French and Belgian troops entered the Ruhr -- one of Germany's chief industrial  centers -- to extract the payments by force. Strikes and civilian and bureaucratic obstruction made the occupation so costly that the French and Belgians withdrew without net gain. 

Wolfgang Sternstein, 'The Ruhrkampf of 1923: Economic Problems of  Civilian  Defense,' in "Civilian Resistance as a National Defense," ed. Adam  Roberts  (Harrisburg, PA: Stockpole Books, 1968) discusses the Ruhrkampf instance at great  length.

We must turn back to the Indian struggle for independence from Great  Britain, the  most famous and successful twentieth-century nonviolent movement. While  Indian independence quickly sparked ethnic violence and failed to deliver  prosperity and freedom to ordinary Indians and Pakistanis, the struggle  compares  favorably to violent colonial outbreaks such as in Algeria. Sharp  estimates that if  one takes India's population into account, Algerian-level casualties  would have left  India with three million to three and a half million people dead. The number of  Indians actually killed while taking part in nonviolence was about eight  thousand. (See Sharp, "Gandhi as a Political Strategist," 7.) 

Indians tried virtually every nonviolent tactic -- tax resistance (such as the famous salt march), boycotts of British  goods, failure to support the British war effort, and fasting -- during the independence movement. For more details on the history of the Indian struggle with the British, see Michael Edwardes, "The Last Years of British India"  (London:  Cassell, 1963); Ram Gopal, "How India Struggled for Freedom: A Political  History"  (Bombay: Book Centre, 1967); Francis Hutchins, "India's Revolution:  Gandhi and  the Quit India Movement" (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1973);  and  R.P. Masani, "British in India: An Account of British Rule in the Indian  Subcontinent" (New York: Oxford University Press, 1960).

The most famous nonviolent struggle in recent American history has been the  civil rights movement. A few of the many histories of the combat for legal equality  for blacks -- fought largely with nonviolent tactics -- are: Arthur I.  Waskow, "From  Race Riot to Sit-in: 1919 and the 1960's" (Garden City, NY: Doubleday,  1966); James  Farmer, "Freedom -- When?" (New York: Random House, 1954); and Alan F.  Westin, ed., "Freedom Now: The Civil-Rights Struggle in America" (New  York:  Basic Books, 1964). Martin Luther King Jr.'s theories of nonviolent  resistance should  not be overlooked. Besides 'Letter from the Birmingham Jail' (Goldwin,  ed., "On  Civil Disobedience", 61-77), King's other works on nonviolence and the civil rights  movement include "Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story" (New York: Ballantine Books, 1958) and "Why We Can't Wait" (New York: New American  Library, 1964). For a broader look at the struggle of black Americans,  most of it  nonviolent, see Joan Grant, ed., "Black Protest: History, Documents, and  Analyses,  1619 to the Present" (Greenwich, CT: Fawcett, 1968); Carleton Mabee,  "Black  Freedom: The Nonviolent Abolitionists from 1830 Through the Civil War"  (New  York: Macmillan, 1977); and John Hope Franklin, "From Slavery to  Freedom," 6th  ed. (New York: Knopf, 1988).

Sharp lists many historical examples of both nonviolent struggles and  violent  struggles with a large nonviolent component. His examples include:  Hungarian resistance to the Austrian empire from 1850 to 1867; the Belgian  suffragist enlargement strikes in 1893, 1902, and 1913; Finland's opposition to  Russian rule from 1898 to 1905; and the Russian Revolution of 1905 and 1906.  Anti-colonial struggles in Asia and Africa were also often nonviolent.  They included China's boycotts against the Japanese between 1906 and 1919; the struggle of the Indian minority in South Africa against discrimination from 1906 to 1914 and again in 1946;  and Samoan resistance against New Zealand from 1919 to 1936.

See Gene  Sharp,  "Social Power and Political Freedom" (Boston: Porter Sargent, 1980) for a  comprehensive list. Sharp finds a common pattern throughout the history of nonviolent  resistance.  After a movement for social change acquires any sort of influence, it  typically meets with repression. While badly organized movements collapse as soon as resistance begins, the inculcation of solidarity and discipline (akin in some ways  to the training  of normal soldiers) can hold a movement together long enough to win  attention  and score some victories. Moreover, the very fact that the protesters  remain  committed to nonviolence even as the government turns to repression to  combat  them tends to win over previously neutral parties, arouse dissent among the  repressing group, and inspire and involve other members of persecuted  groups.  Sharp refers to this as "political jiu-jitsu" -- jiu-jitsu being a style  of martial art that  uses an opponent's aggressiveness and ferocity against him. Sharp is far  from a  Panglossian advocate of nonviolence; indeed, it is precisely because of  the possibility  of failure that he is interested in studying the mechanics of nonviolent  struggle.  But, insofar as it succeeds, it usually does so by converting opponents,  making  repression too costly to continue, and threatening the very ability of  the  government to maintain power.


Humane Studies Review Volume 9, Number 1   Summer 1994
by Bryan Caplan


Among Sharp's other works in the area of nonviolence are "Exploring  Nonviolent Alternatives" (Boston: Porter Sargent, 1971); "Social Power  and Political  Freedom: Making Europe Unconquerable" (London: Taylor and Francis, 1985);  "National Security Through Civilian-Based Defense" (Omaha, NE:  Association for  Transarmament Studies, 1985); and "Civilian-Based Defense: A  Post-Military  Weapons System" (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990). These  books  overlap one another to a significant extent, but, taken together, they detail the  benefits of nonviolent action as a substitute for violence. Sharp  generally utilizes a comparative institutions approach. For example, he compares the  effectiveness of  real-world violence to real-world nonviolence rather than ideal violence  to real- world nonviolence as critics often do. As Sharp puts it, "Comparative  evaluations of  nonviolent and violent means must take into consideration that political  violence  is often defeated also. By conventional standards, does not one side lose  in each  international war, civil war and violent revolution? Such defeats have  usually been  explained as resulting from certain weaknesses or inadequacies, such as  lack of  fighting spirit, insufficient or poor weapons, mistakes in strategy and  tactics, or numerical inferiority. Comparable weaknesses may also lead to defeat in  nonviolent  action. The common practice of explaining defeats of political violence  in terms of  such specific shortcomings while blaming defeats of nonviolent action on  the  presumption of its universal impotence is both irrational and uninformed"  (Sharp,  "The Politics of Nonviolent Action," p. 756).

With this in mind, he first notes that violence is usually ineffective. The ability of  the government to use violence greatly exceeds that of the rebels.  Indeed, violent  rebellion often strengthens oppressive regimes which can plausibly claim  that rebel  violence necessitates repression. Government's comparative advantage lies in violent action. The comparative advantage of the people, in contrast, lies in their ability to deny their voluntary cooperation without which it is nearly impossible for  government to persist. Consider the deadliness to a government of tax strikes, boycotts, general strikes, and widespread refusal to obey the law. While these tactics are nonviolent, their universal and unyielding use should terrify any government.

Nonviolence has other advantages as well. Because it seems less  dangerous and  radical than violence, it more easily, as mentioned above, wins broad  public  support. The costs of participation are lower, so more people are likely  to participate.  Traditional noncombatants like children, women, and the old can  effectively  participate in nonviolent struggle. It is more likely to convert  opponents and  produce internal disagreement within the ruling class. It generally leads  to far fewer  casualties and material losses than violence. And since it is more decentralized than  violent action, it is less likely to give rise to an even more oppressive  state if it  succeeds.

In addition to Sharp's impressive and far-reaching "Politics of  Nonviolent  Action," one should examine other works, including Richard B. Gregg's  "The Power  of Nonviolence" (New York: Fellowship Publications, 1944), which combines  a  theoretical discussion with a partial history of Gandhi's struggle for  Indian  independence. Gregg's theoretical approach is roughly equivalent to  Sharp's -- albeit  in a less detailed systematic form. A. Paul Hare and Herbert H. Blumberg's  "Liberation Without Violence: A Third-Party Approach" (Totowa, NJ: Rowman  and Littlefield, 1977) offers a collection of largely historical essays on  the use of  nonviolence in India, the United States, Africa, and Cyprus. V.K. Kool,  ed.,  "Perspectives on Nonviolence"
(New York: Springer-Verlag, 1990) collects  thirty essays on various topics relating to nonviolence, including a  keynote address  by Kenneth Boulding. Leroy Pelton, in "The Psychology of Nonviolence"  (New  York: Pergamon, 1974), takes a psychological approach, focusing on the  ability of  nonviolent resistance to change minds while avoiding a vicious spiral of  escalating  violence.

***Civilian Based Defense

If nonviolent action can effectively force one's government to change  its policies  or abandon power, then plausibly similar tactics might succeed against a  foreign  invader. And, since most nonviolence has historically been sporadic and  unorganized, it might bepossible to increase its effectiveness through  training and  strategic and tactical planning. These two possibilities have sparked  interest in  "civilian-based defense" -- the self-conscious use of nonviolent means  for the goal of  national defense. Sharp defines civilian-based defense as "a projected  refinement of  the general technique of nonviolent action, or civilian struggle, as it has occurred  widely in improvised forms in the past. This policy is an attempt  deliberately to adapt and develop that technique to meet defense needs, and thereby  potentially to  provide... deterrence to those particular forms of attack" (Sharp,  "Social Power and  Political Freedom," p. 233).

While this may appear intuitively impractical at first, on closer  examination the  argument may have strong appeal.  From the outset, one should note that  some of  the most famous cases of nonviolent resistance were carried out against foreign powers: colonial North America and India against the British; Germany against France and Belgium in the Ruhrkampf; and Hungary against the rule of the Austrian Empire.

Quoting Kenneth Boulding, Sharp writes "What exists, is possible." More fundamentally, nonviolent resistance never had any of the advantages that military resistance does. Usually the military has years to train, strategize, prepare arsenals, test weapons, stockpile necessary resources, and study the past for lessons. But, nonviolent struggles have almost always been  carried out  without the benefit of personnel training or tactical and strategic  planning. What would happen if countries spent as much energy preparing for a nonviolent struggle as they do for a military struggle? This is a question that  Sharp and other authors sympathetic to civilian-based defense have tried to answer.

As with most scholarship on nonviolence, the work of Gene Sharp  dominates the  area of civilian-based defense. "Social Power and Political Freedom," a  collection of  essays on topics relating to nonviolence, contains two well-written  introductory  essays to the theory of civilian-based defense: "The Political  Equivalent of War' --  Civilian-Based Defense,"and "Popular Empowerment.""The Political  Equivalent of  War," criticizes traditional solutions to the problem of war: removing  its "causes,";  pacifism and unilateral disarmament; world government; and negotiated  general  disarmament.

He also discusses the history of nonviolence, with examples  from the Montgomery boycotts, the Soviet prison camp resistance at Vorkuta, and German and Norwegian opposition to Nazi policies.

These introductory examples provide a springboard for an extensive  discussion of civilian-based defense. Sharp insists that deterrents are not limited to  standard  military ones. Rather, it is merely necessary for nonviolence to make  occupation so  difficult that the costs of conquest exceed the benefits. Massive tax  resistance,  boycotts, incitement of desertion, and strikes might accomplish this.  And, if a would-be conqueror realized that nonviolent techniques might make the  costs of  occupation skyrocket, he might be deterred from trying. Sharp considers  specific  ways to prepare effective civilian-based defense: general education and training in  the techniques of nonviolence, as well as a "West Point" for training  specialists; the wide-spread dissemination of publishing and broadcasting equipment to  prevent  invaders from seizing all of the means of communication; and  local  stockpiles  should exist to ease the pain of a general strike. Lastly, Sharp  considers questions of  strategy. He contrasts a "nonviolent Blitzkrieg" -- a policy of total  non-cooperation, a  general strike, and massive protests -- with the less dramatic but more  sustainable  "selective resistance" -- targeting specific institutions for protection  and defense and  certain enemy policies for defiance and protest.

"Popular Empowerment" offers another telling point. While standard  military  defense is easy for a government to use against its own people,  civilian-based  defense is not. Civilian-based defense is a positive check against the abuse of power.  If the government acts improperly, the same techniques that the citizenry  can wield against foreigners can be turned on its own leaders. National defense, properly understood, shields society from all oppression, both foreign and domestic.

"Making Europe Unconquerable" was Sharp's attempt to apply his theory  of civilian-based defense to the protection of Western Europe against a Soviet  invasion. While the subject is perhaps passe, the work is useful because  it  investigates a fairly specific issue in detail. Moreover, those who  doubted the efficacy  of nonviolence against the Soviets may find it a more plausible tool  against the less  serious threats that European nations face today. "Exploring Nonviolent  Alternatives," one of Sharp's shorter pieces, applies the analysis to  the question of national defense. "National Security Through  Civilian-Based  Defense," a long pamphlet, does nearly the same. "Civilian-Based  Defense," Sharp's  most recent book, summarizes his lifetime of scholarly research on  nonviolence. It  also contains fascinating treatments of the use of nonviolence in the  final  overthrow of communism in EasternEurope. Short, clear, and wide-ranging,  "Civilian-Based Defense" is the best single piece to read on the topic.

Some of the most interesting scholarship on civilian-based defense by  authors  other than Sharp appears in Roberts, ed., "Civilian Resistance as a  National  Defence." Notable essays include Sir Basil Liddell Hart's "Lessons from  Resistance  Movements -- Guerrilla and Nonviolent"; Theodor Ebert's "Nonviolent  Resistance  Against Communist Regimes?"; Jeremy Bennett's "The Resistance Against the  German Occupation of Denmark 1940-5"; Magne Skodvin, "Norwegian  Nonviolent  Resistance During the German Occupation"; and Wolfgang Sternstein, "The  Ruhrkampf of 1923: Economic Problems of Civilian Defense." One should also see  T.K. Mahadevan, Adam Roberts, and Gene Sharp, eds., "Civilian Defense: An Introduction" (New Delhi: Gandhi Peace Foundation, 1967).

For other books on civilian-based defense, see Sir Stephen King-Hall,  "Defence in  the Nuclear Age" (London: Victor Gollancz, 1958), which argues that  Britain should  unilaterally give up its nuclear weapons stockpile, since the possession  of nuclear  weapons makes Britain a more likely target for a hostile nuclear attack;  he  recommends civilian-based defense. Norman Freund, in "Nonviolent National  Defense: A Philosophical Inquiry into Applied Nonviolence" (New York:  University Press of America, 1987), summarizes many of the main arguments  for civilian-based defense, as does Krishnalal Shridharani, "War Without  Violence: A  Study of Gandhi's Methods and Its Accomplishments" (New York: Garland,  1972). A  Quaker organization, the American Friends Service Committee, defended  civilian- based defense in "In Place of War: An Inquiry into Nonviolent National  Defense" (New York: Grossman Publishers, 1967). Anders Boserup and Andrew  Mack, "War Without Weapons" (New York: Schocken Books, 1975), overlaps  with  Sharp's work; its main innovation is its explicit attempt to integrate  the theory of  nonviolence with classical strategic theory as formulated by Clauswitz. In so doing,  Boserup and Mack open the door for the application of both rational  choice and game theories to the question of nonviolence.

**"It Can Only Work Against the British" -- Nonviolence against  Totalitarian  Regimes

Almost everyone will concede that nonviolence can work against  "civilized"  nations. But what about the hard cases? What about totalitarian governments  utterly lacking in moral scruples and prepared to kill as many people as  necessary to cement their rule? Intuitively, the case against nonviolence in such  circumstances is  strong. Yet preliminary research into the history of nonviolent  resistance against Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia casts doubt on this intuition. While nonviolence may be less useful against amoral or immoral tyrants, it is far from futile.

Danish, Norwegian, and Dutch resistance to Nazism from 1940 to 1945  was  pronounced and fairly successful. In Norway, for example, teachers refused to  promote fascism in the schools. For this, the Nazis imprisoned a thousand  teachers.  But, the remaining teachers stood firm, giving anti-fascist instruction  to children and teaching in their homes. This policy made the pro-fascist Quisling  government  so unpopular that it eventually released all of the imprisoned teachers  and dropped its attempt to dominate the schools. Other forms of struggle included ostracism, the refusal to speak to Nazi soldiers and intense social hostility to  collaborationists.

Nonviolent struggle in the Netherlands was also fierce. The Dutch organized two general strikes in Amsterdam; one in 1941 protested mistreatment of Jews,  and a second in 1943 opposed the Nazi plan to intern Dutch war veterans in  Germany. In Copenhagen, Danes used a general strike to liberalize martial law.

Gene Sharp's  sources include Jeremy Bennett, "The Resistance Against the German  Occupation of  Denmark 1940-5," in Roberts, pp. 154-172; Magne Skodvin, "Norwegian  Nonviolent  Resistance During the German Occupation," in Roberts, pp. 136-153; Bjarne  H�ye  and Trygve M. Ager, "The Fight of the Norwegian Church Against Nazism"  (New  York: Macmillan, 1943); and Werner Warmbrunn, "The Dutch Under German  Occupation 1940-1945" (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1963). For a  general treatment of resistance to Nazism, see International Conference on the History of  the Resistance Movements, "European Resistance Movements, 1939-1945  (Oxford:  Pergamon Press, 1960).

But, surely the most amazing but widely neglected case of nonviolent  resistance  against Nazi Germany was the protection of Jews and other persecuted  minorities from deportation, imprisonment, and murder. In "The Lesson of Eichmann: A  Review-Essay on Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem" in "Social Power and Political Freedom," Gene Sharp shows how the nations which nonviolently resisted National Socialist racial persecutions saved almost all of their Jews,  while Jews in other Nazi-controlled nations were vastly more likely to be placed in concentration  camps and killed.

The effort to arrest Norway's seventeen hundred Jews  sparked internal resistance and protest resignations; most of the Norwegian Jews fled to  Sweden. In Belgium, police refused to cooperate with the Germans, and  railroad  workers sabotaged trains transporting imprisoned Jews. Apparently no  Belgian Jews died at Nazi hands, and about half of all foreign Jews living in Belgium  survived occupation. While Vichy France helped deport foreign Jews, it refused to  cooperate in the deportation of French Jews; in consequence, eighty percent were saved.  Even though Italy was a German ally, Italians did not share Hitler's anti-Semitism. As a result of bureaucratic resistance and non-cooperation, ninety percent of Italian Jews were saved.

When Himmler tried to crack down on Danish Jews, the Danes thwarted  his  efforts. Not only did the Danish government and people resist -- through  bureaucratic slowdowns and noncooperation -- but, surprisingly, the German  commander in Denmark also refused to help organize Jewish deportations.  This  prompted Himmler to import special troops to arrest Jews. But, in the end  almost all  Danish Jews escaped unharmed. In Bulgaria, the parliament refused to assist the German anti-Jewish measures, and Bulgarians held public demonstrations  against the persecution of Jews. As far as can be known, no Bulgarian Jews were killed or deported by the Nazis.

For more on this, see Hannah Arendt, "Eichmann in  Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" (New York: Viking Press,  1963).  The omnipresent pattern that Arendt finds and that Sharp emphasizes is that totalitarian governments are not omnipotent. They need the cooperation of  the ruled to exert their will. If a people denies cooperation, even a  government as vicious as Hitler's, bound by few moral constraints, might be unable to get what it  wants.

The history of nonviolent struggle against the Soviet Union has, until  recently,  been much more bleak. When, in 1953, East Germans used the general strike  and  other nonviolent tactics to win better treatment for workers, the Soviets  brutally  crushed all opposition, leading to worldwide recognition -- even among  socialists --  that the Soviet regime's claim to represent "workers" was absurd. Stefan  Brant, "The  East German Rising" (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1957) covers the  history of  the largely nonviolent 1953 struggle. The Hungarian uprising in 1956,  while  generally considered a military struggle, contained strong nonviolent elements,  including a general strike, mass demonstrations, and the formation of a  parallel government. Again, the Soviets harshly repressed it, though it is worth  noting that  the nonviolent resistance (for example the general strike in Budapest)  held out  longer than the Hungarian military. On this, see Ferenc Vali, "Rift and  Revolt in  Hungary: Nationalism versus Communism" (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University  Press, 1961) and George Mikes, "The Hungarian Revolution" (London: Andre  Deutsch, 1957).

The Czech struggle of 1968 is a final tragic chapter in the history of  resistance to the Soviets. Remarkably, the Czechs used nonviolent means almost exclusively  and,  consequently, lasted considerably longer than did the Hungarians. The  Dubcek  government ordered its soldiers to remain in their barracks, the state  news agency  refused to announce that its government had "requested" the invasion, and  the  Czech Congress condemned Soviet actions and demanded a release of its  kidnapped  officials. Other forms of resistance included short-term general strikes,  transportation obstruction, and the use of radio to rally the people against Soviet  invaders. Even though the invasion was a complete military success, the  Soviets decided that the political situation made it unwise to replace the Dubcek  government with collaborators. Instead, after some compromise on reforms,  they  released the kidnapped Czech leaders and restored them to their previous  positions.  The liberal reformers retained power for eight more months, at which  point the  Russians replaced them with their own favorites. This ended Czech  reforms. On the  1968 struggle see Robert Littell, ed., "The Czech Black Book"
(New York:  Frederick A.  Praeger, 1969); Robin Alison Remington, ed., "Winter in Prague" (Cambridge: MIT  Press, 1969); and Philip Windsor and Adam Roberts, "Czechoslovakia" 1968 (New  York: Columbia University Press, 1969).

It would be easy to draw deeply pessimistic conclusions from this long  string of suppressed attempts to liberalize communist nations. Not only did history  support  the pessimistic conclusion of Jeane Kirkpatrick and other conservatives,  but it, a  priori, also made sense. Violent revolution in a totalitarian system  seemed futile.  The ruling elite might fight amongst itself, but they had no intention of  giving up  power voluntarily. And, nonviolence proved clearly useless against  conscienceless  dictators.

Or did it? As Sharp emphasized, nonviolence can win by converting  opponents  and neutrals and by creating divisions within ruling groups. In a way,  that was  happening for decades under communism. Not only the people, but also  subgroups  within the ruling elite itself gradually came to see the evil and  inherent  contradictions within their own system. Circulation of illegal  literature, smuggled  videotapes, and infiltration of Western cultural influences slowly eroded  confidence. It is a mistake to look at communist nations over the  past few decades and conclude that all resistance had been crushed;  rather, it had  been occurring covertly, slowly undermining all of the claims of  communist  governments of legitimacy.

The move for liberalization began with the Solidarity movement in  Poland. One  readable journalistic history of Solidarity is Timothy Garton Ash's, "The  Polish  Revolution: Solidarity 1980-1982" (London: Jonathan Cape, 1983). Ash  emphasizes  that the election of a Polish pope marked the beginning of rising  expectations in  Poland. By highlighting the role of non-state institutions, John Paul's  election  tended to make people more conscious of the distinction between society  and state.  Ash describes one of the pope's Polish appearances: "For nine days the  state virtually  ceased to exist, except as a censor doctoring the television coverage. Everyone saw  that Poland is not a communist country -- just a communist state" (Ash,p.  29).

The  chief tactic of Solidarity was the strike, which it used both to  highlight particular grievances and to attain broader reform. Peter Raina's "Poland 1981:  Towards Social  Renewal" (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1985) details the history of  Solidarity's  tactics, demands, and compromises that critical year. The author analyzes  the precise  text of reform bills on independent trade unions, worker self-management,  censorship, and higher education. For a broader history, see Jadwiga  Staniaszkis,  "Poland's Self-Limiting Revolution" (Princeton: Princeton University  Press, 1984).  This work gives a solid account of the crucial 1980 through 1982 period  -- the height  of Solidarity's influence -- but it also discusses moderate reforms during the 70's, the  Polish people's rising expectations prior to Solidarity, and the early  period of Soviet  occupation after World War II.

The Solidarity movement and student and peasant associations expressed  discontent and struggled for reform despite harsh persecution. Their  limited  successes inspired dissidents in other communist nations to push harder  for reform  and frightened communist leaders into mild compromises. One work  documenting  the spread of the "Polish virus" is Elizabeth Teague's "Solidarity and  the Soviet  Worker" (London: Croom Helm, 1988) which discusses the influence of the  Solidarity movement on Soviet politics. The Politburo clearly feared the  growth of  the ideas of the Solidarity movement and made concessions to workers in  the early  1980s to prevent this. While Teague found little Polish influence upon  ethnic  Russians, the Solidarity movement frequently influenced other ethnicities  within  the USSR to push peacefully for reforms in their own republics.

Eventually the accumulated effects of resistance penetrated the Soviet  Politburo  itself. Gorbachev announced that Soviet forces would not quell reforms in  Eastern  Europe. At this point, the unself-conscious tactics of nonviolent  resistance went  public. A half million East Germans demonstrated in Berlin for democratic  elections  and civil liberties on 4 November 1989. A half million Czechs and Slovaks  protested  the phony reforms of communist bosses in Prague three weeks later.  Thousands of  protesters in Leipzig forced state security headquarters to submit to  public  inspection.

As Sharp writes, repression often rebounded against the repressors:  "Czechs and Slovaks erected shrines at the main sites of the beatings,  raising those injured to the stature of heroes. Hundreds of thousands took to the  streets daily  following the police actions. As one student put it, the beatings were  �the spark that  started the whole movement'" (Sharp, "Civilian-Based Defense," pp.  58-59). Success  was contagious -- once East Germany's neighboring communist regimes fell,  the East  Germans began to flee to West Germany by way of their government's former  allies.  In the final chapter, communism within the Soviet Union itself collapsed,  and the  last-ditch attempt of hard-line communists to seize power was foiled with  no small  thanks to mass demonstrations, fraternization with soldiers, and other  nonviolent  tactics.

 While there has been some overlap between the classical liberal  tradition and the  theory and practice of nonviolent struggle, they remain virtual strangers  to one  another in scholarship. There is, however, no intrinsic reason for this.  While  nonviolence is compatible with many viewpoints, some of the best  arguments in its  favor have a rather classical liberal flavor. The analysis of political  power and civil  obedience put forth by nonviolence theorists closely resembles classical  liberalism.  Similarly, the observation that violent revolution often serves only the  interests of  a new elite fits comfortably into the classical liberal tradition. The nonviolence  literature contains few explicit references to spontaneous order, but the  idea is often  present nonetheless, especially in Gene Sharp's work. The idiom of the  nonviolence literature is initially foreign, but frequently it is a difference  chiefly of style, not of  substance.

Classical liberals interested in the issue of nonviolence will find  several gaps in  the existing literature waiting to be filled. First of all, the notion of  spontaneous  order in general, along with rational choice and game theories, rarely  appears. But,  these tools could shed considerable light on the feasibility of  nonviolence; they  might also help answer the objection that centrally planned resistance is  necessarily  more effective than civilian-based defense. Second, classical liberals  may be able to  draw on a broader range of historical examples than the current  literature does. The  self-conscious resistance movements are its primary focus; but aren't  there many  voluntary institutions whose result is to check state power even though  that is no  part of the intention of the participants?

Thus, the informal economy is rarely a  form of ideological protest, but it is nevertheless a decentralized and  nonviolent  check upon the abuse of governmental power. A third insight that classical liberals might introduce and expand is the role of markets and economic freedom as a nonviolent check upon the state. Since contemporary advocates of  nonviolence  tend to be suspicious of capitalism, they often ignore typically liberal  observations. Classical liberals may learn from -- as well as contribute to -- the  nonviolence  literature. Besides its intrinsic interest, it may point the way to  answers to several  difficult issues within the classical liberal tradition. Despite their  distrust of state  power and interventionist foreign policy, classical liberals have had a  difficult time  envisioning specific alternatives to violence to combat tyranny. The  literature of  nonviolent resistance is  filled with penetrating insights in this area.  And, while  classical liberals frequently long for alternatives to both electoral  politics and  violence, specific suggestions have been sparse. These are merely a few  gaps that the nonviolence literature may fill.  On a more aesthetic note, many of the  historical  examples of nonviolence are beautiful illustrations of the power of  voluntary  institutions to supplement or replace the role of the state.

Finally, the role of civilian protest and direct action in recent  anti-communist  revolutions lends a new credibility to the idea of nonviolent resistance.  It would go  too far to attribute the demise of communism purely to nonviolent  resistance. But it  was one important and neglected factor in the greatest triumph of freedom  in the  twentieth-century. Classical liberals should study the lessons that it  teaches. In  particular, they should learn how freedom may be defended against  tyrannical  governments. A central lesson here is that even when the government has the  weapons, there is something that it cannot seize: the voluntary  compliance of its  citizens. Without it, maintaining power becomes costly or even  impossible. But, as  we have seen, governments almost instinctively sense this risk and strive  to  prevent it from arising. As La Boetie explains, "it has always happened  that  tyrants, in order to strengthen their power, have made every effort to  train their  people not only in obedience and servility toward themselves, but also in  adoration" (La Boetie, 75). All that is necessary to prevent tyranny is  to let the citizenry come to know its own strength. Or, in the timeless words of La  Boetie,  "From all these indignities [of tyranny], such as the very beasts of the  field would  not endure, you can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action,  but merely by  willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed.  I do not ask  that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that  you  support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus  whose  pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into  pieces" (La  Boetie, p. 53).

Bryan Caplan is a graduate student in Economics at Princeton University


Modified Saturday, March 11, 2017
Copyright @ 2007 by Fathers' Manifesto & Christian Party


jewn McCain
ASSASSIN of JFK, Patton, many other Whites
killed 264 MILLION Christians in WWII
killed 64 million Christians in Russia
holocaust denier extraordinaire--denying the Armenian holocaust
millions dead in the Middle East
tens of millions of dead Christians

LOST $1.2 TRILLION in Pentagon
spearheaded torture & sodomy of all non-jews
millions dead in Iraq

42 dead, mass murderer Goldman LOVED by jews

serial killer of 13 Christians

the REAL terrorists--not a single one is an Arab

serial killers are all jews

framed Christians for anti-semitism, got caught
left 350 firemen behind to die in WTC

legally insane debarred lawyer CENSORED free speech

mother of all fnazis, certified mentally ill

10,000 Whites DEAD from one jew LIE

moser HATED by jews: he followed the law

f.ck Jesus--from a "news" person!!

1000 fold the child of perdition



Look DADA (grandfather), the Earth in not moving nor turning, and it is flat! 
YES, that's what I SEE too, and Dada will never tell lies to innocent children!

The dismissal of Hagar
by Pieter Pietersz Lastman.
 ‘Cast out this slave woman with her son, for the son of this slave woman shall not be heir with my son Isaac’” (Genesis 21:10).
"Sarah gave birth to Isaac when she was 90 years old (Genesis 17:17). 

Sarahsent Ishmael awayafter Isaac was “weaned” (Genesis 21:8–10).

 Then God spoke to terrorised Abram on this issue:
 “Be not displeased because of the boy and because of your slave woman.Whatever Sarah says to you, do as she tells you,... ???

 Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert,
 by Grigory Ugryumov (c. 1785).
Abraham obeyed the Lord, meaning SARAH!
“So Abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and gave it to Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, along with the child, and sent her away” (Genesis 21:14).


 Hagar and her son Ishmael 
هاتف :17273787فاكس :17274787ص.ب .10493الالكترونياليريدالبحرينمملكة :Tajdeed@Tajdeed.org 
Al- Hijaz, Homeland of Abraham and the Israeli prophets 
 An Arabs geographical map for Abraham's journey based on Arabia historical accounts Tarik Ahmed, Ammar Rajab  
Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society Kingdom of Bahrain  
June 2006  
WWW.Tajdeed.orgSecond edition- July 2006  
Note: This paper has been presented at the Second World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies held at Amman- Jordon. It represents an abstract of a comprehensive research work published by Al-Tajdeed Society in an Arabic book of 550 pages, entitled
 "Neda' Al Surat- Kidnap of the Prophets Geography"
The book is readily available for downloading from the society's website. Most of the Arabic originating references quoted in this paper are currently unavailable in English; hence the relevant references are cited in the original language only. 

Philippe Baile to Quantum Prophecies

ISRAEL'S HAARETZ 1999: ISRAEL'S TOP ARCHEOLOGIST: "These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it" 


"...Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found out: 

The patriarchs' acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it.

 http://www.truthbeknown.com/biblemyth.htm" read more on this at syrian eyes & my discoveries in saudi : https://www.facebook.com/Syrian.Eyes.Truth
Deconstructing the walls of Jericho
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.
Deconstructing the walls of Jericho
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.

need look that first

= http://www.tajdeed.org/article.aspx?id=10334
جمعية التجديد الثقافية الاجتماعية

Note: This paper has been presented at the Second World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies held at Amman- Jordon. It represents an abstract of a comprehensive research work published by Al-Tajdeed Society in an Arabic book of 550 pages, entitled "Neda' Al Surat- Kidnap of the Prophets Geography". T...
Like · Reply · 40 minutes ago · Edited
Syrian Eyes For The Full Truth 

MORE ? > here : https://www.facebook.com/Syrian.Eyes.Truth

The alliance's founding statement:
Intellectuals against forgery
"Towards Liberating Palestine From Zionist Fantasies"

In the name of God,
After decades of bitter and bloody struggle, a few things have started to unravel, revealing a deliberate forgery in the history of mankind and civilizations. All the facts now show that all the ideological bases that were employed to occupy Palestine are completely false. They were used to deceive the nations of the world.

This important historical and ideological discovery was not achieved by pro-Palestine intellectuals alone, but was accomplished collectively by a group of archaeologists and researchers from all around the world, including Jews from Israel.

The Palestinian cause was, and will always be, the central cause to this nation. It is the nation's dividing line as well as its uniting circle. It is a humanitarian cause that attracted many noblemen and activists around the world, irrespective of their ideology, party, government, religion or race. All stood up to this cause without hesitation, demanded to bring back to this land its evicted population.

The first step that paved the way to the unlawful seizure of Palestine was marketing the story that claims Palestine to be the land of all prophets of Israel. 

The story asserts that Palestine is the land promised by God to the people of Israel. 

It also claims that there existed a "Jewish Kingdom" once in Palestine. A temple for the prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) is claimed to have been established in Al-Quds (Jerusalem), situated precisely at the location of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The story includes stories of the prophet Abraham traveling to and residing in Palestine, amongst other prophets.

Due to the fact that today's Israel is an orientalist community formed by the colonial powers, it grew and nurtured this spurious tale about the history of Palestine. Yet this story has become a cornerstone for most of the world's nations, an incontestable truth at the heart of the Judaism and Christianity cultures. It even found its way to Islam, for many of today's Muslims accept it as an unquestionable fact. This fable was the justification for many bloodsheds and atrocities that happened over the years. Thousands have died as a result, and the consequences of this fact-distortion still linger today.

This indoctrinated story that provided the foundations to establish this illegitimate entity - and paved the way for the Jewish immigration to Palestine - is an entirely fabricated tale. It is indeed a fable that was contrived and propagandized over the course of time by numerous western governments and colonial powers, who were scheming to seize the region's wealth, and thwart its solidarity for various reasons. Among them were the Zionist Movement, the pioneers and the main sponsors for the largest historical forgery ever carried out in the history of mankind.

The "State of Israel" obtains its moral and legal legitimacy from a global consensus on the Jewish right to reside in Palestine. They assert that the Jewish presence in Palestine is a well-established historical fact. Yet all information collected from scientific research, archaeological excavations and the clarifications of Arabic and Islamic heritage confirm the untruthfulness of this tale. Prior to the occupation of Palestine, a complete distortion occurred to the history of Palestine and the whole Arabic land. This consisted chiefly of forging the prophets' geography and their relevant historical events.

Western nations would not have blessed this unlawful seizure; neither would The United Nations legalize it by dividing Palestine if it wasn't for this forged story. This story has found its way to the cultures of all the world's nations, to the scientific institutes, to books and encyclopedias of all languages. It is so widespread and accepted that a simple claim of its possible falsehood is now considered a form of heresy. The Jews' return to their "ancestors' land" has now become a moral duty for Christians from Europe and The United States, and in some cases, a religious obligation that will bring closer the return of the Messiah! Hindering the Jews from returning to Palestine incurs the wrath of God who promised them the land!

All this requires some urgent action that will defend truth and rationality. A responsible response that will seek to take its important part in the liberation of the suppressed human mind today, to redeem the lost Arabic will, to rid the religious heritage from deliberate misuse and intentional propaganda that attempts to violate rights and nourish tensions. It requires an act that exemplifies the candid search for truth, and sets an example for the freedom of thought. This can be achieved by establishing an alliance; one that establishes a forum through which intellectuals from different backgrounds, think-tanks, journalists and interested archaeologists can convene and work together to stand for this critical cause. This has become an urgent matter, an pressing strategic necessity, a form of cultural resistance that should be adjoined to other forms of resistance against the unlawful Zionist seizure of Palestine; for the ink of the pen is of no less significance than the blood spilt from scores of Palestinians who died under the heat of Israeli oppression and violence since the start of the Zionist immigration to Palestine more than a century ago.

The alliance "Intellectuals against forgery" is an intellectual cultural framework that encompasses all research institutions, cultural societies, intellectuals, researchers, and personalities that work in the field of correcting the region's distorted history, and reject all the incumbent falsehoods injected into our history. This alliance will seek to form a corrective school of thought that aims to revise the Arabic and the region's history without referring to the Orientalists accounts and their geopolitical terminology. It is time for our history to be told by us, not by others.

The Alliance will promote this crucial issue and will address it as a form of cultural resistance that should go hand in hand with other forms of resistance defending the cause of Palestine. It is a neglected form of resistance that needs to be vitalized and activated through various mechanisms.

The Alliance will also try to talk to the Authorities in Arabic and 'Islamic' countries in order to allow for this revisionism to take place on a wide-scale basis, such as in the curricula of schools and universities.

The Alliance will be named "Intellectuals against forgery" and will not be exclusive to a specific religion or a defined nation, but will keep an open door for anyone who is willing to adopt this conscious outlook.

The Alliance affirms its respect for all religions and nations. It believes that none of them is responsible for this case, but all were victims of fraud and forgery that was so deviously executed by the global "Zionist Movement" over the course of time. The Alliance asserts that this respect is a prerequisite of obtaining and maintaining its membership.

The Alliance will contact all institutions and personalities that adopt this view to invite them to become members of this alliance and be part of this project. It will seek to spread its vision via different methods.

The founders of this Alliance are intellectuals who had contributed significantly to reveal the forgeries and falsehoods present in today's human heritage. These contributions may be in the form of a book, a paper, or articles published in Arabic or international journals.

The first core of this alliance was formed in a cultural event organized by Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society titled "A World in the Manacles of Forgeries". Then a few other Arab researchers followed and joined the affiliation, which now consists of:

Dr. Ahmed Dawood, Syrian Arab Republic
Dr. Fadel Al-Rubaie, the Republic of Iraq
Mr. Zaki Al Ghul, mayor of the Eastern Quds, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Mr. Ahmed Al-Dabash, Palestine
Mr. Jalal Al-Qassab, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain
Ms. Fawzia Rashid, novelist and journalist, Kingdom of Bahrain
Mr. Tariq Ahmed, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain

The founders have agreed to send an invitation to all of those who hold the same view and have produced a noteworthy contribution to the rebuttal of these forgeries.

Temporarily, the alliance will be administrated by Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society until the first assembly is summoned. Therein a decision will be made regarding the administration of the alliance and its headquarters. All decisions will be made unanimously to ensure the agreement of all members in each and every step taken in this project.

Membership is, in fact, open to anyone complying to the conditions of the alliance. Joining the alliance is possible upon request sent to one the founders. The alliance itself may send out invitations to those who share the same vision, irrespective of their religion, race or language.

Once a decision has been reached, the administrators of this alliance will work on spreading the founding statement of this alliance, thereby launching its first official announcement. They will also derive from the declaration the targets for the affiliation, which has to be agreed upon by all members of the alliance. These will, however, be under rolling review every time a meeting is conducted in the place that was agreed upon.

Manama - Bahrain
26 – 12 – 2010

Deconstructing the walls of Jerichowww.truthbeknown.com
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.



    source : http://www.queenofsheba.info/files/part-1.pdf


    ISRAEL'S TOP ARCHEOLOGIST: "These facts have been known for years, but
    Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it" LOL !
    "...Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel,
    archaeologists have found out: The patriarchs' acts are legendary, the
    Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not
    conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David
    and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These
    facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and
    nobody wants to hear about it.
    Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.

    need look that first= http://www.tajdeed.org/article.aspx?id=10334
    جمعية التجديد الثقافية الاجتماعية
    Note: This paper has been presented at the Second World Congress for
    Middle Eastern Studies held at Amman- Jordon. It represents an
    abstract of a comprehensive research work published by Al-Tajdeed
    Society in an Arabic book of 550 pages, entitled "Neda' Al Surat-
    Kidnap of the Prophets Geography". T...

    MORE ? >


    The alliance's founding statement:
    Intellectuals against forgery
    "Towards Liberating Palestine From Zionist Fantasies"

    In the name of God,

    After decades of bitter and bloody struggle, a few things have started
    to unravel, revealing a deliberate forgery in the history of mankind
    and civilizations. All the facts now show that all the ideological
    bases that were employed to occupy Palestine are completely false.
    They were used to deceive the nations of the world.

    This important historical and ideological discovery was not achieved
    by pro-Palestine intellectuals alone, but was accomplished
    collectively by a group of archaeologists and researchers from all
    around the world, including Jews from Israel.

    The Palestinian cause was, and will always be, the central cause to
    this nation. It is the nation's dividing line as well as its uniting
    circle. It is a humanitarian cause that attracted many noblemen and
    activists around the world, irrespective of their ideology, party,
    government, religion or race. All stood up to this cause without
    hesitation, demanded to bring back to this land its evicted

    The first step that paved the way to the unlawful seizure of Palestine
    was marketing the story that claims Palestine to be the land of all
    prophets of Israel. The story asserts that Palestine is the land
    promised by God to the people of Israel. It also claims that there
    existed a "Jewish Kingdom" once in Palestine. A temple for the prophet
    Sulaiman (Solomon) is claimed to have been established in Al-Quds
    (Jerusalem), situated precisely at the location of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The
    story includes stories of the prophet Abraham traveling to and
    residing in Palestine, amongst other prophets.

    Due to the fact that today's Israel is an orientalist community formed
    by the colonial powers, it grew and nurtured this spurious tale about
    the history of Palestine. Yet this story has become a cornerstone for
    most of the world's nations, an incontestable truth at the heart of
    the Judaism and Christianity cultures. It even found its way to Islam,
    for many of today's Muslims accept it as an unquestionable fact. This
    fable was the justification for many bloodsheds and atrocities that
    happened over the years. Thousands have died as a result, and the
    consequences of this fact-distortion still linger today.

    This indoctrinated story that provided the foundations to establish
    this illegitimate entity - and paved the way for the Jewish
    immigration to Palestine - is an entirely fabricated tale. It is
    indeed a fable that was contrived and propagandized over the course of
    time by numerous western governments and colonial powers, who were
    scheming to seize the region's wealth, and thwart its solidarity for
    various reasons. Among them were the Zionist Movement, the pioneers
    and the main sponsors for the largest historical forgery ever carried
    out in the history of mankind.

    The State of Israel obtains its moral and legal legitimacy from a
    global consensus on the Jewish right to reside in Palestine. They
    assert that the Jewish presence in Palestine is a well-established
    historical fact. Yet all information collected from scientific
    research, archaeological excavations and the clarifications of Arabic
    and Islamic heritage confirm the untruthfulness of this tale. Prior to
    the occupation of Palestine, a complete distortion occurred to the
    history of Palestine and the whole Arabic land. This consisted chiefly
    of forging the prophets' geography and their relevant historical

    Western nations would not have blessed this unlawful seizure; neither
    would The United Nations legalize it by dividing Palestine if it
    wasn't for this forged story. This story has found its way to the
    cultures of all the world's nations, to the scientific institutes, to
    books and encyclopedias of all languages. It is so widespread and
    accepted that a simple claim of its possible falsehood is now
    considered a form of heresy. The Jews' return to their "ancestors'
    land" has now become a moral duty for Christians from Europe and The
    United States, and in some cases, a religious obligation that will
    bring closer the return of the Messiah! Hindering the Jews from
    returning to Palestine incurs the wrath of God who promised them the

    All this requires some urgent action that will defend truth and
    rationality. A responsible response that will seek to take its
    important part in the liberation of the suppressed human mind today,
    to redeem the lost Arabic will, to rid the religious heritage from
    deliberate misuse and intentional propaganda that attempts to violate
    rights and nourish tensions. It requires an act that exemplifies the
    candid search for truth, and sets an example for the freedom of
    thought. This can be achieved by establishing an alliance; one that
    establishes a forum through which intellectuals from different
    backgrounds, think-tanks, journalists and interested archaeologists
    can convene and work together to stand for this critical cause. This
    has become an urgent matter, an pressing strategic necessity, a form
    of cultural resistance that should be adjoined to other forms of
    resistance against the unlawful Zionist seizure of Palestine; for the
    ink of the pen is of no less significance than the blood spilt from
    scores of Palestinians who died under the heat of Israeli oppression
    and violence since the start of the Zionist immigration to Palestine
    more than a century ago.

    The alliance "Intellectuals against forgery" is an intellectual
    cultural framework that encompasses all research institutions,
    cultural societies, intellectuals, researchers, and personalities that
    work in the field of correcting the region's distorted history, and
    reject all the incumbent falsehoods injected into our history. This
    alliance will seek to form a corrective school of thought that aims to
    revise the Arabic and the region's history without referring to the
    Orientalists accounts and their geopolitical terminology. It is time
    for our history to be told by us, not by others.

    The Alliance will promote this crucial issue and will address it as a
    form of cultural resistance that should go hand in hand with other
    forms of resistance defending the cause of Palestine. It is a
    neglected form of resistance that needs to be vitalized and activated
    through various mechanisms.

    The Alliance will also try to talk to the Authorities in Arabic and
    Islamic countries in order to allow for this revisionism to take place
    on a wide-scale basis, such as in the curricula of schools and

    The Alliance will be named "Intellectuals against forgery" and will
    not be exclusive to a specific religion or a defined nation, but will
    keep an open door for anyone who is willing to adopt this conscious

    The Alliance affirms its respect for all religions and nations. It
    believes that none of them is responsible for this case, but all were
    victims of fraud and forgery that was so deviously executed by the
    global "Zionist Movement" over the course of time. The Alliance
    asserts that this respect is a prerequisite of obtaining and
    maintaining its membership.
    The Alliance will contact all institutions and personalities that
    adopt this view to invite them to become members of this alliance and
    be part of this project. It will seek to spread its vision via
    different methods.

    The founders of this Alliance are intellectuals who had contributed
    significantly to reveal the forgeries and falsehoods present in
    today's human heritage. These contributions may be in the form of a
    book, a paper, or articles published in Arabic or international

    The first core of this alliance was formed in a cultural event
    organized by Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society titled "A World in
    the Manacles of Forgeries". Then a few other Arab researchers followed
    and joined the affiliation, which now consists of:

    Dr. Ahmed Dawood, Syrian Arab Republic
    Dr. Fadel Al-Rubaie,the Republic of Iraq
    Mr. Zaki Al Ghul, mayor of the Eastern Quds, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
    Mr. Ahmed Al-Dabash, Palestine
    Mr. Jalal Al-Qassab, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain
    Ms. Fawzia Rashid, novelist and journalist, Kingdom of Bahrain
    Mr. Tariq Ahmed, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain

    The founders have agreed to send an invitation to all of those who
    hold the same view and have produced a noteworthy contribution to the
    rebuttal of these forgeries.

    Temporarily, the alliance will be administrated by Al-Tajdeed Cultural
    and Social Society until the first assembly is summoned. Therein a
    decision will be made regarding the administration of the alliance and
    its headquarters. All decisions will be made unanimously to ensure the
    agreement of all members in each and every step taken in this project.

    Membership is, in fact, open to anyone complying to the conditions of
    the alliance. Joining the alliance is possible upon request sent to
    one the founders. The alliance itself may send out invitations to
    those who share the same vision, irrespective of their religion, race
    or language.

    Once a decision has been reached, the administrators of this alliance
    will work on spreading the founding statement of this alliance,
    thereby launching its first official announcement. They will also
    derive from the declaration the targets for the affiliation, which has
    to be agreed upon by all members of the alliance. These will, however,
    be under rolling review every time a meeting is conducted in the place
    that was agreed upon.
    Manama - Bahrain
    26 – 12 – 2010



 Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert,
 by Grigory Ugryumov (c. 1785).


 Hagar and her son Ishmael 

Ishmael,[a] a figure in the Tanakh and the Quran, was Abraham's first son according to Jews, Christians and Muslims. Ishmael was born to Abraham and Sarah's handmaiden Hagar (Hājar) (Genesis 16:3). According to the Genesis account, he died at the age of 137 (Genesis 25:17).
The Book of Genesis and Islamic traditions consider Ishmael to be the ancestor of the Ishmaelites and patriarch of Qaydār. According to Muslim tradition, Ishmael the Patriarch and his mother Hagar are buried next to the Kaaba in Mecca.[1]

"Egyptian" (MISR WAS IN ARABIA AND NOT IN EGYPT!) Hagar could not and was not Abraham's SECOND LEGITIMATE WIFE because she was inferior to Sarah the Barren Matriarch before and after her marriage?
  Sarah's husband Abraham was portrayed as a coward?
 A kind of Jewish-Israel joke! Oy Vey!

More jokes!

"Sarah gave birth to Isaac when she was 90 years old (Genesis 17:17). 

Sarah sent Ishmael away (sometime before the incident at Moriah) after Isaac was “weaned” (Genesis 21:8–10). 

 Generally, weaning took place somewhere between the ages of 2 and 5. Sarah died (sometime after the incident at Moriah) at the age of 127

This means Isaac was older than 4 or 5 and younger than 36 or 37 when he was offered as a sacrifice. The phrases a long time in Genesis 21:34 and some time later in Genesis 22:1suggest that a substantial amount of time elapsed between Isaac’s birth and the trip to Moriah. So, Isaac was certainly not an older man when he was to be offered as a sacrifice, but neither was he a toddler."


N.B. By theway, if Abraham ever existed, he was an ARAB from a town ("MISR") in ARABIA and ARAB-SPEAKING! The RACIST Greek invaders of the Arab lands translated that term MISR into AEGYPTUS, the land of the BLACK PEOPLE! 

But, what is the REAL TRUTH, only the Devil knows!  For sure, the "ARABS" knew better!  ISRAEL was Arab and Arab-speaking too, but they (EZRA & COMPANY) decided to show their superiority over all Arabs and even all humankind!  ISRAEL even had an ARAB GOD - EL and/or Gods - ELOHIM!

 ISRAEL spoke an Arab dialect later called HEBREW by the invading Europeans while the ARABS developed the more advanced QUREISH ARABIC language that is spoken and understood to this very day!

 ARABS are always falsely portrayed by Jewish and Christian racists as DESERT-DWELLERS, but not ISRAEL or The JEWS or even the Early Christians!

JEWISH A RABBI and others are boasting that they will make Christians and Muslims fight to death for ISRAEL TO COME OUT VICTORIOUS WITHOUT FIGHTING!!!

More jokes and literal SHIT in the "HOLY BIBLE"!!!

Question: "Why did Abraham banish Ishmael (Genesis 21:14)?"

“Abraham made a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned. But Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, laughing. So she said to Abraham, ‘Cast out this slave woman with her son, for the son of this slave woman shall not be heir with my son Isaac’” (Genesis 21:10).

Abraham was not happy with Sarah’s response (Genesis 21:11). He cared about Sarah, but he did not share her view that Hagar and Ishmael should be sent away. Ishmael was his own son, after all.

Then God spoke to Abraham on this issue: “Be not displeased because of the boy and because of your slave woman. Whatever Sarah says to you, do as she tells you, for through Isaac shall your offspring be named. And I will make a nation of the son of the slave woman also, because he is your offspring’” (Genesis 21:12-13). 


Whatever Sarah says to you, do as she tells you???


 God’s promise to make another nation from Ishmael began to be fulfilled when Ishmael had twelve sons who presided over twelve tribes (Genesis 25:16).

Abraham obeyed the Lord. “So Abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and gave it to Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, along with the child, and sent her away” (Genesis 21:14). 

So, Abraham put a skin of water ON HER SHOULDER ALONG WITH THE CHILD???

As far as we know, Abraham did not see Ishmael again. Ishmael appears later at Abraham’s burial (Genesis 25:9).

Genesis 25:9New International Version (NIV)

His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,

So, what happened to Abraham's "SECOND WIFE" KETURA AND HER SIX SONS?  

According to both Jews and Christians, HAGAR was not his wife, but only his "CONCUBINE", and Ishmael was a BASTARD!

concubine (n.)

c. 1300, "a paramour, a woman who cohabits with a man without being married to him;" also, in reference to Hebrew, Greek, Roman and other civilizations where the position was recognized by law, "a wife of inferior condition, a secondary wife," from Latin concubina (fem.), concubinus (masc.) "one who lives unmarried with a married man or woman." Usually the concubine was of a lower social order, but the institution, though below matrimonium, was less reproachful than adulterium or stuprum. The word itself is from concumbere"to lie with, to lie together, to cohabit," from assimilated form of com"with, together" (see con-) + cubare"to lie down" (see cubicle).
Such concubines were allowed by the Greek and Roman laws, and for many centuries they were more or less tolerated by the church, for both priests and laymen. The concubine of a priest was sometimes called a priestess. [Century Dictionary]
In Middle English, as in Latin, sometimes used of a man who cohabits with a woman without marriage. Related: Concubinary; concubinal.

"Abraham had two recorded wives. Sarah, the Mother of Isaac, (the seed to Jesus Christ) and after the death of Sarah, Keturah the Mother of the Arab nations. She had six sons (daughters are never mentioned); Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah; Fathers of the Arab nations also blessed as sons of Abraham and included in the blessings of Abraham.

Hagar the Mother of Ishmael (the Father of the Midianites) was Sarah’s handmaiden, she was given to Abraham to bear a son for Sarah as Sarah was barren and impatient for the Promise."

 Verse 5. - And Abraham was an hundred years old (cf. Genesis 17:1, 17), when his son Isaac was born unto him. Literally, at the time of bearing to him (ἐν τῷ τεκεῖν) Isaac (vide Gesenius, 'Gram.,'§ 143). Thus Abraham had waited twenty-five years for the fulfillment of the promise - a remarkable instance of faith and patience (Romans 4:20), as Isaac's birth was a signal display of Divine power (Romans 4:17; Hebrews 11:12). Whether Isaac was born at Gerar or at Beersheba cannot with certitude be inferred. 

"Ishmael was born when Abraham was 86, so in the coming year, Abraham would be 100, Sarah 99, Ishmael would be 14. Genesis 17:17-25: And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.13 Aug 2018"



Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop
By Mike King

According to an account written by the drunken, cigar-chomping, terrorist scum-pig, Winston Churchill, it was during the 1943 Tehran Conference that "Uncle Joe"Stalin proposed executing 50,000 German staff officers after the war. American Gangster President Roosevelt then joked that 50,000 was too many; but that 49,000 would do! Though Churchill claims that the sick joking upset him (sure it did, Winnie -- sure it did), the murderous Allies were all in agreement that "trials" of Germany’s top leaders would take place after the war. And indeed they did.

Image result for nazis hangedhttp://www.capitalpunishmentuk.org/stuthof4.jpg
Long before Nuremberg, the vicious Allies had already begun to systematically hang "Nazis" by the tens of thousands, including officers and "female Nazis."

When the show trials began in late 1945, an 8-panel tribunal (The Nuremberg Trials) was seated (2 judges each from the US, UK, USSR, & France). The primary American judge was Francis Biddle, of the Biddle Family that spawned the 19th century American Central Bank Chairman and nemesis of Andrew Jackson, Nicholas Biddle. Honorable German leaders were condemned as “war criminals” by governments that not only imposed the war upon Germany, but also carried out the Hamburg, Dresden and Tokyo fire-bombings, the sinkings of the civilian Wilhelm Gustloff & the Goya ships in the frigid Baltic Sea, the forced return of Russian refugees & POWs to Stalin's vengeful henchmen, the starvation / disease murders of 1.5 million German POWs, the execution murders at Katyn Forest, the mass raping of German women, the dropping of atomic bombs and other real war crimes too numerous to list here. 

Joker Justice 

Of the accused at Nuremberg, 11 were sentenced to hang, and 7 (including the peacemaking parachutist Rudolf Hess) received long or life prison terms. Herman Goering, Head of the Luftwaffe (Air Force) managed to cheat his executioners by taking poison in his jail cell (or was he "suicided" to duplicate The Book of Ester / Purim scenario?)
These were good men; noble men; peace-loving family men - ignobly murdered in cold blood for daring to protect Germany from the demonic henchmen of The New World Order crime syndicate. May they rest in Valhalla at the right hand of the even greater hero that they served.

Purim-style "justice." 
In the sickening Book of Ester (Old Testament), the lifeless bodies of the 10 sons of the "anti-Semite" Minister Haman (Hitler) were hanged and Haman's 1 daughter committed suicide. 
This Jewish "holiday" is celebrated every year as "Purim."



Holocaust denial

A lunatic Chaplin imitator
and his greatest fans

Icon nazi.svg
First as tragedy
Then as farce


A school of historians and polemicists has sprung up, which for political reasons is bent on denying the truth of the story of the Holocaust. Present day revisionists continue this tradition. They are the academic equivalent of the neo-Nazi thugs. […] Unfortunately, the fabrications of the "revisionists" have fallen on fertile ground in a Europe where the old lies of anti-Semiticpropaganda and old forgeries are once again being circulated, and indeed were never wholly eradicated.
Stuart HoodWikipedia's W.svg and professor[1] Haim Bresheeth, Introducing The Holocaust: A Graphic Guide[2]
Holocaust denial (or Holocaust revisionism) refers to the assertion that the Holocaust (often called the "Holohoax" or some similar derivative to the same effect by deniers) perpetrated by Nazi Germany, other Axis powers, and their collaborators in occupied Europe during the Second World War never happened (denial), or happened vastly differently from the "official" story (revision). Like most conspiracy theories, it takes many forms; however, the claims generally fall into a few categories:
  1. The Nazi Holocaust was faked (Holocaust truther):
  2. The Nazi Holocaust didn't happen (Holocaust denier):
  3. The Nazi Holocaust wasn't that bad (Holocaust revisionist):
    • TLDR: The evidence is weak.
    • Reported death counts are overexaggerated, and the 6,000,000 dead Jews figure is especially wrong.
    • Other groups supposedly included in the Holocaust (such as disabled persons) were not included in the Holocaust.
    • Stalin killed more people in the Holodomor. (Possibly true, but so what?)
    • The Allies killed civilians too (e.g., Bombing of Dresden). (Ditto)
  4. Jews or other victims brought the Holocaust upon themselves (blaming the victim)[6]
    • Jews tried to undermine Germany by creating Bolshevism.
    • Jews sold Germany out in World War I.
    • Jews had declared war on Germany (The Jewish agenda).
    • Nazi victims actually helped perpetrate the Holocaust.
Deniers who believe 1 (fake) tend to believe 2 (didn't happen) and 3 (not bad).[note 2] Deniers who believe 2 (didn't happen) tend to believe 3 (not bad). Moreover, people who believe 1 (faked) tend to be harder to discuss evidence with than 2 (didn't happen); the same for 2 (didn't happen) than 3 (not bad). It could thus be argued there are different "layers" of holocaust denial. In order of increasing distance from reality: (3) it wasn't bad, (2) it didn't happen, and (1) it was faked. Blaming the victim has been used with other genocides, and is not restricted to genocide as a fallacious argument.[6] Notably, victim blaming has served both as a motivation for genocide as well as a post-facto denial tactic.[6]
Particularly when it focuses on "how the Jews faked it all," Holocaust denial is a form of anti-Semitism often embraced by bigots who are too cowardly to admit that they wished that Hitler had finished the job.
Holocaust denial, as noted, has many variants. This article tries to briefly rebut the most common claims.

Beginning with a note from Ike

I saw my first horror camp [on 12 April 1945]. It was near the town of Gotha. I have never been able to describe my emotional reactions when I first came face to face with indisputable evidence of Nazi brutality and ruthless disregard of every shred of decency. Up to that time I had known about it only generally or through secondary sources. I am certain however, that I have never at any time experienced an equal sense of shock.

I visited every nook and cranny of the camp because I felt it my duty to be in a position from then on to testify at first hand about these things in case there ever grew up at home the belief or assumption that "the stories of Nazi brutality were just propaganda." Some members of the visiting party were unable to go through with the ordeal. I not only did so but as soon as I returned to Patton's headquarters that evening I sent communications to both Washington and London, urging the two governments to send instantly to Germany a random group of newspaper editors and representative groups from the national legislatures. I felt that the evidence should be immediately placed before the American and the British publics in a fashion that would leave no room for cynical doubt.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe, 1948[7]

Definitions and terminology

The Holocaust was, according to Wikipedia:[8][note 3]
The genocide of approximately six million European Jews and millions of others during World War II, a programme of systematic state-sponsored murder by Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, throughout Nazi-occupied territory.
Beyond that, the water gets muddy. As a straw man argument, Holocaust deniers use academic discussion about the Holocaust's scope and purpose to cast doubt on the Holocaust itself (much akin to how young-Earth creationists use academic disagreements about details of evolution to try to cast doubt on evolution as a whole). This does not address the Holocaust itself, instead choosing to focus on discord of the details.

Functionalism/intentionalism versus Holocaust denial

Today, scholars of history are divided between two interpretations of the Holocaust: functionalism versus intentionalism.Wikipedia's W.svg Both functionalists and intentionalists agree that the Holocaust occurred, but functionalists disagree with the claim that it was Hitler's intention from the beginning, either from the time of Mein Kampf, upon his ascension to power, or even at the beginning of World War II.
Intentionalists see the Holocaust as being primarily Hitler's idea, something he had planned even for years before coming to power. By contrast, functionalists see the Holocaust evolving bottom-up rather than being ordered from the top-down. Of course, even if Hitler did not plan or order the Holocaust, that doesn't mean he escapes moral responsibility for it. He created the climate of extreme anti-Semitism that made it possible, created many of the policies which immediately contributed to it, provided the leadership that considered these measures both permissible and acceptable, and failed to stop or prevent it.
For example, both intentionalists and functionalists agree that Hitler ordered deportation of Jews to Nazi-occupied Poland. However, intentionalists believe that "deportation" was, from the very beginning, a codeword for extermination (see explanation of Nazi euphemisms below), and functionalists see "deportation" at the beginning as being quite literally that, a plan to deport Jews, with little thought as to what would happen to them when they arrived in Poland.
Functionalists see the Holocaust as a bureaucratic solution among low-level Nazi officials in Poland to handle all these incoming Jews, by killing most of them. Functionalists such as Ian Kershaw also point to the highly chaotic nature of the Nazi state, where individuals vied with one another for power and Hitler's good favor (those often being the same thing). This process, referred to by historians (after Nazi civil servant Werner Willikins) as "working towards the Führer", aimed at satisfying Hitler's ever-increasing calls for "radicalism" in all matters of policy, naturally led various officials to propose more and more extreme solutions to the "Jewish question" (that there were multiple proposed solutions is evidenced by the term "the Final Solution").
Functionalists still believe that even if Hitler did not directly start the Holocaust, he became aware of it while it was in progress, and in all probability, signed off on the proposal; in no way does functionalism absolve Hitler of moral responsibility or downplay the atrocities themselves. Unlike Holocaust denial, functionalism is an academically respectable position in the field of history.

Revisionism versus denial

Many Holocaust deniers describe themselves as "revisionists". Does that mean they are not deniers? How do we define Holocaust denial?
Modern scholarship defines "The Holocaust" as:
  • The murder of five to seven million Jews, plus about three million other victims — the number
  • with gas chambers, forced labor, starvation, and firing squads, as well as other methods — the method
The Free Dictionary defines "denial" as "a refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction".[9]
From this follows:
  • The claim that significantly fewer than five to seven million Jews died is Holocaust denial, even while agreeing with modern scholarship upon the method.
  • The claim that gas chambers were not used for mass executions is Holocaust denial, even while agreeing with modern scholarship upon the number.
Most self-proclaimed "Holocaust revisionists" disagree with established scholarship upon the number and the method. As such, they are clearly Holocaust deniers.
In fact, the term "Holocaust revisionism" does not carry any meaning separate from Holocaust denial. As History PhD student[10] Tristan of Step Back History explains in his history of American hate groups:[11]
Groups like the Institute for Historical Review have tried to deny the genocide of Jews and other groups in the Holocaust. They claim that the final solution was about deportation, that there were no extermination camps, or that the five-to-six million dead count is just exaggerated.
They are called "holocaust deniers" because revisionist history is something different. Revisionists try to upturn established histories using credible methodology. A holocaust denier, much like a climate change or evolution denier, has a pre-determined conclusion and ignores overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Most denialists claim some sort of vast Jewish conspiracy designed to advance Jews at the expense of everyone else. I think I speak for many by saying that this entire movement is based on anti-semiticconspiracy theories.
Despite all this, there exists within the fringes of revisionism a group of persons who do not deny any of the established facts, but instead strive for more clarity in the history — actual proponents of historical revisionism.
These revisionists, alienated by the cranks riddling their field, instead argue not whether or not the gassing took place, nor whether the millions were in fact killed, but simply that much of the history has been lost and that the Holocaust was likely far worse than the histories currently state. In that sense, they seek to revise the accounts to a more accurate manner.
Chief among these revisionists is Franciszek Piper, manager of the historical department at Auschwitz. Piper's research, now accepted by Jewish historians, revised the reported death toll of Auschwitz from the previous four million killed to roughly 1.5 million. However, his work does not dispute the overall number of Holocaust victims, and he concluded that his revision of the death toll covered the discrepancies that could actually be found.[12]
And indeed, in theory, that might be all the revisionism which evidence will ever guide us to undertake. That, however, is a conclusion which is a priori unacceptable to any genuine Holocaust denier, who would contend that "revisionism" can't be considered done (per definition) until the Holocaust is essentially demoted from one of history's most breathtakingly cruel and efficient genocides to some kind of minor inconvenience, if not an outright hoax. Franciszek Piper was no such denialist.

The term "Holocaust" itself

His eyes sparkling with faith and decision, he had proved that he could summon the holocaust.
LIFE Magazine, September 1939, discussing Hitler's impending war[13]
The Greek word holocaust means "burnt sacrifice" (holos + kaustos), a custom both in Judaism and Ancient Greek Religion.[note 4] The phrase was used in the Greek Bible and has long been used in the English language as a figure of speech. The term Holocaust was occasionally used for the Nazis' mass murders from the 1940s, but it became firmly established through the 1978 television mini-series The Holocaust. Holocaust deniers might use the confusion around the term Holocaust to question whether it happened at all.
As said, the term Holocaust was not universally used until the 1970s. But how does this call the facts of the Nazis' deliberate murder of 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, into question? What happened does not change simply because the most popular term to describe it changes.
The fact that our presently favored terminology for a historical event is newer than the event itself doesn't in any way call into question the historicity of the event; the Black Death wasn't known by that name until centuries after it swept through Europe, but it still happened. Historical events often do not receive their current names until many years, sometimes even centuries or millennia, after they occur.

Evidence for the Holocaust

Get it all on record now – get the films – get the witnesses – because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.
not General Dwight D. Eisenhower[14]
I made the visit [to the Gotha concentration camp] deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to "propaganda."
—actually General Dwight D. Eisenhower[15][16]
Deniers might use the one single proof gambit to confuse the opponent, and request very specific evidence, such as
  • a written order by Hitler to exterminate the Jews
  • an autopsy record concluding that a Jewish prisoner died from gassing
or some other remnants. However, though the Nazi government tried massively to hide evidence for mass murder by tearing down buildings and burning documents, plenty of the remains have survived.
A refutation: such an event as the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, apparently connected to gangster Al Capone, has never been linked to any written order. Capone typically gave spoken orders, and Hitler could have given a verbal order without putting it in writing. Also, the Nazis typically did not perform autopsies on deceased persons who had been gassed.

Nazi documents, speeches etc.

This is just a sample of the wealth of documentary evidence from the Nazi government itself.
(Caveat: Holocaust deniers reason that, since the Holocaust did not happen, any evidence to the contrary is a forgery created by the Jews as part of their International Jewish Conspiracy™.)
They claim that forgers created these and other documents — complete with complex internal reference markings, on typewriters that perfectly matched those used by the various German units said to have written the documents — and then planted thousands of these perfect forgeries in numerous different archival collections (in exactly the right file and in precisely the right sequence) all over Europe. Not only is such a scenario fantastically improbable, it fails to explain why these supposedly incredibly talented forgers did not succeed in producing the one piece of paper that deniers demand as 'proof' that genocide took place under the Third Reich — an order from Hitler authorising the destruction of the Jews.
Deborah Lipstadt[17]
Indeed a few counterfeit Nazi documents — notably The Hitler Diaries— have been exposed since the war. However, several of the documents mentioned here have been authenticated by forensics, or are accepted as genuine by Holocaust deniers such as David Irving.)

Hitler in 1922

Hitler quote.gif
In 1922, Hitler told a journalist that:
Once I really am in power, my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews. As soon as I have the power to do so, I will have gallows built in rows — at the Marienplatz in Munich, for example — as many as traffic allows. Then the Jews will be hanged indiscriminately, and they will remain hanging until they stink; they will hang there as long as the principles of hygiene permit. As soon as they have been untied, the next batch will be strung up, and so on down the line, until the last Jew in Munich has been exterminated. Other cities will follow suit, precisely in this fashion, until all Germany has been completely cleansed of Jews.
— Adolf Hitler, 1922. (Josef Hell, "Aufzeichnung," 1922, ZS 640, p. 5, Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte.[18])
(Caveat #2: While some serious historians see this as evidence that Hitler had planned the Holocaust long before coming to power, other serious historians don't believe that any plan for the Holocaust existed so early, and see Hitler's words as simply an expression of his virulent anti-Semitism rather than a sign that he had any concrete plans at that date.)
In a speech to the Reichstag on 30 January 1939, he made his intentions clear with this quote, which was even used in the 1940 Nazi propaganda film "Der ewige Jude"(The Eternal Jew):
…if the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevizing of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe![19][20]
Note that this is one of the best examples of how whacked-out Hitler had become, as he was conflating international capitalism and SovietBolshevism as the exact same thing.
Hitler also gave The Obersalzberg SpeechWikipedia's W.svg in August 1939, a week before the invasion of Poland, and expressed intentions of mass murdering the Polish population.
On 18 December 1941, Himmler asked Hitler, "What to do with the Jews of Russia?", to which Hitler replied, "als Partisanen auszurotten" ("exterminate them as partisans"). This remark is probably as close as historians will ever get to a definitive order from Hitler for the Holocaust.[21][22][23]

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf (1926 edition)
If at the beginning of the war and during the war twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the nation had been subjected to poison gas, such as had to be endured in the field by hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers of all classes and professions, then the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain.
—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf[24]
Many historians, including Ian KershawWikipedia's W.svg (one of the world's leading experts on both Hitler and Nazi Germany) have pointed out that several passages in Mein Kampf are of an undeniably genocidal nature.[25] Among these passages, Hitler also overtly suggested that:
The nationalization of our masses will succeed only when, aside from all the positive struggle for the soul of our people, their international poisoners are exterminated.
—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf[26]
The suggestion that a future genocide was intended from day one by Hitler is also corroborated by excerpts from the first edition of Mein Kampf, in which Hitler emphasizes that the literal destruction of the "weak and sick" (terms meant by him to encapsulate his enemies, and not to objectively describe fragility) is, quote, "far more humane than their protection." while also having the intrinsic purpose of providing what he saw as the proper space and purity for the "strong".[27]

Goebbels' diaries

Sample page from Goebbels' diary
German Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels' extensive diary notes contain several references to the ongoing mass murder of the Jews. Example:
"The intellectual does not have the natural means of resisting the Jewish peril because his instincts have been badly blunted. Because of this fact the nations with a high standard of civilization are exposed to this peril first and foremost. In nature life always takes measures against parasites; in the life of nations that is not always the case. From this fact the Jewish peril actually stems. There is therefore no other recourse left for modern nations except to exterminate the Jew…"[28]
Considering David Irving had access to the entirety of Goebbels's diaries, using them as the basis for a book, he presumably accepts these accounts as true.[29]

Jäger report and other Einsatzgruppen reports

Page 6 of the Jäger report
The Einsatzgruppen were four special task units (A, B, C, D) under the direction of Heinrich Himmler.[30]:11 Their stated task was securing the territories following the German advance into the Soviet Union, but their actual primary task was "the annihilation of Jews, Gypsies, communist officials and other who were considered enemies of the Nazi regime."[30]:11
Karl JägerWikipedia's W.svg was the leader of the Einsatzkommando subunit number 3 within Einsatzgruppe A.[30]:154 A report written in December 1941 by SS commander Jäger describing the killing of 137,346 people (mostly Jews) in the Baltic states.[31] The literal descriptions in this document are unusual to the Nazis, who typically used euphemisms for mass killings (see below).
The report itself is 6 pages of dates, locations, and numbers. It begins:
Complete list of executions carried out in the EK 3 area up to 1 December 1941[.]
Security police duties in Lithuania taken over by Einsatzkommando 3 on 2 July 1941.
(The Wilna [Vilnius] area was taken over by EK 3 on 9 Aug. 1941, the Schaulen area on 2 Oct. 1941. Up until these dates EK 9 operated in Wilna and EK 2 in Schaulen.)
On my instructions and orders the following executions were conducted by Lithuanian partisans:
Following the formation of a raiding squad under the command of SS-Obersturmführer Hamman and 8-10 reliable men from the Einsatzkommando, the following actions were conducted in cooperation with Lithuanian partisans:
Not everyone killed was a Jew -- but the vast majority were. For example, from 22.8.41 to 29.8.41, those killed included:
  1. In Algona:"Mentally sick: 269 men, 227 women, 48 children"
  2. In Panevezys:"1,312 Jews, 4,602 Jewesses, 1,609 Jewish children"
  3. In Kreis Rasainiai:"466 Jews, 440 Jewesses, 1,020 Jewish children"
  4. In Obeliai:"112 Jews, 627 Jewesses, 421 Jewish children"
  5. In Seduva:"230 Jews, 275 Jewesses, 159 Jewish children"
  6. In Zarasai:"767 Jews, 1,113 Jewesses, 1 Lith[uanian] Comm[unist], 687 Jewish children, 1 Russ[ian] Comm[unist] (f[emale])"
  7. In Pasvalys:"402 Jews, 738 Jewesses, 209 Jewish children"
  8. In Kaisiadorys:"All Jews, Jewesses, and Jewish children" [1,911 people]
  9. In Prienai:"All Jews, Jewesses, and Jewish Children" [1,078 people]
  10. In Dagda and Kraslawa:"212 Jews, 4 Russ[ian] POW's"
  11. In Joniskia:"47 Jews, 165 Jewesses, 143 Jewish children"
  12. In Wilkia:"76 Jews, 192 Jewesses, 134 Jewish children"
  13. In Kedainiai:"710 Jews, 767 Jewesses, 599 Jewish children"
  14. In Rumsiskis and Ziezmariai:"20 Jews, 567 Jewesses, 197 Jewish children"
  15. In Utena and Moletai:"582 Jews, 1,731 Jewesses, 1,469 Jewish children"
Jäger concludes:
Today I can confirm that our objective, to solve the Jewish problem for Lithuania, has been achieved by EK 3. In Lithuania there are no more Jews, apart from Jewish workers and their families.
The distance between from the assembly point to the graves was on average 4 to 5 Km.
I consider the Jewish action more or less terminated as far as Einsatzkommando 3 is concerned. Those working Jews and Jewesses still available are needed urgently and I can envisage that after the winter this workforce will be required even more urgently. I am of the view that the sterilization program of the male worker Jews should be started immediately so that reproduction is prevented. If despite sterilization a Jewess becomes pregnant she will be liquidated.
The Jäger report is the most important of the Einsatzgruppen reports because of its meticulous detail.[30]:154-155 The Jäger report was not discovered until after the Nuremberg trials, but other such reports served as evidence at the Einsatzkommando trial at Nuremberg.[30]:159-176 The Einsatzgruppen together with their collaborators killed more than 1 million people, mainly Jews.[30]:124
It also should be noted that in the Jager Report there is a specific section dedicated to the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania)'s Jewish populations it explictly mentions Einsatzgruppen executions of Jews of which Estonia is listed as 'Judenfrei' (Free of Jews) and coffins to indicate how many have died.

Wannsee Conference

A March 1942 letter from Reinhard Heydrich, following up on the Wannsee Protocol regarding the Endlösung der Judenfrage (Final Solution of the Jewish Question)
A conference on 20 January 1942, documented by the Wannsee Protocol (Protokoll is the German word for "minutes")[32]. As with most official Nazi records, the protocol uses euphemisms instead of literal orders to kill all Jews. However, Adolf Eichmann provided demographic data estimating the Jewish population in Europe to be around 11 million, consistent with the scholarship:[33]
Under proper guidance, in the course of the final solution the Jews are to be allocated for appropriate labor in the East. Able-bodied Jews, separated according to sex, will be taken in large work columns to these areas for work on roads, in the course of which action doubtless a large portion will be eliminated by natural causes. The possible final remnant will, since it will undoubtedly consist of the most resistant portion, have to be treated accordingly, because it is the product of natural selection and would, if released, act as a the seed of a new Jewish revival (see the experience of history.)
The minutes of the conference were the basis for two films: the 1984 West German made-for-TV film Die Wannseekonferenz (The Wannsee Conference)[34], and the 2001 HBO/BBC co-production Conspiracy[35].

Himmler's 1942 report

The 29 December 1942 report from Himmler to Hitler
On 29 December 1942, Himmler presented Hitler with the Meldung an den Führer über Bandenbekämpfung ("Report to the Führer on fighting against gangs") Nr. 51. This report, which covered the period from August to November 1942, and which referred only to a part of the occupied Soviet area (southern Russia, Ukraine and the district of Bialystok); included the following numbers concerning persons imprisoned or executed:
1. Bandits
a) Established number of deaths after combat 1,337
b) Prisoners executed immediately 737
c) Prisoners executed after lengthy thorough interrogation 7,828
2. Gang helpers and suspects
a) Arrested 16,553
b) Executed 14,257
c) Jews executed 363,211[36]
This is one of the few Nazi records that explicitly mentioned the killing of Jews, without euphemisms.

Himmler's speeches in Posen

In 1943, Heinrich Himmler, leader of the SS, spoke openly about the extermination of the Jewish people, as well as the equivocation used to cover it up, during a speech to SS Officers in the Posen (Polish: Poznań) town hall. An audio recording, as well as a transcription of the original German, is available.[37][38]
I also want to mention a very difficult subject before you here, completely openly.
It should be discussed amongst us, and yet, nevertheless, we will never speak about it in public.
Just as we did not hesitate on June 30 to carry out our duty, as ordered, and stand comrades who had failed against the wall and shoot them.
About which we have never spoken, and never will speak.
That was, thank God, a kind of tact natural to us, a foregone conclusion of that tact, that we have never conversed about it amongst ourselves, never spoken about it, everyone shuddered, and everyone was clear that the next time, he would do the same thing again, if it were commanded and necessary.
I am talking about the "Jewish evacuation": the extermination of the Jewish people.
It is one of those things that is easily said. "The Jewish people is being exterminated," every Party member will tell you, "perfectly clear, it's part of our plans, we're eliminating the Jews, exterminating them, ha!, a small matter."
And then along they all come, all the 80 million upright Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say: all the others are swine, but here is a first-class Jew.
And none of them has seen it, has endured it. Most of you will know what it means when 100 bodies lie together, when there are 500, or when there are 1000. And to have seen this through, and — with the exception of human weaknesses -- to have remained decent, has made us hard and is a page of glory never mentioned and never to be mentioned.
Because we know how difficult things would be, if today in every city during the bomb attacks, the burdens of war and the privations, we still had Jews as secret saboteurs, agitators and instigators. We would probably be at the same stage as 1916-17, if the Jews still resided in the body of the German people.
We have taken away the riches that they had, and I have given a strict order, which Obergruppenführer Pohl has carried out, we have delivered these riches completely to the Reich, to the State. We have taken nothing from them for ourselves. A few, who have offended against this, will be [judged] in accordance with an order, that I gave at the beginning: He who takes even one Mark of this is a dead man.
A number of SS men have offended against this order. There are not very many, and they will be dead men — WITHOUT MERCY! We have the moral right, we had the duty to our people to do it, to kill this people who wanted to kill us. But we do not have the right to enrich ourselves with even one fur, with one Mark, with one cigarette, with one watch, with anything. That we do not have. Because at the end of this, we don't want, because we exterminated the bacillus, to become sick and die from the same bacillus.
I will never see it happen, that even one bit of putrefaction comes in contact with us, or takes root in us. On the contrary, where it might try to take root, we will burn it out together. But altogether we can say: We have carried out this most difficult task for the love of our people. And we have taken on no defect within us, in our soul, or in our character.
The National Archives explains why this speech was recorded: "The SS, for example, used recording equipment to obtain transcripts of Himmler's speeches. During the 1930s many of Himmler's speeches were taken down in shorthand by secretaries or SS aides who later typed texts from these shorthand notes. Then, beginning in 1940, efforts were made to replace the stenographers with sound recording equipment.
Though initial efforts were not very successful, by late 1942 the technique had been perfected and nearly all the extant typed and printed texts of Himmler speeches dating from 1943 and 1944 were derived from recordings made while Himmler was speaking. Goebbels also found speech recordings useful. After delivering an address, he could leisurely listen to the recording and make the changes that he felt would heighten the speech's propaganda effect. Then the propaganda ministry would issue a press release containing the edited text, or parts of it, which German newspapers would publish as if they were presenting the text of the original speech.
Though the recordings were chiefly just useful tools, Himmler, Goebbels, and other prominent Nazis were careful not to destroy the original discs. The Nazis' interest in preserving oral records matched their prodigious efforts to save written records of their rise to power and days of glory. The leaders of the Third Reich were convinced that they were participating in events of great historical magnitude, and, because of the importance they attached to the spoken word, it must have seemed obvious to them that the recordings should be preserved."[39]
2 days later, Himmler said:[40]
We came to the question: what to with the women and children? I decided to find a clear solution here as well. I did not consider myself justified to exterminate the men — that is, to kill them or have them killed — and allow the avengers of our sons and grandsons in the form of their children to grow up. The difficult decision had to be taken to make this people disappear from the earth. For the organisation which had to execute this task, it was the most difficult which we had ever had. But it was accomplished, and without — I believe I can say — our men and their leaders suffering any mental or spiritual damage.

Odilo Globocnik's reports

The Odilo GlobocnikWikipedia's W.svg (1904–1945) reports describe Aktion Reinhard, with special mention of confiscated immobile and mobile property.[41]

Korherr report

Written in March 1943, by Dr. Richard KorherrWikipedia's W.svg (1903–1989) of the SS. Describes that 2.5 million European Jews have been "evacuated" to "special treatment" (German: Evakuierung, Sonderbehandlung), and estimates that European Jewish population had declined by 1.5 million by emigration, uprisings and harsh living conditions in ghettos and camps, totalling a decline of 4 million European Jews (out of more than 10 million).[42]

Höfle Telegram

The Höfle TelegramWikipedia's W.svg is in two parts and was sent on January 11, 1943 by SS Sturmbannführer Hermann Höfle. The first part was sent to Adolf Eichmann, and the second part to SS Obersturmbannführer Franz Heim. The document was discovered in England in 2000 among declassified World War II documents. It was originally decrypted from an intercepted Enigma Machine transmission, though its significance was not understood during the war. The telegram confirms the Korherr Report that 1,274,166 Jews were subject to Sonderbehandlung (special treatment) under Operation Reinhard by the end of 1942.

Other wartime documents

There is an abundance of documents from the concentration camps by guards and leaders describing the details of the death camps and even "death vans".[43]

Kurt Gerstein

SS officer Kurt GersteinWikipedia's W.svg (1905–1945) witnessed mass murders in Bełżec and Treblinka during 1942 and told foreigners, among them Swedish diplomat Göran von Otter,Wikipedia's W.svg and officials of the Vatican, about what he had seen. He wrote a report in 1945. Gerstein's stories are unreliable but are significant as an early testimony from the Holocaust.

"Sonderbehandlung" and other euphemisms

As mentioned before, mass executions were rarely described literally (the Jäger Report being a notable exception). The Nazi documents used euphemisms instead; more than twenty different euphemisms were in frequent use, such as Umsiedlung (resettlement) and Endlösung (Final Solution).[44]
Perhaps the most infamous one was Sonderbehandlung ("Special treatment"). Revisionists might claim that Sonderbehandlung meant delousing and disinfection (e.g., denier Carlo Mattogno),[45] introduced in the Nazi camps in Poland.
However, Sonderbehandlung was an established term for killing, confirmed by police documents from 1939, and reports from Action T4, a program for killing people with disabilities. Adolf Eichmann testified that Sonderbehandlung meant "killing."[46]


A sketch from the 40-page 1944 Vrba-Wetzler report,Wikipedia's W.svg written by two escapees from Auschwitz, Rudolf VrbaWikipedia's W.svg and Alfréd WetzlerWikipedia's W.svg
The truth of the Holocaust has been supported by many thousands of oral and written testimonies by several groups, including but not limited to (a few references are given to provide a general picture):
  • Concentration camp prisoners (including but not limited to Jews, Poles, Roma and Sinti, homosexuals, and political opponents).[47][48][49][50] Sonderkommandos (prisoners recruited for corpse disposal)[47] witnessed the extermination campaign directly.
  • Auschwitz guards.[51]
  • Railroad crews,[52]:38-40,66-67[53][54] civil servants, commanders[note 5][55] and other off-site soldiers and civilians.[52][56]
  • Allied soldiers from various countries.[57]
  • Humanitarian expeditions from various countries.[58][59]
  • Secret wiretaps were made of German prisoners of war, where they freely discussed the war, including extermination of Jews. These recordings were transcribed and edited by Sönke Neitzel and Harald Welzer in the book Soldaten: Protokolle vom Kämpfen, Töten und Sterben[60]

Soldiers and Nazi officials

This section is limited to soldiers, SS men and other members of the German armed forces, who testified about the Holocaust before the German surrender in 1945.
Gunnar Eklöf (1922–1991) was a Swedish Waffen-SS volunteer in the Nordland Division. The 2014 book Hitlers svenska SS-soldater ("Hitler's Swedish SS Soldiers") by Bosse Schön describes his career extensively.[61] During his 1943 furlough back home in Sweden, he bragged about murdering Jews on the Eastern front. His scandalous behaviour and his stories from the mass murders were noticed by the press and the police (which is confirmed by archives); however, he never faced investigation or trial.
Gösta Borg (1915–2000) was a Swedish SS volunteer and Kriegsberichter (war correspondent) who reported from the Eastern Front; including summary executions of Communists and Jews. During the war, he shared his observations with the Swedish Legation in Berlin.

Prisoners, Sonderkommandos and Kapos

Sonderkommandos burning corpses in a pit at Auschwitz-Birkenau, August 1944
The guards intentionally tried to keep the extermination campaign secret from prisoners. Those who arrived at the eastern camps were either killed on arrival, or kept at a labour section, separate from the gas chambers.
Sonderkommandos were the only prisoners allowed to see anything of the mass murders. Still, Sonderkommandos were regularly killed and replaced by new prisoners, so very few of them survived the war.

Diary of Anne Frank

Pages 92–93 of the original Diary of Anne Frank
The Diary of Anne Frank is one of many written testimonies from Holocaust victims. Deniers such as Robert Faurisson have claimed that the text was forged, but the Dutch government has conducted a forensic investigation confirming the book's authenticity.[62] The Anne Frank Museum in Amsterdam has issued a press release entitled Ten questions on the authenticity of the diary of Anne Frank, refuting many of the claims against the diary.[63]
The diary, the one that was originally published, was indeed edited; this was because it was the private diary of a girl going through puberty, and records things ranging from masturbation and homosexuality to various arguments amongst family members. Obviously, her father Otto Frank didn't want all of his daughter's (and family's) personal moments open to the public. This provides avenues of attacks from two different sets of crazies. The first, the aforementioned deniers who will latch on to any alteration being "proof" of a coverup, and when the unedited version became published, the moral guardians who didn't want kids learning about the little man in the boat.[64]

Claims to dissenting testimonies

Holocaust deniers have made some really lame efforts to find a "second opinion".
Paul RassinierWikipedia's W.svg (1906–67) — a French journalist, called "the father of Holocaust revisionism." Rassinier participated in the French Resistance and was therefore imprisoned at Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora. He claimed that the Nazi government had no plan for extermination of Jews and that the death toll was not more than roughly a million.[note 6]
Richard Baer
Richard BaerWikipedia's W.svg (1911–1963) — the commander of Auschwitz I. After the war, he lived undercover in Hamburg, until he was seized in 1960 following the arrest of Adolf Eichmann. He refused to testify and died in detention in 1963. Deniers might claim that the government killed Baer behind locked doors because his refusal to testify against Eichmann.[65] This is, of course, a hypothesis without support and does not in any way qualify Baer as a dissenting witness. If Baer had something to tell the world, why didn't he make use of his 15 years as a fugitive?
Red Cross reports: The Red Cross famously visited Theresienstadt in the present-day Czech Republic, and reported relatively good conditions among the inmates. After the war, they could show that the Nazis had deceived the observers.[66] Among the false evidence given to the Red Cross was the Nazi-staged propaganda film Theresienstadt: Ein Dokumentarfilm aus dem jüdischen Siedlungsgebiet (Terezin: A Documentary Film from the Jewish Settlement Area), also known as Der Führer Schenkt Den Juden Eine Stadt (The Führer Gives the Jews a City), supposedly showing the humane environment the Jews lived in.[67][68]

Allies' knowledge during the war

On December 17, 1942, British Foreign Minister Anthony Eden read the Joint Declaration by Members of the United NationsWikipedia's W.svg on behalf of the Allies, where he condemned the ongoing mass murder of Jews.

Swedish journalists: Valentin and Fredborg

Arvid Fredborg in 1959
Swedish journalist and historian Hugo ValentinWikipedia's W.svg (1888–1963) wrote in newspaper Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning (GHT) during 1942, about an ongoing extermination of Jews. In October, he wrote that at least 700,000 Jews had been murdered in Poland. Many other Swedish newspapers quoted Valentin's articles.
Though neutral, the Swedish government was under pressure from Nazi Germany, at least until 1943. On behalf of Germany, the Swedish government censored anti-German propaganda and obstructed GHT at several occasions.
Arvid Fredborg (1915–1996)[69] was a Swedish correspondent in Berlin from 1941 and 1943. His 1943 book Behind the Steel Wall estimates that 2 million Jews and 1 million Poles had been executed.[70]

Death toll and census data

As mentioned before, Holocaust deniers claim that the Jewish death toll in the Holocaust is significantly less than the 5.7 million claimed by current scholarship. The exact number claimed varies — the IHR claims 300,000, while David Irving has raised his claim to 4 million, though he may have raised it to avoid a harsh prison sentence when on trial in Austria.[71]
According to censuses, there were about six million more Jews in Europe in early 1942 (as the Holocaust began) than there were at the German surrender in 1945. The Wannsee Protocol from 1942 said that there were 11 million Jews in Europe, of which roughly 6 million were living in German-controlled territories (as the Third Reich was at its peak by 1942).[72] Where did they go?
Revisionists, such as the IHR, have claimed that the Jewish population within the Nazi-occupied area was just 4 to 6 million. This contradicts the Wannsee Protocol, as well as other demographics.[73]

World Almanac gambit

Some deniers, such as the IHR, refer to World Almanac statistics which claim that there was no decline in the global number of Jews during the war. However, the Almanac data for Jews until 1948 were old estimates. The fresh estimate for 1948 shows a decline of 4.4 million. Updated estimates for 1949 show a total decline of 5.3 million.[74]

Where did the Jews go?

Holocaust deniers claim that millions of Jews in the Nazi camps in Poland either were "deported to the east" or had survived captivity.[75] In the end, they would have moved to foreign countries, with Palestine (including the areas that would form Israel), the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union mentioned. Some of them might have disguised as non-Jews. Several thousand Jews did indeed escape Axis territory during the war (such as 7,800 Danish Jews who fled to Sweden), but these are not included in scholarship's death toll.
The Korherr report provides statistics on Jewish emigration from Axis territories from 1933 until 1943, differing from "evacuation" (transport to Nazi camps in Poland). As much of this emigration took place before the war, the numbers are insufficient to explain the disappearance of the 11 million Jews mentioned in the 1942 Wannsee Protocol.
Israel had no more than 590,000 inhabitants at its foundation in 1947, including non-Jews (Arabs, Druze etc.), Jews who arrived before 1939, and Jewish immigrants from non-Axis territories. The Jewish immigration to the United States around World War II was in a lesser order of magnitude.[76] The United States upheld a harsh immigration policy throughout the war, preventing Jewish refugees from arriving.[77] Soviet censuses are more uncertain, but could hardly hide millions of immigrants. Also, deniers have yet to suggest a Jewish migration path from the Nazi camps in Poland, across the Eastern Front (one of the deadliest fronts in history) into the Soviet Union.
Scholars are aware that a large number of Jews (together with some civilian non-Jews) from the western Soviet Union did migrate eastwards before the German troops invaded the land and started rounding up Jews and opponents. However, this does not help revisionists explain what happened to Jews outside of the Soviet Union.
There is a $4,000 reward for anyone who can provide names of Jews who were transited from death camps in Poland to the Soviet Union.[78]

Not quite six million Jews

According to current scholarship, around 5,700,000 Jews were killed in the Holocaust.[79][80][81] Revisionists may point out that this number is less than six million — either claiming a revisionist success, or criticizing the well-known number of six million killed Jews. However, 6 million is a correct approximation of 5.7 million. (This is comparable to a YEC complaining that scientists say the universe is 13.7 billion years old, not 14 billion years old.)

Discrepancies in per-camp death toll estimates

Western historians have different estimates for the exact death toll for each individual camp. Deniers might claim that this makes established history self-contradicting, which is untrue given that the commonly cited figures are derived primarily from demographical evidence (specifically pre-war and post-war population comparisons) and not from a sum of all of the individual camps.[82]

The Auschwitz gambit

Similarly, some Holocaust deniers have claimed that "revisionist" research has corrected the official death toll of Auschwitz from 4 million to 1.1 million. The number of 4 million originated with the first Soviet publications about the Holocaust. It has been used by the Auschwitz museum until the 1980s, in then-communist Poland, which exaggerated enemy atrocities for propaganda purposes. Western scholars have never claimed that 4 million people died at Auschwitz.[83] Compare this with the controversy on the bombing of Dresden.

Alexander Scronn

According to the 1965 book General Psychologus by pseudonym Alexander Scronn,[84] the Red Cross estimated the death toll to be 230,000 to 270,000. This figure has never been verified. Further, in 1975 Red Cross delegate Françoise Perret attested that the organization never published information of the sort and that a similar claim made by Richard Verrall, attributing a figure of 300,000 victims to official Red Cross documents, was a fraud.[85]
The document in question is from the International Tracing Service, an organization created during the war to track missing persons. The 300,000 number specifically (per the ITS itself) does not include the vast majority of those murdered in the camps, but rather those for whom the ITS was able to issue a death certificate at the request of family members.[86] The ITS has never compiled a count of all those who died in the camps.

Physical evidence

Either these shoes were from the Holocaust victims or the Nazis were some serious foot fetishists. Take your pick.
The preserved camps contain plenty of physical evidence for mass murder: remnants of human bodies (piles of ashes, bones, hair, etc.), belongings (clothes, prosthetics, bags, etc.) and equipment (gas chambers, etc.). Some of this material has undergone forensic examination.
The Red Army managed to recover 300,000 pairs of prisoners' shoes from Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek.[87] 20,000 pairs were predicted to be collected each day, around the rate of gassings at Auschwitz II.[88]

Denial tactics

Experienced Holocaust deniers might bring up technical details, such as the chemical properties of Zyklon B, the size of cremation ovens, or soap recipes.
A novice skeptic might be deceived that all these details are true and that they support the denier's arguments. Look closer and you'll see easily that they don't.
Among the public, there is some confusion about what happened, and what did not happen, during the Holocaust. Even academics argue about some details. Holocaust deniers try to use these spots of uncertainty to disprove the whole event.

Gas chamber denial

In the eastern camps, gas chambers were the primary murder weapon. As said before, denial of gassing is a cornerstone of Holocaust denial, and deniers have many claims to disprove the use of gas chambers. They might claim:
  • Lack of Nazi documents on gas chambers (see above)
  • Lack of testimonies about gassing (see above)
  • That gas chambers were only used for delousing (see below)
  • Lack of forensic examinations supporting the use of gas chambers (see below)
  • Hydrogen cyanide (in the form of Zyklon B) being useless for extermination (see below)
  • Hydrogen cyanide being dangerously explosive (see below)
  • The lack of Prussian Blue on gas chamber walls
  • Gas chambers being difficult to ventilate (see below)
  • Gas chambers were not useful for execution at all (contradicted by use in the United States)

Zyklon B

Leftover Zyklon B with cans (note skull and crossbones).
Zyklon B was the trademark paper or cardboard pellets impregnated with hydrogen cyanide (HCN), which easily vaporizes at normal temperature.
As deniers point out, Zyklon B was purposed as a delousing agent[89]. While it was indeed produced and marketed as an insecticide and rodenticide, that makes it no less harmful for humans. The cans were clearly marked as containing highly toxic substances. Zyklon B is about as unfit to kill humans as a machete, an axe or a carpet knife, none of which are produced or marketed for their killing ability. Just like any tool or substance, it can be abused to kill.
The concrete in a gas chamber at the extermination camp at Majdanek that the Nazis did not successfully destroy shows evidence of the use of cyanide through a strong blue coloring of a door from a reaction between iron and cyanide fumes.[90]
HCN is explosive in large concentrations, and deniers might say that this contradicts testimonies that guard smoked cigarettes in gas chambers between gassings. However, 300 parts per million of HCN in air kills a human within minutes, but the minimal concentration for an explosion is 56,000 ppm. These figures are even supported by Nazi documents.[91]

Forensic examinations on gas chambers, crematoria etc.

Gas chamber showing Prussian blue staining
Some gas chambers remain (Majdanek), some have been rebuilt (Auschwitz) and others were destroyed (Treblinka, Sobibór).
Holocaust deniers might claim that there is no forensic proof of gassings. During R v. Zündel in 1985, Raul Hilberg, well-renowned Holocaust scholar, and author of The Destruction of the European Jews, was unable to mention any scientific report proving gassings. Though Hilberg mentioned that there were plenty of Nazi documents describing the Holocaust, this apparent absence of scientific proof has caught some revisionists' attention.[92]
However, since the trial, at least two scientific reports on the gas chambers have been published:
  • Jean-Claude PressacWikipedia's W.svg (1944–2003) — a French pharmacist who used to be a Holocaust denier, who in 1979 undertook a forensic examination of the Auschwitz gas chambers. The result? He was shocked by the overwhelming evidence. In 1989 he published a book that confirmed the established view that the gas chambers were functional, killing between 631,000 and 711,000 prisoners.[93]
  • Deborah Lipstadt'sWikipedia's W.svg book Denying the Holocaust[94] won the UK libel case Irving v. Penguin Books and Lipstadt. The case contained forensic examination for the use of gas chambers.
One of the usual such claims involves the reconstructed gas chambers built by the Polish government after the Second World War at Auschwitz as a memorial to the victims. The Nazis destroyed the original gas chambers where mass murders were committed, and the simulated gas chambers at Auschwitz have never had Zyklon-B deployed in them. Holocaust deniers frequently exploit such confusion. At Majdanek, which the Nazis did not successfully destroy, evidence of the use of Zyklon-B appears in the bluing of the concrete. Hydrogen cyanide reacts with iron compounds to form the pigment Prussian blue, a strong and very stable dye.

The Leuchter Report

Holocaust denialists often point to the Armleuchter[note 7] Leuchter Report as 'evidence' that the gas chambers were not gas chambers.[95] The Leuchter report found that significantly fewer cyanide traces were found in the gas chambers than in the delousing chambers, and concluded that this somehow proves that the gas chambers never contained HCN. This conclusion is based on incorrect assumptions about the concentrations of HCN needed to kill lice and to kill humans. In delousing clothes, concentrations of up to 16,000 ppm are sometimes used, and exposure time can be up to 72 hours; while 300 ppm will kill people in 15 minutes or so. Not only were the concentrations themselves higher, but the length of contact was much greater. Thus, the walls of the delousing facility should have a much greater concentration of detectable cyanide today, which is what the original Leuchter report and the Polish report both confirm.[96] The main problem with Leuchter's original report is a flaw in the major premise: that cyanide traces should be found in the homicidal gas chambers at a comparable rate as found in the delousing chambers. This is completely backward to reality, and it plays on a misunderstanding that people have about HCN. The average person would believe that it would take as much, if not more, HCN to kill a person than to kill a louse or flea. However, this is not the case. In fact, a much lower concentration of HCN is needed to kill any warm-blooded animal as opposed to cold-blooded. The team found significant HCN residue in delousing facility samples, while next to none in alleged "gas chamber" samples. If the gas chambers were used for something other than murder, no—as in zero—cyanide should have been found there. Not even the smallest trace amount. The fact that Leuchter did find trace amounts of cyanide in the gas chamber walls confirms, contrary to the Leuchter report's conclusions, that they were, in fact, gas chambers.
Much of Leuchter's claims are refuted in Errol Morris' 1999 documentary Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.[97]

"Hitler didn't gas 6 million Jews!"

According to scholarship, the Axis powers killed millions of Jews through methods other than gassing[30] such as 800,000[98] in Ghettos, or the 500,000[99]-1,300,000[100] in mass shootings by death squads. These events are less known to the public than the Nazi camps in Poland, and they are still subject to research.[101]
Deniers might point out that many laymen falsely claim that six million Jews were gassed, but that has never been claimed by scholars. Though the Jewish death toll of gas chambers is far below the total six million, it still does not contradict the mass gassings.

Corpse disposal and cremation

Deniers might have objections against the capacity of corpse disposal and cremation. This is, by part, a consequence of miscalculation. Considering Auschwitz-Birkenau, the first crematory ovens were indeed overburdened, and additional ovens were constructed. The officers had to resort to burning corpses in pits.[102][103]
Another objection deniers have put forth is that the amount of fuel necessary to cremate that many bodies would have been impractical. In 2000, David Irving sued an author in British high court for libel, for calling him a "Hitler partisan" who manipulated the historical record to deny the reality of the Holocaust. At the widely publicized trial, Irving (his own attorney) claimed that it would take mountains of coal to burn all the bodies. An expert witness for the defense countered by showing German patents, issued before the war, for a mass crematorium that could be run almost entirely off the body fat of the corpses disposed in it.
One common objection revisionists hold, is due in part to two facets of the crematoria which were found in Auschwitz. The first of these facets is the curious structure of the crematorium smokestack. They will often argue that it is fake because it is not directly connected to the ovens by any visible means. However, historical data from Topf and Sons (makers of the crematoria) proves that the design used in Auschwitz (and other camps) was one where the exhaust gasses from the retorts were fed down through the floor and outside to a free-standing chimney.
The second objection in regards to the ovens themselves is more arguing semantics. They often note that the designs used in the camps, in particular, Auschwitz, were not crematoriums as might be defined by modern standards; but instead were based off of a large-scale hospital incinerator design which Topf and Sons created prior to the war for industrial uses. In this, they are marginally correct that the crematoriums are in truth incinerators, but this does not remove from the discussion that the use of either would have the same results. Historians note that it is easier, both in explaining what Germany was doing during the Holocaust, as well as teaching younger people, to simply call the ovens crematoriums, as stating anything else would only confuse people.

Ash disposal

Deniers ask what happened to the ashes of the cremated corpses; the volume corresponds to a full shoebox for each body. The officers at Auschwitz and other camps had many opportunities to dump it — in rivers, on farm fields and in marshes, so ash disposal was not a problem. Much of it rained from the smokestacks. It was also used to grit icy road and paths around Auschwitz II (Birkenau), recalled Yehuda Bacon at the 1961 Adolf Eichmann trial, who had been 14 years old when he was sent to Auschwitz in December 1943.[104] In fact there are huge pits filled with something near Treblinka and Belzec that have been excavated only by a Polish archeologist and in 1997. These are the smoking gun that can't be faked yet there is no interest in them. This is very odd.

"Auschwitz chimney not connected to anything"

From a holocaust denier.[105]
Of all the arguments against the Holocaust, this is the worst. One of the crematoria at Auschwitz features a smokestack which doesn't appear attached to the furnaces themselves and thus appears fake. Problem is, the plans for the crematoria show that the crematoria in question used an under floor system to remove smoke and fumes, and featured a "free standing" chimney, which was connected underground to the furnaces.[106][107][108][109][110]

Camp questions

Detention in Deutschland, death in Poland

Old Germany, within the borders of the Weimar Republic and annexed Austria, contained several detention camps (Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Mauthausen, etc.) set up before the war. Dachau was the first, set up in 1933 for political prisoners. Though some gassings and other executions took place there, for correctional and experimental purposes, they were not built for mass murder. Later, the Nazis built extermination camps; "camp" is, however, a misnomer, as the only residents were the guards, and prisoners were usually killed on arrival.
Most extermination camps were built in the territory that used to be Poland; Auschwitz and Chelmno were located in Ostgebiete (provinces which had been transferred from Germany to Poland in 1918, and re-annexed into Germany in 1939) or the eastern General Government (Treblinka, Sobibór, Majdanek, Bełżec), in essence, a colony run by a German military junta, planned to be annexed and settled by Germany. For the occupation, the Nazis abolished the name Poland. In this article, the camps in present-day Poland are described as "Nazi camps in Poland" to emphasize this difference, and avoid the presupposition that many of these were extermination camps. Some camps were also set up in Czechoslovakia and conquered parts of the Soviet Union.
It should be noted that none of the best-known camps were extermination camps. This is because the well-known camps are the ones that people survived. The name Auschwitz is more known than Birkenau (or Auschwitz II); the extermination department of the Auschwitz complex. Also, many parts of the Warsaw Pact (due to their own problems with collaboration and anti-Semitism) tried to erase the history of these extermination camps. However, this does not in any way disprove the existence of real extermination camps, such as Treblinka, Bełżec, and Sobibór.

Camp amenities: Auschwitz swimming pool, orchestras

Auschwitz I swimming pool in 2006
Auschwitz I, a detention area within the enormous Auschwitz complex, contained a firefighting water reservoir, later rebuilt into a swimming pool. Revisionists might insinuate that the presence of a swimming pool is a sign of good living conditions for the prisoners. However, the pool, as most other recreational facilities, were restricted to guards, kapos, and privileged prisoners. The vast majority of the prisoners arriving at Birkenau (Auschwitz II) never got close to the swimming pool.[111]
Other Holocaust deniers have presented survivor testimonies about orchestras, theatres, and cinemas in Auschwitz and other camps.[112] Just like the swimming pool, these amenities were a privilege for few prisoners.[111] It is hard to argue that privileges granted to inmate collaborators disprove the existence of the Holocaust (or the prisons themselves)!

"Why didn't the Jews fight back?"

Holocaust deniers and other laymen might raise confusion about the claim that the Jews did not fight back when sent to certain death.
In fact, there were Jewish revolts with approximately 100 resistance groups in various ghettos. The most famous ghetto uprising was the Warsaw ghetto uprising where many Jews of that city decided to die fighting rather than be sent to the death camps. The camps in Sobibór and Treblinka both had uprisings that resulted in hundreds killed. Others escaped from Kruszyna, Minsk-Mazowiecki, and Janowska where they joined partisan units which fought against the Nazis. Even in Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Jews resisted but were, ultimately, all executed.[113][114]

Nuremberg Trials and subsequent trials

Nuremberg Trials. Defendants in their dock, circa 1945-1946
See the main article on this topic: Nuremberg trials
The Nuremberg trials and their subsequent followups represent a popular piece of evidence in support of the Holocaust. However, even if the trials had never taken place, the facts of the Holocaust would still remain. These claims do not disprove the Holocaust. On the contrary, the trials unearthed massive evidence for it.

"We knew nothing"

When the facts of the Holocaust were presented to the defendants of the Nuremberg Trials, as well as other German and Axis citizens, many of them replied "davon haben wir nichts gewusst", translated to "about that, we knew nothing". This statement might be read as if the common man was ignorant of the Holocaust until 1945. Holocaust deniers might exploit this perceived ignorance, to argue that evidence and testimonies have been fabricated.
The phrase davon haben wir nichts gewusst implies that the speaker knew that something was going on (davon is roughly translated "about that"),[115] so the translation We knew nothing is incomplete.
In fact, the extermination campaign was known outside Germany as early as 1942. Whether the common man did believe the news or did bother about it, is another question.

Tortured testimony

Many thousands of German officers and guards were stationed at the camps in Poland and were suspected of carrying out or ordering the Holocaust (e.g., Franz Suchomel, Hans Stark). Many were sent to trial, and some of them confessed or testified about mass murder.
Holocaust deniers claim that these testimonies were given out of torture. In truth, many Nazis were mistreated during the Allied occupation. But several German veterans testified about mass murder decades after the occupation.[116]
Moreover, Holocaust deniers might claim that the Nuremberg trials coerced the defendants to make false statements about what happened to the Jews. This is contradicted by the fact that most defendants who were found guilty for detention and extermination (Kaltenbrunner, Frank, Jodl, etc.) were hanged, while the defendants not involved with the Jews (Dönitz, von Papen, Hess, etc.) got away with prison, or acquittal.

Unfair trials

Holocaust deniers might claim that the Nuremberg trials were unfair. These claims do not disprove the Holocaust even if the trials were unfair. The purpose of a trial is to evaluate the defendants' guilt, not to decide whether the crime has happened.
One complaint is that the judges were recruited from Allied countries, enemies of Nazi Germany — and that the defendants could not expect a fair trial from their erstwhile enemies, and should be tried by peers from their own countries. This request is absurd — if a defendant could refuse a judge belonging to an enemy country, no one who committed a crime abroad or on international territory, or espionage or terrorism against a government, could ever be brought to justice. There is another good reason why the judges were not German — the German Reich had ceased to exist in May, 1945, and could therefore not provide any certified judges. West and East Germany were not founded until 1949. And if there are reasons for Allied judges to be biased against the defendants, the argument could be used that German judges would be biased for them. Moreover, West German courts (with German judges) have held subsequent trials, such as the Frankfurt trials.
Another complaint is that the the war crime trials were deliberately set up so that only war crimes commited by the Axis powers but were not commited by the Allied powers were considered worthy of trial and conviction.[117] Freda Utley states:[118]
Few Americans at home may be aware of it, but their representatives at Nuremberg have expressly stated that the victors are not bound by the same laws as the vanquished. When the German defense counsel argued that if it was a crime against international law for the Germans in occupied Poland and Russia to confiscate private property, use civilians and prisoners of war as forced laborers, and starve the people in the occupied territories, then why is it not also a crime for American, British, French or Russian Military Government to do the same thing, they were told: "The Allied Powers are not subject to the limitations of the Hague Convention and rules of land warfare."
An example of this is Karl Dönitz,Wikipedia's W.svg who was found not guilty after demonstrating that the Allied force committed the same war crime he did:
"In view of all the facts proved and in particular of an order of the British Admiralty announced on the 8th May, 1940, according to which all vessels should be sunk at sight in the Skagerrak, and the answers to interrogatories by Admiral Nimitz stating that unrestricted submarine warfare was carried on in the Pacific Ocean by the United States from the first day that nation entered the war, the sentence of Doenitz is not assessed on the ground of his breaches of the international law of submarine warfare."[119]
This inevitably means that it isn't that German war criminals were somehow not war criminals, but rather that many of them such were found not guilty. Thus, the unfairness of the trial does not serve to defend war criminals of Nazi Germany, but rather to show how many of them were not deemed guilty by the Tribunal despite them having committed atrocities, simply because the Allied force did the same. So this objection to the trial as a defense for Holocaust denial ends up being self-refuting for it only shows how many Nazi war criminals got away with their crimes, rather than demonstrating otherwise.

Subsequent trials

The Primary Nuremberg Trials were held in 1946 against 24 top-ranked German officers, politicians, and industrialists.
In the subsequent Nuremberg trials, from 1946 to 1949, the United States held trials against low- and medium-rank German officers, bureaucrats and industrialists. There was indeed some political pressure on the courts. However, the American military wanted the judges to be softer on the defendants, because the Cold War had begun, and the United States needed the Germans on their side against the Soviet Union. This dilemma (which is described by the feature film Judgment in Nuremberg), contradicts the Holocaust deniers' story.
The Einsatzgruppen trialWikipedia's W.svg was the 9th of the 12 subsequent trials. There were 24 SS officers, known as Einsatzkommandos, who were tried. The Einsatzkommandos were ordered to operate behind the front lines in Eastern Europe with their units and to murder partisans, Roma, disabled persons, political leaders, Slavs, and others. The Einsatzkommandos' own documents were used as evidence in the trials, documents which showed that their units murdered more than 1 million people between 1941-1943.[120][121]
Accused Germans, Auschwitz Trial Kraków, November 24-26, 1947
The Auschwitz Trials were held in Kraków in 1947, by Polish authorities, against SS members involved in the Holocaust. Though Poland was a dictatorship and a satellite state of the Soviet Union at the time and there are reasonable complaints about the rule of law, Holocaust deniers tend not to have objections about this trial, partly because it is largely unknown in the West.
The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials (also known as the "second Auschwitz trials") took place from 1963 to 1965. Judges and defending lawyers were appointed by the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). Some defendants were imprisoned for life, some were sent to time-limited sentences, and others were acquitted. The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials were largely open to the public.
The last Holocaust trials, probably definitely, were held in the 2010s, with prosecutors and judges working for the reunited Federal Republic of Germany.
Not once during any of these trials going on for more than 60 years has any of the defendants (or their lawyers) used a complete denial defense: a statement that the alleged crime did not happen at all. In contrast, the mostly used defense strategy has been the superior orders defense, which is technically an admission, or a confession. The "superior orders strategy" is so strongly associated with these trials that it is now called the Nuremberg defense.

Soap and lampshades: Holocaust-related myths prove that the Holocaust is a myth, right?

The Holocaust gave birth to many rumors about atrocities. Some of these turned out to be true while others were false. Examples include allegations that the Nazis manufactured soap and lampshades out of their victims' remains on an industrial scale. The fact that these allegations have been disproved is supposed to imply that revisionists have been successful changing the minds of historians and that the main facts of the Holocaust are also in question. However, it has no relevance to the big picture of the Holocaust, just as misconceptions of science by the media or the public have no relevance to the validity of the science being misconceived, usually biology (evolution, natch), astronomy, or physics.
Professor Spanner from the Danzig Anatomical Institute freely confessed (not even in a court) that he used the fat of the corpses that underwent the process of maceration to make human soap (which, he claimed, was used to make joint preparations flexible, while some others claimed it was also used to clean up the lab)[122]. However, according to The Nizkor Project (an Internet project documenting and refuting Holocaust denial),[123] serious historians of the Holocaust never believed the Nazis mass-produced soap from the corpses of Jews, so it was never a case of historians changing their minds to begin with.[124]
In any event, soap is manufactured from fats, and the emaciated victims of the Holocaust and the mistreatment of Soviet POWs (other 'candidates' for such treatment due to sheer numbers and the frequency with which they were murdered) would rarely have had the sufficient fats for processing into soap. Nazi Germany had copious sources of fats from livestock butchered for meat.
There is a credible testimony from Buchenwald that at least 1 human lampshade was made (this was testified to by the inmate who made it himself on the orders from above), although the popular rumors of mass production or Ilse Koch's participation are unproven. [125]

Revisionist tactics

Revisionists do not deny the deportation of Jews from all of Europe and the detention in camps in Poland (which was semi-annexed by Greater Germany and abolished in name). They have several explanation models to motivate the Nazi deportation of Jews. None of them are bulletproof.

Deportation to Madagascar

Auschwitz, Sobibor, and other international concentration camps were located in Greater Germany. So — if the Nazis intend to expel the Jews out of Greater Germany, why did they take the effort to ship Jews into Greater Germany from distant occupied countries such as Norway, France and Greece (which were ruled by puppet governments and were not going to be annexed)? In other words: if the policy was to get Jews out, why bring them in?
The Nazis used several euphemisms for killing; one was "deportation", according to the Nazi policy to cleanse Germany from Jews. The Nazis indeed had ideas of a Jewish homeland in Madagascar. Madagascar was under Vichy French control (but practically isolated from Germany) until 1942, when it was occupied by the Allies.

Forced labor

Some revisionists claim that Jews were rounded up for forced labor. This does not explain why small children and elderly people were deported, separated from their families. Since Poles and other Slavic peoples were used for forced labor, abducting more of these people would have been more economical than transporting Jews from distant occupied countries, such as Norway, France, and Greece.

Security risks

Some revisionists, such as the IHR,[126] claim that the internment of Jews was motivated since they posed a security risk. However, while most Jews were deported to Poland, Nazis did not routinely deport resistance fighters or non-Jewish civilians from occupied nations. In any case, this explanation is no good for the deportation of children as young as five, and old people in their eighties.

Slaughter of millions vs genocide

See the main article on this topic: Not as bad as
Some Holocaust deniers use this fact in the reasoning "the Jews were not exterminated, therefore, it was not a real genocide." The simplest response is that the UN's definition of genocide does not require the successful implementation of a plan.[127] Why? Because killing every single member of a given race is nearly impossible. Some people can pass as other races, like many Jews did. Some members of every race will be dispersed all over the world. Some would hide, bunkered, for decades. There wouldn't be a single successful genocide in human history if perfection was required — and this would make the word "genocide" meaningless.
Moreover, even if the Holocaust wasn't a genocide, it was still an atrocious loss of human life that deserves condemnation.

Red herrings tactics

See the main article on this topic: Red herrings in Holocaust denial
Holocaust deniers might use red herrings, arguments without relevance to the reality of the Holocaust. Here is a brief description of red herrings in Holocaust denial:

Laws against Holocaust denial

See the main article on this topic: List of countries where Holocaust denial is legal
If it's against the law, it must be right! In countries in red, Holocaust denial is prohibited by law, as of February 2016.
Denial of crimes against humanity is outlawed in thirteen European countries and Israel. In the Netherlands, courts have ruled that genocide denial is hate speech, and therefore implicitly illegal. While these laws are an affront to free speech and a terrifying precedent, deniers who claim that these laws are part of the conspiracy ignore that:
  • These laws are much younger than Holocaust denial itself. Most of them were made in the late 1980s or 1990s, as a counter-measure against the rise of white supremacism in a European generation which had no experience of the war. During most of post-war history — more than 40 years — Holocaust denial has been legal in all countries of the world. It was only in 1990 that the French government enacted the Gayssot Law, which declares questioning the scale or existence of any crimes against humanity a crime. This was the first European statute explicitly outlawing denial of the Holocaust.
  • Most of these laws outlaw denial of all crimes against humanity, not limited to the ones committed by the Axis of World War II, but also explicitly (as in Poland, Slovakia, or the Czech Republic) or implicitly including crimes by Communist regimes, and other crimes often emphasized by Holocaust deniers. Only in Romania is the law limited to Holocaust denial. The Israeli law is the only one of these laws actually mentioning Jews.
  • Currently, there are 179 countries, and several autonomous territories, without any law or judicial precedent against Holocaust denial. This list includes all of North and South America, Africa, Oceania, Asia (except Israel; as if any Holocaust denier would want to go there in the first place) and 37 of the 50 countries in Europe. On July 8 1986, the Israeli parliament passed a law criminalizing denial of the Holocaust. In 2007, The European Union approved legislation that makes Holocaust denial a crime punishable by jail time.[128] The laws against Holocaust denial do not even cover the areas affected by the Holocaust; genocide denial is legal in the former Yugoslav states, Greece and several other countries where the Nazis abducted Jews during the war.
  • The number of countries banning genocide denial has been largely constant since the 1990s. Spain repealed their law against genocide denial in 2007. Parliaments in United Kingdom and Sweden have rejected proposals for such laws. The European Parliament has also rejected a directive to criminalize genocide denial. Canada's Supreme Court sentenced James KeegstraWikipedia's W.svg (1934–2014) in R. v. Keegstra in 1990 for hate speech not limited to Holocaust denial, but in R. v. Zundel in 1992 they acquitted Zündel and declared Holocaust denial to be protected by the Canadian Constitution. The only recent law against genocide denial was made in Hungary in 2010. Previously, the trivialization of the Holocaust was illegal. The new law prohibits "denial of genocide committed by Communist or Nazi system," with no special mentioning of the Holocaust or Jews.[129]
  • Deniers may claim that these laws are a product of Jewish influence. In that case, why is Holocaust denial legal in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Russia, which have significant Jewish populations, but is illegal in Poland, Romania and Lithuania, where hardly any Jews live today (and why do so few Jews live there)?[note 8]

Holocaust compared to other atrocities

See the main article on this topic: List of atrocities cited by Holocaust deniers
The Holocaust is not the largest mass murder in history.[130] Deniers might, in a ruse of whataboutism, compare British and American atrocities (bombing of Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki etc.) to Nazi atrocities, but the millions of Axis civilian victims are still an order of magnitude more than the civilians killed by the Western allies.
  • Holocaust deniers might claim that the Allied bombing of Dresden killed around 250,000 people, though the death toll was only 20,000-25,000 people—lower in fact than the death toll of the bombing of Hamburg in 1943.
  • The Allied bombings and detentions were never censored or denied.
  • Revisionists might point out that Allied leaders were never tried or sentenced for war crimes. However, no defendant in Nuremberg was tried or sentenced only for war crimes.
  • Though Japanese-American prison camps were shameful, this is a completely different case from the Holocaust because Japanese American prisoners did not suffer mass extermination, starvation, epidemics or forced labor, nor were they stripped of their citizenship.
  • The IHR compares the Nazis' Nuremberg Laws to the Jim Crow laws or other segregation laws in some states of the USA at the same time. This has no relevance, and the Nazis were much, much worse. Jews were stripped of their citizenship, and violation usually led to a death sentence.
  • Just as in the case of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union invaded neutral countries, used forced labor and murdered civilians. But that does not disprove the Holocaust.
  • Israel's armed forces have killed some tens of thousands of people since 1948. This number is dwarfed by the Holocaust's death toll. The IHR also compares the Nuremberg Laws to present-day laws of Israel. Most of these claims are lies, and they are all irrelevant.
  • Based on the aftermath of these and other atrocities (the Armenian genocide, Rwandan genocide, etc.) Holocaust deniers might claim that the Holocaust gets too much attention. Holocaust deniers are welcome to commemorate these other atrocities, and be attentive to deniers.

What about white genocide?

See the main article on this topic: White genocide
Many holocaust deniers are also believers in the idea of an ongoing modern white genocide. Some Holocaust deniers will raise the question "What about the ongoing white genocide through immigration? If the Holocaust was so bad, why don't you fight against white genocide?"[131] However, this is just a red herring and a distraction tactic. The existence (or not) of the Holocaust is independent of the existence (or not) of modern white genocide. This tactic is an attempt to DARV those who believe in the Holocaust and put them on the defensive.

Claimed bias against Holocaust denial

Holocaust deniers might claim that governments and (Jewish) mass media use the Holocaust as propaganda, and oppress "revisionist" views. First, this is irrelevant. Second, the Holocaust deniers also have had their endorsements. Iran held a conference dedicated to Holocaust denial, and deniers have spread their word in many countries through books, radio, and the Internet.

The Jewish agenda

See the main articles on this topic: Holocaust profit controversy and Holocaust envy
White guilt as just another tool in Jewish control.
Onward, Jewish soldiers! (No, this war did not happen.)
Holocaust deniers might claim that the global Jewish community "declared war" on Germany in 1933, according to a headline in the London Daily Express on March 24, 1933, saying "Judea Declares War on Germany," describing a proposed Jewish boycott of German goods. That was not a literal war.
Holocaust deniers might assert the existence of a "Holocaust industry", claiming that the Holocaust was made up to "blackmail" Western governments and German corporations for economic compensation. This is irrelevant. Reparations have been paid to survivors, not to people who were killed.
Holocaust deniers might also complain about survivors' profiteering on books and lectures. This, too, is irrelevant, and many high-ranked Nazis earned royalties from books after the war — maybe the Nazi game all along was to kill a few million and make a killing in lecture fees? In all seriousness, the use of the Holocaust by any group for political capital (or gain of any sort) has no bearing whatever on its historical importance, nor should it in any way affect the general understanding of the events.

General conspiracy theory/pseudo-history components

Holocaust deniers might point out that many other people in history have falsely confessed crimes after torture or other pressure (such as witchcraft). However, the Holocaust is backed by technical evidence. Also, not a single one of the thousands of guards and officers has withdrawn their confessions, or provided a dissenting confession.
Holocaust deniers frequently repeat the cliché that victors write history. On a literal plane, this is false. Dönitz, Speer, and other high-ranked Nazis, wrote and published their memoirs. Re-telling the events of the war is a strong tradition in Germany.
Some history books might tell that Jews were deported to concentration camps, without mentioning the gas chambers or the death toll. Some do not use the term "Holocaust." However, a book is nothing more than the words of its author. If a textbook omits the Holocaust, we should go ask the author why. The most probable answer would be "lack of space."

Martin Glynn's "Holocaust" article from 1919

Martin H. Glynn,Wikipedia's W.svg former Governor of New York State, wrote an article in October 1919 to encourage American Jews to send humanitarian aid to starving European Jews in the wake of World War I and the Spanish flu.[132]
By coincidence, Glynn counted "six million" European Jews, and used the word "holocaust" (see above) to describe the threatening famine. This has led to some interesting interpretations.
Metapedia merely claims that the article was propaganda:[133]
The American Hebrew on 31 October 1919 published a propaganda article under the headline "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!" In the article, it was claimed that during the world war because of epidemics, starvation and "holocaust", six million Jews might have succumbed. Later everything turned out to be war propaganda.
Other Holocaust deniers have used this article to "prove" that the idea of staging the murder of six million Jews originated from at least 1919.[134] This idea has several issues:
  • Besides the phrases six million and holocaust, the article has nothing in common with the Holocaust which we know from World War II — although deniers might falsely claim it to mention murder, Germany or the war.
  • Deniers claim that the article originated as a speech.[134] This statement is not backed by evidence, nor does it matter.
  • Deniers still have to explain exactly what this article proves. Was the claimed plan to stage a genocide already worked out in 1919? Was the "staged" holocaust just an a posteriori carbon copy of Mr. Glynn's article?

The Holocaust denial movement

Nearly all Holocaust deniers seem to belong, or be affiliated to, any of these four groups:

Aims and techniques of deniers

This is manifested in some of the aims of Holocaust denial:
  • Making National Socialism an acceptable political alternative again, or to defend some of Hitler's anti-semitic laws as being good for society.[123]
  • Questioning the United Nations' decision to claim land for Israel in 1948, or any recognition of the state of Israel.
  • Using the story of a "staged" Holocaust as part of an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.
Holocaust deniers almost never base their agenda on an alternate hypothesis. Finding "their story" can be very difficult. The bulk of their arguments contains many miscellaneous loose statements that question the credibility of the Holocaust. This article aims to provide universal proof but mainly deals with replying to deniers' objections.

Famous deniers

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2007
Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan in 1979
Savitri Devi
David Duke in 2008
Bobby Fischer in his conspiracy phase
David Irving in 2003
Revilo P. Oliver in 1963
George Lincoln Rockwell in 1951
Bradley Smith
Richard Williamson in 1991
Ernst Zündel in 1992
Some famous Holocaust deniers described in brief. See each entry for a case study.
  • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (1956–) — Former President of Iran. Hosted a 2006 conference, the "International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust," at which the panel of speakers included among others David Duke and Robert Faurisson. Ahmadinejad is proud of his achievement: “That was a taboo topic that no one in the West allowed to be heard,” Ahmadinejad said in a speech, according to the Iranian Fars News Agency, "We put it forward at the global level. That broke the spine of the Western capitalist regime."
  • Steven Anderson (1981–) — Pastor of the Faithful World Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. Producer of the "documentary" video Marching to Zion in which he rants about the "blasphemous teachings of the Talmud and Kabbalah" and "scriptural evidence that the Jews are no longer God's chosen people."[137] According to the ADL, he "has a history of anti-Semitism through his sermons and a series of YouTube videos."[138]. On one of his videos, in which he denies the Holocaust, he openly says, "Frankly, I don't believe that the official version of the Holocaust is true, whatsoever."[139][140]
  • Harry Elmer BarnesWikipedia's W.svg (1889–1968) — Originally, a mainstream writer and historian. After World War II, a marginal crank who brought his marginalization on himself because he insisted that all accusations against Germany and Japan were fabricated wartime propaganda. Revered and frequently name-dropped by today's Holocaust denial movement but their politics are likely far from Barnes' which were more along the lines of "I didn't leave liberalism, liberalism left me."
  • David Brandt Berg ("Moses David")Wikipedia's W.svg (1919–1994) — Founder of the Children of God cult. He peppered many of his group's tracts with anti-Semitic rants[141] and occasional denials of the Holocaust, such as, "You hear all about Hitler & how he was supposed to have killed 6 million Jews! — Well, they've never been able to prove yet that he even killed 60,000!"[142]
  • Arthur ButzWikipedia's W.svg (1933–) — Professor of electrical engineering at Northwestern University; author of the 1976 book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry. Accused of getting another professor removed from the department for incorporating the Holocaust into his lecture on ethics in engineering.[143]
  • Willis Carto (1926–2015) — Founder of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) in 1979, the main Holocaust denial group in the United States. Founder of the Barnes Review, a "historical revisionist" magazine that mostly runs articles questioning the Holocaust but covers it up with other articles on serious historical topics. Previously founded the wingnutLiberty Lobby in 1955.
  • David Dees— Former Sesame Street illustrator turned conspiracy theorist. His Photoshopped creations have been heavily used by like-minded conspiracy believers, and these include a number of which include references to Holocaust revision.[144][145][146][147]
  • Francis E. Dec[148]— Disbarred lawyer[149] turned pamphleteer known for vehement and often incoherent screeds of a delusional and paranoid nature. In one of his pamphlets, dated Spring 1984, he insisted that during World War II, the Jews lived in luxury while the concentration camps were run by both the Jews and the Nazis in order to exterminate Polish and Slavic people.[150]
  • Savitri Devi, née Maximiani Portas (1905–1982) — Greek-British ethnicity, French citizenship, Hindu-convert, spy for the Nazis, imprisoned in Germany after World War II for distributing Nazi propaganda. She convinced Ernst Zündel (below) to deny the Holocaust.[151]
  • David Duke (1950–) — Neo-Nazi and former-Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, well-known and despised in the United States. Notably came disturbingly close to being elected Governor of Louisiana in 1990.
  • Robert Faurissonlink=wp:Robert Faurisson (1929–) — French writer, prosecuted for defamation in 1979 after writing letters to Le Monde claiming there were no gas chambers. The author of a 1991 booklet claiming the Diary of Anne Frank is a forgery.
  • Bobby Fischer (1943–2008) — American world chess champion. Despite his openly anti-Semitic remarks and denial of the Holocaust from the 1980s until his death, he reportedly was on good terms with Jewish chess players. Fischer's mother and possibly his biological father were Jewish.
  • Michael Hoffman (1957–) — American writer and editor of the journal Revisionist History. Claims that he is being persecuted by anti-German Jewish "racists."
  • David Irving (1938–) — A "historian and a neutral observer" who believes that the Jews asked for it.
  • Milton L. Kapner a.k.a. Brother Nathanael Kapner— Born to Jewish parents, he converted to Russian Orthodox Christianity and joined a monastery.[153] While he often wears the trappings of a monk, he no longer is one, and his actions have been denounced by the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.[154] Runs the "Brother Nathanael Foundation" (a tax-deductible 501(c)3 Non-Profit), and a website called "Real Jew News" where he has a page listing "Holocaust Hype Articles". He has also made a number of YouTube videos promoting his views.
  • Charles Wing KrafftWikipedia's W.svg (1948–) — Pop artist noted for his "disasterware" (Delft plates depicting violent disasters or fascist themes) and funerary memorial porcelain artworks crafted from human remains, who was outed as an anti-Semite and holocaust denier. On a July 28, 2012, podcast on The White Network, a site that officially hosts the program "Whites Talking To Whites About White Interests", he openly stated, "I believe the Holocaust is a myth."[155] In an e-mail to writer Jen Graves of The Stranger, regarding his thoughts on the Holocaust, he stated,
"I don't doubt that Hitler's regime killed a lot of Jews in WWII, but I don't believe they were ever frog marched into homicidal gas chambers and dispatched. I think between 700,000-1.2 million Jews died of disease, starvation, overwork, reprisals for partisan attacks, allied bombing, and natural causes during the war."[156]
  • Fred LeuchterWikipedia's W.svg (1943–) — Consultant to the lucrative capital punishment industry in the U.S. and manufacturer of electric chairs. In 1988, he was hired by Ernst Zündel to investigate whether the gas chambers in Nazi concentration camps could have been used for mass extermination. Leuchter claims he concluded they could not have been and published The Leuchter Report: An Engineering Report on the Alleged Execution Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau, and Majdanek Poland. Fred Leuchter has no scientific background to have made such a claim. He was the subject of the 1999 Errol Morris documentary Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.
  • Laurent LouisWikipedia's W.svg (1980–), a member of the Debout Les Belges! party and of the Belgian parliament. He was convicted in 2015 of Holocaust denial.[157]
  • Texe Marrs (1944–) — Christian writer and conspiracy theorist. On his website he sells his own recordings entitled The Holocaust Controversy and the Falsification of History, and Holocaust Dogma Unmasked — A Grim Global Conspiracy Mocking Reality and Capitalizing on Death is Outed by Brave Truthtellers. He also peddles Victor Thorn's book The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century’s Biggest Lie, and Brian Alois Clèrauba's book A Greater "Miracle" Than The Lost Ten Tribes Discovered...—The Dead "Six Million" Uncovered...!, as well as the anti-Semitic screeds The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and Martin Luther's On the Jews and Their Lies.
  • Eustace Mullins (1923–2010) — Anti-Semitic writer and (until his recent demise) contributing editor to Barnes Review.
  • Ahmed RamiWikipedia's W.svg (1946–) — Moroccan-Swedish writer, and founder of Radio Islam. Sentenced by a Swedish court in 1990 to six months in prison for hate speech rising from the material including, but not limited to, Holocaust denial. Has co-written a Holocaust denial book, Tabubelagda tankar (Tabooed Thoughts), with Swedish Neo-Nazi leader Björn Björkqvist.
  • Roeland RaesWikipedia's W.svg (1934–) is a Belgian politician, a former senator and vice president of the Vlaams Blok party. He was convicted of negationism under the Belgian Holocaust denial law in 2010.[158]
  • George Lincoln Rockwell (1918–1967) — US Navy veteran of both World War II and the Korean War, and one-time commercial illustrator, advertising agent, magazine publisher, and sign painter, later founder of the American Nazi Party (later known as National Socialist White People's Party), which was one of the first US organizations to promote Holocaust revisionism and denial as part of its ideology. (It splintered off into numerous groups after his 1967 murder by a purged party member.) An outspoken white supremacist and anti-Semite, he was quoted in an April 1966 interview in Playboy:
"I don't believe for one minute that any 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated by Hitler. It never happened."… "I emphatically deny that there is any valid proof that innocent Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazis. The photographs you've seen that have been passed off as pictures of dead Jews have been identified as pictures of the corpses of German civilians — mostly women and children and refugees who were killed in the one-night Allied bombing of Dresden, which slaughtered 350,000 innocent people."
  • Germar Rudolf,Wikipedia's W.svg a.k.a., Germar Scheerer (1964–) — German student who released a poorly researched report while interning at the Max Planck institute claiming that samples taken from gas chamber walls showed no more cyanide evidence than random farmhouses. He ignored the basic chemistry of cyanide by not discriminating against iron-based cyanide compounds.[159] The study was subsequently falsified, and Rudolf was fired and imprisoned. Rudolf has since gone on to other impressive feats such as denying 9/11.
  • Bradley Smith— A crank who has spent the last 25 years trying to place advertisements in newspapers calling for an "open debate" on whether the Holocaust happened. He seems to crave the controversy that results and chants the mantra of "free speech" a lot. He is especially fond of trying to place these ads in student newspapers on college campuses, which usually results in free publicity for him and his pet cause whether or not the ads are accepted for publication.
  • David Stein a.k.a. David Cole— Leader of Republican Party Animals, a Hollywood-based conservative political group. In 2013, he was exposed as being "David Cole," a Holocaust revisionist who made a splash in the media in the 1990s.[160]
  • Paul Topete— Lead vocalist of the "Patriot" rock band Poker Face. On the band's on-line forum, Topete, using the handle "Pokerkid", has made a number of anti-Semitic statements, including the following (reproduced verbatim):
"I am always amazed at how many roads lead back to one of the largest if not THEE [sic] largest scam ever played on humanity… Yes that [sic] right… the HOLOHAUX aka holocaust. 1985 and 1988 Ernst Zundel DESTROYED the Myth known as the cult of holohauzianity. In a canadien [sic] court of law, Ernst zundel took on the biggest frauds in the SHOAH Industry, and showed them to be the frauds that they were. Names like Raoul Hilberg and Vrba. And several other parasites known to infest this worldly sham. Wake up people, You are being played for fools for you LACK KNOWLEDGE."[161]
  • Hal Turner (1962–) — White supremacist, shortwave and internet talk show host, and FBI informant, now convicted felon. Quoting him directly:
"Jews love to complain about the 'Holocaust.' Let me tell you, there was no Holocaust in World War 2 — but rest assured, there most certainly IS GOING TO BE a holocaust. I look forward to participating with zeal."[162]
  • Shaun Patrick Winkler— American White Supremacist and failed Sheriff candidate for Bonner County, Idaho who attempted to build an "Aryan compound" to replace the now defunct Aryan Nations Church.[166] In an interview, he was quoted as saying, "The bad, evil, rotten Jew is behind a lot of things. We look at the media, we look at society in general. We look at even our public school systems. They paint this pretty little portrait for Jews, how they were such victims of the Holocaust or, as I like to refer to it, the ‘Holo-Hoax.’ We … deny that 6 million died."[167]
  • Francis Parker Yockey (1917–1960) — An American Hitler admirer who wrote an unreadable post-World War II tome called Imperium under the pen-name "Ulick Varange," a book which you can't make heads or tails of but vaguely has something to do with advocating European unification around a program of "total politics."
  • Ernst Zündel (1939–2017) — German writer and neo-Nazi who, through his Canadian publishing company (he lived in Canada 1958-2000) and his website, has been a prolific promoter of Holocaust denial through. Was prosecuted in Germany and sentenced to five years in prison in 2007 for violating Germany's law against inciting hatred. Released in 2010, but seems to have been relatively inactive after.

Victim blaming

See the main article on this topic: Blaming the victim
Denial is the eighth stage that always follows a genocide. It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres. The perpetrators of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies, try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims.
—Gregory H. Stanton[168]
"Blaming the victim" is a tried and true method of genocide rationalization and denial, and has been used in case after case: "The Jews" were against Germany to undermine it (by supposedly creating "Bolshevism," for instance, they had traitorously sold Germany out in World War I, or had even declared “war” against Germany).
—Sara Elise Brown and Henry C. Theriault[6]
Blaming the victim in Holocaust denial takes one of two basic type, alleging that Jews were to blame for events that led up to the Holocaust, or blaming specific Jews for collaborating with the Nazis. The former type was also used as justification for genocide by the perpetrators.[6] Both types attempt to deny victimhood, implying that the victims do not deserve reparations or justice, and that the perpetrators should not be tried for their crimes. Both types rely on stereotypes (evil Jew) and conspiracy theories (Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Rothschild family).
Examples include:
  • Mahmoud Abbas,Wikipedia's W.svg President of the Palestinian National Authority, stated that usury and banking were the reason for pogroms in Europe, leading up to the Holocaust.[169] Abbas later apologized for his statement under worldwide pressure.[169] Abbas previously disputed the number of people killed in the Holocaust in the introduction to a 1984 book.[169][170]
  • The Institute for Historical Review, which has also engaged in more overt forms of Holocaust denial, has cited the work of Lenni BrennerWikipedia's W.svg (Zionism in the Age of the Dictators[171]) regarding Zionist collaboration with Nazis,[172] and Brenner (an anti-Zionist ethnic Jew) has strongly objected to this.[173]
  • Ken Livingstone, the former mayor of London, was forced to resign from the Labour Party for his antisemitism.[174] He stated that Hitler supported Zionism because of the Haavara AgreementWikipedia's W.svg agreement, which was the only means for German Jews to legally leave Germany from 1933-1939.[175] The misinterpretation of the Haavara Agreement, which in actuality stripped German Jews of their wealth before allowing them to emigrate to Palestine, has been used by antisemites to claim that Jews collaborated en mass with the Nazis.[175]
  • William S. Lind,Wikipedia's W.svg who has denied being an overt Holocaust denier, gave a speech on cultural Marxism at a Holocaust denial conference.[176]
  • Antoni Macierewicz,Wikipedia's W.svg Polish Defense Minister since 2015 under President Andrzej Duda, has indicated that he believed that there was truth to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,[177] but he later stated that he "accepts with no doubts that the Protocols is false."[178] The Duda government also criminalized claiming that Poland could have been complicit in the Holocaust.[179]
Glenn Beck accused George Soros of collaborating with the Nazis as a teenager in Nazi-occupied Hungary, when he had been hidden with the Christian family of a government official at the ages of 13 to 14 to escape persecution.[180][181]
Others who have falsely accused Soros of collaborating with the Nazis (or of being one) include:
Reputable media sources are united in saying that the allegations about Soros's Nazi past are false.[189][185] Even the very right-wing National Review, which has called Soros a "genuinely nasty guy", has dismissed the allegations and said they are part of a wider problem many on the right have with telling the truth.[190]

Questions to ask a Holocaust denier

  • Did the Nazis exterminate Romani, gays, and political opponents?
    • If so, the gas chambers and crematories were functional, despite Holocaust deniers'"proof" that they were useless.
    • If not, these groups of people were also part of the conspiracy. How large can a conspiracy become?
  • Temporarily set aside your objections to my evidence for the Holocaust. Other comparable mass killings have about the same amount of supporting evidence. If you can deny the Holocaust, then can't you also deny other mass violence — such as [select the most applicable] the Great Leap Forward,Wikipedia's W.svg the Holodomor, or the Atlantic Slave Trade, the decimation of native populations of the Americas?
    • If one can deny the Holocaust, one of the most well-documented events in history, can one not deny practically anything and make history itself meaningless?
    • [If they are religious] Scholars agree that there is far better evidence for the Holocaust than [pivotal religious event]. Why put any faith in [event] but deny the Holocaust? Given how important [event] is to [religion], isn't there even more reason to think that historians and scholars would lie about [event] than about the Holocaust?
  • If you were a Jew, would you kill 6 million of your own just to get sympathy?
  • Nazi documents indicate that approximately 1.5 million Jews were sent during WWII to three camps in Eastern Poland: Sobibor, Belzec, and Treblinka. After these deportations, all trace of these people disappeared. If they weren't killed at these three camps, can you provide evidence for even 1% of them turning up someplace else?
  • Documents showing evidence of personal culpability of Nazi leaders and ranking subordinates were discovered in huge numbers after the defeat of Nazi Germany. Such documents included architectural plans for the camps, engineering drafts, test results, accounting ledgers, railroad timetables, payroll records, commendations, orders, deportation lists, and death counts. The victorious Allies could not have forged so many documents so quickly, and Nazis who may have claimed that their signatures on incriminating documents were forgeries did not claim that the documents themselves were forgeries. If these incriminating documents were generated by the Nazis, then why would they create such evidence that would surely lead to their imprisonment or execution as war criminals?
  • Have you seriously considered the possibility that you may, in fact, have lost your fucking marbles and you just don't know it yet?


See also

In popular culture

A critically-acclaimed 2016 theatrical film, Denial, told the story of Deborah Lipstadt's legal defense againt a libel suit brought by holocaust denier David Irving. The film was written by David Hare and Deborah Lipstadt, and directed by Mick Jackson. It was nominated in the year's BAFTA awards as outstanding British film, but lost to I, Daniel Blake.

External links

Holocaust-accepting sources:
Holocaust-denying sources:


  1. There is a reasonable case against making all genocide denial a crime. The Holocaust is well researched and it can easily be argued that deniers are either wilfully ignorant or liars. Other genocides are less well known, i.e. it is much more difficult for historians to estimate the death toll in the massacres of Native Americans, as Native Americans left no record of births and deaths or of causes of death. What proportion of deaths were intentional killings and what proportions were the results of infectious diseases introduced unintentionally? When denying or trivializing a case of genocide is a criminal offense, people who want to keep within the law become reluctant to discuss it, and this can hinder an impartial analysis.


  • The word "genocide" was coined in 1944 by Raphäel Lemkin with regard to Axis activity in occupied Europe.[3][4] The formal definition was proposed at the United Nations in 1946 and adopted in 1948.[4]

  • There are very few people who think the Holocaust was a Zionist fake and that it didn't happen and that it was a good thing. We hope.

  • The wording has changed, but this one is the most concise.

  • Translated in the King James Bible as "burnt offering". The difference between a holocaust sacrifice and other sacrifices in Greek religion or Temple Judaism was that the sacrificed animal was entirely burnt, rather than simply slaughtered with most of the animal used for food.

  • Franz Suchomel,Wikipedia's W.svg SS Unterscharführer at Treblinka, after his conviction for accessory to murder in Germany, testified at length and on camera before a map of the camp on the methods of extermination.[52]:52-57

  • Other Holocaust deniers may claim that a concentration camp prisoner denying the Holocaust would have special credibility. However, Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora were labor camps in Germany proper, and not used for mass extermination as the Nazi camps in Poland were, so Rassinier was not witness to the exterminations. Given that he was imprisoned far from where the bulk of the killings took place, Rassinier would have less first-hand information about what happened to the Jews than people who lived in freedom in German-controlled territory.

  • German-language pun of the name of this "report". "Armleuchter" means something like "bonehead" in German.

  • Haim Bresheeth Centre for Media Studies, School of Arts, SOAS, University of London

  • Introducing The Holocaust: A Graphic Guide, Icon Books, 2013, ISBN: 978-184831-514-3, page 160-161

  • Axis Rule In Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals For Redress by Raphäel Lemkin (1944) Carnegie Endowment For International Peace, Division of International Law.

  • Genocide United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect

  • Holocaust denier jailed, The Guardian

  • Blaming the Victims 2.0 by Sara Elise Brown and Henry C. Theriault (June 2, 2013 at 7:55 pm) The Armenian Weekly.

  • Eisenhower, Dwight D. Crusade in Europe. Doubleday, 1948

  • See the Wikipedia article on The Holocaust.

  • denialThe Free Dictionary.

  • Tristan, Kelly Patreon: Step Back

  • YouTube: What is the Alt Right? A History of American Hate Groups, Step Back History

  • Fixing The Numbers At Auschwitz by Dan Stets (May 07, 1992) Chicago Tribune.

  • The actual issue of LIFE, from Google books.

  • Eisenhower, on Holocaust Denial by Loren Collins (Jun 14, 2009).

  • Quotes: Holocaust/Concentration Camps Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home

  • Letter, DDE to George C. Marshall, 4/15/45 [The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower, The War Years IV, doc #2418]

  • Denying the Holocaust By Deborah Lipstadt (2011-02-17) BBC.

  • Josef Hell, "Aufzeichnung," 1922, ZS 640, p. 5, Institute fuer Zeitgeschichte. English ranslation at The Nizkor Project: My first and foremost task…

  • Hitler Speaks to the Reichstag on the Jewish Question: Selected Extracts from Adolf Hitler's The Jewish Question speech, delivered before the Reichstag in Berlin, Germany - January 30, 1939 Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team

  • Ending of the film The Eternal Jew, including Hitler's The Jewish Question speech

  • Rethinking the Holocaust by Yehuda Bauer (2000). Yale University Press. ISBN 0300082568.

  • Shofar FTP Archive File

  • alsausrotten

  • Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Volume Two — A Reckoning, Chapter XV: The Right of Emergency Defense, p. 984, quoted in The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945

  • Ian Kershaw, Hitler 1889-1936 Hubris (2000), W. W. Norton & Company, p.258. ISBN 0393320359.

  • Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Volume One — A Reckoning, Chapter XII: The First Period of Development of the National Socialist German Workers' Party

  • A. Hitler. Mein Kampf (Munich: Franz Eher Nachfolger, 1930), pg 478

  • Joseph Goebbels' Diaries: Excerpts, 1942-43, Part 2 of 2: May 13, 1943 (pp. 376-377) The Nizkor Project

  • Joseph Goebbels' Diaries: Excerpts, 1942-43, Part 1 of 2 The Nizkor Project

  • Messages of Murder: A Study of the Reports of the Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police and the Security Service, 1941-1943 by Ronald Headland (1992) Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. ISBN 161147096X.

  • English translation of the Jäger report A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust (Florida Center for Instructional Technology).

  • See the Wikipedia article on Wannsee Conference.

  • Literature of the Holocaust: The Wansee [sic Protocol]

  • IMDb listing for The Wannsee Conference

  • IMDb listing for Conspiracy

  • Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals. Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. XIII, p. 269-272.

  • Heinrich Himmler's Speech at Poznan (Posen) (Archive.org from March 11, 2013)

  • Himmler's 1943 Poznan Speech to SS on Extermination of Jews YouTube (audio only)

  • Captured German Sound Recordings United States National Archives

  • IfZ, MA 309 (=NA, T 175, R 85), pp. 0152-0200), printed in: Smith/Peterson (eds.), Himmler, Geheimreden, p. 169.

  • Odilo Globocnik: The Worst Man in the World" Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team

  • The Korherr Report (translated to English) Axis History Forum

  • TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT 501-PS: Report by Untersturmfuehrer Becker on the Operation of Gas Vans, May 16 1942 (Archive.org from September 1, 2011).

  • Nazi Euphemisms by Laurie Schaefer.

  • Mattogno's special treatment of evidence Friday, March 31, 2006. Holocaust Controversies.

  • See the Wikipedia article on Sonderbehandlung.

  • Irving v. Lipstadt: Holocaust Denial and the 2000 Libel Trial in the U.K. Holocaust Denial on Trial: Using History to Confront Distortions (Emory University)

  • Yale University Library: Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies

  • Felix Tuszynski: Prisoner number: 64464

  • See the Wikipedia article on Vrba–Wetzler report.

  • Interview with an Auschwitz Guard: 'I Do Not Feel Like a Criminal' Interview Conducted by Felix Bohr, Cordula Meyer and Klaus Wiegrefe

  • Shoah: An Oral History of the Holocaust. The Complete Text of the Film by Claude Lanzmann (1985) Pantheon. ISBN 0394551427.

  • Jan Piwonski — Sobibor Film | Accession Number: 1996.166 | RG Number: RG-60.5031 | Film ID: 3339, 3340, 3341, 3342, 3343, 3344, 3345, 3346, 3347. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

  • Henryk Gawkowski and Treblinka railway workers Film | Accession Number: 1996.166 | RG Number: RG-60.5036 | Film ID: 3362, 3363, 3364, 3365, 3366, 3367, 3818, 3743, 3744, 3368, 3370, 3371, 3372. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

  • Franz Suchomel Film | Accession Number: 1996.166 | RG Number: RG-60.5046 | Film ID: 3753, 3754, 3755, 3756, 3757, 3758, 3759, 3760, 3761, 3762, 3763, 3764. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

  • Claude Lanzmann Shoah Collection Document | Accession Number: 1996.166.1. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

  • Liberation of Nazi CampsHolocaust Encyclopedia

  • See the Wikipedia article on White Buses.

  • The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps (1942–1945) (2012) International Review of the Red Cross 94(888)1:28.

  • Soldaten: Protokolle vom Kämpfen, Töten und Sterben by Sönke Neitzel and Harald Welzer (2011). S. Fischer. ISBN 3100894340.

  • Hitlers svenska SS-soldater by Bosse Schön (2016) Fischer & Co. ISBN 9188243176.

  • An Authenticated Edition of Anne Frank's Diary by Herbert Mitgang (June 8, 1989) New York Times.

  • Ten questions on the authenticity of the diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank Museum

  • The Neverending Campaign to Ban 'Slaughterhouse Five' by Betsy Morais (Aug 12, 2011) The Atlantic. "…the Culpeper County, Virginia school system announced it would ban the 50th Anniversary 'Definitive Edition' of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl after receiving complaints about its sexual content and homosexual themes."

  • The Capture and Death of Richard Baer by J.Bellinger (The Website of Carlos Whitlock Porter)

  • Famous Red Cross Visit to Theresienstadt Theresienstadt History (Archive.org from November 22, 2012)

  • See the Wikipedia article on Theresienstadt (film).

  • A surviving fragment of the film

  • Arvid Fredborg Wikipedia (Swedish)

  • Bakom Stålvallen: Som Svensk Korrespondent i Berlin 1941-43 by Arvid Fredborg (1943) Norstedt & Söners. Translated as: Behind the Steel Wall: A Swedish Journalist in Berlin, 1914-43 (1943) Books, Inc.

  • Explore the Central Motivations for Holocaust Denial by Hannah Bigham (2009). Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team.

  • Wannsee Protocol: January 20, 1942; Translation The Nizkor Project

  • The Nizkor Project's reply to IHR's question 15 ("How many Jews were in areas that came to be controlled by the Germans before the war?")

  • Deceit & Misrepresentation: The Techniques of Holocaust Denial, The World Almanac Gambit The Nizkor Project

  • Nizkor reply to IHR question 17 ("How many Jews fled to deep within the Soviet Union?")

  • Nizkor reply to IHR question 16 ("If the Jews of Europe were not exterminated by the Nazis, what happened to them?")

  • People & Events: Breckinridge Long {[lived|1881|1958}} PBS: American Experience

  • Challenge to Supporters of the Revisionist Transit Camp Theory (July 02, 2011) Holocaust Controversies

  • What is the Holocaust?

  • Jewish Population of Europe in 1945, according to the US Holocaust Museum

  • FAQ about the Holocaust, as answered by Yad Vashem's Holocaust Resource Center

  • The Holocaust Resource Center: FAQs Yad Vashem: The World Holocaust Research Center

  • Deceit & Misrepresentation: The Techniques of Holocaust Denial. The Auschwitz Gambit: The Four Million Variant by Brian Harmon. The Nizkor Project

  • General Psychologus Eine Studie der psychologischen Kriegsführung gegen das Deutschtum by "Alexander Scronn" (1965) Itatiaia Buchversand.

  • Six Million Did Die: The Truth Shall Prevail by Arthur Suzman & Denis Diamond (1978). South African Jewish Board of Deputies, p. 10. ISBN 062003128X.

  • Der Suchdienst des IKRK und das Sonderstandesamt Arolsen: Wie Auschwitzleugner richtige Zahlen in einen falschen Zusammenhang stellen Holocaust-Referenz: Argumente gegen Auschwitzleugner

  • Artifacts and photos - The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Archive.org from December 8, 2012)

  • Remember.org: Auschwitz/Birkenau, Shoes (Archive.org from February 6, 2005)

  • Nizkor reply to IHR question 28 ("For what purpose was, and is, this gas manufactured? ")

  • Państwowe Muzeum na Majdanku: Galeria (Archive.org from May 20, 2015)

  • Nizkor reply to IHR's question 32 ("Hoss said in his confession that his men would smoke cigarettes as they pulled the dead Jews out of the gas chambers ten minutes after gassing. Isn't Zyklon-B explosive?") The Nizkor Project

  • No scientific proof Jews exterminated: witness winstonsmith@theministryoftruth.ls1

  • Pressac sur Leuchter Pratique de l’histoire et dévoiements négationnistes

  • Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory by Deborah E. Lipstadt (1993) Free Press. ISBN 0029192358.

  • The Leuchter Reports: Critical Edition by Fred A. Leucter, Robert Faurisson & Germar Rudolf (October 2015) Castle Hill Publishers.

  • Disparities in Hydrocyanic Compound Levels The Nizkor Project

  • Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (1999) Archive.org copy of the film with Italian subtitles

  • https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10008193 Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust and Nazi Persecution Holocaust Encyclopedia

  • Page 67 ——— (2010). Historical Dictionary of the Holocaust (Second ed.). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-6774-1.

  • Bergen, Doris (2016). War & Genocide: A Concis Page 200----------History of the Holocaust (Third ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 978-1-4422-4228-9.

  • What is the Holocaust by Bullets? 1941-1944 Yahad-In Unum (archived from August 18, 2014).

  • Reply to IHR's question 44 ("Given a 100% duty cycle of all the crematoria in all the camps in German-controlled territory, what is the maximum number of corpses it would have been possible to incinerate during the entire period such crematoria were in operation?") The Nizkor Project

  • Sonder: An Interview with Sonderkommando Member Henryk Mandelbaum by Jan Południak, Oświęcim, 2008, ISBN 978-83-921567-3-4.

  • Trial of Adolf Eichmann trial. 7 June 1961. Session 68 (part 5 of 9). Testimony of Yehuda Bacon (Bakon). The Nizkor Project

  • Crematorium chimney in Auschwitz main camp not connected to anything (March 2, 2014) furtherglory blog at Wordrpess

  • Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers by Jean-Claude Pressac, page 108. The Holocaust Project.

  • Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers by Jean-Claude Pressac, page 488. The Holocaust Historiography Project.

  • Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers by Jean-Claude Pressac, page 244. The Holocaust Historiography Project.

  • Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers by Jean-Claude Pressac, page 91. The Holocaust Historiography Project.

  • Pressac on Kremas 1 to 3 at Auschwitz by Peter Myers (February 9, 2009; update April 30, 2009).

  • The Van Pelt Report: Electronic Edition, by Robert Jan van Pelt Holocaust Denial on Trial: Holocaust Denial on Trial: Using History to Confront Distortions

  • Holocaust Survivors who Tell the Truth YouTube: SatoshiBatista's channel

  • Jewish Uprisings in Ghettos and Camps, 1941–1944 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

  • Map: Jewish armed resistance in ghettos and camps, 1941-1944 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

  • 'We knew nothing about this', an article on Peter Longerich, author of the book Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews (September 8, 2006) Times Higher Education

  • Reply to IHR's question 20 ("Is there any evidence that it was American, British, French, and Soviet policy to torture German prisoners in order to exact confessions before the trials at Nuremberg and elsewhere? ") The Nizkor Project

  • If the Nuremberg Laws were Applied…"Noam Chomsky

  • The Nuremberg Judgement by Freda Utley

  • Judgement: Dönitz the Avalon Project at the Yale Law School.

  • What the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive wants the world to know. At 97, Ben Ferencz is the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive and he has a far-reaching message for today's world by Leslie Stahl (May 7, 2017) CBS News.

  • Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Volume IV: "The Einsatzgruppen Case", "The RuSHA Case" (October 1946-April 1949) Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office.

  • http://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com/2017/11/nazi-shrunken-heads-human-skin.html#humansoap

  • The Nizkor Project

  • Deceit & Misrepresentation, The Techniques of Holocaust Denial: The Soap Allegations The Nizkor Project

  • http://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com/2017/11/nazi-shrunken-heads-human-skin.html#humanskinlampshades

  • Response to IHR question 9 ("Why did the Germans intern Jews in concentration camps?") The Nizkor Project

  • Office of the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide (OSAPG): Analysis Framework United Nations

  • Holocaust Denial Timeline United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

  • Hungary criminalises holocaust denial (22 February 2010) The Independent.

  • So let's ignore millions of people dying! Yay!

  • Have You Ever Seen The Vacant Mouth Breather Look On a Leftist When You Ask "Why Do You Cry About the Holohoax, Yet Cheer Extermination of Whites by Diversity? Why the Double Standard?" /r/National Socialism (Reddit).

  • Deceit & Misrepresentation, The Techniques of Holocaust Denial: Appendix 4. The World War I "Holocaust" Claim The Nizkor Project

  • Six million Jews Archived copy of Metapedia article from 30 March 2015

  • Deceit & Misrepresentation, The Techniques of Holocaust Denial: The World War I "Holocaust" Claim by Jamie McCarthy and Ken McVay. The Nizkor Project.

  • The Holocaust As Sacred Cow by L. A. Rollins (1999) Institute for Historical Review.

  • Arab League to participate in Holocaust-denial symposium August 28, 2002 Likoed Nederland.

  • YouTube: "Marching to Zion" Full Movie with subtitles

  • ADL Deeply Troubled at Upcoming Documentary Film Denigrating Jews and Judaism November 24, 2014 Anti-Defamation League

  • Anti-Semitic Pastor Steve Anderson Promotes Holocaust Denial June 1, 2015 Anti-Defamation League

  • Did the Holocaust Really Happen? Steven Anderson on YouTube

  • Berg and Anti-Semitism - Compiled by researchers for exFamily.org

  • Xfamily.org; Berg: The Holocaust hoax

  • He still teaches, students still squirm by Gabi P. Remz (November 30, 2011) New Voices: News and Views of Campus Jews.

  • ADL.org - David Dees: Conspiratorial Artist

  • How a Sesame Street Illustrator Became the Truther Scene's Golden Boy

  • One of Dees'"Truth Does Not Fear Investigation" works

  • A Dees work supporting Holocaust revisionists

  • Dec "fan" page includes copies of his pamphlets and a history of the man

  • Copy of Dec's disbarment in New York State

  • No, seriously, he really wrote that.

  • Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity, NYU Press, 2003. ISBN 0-8147-3155-4.

  • Ursula Haverbeck (87), Idol der Holocaust-Leugner, muss wegen Volksverhetzung 10 Monate ins Gefängnis. Der Richter nach dem bizarren Auftritt der betagten Rechtsradikalen: "Bei Ihnen ist Hopfen und Malz verloren" by Stephanie Lamprecht (12.11.15, 12:15 Uhr) Hamburger Morgenpost.

  • See the Wikipedia article on Nathanael Kapner.

  • Statement from the Chancery of the ROCOR Synod of Bishops 19 July 2013 Pravmir.com: Orthodox Christianity and the World

  • We let Charles Krafft fool us: Revelations about the artist's Nazi leanings were shocking. More shocking still was how long it took to out him by Samuel Sattin (March 11, 2013) Salon.

  • Charles Krafft Is a White Nationalist Who Believes the Holocaust Is a Deliberately Exaggerated Myth: What Will Happen to One of the Northwest's Preeminent Artists—Whose Nazi Imagery Has Always Been Considered Ironic—Now That His Views Are Not a Secret? by Jen Graves (February 13, 2013) The Stranger.

  • Holocaust denier ordered to visit concentration camps and write about them by Derek Hawkins (September 25, 2017 at 6:17 AM) The Washington Post.

  • Oud-senator Roeland Raes schuldig aan negationisme (15/09/2010 om 11:12) De Standaard.

  • Chemistry is not the science: Rudolf, Rhetoric & Reduction by Richard J. Green and Jamie McCarthy (Archive.org copy from March 11, 20130)

  • Hollywood conservative unmasked as notorious Holocaust revisionist: Republican Party Animals operator David Stein says he is really David Cole, and that he still holds controversial views by Rory Carroll (3 May 2013 17.15 EDT) The Guardian.

  • Hutaree Militia Was a Fan of Anti-Government Band Poker Face April 9, 2010. Anti-Defamation League

  • Hal Turner in His Own Words January 17, 2008. Anti-Defamation League

  • British bishop fined 10,000 euros for partial Holocaust denial by Chuck Penfold (April 16, 2010) Deutsche Welle.

  • Seminary sacks 'Holocaust bishop': An ultra-traditionalist British bishop who denies the Holocaust has been removed from his post as the head of a Roman Catholic seminary in Argentina 9 February 2009. BBC

  • Profile: Richard Williamson. British bishop's controversial views extend beyond the Holocaust to the September 11 attacks, Freemasons and women by Peter Walker (25 February 2009 04.09 EST) The Guardian.

  • New ‘Aryan’ Compound in Idaho to be Sold Off in January by Bill Morlin (November 29, 2012) Southern Poverty Law Center.

  • Neo-Nazi Builds North Idaho Compound to Replace Defunct Aryan Nations by Bill Morlin (November 11, 2012) Southern Poverty Law Center.

  • The 8 Stages of Genocide (1998) Genocide Watch.

  • It's not just Abbas: Blaming Jews for the Holocaust is widespread by Cnaan Liphshiz (May 4, 2018 3:20 pm) Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

  • Abu Mazen: A Political Profile by Y. Yehoshua (April 29, 2003) MEMRI

  • Zionism in the Age of the Dictators by Lenni Brenner (1983) Croom Helm. ISBN 0882081640.

  • Special Treatment: The Untold Story Of Hitler's Third Race, book review by Theodore J. O'Keefe (2001) Journal of Historical Review volume 7 (archived from April 17, 2001).

  • Subject: [AL-AWDA] Lenni Brenner re holocaust deniers and other falsifiers by Lenni Brenner (9 Apr 2001 19:09:39 EDT) Institute for Historical Review, Beirut Conference 2001 (archived from April 6, 2001).

  • Ken Livingstone resigns from the Labour Party amid anti-Semitism allegations by Jack Maidment & Verity Ryan (21 May 2018 • 5:51pm) The Telegraph.

  • Was Hitler Really a Zionist? by Terry Tastard (July 24, 2018) Providence.

  • 'Cultural Marxism' Catching On: 'Cultural Marxism,' a conspiracy theory with an anti-Semitic twist, is being pushed by much of the American right. by Bill Berkowitz (August 15, 2003) Southern Poverty Law Center.

  • Poland's New Defense Minister Defended 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' as True: In 2002, Macierewicz told Radio Maryja that he had read the 'Protocols' and reportedly said that 'experience shows that there are such groups in Jewish circles.' (Nov 12, 2015 9:56 PM) Haaretz.

  • Polish ministerial nominee said there's some truth in Protocols of Elders of Zion by Sam Sokol (November 12, 2015 19:38) The Jerusalem Post.

  • Polish law criminalizing some Holocaust speech takes effect today (Posted: Mar 01, 2018 3:47 AM ET | Last Updated: March 1, 2018) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

  • Glenn Beck: Making of the Puppet Master. This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," November 11, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. (Published November 12, 2010; Last Update January 14, 2015) Fox News (archived from January 26, 2019).

  • See Glenn Beck's Anti-Semitic Attacks and George Soros: Too Anti-Communist for Glenn Beck. This also resulted in a truly awesome Daily Show episode.

  • George Soros wasn't a Nazi, he was a 14-year-old Jew who hid from them: The 87-year-old billionaire has been the subject of smears for nearly 20 years, propagated by message boards and dispersed by Alex Jones, Donald Trump Jr., Roseanne Barr, and others by Avi Selk (Thursday 31 May 2018 17:53) The Independent.

  • Roseanne Barr Apologizes To George Soros For Nazi Comments by Erik Pedersen (June 11, 2018 4:48pm) Deadline.

  • George Soros Conservapedia (archived from January 5, 2019). "…he worked for the Nazis as a teenager, fingering and looting his compatriot Jews."

  • Was George Soros an SS Officer or Nazi Collaborator During World War II? by David Emery (Published 28 November 2016; Updated 4 February 2018) Snopes.

  • Media Matters sugar daddy is George Soros, WHO IDENTIFIED JEWS TO THE NAZIS, as he admitted on 60 Minutes by Ann Coulter (6:51 PM - Jun 11, 2015) Twitter.

  • @georgesoros, now a principle financial backer of violent #Antifa thugs, admits his collaboration with Hitler and says he has no regrets: by Dinesh D'Souza (3:30 AM - 2 Sep 2017) Twitter.

  • #Nazi collaborator #GeorgeSoros in his own words, while other Jews his age had died fighting Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto by James Woods (5:03 PM - 18 Aug 2017) Twitter.

  • Smears of George Soros Resurface in Roseanne's Twitter Tantrum, Niraj Chokshi, New York Times, May 29, 2018




    A Message of Support for Aafia from Imam Muhammad al-Asi

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Akhirah 04, 1436
    Dr. Aafia Siddiqui's case is a burning ember that will continue to burn the conscience of the Muslims; and particularly the Muslims living in the United States. Her tragic plight exposes the secular government in Pakistan and the "Islamic" organizations: both share a common silence about her plight — a silence that amounts to complicity and a crime against humanity.

    Aafia Siddiqui: a victim of US political persecution and Muslim impotence*

    Fahad Ansari

    There are many unknown victims of the US’s global war on Islamic dissidence. The plight of one of them hit the headlines earlier this summer, after years in which nothing was known of her. FAHAD ANSARI reports on the case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, a Muslimah now in US custody after disappearing in Pakistan in 2003.
    During the time of the Abbasids, news reached al-Mu'tasim, the khaleefah of the time, that a noble Muslim woman who was held captive by a Roman king in ‘Amouriyyah had been slapped by her captors, upon which she cried out, “O Mu’tasim!” Al-Mu’tasim responded to her cry with the words, “I am coming to respond to your plea, O sister, I am coming to respond to your plea.” He warned the Romans, “If you do not release that woman, I promise you, I will send an army against you. And my army will be so big that when the first soldiers reach your gates, the last ones will not have left my palace!” Al-Mu’tasim launched his attack upon which commenced the Battle of ‘Amouriyyah, in which this Muslim woman was rescued and in which the Muslims scored a decisive victory.
    A thousand years later, we have uncounted sisters being held in the prisons of tyrannical rulers all over the world, in both the West and the Muslim world. Their tormented cries go unheard by an Ummah whose deafening silence is symbolic of its deadened hearts. There is one Muslim woman, however, whose captivity has caught the attention of the entire world and who has become a symbol of the global system of oppression that has come to be known as the ‘war on terror’. The harrowing case of MIT-educated Pakistani neuroscientist Dr AafiaSiddiqui has shaken the Muslim world like the case of no other prisoner. From seasoned activists to secular apolitical elders, the case has had a ripple effect throughout the Muslim community and may indeed be the catalyst that radicalises people and awakens the sleeping giant.


    Aafia Siddiqui was born in Karachi, Pakistan, on 2 March 1972, and spent much of her life in the US after moving to Texas in 1990 before enrolling at MIT. While at MIT she was heavily involved in da’awah work on campus. After her graduation, she continued to be actively involved in community and charity work, notably assisting prisoners and raising awareness and funds for the Muslims in Bosnia during the Balkan conflict in the mid-90s. After the attacks in September 2001, she and her family became victims of the American profiling system and were subjected to harassment by the US authorities. During this period in the US, she was also the victim of domestic violence by her abusive husband. Unable to tolerate the harassment any further, her husband moved the family back to Pakistan in 2002. Soon after their return to Pakistan, the couple became estranged. In December 2002 she decided to leave her children with her family in order to work in the US. She moved to the Baltimore area, where her sister was working.
    The name Aafia Siddiqui first came to public attention on March 18, 2003, when the FBI issued an alert requesting information about her. On approximately 28 March 2003, while on a short trip back to Pakistan, Aafia Siddiqui was on her way to Karachi airport with her three children, then aged 6 years, 5 years and 6 months, in order to catch a flight to Islamabad. It was at this point that the family disappeared. The Pakistani papers mentioned reports that she had been “picked up in Karachi by an intelligence agency” and “shifted to an unknown place for questioning.” Days later, however, Pakistani and US officials mysteriously backtracked, saying it was unlikely that she was in custody and denying any knowledge of or involvement in her disappearance.
    Various theories about her disappearance started to appear in international and local publications. The first of these was on 23 June 2003, three months after her disappearance, in Newsweek. An investigative report, falsely calling her a microbiologist, said that she and her husband were part of an al-Qa’ida sleeper cell. In Baltimore she is alleged to have opened a mailbox for a suspected al-Qa’ida operative who is now in Guantanamo Bay.
    In 2004 Pakistani papers quoted a Pakistani government spokesman who said that she had been handed over to US authorities in 2003. On 26 May 2004, US attorney general John Ashcroft and FBI director Robert Mueller III announced at a news conference that Aafia Siddiqui was one of seven suspects whom the FBI was looking for with suspected ties to al-Qa’ida. She was accused of being an al-Qa’ida operative and facilitator. In July 2004, publications such as Newsweek quoted the FBI as stating that she had visited Liberia in 2001 to buy conflict diamonds (also known as blood diamonds) in order to finance al-Qa’ida’s biological and chemical weapons programme.
    Siddiqui and her children remained missing and nothing was heard about them for four more years. It was only in July, after her case had started gaining political notoriety, that she suddenly reappeared in Afghanistan.

    The Grey Lady of Bagram

    On 7 July, at a press conference in Islamabad, British journalist and Cageprisoners patron Yvonne Ridley claimed that an unidentified Pakistani woman was being held in solitary confinement at the US-run detention centre on Bagram airbase (Afghanistan) since 2004. Ridley said that the woman’s prison number was 650, adding that other prisoners had spoken of hearing the bloodcurdling terrified screams of a woman in the male-only prison.
    “I call her the Grey Lady of Bagram because she is almost a ghost, a spectre whose cries and screams continue to haunt those who heard her,” Ridley said. “We don’t know her identity, we don’t know her state of mind and we don’t know the extent of the abuse or torture she has been subjected to.”
    Although the identity of Prisoner 650 remains a mystery, Ridley’s speculation that she might be Aafia Siddiqui triggered waves of demonstrations, letters to newspaper editors ,and inquiries by politicians into the matter. The Pakistan foreign ministry was emphatic about its information from the US government that it was not holding any Pakistani woman at Bagram. But the issue refused to die down and received international media coverage; for Pakistanis, their izzat (honour) was at stake. This was unlike all the previous prisoners “renditioned” to the US as part of the war on terror: this was a helpless Pakistani Muslim woman with three young children.


    On 4 August, the US government announced that Aafia Siddiqui had been extradited to the US from Afghanistan to face charges of attempting to kill US officers and employees and of assaulting US officers and employees. Federal prosecutors alleged that on 17 July, Afghan police officers noticed her loitering outside the compound of the governor of Ghazi. The federal indictment against her states that the Afghan police officers who arrested her found suspicious items in her handbag, including notes referring “to the construction of ‘dirty bombs,’ chemical and biological weapons, and other explosives” as well as descriptions of various landmarks in the United States, and “substances that were sealed in bottles and glass jars.”
    US federal prosecutors further allege that, the day after her arrest, while still in Afghan custody, she grabbed a US army M-4 rifle that a soldier had left lying around, and fired it at a team of US soldiers and federal intelligence agents who were visiting the Afghan police compound where she was being held. Nobody was killed in the scuffle, but she was shot and wounded by a US officer. Prosecutors allege that despite being wounded she continued to struggle with officers, and struck and kicked them before losing consciousness.
    She was then held for a further two weeks before being extradited to the US.

    Kidnapping and Torture?

    The alternative version of events put forward by Aafia Siddiqui and her lawyers, which is rapidly gaining credence, is that she and her children were kidnapped by the Pakistani ISI in March 2003 and transferred to US custody, where they have been ever since. While in custody, she claims that she was repeatedly tortured and raped.
    This has been the account consistently given by her family since March 2003. Her mother, Ismet, claimed at the time that a few days after her disappearance a man on a motorcycle arrived at her house in a leather suit and helmet and told her that her daughter was being held and that she should keep quiet if she ever wanted to see her daughter and grandchildren again. Aafia’s sister Fauzia says that in 2004 she was told by Syed Faisal Saleh Hayat, then interior minister, that her sister had been released and would return home shortly.
    For five years Cageprisoners, a London-based Islamic human-rights organisation, has spearheaded the campaign to free Aafia Siddiqui and her children. It seems highly coincidental that, within two weeks of the press conference in Islamabad of Cageprisoners’ patron Yvonne Ridley, Aafia Siddiqui was apprehended after allegedly avoiding captivity for five years, despite tremendous interest from both Pakistani and American intelligence agencies.
    The charges against her also appear to be a sham. It is ridiculous to suppose that an individual as intelligent as Aafia Siddiqui, someone accused of being al-Qa’ida’s microbiologist, would loiter outside a governor’s compound with her son and a mobile explosives kit. It is also highly improbable, as former Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg points out, that a woman as frail and small as she is could lift a US M-4 rifle without anyone noticing, and then put up such a struggle against American soldiers whom he describes as “huge”.
    Further, it is notable that despite being accused of being a senior al-Qa’ida operative and being allegedly apprehended with the material it is claimed she had, she has not been charged with any terrorism-related offences. At a time and in a country where to be even suspected of being connected to a terror suspect can get one a twenty-year sentence, this omission gives rise to a reasonable suspicion that all is not as it seems.
    One must also consider the fact that other suspects to whom she was linked, such as Majid Khan and Ali ‘Abd al- ‘Aziz Ali, also disappeared from Karachi at almost precisely the same time as she did. They did not reappear until September 2006, after their transfer to Guantanamo Bay from CIA custody. For more than three years they had been secretly held by the CIA or one of the CIA’s proxies. Like many others, they had been arrested by the Pakistani intelligence services and handed over to CIA. When one realizes that the people she was allegedly linked to were themselves held in secret detention, and that the Pakistani intelligence services were covertly arresting dozens of people in Karachi during this period, Aafia Siddiqui’s own version of events gains plausibility.


    One particularly worrying aspect of this case is the whereabouts of Siddiqui’s children, who are all US citizens. To date the whereabouts of the two youngest children, who should now be about 5 and 10 years old, are unknown. The oldest, Ahmed (11), was recently released from Afghan custody into his aunt’s care. According to an Afghan interior ministry official quoted in the Washington Post, Ahmed Siddiqui was held briefly by the interior ministry after he was arrested with his mother, and then transferred to the custody of the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS), the country’s intelligence agency, which is notorious for its brutal treatment of detainees. Aafia Siddiqui has said that her younger son died in custody; her five-year-old daughter remains unaccounted for.

    Medical Condition

    Siddiqui’s lawyers say that she has been physically and psychologically scarred. After she was shot, more than a week passed before she received any medical treatment. She has suffered multiple bullet wounds and extensive surgical incisions, resulting in multiple layers of external and internal stitching. She had also been told that she lost part of her intestine during the surgery to remove the bullets. One of her kidneys was also removed while in US custody. She is now refusing to attend court hearings or see her lawyers, because she is unhappy with the prospect of invasive strip-searches.


    Dr Aafia Siddiqui’s situation is a badge of shame which we must all wear. For her there is no al-Mu’tasim to cry out to. There is no army to go out to rescue her and no state in which she can seek refuge. Even a demonstration in support of her on a Friday evening at iftar time during Ramadan, the month of action and victory, only drew a few hundred Muslims out to express their solidarity with their sister who has had to spend yet another Ramadan alone in US custody.
    This sister has only has her iman to keep her steadfast. In a brilliant piece on her plight by American Muslim writer Abu Sabaya who attended her court hearing (‘The Aafia Siddiqui I Saw’), the classical scholar Ibn al-Qayyim is quoted as saying that a person rises in his closeness to Allah until:
    ... there remains only one obstacle from which the enemy calls him from, and this is an obstacle that he must face. If anyone were to be saved from this obstacle, it would have been the Messengers and Prophets of Allah, and the noblest of His Creation. This is the obstacle of Satan unleashing his troops upon the believer with various types of harm: by way of the hand, the tongue and the heart. This occurs in accordance with the degree of goodness that exists within the believer. So,the higher he is in degree, the more the enemy unleashes his troops and helps them against him, and overwhelms him with his followers and allies in various ways. There is no way around this obstacle, because the firmer he is in calling to Allah and fulfilling His commands, the more the enemy becomes intent upon deceiving him with foolish people. So he has essentially put on his body armor in this obstacle, and has taken it upon himself to confront the enemy for Allah’s Sake and in His Name, and his worship in doing so is the worship of the best of worshippers.
    Abu Sabaya concludes his piece with the following observation:.
    Despite Aafia’s apparent physical weakness and frailty, there was a certain ‘izzah (honor) and strength that I felt emanating from her the entire time. Everything from the way she forcefully shook her hand at the judge when the prosecutor would lie, to how she was keen to wear her hijab on top of her prison garments despite horrible circumstances that would makehijab the last thing on most people’s minds, to the number of FBI agents, US Marshals, reporters, officials, etc. who were all stuffed in this small room to observe this frail, weak, short, quiet, female “security risk” - everything pointed to the conclusion that the only thing all of these people were afraid of was the strength of this sister’s iman.

    Fahad Ansari

    Muslim impotence*?



    To Gain access to thousands of articles, khutbas, conferences, books (including tafsirs) & to participate in life enhancing events

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Imam Muhammad al-Asi is Research Fellow at the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought. He is currently working on the first-ever English Tafsir of the Qur'an titled: The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture. Eight volumes of this Tafsir have already been published.


    The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture - Volume 14

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 1440
    Throughout the noble Qur’an and especially in this surah, we learn about the struggles of Allah’s Prophets (AS). They faced trials and tribulations, even exile and death, but they nonetheless upheld the principle of maintaining justice in society. It was through such sacrifices that Allah’s laws were ultimately implemented. Today injustices have been institutionalized at every level in society. The rich and powerful exploit the weak and poor. The wealth gap between the two has now reached an all-time extreme — yet no one in the public airwaves characterizes this as “extremism.” Far from recognizing that this is the direct result of man-made policies, the oppressors and tyrants blame the victims for their misfortune.

    The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture - Volume 13

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Sha'ban 15, 1439
    From its contents we can discern that Surah al-A‘raf, like the surah preceding it, was revealed in Makkah. The time period of revelation also appears to be the same: near the end of the Prophet’s mission in Makkah and in preparation for the Hijrah to Madinah. This is apparent from the reference to the Children of Israel and their argumentative behavior vis-à-vis Musa (AS). The Prophet (SAL) and the Muslims with him were about to encounter Banu Isra‘il, for the first time as an organized opposition, upon their arrival in Madinah.

    The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture - Volume 12

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Thani 01, 1439
    In his monumental tafsir, The Ascendant Qur’an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture, Imam Muhammad al-‘Asi guides us through these intricacies and alerts us to the dangers of human-tampered foods and meats. It is his discussion of such vital issues that makes this tafsir unique. The mufassirs of earlier tafsirs had not confronted the issues of genetically modified foods or hormone- and antibiotic-injected animals, as such practices — and the human “gods” who manage them — were either nonexistent or not  widespread at the time.

    The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture - Volume 11

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rajab 04, 1438
    In this volume of the tafsir, The Ascendant Qur’an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture, by Imam Muhammad H al-‘Asi, the last portion of Surah al-Ma’idah (ayat 82–120) and the first 32 ayat of Surah al-An‘am are covered. Surah al-Ma’idah was revealed in Madinah. As for Surah al-An‘am, a Makkan surah, there is general consensus among scholars that it was revealed in the last year of the Prophet’s (SAW) mission in Makkah before he was forced to seek sanctuary in Madinah.


    Hadiths that are legitimizing the Abbasid Dynasty

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Muharram 20, 1438
    We’ve been trying to do justice to the issue of hadith. This is an area that has not been approached by those who qualify to approach it. In the previous khutbahs we spoke about how the Umawi dynasty contrived hadiths to serve its own purposes and to try to convince people of its legitimacy which it did not have; but this did not stop there. We go from the contrived hadiths of Bani Umayyah to the contrived hadiths of Bani Al Abbas.

    The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture - Volume 10

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 27, 1437
    Imam al-‘Asi has rendered and continues to render a great service to the Ummah by explaining the Qur’anic ayat in such a way as to have them explain today’s situation. While the Qur’an provides narratives of earlier people, these are not meant as mere stories from history but as timeless lessons so that we may avoid the fate of our predecessors by ordering our lives in conformity with Allah’s (SWT) commands. The lessons in this sequence of ayat from Surah al- Ma’idah are especially applicable today as they talk about authority and divinity. At a time when man-made laws have run amok causing havoc with the lives of the vast majority of humanity, the Qur’anic guidance comes to the rescue of committed Muslims, and by extension, a wayward humanity. It is for us to internalize these lessons by renewing our covenant with Allah (SWT) and His prophet (SAW).

    The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture - Volume 9

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Muharram 01, 1437
    In this ninth volume of the multi-volume tafsir series, Imam Muhammad al-‘Asi has dealt with only the first 40 ayat of Sura al-Mai’dah. These ayat relate to important injunctions requiring detailed treatment, and hence the explanations here enable readers to understand the divine commands with the motivation to go out there and make some changes. Those readers that have followed the tafsir series thus far would appreciate the depth of treatment accorded to the Qur’anic ayat herein. Imam al-‘Asi has taken special care to link the divine commands to today’s reality and identify the present-day covenant violators and oppressors.


    Eid Al Adha 2015

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Dhu al-Hijjah 10, 1436


    Love for the Prophet (s)

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rajab 26, 1436
    So this fondness, this love (and) this affection for Allah is demonstrated through our attachment, through our identifying with and to assuming the character of our Prophet Therefore it is timely that we recapture this character that we struggle and we strive to emulate.

    Book Review

    Writing on the wall for Bani Saud

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rajab 12, 1436
    The Bani Saud (aka the House of Saud) seems to be heading for a fall. One generation shuffling to its grave, the other at loggerheads and great discontent internally plus massive failures externally have all combined to make its end nigh, says author Zafar Bangash.


    Rich man Saud Poor man Yemen

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Akhirah 28, 1436

    A Message of Support for Aafia from Imam Muhammad al-Asi

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Akhirah 04, 1436
    Dr. Aafia Siddiqui's case is a burning ember that will continue to burn the conscience of the Muslims; and particularly the Muslims living in the United States. Her tragic plight exposes the secular government in Pakistan and the "Islamic" organizations: both share a common silence about her plight — a silence that amounts to complicity and a crime against humanity.


    The Root of Islamophobia Part 2

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Akhirah 02, 1436
    We come to the political aspect of this Islamophobia and we find (that) all hell breaks loose when Muslims seeks self-determination, self- rule (and) self-governance. Why is that? These are things that are enshrined in International Law, in the charters and in the chapters of the United Nations literature and I don’t think there’s anything in religious texts of whichever religion that argue against a people deciding to have their own self-determination.


    The Root of Islamophobia Part 1 with Q&A

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Ula' 17, 1436
    And if Islam happens to be a voice for equality and peace and justice then Islam becomes an obstacle; and when Islam becomes an obstacle, that obstacle has to be removed from this highway of interests and to remove it, it has to be criminalized and Muslims have to be dehumanized to become the easy targets for warfare. This is what we see happening in today’s world.


    Kufr and False Hadiths

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Ula' 01, 1436
    In the world that we are part of today this strain of Muslims, as we said previously, that has come out with its dangerous, lethal and murderous attitude- of course supported by those who are inimical to Islam behind the scenes- have a root to them. They just didn't appear all of a sudden from nowhere. No. Tracing this disease back to its pathological roots, we find that in our common history there are some personalities that began this accusation of other Muslims being Kafirs. We retraced it in one channel two one of the Fuqaha’ in Islam, Ahmad ibn Hanbal (or) at least those who follow him from early on. Then there's another personality, ibn Taymiyah. Ibn Taymiyah is another person who along with his scholarly accomplishments, (may Allah have mercy on all these Muslims who preceded us), and maybe in their own capacity tried to explain what they understood but what they understood was wrong in this area and therefore what they explained was also wrong in this area.


    Historical Roots of ISIS

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Thani 23, 1436
    This issue of kufr and takfir is probably on many minds and we have been trying to trace it and to explain it and to expose it. Everyone who’s someone is commenting on the atrocities and the bloodshed and the acts of savagery that have been committed in the name of Islam against Muslims and non Muslims alike. This khutbah shall be another contribution for our heightened consciousness of Allah’s authoritative power presence in our affairs, in other words, to reinforce the taqwa in us. We want to mention to you that the word kufr and its derivatives is to be found or mentioned in about 525 or 535 times (in the Qur’an). One source says 525 (and) another source says 535. Whatever the case is, the word kufr is mentioned more than 500 times in the Qur’an. This is a very important word obviously.


    Khalifah vs King

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Thani 09, 1436


    King Abdallah

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Thani 02, 1436


    Muslims are not Terrorists

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Thani 01, 1436
    Allah says in a manner consoling the Prophet (and) with a tone of advice وَلَقَدْ نَعْلَمُ أَنَّكَ يَضِيقُ صَدْرُكَ بِمَا يَقُولُونَ We know that your chest feels constricted due to what they say (or) you feel tight in your chest because of what they are saying. (Surah Al Hijr verse 97) We know these are Allah’s words and the reference is to Allah. Allah’s speaking to the Prophet. The antidote to this is the following completion of the ayah فَسَبِّحْ When you feel like that, (Allah is saying), the consequence of that should be say subhanAllah… (Surah Al Hijr verse 98) In the case of the Prophet it is more than just verbalizing a word, it is actualizing the meaning- something that is lost on many Muslims. بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ … praise Allah … (Surah Al Hijr verse 98)


    Eid Al Adha 2014

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Dhu al-Hijjah 09, 1435

    The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture - Volume 8

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Akhirah 01, 1435
    The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture is the first tafsir (exegesis) to be written directly in the English language. It is also the first tafsir to be written specifically to reinterpret the lessons of the noble Qur'an for the needs of Muslims living in the modern world, and particularly for those active in the contemporary Islamic movement. This eight volume concludes the explanation of Surah al-Nisa', going from verse 87 through 176. In particular, it addresses issues related to dual-loyalty (nifaq), including the following topics: Muslim-on-Muslim violence as an indicator of nifaq, how jihad and hijrah are relevant to each other, no favoritism in the adjudication of justice, how shirk gets dressed up to prevent God's justice, how nifaq affects Muslim attitudes to social justice, the recalcitrant Yahudi, and the Holy Trinity.


    The Islamic Revolution

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Thani 07, 1435


    Takfir Part 4

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Awwal 09, 1435


    Unity Part 3

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Muharram 25, 1435


    Eid Al Adha 2013

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Dhu al-Hijjah 12, 1434


    The Prophet's Hajj

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Dhu al-Hijjah 06, 1434


    Ali's virtues without asabiyah

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1434
    All Muslims agree to the status and the exceptional character of Al Imam Ali (radi Allahu anhu wa alayhi as salaam). You’d think if that’s the case then why are Muslims suffering from a Sunni-Shi’i sectarianism?! Its simple- it’s because we don’t express ourselves to each other in a way that meets the standard and the quality of this ayah. We’re going to cover this common Muslim knowledge that all Muslims share and we’re going to try to express it in a manner that meets the meaning of the ayah: "… be aware of Allah’s corrective power presence and express yourself as you are expressing facts and the truth." (Surah Al Ahzaab verse 70)


    Sunnis and Shiahs_Not who they think they are

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 29, 1434
    We mentioned earlier, many times, that asabiyah (or) this self centeredness- whether it’s a tribal self centeredness or whether it’s a nationalistic self centeredness or whether it’s a racist self centeredness, it comes in many forms; whatever it is- its an enemy to the committed Muslims because it plays itself out in warfare just like we are seeing in the real world. You can place these khutbahs in the context of the killings that are going on, explosions, pass by shootings, throwing hand grenades, opening fire randomly in certain areas just because they belong to Sunnis or Shi’is or whatever. All of this is meant to resuscitate this asabiyah that we have been exposing so at least we don’t fall prey to their plans.


    In a world of post Islamic Asabiyah- Ali had none

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 22, 1434
    As you all know, the atmospherics are charged nowadays almost in a global fashion and the centre of attention happens to be the geographical area called Syria and each block of interest approaches the issue from its own selfish interpretation of that developing civil war. We have tried our best in the past months to chip away at the basic ingredients that have been mixed together to give us the misunderstandings, the ignorance, the tension and from that the bad feelings and the hostilities and the wars that are currently costing innocent people their lives- innocent people regardless of their geographical areas and regardless of their religious persuasions. They’re innocent!


    Uthman's Assassination- Disagreements not hatred

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 15, 1434
    We covered a good amount of territory leading up to the assassination of the third successor to Allah’s Prophet; that assassination can be recorded as the time when asabiyah, (that we’ve spoken about aplenty), became opposing political positions. Some people refer to it as a fitnah (or) a sedition along with the elements of disagreement, divisions and then disputes all the way to carrying arms and fighting against our own selves.


    Transitioning from Uthman's era

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 08, 1434
    So we reached in our journey of pertinent knowledge the point where Uthman (radi Allahu anhu), the third successor to Allah’s Prophet, now assumed the ultimate decision making position in the Ummah. We spoke throughout these khutbahs of an element as important and as critical and defining as it is (that) is almost absent from the language and the discourse and the presentations of khutaba’ and Ulema’ and fusaha’ and that issue is the issue of asabiyah.


    From Asabiyah to Political Parties

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 01, 1434
    You and I know that there is a very serious and deadly type of program to have Muslims cancel themselves out and one of the most important factors in this overall scheme is the factor of Sunnis verse Shi’is and vice versa and we said previously that we are going to visit this issue at its roots, at it origins (and) in its genesis so that we can try to diffuse it with all of the implications it has gained throughout all of these years and centuries.


    Eid Al Fitr 2013

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 01, 1434
    You should emerge from this month in the same fashion that a person emerges from an exercise session. Those who are into sports will go into a gym or an exercise session and build their muscles or their aerobic capacity; in this month of Ramadhan we have built our determination and our willpower. Anyone who has fasted or has been fasting and cannot feel the result of a will power of steel and a determination of iron has missed one of the most significant accomplishments of this fast. This will power and determination reports only to Allah and that is the relationship of taqwa.


    Al Quds Day 2013

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Ramadan 24, 1434
    he words from Allah to us in Surah Al Isra’, the seventeenth surah of the Qur’an, which we visited on previous days like this, yawm Al Quds (or) the day of Al Quds are at the beginning of the surah. In the timeframe that we have for the khutbah and due to the nature of this day weather wise and organisation wise we will try to paddle softly through some of these meanings and we’ll try to look at them in a refreshing way. Many times we read this book obviously thinking about it’s meanings as its followers- as committed Muslims; we don’t give much thought to how others who may be reading this- and believe you me there are others we are reading the same ayaat who are not committed to Allah- so the ayah begins (and) one of the meanings that we may consider here is when Allah says: Glory be to Allah (or) Exalted is Allah that He has taken His subject His abd on a night journey or on a masterful journey…


    Asabiyah's Complexities

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Ramadan 17, 1434
    The Prophet of Allah passed away and like we said when he passed away there were multitudes of people who jumped on the Islamic bandwagon. This was in the final couple of years of the Prophet’s lifetime. Here we had over a hundred thousand who were not from the Muhajirin (radi Allahu anhum) who were not from the Ansar (radi Allahu anhum) who were not from amongst those who struggled for the past twenty years with Allah’s Prophet. So now we had new dynamics that are at work and because we have what is beginning to look like a civil war among Muslims we have to go to these issues to deal with them at the source because the ignorance of these source issues is the material of today’s war making among the Muslims.


    Asabiyah into Riddah

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Ramadan 10, 1434
    This khutbah is an addition to the other khutbahs in which we are trying to take the raw material (and) the basics out of which some people want Muslims to be divided and Muslims to have negative feelings towards Muslims and then eventually Muslims standing off against each other in positions of animosity and blood shedding.


    Avoiding Asabiyah's comeback

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Ramadan 03, 1434
    This is the first Jum’ah in the month of Ramadhan and it has been our method to try to bring the meanings of Ramadhan into the conscience area in our lives. This Ramadhan we will part with that method simply because there’s an issue of life and death, there’s an issue of conflict and wars, there's an issue of tension and misunderstanding that has set in that is disturbing societies and countries in the Islamic hemisphere of the world. So we will continue to cover this area that has become an area of argumentation and then an area of alienation and then of tension among the Muslims. We will try to continue where we left off bearing in mind the ayah of consolidation and togetherness in Surah Aal Imran


    Understanding the Arab Spring Part 5

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Sha'ban 26, 1434
    As you may know, the developments that are taking place in Syria and now with the recent events unfolding in Egypt are the focus of attention for Muslims and non- Muslims alike. The issue there has become in certain areas, especially in Syria, an issue of divisiveness and polarization and sectarianism and bad feelings Much of the facts, (we think), get lost in the presentation of what's happening there. We're going to try to, (as much as possible like a brother of yours), walk through the events there placing emotionalism aside and guided by the facts and the truth as much as possible.


    The third Islamic party- The Hashimis

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Sha'ban 12, 1434
    Just a very brief recap of what was previously encountered- we said that there is an asabiyah that was submerged in the psyche or in the social mind of the people around the Prophet- it doesn't matter who they were, generally speaking that asabiyah was submerged. There were times that this asabiyah expressed itself and we covered some incidents along those lines. We said that Al Muhajirin and Al Ansar (radi Allahu anhum) had their exchange of words and their exchange views on the day the Prophet was to be buried and in the exchange of statements we sensed that there is this asabiyah but it wasn't an asabiyah that was operational and it wasn't an asabiyah that was divisive.


    Muhajireen and Ansar- Political parties or Asabiyyah

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Sha'ban 05, 1434
    So these Muhajirin were of the mindset that the Prophet did not categorically (state) which means the Prophet never made a statement that could be understood by absolutely everyone that a particular person is a leader after him therefore these people began discussing who's going to be the leader after the Prophet. We know this is going to be a matter of contention by certain individuals but we know why. We say this with humility and with a sense of responsibility and brotherhood because if the Prophet had made it beyond the shadow of a doubt clear who the successor to him is we wouldn't have had the history we had and we'll get to that when the time comes.


    Tribute to an Islamic Leader - Imam Khomeini Part 4 with Q & A

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rajab 23, 1434
    Question and answers on Tribute to an Islamic Leader - Imam Khomeini


    Tribute to an Islamic Leader - Imam Khomeini Part 4

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rajab 23, 1434
    As is customary, we'd like to begin by thanking everyone who participated and who are participating in making this commemoration or this memorial possible and that doesn't exclude anyone- so that saves us the details of qualifying who we mean. Secondly we'd like to express a deep felt sympathy with those who are conscious of this occasion that we are here to recall (i.e.) the epic days of Al Imam Al Khomeini (may Allah rest his soul in eternal peace).


    Asabiyah among Al Muhajireen and Al Ansar

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rajab 21, 1434
    As a reminder of the general social, political, combative environment that we are all in, (we don't mean here in this immediate locale, we mean the Muslims in the world, ourselves included), this environment that we are in now seems to be charged what we spoke about earlier, (i.e.) that element of asabiyah and unlike many individuals (may Allah reward all of them), who try to approach this issue with sincerity and with the attempt to defuse the tension we are trying to look at this issue of al asabiyah in its formative stage and at its root level. We all agree, provided we understand what we are reading, in the time of Allah's Prophet there was no obvious and practical asabiyah displayed by Muslims; that doesn't mean that this asabiyah was not there deep down inside some people's psychology.


    Asabiyah in Islam

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rajab 14, 1434
    Remember the khutbah on Friday pertains to the real world. This is not a fairytale presentation, it is not some abstract ideas, it comes to you from the real world with the guidance of Allah and His Prophet. You and we know that sectarianism has gained murderous proportions in different areas of the world and much of this, (without going into the particular details of the specific countries or people)- there is a historical depth to all of this and we shall attempt to cling to some ayaat and to some ahadith that disclose to us the nature of this problem. We want to get to this problem at its roots. We don’t want to react to this issue superficially or in a shallow manner. We know that this call from Allah came to real people just like you and me- they have their thinking abilities, they have their feelings and emotions.


    Filtering false hadiths

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rajab 07, 1434
    Allah says to us concerning His beloved Prophet: When Allah's Prophet speaks, he doesn't speak because he's expressing a personal desire or his own preference for things or because he has a tendency towards himself rather his speech his words are a matter of a revelation revealed to him. (Surah An Najm verse 3-4)


    Muslims in America

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Akhirah 29, 1434


    Rethinking Bukhari and Muslim

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Akhirah 29, 1434
    One of the issues is very difficult for us to come to terms with is the fact that we are different. You can’t expect from us, doing our best, to be the exact copies of each other. This is something very difficult to accept. This is a fact that, for some people, is a physical difficulty. Alhamdulillah it’s not present amongst the Muslims but in the context of human society some people don’t accept other people because they are physically different.


    Leadership - Sunni/Shi'i ideas

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Akhirah 22, 1434
    As you are aware, this khutbah comes to you from reality and from reality. This is no hypothetical presentation and it is not a reaction to the events that are taking shape around us. In this frame of reference you are aware that? Muslims are in the grip of a type of revival and in this context there is the issue of leadership. It’s a legitimate issue, it’s a nagging issue and as much as it’s an important and central issue, it seems to have been approached from the extremes- either extreme negligence or extreme hyperbole. Our attempt here, in this set of circumstances- the people in Egypt as an example are trying to define or mould a leadership and they’re going through ups and downs and forwards and backwards as they are doing that; the people in Tunisia have an Islamic leadership that makes frequent visits to the United States and other places in Europe (and) we don’t know if they’re looking for solutions in democracy;


    Sunni/Shi'i faultlines

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Akhirah 08, 1434
    Oh you who are securely committed to Allah guard against Allah as is due to Him in the full measurement of this guard and do not die except in a state of submission to Him. And hold firm to Allah's binding matter all of you- no exceptions- and be not divided; and bare in mind Allah's provision, favor and privilege upon you when you (who are now Committed Muslims), were once enemies of each other and then He reconciled your hearts and familiarized and acquainted you with each other and then, due to this provision, favor and privilege you became brethren of each other; you were on the edge of a pit of fire and Allah saved you from it; it is with this is mind and with understanding these dynamics and factors that Allah is going to guide us. (Surah Aal Imran verse 102-103)


    Al Ta'wil, Thinking and Division of Muslims

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Akhirah 01, 1434
    One of the issues that has accumulated throughout the ages (and) throughout our own history and has become a divisive one centres around what is known in Islamic history books and scholarly books and fiqhi books as At Ta’wil. This word is problematic in its translation so we will try to explain what it means. At Ta’wil means that if there is an ayah in the Qur’an, (and there are ayaat like these that’s is why we have the issue of At Ta’wil), this ayah can tolerate different understandings but never in the Qur’an is there to be contradictory understandings; whenever contradiction becomes a portion of a particular understanding that understanding is not a Qur’anic understanding.


    Islamic Unity - Weeding out divisive literature Part 3

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Ula' 24, 1434
    To take the previous khutbahs a step forward and to surround this mentality of degrading or debasing all the way to kufr the other Muslim- this is not a character and it’s not a manner of those who understand Allah and His Prophet correctly; so on our way to Allah we are going to shed light on these characters who verbally denounce other Muslims as a first step in eliminating other Muslims. All of us are readers of Allah’s book, the faultless Qur’an, and there are too many ayaat in the Qur’an, (more than we can quote here in khutbah even though we will quote some of them by necessity; it’s not our way of delivering a khutbah to quote at length the ayaat of the Qur’an but in this case it is necessary to do so), to relay to you, the listeners, how the positive and the optimistic attitude in the Qur’an is towards Alladheena Aamanu.


    Takfir Part 3

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Ula' 17, 1434
    There is a fad of sorts that has taken hold in some Muslim quarters which comes out with the expression that certain other Muslims are not Muslims. This is known as takfir al Muslim. Due to this fact and the consequences of this fact that is resulting in bloodshed and civil strife and civil war and internal instability in the Islamic realm we’re going to have to speak about this issue of takfir al Muslim li al Muslim i.e. this passing judgement by one Muslim against another Muslim or by one group of Muslim against another community of Muslims that they are Kafirs. We, (meaning yours honestly here), attempted to find whether we can trace any of this type of character or any of this type of attitude to the time of Allah’s Prophet, in other words has it ever occurred that while Allah’s Prophet was alive was there any other Muslim because of some disagreement or because of thinking about Allah and His Prophet in a different way accused another Muslim of being a Kafir.


    Towards understanding Islam Part 12

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Ula' 10, 1434
    We spoke previously and we will continue to explain currently a particular attitude, a holier than thou psychology that breeds intolerance and generates bigotry and displays prejudice and is defined by narrow mindedness and cramped ideas. This type of psychology and mentality that doesn’t accommodate a variation of legitimate ijtihad can no longer be exempt from our criticism and exposing it for what it is. We know that we are speaking about people or individuals who are closed minded. Some of them are verbally literal. We know that they refer to texts in a shallow way that almost excludes the minds interpretation of that text in a way that may not necessarily agree with them. We know this. We also know that these types of individuals and groups suspect the mind itself.


    Towards understanding Islam Part 11

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Jumada' al-Ula' 03, 1434
    To continue to shed further light on those who have taken positions that are not within the parameters of our god-given Islam. There is a Qur’anic word and a Qur’anic concept- this word is al jahiliyyah. Allah says in an ayah in the Qur’an: Is it the governance of jahiliyyah that they seek and who could be better to govern than Allah? But only people of certainty are aware of this. (Surah Al Maa’idah verse 50)


    Towards understanding Islam Part 10

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Thani 26, 1434
    There is a component or a character that displays itself in human nature. We can see this in the past and we can see this in the present and it will probably continue to be a constant feature of society and this is something that we may call or what some people call fanaticism. We may have to call it on different occasions a person who’s out of character or out of their mind or on other occasions people who may be referred to as psychopaths and some of it may be neurotic, over-zealous. This is a feature that even Allah has opened up our eyes about. It’s easier to see it in other peoples and in other societies than to see it in us and that’s how we begin. We begin to look at it through the ayaat in the Qur’an as it points to those who many of us consider to be the other.


    Masjid Ad Diraar Part 3

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Thani 19, 1434
    These are the two ayaat 107 and 108 of Surah Al Bara’ah or Surah At Tawbah. These ayaat have a history to them and ayaat (or) messages from Allah are better understood if they are social ayaat in the context that they came to disclose or to explain or to expand. These two ayaat speak about a Masjid that was built with an agenda, in today’s language. The Masjid was built with an agenda. On the surface it’s a Masjid- no one can take issue with a Masjid, someone is building a Masjid but if there is a hidden plan behind the building of a particular Masjid then it merits light from Allah to expose the nature of the whole project and this is what these ayaat are doing. How did this whole project begin? This is the background and this is the context of these ayaat. We skipped the translation of these ayaat because we take for granted that many of you are familiar with them; we’ve covered them at least once before and time is a factor here. The background information for these ayaat is...


    Towards understanding Islam Part 9

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Thani 12, 1434
    In the past half of a year almost, with Allah’s help and guidance, we tried our best to explain to our hearts and to our minds together that we are not the images that are fabricated by the mainstream media. As in over the past twelve years or so there has been an incessant and obsessant drive to present Muslims as violent impulsive, irrational, backward creatures. We tried to explain all of that away with words from Allah and from our beloved Prophet. Even though the time span we have today is short because of weather conditions it would be noteworthy to recall the statement that was made after that event of September eleventh- the President at the time of the United States said something to the effect that “this is a Crusade.” Ever since that time there has been bits and pieces of news information indicating that all of that September eleventh event was contrived, all of it was fabricated.


    Towards understanding Islam Part 8

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Thani 05, 1434
    This day is a day of taqwa and we are to refresh our memories and stimulate our conscience to the fact that Allah’s power and His authority are first and foremost on our minds and in our lives. Therefore, whoever is out here as far as power structures are concerned, as far as authoritarian establishments are concerned and how they interlock and coordinate and cooperate and they do so many things that when you say to the average person and remind them of Allah’s taqwa it seems like it’s a fleeting moment and then they recede into the status quo of these interlocking structures that are around. So at least during this time we should be sensitized and keen about the fact of Allah’s power presence, come what may come and go what may go. There’s a lot or a significant amount of distractions that the average you and me are exposed to- distractions from Allah and what He has to say to us.


    Towards understanding Islam Part 7

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Awwal 13, 1434
    The word jihad has become a convenient word to throw at Muslims (and) accusing Muslims of terrible things. Much of these accusations come from one block of people in the world and that block of people has to do with the concentration of power and wealth- these are where the accusations against us originate. Much of this bloc is concentrated in what can be abbreviated as Imperialist and Zionist interests. They say “jihad is a religious holy war.” That’s a lie. There’s no such combination of words in the Qur’an and in the Sunnah. Anyone can read in all of the Qur’an and all of the hadiths and he will not come across these three conjoined words- holy, religious war. It doesn’t exist. When these English words are given their Arabic counterparts (it) would be harb deeniyah muqaddasah. The challenge goes to any thinking person to find any ayah or any hadith that has the combination of these three words in them or the combination of any two of these three words in them. Impossible!


    Overcoming a crippled psychology Part 8

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rabi' al-Awwal 06, 1434
    As much as is said from the mimbar, it appears that what is said from the anti-mimbar is louder and more pronounced; but with Allah’s guidance and assistance we will continue to do and to say what has to be said and what has to be done and Allah in His own way will amplify the truth and He will put an end to the lies and towards this end we will press on with our duty to expose the grand lies about we the Muslims that are being systematically presented to the world and to public opinion. We continue to say that we are not terrorists and we are not jelly beans. What meant by the loud propaganda in our time is to convince Muslims and non- Muslims alike that Islam is a religion of terror. One of the ayaat that some of them cite to prove this point is an ayah in surah Al Baqarah. How does this ayah work itself into English?

    The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture - Volume 7

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Safar 19, 1434
    The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture is the first tafsir (exegesis) to be written directly in the English language. It is also the first tafsir to be written specifically to reinterpret the lessons of the noble Qur'an for the needs of Muslims living in the modern world, and particularly for those active in the contemporary Islamic movement. This seventh volume continues with the explanation of Surah al-Nisa', going from verse 36 through 86. A key topic in this volume concerns how the civic trust should be managed; other related topics include: expanding the family circle to include non-blood relations, why Muslims need to be cognizant of their enemies, why capable executors should be entrusted with decision-making responsibilities, and how military preparedness is an aspect of iman.


    Overcoming a crippled psychology Part 7

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Safar 15, 1434
    As much as is said from the mimbar, it appears that what is said from the anti-mimbar is louder and more pronounced; but with Allah’s guidance and assistance we will continue to do and to say what has to be said and what has to be done and Allah in His own way will amplify the truth and He will put an end to the lies and towards this end we will press on with our duty to expose the grand lies about we the Muslims that are being systematically presented to the world and to public opinion. We continue to say that we are not terrorists and we are not jelly beans. What meant by the loud propaganda in our time is to convince Muslims and non- Muslims alike that Islam is a religion of terror. One of the ayaat that some of them cite to prove this point is an ayah in surah Al Baqarah. How does this ayah work itself into English?


    Prophets and Justice

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Safar 08, 1434
    First I would like to comment on the very refreshing and uplifting presentation that we just heard from Pastor Dankoff. I sort off, (it’s like a split personality), was sitting down (and) living with his words and the truth and validity there-in and on the other hand living with some of the listeners knowing the type of background. I can understand the type of, (sometimes people call it), conspiracy theory mentality that is out there but I want you to rest assured that none of that element existed in this podium here from the previous speaker- you can take my word for that.


    Muharram - Burdened by Ignorance Part 7

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Muharram 16, 1434
    We have in the previous khutbahs spoken about the much maligned body of information that is thrown out to be consumed by an ignorant public within that ignorant public there are also ignorant Muslims who consume this information and wind-up thinking that we have to apologise for our Islam, our iman, our Prophet and our Qur’an. We’ve been trying as much as is humanly possible, with Allah’s help and with Allah’s guidance, to set the record straight and express the full truth about this matter. Muslims are not trigger-happy, Muslims are not fanatics, Muslims are not killers, Muslims are not terrorists and the rest of this broken record verbiage that all of us are aware of or should be.


    Muharram - Burdened by Ignorance Part 6

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Muharram 09, 1434
    For those of you who are more conscious of the Islamic past or the Islamic history, it was during this month that what is called an Islamic dynasty or dynastic rulers were responsible for what has come down to us in our references as the tragedy or the massacre of Karbala’’ on the day of Aashura’’ i.e. the tenth day of the month of Muharram which is the first month of the Islamic calendar. You and I or many of us are aware that this incident is observed every year by some Muslims, (not by all Muslims), with an outpour of emotions; and as emotional as it is when it is considered in light of its details. It was a force of seventy odd committed Muslims clashing with another force of thousands of Muslims.


    Ghazzah- where to from here Part 2

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Muharram 02, 1434
    As Allah would calculate and proportion events and things- we began speaking several weeks ago about jihad and all these accusations concerning terrorism and the rest of the negative and unworthy descriptions that are thrown at committed Muslims in the world today and then we have the outbreak of hostilities and warfare in Ghazzah and the occupied territories. This would force us in light of the information and the ayaat that we have from Allah and the guidelines of His Prophet to consider our history. Why have we become a magnet for hostilities from almost every direction? We have been presented with wars that are of an economic nature, we have been enduring assaults of a cultural nature, we have been subjected to occupations and invasions of a military nature, we have been the targets of misinformation and a propaganda type of warfare and this has been taking place at a civilizational level and it has ranged throughout the decades and the centuries of the past and now we see it...


    Zionist and Imperialist plots to sow disunity Part 4

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Dhu al-Hijjah 17, 1433
    Obviously this khutbah on this day is meant to highlight and to highlight and to inform from Allah and His Prophet concerning what is happening in our circles of activity or in our range of knowledge. One of these issues that seems not to go away, which we are living with day and night, year after year from different sources of information, is that issue that wants to equate committed Muslims with bloody terrorists. We’ve tried, and we will continue to try, to kill this impression in the public mind. It is wrong, it is false, it is offensive and it is demeaning. No Muslim living today should feel like there is something negative or distractive or savage about his or her Islam- no one! These types of happenings (and) calculated events that are taking place in the Muslim world (and) at the frontiers of the Muslim world and outside of the Muslim world that want us to be inferior in our own selves have no basis on who we are.


    Eid Al Adha 2012

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Dhu al-Hijjah 10, 1433
    We say the word Allahu Akbar so much that many of us have lost its meaning in context. On this day millions of people, hundreds of millions of Muslims re-iterate and emphasise the words Allahu Akbar.


    Hajj: The Universal Invitation Part 10

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Dhu al-Hijjah 03, 1433
    Next week we will all be here trying to renew and energise the celebration of Eid even though our collective memory is incapable of putting these meanings in proper context. As we approach the day of Eid, the tenth of Dhi Al Hijjah, (and) as we approach this day of our yearly assembly it might be worth our time in this khutbah- with the taqwa of Allah on our minds and in our feelings- to try to contribute to the proper contextualising of what al hajj means in at least one of its aspects, as there are plenty of meanings to this yearly assembly of committed Muslims. Let us try to look at the hajj as it was in the days of Allah’s Prophet before he was forty years old and before there was any revealed ayaat or Qur’an from Allah.


    Fear of Allah or fear of 9/11 Part 8

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Dhu al-Qa'dah 25, 1433
    The real world to which Allah and His Prophet addressed their meanings (is also) this real world of ours today. We happen to be at a conjecture of conjunction of time. There are upheavals, gunfire, explosions, attacks, aggression, and outbreaks of hostilities- this is the real world. We may be in a relatively secure geography or area but if we take a look at our numerical presence we find that it is located within a very volatile, shifting, explosive, unstable and threatening atmosphere. You can choose almost any territorial area in this geography- just as reference points, take Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq Syria Pakistan Al Bahrain Al Yemen, Somalia (and) parts of North Africa as some reference points to the ayaat and the ahadith that are to follow. In this conjunction of events in the time frame that we are in is also the approaching Hajj.


    Fear of Allah or fear of 9/11 Part 7

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Dhu al-Qa'dah 18, 1433
    We are approaching the days of the Hajj and before we concentrate on issues pertinent to the activities and the meanings of the Hajj, we shall seize this jum’ah to try to pursue the meanings of the previous jum’ahs in which the loud speakers and the loud mouths are trying to have us feel as well as have us think that something is wrong with us- i.e. we are imbalanced, we are easily provoked, we are irrational and blood-thirsty. This is in short the summary of what has been said and pronounced in public and in the media in these weeks, not to speak about these years. We tried in previous khutbahs to explain by facts and by events who is truly irrational, who is in fact imbalanced, who is in history blood thirsty and as a completion to that effort we shall present this khutbah and say the following…


    Fear of Allah or fear of 9/11 Part 6

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Dhu al-Qa'dah 04, 1433
    We are still living in a tense and a divisive clash between those who want to defame as the first step in a process to kill the Islamic will- this is the whole issue. If we surrender our will power to be whom Allah wants us to be, the issue is over; but simply because we demonstrate that we also have a will (and) we are independent committed Muslims then we begin to have these types of developments that have been going on for the last week to ten days or so. In these past ten days or so we, the Muslims, have heard apologies from the Coptic Christian community in Egypt because this person around whom the news events are swirling is said to be a Coptic Egyptian. So his own community came out and expressed their regrets and their apologies for this mis-understanding and they have no input into this act of sacrilege and definition. The Pope of the Vatican also came out and expressed himself on this issue in a similar fashion.


    Fear of Allah or fear of 9/11 Part 5

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 27, 1433
    This jum’ah is a jum’ah in the aftermath of eleven years of an Islamophobia that has taken its course from the manacle imagery of Muslims all the way to impose invasions and occupations and wars upon Muslims. We tried, (as much as we could), in the last jum’ah to begin a systematic consideration of where this mainstream media presentation of the Muslims is coming from. Who’s saying “the Muslims are terrorists and Muslims did 9/11” and Muslims are now in the past few days responsible for the events that took place in Egypt and in Libya and from there on in other countries? The facts are not in yet pertaining to these past few days. We don’t have the names of the individuals, even though some names have been mentioned; we don’t have a court of law that have sorted out this issue in a fair and equitable manner. What we do have though is a rush of judgement. Muslims of self determination- not any Muslims; there is specific Muslims that are slain in the media.


    Fear of Allah or fear of 9,11 Part 4

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 20, 1433
    We are approaching that conspiratorial day of the year- the day in which Muslims are accused of all sorts of accusations and defamed with all the vocabulary available to those who wish the Muslims no good. With that in mind and with what is happening in our world today we take a look at couple of ayaat in the book of Allah that we should treasure and cherish and take to heart.


    Fear of Allah or fear of 9,11 Part 3

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 13, 1433
    The way and the manner and the attitude that some Muslims have in today’s real world is that they say and they feel- but they won’t say it frankly and in these words but their character and their behaviour implies- that Islam is a lost cause. We ask Allah not to be included in that crowd even though it is a crowd of numbers. These types of nominal Muslims don’t understand who they are. It is because of today’s real world and what is happening in it and no instantaneous results on their watch that they can see in the physical world that they sort-of have withdrawn from the higher responsibilities of this commitment to Allah. This type of attitude and frame of mind is not new. Actually it is a permanent feature of human history (and) of Prophetic history. Prophets of Allah were in the midst of people like that and the Prophets of Allah, at times, themselves felt that there’s no longer hope out there in society, in the world. Prophet Nuh (alayhi as salaam) said at that point in time.


    Sectarianism Part 3

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 06, 1433
    You know that we have been, in the previous thirty odd years, concentrating our jum’ah khutbahs on the affairs that have escaped attention and eluded our will power in the past hundreds of years. This khutbah this Friday you may say is a transitional khutbah from the depths of the month of Ramadhan to the range of the issues that bedevil the Islamic existence in today’s world. The Prophet of Allah says in a hadith a Mu’min or a committed Muslim who is strong is more liked and is better than a committed Muslim who is weak… Being that in today’s world you and I- just the average human being- think about strength in terms of physical strength (or) the accumulation of materialistic power, so if a person is citing this hadith (and) being that our minds are conditioned to understand certain words in a certain way all of a sudden we- no one is taking issue with any word in the Prophet’s hadith- but what we fail to understand is the Islamic definition of who is strong.


    Eid Al Fitr 2012

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Shawwal 01, 1433
    This month has instilled in the committed Muslims and Muslimahs who were fulfilling its meanings, among the many other features of it, a resolve that cannot be defeated. Many times just between you and yourself- no one else- you think and you feel. These are two components inside your own self. No one can hear your thinking or no one can feel your emotions and with the thoughts that come your way and with all of these issues- they can be personal issues, they can be family issues, they can be social issues or community issues or whatever the nature of them are and there is many of them that will come into your mind and into your heart- sometimes our frail human nature gives in. It’s overwhelming! There’s too many things! How can I change this world? If ever you go down that slope of feelings and thoughts Ramadhan should teach you that it is not you that will change anything, it is Allah who will change these things that will have to be changed.


    Al Quds Day 2012

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Ramadan 28, 1433
    This is the last Friday in this conscientious and empowering month of Ramadhan. We have spent now around four weeks or so observing the growth of our will power and our determination, defeating our lustful inclinations (and) exercising our resolve. We should emerge from this month with the courage to say the truth. This day is the day in which we should be speaking the truth about Zionism and the Israeli occupation of the Holy Land. Unfortunately we live in a world in which saying the truth, even to people who know it, has become a formidable task and therefore knowledge is not enough. There are people who know the influence, the intrigue, the clout (and) the combination of powers that are under the control of these Zionist Israelis, some of them are Muslim and some of them are not Muslims but whatever they may be- Muslims or non- Muslims- the rule still applies; only a few of them, (if that), are able and willing to expose this Zionist power contraption in the world.


    Al Quds Day on Ramadhan Journey Part 26 with Imam Muhammad Al Asi on ITV 2012

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi, Zafar Bangash

    Ramadan 26, 1433
    Assalaamualaykum I'm ZafarBangash. Welcome to Ramadhan journey- a program that has been looking at the various dimensions of the month of Ramadhan, the month of fasting as well as the noble Qur’an which is intimately linked with the month of Ramadhan. Of course we know from our history of revelation that the first few ayaat of the noble Qur’an were revealed to the noble Messenger of Allah in the solitude of the cave of Hira’ and thereafter over a period of twenty three years. Ramadhan is also linked with building our taqwa. There were such important events such as the battle of Badr as well as the liberation of Makkah but what we really need to do in this month is to engage the noble book of Allah in a more profound way than we have perhaps been doing so far. In order to help and guide us along this path we have with us Imam Muhammad Al Asi who is a fellow in the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought, a scholar,


    The Intrinsic meanings of Ramadhan Part 19

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Ramadan 21, 1433
    Not reading these ayaat, but behaving them, as is the case with all other ayaat give us a sense of freedom and liberation. In this month of Ramadhan we should feel liberated and free. The word freedom is used many times in a political context. “A certain country or a certain people gained their freedom.” When this is used in that context it refers to a type of civil freedom that they have acquired for themselves. In another context, (we’re not talking about Muslims in particular, we’re talking about the usage of the word out there in this world), when someone uses the word freedom it sort of implies a person can do whatever he or she wants to do. So if a person wants to have sex however way that is done, (according to this vocabulary out there), they are supposed to have the freedom to do that. So freedom in this context would include illicit or haraam relationships between men and women.


    The intrinsic meanings of Ramadhan Part 17

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Ramadan 07, 1433
    This month of Ramadhan is an opportunity in which a larger opportunity presents itself. Fasting as an individual is one thing; fasting as an individual in a body of millions of other individuals who are fasting in the same timeframe is another thing. This act and this effort of fasting as it is meant and defined not by ourselves but by Allah and His Prophet is something we should be curious, inquisitive and probing about. It’s not something that we should observe absentmindedly or passively or traditionally and in a customary way. Allah teaches us in a way that makes us conscious of what we are doing and of our own selves, especially in this observant month of Ramadhan. At the essence of this effort of sawm, at the core of this month of Ramadhan is a word called al haqq, (which has many translations). The first effort of our mind is that we recognise (that) Al Haqq is a description, an attribute and a characteristic of Allah.


    The Intrinsic meanings of Ramadhan Part 16

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Sha'ban 30, 1433
    We don’t know what the definition of each Muslim is about the beginning and the ending of the month of Ramadhan. It is not our style to get into trying to debate issues to death. Suffice it to say that there are clear words from Allah and His Prophet concerning the beginning and ending of the month of Ramadhan and of every lunar month of the year. The Prophet of Allah says, (we think this is a consensual hadith which means something like the following in English), you begin your fast in accordance with the visualisation of it, (and it here means the crescent moon), and you end your month of fasting according to the visualisation of the crescent moon and if there are interfering atmospheric circumstances then you consider the month of Sha’baan to be thirty days. Dear brothers and sisters- at the time of this hadith we didn’t have the scientific calculations and knowledge that we have today.


    Enforcing Good and obliterating Evil Part 4

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Sha'ban 23, 1433
    There’s a couple of ayaat, at least, that beg our attention in the current conditions that we are in. Many Muslims nowadays have their minds focused on what is happening in the Muslim world. There’s a people’s movement and there’s a counter people’s movement and in the midst of all of this there’s a lot of talk on Islamic leadership, Islamic parties, and Islamic future. In this context we ask you to place your attention on these following ayaat.


    Our role in the struggle for Palestine Part 2

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Sha'ban 19, 1433
    The Palestinian issue of course is a no brainer. The Palestinians have been illegally and immorally expelled from their homes. About seven million of them expelled from their homes and about three million of them dispersed in their own homeland with the dire economic conditions that they are in (and) the nasty demographic designs that the Israeli Zionists have on the Palestinian population. In many parts of the world there have been organisations and even individual efforts to try to support, as much as possible, these Palestinians and the adverse conditions that they are in. I can go into a lot of details about the many issues that pertain to the Palestinian issue but I’ll leave that for a free flow of ideas. At this point what concerns me what can be done?

    What We Should Understand About Taqwa in Ramadan

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Sha'ban 11, 1433
    Is it surprising that Muslims are humiliated and despised almost everywhere? Allah (SWT) has made Taqwa the criterion for one human being to excel another (49:13). When family, race, tribe or “nation” becomes the determining feature for establishing class hierarchies and institutionalizing economic disparities between different groups of Muslims, humiliation is sure to follow. Muslims will have power when they respect Allah’s (SWT) power — that is, when they have Taqwa. Muslims will be weak and humiliated when their public persona is socialized into conformity to man-made power centers or laws. fasting in Ramadan offers Muslims the opportunity to break from man-made laws and to conform to the commands of Allah (SWT) to achieve a life of dignity and honor that He, the Almighty, has promised to His faithful servants, by achieving Taqwa. This booklet has been extracted from Volume 2 of Imam Muhammad al-'Asi’s tafsir, The Ascendant Qur’an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture.


    Muslims in the footsteps of Bani Isra'eel Part 2

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rajab 25, 1433
    Muslims of today have an attitude, (and we don’t mean every Muslim). There is a social character that the Muslims generally have; sometimes they act as if they have a chip on their shoulder! They feel like they are special or they feel like they are the cream of the crop or they feel like they are above others. This is wrong. Muslims should not feel this way. We have a history narrated to us by heaven above that teaches us not be condescending towards others, not to be with a superiority attitude towards others. To reach status- the status that Allah has designated for those who carry His trust- requires a struggle, whether Muslims or pre-Islamic revelations and scripture. When they reached this status, they reached it after effort (and) after sacrifices and then to maintain that status they still need effort and sacrifices- a humility in the soul (and) a humbleness in the heart.


    Tribute to an Islamic Leader - Imam Khomeini Part 3

    Muhammad H. al-'Asi

    Rajab 19, 1433
    Another area in the life of the Imam’s history which we think is extremely important and comparing that with what we have today makes it much more crucial to understand and that is: look- Muslims are very peaceful people. Don’t let anybody come and fool you and say “look Muslims are terrorists by second nature, Muslims are trigger-happy, Muslims are fundamentalists” and all these other imagery that they try to throw at us. We are so peaceful, (so to speak), that our understanding of being peaceful has turned into wars against us- that’s how peaceful we are?! What do they expect us to do? They here is the point- Al Imam Al Khomeini identified the enemy. We wish we were living in a world that had no enemies- that would be a dream come true. If we lived in a world where we simply don’t have enemies that would be utopia. We’d like to say that; we’re sure everyone would like to say “hey look I don’t have any enemies.” That would be fine. Who would object to that?






    The Mystics Of Knowledge Ft Imam Muhammad Al-'Asi


    Published on 6 Jul 2019
    Imam Muhammad Al-'Asi previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were inspiring, revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. 
    His khutbahs originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under siege. He is also the author of the first-ever tafseer of the Qur'an - titled : The Ascendant Qur'an- written directly in the English Language. The Qur'an gained popularity with a wide variety of Muslims, justice seeking groups and sinister rulers. However, this has led to translations and interpretations that fit the different agendas of these wayward rulers and often has meant drifting far from the original meaning of the words. Imam Asi attempts to reverse this trend and in my analysis of his struggle, he has deliberately set out to evacuate these covert assailants on Islam's mission who distort or completely alter the message that the Qur'an actually transmit. 
    The Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT) is an international intellectual centre of the global Islamic movement.[1] It consists of individual activists, journalists and academics from around the world who share a common commitment to developing the social and political ideology of Islam, and promoting their ideas and analysis as an alternative worldview to that of the western civilization. 
    ICIT was established in 1998 to continue the work initiated by the late Dr. Kalim Siddiqui (1931–1996), who was Director of the Muslim Institute in London. Following his death, Dr Kalim Siddiqui's closest associates advanced the work of ICIT. These include Zafar Bangash of Toronto, Canada, who is now Director of the ICIT, Imam Muhammad al-'Asi and Imam Abdul Alim Musa of Washington DC, and Iqbal Siddiqui of London, now the editor of the Crescent International news magazine. 
    The ICIT also has affiliates all over the world. These include organizations and contacts in Canada, the US, South Africa, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Australia, and numerous other countries. Many of these are contacts who have been working with the Muslim Institute for over two decades. ICIT activities can be divided into the following six categories: 
    Conferences and Seminars;
    Teaching and Lecture Courses; and







    Wednesday, 4 March 2015



    Saturday, 2 March 2013


    Dedicated to
    Washington D.C. Imâm Muhammad al-‘Asi, Adalberto Erazo Jr. and Kathleen Bates, KIRAN JAVED & HER PRODIGY SON FAHAD!


    Iru Landucci

    Nur For Everyone
    As a professional I have more than 20 years as Director of Visual Effects and Visual Communicator, I have worked for companies such as History Channel, Unesco, Epson, Ford, etc as well as Commercial Films and TV Channels which gave me an extensive knowledge in techniques of CGI.

    But what brings us here is my development as an independent researcher who has been on the subject of the New World Order at the Political, Occult and Scientific levels for more than 10 years.


    LIVE with Iru Landucci - NASA Faking Space Since 1958

    Streamed live on 14 Oct 2018
    Thanks for joining me as I welcome Iru Landucci. Many know him as one of the Globebusters but tonight he joins me to discuss NASA and to give a little presentation. You will learn something I promise you. 
    Please subscribe to Iru and check out all his links below. 
     💡Enjoying My Work? I could use your support so that I can continue doing what I have been... asking questions others are afraid to. The support option is provided for those who see value in what I am doing and would like to help. Thank you to those who have signed up to be my Patron. Enjoy exclusive content and direct contact methods. 
    💲Venmo: @jeranism 
    ✉EMAIL ME: jeranism@yahoo.com 
    ✉EMAIL BOB: bob@jeranism.com 
    ▶GLOBEBUSTERS http://bit.ly/gbchannel SUN 12PM PT ▶JERANISMRAW: http://bit.ly/youtubetfr MON 6PM-9PM PT ▶TRUTHFREQUENCYRADIO: http://bit.ly/trraw▶WEBSITE/FAQ's/VIDS/LINKS/ASK: http://jeranism.com▶TWITTER: http://twitter.com/jeranism 
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    SALAAM (Arabic existed before Hebrew! All or most of the "Israeli" Prophets came from ARABIA)


    Part 2 LIVE w/ Iru Landucci - NASA Faking Space Since 1958



    Part 2 LIVE w/ Iru Landucci - NASA Faking Space Since 1958

    Streamed live on 28 Oct 2018



    Part 3 LIVE w/ Iru Landucci - NASA Faking Space Since 1958



    Streamed live on 23 Nov 2018




    This important historical document was never shown in our history books or on TV documentaries! Oy Vey!

     Most of us hate or are scared of the truth because it goes against their best interest - or cannot simply handle the truth!

    Why my father gave his dog the name HITLER, I was a little boy, and when I was grown up I never had the opportunity to ask him why as the entire family was at war with me for many decades since the early seventies until he died in the U.K. of Jacob some 30-40 years later.  All my correspondence with my parents and past notes were destroyed or stolen by my other siblings while I was forced to live forever away from my home ever since I got married in the early seventies against my father's will!

    But, why I love Adolf Hitler so much despite of the fact that 'it is said'that he was a British agent or that he incinerated 6 Million Jews in Gas Ovens for which I never found any evidence at all apart from HARD EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY, which is a CRIME by European ZIONIST standards to even think of

    I was not even interested in "his Testament"after I read it was a fake, but I trust Mike King would never promote lies!
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    (Suicide Note)
    Photo-edited by Mike King

    Image result for my final testament hitlerImage result for traudel jungImage result for traudel jung
    On the eve of his suicide, Hitler dictated his final testament to his secretary, Traudl Junge, who died in 2002. You might ask yourself: Why wasn't this important historical document ever shown in your history books or on TV documentaries?
    ANSWER: Because it would "red pill" too many people into a higher state of curiosity.

    Adolf Hitler's Final Testament
    April 29, 1945
    More than thirty years have now passed since I in 1914 made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the first world war that was forced upon the Reich.
    In these three decades I have been actuated solely by love and loyalty to my people in all my thoughts, acts, and life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions which have ever confronted mortal man. I have spent my time, my working strength, and my health in these three decades. 

    It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests.


    Testament continued:

    I have made too many offers for the control and limitation of armaments, which posterity will not for all time be able to disregard for the responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be laid on me. I have further never wished that after the first fatal world war a second against England, or even against America, should break out. Centuries will pass away, but out of the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred against those finally responsible whom we have to thank for everything, international Jewry and its helpers, will grow. 

    Three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I again proposed to the British ambassador in Berlin a solution to the German-Polish problem—similar to that in the case of the Saar district, under international control. This offer also cannot be denied. It was only rejected because the leading circles in English politics wanted the war, partly on account of the business hoped for and partly under influence of propaganda organized by international Jewry.

    Bernard Baruch with his puppets Churchill and Eisenhower.
    Jewish Financier Bernard Baruch:
    "I emphasised (to British leaders) that the defeat of Germany and Japan and their elimination from world trade would give Britain a tremendous opportunity to swell her foreign commerce in both volume and profit." - Baruch, The Public Years, by Bernard M. Baruch, p.347

    Testament continued:
    I have also made it quite plain that, if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by these international conspirators in money and finance, then that race, Jewry, which is the real criminal of this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I further left no one in doubt that this time not only would millions of children of Europe's Aryan peoples die of hunger, not only would millions of grown men suffer death, and not only hundreds of thousands of women and children be burnt and bombed to death in the towns, without the real criminal having to atone for this guilt, even if by more humane means. 
     After six years of war, which in spite of all setbacks will go down one day in history as the most glorious and valiant demonstration of a nation's life purpose, I cannot forsake the city which is the capital of this Reich. As the forces are too small to make any further stand against the enemy attack at this place, and our resistance is gradually being weakened by men who are as deluded as they are lacking in initiative, I should like, by remaining in this town, to share my fate with those, the millions of others, who have also taken upon themselves to do so. Moreover I do not wish to fall into the hands of an enemy who requires a new spectacle organized by the Jews for the amusement of their hysterical masses.
    Hitler foresaw Nuremberg: "A Jewish spectacle for the amusement of the hysterical masses."

    I have decided therefore to remain in Berlin and there of my own free will to choose death at the moment when I believe the position of the Fuehrer and Chancellor itself can no longer be held.
    I die with a happy heart, aware of the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our soldiers at the front, our women at home, the achievements of our farmers and workers and the work, unique in history, of our youth who bear my name. 

    That from the bottom of my heart I express my thanks to you all, is just as self-evident as my wish that you should, because of that, on no account give up the struggle but rather continue it against the enemies of the Fatherland, no matter where, true to the creed of a great Clausewitz. From the sacrifice of our soldiers and from my own unity with them unto death, will in any case spring up in the history of Germany, the seed of a radiant renaissance of the National-Socialist movement and thus of the realization of a true community of nations. 

    Many of the most courageous men and women have decided to unite their lives with mine until the very last I have begged and finally ordered them not to do this, but to take part in the further battle of the Nation. I beg the heads of the Armies, the Navy, and the Air Force to strengthen by all possible means the spirit of resistance of our soldiers in the National-Socialist sense, with special reference to the fact that also I myself, as founder and creator of this movement, have preferred death to cowardly abdication or even capitulation. 

    May it, at some future time, become part of the code of honour of the German officer—as is already the case in our Navy—that the surrender of a district or of a town is impossible, and that above all the leaders here must march ahead as shining examples, faithfully fulfilling their duty unto death. 

    Second Part of the Political Testament
    Before my death I expel the former Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering from the party and deprive him of all rights which he may enjoy by virtue of the decree of June 29th, 1941; and also by virtue of my statement in the Reichstag on September 1st, 1939, I appoint in his place Grossadmiral Doenitz, President of the Reich and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. 

    Before my death I expel the former Reichsfuehrer-SS and Minister of the Interior, Heinrich Himmler, from the party and from all offices of State. In his stead I appoint Gauleiter Karl Hanke as Reichsfuehrer-SS and Chief of the German Police, and Gauleiter Paul Giesler as Reich Minister of the Interior. 

    Goering and Himmler, quite apart from their disloyalty to my person, have done immeasurable harm to the country and the whole nation by secret negotiations with the enemy, which they conducted without my knowledge and against my wishes, and by illegally attempting to seize power in the State for themselves.

    In order to give the German people a government composed of honourable men,—a government which will fulfill its pledge to continue the war by every means—I appoint the following members of the new Cabinet as leaders of the nation: 

    President of the Reich: DOENITZ
    Chancellor of the Reich: DR. GOEBBELS
    Party Minister: BORMANN
    Foreign Minister: SEYSS-INQUART

    [Here follow fifteen others.] 

    Although a number of these men, such as Martin Bormann, Dr. Goebbels, etc., together with their wives, have joined me of their own free will and did not wish to leave the capital of the Reich under any circumstances, but were willing to perish with me here, I must nevertheless ask them to obey my request, and in this case set the interests of the nation above their own feelings. By their work and loyalty as comrades they will be just as close to me after death, as I hope that my spirit will linger among them and always go with them. Let them be hard, but never unjust, above all let them never allow fear to influence their actions, and set the honour of the nation above everything in the world. Finally, let them be conscious of the fact that our task, that of continuing the building of a National Socialist State, represents the work of the coming centuries, which places every single person under an obligation always to serve the common interest and to subordinate his own advantage to this end. I demand of all Germans, all National Socialists, men, women, and all the men of the Armed Forces, that they be faithful and obedient unto death to the new government and its President.

    Above all I charge the leaders of the nation and those under them to scrupulous observance of the laws of race and to merciless opposition to the universal poisoner of all peoples, international Jewry.

    Given in Berlin, this 29th day of April 1945. 4:00 A.M.

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    All my life I have met with and been victim of mostly liars, perverts and crooks! 

    jeranism LIVE #11 History is a Lie with guest Clint Wayland

    Published on 17 Feb 2018
    Join us as we discuss our History. and why it cannot be true and what new chronology seems to make more sense. Joining me via phone will be Clint Wayland, someone who has done more research. It appear that world his-story was jacked up in or around the middle ages. We currently follow a Scaligerian chronology from a man named Josephus who has been endlessly shown to be false or.

     NASA Going Nowhere Since 1958

    Published on 20 Jul 2019
    NASA Going Nowhere Since 1958: A simple film that explores NASA and its history with the Presidents of the United States. Please support if you enjoy this content. Like and Share! Enjoy the film!
    💡Enjoying My Work? I could use your support so that I can continue doing what I have been... asking questions others are afraid to. The support option is provided for those who see value in what I am doing and would like to help. Thank you to those who have supported me thus far. 
    💲Venmo: @jeranism 
    📫Mail me stuff! jeranism PO Box 3044 Merced, CA 95344 ✉EMAIL ME: jeranism@yahoo.com 
    ✉EMAIL BOB: bob@jeranism.com ▶GLOBEBUSTERS http://bit.ly/gbchannel SUN 12PM PT ▶JERANISMRAW: http://bit.ly/youtubetfr MON 6PM-8PM PT ▶TRUTHFREQUENCYRADIO: http://bit.ly/trraw▶WEBSITE/FAQ's/VIDS/LINKS/ASK: http://jeranism.com▶TWITTER: http://twitter.com/jeranism 
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    "History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind."
     Edward Gibbon, English historian (1737-1794),  From: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"


    Lisez si vous l'osez!  READ IF YOU DARE!


    Lisez si vous l'osez!
     Editions de l'AAARGH 
    Internet, 2003

    L’Heure la plus sombre n°34 – Spéciale Nuremberg


    Published on 5 May 2016
     Pour ce 34ème numéro de L’Heure la plus sombre, Vincent Lapierre, en compagnie d’Anne Lucken, recevait maître Pascal Junod pour évoquer la réédition, chez Kontre Kulture, de l’ouvrage Nuremberg de Maurice Bardèche. Commenter cette vidéo : http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr... Pour soutenir ERTV : http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr...
    Maurice BARDÈCHE: Nuremberg ou la Terre Promise  - NUREMBERG OR THE PROMISED LAND

    Note de l’Aaargh :Ce livre de Maurice Bardèche, intitulé Nuremberg ou la terre promise, a été publié à Paris en 1948 aux éditions Les Sept Couleurs (78, Rue De La Tour, Paris XVIe ), il y a donc bientôt un demi-siècle. Il aurait été tiré à 25.000 exemplaires. Au printemps 1952, Maurice Bardèche est condamné, pour ce livre, à un an de prison et 50.000 Francs d'amende; le livre est saisi et interdit à la vente (ce qui ne nous concerne pas puisque nous ne le vendons pas). L'auteur ne passera que quelques semaines en prison. A la suite de cette affaire, Bardèche lance une revue, Défense de l'Occident, qui a publié des textes de Rassinier et de R. Faurisson. Bardèche se range ainsi parmi ceux qui ont permis au révisionnisme de prendre forme et de s'exprimer. Il a donc joué un rôle qui justifie sa présence dans nos archives. Mais le révisionnisme provient d'une réflexion sur la réalité et le statut de l'idéologie qui préside aux représentations de l'histoire; il est totalement autonome et ne doit à ses vecteurs — ceux qui, à droite comme à gauche, l'ont publié — que la gratitude due à des services rendus. Il est intellectuellement indépendant des tendances politiques de ceux qui s'emparent de lui ou de ceux qui le combattent. C'est pourquoi il prospère malgré les interdits dérisoires, les censures brouillonnes, les assimilations scandaleuses et les condamnations en chaire. Ce texte a été affiché sur Internet à des fins purement éducatives, pour encourager la recherche, sur une base non-commerciale et pour une utilisation mesurée par le Secrétariat international de l'Association des Anciens Amateurs de Récits de Guerre et d'Holocauste (AAARGH).  
    L'adresse électronique du Secrétariat est : 
     L'adresse postale est : PO Box 81475, Chicago, IL 60681-0475, USA.  

    Afficher un texte sur le Web équivaut à mettre un document sur le rayonnage d'une bibliothèque publique. Cela nous coûte un peu d'argent et de travail. Nous pensons que c'est le lecteur volontaire qui en profite et nous le supposons capable de penser par lui-même. Un lecteur qui va chercher un document sur le Web le fait toujours à ses risques et périls. Quant à l'auteur, il n'y a pas lieu de supposer qu'il partage la responsabilité des autres textes consultables sur ce site. En raison des lois qui instituent une censure spécifique dans certains pays (Allemagne, France, Israël, Suisse, Canada, et d'autres), nous ne demandons pas l'agrément des auteurs qui y vivent car ils ne sont pas libres de consentir.  

    Nous nous plaçons sous la protection de l'article 19 de la Déclaration des Droits de l'homme, qui stipule,  

    ARTICLE 19 :"Tout individu a droit à la liberté d'opinion et d'expression, ce qui implique le droit de ne pas être inquiété pour ses opinions et celui de chercher, de recevoir et de répandre, sans considération de frontière, les informations et les idées par quelque moyen d'expression que ce soit. " 

     (Déclaration internationale des droits de l'homme, adoptée par l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU à Paris, le 10 décembre 1948.) 

    Ce livre de Maurice Bardèche, intitulé Nuremberg ou la terre promise, a été publié à Paris en 1948 aux éditions Les Sept Couleurs (78, Rue De La Tour, Paris ...

    Maurice BARDÈCHE: Nuremberg ou la Terre Promise  

    Je ne prends pas la défense de l'Allemagne. Je prends la défense de la vérité. Je ne sais si la vérité existe et même beaucoup de gens font des raisonnements pour me prouver qu'elle n'existe pas. Mais je sais que le mensonge existe, je sais que la déformation systématique des faits existe. Nous vivons depuis trois ans sur une falsification de l'histoire. Cette falsification est adroite : elle entraîne les imaginations, puis elle s'appuie sur la conspiration des imaginations. On a commencé par dire : voilà tout ce que vous avez souffert, puis on dit : souvenez-vous de ce que vous avez souffert. On a même inventé [10] une philosophie de cette falsification. Elle consiste à nous expliquer que ce que nous étions réellement n'a aucune importance, mais que seule compte l'image qu'on se faisait de nous. Il paraît que cette transposition est la seule réalité. Le groupe Rothschild est ainsi promu à l'existence métaphysique.Moi, je crois stupidement à la vérité. Je crois même qu'elle finit par triompher de tout et même de l'image qu'on fait de nous. Le destin précaire de la falsification inventée par la Résistance nous en a déjà apporté la preuve. Aujourd'hui le bloc est brisé, les couleurs s’écaillent : ces panneaux publicitaires ne durent que quelques saisons. Mais alors si la propagande des démocraties a menti pendant trois ans à notre sujet, si elle a travesti ce que nous avons fait, devons-nous la croire lorsqu'elle nous parle de l’Allemagne ? N'a-t-elle pas falsifié l'histoire de l'occupation comme elle a présenté faussement l'action du gouvernement français ? L'opinion commence à rectifier son jugement sur l'épuration. Ne devons-nous pas nous demander si la même révision n'est pas à faire sur la condamnation qui a été [11] portée par les mêmes juges à Nuremberg ? N'est-il pas honnête, au moins, n'est-il pas nécessaire de poser cette question ?Si l'action judiciaire qui a frappé des milliers de Français est une imposture, qu'est-ce qui nous prouve que celle qui a condamné des milliers d'Allemands n'en est pas une ? Avons-nous le droit de nous en désintéresser ? Supporterons-nous que des milliers d'hommes, en ce temps, souffrent et se révoltent de notre refus de témoigner, de notre lâcheté, de notre fausse commisération ? Ils repoussent cette camisole de force que nous voulons mettre à leur voix et à leur passé; ils savent que nos journaux mentent, que nos films mentent, que nos écrivains mentent,ils le savent et ne l'oublieront pas: laisserons-nous tomber sur nous ce regard de mépris qu'ils nous lancent justement? Toute l'histoire de cette guerre est à refaire, nous le savons. Refuserons-nous notre porte à la vérité ?  

    Nous avons vu ces hommes installés dans nos maisons et dans nos villes; ils ont été nos ennemis et, ce qui est plus cruel, ils ont [12] été les maîtres chez nous. Cela ne leur enlève pas le droit qu'ont tous les hommes à la vérité et à la justice, leur droit à l'honnêteté des autres hommes. Ils ont combattu avec courage; ils ont subi ce destin de la guerre qu'ils avaient accepté; aujourd'hui, leurs villes sont détruites, ils habitent dans des trous au milieu des ruines, ils n'ont plus rien, ils vivent comme des mendiants de ce que le vainqueur leur concède, leurs enfants meurent et leurs filles sont le butin de l'étranger, leur détresse dépasse tout ce qui a pu venir jamais à l'imagination des hommes. Leur refuserons-nous le pain et le sel ? Et si ces mendiants dont nous faisons des proscrits n'étaient pas d'autres hommes que nous ? Si nos mains n'étaient pas plus pures que leurs mains, si nos consciences n'étaient pas plus légères que leurs consciences ? Si nous nous étions trompés ? Si l'on nous avait menti ?C'est pourtant sur cette sentence sans appel que les vainqueurs nous demandent de fonder le dialogue avec l'Allemagne ou plutôt de le refuser. Ils se sont emparés de l'épée de Jéhovah et ils ont chassé l'Allemand [13] des terres humaines. L'écroulement de l'Allemagne ne suffisait pas aux vainqueurs. Les Allemands n'étaient pas seulement des vaincus, ils n'étaient pas des vaincus ordinaires. C'est le Mal qui avait été vaincu en eux : on avait à leur apprendre qu'ils étaient des Barbares, qu'ils étaient les Barbares. Ce qui leur arrivait, le dernier degré de la détresse, la désolation comme au jour du déluge, leur pays englouti comme Gomorrhe et eux seuls errants, stupéfaits, au milieu des ruines, comme au lendemain de l'écroulement du monde, on avait à leur apprendre que c'était bien fait, comme disent les enfants. C'était une juste punition du ciel. Ils devaient s'asseoir, eux Allemands, sur leurs ruines et se frapper la poitrine. Car ils avaient été des monstres. Et il est juste que les villes des monstres soient détruites, et aussi les femmes des monstres et leurs petits enfants. Et la radio de tous les peuples du monde, et la presse de tous les peuples du monde, et des millions de voix de tous les horizons du monde, sans exception, sans fausse note, se mirent à expliquer à l'homme [14] assis sur ses ruines pourquoi il avait été un monstre. Ce livre est adressé à ces réprouvés. Car il faut qu'ils sachent que tout le monde n'a pas accepté aveuglément le verdict des vainqueurs. Le temps de faire appel viendra quelque jour. Les tribunaux issus de la victoire des armes ne portent que des sentences éphémères. L'opportunisme politique et la peur révoquent déjà ces jugements. Notre opinion sur l'Allemagne et sur le régime national-socialiste est indépendante de ces contingences. Notre seule ambition, en écrivant ce livre, a été de pouvoir le relire sans honte dans quinze ans. Quand nous trouverons que l'armée allemande ou le parti national-socialiste ont commis des crimes, naturellement nous les appellerons des crimes. Mais quand nous penserons qu'on les accuse au moyen de sophismes ou de mensonges, nous dénoncerons ces sophismes et ces mensonges. Car tout cela ressemble un peu trop à un éclairage de théâtre : on braque des projecteurs et on n'éclaire qu'une scène, pendant ce temps-là, tout le reste est dans [15] l'ombre. Il est temps qu'on allume les lustres et qu'on dévisage un peu les spectateurs. * * * * * *  




    Published on 7 Jan 2016

    Ce dimanche, Méridien Zéro reçoit Jacques Bardèche (fils de Maurice Bardèche) et Patrick Canet pour évoquer avec eux l'oeuvre et la vie de Maurice Bardèche. Animateurs : Gérard Vaudan et Eugène Krampon. Lord Igor à la technique.

    Maurice Bardèche Rise of the Universal Man and the Death of Homelands

    Published on 16 Aug 2018
     Video originally created by Granville Thorndyke Some videos too controversial for youtube uploaded on bitchute (some Granville + others)


    Science and Islam - Ibn al-Haytham & Optics | Science Documentary | Real Truth. Science

    Published on 18 Jul 2018
     Physicist Jim Al-Khalili heads to northern Syria to explore how 1000 years ago Al-Biruni was able to calculate the size of the earth. He also goes to Cairo, Egypt to tell the story of physicist Ibn al-Haytham who helped establish the modern science of optics. For more awe inspiring documentaries, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZSE... Welcome to ReelTruth.Science the home of inspiring documentaries from the scientific and medical world. Here you can find full length documentaries to discover and explore. #scienceandislam#sciencedocumentary#reeltruthscience

    jeranism LIVE #11 - History is a Lie with guest Clint Wayland

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    Streamed live on 8 Jul 2017

    Join us as we discuss our History... and why it cannot be true and what "new chronology" seems to make more sense. Joining me via phone will be Clint Wayland, someone who has done more research than I into Anatoly Fomenko who is a Soviet and Russian mathematician, professor at Moscow State University, and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is author of a pseudoscientific theory known as New Chronology. He is also a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. ✔Other Channels GLOBEBUSTERS http://bit.ly/gbchannel SUN 12PM PT JERANISMRAW: http://bit.ly/youtubetfr MON 6PM-9PM PT Full Shows and archives available at TFR: http://bit.ly/trraw✉EMAIL ME: jeranism@yahoo.com ✉EMAIL BOB: bob@jeranism.com •WEBSITE/FAQ's/VIDS/LINKS/ASK: http://jeranism.com•FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/jeranism•TWITTER: http://twitter.com/jeranism▪If you enjoy our work, please support us so that we can continue doing what we love. My videos will always be free. The support option is for those who see value in what we are doing and the videos we make.▪ »Patreon: http://patreon.com/jeranism»PayPal: http://paypal.me/jeran▪ »AMAZON: http://amzn.to/1MatjaQ✔PLEASE NOTE My videos are my personal opinion and only that. If you hear the words truth or fact, I am stating my opinion. You may have a different opinion. If you don't like hearing my opinion on the matter, simply block me. If you make a comment and it doesn't show up, you have probably hit a filter that I have set to remove comments that are useless. Any personal attack, name calling, appeals to authority, straw men arguments or excess profanity laced nonsense will be deleted as well. Also if you have no avatar, you'll probably be deleted. Drop a link, please explain what it is or I will delete it. I don't have time to go through comment by comment so if yours is accidentally deleted, try again. For those that think themselves so smart and well educated... you should understand that I am saying that some of what you have been taught is not correct and as such, you telling us all how smart and right you are is just proving my point. I am challenging "scientific fact," because doing so will either reveal that I was taught the truth or I can help rid the world of the lies and together, we all get closer to the truth. Asking questions is step 1 of the scientific method. Blind belief in what you are told is a sign of a religion. Go watch a video you enjoy... life is too short. ☻As always, thanks for watching! ✌Peace!✌




    My French wife (my 4th) cheated behind my back while I was with our son in Paris in 1996.  She refused to come with us for our Summer Holidays in order to be with our business partners Christopher Dean and Jayne Harrington, two Freemasonic “Jehovah Witnesses” and con people and embezzlers of Colchester.   My own solicitor betrayed me and acted against my interests by representing my wife against me with the complicity of Christopher who embezzled over £125,000 belonging to my son and me, kept my car, stole several months of my wages in the firm Castle Homes, a building project of 22 flats in Colchester “Westminster Court”.  Both father and our 13 year old son were kicked out of our home and were stranded homeless on the streets in London with the Leyton and Walthamstow Councils refusing for some 7 months to acknowledge that MY SON WAS INDEED MY SON!  The French authorities and other relevant organisations did not give a damn either!  This damaged the career and health of my son. 
                   But, I am not the type to lament on my own fate when the entire unarmed and defenceless world was on fire and being ruthlessly murdered, their lands stolen, plundered, and the survivors kept in perpetual economic and political slavery.  I landed in London when I wrote to Mr. Al Fayed informing him that the British authorities would murder his son the very moment I heard he was with Princess Diana.  I told him this would be a CIA-Israel operation with the complicity of the French government just as it happened with Jean Seaberg, a crime acknowledged later by the CIA itself.  But, Mr. Al-Fayed never replied to my letter.  I wrote to him on his own website, and he still did not reply.  Later David Icke would suggest that Lady Diana was sacrificed to the Goddess Diana under the Alma Tunnel as the illegitimate British Royals (illegitimate according to Australian Greg Hallet who once visited me at my flat in the company of my friend Barry Lyndon) dabble in sorcery and human sacrifice.
                 When I was younger, I cried for Algeria when France was carrying out a Second Holocaust there after reading the book by Simone de Beauvoir “THE ORDEAL OF DJAMILA BOUPACHA”, defended by Gisèle Halimi.  I was not yet aware of the Holocaust and mass rape of Germans.  But, when I landed in London in 1997, the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Holocaust had already begun after the Serbs had taken their revenge over the Croats with UN and Western complicity.  The West had a Master Plan, the RAM (frame) PLAN!
                   According to Vladimir Srebrov, the Plan was drawn up as early as the 1980’s by the General Staff of the Yugoslav People’s Army, and was aimed at destroying Bosnia and to "completely exterminate its Muslim people".

                   When I was in Stavropol, Caucasus, USSR in 1965-1967, I campaigned against the US-UK-France-Israel-UNO Vietnam Holocaust!  Now, in 1997, I was crying for Bosnia, not because they were so-called Muslims, but they were HUMANS, just like the Indo-Chinese and others were.  Innocent nations have never stopped to be bombed and murdered by the same Satanic Forces!    
                   I definitely was not lamenting over the unfaithfulness and betrayal of my French wife and mother of my unique son.  My Soviet wife told me I had a son (Armanel) born on 10 September 1968, but who died at birth, and was found alive two years later (Olyeg) in Kishinev, Moldova, at her sister Mara’s home.  But, although, Olyeg called me father, I am still unsure if he is indeed my biological son although this has no importance to me.  Maybe he found out in the seventies and does not want to have anything to do with me!  I have not heard from him for the past 40 years!

                   I studied in a country where mostly Judaics (sent from the USA, France, Germany. etc.!), Bolsheviks, Communists, etc. mass murdered some 200 million innocent people according to certain sources, Christians, Muslims and Jews alike.  I read in the sixties (and had those figures published in a Mauritian newspaper) that they had closed down 1,100 Christian Churches, 500 Synagogues, and 110 Masajid (“mosques”). 

                   GENOCIDE is not only a word, but a SATANIC REALITY, and I do not take the killing of innocent humans lightly, or the mass rape of women and young girls or the traffic of organs or the sex trade (Apartheid Israel) as it happened in the Balkans under the very eyes of one French Judaic Dr. Bernard Kushner who laughed out loud when told so.  Judaic Madeleine Albright (one of our many modern Esthers!) did not laugh when told about the half million Iraqi babies and children the West had genocided in Iraq.  She just said calmly something like: IT WAS WORTH IT!  Today, I heard another Judaic Killary Clinton say she would totally obliterate Iran if she was elected President of the USA Corporation.  
                   If I were interested in money (dishonestly), I would not be here today wasting my time and old age writing about the truth most of us cannot handle, do not want, that goes against their vested interests, or simply they do not give a damn about!  Only killing me will stop me from writing and putting me in jail will save me from paying bills or worrying about my last days.  Nobody really gives a damn whether I live or die!  But, I am always thankful to God, whether He exists or not, as I had a wonderful life on that damn flat non spinning Earth with its fake Moon landings and space explorations, its lethal vaccines, its Harmacological Industry, its GMOs, its Monsanto, Mercury and Fluoride poisoning, its Climate engineering (HAARP), its pseudo-science and pseudo-scientists, its fake doctors, teachers, historians, and dentists, in brief, its fake everything in the biggest Concentrated and Death Camp of History that the Satanic Rulers call THEIR EARTH !

                   Finally, I do not expect anybody to read this shit!

    Sunday 4th of August 2019

    What are the 10 stages of genocide?

    Examining what led to the massacre of thousands of Bosnian Muslims, on the 24th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide.

    Family members mourn at the mass funeral for newly-identified victims of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide [File: Matej Divizna/Getty Images]
    Family members mourn at the mass funeral for newly-identified victims of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide [File: Matej Divizna/Getty Images]

    July 11 marks the 24th anniversary of the Srebrenicagenocide, the worst atrocity on European soil since the Holocaust. (HOLOHOAX).

    In July, 1995, Serb forces systematically killed more than 8,000 Bosniak Muslim men and boys in the so-called UN-protected enclave in Srebrenica, Bosnia.

    But what led to the massacre?
    In the nineties, genocide scholar Gregory H Stanton, an American, examined the stages of genocide, which eventually became his "10 stages of genocide" theory.
    Genocide is not committed by a small group of individuals, rather a large number of people and the state all contribute to genocide.


    The spectre of a Syrian Srebrenica

    Refik Hodzic
    by Refik Hodzic
    At each stage preventive measures can stop the situation from deteriorating further, Stanton noted.
    Bosnian-Australian anthropologist Hariz Halilovic later added an eleventh stage particular to Bosnia's case - "trumphalism".
    Here is how Stanton's 10 stages - and Halilovic's eleventh - relate to the Srebrenica genocide:


    Stages 1, 2, 3: Classification, symbolization and discrimination

    The idea of a Greater Serbia (including the territories of Bosnia, Kosovo, Croatia, Montenegro and other neighbouring countries) dates back to the 19th century, and was revived following the death of Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito in 1980.
    With the decline of the Communist bloc, Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic and Serbian nationalists saw a chance to mobilise the masses in support of establishing a homogenous Serbian state.
    In Milosevic's famous address to a crowd in Belgrade in 1989, he presented himself as the savior of Serbdom and Europe. It enforced the notion of "us [Serbs] vs them".
    Bosniaks were typically called Turks, Balije (a slur for a Bosnian Muslim) and branded as terrorists and Islamic "extremists".

    Stage 4: Dehumanisation

    Many Serbs dehumanised Bosniaks, regarding them as little more than Muslims who posed a threat to the Serbian hegemonist project.
    "In order to mobilise domestic public opinion against the Muslims and to justify future acts against them in the eyes of the West, the Serbian leadership needed an image of Islam as a totalitarian, inherently violent, and culturally alien system on European soil," writes Fikret Karcic, professor at the University of Sarajevo, in his paper "Distorted Images of Islam: the case of former Yugoslavia."
    "Such a distorted image had been provided by some influential Serbian orientalists, the Orthodox Church, and some historians."

    Stage 5: Organisation

    A plan to destroy Bosnia and "completely exterminate its Muslim people" was drawn up as early as the 1980s by the General Staff of the Yugoslav People's Army, according to Vladimir Srebrov, a politician who cofounded the SDS party with convicted Bosnian Serb war criminal Radovan Karadzic.
    Known as the famous RAM (frame) plan, its aim was to carve up Bosnia into a Greater Serbia and a Greater Croatia.


    The genocide survivor who searches for bones

    In the plan, the officers explained how artillery, ammunition and military equipment would be stored in strategic locations in Croatia and Bosnia.
    A secret police force was planned for arming and training local Serbs to create police and paramilitary units in Bosnia.
    One document, written by the army's special services including experts in psychological warfare, stated that the most effective way to create terror and panic among the Bosniak population would be by raping women, minors, and even children.

    Stage 6: Polarisation

    Serbian and Bosnian Serb media regularly broadcasted polarising propaganda, to dehumanise victims and marginalise the opposition to war.
    In one case, while Serb forces held Sarajevo under siege, state-run Belgrade TV aired a false story intended to fuel hatred, including the line: "Muslim extremists have come up with the most horrifying way in the world of torturing people. Last night they fed the Serb children to the lions in the city's zoo."
    This was reported on the evening news and was watched by several million viewers.

    Stage 7: Preparation

    Organised from Belgrade, Serbia, weapons were distributed to the Serb population by the truckload throughout 1990 and 1991 in Bosnia.
    "Weapons and military equipment were even flown in by military helicopters to Serbian military officers. It is said that by the end, almost no Serbian house was without an automatic gun," according to a UN report from 1994.
    "The pretext for the arms deliveries and the rearmament was that this was necessary for the defence against 'the enemies of the people' - the Muslim extremists."

    Stage 8: Persecution

    Across Bosnia, influential, intellectual Bosniaks were often among the first to be executed, with their names drawn up in death lists.
    As Serb troops arrived in each town, they killed non-Serbs, often after torturing them. Bosniak properties were confiscated.
    As many as 50,000 Bosniak and Croat women, girls and young children were raped in Bosnia from 1992- 1995.

    Bosnia war crimes
    A woman walks through the cemetery in Potocari, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Wednesday, March 20, 2019 [Marko Drobnjakovic/AP]
    In Prijedor, a city in western Bosnia, Bosniaks were forced to wear white armbands to be clearly identified and tie white flags to their doors.


    11 Lessons about Srebrenica genocide 'unwelcome' in Brussels

    Across the country 200,000 people were deported to concentration camps where they were tortured, starved and killed.
    Others living under siege, such as in Sarajevo and Mostar, starved while being targeted by snipers and heavy shelling.
    Srebrenica, which was known as the world's biggest detention camp, was under siege for three years, before it fell to Bosnian Serb forces in July 1995.
    Serb troops separated boys and men aged between 12 and 77 from the rest of the population and took them to fields, schools and warehouses to be executed.

    Stage 9: Extermination

    On July 11 at 16:15 General Ratko Mladic (now a convicted war criminal) entered Srebrenica with Serb forces, including paramilitary units from Serbia, claiming the town for Serbs. Strolling through the streets with the TV cameras rolling, Mladic announced that there will be "revenge against the Turks".

    Ratko Mladic sentenced to life in prison for genocide
    Panicked residents in the enclave fled to the UN Dutch Battalion base only to find that the 400 lightly-armed peacekeepers were unable to defend them. Serb forces had inherited much larger resources of the former Yugoslav army, the fourth largest in the world at the time.
    On that day, thousands of Bosniak men start to make their escape through the woods, forming a column and hiking some 100km in an attempt to reach free territory controlled by the Bosnian army.
    The journey was known as the death march, as they were ambushed, shot at and attacked by Serb forces. Less than a quarter of them survived.
    Over the course of six days, more than 8,000 Bosniaks were killed. Women and small children were deported.

    Mass Grave Exhumation near Cerska SREBRENICA, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - JULY 1996: Mass grave exhumation near Cerska, a year ago the Bosnian Serb army, led by General Ratko Mladic,
    Authorities stand by a mass grave exhumation site near Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina [File: Laurent Van der Stockt/ Getty Images]

    Stage 10: Denial

    In an attempt to conceal the killings, Serb forces transported the dead bodies with bulldozers and trucks and buried them in numerous locations, leaving the victims' remains fragmented and crushed.
    Human bones can be found as far as 20km apart, making it difficult for families to give their loved ones a proper burial.


    Canadians launch petition to ban Srebrenica genocide denial

    According to an Al Jazeera Balkans poll from 2018, 66 percent of Serbs in Republika Srpska deny the genocide.
    Genocide denial is common in academic and political circles in Republika Srpska and Serbia.
    The genocide is vehemently denied by politicians including Milorad Dodik, the current chairman and Serb member of Bosnia's tripartite presidency and by Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic.
    "[Denial] is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres," Stanton wrote.

    Pro-Mladic Supporters Demonstrate In Belgrade BELGRADE, SERBIA - MAY 29: Supporters of Ratko Mladic wave flags with his picture and reading in Serbian 'Serbian hero' during a rally organized
    Mladic supporters demonstrate in Belgrade against Ratko Mladic's arrest [Srdjan Stevanovic/Getty Images]

    Stage 11: Triumphalism

    Convicted war criminals today are respected and honoured as war heroes.
    According to the 2018 poll, 74 percent of Serbs in Republika Srpska consider Bosnian Serb convicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic, guilty of genocide and war crimes to be a hero.

    SOURCE: Al Jazeera News

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    LVO 2017 Smaïn Bédrouni - Fakhreddin Pacha ou Ömer Fahrettin Türkkan, Défenseur de Médine.


      Quō vādis? Ghyslaine ROC? Whither goest thou?


    6 years ago|2.8K views

    Limpide dans la Noirceur du Siecle - Roger Garaudy - Le film en version complète


    Une rétrospective de la vie et de l'œuvre de Roger Garaudy (1913-2012), l'homme qui a brisé les frontières idéologiques artificielles du XX° siècle, et redonné une perspective commune aux mondes chrétien et musulman en les unissant contre le mensonge sioniste et impérial américain. Résistant, communiste, député, sénateur, écrivain et philosophe, il est exclu du PCF en 1970, et se convertit à l'islam. Il fait à nouveau scandale en publiant en 1996 "Les Mythes fondateurs de la politique israélienne", qui lui vaut un procès retentissant pour "négationnisme".

    Roger Garaudy s'explique, dans des documents d'archives et par quelques pages inspirées.

    9 intellectuels engagés témoignent, dans le rude contexte de l'abolition de la liberté d'expression en France par la loi Gayssot: Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, Ginette Skandrani, Isabel Pisano, Israel Shamir, Ali Menjour, Rachid Ben ait Issa, Michel Lelong, J-C Manifacier, Alain de Benoist.

    Avec la participation de Moïse Rocher, Iris Lozère et Salvador Cap, le film montre la continuité des idéaux révolutionnaires, depuis 1792 jusqu'à notre époque.

    Un hommage au penseur et au combattant

    "Toujours à contre-nuit,

    comme un pont de lumière

    entre l'Europe et l'Orient."

    "Fi Sabil El-Hak...""Pour la vérité glorieuse..."

    Documentaire, 52'.
    Production: Niaguis production.
    Distribution: Association Entre la Plume et l'Enclume.
    Mention spéciale au Festival International du cinéma indépendant "New Horizons", septembre 2012, Téhéran.
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    25/06/2008 -
    juin 2008
    Non classé
    LES HOLOCAUSTES MODERNES par Ghyslaine ROCBulletin Numéro 5 – Juin 6008 
     La télévision populaire ne ment pas parfois, et, malgré elle, elle nous a gratifiés d’une véritable lumière du siècle en nous faisant voir un Français de l’empire qui se veut plus français que tous les autres, un fanatique et farouche…[ARTICLE INTROUVABLE]

    La Voix Des Opprimés

    Le journal des incorruptibles

    [N.B. I have not yet researched this part of the DECADENT Ottoman History, but I can definitely confirm the ARAB TREACHERY!  As well as the fact that Mustapha Kemal was a Crypto-Jewish Satanist!]

    Fakhreddin Pacha, connu sous le nom d’Ömer Fahrettin Türkkan, Défenseur de Médine, « Le lion du Désert, le Tigre du Désert « 

    Alors qu’il est demandé à la Couronne Britannique de rendre les fragments volés de la Pierre Noire , (voir ici), Abu Dhabi, s’en prend à l’illustre ancêtre Ottoman qui a défendu héroïquement la Ville du Saint Prophète Muhammad saws, Médine, contre l’agression anglaise.
    Abdullah ben Zayed Al-Nahyan, Ministre des Affaires étrangères desÉMIRATS ARABES UNIS
    a écrit un tweet anti-ottoman dans lequel il accuse Fakhreddine Pacha de pillage de la ville de Médine. Ce à quoi le Président turc a répondu lors d’un discours fait en partie à l’adresse d’Al-Nahyane :
    « Connais tes limites ! Quand Fakhreddine Pacha était envoyé en mission pour assurer la défense de Médine, où étaient-ils, tes ancêtres à toi ? »
    avant d’ajouter :
    « Malheureusement, certaines personnes proches de vous ont des prétentions inadmissibles. Connaissez vos limites ! Cela signifie que vous ne connaissez pas ce pays [la Turquie], que vous ne connaissez pas Erdogan, et que vous ne savez rien de nos ancêtres. »

    Qui est l’honorable ancêtre [putatif] héroïque de Monsieur Erdogan?

    Fakhri Pacha ou Fakhreddine Pacha (1868 – 22 novembre 1948), connu sous le nom d’Ömer Fakhrettin Türkkan après « la loi sur le nom » de 1934, était le commandant de l’Armée ottomane et gouverneur de Médine de 1916 à 1919. Il était surnommé « Le lion du désert » ou « Le Tigre du Désert » par les Britanniques et les Arabes pour son patriotisme envers Médine, et il est connu pour avoir défendu Médine lors du Siège de Médine pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale.

    Il est né à Rusçuk de mère Fatma Adile Hanım et de père Mehmed Nahid Bey. Il avait une soeur plus jeune Sabiha Hanım, qui était mariée avec ‘Alī Ḥaydar Pāshā . En raison de la guerre russo-turque, sa famille déménagea à Constantinople en 1878. Il a rejoint l’Académie de guerre dont il sorti diplômé en 1888. Son premier poste fut sur la frontière orientale avec l’Arménie dans la IVe Armée. En 1908, il est venu à Constantinople et a rejoint I’Armée régulière. En 1911-12, il a été envoyé en Libye et lorsque la guerre des Balkans a éclaté, il était le commandant de la 31e Division stationnée à Gallipoli. Son unité a arraché Andrinople (aujourd’hui : Edirne) à la Bulgarie et il est entré dans la ville avec Enver Pacha.

    Il s’est marié en 1900 avec Ayşe Sıdıka Hanımefendi (1884-1959), fille de Ferik Ahmet Paşa avec qui il a eu cinq enfants : Suphiye Türkkan 1904-1978 (fille), Mehmed Selim Türkkan 1908-1991 (fils), Mehmed Orhan Türkkan 1910-1994 (fils), Ayşe Nermin Türkkan 1919-1997 (fille), Ayhan Türkkan 1928-4.2.1959 (fils).

    Première Guerre mondiale :

    En 1914, avant la mobilisation de l’Armée ottomane, le colonel d’état-major Fakhreddine Bey fut nommé commandant du XIIe Corps stationné à Mossoul . Il a été promu au grade de Mirliva (équivalent de général de brigale, 2 étoiles) le 12 novembre 1914, et nommé commandant adjoint de la IVe armée stationnée à Alep.

    Défenseur de Médine :

    Pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, après Hussein bin Ali, Sharif de la Mecque, il a commencé à se préparer à une révolte contre l’Empire ottoman. Il a ensuite fait mouvement sous les ordres de Djemal Pacha le 23 mai 1916 vers Médine dans le Hedjaz pour la défendre et il a été nommé Commandant de la Force expéditionnaire du Hedjaz le 17 juillet 1916.

    Fakhreddine Pacha fut assiégé par les forces arabes qui se révoltèrent contre le Sultan ottoman et se rangèrent du côté des Britanniques contre lui, mais il resta debout et défendit avec ténacité la Ville Sainte. Fakhreddine Pacha devait non seulement défendre Medine, mais aussi protéger le chemin de fer à voie étroite du Hejaz contre les attaques de sabotage de l’armée hébraïque [les initiés comprendront…]. Les garnisons turques des petites gares isolées résistent aux attaques de nuit continues et sécurisent les voies contre un nombre croissant de sabotages (environ 130 attentats majeurs en 1917 et des centaines en 1918 incluant l’explosion de plus de 300 bombes le 30 avril 1918).

    Avec l’Armistice de Mudros du 30 octobre 1918, entérinant la cessation des hostilités pour l’Empire ottoman, on s’attendait à ce que Fakhreddine se rende aussi. Mais il a refusé de le faire et a simplement refusé d’accepter l’armistice.

    Pendant le siège de Médine, Pacha a envoyé les objets sacrés et les manuscrits de Médine à Istanbul afin de les protéger contre la saisie, dont la plupart ont été rendus à Médine par l’Empire ottoman et sont maintenant conservés dans les bibliothèques de la ville. Tandis que le reste, est gardé dans le palais de Topkapi à Istanbul.

    Selon les mémoires des témoins oculaires de l’écrivain turc Feridun Kandemir, qui était un volontaire du Croissant-Rouge de l’époque à Médine, un vendredi au printemps 1918, après des prières à Masjid al-Nabawi (masjid du prophète) il s’adresse aux troupes en disant :

    « Soldats, je vous appelle au nom du Prophète, mon témoin, je vous ordonne de le défendre, Lui et sa ville, jusqu’à la dernière cartouche et votre dernier souffle, quelle que soit la force de l’ennemi ! Qu’Allah nous aide, et que les prières de Muhammad soient avec nous. Officiers de l’armée héroïque turque, Ô petits Muhammad, avancez-vous et promettez-moi, devant Notre Seigneur et le Prophète, d’honorer votre foi par le sacrifice suprême de vos vies. »

    Fahreddine Pacha avait dit qu’il avait reçu un songe dans lequel le Saint Prophète Muhammad lui avait ordonné de ne pas se soumettre. En août 1918, il a reçu un appel à la reddition de la part du Shérif Hussein de La Mecque. Fakhreddine Pacha lui a répondu en ces termes :
    « Fakhr-ud-Din, général, défenseur de la ville la plus sacrée de Médine, serviteur du prophète.
    Au nom d’Allah, l’Omnipotent, à celui qui a brisé le pouvoir de l’Islam, a fait couler le sang parmi les musulmans, a mis en péril le Califat du Commandeur des Croyants et l’a exposé à la domination des Britanniques.
    Le jeudi soir, le quatorzième jour de Dhu’l-Hijja, je marchais fatigué et épuisé, pensant à la protection et à la défense de Médine, lorsque je me suis retrouvé parmi des hommes inconnus travaillant sur une petite place. Il y avait le Prophète, que la bénédiction d’Allah soit sur lui, son bras gauche reposait sur sa hanche sous sa robe, et il me dit d’une manière protectrice : « Suis-moi ». Je l’ai suivi à deux ou trois pas et je me suis réveillé, je me suis immédiatement dirigé vers sa mosquée sacrée et je me suis prosterné en prière et soumission à Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala [près de sa tombe].
    Je suis maintenant sous la protection du Prophète, mon Commandant suprême, je m’occupe de renforcer les défenses, de construire des routes et des places à Médine, ne me tourmentez pas avec des offres inutiles. »
    Il a refusé de remettre son épée même après avoir reçu un ordre direct du Ministre ottoman de la guerre. Le Gouvernement ottoman a été contrarié par son comportement et le Sultan Mehmed VI l’a démis de son poste. Il a pourtant refusé d’abandonner son poste et a maintenu le drapeau du Sultan ottoman à Médine jusqu’à 72 jours après la fin de la guerre. Après l’armistice de Moudros, l’unité ottomane la plus proche se trouvait à 1300 km de Medine.
    Fakhreddine a été arrêté par ses propres hommes et amené à Abdullah le 9 janvier 1919 à Bir Darwish. Abdullah est entré dans Médine peu après la capitulation, suivi par Ali qui est entré dans la ville le 2 février 1919.

    Suites diplomatiques 2017

    En décembre 2017, Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ministre des Affaires étrangères des

    ÉMIRATS ARABES UNIS, a déclenché un incident diplomatique entre la Turquie et les Émirats Arabes Unis, après avoir partagé un article sur les médias sociaux via son compte personnel qui visait à présenter Fakhreddine Pacha et ses forces comme des voleurs des manuscrits pendant le siège de Médine.

    En réponse, le Président turc Recep Tayyip Erdoğan a qualifié ce Ministre des Affaires étrangères desÉMIRATS ARABES UNIS d’ignorant et a déclaré :

    « Un homme impertinent et ignorant qui va jusqu’à accuser nos ancêtres de vol… Quand Fakhreddine Pacha était envoyé en mission pour assurer la défense de Médine, où étaient-ils, tes ancêtres à toi ? », avant d’ajouter :

    « Malheureusement, certaines personnes proches de vous ont des prétentions inadmissibles. Connaissez vos limites ! Cela démontre que vous ne connaissez pas ce pays [la Turquie], que vous ne connaissez pas Erdogan, et que vous ne savez rien de nos ancêtres. […] D’abord, vous devez en rendre compte. »

    Quelques jours plus tard, la Turquie en représailles symbolique a rebaptisé la rue, où se trouve l’ambassade des Émirats Arabes Unis en Turquie, du nom de Fakhreddine Pacha.

    Sa vie après la guerre

    Après son arrestation, il a été amené à la caserne militaire du Caire, en Egypte. Plus tard, il a été transféré à Malte. Fakhreddine Pacha a vécu comme prisonnier de guerre pendant plus de deux ans à Malte jusqu’en 1921. Après sa libération en 1921, il a rejoint les forces turques sous le commandement de Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (???) et s’est battu contre les armées grecque et française occupant l’Anatolie.

    Après la guerre d’Indépendance turque (???), il devint ambassadeur de Turquie à Kaboul, en Afghanistan, entre 1922 et 1926. En 1936, il fut promu au grade de Ferik (équivalent de général de division, 3 étoiles) et se retira de l’Armée. Il est décédé le 22 novembre 1948, d’un arrêt cardiaque lors d’un voyage en train dans les environs d’Eskişehir. Selon ses souhaits, il a été enterré dans le cimetière d’Aşiyan à Istanbul.

    Ô croyants, Ô musulmans, qui aujourd’hui défend l’honneur du Commandant qui a dit à ses hommes: 

    « Soldats, je vous appelle au nom du Prophète, mon témoin, je vous ordonne de le défendre, lui et sa ville, jusqu’à la dernière cartouche et votre dernier souffle, quelle que soit la force de l’ennemi ! Qu’Allah nous aide, et que les prières de Mouhammad soient avec nous. »

    « Officiers de l’Armée héroïque turque,Ô petits Muhammad, avancez, et promettez-moi, devant notre Seigneur et le Prophète (sawa), d’honorer votre foi par le sacrifice suprême de vos vies. »
    Smaïn Bédrouni
    25 décembre 2017, Paris, France.

    Lire aussi : https://www.facebook.com/Seifoullah/posts/1413350122106658
    Source :  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1398950763546594&set=a.266931910081824.55193.100002950500496




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    Time Magazine Climate Covers
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    My best years on this damn flat and non spinning Earth - playing with Dolls (tidying up after my grandchildren)!


    (I cannot help it, every morning after waking up, I always feel the need to put some shit on paper (on the computer!) and sometimes making it public knowing perfectly well that the public (or even my own!) does not give a damn about what I write because, as some say, I AM CRAZY!  I do not give a damn about YOUR world, who cowards and hypocrites like us gave to you as an eternal possession (like Palestine) to do as you please, you, test-tubes or Monsanto or Fornication Sons and Daughters  of the Devils and your Lord SATAN!

    YOUR Illuminati,
    YOUR Jews,
    YOUR Israel,
    YOUR Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses,
    YOUR Synagogues of Satan,
    YOUR Gods, Moloch and Company,
    YOUR Human Rights,
    YOUR Racism and Fascism, 
    YOUR Death Squads, BlackwaterXe, etc.,
    YOUR Mercenaries, ISIS, IS, ISIL, etc.,
    YOUR False Flags, Crisis Actors,
    YOUR International Law,
    YOUR Democracy,
    YOUR Religions and Ideologies of Lies,
    YOUR Dictates about Equality and Freedom, 
    YOUR Compulsory Homosexual and Transgender Religion,
    YOUR Secularism, Socialism, Communism, Democracy,
    YOUR Freemasonic Lodges,
    YOUR ADL, B'nai B'rith, AIPAC, CRIF,
    YOUR Board of Deputies of British and Other Jews,
    YOUR Lobbies,
    YOUR Courts of Maritime Law,
    YOUR Injustice,
    YOUR Pedophile, Homosexual and Transgender Leaders,
     YOUR Bogus and Never-ending Peace Talks,
    YOUR Preventive Wars that cause More Wars,
    YOUR SODOMITE Prisons,
    YOUR Prison Factories,
    YOUR Fashion Industry,
    YOUR Torture Camps,
    YOUR Military Industrial Complex,
    YOUR World Hegemony,
    YOUR UNO Dictatorship,
    YOUR Banks of Gangsters,
    YOUR Genocides around the world,
    YOUR Usury,
    YOUR Fake Space Travels,
    YOUR Faked Moon Landings,
    YOUR Pseudo-Sciences,
    YOUR Puppet Leaders of Africa and Asia, 
    YOUR Degenerate Arts,
    YOUR Modern Corporate Slaves,
    YOUR Secret Services,
    YOUR Atomic, Nuclear, Thermobaric and Ethnic Bombs,
    YOUR Biological and other Weapons of Mass Destruction, 
    YOUR Antarctica Military Bases,
    YOUR Flat Non-Spinning Earth,
    YOUR Macro-Evolution Hoax,
    YOUR Vaccines,
    YOUR Willing Slaves,
    YOUR Corporate Sports,
    YOUR Drug Cartels,
    YOUR Fluoride, Mercury, Aspartame Poisoning,
    YOUR Fake Medicine
    YOUR Damn HARMacy,
    YOUR Monsanto and Genetic Modified Everything,
    YOUR Gambling Institutions,
    YOUR Millions of Human Sacrifices,
    YOUR Prostitutes, Fornicators, Abortionists, Pornographers,
    YOUR Utter Cruelty, Ferocity, Lack of Empathy,

    And the list goes on and on!

    BUT, WITHOUT US, the cowards, the Selfish, and the Hypocrites, some 6-7 Billion, that is, almost the entire of the Earth's Human Big Bang and Ape Descended populations, YOU ARE NOTHING, AND CAN DO NOTHING!  We just need 24 hours to make YOU literally shit in your pants or knickers if you wear one!  This is why our Ancient Wise Men invented God and Gods to control us, not Women!  Men even invented LILITH and EVE, and another one ESTHER, but WE NEVER OR VERY RARELY LISTEN! 

     I am Free in a World of Slaves, and I keep away from Human Monsters!

    To those ZOMBIES, I say:  
    Burn all your HOLY BOOKS as they are useless except at the individual levels, and even then, it does not make us any Holier!   So, I do not blame YOU or Satan for everything that is happening to us on this Damn Flat Non-Spinning Earth!  WE ARE THE GUILTY ONES!

    My greatest pleasure in my old age is to tidy up after my grandchildren have left, and I do not give a damn whether YOU ALL (the good, the bad, the ugly, and the Evil) keep on censoring me day after day, hacking my Blog, removing my posts, videos, and pictures, ending my accounts, insulting me, lying about me, and thinking you are TERRORISING me although it is TERRORISM and the whole world is scared and have to TOE THE LINE or invent new religions like New Age, the Galactics, Karmaism, Yogaism, Genocidism, Tourism, the New World Orderism, etc.!

    Writing is my life-long hobby (addiction), and I found out it is the most dangerous activity ever when you are a free thinker, a sovereign free-man-on-the-land, serving only God whether He exists or not as we believe He does, and serve no man or government, and belong to no religious or political party or group.

     My best friends ever are my books, but they proved useless!

     I give homage to all your victims of the past and the present and to those who are still genuinely fighting against the SATANIC HEGEMONY OF MONSTERS AND THE COWARDICE AND HYPOCRISY OF HUMANS!  Many such Heroes and Brave Knights of Truth, I have known personally.  They are of all religions and ideologies!  Goodness comes from the heart and THIS IS GODLY!

     We chose to live in a world lo lies!

     Holy Shit!  Long Live Israel!
    ISRA = STRONG, POWERFUL (against)
     Did Yakov (Jacob) not DEFEAT GOD?
    SATAN: Basheer, when are you going to be serious?  
    But, you are damn right about ISRAEL!  And Islam too!*
    BASHEER:  My old friend Satan, I thank you for poisoning my life for 73 years, but you remain my Best Friend!   
    See you very soon in the dust!
    Wednesday 14 August 2019

    *  For all those who disagree, read the LAST KITAAB, QUR'AAN, FURQAAN in its original Arabic!

     Good Luck on Earth, YOU Damn Human Monsters,Thieves, Mass Murderers of Babies and the Innocent, and Perverts!

    MASS MURDER includes the destruction or wiping out of past civilisations, cultures, languages, customs, truths, religions, wisdom as well as the Holocausts of living species. 


    My dream was to write such books as "COMPRENDRE L'EMPIRE" (Alain Soral), "LA FAILLTE DU MONDE MODERNE" (Salim Laïbi), "MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY", 
    and more!  But, even my autobiography is most unlikely to happen due to life tribulations, and an impossible and very hostile family and domestic situation. C'EST LA VIE!



    Salim Laïbi (LLP) : 1 et 2 :

     Conférence à Roubaix sur son livre 

    "La faillite du monde moderne"


    Published on 13 Apr 2013


    Conférence Alain Soral à Hong Kong 

    - Qu'est-ce que l'Empire ?

    Published on 5 Jan 2014

    Conférence d'Alain Soral à la librairie Parenthèses, Hong Kong, le 30 novembre 2012. www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr



    Alain Soral présente "Franc maçonnerie l'effroyable vérité"

    Published on 24 Jul 2019

    Alain Soral présente le livre "Franc maçonnerie l'effroyable vérité" de Stéphane Blet, publié aux éditions Kontre Kulture. Se procurer l'ouvrage chez Kontre Kulture : https://www.kontrekulture.com/produit...


    La vérité sur la franc-maçonnerie 

    – Conférence de Stéphane Blet à Paris 



    Published on 1 Jul 2017
     L’équipe d’E&R Île-de-France recevait Stéphane Blet au Théâtre de la Main d’Or à Paris le 1er avril 2017 pour une conférence intitulée « La vérité sur la franc-maçonnerie ». 
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