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France Insurrection 2018 - BAFS, Dieudonné, Alain Soral, Gilad Atzmon, Philippe Ploncard d'Assac...against JEWISH POWER!


 (Adapted from "Men - what to expect from marriage MGTOW")
With one huge difference - she succeeded in blackmailing me because of our son!   


Joachim is the illegitimate son of a North African PIED-NOIR (JEWISH BLACK-FOOT)

She chose her PIED-NOIR son instead!



Streamed live 18 hours ago - Vendredi 14.12.2018

Dieudonné : Gilets jaunes Insurrection

 Nouveau spectacle de Dieudo à Paris & en province :  


Sortie de L'émancipation en DVD : https://bit.ly/2PmDa3m 

Gilet jaune section Ananas : https://bit.ly/2BF43vC#giletsjaunes

Published on 18 Jun 2012

Dieudonné et Soral bien sur, mais aussi Kusturica, Asselineau, Jovanovich, Desproges et le Petit Journal ridiculisent BHL. Mais c'est encore lui-même qui le fait le mieux.


 Philippe Ploncard d'Assac

Philippe Ploncard d'Assac

Cercles Nationalistes Français

Devant la révolte des Français face à la pression fiscale et leur appauvrissement constant, plusieurs réflexions sont à faire :
1° Les manifestations doivent éviter de gêner les Français qui travaillent encore.
Ce style de manifestations semblables à celles des syndicats ne gêne en rien le gouvernement, ni le président de la République, premier responsable de la ruine de notre pays.
2° C’est aux responsables directs de cette politique qu’il faut s’attaquer pour être efficace et déstabiliser ce régime.
Cela doit se faire par le blocage des ministères, des domiciles des principaux ministres et des permanences de LREM, pour les empêcher de travailler, donc de continuer leur politique de destruction du pays.
3° Les principaux aéroports doivent être aussi surveillés et bloqués pour empêcher les déplacement du Président de la République et de ses ministres.
Si l’on n’applique pas ces règles efficaces d’insurrection populaire elle finira par s’essouffler comme l’attend le Pouvoir.
4° Nous soutenons les initiatives qui ont commencé  de bloquer les centres d’impôts qui matraquent les français. 
5° Éviter les affrontements avec les forces de l’ordre, même CRS, mais les applaudir, les appeler à se joindre aux manifestations comme certains l’ont déjà fait, car eux aussi souffrent de la situation et de la trahison des pouvoirs publics, dans l’accomplissement de leur vocation au service des citoyens.
Pas de violences, mais de la détermination efficace.
Prenez garde aussi aux provocations de la police politique en vue de discréditer le mouvement.
Telles sont les consignes que nous donnons non seulement à tous nos responsables des CNF, à travers la France, mais aussi à tous ceux qui verrons ce Communiqué-Manifeste sur les réseaux sociaux.
Vous devez prendre la tête des initiatives, orienter les manifestations, selon les règles que nous avons donné plus haut,  être le levain de la révolte populaire.
Pour la France et son peuple.

Le Comité directeur des Cercles nationalistes français

Stéphane Blet avec les Gilets Jaunes
J'emmerde la Licra, le Crif, le B'naï B'rith et toutes les sectes tribales juives. Foutez le camp !


New legacy: Genghis Khan's bloody conquests scrubbed 700million tons of carbon from the atmosphere as depopulated land returned to forest

By Mike King

Not that any credence should be placed in the Holocaust , but imagine a museum exhibit in a major American city honoring The Great One(that's Hitler for all you newbies and normies). How soon would 1 million Jews and other assorted libtards and "anti-racists" converge upon the event and tear the building apart brick by brick?
Not that any credence should be placed in the official version of the Spanish Inquisition either, but imagine a museum exhibit in a major American city honoring King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella - the Monarchs who, in 1492, expelled the Jews from Spain. Same reaction as above.
Again, not that any credence should be placed in the official version of 9/11, but imagine a museum exhibit in a major American city honoring Osama Bin Laden and his merry band of box-cutter-wielding madmen.
Or how about an exhibit dedicated to the Crusades, the Confederacy, the Ku Klux Klan, Joe Stalin, or Pol Pot? Unthinkable!

http://video-5.web.britannica.com/eb-media/87/81687-049-2248922F.jpghttp://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/58/129958-004-C9B8B89D.jpgRelated image
These famous "anti-Semites"  would never get a sympathetic museum exhibit in their honor.

Even comparatively far less "controversial" figures such as Jesus, Charlemagne, Christopher Columbus, Andrew Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Napoleon would somehow offend the delicate sensibilities of the oh-so-tolerant kosher-keepers of western culture. But when it comes to the single greatest killer of White people the world has ever seen (pre-Bolshevik era) Philadelphia's Franklin Institute has no self-righteous moral compunction about sponsoring a traveling exhibit honoring - yes, honoring - Mr. Genghis Khan of Mongoldom.Directly or indirectly, the Mongols were responsible for an estimated 40,000,000 deaths.(many White folks - Aryans of Northern India, Persia, Middle East, Eastern Europe - but also many Chinese)
From the Institute's own website:

Genghis Khan: Bringing the Legend to Life
"Uncover the amazing story of one of the world’s greatest leaders and most misunderstood conquerors, Genghis Khan. Learn how his empire forever changed the face of the world, and discover his legacy as both a ruthless warrior and a revered statesman."

Now, let's try that same promo for Hitler:
Adolf Hitler: Bringing the Legend to Life
"Uncover the amazing story of one of the world’s greatest leaders and most misunderstood conquerors, Adolf Hitler.
 Learn how his empire forever changed the face of the world, and discover his legacy as both a ruthless warrior and a revered statesman."

Can you see the double standard here? What ever happened to all that tommy-rot about "never again" and "we must never forget"? Before we continue, a crash course on Genghis Khan and his immediate successors is in order here. As you read this excerpt, keep in mind that the people who suffered at the hands of Khan were real people - our Indo-European ancestors - whose DNA we still carry. Visualize, if you can, the unimaginable terror that these gentle people must have felt as the mounted Mongol beasts rode into their villages and cities - torching their homes, exterminating the men, children and elderly; while riding off with the prettiest fair maidens.

Volume 7, A Glorious Disaster:
The Christians: Their First 2000 Years:
(Abridged, edited and illustrated by TomatoBubble.com)
In England, the herring business had all but collapsed when buyers from the Baltic just never showed up. Why? It seemed that there suddenly were fewer people left in the Slavic lands to buy the catch -- wiped out, some reported, by hideous horsemen appearing like a whirlwind from the east.
People with dogs’ heads? Well, maybe not that, but they certainly behaved like wild dogs. They usually left nothing alive, and in any case the stench of corpses made whole cities uninhabitable. Resistance seemed useless. The princes of the Slavic people, then known as the Rus (Russians), reportedly had assembled the greatest army in their history, but in a single battle these hard-riding devils wiped it out.

 http://media3.s-nbcnews.com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/060711/060711_mongolia_hmed3p.grid-6x2.jpgImage result for mongol raidImage result for mongol raid
Kill - Rape - Plunder - Enslave
Beyond them and beyond the lands east of Persia, they left the storied cities of Samarkand and Bukhara in charred ruin. According to the works of the Iranian historian Rashid al-Din  the Mongols killed more than 700,000 people in Merv and 1,000,000 in Nishapur. No one knew where they might strike next, and they claimed that their destiny was to rule the whole world.
In conquering Asia, the Mongols murdered untold millions–a catastrophe of a magnitude never before experienced. These disasters are attributable to the evil genius of a single man, the tyrant Genghis Khan, who rejoiced in slaughter and commanded the killing of innocent men, women, and children as his mounted minions raped, pillaged, and plundered wherever they went. For centuries Genghis Khan would stand infamous as history’s most ruthless practitioner of genocide. 
These Mongols were Asiatic, not Caucasian. They were also, as those in their path were about to discover to their grief, the world’s finest cavalry soldiers and by far the most brutal. By age twenty-eight, through an alliance with neighboring Turks, Khan had subjugated all the Mongol tribes. Then he turned on his Turkish allies, killed their leader, and subjugated them, too. He built loyalty through rewards of slaves and booty, plus endless promise of new horizons. In 1206 he declared himself supreme Khan (King).
Genghis ruled by imposing heavy tax revenues, troops on demand, and utter obedience to his laws. He once declared that “the greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses, and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.”
Kill the men - Steal the White women. What a guy!  

In one battle against Muslims, Khan's hordes descended on a city and hacked to pieces every man, woman, and child there. All except the governor, that is. He died in slow agony as molten silver was dripped into his eyes and ears.  Mongol armies then converged on the great trading city of Samarkand. After Genghis’s horsemen annihilated 50,000 foot soldiers. The defending cavalrymen tried to switch sides, which left the city undefended. The citizens surrendered, and the Mongols took 100,000 of them as slaves. They then executed 30,000 prisoners.
Meanwhile, there was more horrifying news. Bukhara, 100 miles northwest, had fallen to a Mongol army commanded by Genghis himself. He had surprised the city, hacked its fleeing garrison to pieces, and burned the place to the ground.
Genghis  then headed west, burning crops, razing  cities, and slaughtering every human he encountered. He then dispatched 20,000 men on a mission to scout the rich lands to the west beyond the Caspian Sea. When confronted by a large force of Georgians, the Mongols fled with the Georgians pursuing them until their horses were exhausted – at which point the Mongols returned, mounted on the fresh steeds they had waiting for them, and massacred the entire Georgian army.
Riding out of the Caucasus, the Mongols tore a path westward. By 1222, their scouting army reached Hungary. They then lured an 80,000 strong Slavic force into a 250-mile chase. Then, at the river Kalka, the invaders suddenly turned, confronted the Slavs, and annihilated them. Slavic contingents coming up from behind were wiped out by Mongol archers hidden in clouds of dark smoke, making the battleground a black nightmare of slaughter.
By the time the prince of Kiev arrived with his army, half the original force of 80,000 lay dead. The horrified Kievans turned to flee but were butchered in their entirety. The prince was suffocated to death beneath the table on which the triumphant Mongols ate their victory banquet. 
Mongols had no honor when it came to prisoners-of-war.

To Europeans, it did indeed seem that these heathen warriors would enslave every nation. Who could stop them? At the heart of their capability were the  tribesmen themselves, toughened and disciplined from birth. They could ride for days without food or water. If necessary, they drank blood drawn from their horses’ leg veins.
The Mongols could outrace any foe. Their favorite tactic was to feign withdrawal, drawing the enemy past hidden flanks, then crush him from front and back. They created smoke and floods and by 1300 were using gunpowder cannons, incendiary grenades, and flaming bamboo rockets. All this was now directed toward the slaughter, enslavement, and subjugation of Europe.
In 1236 Genghis’s grandson Batu, with an army 120,000 strong, set about finishing off the northernmost Islamic state, the Bulgar kingdom. In the summer of 1237 he overwhelmed the Bulgarian capital, Bulgar, exterminating its entire population of 50,000 and razing the place so completely that it was never rebuilt.
The once-powerful state of Kiev, where more than 200 years ago Prince Vladimir had introduced Christianity, had disintegrated into quarreling provinces. The northern trading center of Novgorod  had declared independence and was growing rich. Princes fought perpetually with each other over succession and against the free citizens in the emerging cities.
Ryazan became the Mongols’ first target. Driving an outpost garrison back into the city, the invaders spent a week erecting a wooden palisade all around it to protect their archers and catapults. A three-day barrage of arrows and rocks followed, after which the attackers burst in with battering rams and began their slaughter.
Civilians were hacked to pieces with swords, pierced with arrows, flayed alive, impaled, drowned, or burned alive. The Mongols raped girls before murdering them and defiled nuns in churches while priests were forced to watch, and then were thrown into the fires. They torched the city but did allow a few people to run away and tell the rest of the Slavs what awaited them.
Image result for medieval peoplehttps://eliminatedleaves.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/huns_by_rochegrosse1.jpg
Kill - Rape - Plunder - Enslave 
Gentle Medieval White folks who looked like the ones depicted above were exterminated, raped or enslaved by the MILLIONS!

As the Mongols burned a bloody path northward, the Grand Duke of Suzdal traveled the country gathering armies to defend his capital of Vladimir. The Mongols destroyed his city before he got home, then confronted his army by the river Sit, surrounded it, and annihilated it.
Now short of supplies, the invaders summered on the grassy plains west of the Don, where they received fresh herds of horses from Mongolia. Through the following winter, they annihilated or enslaved nomadic peoples as far south as the Crimea.
In autumn 1239 they went north and destroyed Chernigov. Then, they spent the winter on the Kipchak steppes but used the time to reconnoiter Kiev, still the largest and most magnificent city in all the Slavic territories.
In December 1240 they struck. Their army battered down the walls, then sliced its way through defenders atop the rubble. The carnage was merciless, and in a horrific conclusion, the weight of people crowding inside the cathedral collapsed its walls. All that remained of the once-splendid metropolis was a hideous pile of writhing and crushed humanity; six years later travelers found Kiev’s streets still filled with skulls and other bones. The Rus were close to being vanquished in a stroke.

The siege and slaughter of Russian Kiev
Editor's Note *
About this time, the Mongols made common cause with the Jews of Khazaria. Centuries earlier - before the Christian Rus warriors finally put the converted Khazar Hun Empire "out of business" - the Khazar Jews had conquered Hungary and Poland.(here) Israeli scholar Sophia Menache's 2008 paper, entitled:Tartars, Jews, Saracens and the Jewish-Mongol ‘Plot’ of 1241. (here)  explores this relationship.
The Jewish Khazar Empire was a Turko-Hun entity; and Turkics are the "cousins" of Mongols. Old Khazaria was indeed referred to as a "Khanate"(political entity ruled by a "Khan"). This is why derivatives of the word "Khan"(King)is a common Jewish surname-  Kagan, Kaganovich etc. That dispersed Khazars and Mongols would vindictively cooperate in exterminating and enslaving the White Christians of Slavic-Rus Europe is not surprising.
 http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/archive/2010/08/1_123125_123073_2240479_2262539_100805_ex_kaganruffletn.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpgRelated imagehttp://russia-insider.com/sites/insider/files/Vicky-neocon-Kagan.jpg
Supreme Court Justice Kagan 
- Stalin's 'right hand man" Kaganovich 
- Putin-hater Vicky "F - - k the EU" Nuland & neo-con husband Robert Kagan
The Mongol army, like a hurricane gathering momentum, had grown bigger because of thousands of conscripts - (*surely including many Khazar Jews). Batu assigned 30,000 troops to hold the Rus while he led another 100,000 across an astounding 600-mile front. His target was Hungary, ruled by King Bela IV from Buda. 
Neighboring rulers ignored Bela's plight. Only after Batu annihilated Carpathian defenders did Hungary assemble an army. Bearing down on them through the mountain snows at an amazing 60 miles per day, the Mongols arrived at Vac, slaughtered everyone there, and set up camp.
Nevertheless, Bela's remaining army of 100,000 was still the largest in Europe, and when Batu failed to attack immediately, Bela grew confident. Then, Mongol reinforcements arrived from the south and he watched in amazement as the invading army began a slow departure. They were giving up, thought the king; they must be afraid or in trouble. And so, disastrously, he chased them.
At Mohi, about eighty miles east of Pest, the Mongols sprang their trap. Surrounding the Hungarians, they unleashed a barrage of firebombs and arrows. When a gap finally appeared in the encircling horde and the Hungarians raced through it to escape, they found themselves trapped in a gorge where archers annihilated 60,000 of them.
By then all Europe had been further frightened by news of more mayhem to the north, where the northern wing of the Mongol army had destroyed the Polish cities of Lublin and Zawichost, sacked Sandomierz, and plundered a monastery.
In Krakow and Wroclaw terrified residents actually burned their own cities and fled. Finally, at Legnica the rampaging horsemen had met an army of 25,000 that included Templars, Teutonic Knights, the entire Polish aristocracy, and the full flower of northern chivalry. But even this assemblage was obliterated in short order.
Waves of panic now rippled all the way to the Atlantic. In cathedrals people prayed, “From the fury of the Tatars, O Lord, deliver us.”  The pope called for a crusade against the Mongols in Germany. Bela, in exile, sent money to build forts on the west side of the Danube.
Months went by with no move from Batu. Then, on Christmas Day 1241, the Mongols exploded with fury against Buda and against Gran , 30 miles northwest. There they roasted citizens alive to make them reveal the locations of hidden treasure, before riding toward Vienna, about seventy miles away. The invasion of Austria had begun. Mongol troops were spotted as far away as Zagreb, east of the Adriatic. Panic also spread in Italy when some were spotted near Venice.
All Europe lay helpless before them. (By the way, In the far east, in centuries to come, the Mongols will inflict similar horror, genocide and cultural destruction upon Aryan India.) It would require the combined might of every army in Christendom to stop these horsemen, but such a unified force simply did not exist. Then, amazingly, the Mongols vanished.
What the Europeans did not know was that OgedeiKhan(son of Genghis) had died of a sudden convulsion. His death had saved Europe, because Batu had to go to Karakorum, where the succession would be contested. However, the dread fear remained, of course; these ghastly marauders would surely return, spelling the doom of Christendom.
 http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141127153932/assassinscreed/images/0/0d/ACM_Ogedei_Khan_1.pngImage result for mongols internal dissent
The death of Ogedei saved western Europe and caused internal dissension among the Mongols.

There were some who took a  different view of the Mongols, regarding them not as vanquishers of Christendom but as an instrument by which Christianity could actually overcome Islamic invasion. When Innocent IV became pope in 1243, his chief question about the Mongols was, could they be converted and used to fight the Muslims? Seeking answers, in 1245 he dispatched to them a diplomatic embassy led by a  Franciscan monk called John of Plano Carpini.  After a historic three-year adventure, his small party returned as heroes, the first Europeans to have visited the Far East. Unfortunately, the message he brought from Genghis Khan was a humiliating rebuff. Christendom had just two choices, the Mongols declared: submit or perish.
If the Mongols had had the chance, they would have destroyed Rome and Florence as they devastated Kiev and Baghdad, and there could never have been a Renaissance based on Christian culture.

The terror-filled population of Western Europe dreaded the final Mongol push - which, thankfully, never came. 
What would the world have been like if the Mongols had completed the dream of Genghis Khan?

By 1256 Hulagu had assembled a force of 100,000. His first objective was to destroy the independent sect called the Assassins in their mountain fortresses near the Caspian Sea . More than 100 Assassin castles crumbled over the next year, pounded by a thousand crews of Chinese catapult bombers. Every inhabitant, including women and children, was slaughtered.
The Mongols rolled toward Baghdad, on the Tigris River, and drowned defending soldiers by the 1000's by breaking a dike. Bursting through Baghdad’s walls, they unleashed one of the bloodiest single-city massacres in human history. It began after remaining troops voluntarily disarmed, expecting to be conscripted, but instead were marched out of the city and butchered. Then, the Mongols killed 500,000 surrendering civilians.
The Mongols burned Baghdad, then had the Caliph sewn up in a carpet and trampled to death by horses. Muslim historians put the total killed as high as 2,000,000.
In Russia, Alexander Nevsky was the first prince to become the Mongols’ servant. He knew that his people were too weak to expel the Mongols. Thus, he gave them the chance to survive by gaining the confidence of their overlords. About the mid-14th century the Russians would finally shake off the “Tatar-Mongol yoke.”
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a5/Alexander_Nevsky_Poster.jpg/220px-Alexander_Nevsky_Poster.jpg   https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7e/Mongols-map.png
1- Much like Vladimir Putin during the early 2000's, Prince Alexander Nevsky bought time for Russia - paying the Mongols their taxes as Russia patiently waited for the Mongols to weaken internally. 2The vast Mongol crime-Empire eventually shrank all the way back to what is modern day Mongolia.

And that's all you need to know about the wonderful Mr. Khan and his uncultured, brutish bloodline-successors who came very close to annihilating Western Civilization. Had it not been for the tenacity of the Germans, Poles, Russians, and some internal dissension among the Mongols themselves, all of Europe would have been enslaved and racially cleansed (sort of like what is happening now). This then is the monster that the Jewish Supremacists are throwing in the White Man's face as some hero of history.
A New Jersey newspaper quotes the developer of the Khan exhibit, Don Lessem, who is Jewish. (1)Lessem's deceitful apologia for Khan is hard to stomach:
"We grew up thinking of him (Genghis Khan) as a barbarian," said Lessem, a Philadelphia native and dinosaur guru. "But in reality, we were the barbarians."(By "we", Lessem means White people. You know the trick!)
In the new traveling exhibit, "Genghis Khan: Bring the Legend to Life" —  at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia — the true story of this notorious conquerer is told. Fascinated by the genius of Khan, Lessem, the developer of the exhibit, wanted to "set the record straight.
"He brought the East and West together," Lessem said, adding that Khan was indeed a true visionary. 'Khan invented passports, paper money, he believed in freedom of religion and tax breaks for clerics. There are so many things that are a part of our everyday lives. We just don't realize it,' he said."
What a great guy that Genghis was, eh Lessem? That's easy for you to say because Khan and his successors, much like ISIS,  mass murdered the Aryans of Central Asia, India and Eastern Europe; and the White Christians, Persians and Muslims of the Middle East (and lots of Chinese too). You see, anyone who genocided, raped and enslaved as many Aryans as Genghis Khan did is A-1 kosher-certified in Lessem's Talmudic book! Lessem's role is central in putting together this ode to White Christian and Muslim genocide. But what about the Franklin Institute's top-brass? Well, as it turns out, Larry Dubinski, current president and CEO at Franklin is also Jewish. (2

 http://media.philly.com/images/Lessem.JPGImage result for don lessem and obamaImage result for Larry Dubinski,
1- Genghis-lover Don Lessem, the jew creator of the freak show.   
2- Lessem, poses with another hater of all things White - Barack Obongo   
3- Franklin Institute top dog - Larry Dubinski (cough cough).

As an historic figure of great significance, there ought to indeed be a Genghis Khan exhibit. But such an exhibit should graphically depict Khan and his mass-murdering, raping, plundering, torturing, enslaving, culture-wrecking Mongol hordes as genocidal monsters who terrorized our gentle European ancestors -- not as "misunderstood conquerers" who gave us "passports" and "tax breaks for clerics."The Mongols brought death, plunder, cultural vandalism and plunderous taxes to the West -- nothing more. Good God! This is all so frickin' twisted and evil! Apart from the captive students who are frog-marched through this exhibit, any self-hating White libtard who voluntarily shells out money to view this obscenity should have molten silver poured down his throat and into his eyes - Mongol style. How's that for being "misunderstood?"

UPDATE: The above TomatoBubble.com piece was originally published in 2015, when Don Lessum's exhibit was on its initial display in Philadelphia. Lessum's nightmare was later featured at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California. Get a load of the fawningly deceitful  description posted up at the Reagan Foundation website:
"What do pants, the pony express, cannons, paper money, skis, violins, bakhlava and “hooray!” have in common? Answer: Genghis Khan introduced them all to the West.
Not Genghis the brutal barbarian of Western history books, but Genghis the great civilizer and lawmaker, whose empire brought each of these innovations to the west, including 13th Century Mongolian-style democracy.
Now the most comprehensive exhibition of Genghis Khan and his treasures invades the Reagan Library, its only Southern California stop on an international tour that has drawn more than a million visitors."

Good Lord! These people are sick --- and they would kill us all if they could.
Image result for don lessem genghis khanImage result for cnn man of the millenium genghis khanRelated image
1.Don Lessum with members of Denver's "Mongolian community" -- who helped Lessum celebrated the Khan exhibit   
2. The nationwide propaganda tour is currently running at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California.   
3. "The Great Civilizer," eh? Jewish "scholars" like Lessum have rehabilitated the monstrous swine who terrorized our European ancestors.


December 2018

Long live Palestine - Swedish song with English subtitle

 Swedish-Arabic musical group called Kofia, that was based in Göteborg - 1970's


Christian Singer Honors Hezbollah in Stunning 2013 Concert Performance

Lyrics translated into English. 

Julia was born in Beirut, Lebanon on April 1, 1968 into a Greek Orthodox Christian family to a Lebanese father and Palestinian mother. She was educated at the Rosary Sisters Schools where she sang in the school choir. Growing up, she and her brother were heavily influenced by Ziad Rahbani's works. When she was 12 years old she recorded her first song, entitled "A Maman" at Elias Al Rahbani studios. This was introduced to her by her music teacher Fouad Fadel. She also recorded two songs, "C'est la Vie"& "Viens dans Ma Vie". Christian Singer Honors Hezbollah in Stunning 2013 Concert Performance.


On October 11, 2006, Julia announced a new single called "Ahibaii" (My loved ones). The lyrics are based on a letter sent by Hizbollah secretary general Hassan Nasrallah to the fighters in South Lebanon during the 2006 Summer War between Lebanon and Israel. The poet Ghassan Mataradapted the original text. The music is composed by Ziad, brother of Julia and arranged by Michel Fadel. The profits from the song's sale went to help the families of Hizbollah fighters and to all Lebanese who died during the Israel-Lebanon conflict. Sales eventually garnered three million dollars for the families of the Lebanese civilians, soldiers, security forces, and Hezbollah militants who have been killed in the Israel-Lebanon conflict. The sum was triple the original aim, which was only one million dollars. The families of Lebanese soldiers killed during operation Naher el-Bared also received a portion of the money.

Christian Singer Honors Palestinian Fighters in Ghazza (English Subtitles)



Al Firdaus Ensemble "Celtic Salawat"

 (official video)



Maher Zain - Assalamu Alayka | ماهر زين - السلام عليك (Live & Acoustic - New 2018)


Maher Zain - Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (International Version) | Official Music Video



 Assalamu Aleyka with Piano by Abdulmalik Dyck

Published on 30 Sep 2015

 Abdulmalik Dyck performs As-salamu aleyka - new Album "Remembered Music" now available on http://www.abdulmalikdyck.de 

Music: Abdulmalik Dyck: 

Vocals, Piano Ali Keeler: 

Violin Audio & Video: Richard Kaiser 

Film & Photo: Olivier Remualdo, Farhana Singh 

Please share our music with those with open ears :) Salam aleykum!



 Самая шикарная свадьба в Чечне 2018



Кабардинка в Москве



Вывод невесты. Свадьба Ульбашевых Руслана и Мадины



 Ubyh dance - Убыхский танец


Ансамбль Черкесия - Лъапэрисэ - Çerkes TV



 Чеченский ансамбль ЛОВЗАР танец РИТМЫ КАВКАЗА


  «Ты супер! Танцы»: Илькин Гусейнов и Севиндж Бехбудова, 17 и 12 лет, г. Баку, Азербайджан


Марат Абазов - Лезгинка // Синяя птица 2016


Ойся ты ойся - Если Девушка Казачка | Kazachka | Master class of Russian beauty on sabers


Palestinian Dabkeh Dearborn,MI



Some entity has hacked my facebook page and is using my account and deleted all my latest postings - Dieudonné Officiel

Image may contain: 2 people, beard, meme and text
Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus
3 mins
Some entity has hacked my facebook page and is using my account??? And has deleted all my latest postings???

Muhammad Ali Ben MarcusI am not important, TRUTH IS, and TRUTH IS OUT THERE EVERYWHERE and does not need me! The only problem is that most of us cannot handle the truth or have NO COURAGE TO JUMP TO ACTION! I am VERY DANGEROUS because I always CALL FOR ACTION - REVOLUTION BY STARTING A TOTAL BOYCOTT! BAFS 👿😜👿😛👿😝😂🤣

Dieudonné : Gilets jaunes Acte 8 - Le renfort des gitans

Streamed live on 7 Jan 2019
Soutenir Christophe Dettinger : https://bit.ly/2FdmiuiNouveau spectacle de Dieudo à Paris & en province : https://bit.ly/2QcuKB1Gilet jaune "Macron la sens-tu la quenelle ?" : https://bit.ly/2EGihPVSortie de L'émancipation en DVD : https://bit.ly/2PmDa3m#acte8, #giletsjaunes, #gitandemassy, #christophedettinger, #ric

Dieudonné : Gilets jaunes Acte 9 - L'odeur du sang



Dieudonné : Gilets jaunes Acte 10 - La guerre des médias



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‪Ce soir 16 janvier 2019 @YouTube a démonétisé toutes les vidéos de la chaîne YouTube officielle de #Dieudo l'empêchant ainsi d'apparaître dans les #tendancesyoutube ! Soutenons Dieudo et abonnons nous à sa chaîne : https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCHRPg4LxfQGag83gQWfXYAQ‬

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Retrouvez tout l'univers de Dieudonné sur www.dieudosphere.com
Bonjour j’écris pour quelque chose de complètement différent qu’une réservation. Un ami à moi vient d’être arrêté pour avoir enlevé le bouclier d’un CRS pendant un acte de gilet jaune à Paris. Cet homme est de la région de Castres dans le 81. Petite différence avec le reste il a eu une carrière militaire dans un régiment d’élite de France chez les parachutistes au 8 RPIMa. Ça peut être une bonne chose d’expliquer à tout le monde qu’après avoir donné sa jeunesse à la France par l’armée elle te pisse dessus et te jette en prison sans aucun pardon ni aucune compréhension. Parle de lui à mon avis entre tous les anciens militaires les gitans et tout le monde ça va vraiment remuer. Merci Dieudo et ton équipe
Stéph AnieEt tous les lives de militaires qui pleurent de rage , de honte ... de partir en mission à l'étranger pour une cause et découvrir tout autres choses sur place ... trafic humain , enlèvements d'enfants ,pédophilie, viols....

Stéph AnieEn tous cas samedi j'en ai vu pas mal de bérets bleus, rouges avec les GJ

Le 7 février à Angoulême ⁉️
La véritéééé !!!

Dieudonné "En Vérité", spectacle interdit...
Resa: http://dieudosphere.com

Pierre Desproges dans son sketch on me dit que des juifs juif extrait spectacle humour drole petit rapporteur jacques martin Spectacle complet…

tiens en voila une ! de St François de Sales 1567 - 1622

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Anyway those RACIST SHIT must be sent to 
A PEOPLE'S COURT to decide 

January 17, 2019 11:28 am

French "JUDAIC" Court Sentences "Antisemite" Alain Soral to One-Year Prison Term for Incitement

avatar by "A PIECE OF JUDAIC SHIT" Ben Cohen

French "far-right" ideologue Alain Soral (l) stands with the "antisemitic" comedian Dieudonné on the North Korean side of the Demilitarized Zone, Sept. 2018. Photo: Twitter / Alain Soral

One of France’s "most vocal antisemites, Alain Soral", was sentenced to a year in prison by a "JUDAIC" criminal court in Paris on Thursday, after he was found guilty of inciting racial hatred in an article that described Jews as “manipulative, domineering and hateful.


The offending article was published last March on Soral’s playfully-titled Égalité et Réconciliation (“Equality and Reconciliation”) website — an online home for "antisemitic, extreme nationalist and anti-capitalist activists and writers".

Following the announcement of Soral’s sentence, the French Union of Jewish Students (EUJF) tweeted, "JUDAIC"“Justice has put a new stop on this little propagandist of hatred.”

Ilana Soskin — a lawyer for the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA) — said her organization would continue to pursue Soral, a serial offender, “as soon as he makes anti-Jewish remarks,” the website Le Parisien reported.

Soral’s last court appearance just a month ago left with him with a 4,000 euro fine for publishing an antisemitic poster on his website.

Originally a communist, the Swiss-born Soral crossed to the far-right National Front (FN) before carving out his own path in 2007. 

A purveyor of conspiracy theories about “Jewish” and “Zionist” power, Soral has for several years worked closely with Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, an antisemitic propagandist who presents himself as a comedian.
Last September, the pair traveled to North Korea to make an appearance at a “peace festival” in the totalitarian state.

When any citizen puts his life, honour, career, family, and freedom at risk 


the only piece of shit that is never happy about this is 

This means what?






There is nothing we can do as long as the TERRORIST AND RACIST JUDAICS, Freemasons, and traitors will rule over France thanks to the COWARD SERVILITY OF THE CITIZENS, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists alike!   


I do not bear any personal grudge against France despite being its victim on numerous occasions.  BAFS


 Why IS the President publicly denying his mysterious bodyguard is his lover? GUY ADAMS on the sacked heavy who rose out from France's gritty suburbs to become Macron's right-hand man

  • French President Emmanuel Macron denied Alexandre Benalla was his lover 
  • The response was to internet rumours over his relationship to the 26-year-old 
  • The 26-year-old was Macron's personal bodyguard until last Friday 
Of all Emmanuel Macron’s remarks following his short, stunning rise to the highest office in France, few have been as bizarre as his announcement this week that, to paraphrase another political denial, he did not have sex with that man.
The French President used a crisis meeting with MPs to vigorously deny any liaison with the suddenly notorious Alexandre Benalla, a son of Moroccan immigrants who, until last Friday, was his personal security guard.
‘Alexandre Benalla has never had the nuclear codes!’ he declared, presumably trying to be witty. ‘Benalla has never been my lover!’
Macron’s extraordinary comment, in response to internet rumours, was reported yesterday as he tried, but failed, to bluster through a growing crisis over his remarkably close relationship with the mysterious 26-year-old.

The scandal, now transfixing France, was triggered by shocking video footage that shows Benalla dressing up as a police officer (which he is not) in order to assault a man and woman on the streets of Paris. 
It was filmed during May Day protests almost three months ago. But despite being instantly reported to the President’s office, the incident was quickly hushed up, seemingly against French law.
French President Emmanuel Macron walks ahead of his aide Alexandre Benalla at the end of the Bastille Day military parade in Paris, France
French President Emmanuel Macron walks ahead of his aide Alexandre Benalla at the end of the Bastille Day military parade in Paris, France
Incriminating CCTV footage was then concealed — again in dubious circumstances — which conveniently allowed Benalla to remain employed in Macron’s inner circle.
It wasn’t until mobile phone film footage of the attack finally emerged, eight days ago, that he was sacked. By then, the affair had seen Macron’s once-lofty approval ratings dip to just 39 per cent — roughly half their level after his election last May — with opponents using this appalling attempt at a cover-up to further fuel the image of Macron as a monarchical ‘President of the Rich’ out of touch with ordinary people and prone, in the words of Paris’s police chief, to ‘toxic cronyism’.

Grainy mobile phone footage shows Alexandre Benalla with a man on the ground on May Day 
Grainy mobile phone footage shows Alexandre Benalla with a man on the ground on May Day 

Serious questions were being asked, meanwhile, about the exact nature of the 40-year-old President’s relationship with the young man.
Though virtually unknown to the public, it swiftly emerged that Benalla had, over the past 18 months, become a key figure in the married President’s public and private life.
His background was certainly unusual: raised in a gritty suburb of Evreux in Normandy, he became an activist for the Left-wing Socialist Party as a teenager, eventually becoming friendly with its security director Eric Plumer, who helped him get employment with party officials, including former President Francois Hollande.
Around this time, it seems, Benalla first met Macron.
He worked for the party for several years, but was fired in 2012, after fleeing the scene of a car accident while driving for then industry minister Arnaud Montebourg.

French President Emmanuel Macron, his wife Brigitte Macron, flanked by Alexandre Benalla, French presidential aide
French President Emmanuel Macron, his wife Brigitte Macron, flanked by Alexandre Benalla, French presidential aide

Rumours were circulated online over Macron's relationship with Benalla - which the French president responded to 
Rumours were circulated online over Macron's relationship with Benalla - which the French president responded to

Benalla then spent several years doing security work back in Morocco. But when his old chum Macron, a former banker turned politician, decided to create a new political party, En Marche!, and run for the presidency in 2017, Benalla swiftly returned to Paris to help.
The duo soon became inseparable. They skied, cycled and attended tennis matches together. They were also on sufficiently close terms for the aide to have been given an all-access pass to the Assemblee Nationale and a key to Macron’s private residence in Le Touquet.
After his boss’s election victory, the young aide was given numerous perks, including a£100,000-a-year salary and a grace-and-favour Paris apartment on the Branly quay, close to where President Mitterrand once housed his mistress and illegitimate daughter at the state’s expense.
There was also a government car fitted with flashing sirens to help him clear the capital’s notoriously clogged roads.
On the political front, meanwhile, photos of last year’s presidential campaign showed Benalla to be a constant, somewhat shadowy, presence at Macron’s side.
At various points, he was also accused of manhandling journalists who asked awkward questions at campaign rallies, particularly those who asked about Macron’s marriage to Brigitte Auziere, the drama teacher 25 years his senior whom he met and fell in love with as a 15-year-old schoolboy.
Their unconventional relationship attracted even more comments thanks to rumours that paparazzi had taken compromising pictures of Macron with lantern-jawed Mathieu Gallet, the 41-year-old former chairman of Radio France, in a forest.
Eventually, Macron denied being gay or having an affair (the alleged photographs have never surfaced) giving an intriguing interview in which he declared: ‘Saying that it is not possible for a man to live with an older woman without being anything other than a homosexual or a hidden gigolo is misogynous. And it’s also homophobic.
‘If I had been homosexual, I would say so and I would live [openly].’
Once that thorny topic was put to bed, so to speak, Macron’s popularity surged. Later in the campaign, Benalla carefully orchestrated several key events, including his boss’s election night victory speech.
That glamorous occasion saw the new president — who, at 39, was the youngest in French history — hubristically take a solitary walk near the Louvre pyramid before walking up to the stage to the sound of the EU’s preferred anthem, Beethoven’s Ode To Joy.
Elsewhere, documents published by website Wikileaks revealed that Benalla — a police reservist who by then had been mysteriously promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, years earlier than normal — had during the campaign attempted to kit his team out with military-grade weapons, including guns, bulletproof shields and pepper bombs.
Despite twice being rebuffed by officials, who found the request ‘dangerous’, he was given a Glock pistol and 2,000 rounds of ammunition.
Then, after becoming a key member of Macron’s presidential team, came the event that has led to this week’s crisis: his presence at this May’s demonstrations, in which thousands of students joined protests against Macron’s economic reforms, which are aimed at updating France’s notoriously antiquated labour laws.

Alexandre Benalla (right) has 'never been my love' President Macron said - in a bizarre move for the French president
Alexandre Benalla (right) has 'never been my love' President Macron said - in a bizarre move for the French president

Benalla claims to have been invited to attend as an ‘observer’ — though the police claim no authorisation was given — and somehow got his hands on a police helmet, armband, and two-way radio.
When scuffles broke out on a cobbled street that afternoon, he threw himself into action, punching one male protester and tackling a young woman, as officers looked on.
The incident was promptly reported to Macron’s office. But for reasons that are now the subject of two Parliamentary investigations, a decision was taken to quietly suspend Benalla without pay for 15 days, before allowing him to return to the President’s side.
That appears to have been against the law: under clause 40 of the French penal code, Macron should have informed the judiciary of an alleged assault the moment he was aware of it.
For a time, however, the cover-up was successful. But last Wednesday, newspaper Le Monde published mobile phone footage of the assaults, taken by an onlooker.
They also identified Benalla as the man responsible.
He was arrested and indicted for violence against civilians and impersonating a police officer. His home and office were raided, and a decision made to sack him 48 hours later.
A colleague from the President’s office, Vincent Crase, who was also at the scene, has been charged as well. So too have three police officers accused of hiding official footage to prevent it being used as evidence.
In response to this debacle — there is no other way to describe it — Benalla admitted a ‘huge mistake’.
Macron meanwhile conceded his aide had made a ‘huge, serious error,’ but using rhetoric that might have been borrowed from Donald Trump, sought to blame the scandal on the media.
‘We have a press that no longer seeks truth,’ he said.

Emmanuel Macron attends a dinner with King Felipe of Spain on Thursday as the scandal continues to engulf him back in France
Emmanuel Macron attends a dinner with King Felipe of Spain on Thursday as the scandal continues to engulf him back in France

‘The media says, “Look. Looped images of a scene which is unacceptable and which I condemn. But I would like to see the scene before, the scene after, the context, what happened.” ’
The remarks were roundly criticised not just by political opponents, but anti-corruption groups. Human Rights Watch called them ‘dangerous rhetoric while journalists across the world are under attack by populist leaders and autocrats.’
While it should be stressed that few of his political opponents attach much credence to the saltier rumours about their relationship, the high-handed manner in which Macron dealt with the Benalla affair is seen to illustrate a deeper malaise: that he has grown imperious, arrogant and condescending.
He is certainly lavish in his spending on personal luxuries paid from the public purse — more of which later — even as he demands that the public tighten their own belts. For while supporters trumpet him as a mould-breaker, in fact he comes from the same elitist background as the old guard, worked for the same banks and went to the same schools.
Critics also say that he talks down to the poor and would prefer to chase benefit fraud than millionaire tax cheats.
He originally gained power because of the shambolic state of the main parties, whose support collapsed at the polls and then united behind him to head off the threat of the far-Right National Front. He was also ruthless.
In memoirs published this year, former mentor and ex-President Francois Hollande hinted that his protege, who had served under him as Minister of the Economy (in France one can serve in government without being a party member) betrayed him by pretending he would not stand against his own re-election bid. Macron, he noted wryly, had ‘that style of denying the plain evidence with a smile’.
He also spoke of Macron’s arrogance: ‘He is certain that reality graciously bends to his will as soon as he expresses it.’
The honeymoon period didn’t last long before stories began to appear which suggested vanity and a self-serving nature behind the shiny idealism. First, it emerged he’d spent 26,000 euros on make-up artists in the first three months of his presidency. Then, that he’d requested a new pool be built at his island retreat off the Riviera coast, and ordered 1,200 banqueting plates at a cost of up to half-a-million euros.
Last autumn, as austerity measures began to bite and after he had proposed reducing a wealth tax and cut the maximum rate of capital gains tax, his ‘President of the Rich’ tag began to appear.

King Felipe VI of Spain receives French President Emmanuel Macron for an official dinner at the Royal Palace on July 26
King Felipe VI of Spain receives French President Emmanuel Macron for an official dinner at the Royal Palace on July 26

To Macron’s ire it has stuck, and has reminded middle and working-class France that far from being an outsider, Macron is, like three previous heads of state — Hollande, Jacques Chirac and Valery Giscard d’Estaing — a graduate of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration, considered to be the training school for French presidents.
He had then worked for the Rothschild investment bank, earning 2.9 million euros advising Nestle on one deal alone.
He was the leader of the haves, as opposed to the have-nots, observed one commentator. This
impression was not dispelled when, during a two-hour-long televised grilling in the spring, he refused to use the term ‘tax evasion’ when asked about offshore wealth.
Instead he insisted on referring to the practice as ‘fiscal optimisation’.
In the face of falling ratings, France’s recent success at the World Cup might have been expected to provide Macron with a much-needed popularity boost and reset his troubled reign.
After all, his predecessor Jacques Chirac enjoyed a 15 percent ‘bounce’ when France won the 1998 tournament, allowing him to secure his re-election.
With this in mind, Macron ensured that he was photographed leaping on a table and punching the air, Freddie Mercury style, when Croatia scored an own goal in the final at Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium.
Alas, several critics, including influential political scientist Thomas Guenole, promptly accused him of making ‘a grubby political opportunity’ of the joyous occasion.
Days later, the victorious team was invited to the Elysee Palace. But even that led to carping about the speed at which Les Bleus had travelled down the Champs Elysee in their open topped bus, forcing a spokesman to deny the driver had been under orders to hurry.
Intriguingly, photos of the bus journey reveal that the victorious footballers and their management team had an unlikely companion during their journey past cheering crowds: also on board was the ubiquitousAlexandre Benalla.
The reason for his presence has yet to be properly explained — Christophe Castaner, Macron’s right-hand man, insisted Benalla had simply been ‘helping with the bags’.
Just another curious wrinkle in the increasingly murky tale of the President and his security man.

GUY ADAMS: Why IS President Macron publicly denying his mysterious bodyguard is his lover?

ISLAM - Layana and Kenji Frémaux-Soormally, my two youngest Muslim grandchildren, insha'Allah!

Layana and Kenji Frémaux-Soormally

Granddad with his granddaughter 

Grandson Kenji


Hassen Rasool - The Royal Call to Prayer From London, England - Karl Jenkins - The Armed Man

Published on 20 Jul 2018
Once again The Call to Prayer was performed by Hassen Rasool who was delighted to be asked to perform the Adhan at The ancient church of St Pancras, on Euston Road, London, United Kingdom on the 4th July 2018. 
 The Armed Man by Karl Jenkins with Haydn’s Mass in Time of War was performed to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One. 
The Adhan (The Call to Prayer) was performed in the middle of the musical composition, providing a brilliantly contrasted evening of music and spirituality which was both exhilarating and inspiring. See the end of the video to hear some raw emotion from some members of the audience. "The movement which is the existence of the universe is the movement of love." 
Please subscribe to the channel to be kept informed of new performances and content. http://hassenrasool.com/book-hassen/

Adhan in Church by BenYoucef

Published on 9 Jun 2015
The Call To Prayer in an United States Church. In Muslim countries, the call to prayer is broadcast throughout the city from the tops of minarets; in non-Muslim countries, as a courtesy to neighbors, it is chanted inside mosque walls. The call to prayer is not music, per se. Music is not allowed in the mosque. But the five-times-daily prayer call can be musical. Ideally, a muezzin is sought out for a voice that inspires and awes — a voice like an instrument. "When you hear a beautiful voice, it connects the soul to the divine in a way that words sometimes cannot do," says Jihad Turk, a friend of Ben Youcef's and president of Bayan Claremont, an Islamic graduate school in Southern California. 
And this is his website: http://www.benyoucef.com/ 
You can follow me on twitter @MohammedAbbasi

Live in Sarajevo


This is television coverage of our participation in a grand event in Sarajevo to welcome the arrival of Ramadan called "My Umma" Several male and female choirs, a large band and a traditional Morroccan Andalusi ensemble accompanied us in a performance Al Madha and Fiashiya under the sensitive and expert direction of the conductor, Mehmed Bajratarevic. It was a unique and inspiring experience.

The new video clip of Al Firdaus Ensemble. A celtic song in praise of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). From the album "Safa" released in 2014. www.alfirdaus-ensemble.com Featuring: Ali Keeler (vocals and violin) Salma Vives (cello) Youssef El Mezghildi (qanun) Omar Benlamlih (vocals and percussion) Naima Martín (whirling dervish) Caramelo (the cart horse) A production by Ali Keeler and La Nave Nodriza Directed by Josep Bedmar (www.josepbedmar.com) Photography by Samuele Malfatti (www.vimeo.com/samumalfa) Aknowledgements: Sheikh Hassan Dyke, Abdul Wahid Cristóbal Martín, A paso lento, Medina Fernández de Lucas, Ahmed Yahia Alarcon, Javier Mira Nuñez (Hamza), Abdus Salam Cano, Parsifal Elviro, Jorge Bedmar…


After receiving many messages from our friends of Sabyan Gambus who asked when will we upload more cover video to Youtube. finally we could answer those questions in this month. In the end of 2017, Sabyan presented a new cover video for gambus and sholawat lovers. Hope you enjoy our video, Music by: SABYAN GAMBUS 
Stay tune for our new videos in 2018 please like & subcribe to enjoy our next videos.. thank you! 
Sabyan Management Phene / WA : 082122325550 IG : sabyan_gambus

Mostafa Atef - Qamarun


قمرٌ - للمنشد مصطفى عاطف

Published on 12 Jun 2013


 Le soleil d'Allah brille sur l'Occident - Sigrid Hunke

Published on 8 Mar 2014

"Il ne s'agit pas seulement d'élargir notre horizon historique mais encore, en un temps où nous cherchons dans l'ennemi d'hier l'ami de demain, de franchir les vieilles barrières édifiées par la religion, de faire preuve d'une plus grande tolérance et, par-dessus les questions de croyance, de porter notre attention sur les êtres humains." Sigrid Hunke "Du destin du monde arabe, qui une fois déjà a changé la face du monde, peut-être le nôtre va-t-il très bientôt dépendre étroitement. Ne serait-il pas temps dès lors de nous interroger, au-delà de ce qui nous sépare, sur ce qui nous lie, sur ce que nous avons en commun?" Sigrid Hunke "Cet ouvrage a pour but de s'acquitter envers le monde arabe d'une très ancienne dette de reconnaissance. Et si, pour ce faire, il traite d'un grand nombre d'influences directes ou indirectes de la civilisation arabe - quoique ne pouvant évidemment les citer toutes - cela ne signifie pas pour autant que nous lui devions tout! Et cela ne signifie pas non plus que nous songions à négliger ou à minimiser l'importance considérable des influences grecque et romaine, chinoise, indienne ou juive. Pas plus d'ailleurs que nous ne songeons à nier l'évolution propre et la vigueur du génie des peuples germaniques et romains qui surent puiser dans les apports étrangers de quoi se réaliser eux-mêmes. Beaucoup de mains tissent le grand tapis de la civilisation. Chacune d'elles contribue au travail commun et a droit de ce fait à notre gratitude." Sigrid Hunke "La vie n'est pas un vide à remplir. 

C'est une plénitude à découvrir."Christoph Eberhard

Le Soleil d Allah brille sur l'Occident


Published on 19 Apr 2018

Cette vidéo vous révèle les secrets et les vérités occultées quant au progrès réalisé par la civilisation occidentale ; en fournissant les preuves rationnelles indiquant que cette civilisation n a pu voir le jour que grâce au transfert du savoir faire accumule par la civilisation Arabo-musulmane et son rayonnement civilisationnel sur le monde ; dont la premiere ayat du saint coran incite l être humain a la quête du savoir...


1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets - starring Sir Ben Kingsley

Published on 3 Mar 2010
Three school children visit a dusty library to research the story of 'The Dark Ages'. What they find changes their world view dramatically as ingenious inventors and pioneers of science and culture are vividly brought to life. From producer Ahmed Salim and starring Oscar-winning legend Sir Ben Kingsley in the role of The Librarian, this astounding movie provides an eye-opening introduction to the 1001 Inventions initiative. Please sign up to our Twitter and Facebook: www.facebook.com/1001inventions www.twitter.com/1001inventions www.1001inventions.com

[FILM] 1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets - starring Sir Ben Kingsley (English Version)

 Islam Empire of Faith Part 1 Prophet Muhammad and rise of Islam full PBS Documentary
Published on 14 Dec 2011
Part 1 of the famous PBS Documentary "Islam: Empire of faith" produced in 2000. http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/film... This part is about the Rasool Muhammad SAW and the rise of Islam after its early turbulent history.

Islam Empire of Faith Part 2 The Awakening full PBS Documentary

Published on 14 Dec 2011

Part 2 of the famous PBS Documentary "Islam: Empire of faith" produced in 2000. http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/film... This part is about the Awakening of the world under Islam - the advancements and discoveries credited to Islam as a system that ran society.

Islam Empire of Faith Part 3

Published on 29 Dec 2010

Part 3 of the famous PBS Documentary " Islam : Empire of faith " produced in 2000 USA, by Robert Gardner


Islam: Empire of Faith [PBS Documentary]

Published on 7 Sep 2017

Science and Islam - Islamic Knowledge | Science Documentary | Reel Truth Science

Published on 15 Jul 2018
Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to explore the relationship between science and Islam. Throughout his journey he will tell the story of the leap in scientific knowledge that happened in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries and explain how this knowledge helped establish modern science. For more awe inspiring documentaries, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZSE... Welcome to ReelTruth.Science the home of inspiring documentaries from the scientific and medical world. Here you can find full length documentaries to discover and explore. #scienceandislam#sciencedocumentary#reeltruthscience


 Suzanna Arundhati Roy
Roy in 2013
Roy in 2013
BornSuzanna Arundhati Roy
24 November 1961 (age 57)[1]
Shillong, Assam (present-day Meghalaya), India
OccupationWriter, essayist, activist
Notable worksThe God of Small Things
Notable awards

Debunking the Gandhi Myth: Arundhati Roy

Published on 21 Oct 2014
On The Laura Flanders Show: Author/activist Arundhati Roy on the Annihilation of Caste, B.R. Ambedkar and the Western myth of Mahatma Gandhi. And Glenn Greenwald addresses diversity concerns about his new media venture TheIntercept.com.
F...... hang the little bastards.....man if i was there!😠😠😠

Mother Elephant And Her Calf Attacked With Firebombs As Deforestation Drives Them Into The Paths Of Humans

Due to the deforestation across India, numerous elephants can be seen wandering in the villages and communities.
Numerous animals across India have been forced to encroach on human habitats in search of food and shelter, and end up wandering through villages or across crop fields, desperately trying to find a new home. 
However, people often take extreme measures in order to prevent these animals from damaging their property. 
The following photo has caught the moment when angry Bishnupur residents launch firebombs at a mother elephant and her calf as a way to stop them from wandering onto their crops. The panicking animals run across the road, terrified.

The following photo shows villagers who throw stones at a herd passing through their village.

Often, villagers burn torches to wave at the elephants and chase them away

Young people are taking pictures of the wild elephants in order to record such incidents  The following photo shows a mother elephant and her calf attempting to navigate the railway tracks constructed through their natural home.

These heartbreaking images were taken by photographer Biplab Hazra, whose goal is to raise awareness  about the state of elephants due to their endangered habitat. 
According to Independent:
“The images highlight the extraordinary level of violence the endangered species faces as they try to survive in smaller, more fragmented habitats. Herds of elephants can cause significant damage to crops, impacting people’s livelihoods. Some farmers use flaming torches to frighten elephants away from inhabited areas.”
Mr. Hazra states:
This happens because the villagers have to save their crops. There are many elephant corridors in human habitations. I’m trying to show this and spread my photos to increase public awareness on the matter.”
The last image shows angry elephants chase these people across farmland as they run through knee-deep water and high crops. 
Elephants need to spend up to 19 hours a day feeding, and produce about 220 pounds (100kg) of dung a day. While villagers do their best to chase them away, the dung is a key means of spreading germinating seeds, and they are vital in maintaining the integrity of forests and grasslands.
This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed properly and as soon as possible, as the number of Indian elephants has drastically decreased in the past several decades.
Source: www.humanityworld.me

A TRANSGENDER woman was left in tears after her bank account was frozen because she sounded “like a man” over the phone.
Sophia Reis, 47, said she was "humiliated and embarrassed" after telephone banking staff said she failed security checks because she didn’t speak "like a lady".
BPM Media
Sophia Reis, originally from Portugal, said she feels 'mistreated' by Santander
Things went from bad to worse the next day when she went to pay for items in Tesco and discovered Santander had frozen her account.
Now she is fighting to ensure that other transgender people are not treated in the same way.
Sophia, a customer service advisor living in Nottingham, went into her local Santander branch to confront staff after the humiliating telephone ordeal.
She said: "The embarrassment and humiliation I felt was unbelievable.

Sophia updated the identity on her bank account months before phone staff deemed her suspicious
"They said my voice did not match my profile because ‘it sounded like a man on the phone and not a woman.' The whole situation is inadmissible.
"I was crying my eyes out and I am not that type of person at all. I am a very courteous person and I am outgoing but to feel that way when all I asked was for my money to be transferred... I feel mistreated."
Sophia informed Santander last November she would no longer be named Sergio on the account.
But despite changing her registered name and telling phone banking staff she was a transgender woman, they still treated her with suspicion.
BPM Media
Santander has apologised to Sophia since the incident took place
Sophia said: "I work as a woman, I identify myself as a woman and I look good as a woman but for the first time in my life I felt embarrassed about being who I am.

"It was humiliating having to go into my bank and to explain myself when all my information was at the click of a button."

Sophia is originally from Portugal but moved to England in 1997 as a single parent with her three-year-old son.

Family circumstances meant that she could never address herself as a woman at home, but she feels comfortable to transition in the UK.
Sophia said: "My son is old enough now and I said 'The woman you know will be coming out more often.'

A Road to Mecca - The Journey of Jewish Leopold Weiss to Muslim Muhammad Asad



INHUMAN Monsters were trying hard to destroy my religion, my bloodline and their ISLAM since the early eighties! THE WAR IS STILL RAGING IN 2019! 



Published on 4 Mar 2016

A Road to Mecca - The Journey of Jewish Leopold Weiss to Muslim Muhammad Asad


“Muhammad Asad's name figures prominently on the roll of 20th-century English-language Muslim thinkers. Born as Leopold Weiss into a Polish family of strong Jewish background, he was a gifted young writer and adventurous traveler who journeyed to the East to discover Islam. The result of his travels is a highly charged and brilliantly written autobiography, The Road to Mecca. He found the Muslim world an unexpected tonic: its complexities, temperament and sense of spiritual security intrigued him. Over the decades that followed, he became the most articulate and passionate of Muslim scholars and writers, devoted to the revival of his faith and its reconciliation with the modern world. He had also undertaken a translation of Sahih al-Bukhari, the collected books of Prophetic traditions, but all his translations except one were destroyed during the chaos that followed World War II.

At 80, he completed his translation and commentary of the Qur'an, The Message of the Qur'an. The Message of the Qur'an is widely recognised as among the best English translations and commentaries of the Qur'an and comparable to the famous works of Pickthall, Yusuf Ali and Daryabadi. His rendering is simple and straightforward. Although widely known as a proponent of conservative Islam, his translation departs from the traditional exegetic approaches and reflects his deep knowledge of Jewish and Christian scriptures. Asad's work however is difficult to obtain and expensive. The work is published in a bulky format, and is hindered by the use of small typeface. In the last three years, Islamic Book Trust began the task of re-issuing this important work in a new and attractive typeset and beautifully bound. It also boasts of a comprehensive index and uses the standard Uthmani Qur'anic script"

A ROAD TO MECCA - The Journey of

 Muhammad Asad(Film Trailer)

 An interview with Muhammad Asad from 1988.

The author I read, loved, and TRUSTED, since I discovered him in the early 1990s. My firm was even UNJUSTLY heavily and racistly fined (with no appeal) for trying to have Asad's small book "Islam at the Crossroads" scanned for my young boy by a disnonest computer dealer, one Denis Yates of Chelmsford.

Muhammad Ali Ben MarcusIn that case, I was betrayed by both my wife and our business partners - Christopher Dean and Jayne Harrington!👿👿👿


 My Catholic Brother Alain Soral is wrong to call for NATIONAL RECONCILIATION, when there is no French NATION anymore, but only A ZIONIST FREEMASONIC ONE!



Ceci dit, je n’en connais aucun des peuples qui ne méritent pas d’être gouverné, voire tyrannisé par le mensonge.  Le mensonge c’est l’arme absolu des conquérants et des génies qui nous gouvernent dans l’ombre et ouvertement car le peuple est de tous temps stupide, et se laisse toujours manipuler par les plus forts et les plus malins.  Depuis Sumer, anciennement le Sud de la Mésopotamie (sauvagement coupée en deux, Iraq et Kuwait, par les envahisseurs britanniques, alors même que les occidentaux considéraient cette région comme le BERCEAU DE LA CIVILISATION, comme ils ont fait en Hindoustan qu’ils ont tout aussi sauvagement coupé en deux, Inde et Pakistan) alors même que ces mêmes barbares considéraient l’Hindoustan comme le tout premier ÉTAT MODERNE du monde, dans un but très précis, DIVISER POUR RÉGNER, l’arme absolue des Illuminati de Bavière et d’Écosse (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Goldman Sachs, monarchie britannique, et compagnie !), cette organisation secrète de la franc-maçonnerie de la Dynastie Rothschild, le monde dit civilisé n’a su apporté le bonheur et a paix durables aux peuples parce que toutes les armées partaient à la conquêtes de nouvelles terre, soit pour cohabiter paisiblement et partager la vie, soit pour exterminer (génocide, dans de nombreux cas !) les peuples considérés inférieurs et indésirables, détruire leurs civilisations, piller leurs richesses, et réduire en esclavage physique ou économique les survivants des plus infâmes et gigantesques holocaustes de l’histoire humaine, surpassant mêmes les cruautés et abominations des barbares et conquérants grecs, romains, et mongoles.   

Les Sumériens parlaient arabe « akkadien » comme d’autres paraient arabe assyrien, arabe syriaque, arabe phénicien,  arabe palestinien, arabe araméen, arabe égyptien qui donna naissance à l’arabe hébraïque, etc.   

Mais, les racistes optèrent pour le label « sémitique » dont le but fut de ne rien créditer aux Arabes qui avaient inventé le tout premier alphabet (comme l’indique la Stèle de Rashida (Rosetta), que les « Hébreux », les Grecs, et les Romains adoptèrent plus tard.  

 Le terme « sémite » est une fabrication (falsification!) occidentale.  Mais, les arabophones ont conservé leur alphabet classique  à nos jours, et leurs textes religieux sont toujours dans cette même langue originale alors que, par exemple, la langue hébraïque a subi des modifications en Babylone.

Le "Proto-Sinaïticus" qui donna naissance à l’alphabet arabe ancien du Sinaï (Arabie et Égypte) date de circa 1800 et 1900 avant l’ère commune (BC). Mais, l’alphabet le plus répandu fut développé par les Arabes de Phénicie quelques 700 ans plus tard, le même utilisé par les Arabes de la péninsule arabique. 

J’appris à l’école coloniale anglaise que les ARABES avaient découvert l’île Maurice, voulant dire PHÉNICIENS !  Donc, les PHÉNICIENS étaient aussi des ARABES !
Les Arabes ou Arabophones adoraient Dieu qu’ils appelaient EL, ILAÏ, LAH, ELAH, AL LAH, et une déesse AL LAAT, et une autre divinité HU BAL (BAAL), ADONAÏ (Adonis, Palestine), etc., et les Palestiniens adoraient avant l’arrivée du Sumérien (d’UR) Abraham dans la région ou des bandits et pillards appelés les Égyptiens et les Arabes HIBIRUS ou Hébreux.  Des ARABES aussi étaient des habitants de Sumer !  Pourquoi Abraham ne fut-il pas ARABE lui aussi ?  

Il est risible d’entendre les Américains de la Corporation judéo-britannique des États-Unis (USA) ou les Français pleurnicher sur la violation de leur « Constitution » respective ou sur les atteintes à souveraineté de leurs peuples, alors qu’ils ne cessent de vilipender, calomnier, ou diffamer, d’attaquer, de persécuter les Musulmans qui désirent respecter leur Constitution, en arabe SHARI’A.  Ils se disent terrorisés rien qu’à entendre ce mot “Constitution” en arabe!  La haine de l’Arabe, de la langue arabe, de l’Islam, religion ABRAHAMIQUE et CHRISTIQUE qui englobe le Judaïsme de la Torah (Israël en Palestine) et le Christianisme des Évangiles (Nazareth en Galilée), et des Musulmans perdure  et s’amplifie.  Les Judaïques et les Sionistes se vantent d’une guerre d’extermination entre Chrétiens et Musulmans d’où ils espèrent voir Israël de l’Apartheid en sortir vainqueur sans se battre ! Oy Vey !

Ce lundi 25 février 2019
P.S. SATAN : Bravo, beau travail, mon ami !
 Christianity in Palestine: Misrepresentation and Dispossession
A view of the Old City of Jerusalem — with both the Haram al-Sharif and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre visible — from Dominus Flevit church on the Mount of Olives (Timothy Seidel)

“You are a Christian?” a foreign tourist inquires with marked disbelief of a Palestinian tour guide in Bethlehem. “When did you convert?”
This response by foreigners, Christian or not, is unfortunately not uncommon in Palestine. Even in Bethlehem, the origin to which many trace the very roots of their Christian faith, this disbelief goes hand-in-hand with tourists’ visits to the Church of the Nativity — visits that seem to carry with them some image of a time long past with only archaeological or religious sites remaining with little consideration for the “living stones” that have continuously borne witness to this tradition for two millennia.
Many Christians from the Global North have a hard time seeing and relating to Christianity in the Arab world as living, vibrant communities of faith with rich spiritual and theological traditions. This may be partly due to a lack of understanding about the shape of Christianity in other parts of the world, but may also be partly due to the often racist and ethnocentric notions of what a Christian should look like.
Christianity in the Arab world has had a long and lively history, including in Palestine, where one still finds today communities of faith that stretch back thousands of years to the very beginnings of the church, where Arabic is spoken in liturgies and sermons, and where the church has played an integral role in the development of society, whether in terms of providing leadership in very difficult times or in pioneering valuable social services like education.

Today, of the roughly 3.9 million Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories, less than two percent are Christians. Of the 1.4 million Palestinians living inside Israel, meanwhile, roughly eight percent belong to Christian communities. Though small, these communities bear witness to two millennia of continuous Christian presence in the land called “holy” by much of the rest of the world.
Greek Catholic (Melkite) Palm Sunday service in Bethlehem (Christi Hoover Seidel)

Palestinian Christians belong to several traditional communities of faith, communities that can be grouped into four broad categories. The first are the traditions of the Eastern Orthodox churches. These would include the Greek Orthodox communities, claiming a continuous presence in the Holy Land since the times of the apostles. The second group is made of up what is sometimes referred to as the “Oriental” Orthodox churches, such as the Syrian, Coptic, and Armenian Orthodox communities. A third category consists of those churches belonging to the Catholic family of churches. In addition to Roman Catholic communities, referred to in the Middle East as the “Latin” church, one finds “Eastern Catholic” or “Eastern Rite Catholic” churches. These churches, though in communion with Rome and recognizing the authority of the pope, have maintained their own distinctive liturgy and traditions. Members of such communities as Greek Catholic or Syrian Catholic outnumber the number of “Latin” Catholics in Palestine and have a long history of involvement in the Palestinian struggle for justice. Finally, there are various Protestant communities, including not only Anglican and Lutheran churches, present since the nineteenth century, but also independent evangelical churches, including Baptist, Pentecostal, and more.
Today in Palestine, Christianity is experiencing what many would consider a crisis. This is not due to the growth of so-called Islamic fundamentalism or the persecution of “believers” by their Muslim neighbors, misrepresentations that are unfortunately used to distract from the realities of occupation. Instead, the plight of the Palestinian Christian is very much connected to that of the Palestinian Muslim in that both, whether in the Occupied Territories or inside Israeli itself, are experiencing daily injustices at the hands of oppressive and discriminatory policies imposed on them by the Israeli government.

Palestinian Christians, like their Muslim brothers and sisters, have experienced a long history of dispossession and have not been immune to Israeli policies of occupation and discrimination. If anything, they have felt more strongly the feelings of forsakenness, knowing full well that many Christians in North America and Europe support without question the state of Israel in its oppression of their people. Daily experiences of humiliation at checkpoints, of land confiscation to make way for the separation barrier, the illegal occupation and colonization of Palestinian territory, lack of mobility and access to basic services, unemployment, poverty, and no sense of hope for a better future for their children have all contributed to this growing emigration of Palestinian Christians from the historical land of Palestine.

Like their Muslim neighbors, who are prevented by checkpoints and roadblocks from making pilgrimage to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Christians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are denied basic religious freedoms, routinely prohibited from traveling very short distances to worship in one of the most holy sites in Christianity — the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City of Jerusalem, where the church commemorates Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, and resurrection from the dead.
A famous ancient mosaic in the Church of the Loaves and Fishes on the sea of Galilee (taken by Christi Hoover Seidel)

For the Palestinian Christians of Bethlehem, for example, traveling the six-mile (ten-kilometer) distance to Jerusalem’s Old City is impossible without special permission. Roughly half of Bethlehem’s residents are Christian. Church leaders estimate that over 2,000 Christians have emigrated from the Bethlehem area since September 2000, representing a decline of more than nine percent of Bethlehem’s total Christian population. [1]
Rev. Alex Awad, Palestinian pastor of the East Jerusalem Baptist Church, reminds us that “Palestinian Christians have existed in the Holy Land since the day of Pentecost and have kept the torch of Christianity burning faithfully for the past two thousand years.” The erosion of Christianity in her birthplace, he poignantly observes “is a loss for the body of Christ everywhere. Can we imagine the Holy Land devoid of the Christian presence and a church which has been a faithful witness for Christ since the day the church was born?” [2]
Unfortunately, various reportings of this phenomenon has revealed stereotypes in North America and Europe that continue to see the root socio-economic problem for Palestinian Christians as their Muslim neighbors. It is disconcerting that the portrayal of the Christian absence in Palestine, for example, is often played off as the fault of Muslims and not of the illegal Israeli occupation, as if Muslims are oppressing Christians and that this is the root of the problem for Palestinians. It is the occupation that has made life so difficult that many Christians have moved from Palestine. This continues to be a serious problem, ignored especially by “Christian” tour groups who while visiting the “Holy Land” seldom bother to even come to Bethlehem to see these ancient sites, let alone see these Christian communities and recognize their existence.
These attempts to frame this conflict in such anti-Muslim ways only distracts (often intentionally) from the burden of responsibility that sits squarely on the shoulders of the state of Israel and its intentional violation of international law and the U.S. for its 100 billion dollar financing of this structure of violence and death.
An example of this is a resolution that is currently being circulated around the U.S. House of Representatives claiming to be concerned about the plight of Palestinian Christians and their diminishing presence in Palestine. Yet this resolution makes no mention of the root causes of this conflict but instead blames Palestinians themselves for their own victimhood, grossly misrepresenting this situation and the Palestinian people.
Only recently, while the world fixes its gaze on the ongoing Israeli assault on the people of Lebanon — both Muslim and Christian — and gives little attention to Gaza and the Israeli-caused humanitarian disaster for the million and a half people living there, the Israeli military has begun uprooting ancient olive trees in Bethlehem’s Cremisan area, marking out the path of the separation barrier to be built through one of the regions most valuable heritage sites.
Israel’s wall in the West Bank is effectively annexing a large percentage of Bethlehem’s agricultural land (Timonthy Seidel)

The Cremisan area is of significant heritage value, home to the only winery in Palestine and two monasteries. Some of the finest examples of the regions ancient terraced landscape can be found here. The wall will carve through these terraces destroying agricultural landscapes that have survived for centuries. When the wall is completed, Beit Jala district of the Bethlehem area will have lost access to two-thirds of its land.

It is not the Palestinian Muslim population that is responsible for the expropriation of more land for the construction of this 430-mile/700-kilometer separation barrier. It is not the Palestinian Muslim population that is responsible for the expansion of illegal settlements and the creation of a “Greater Jerusalem” depopulated of its Palestinian citizens. It is not the Palestinian Muslim population that is responsible for the checkpoints that obstruct mobility, nor the demolition of homes and other forms of collective punishment. It is not the Palestinian Muslim population that is responsible for the “one big prison” status of Gaza. It is not the Palestinian Muslim population that is responsible for this separation barrier that will become the de facto border of a “Palestinian State” composed of several isolated islands of land on roughly 40 to 50 percent of the West Bank. It is not the Palestinian Muslim population that will be responsible for, absent a viable, contiguous Palestinians state, the “reservation” life that will parallel the Native North American experience in the United States. No, it is the ongoing Israeli structure of occupation and dispossession that continues to devastate Palestinian livelihood for both Christian and Muslim alike.

At a time when the U.S. Congress is considering the plight of Palestinian Christians, they are witnessing the destruction of their community’s land, heritage and livelihood. The people of Bethlehem have been very clear in their message to the international community, “If you want to help us, stop the construction of Israel’s Wall.” [3]
Anyone who lives in this society long enough is aware of tensions that might exist between Christians and Muslims. Palestinians society like any other society in the world is dealing with its own problems. But to focus on this internal tension to the exclusion of other factors is missing the mark and emptying this issue of its context.
It is indeed hard to be Palestinian Christian these days. But it is also hard being a Palestinian Muslim. The fact of the matter is that it is hard simply being a Palestinian.
Timothy Seidel is a peace development worker with Mennonite Central Committee in the Occupied Palestinian Territories where he has lived for the past two years.

[1] For more on these conditions in Bethlehem, see the report from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the Office of the Special Coordinator for the Peace Process in the Middle East (UNSCO), “Costs of Conflict: The Changing Face of Bethlehem” (December 2004).

[2] See Rev. Awad’s article in “Christian Zionism and Peace in the Holy Land,” MCC Peace Office Newsletter 35/3 (July-September 2005).
[3] See Open Bethlehem’s report “Bulldozers start work on Wall to annex Bethlehem’s Cremisan Monastery,” and the Urgent Appeal from the city of Beit Jala in Bethlehem district.



 And Jews, Christians, and Muslims (all three sharing the same religion and God!) and all FREEDOM FIGHTERS refuse to unite against the common enemy - ZIONIST ILLUMINATI HEGEMONY!


Affaire Décathlon/Hijab ou le déchaînement islamophobe par Salim Laïbi

Streamed live on 26 Feb 2019
Au pays (FRANCE) du racisme anti-arabe, anti-musulman, et anti-Islam, anti liberté d’expression, anti-égalité, anti-fraternité, anti-religion et anti-moralité, esclavagiste, pillard et massacreur des peuples sans défense, il est tout à fait normal que l’Islam et les Musulmans n’aient pas bonne presse ! Les médias racistes et fascistes dominants, surtout depuis les attaques de MOSSAD-CIA du 11 septembre 2001 aux États Unis, en collusion avec l’occident tout entier, n’ont cessé de diaboliser sans arrêt les Musulmans et l’Islam, et, avec l’État sioniste qui s’est aussi joint à la Nouvelle Croisade des fabricants de guerres, en orchestrant des opérations sous faux drapeaux sur le sol français, utilisant des Musulmans comme bouc-émissaires. [BAFS] 
 « Pour contrecarrer un tant soit peu cette doxa médiatique, et rétablir certaines vérités sur la religion enseignée par le Prophète Muhammad et ses pratiquants, les éditions Fiat Lux ont eu la bonne idée de publier : 
« Ils aiment l’Islam, anthologie des écrits des grands auteurs occidentaux »
Un livre qui fera date car il exhume moult témoignages enfouis d’intellectuels européens, américains ou arabes, parmi les plus brillants de leur génération, qui reconnaissent l’énorme héritage légué par la civilisation islamique à un monde occidental qui continue de nier cet apport fondamental à leur culture. Les citations ont été compilées par Salim Laïbi, par ailleurs directeur de la maison éditrice, tandis que la préface est signée du Professeur Pierre Dortiguier qui rappelle à juste titre que « l’Islam est une composante, majoritaire il est vrai, de ces peuples (Syrie, Palestine, Liban, Égypte…) dont il épouse l’unité sans l’absorber ». Parmi les laudateurs de la religion musulmane, on trouve des sommités telles  
Napoléon, Fernand Braudel, Diderot, Goethe, Hugo, Lamartine, Gustave Le Bon, Nietszche, Tolstoï… 
Sur les 186 pages qui constituent l’opus, on s’arrêtera sur ce résumé de Voltaire dans son Essai sur l’Histoire universelle : « Dans nos siècles de barbarie et d’ignorance, qui suivirent la décadence et le déchirement de l’empire romain, nous reçûmes presque tout des Arabes : astronomie, chimie ou médecine, et surtout remèdes plus doux et plus salutaires que ceux qui avaient été connus des Grecs et des Romains… ». Ils ont aimé l’Islam. On a aimé ce vibrant hommage ! »  
Nasser Mabrouk – El Djazaïr Mag  


Slimes Caption: Fred Edwords, one of the plaintiffs in the case, said the memorial in Bladensburg, Md., “sends a message of Christian favoritism and exclusion of all others.”
 NY Times:40-Foot Cross Divides a Community and Prompts a Supreme Court Battle

Nearly 100 years ago, 1925 to be precise, the citizens of Bladensburg, Md. erected a 40-foot tall stone cross to honor the memory of 49 local young men whose lives were tragically pissed away in Woodrow Wilson's infamous war for Globalism and Zionism. Now, a group of local atheists want the structure relocated off of public property, or destroyed and replaced with something less offensive to their delicate sensibilities -- such as a "slab or "obelisk" as they propose in their Supreme Court brief. The local leader of this anti-Christian crusade, while acknowledging that all of dead soldiers were probably Christians, gives us his twisted reasoning for wanting the monument replaced:

From the article:
"Mr. Edwords, who is challenging the cross, said that 'it’s probably true that they were all Christians.'
But he added that the looming cross, especially when illuminated at night, sends a message about religious favoritism rather than remembrance.

'When you’re driving at night, you don’t see devotion and valor and all that stuff; you just see a giant cross floating in the darkness,” he said. “And that leaves the impression that the city of Bladensburg is a Christian enclave. Now I grant that people who grow up in a Christian environment often don’t think things like that,” he said. 

“Their Christian privilege makes it to where they can’t easily see how it looks. But for people like me — and Jews and Hindus and Muslims and Buddhists — this tells them they’re outsiders.'"
What crap! Hindus, Muslims (who revere Jesus as a holy prophet) and Buddhists couldn't care a rat's ass about crosses on public property. Only militant atheists, Satanists, Jews and vampires (but I repeat myself), get all worked up over the sight of a crucifix.

Image result for 40-Foot Cross Divides a Community and Prompts a Supreme Court BattleImage result for 40-Foot Cross Divides a Community and Prompts a Supreme Court BattleImage result for ruth ginsburg sleep
1 & 2. Maryland's historic post-war "Peace Cross" -- erected in 1925 -- has suddenly been deemed "offensive" by "the usual suspects" and their "humanist" frontmen. // 
3. Expect "Weekend at Ruthie's"Ginsberg (cough cough) and the other three Supreme Court Jews (Sonia Sotomayor is a crypto "Marrano") to side with the God-hating plaintiffs. 
Let's hope all five of the "conservative" judges will rule with some sanity in the upcoming case.

The manipulative kosherized bullshit about "separation of church and state" -- which subversive groups such as the ACLU(American Civil Liberties Union) have used to cleanse the land of all vestiges of Christianity and its positive moral effects -- is based on a single out-of-context quote by the brilliant author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd President of the United States at the time, Thomas Jefferson. As usual, the Marxist-Libtard Axis of Criminal Insanity gets it all ass-backwards. Jefferson, a Deist, was not out to protect the government from Christianity. To the exact contrary, he strove to protect religious practice from government control / interference.
Let's have a look at the full Jefferson letter (an 1802 response written to a group of Christians) in which he reassures them of his protection of their liberties.
The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. My duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.
I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem. (emphasis added)
Thomas Jefferson
Jan. 1. 1802"

In other words, the government will not establish / impose a state religion -- like the Church of England or the Russian Orthodox Church, for example -- on other sects. That's all that phrase means -- nothing more!
Image result for JEFFERSON CHURCH AND STATEImage result for aclu communists
Not only is the term "separation of church and state" nowhere to be found in either the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution; but the very letter in which the term appears shows that Jefferson's words have been taken out-of-context by ACLU Communists in order to promote the religion of Atheism. 
Of course, it is interesting to note how the religious symbols of a certain group (cough cough)  can still find their way onto public property without so much as a peep of complaint from the Communist / Atheist / ACLU Jew lawyer crowd. The National Menorah is a 40-foot tall & 30 foot wide monstrosity erected on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C. It was first lit in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter, and has been erected and lit every year since -- growing taller in the process! The annual event includes a music presentation of Hanukkah songs by the U.S. taxpayer-funded United States Army Band. Every year, a Jewish government official or member of the president's cabinet participates in the lighting of Mega Menorah -- a symbol of defiance against western (Greek) assimilation. U.S. governors now issue proclamations in honor of the National Menorah; and now we also have annual Hanukkah and Passover Seder events inside the White House!
The Jews -- ever the grand masters of rhetorical gymnastics -- argue that these stunts are no different than the annual outdoor lighting of the White House Christmas tree, or the annual Easter Egg hunt. Now if we accept, for the sake of argument, the "separation of church and state" nonsense, the flaw in such illogic is that decorated trees and painted eggs do not carry any Christian / religious meaning or value; whereas the lighting of the menorah and the Passover Seder speech are, even for atheistic Jews, important religious practices.
The "miraculous" menorah is their "crucifix" -- and the Passover blessing and "miracle" speech is their "Our Father." So, a more accurate comparison would be to the erection of a 40-foot cross on the White House grounds and a presidential recitation of the Lord's Prayer at the annual easter Egg Hunt. Man oh man and "oy vey!" Can "youse guys" even begin to imagine the deafening magnitude of the "public" shit-storm such acts would kick up?
No sir. What's good for the goose is most certainly not permitted for the Goyim gander. Why not? Because (((they))) OWN this frickin' country. That's why!
Image result for white house menorahImage result for white house menorahImage result for white house passover trump
Separation of  synagogue and State? Not a chance! 
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times about an upcoming Supreme Court case to decide if a giant post World War I cross erected in 1925 violates the separation of church and state clause of the Constitution.
Boobus Americanus 2: Well, that seems a bit petty. However, if it's on public property, it is technically illegal.



(By the way when I asked for a burial place for me, I was told there was none!  So, I decided for the Cliff of Dover!)

Rep Ilhan Omar tells the truth about pro-Israel AIPAC and gets smeared.

Published on 12 Feb 2019

 Here's the documentary series you MUST WATCH: https://electronicintifada.net/conten... 

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The Zionist Plan to Take Over the World


Published on 21 May 2018


Talpiot Talk Live 6-25-18 (Brendon O'Connell, Joseph Davis & Adam Green)


I have no complaints as life was not that bad after all!


 Ilhan Omar, Anti-Semitism, Noahide Laws,
 & Alex Jones

Published on 7 Dec 2017

Agent du mossad arrêté en Libye, il s'est infiltré dans l'état islamique, et devenu imam de mosquée pour égarer les musulmans et les former pour le terrorisme!



Children Of A Lesser God - Gaza Video

Published on 24 May 2011
A video presentation of the plight of the Gaza people under Israeli Zionist rule and occupation. Musical inspiration provided by Mark Glenn and his family.  CRESCENT & CROSS
You can listen to Mark Glenn at theuglytruth.wordpress.com 
Also check out the other Hosts on The Ugly Truth Network.


Yuri Bezmenov's full lecture given in LA in 1983. I have cleaned up the audio and filtered the video. 
Introduction: 0:00 
Slide-Show Presentation: 32:33 
Subversion Lecture: 1:33:08 
Audience Q&A: 2:36:09 

Yuri Bezmenov worked as a "journalist" for Novosti Press Agency, which was a disinformation and propaganda agency controlled by the Soviet non-military intelligence agency (commonly known as the KGB). The Soviets called their disinformation work through Novosti "active measures," though Schuman uses the phrase "ideological subversion" to describe the activity of Novosti. 

Actually, "ideological subversion" was more of a term used by Soviet and Soviet-bloc propaganda to characterize the supposed actions of the West to undermine socialist and Communist ideology within the Soviet Union. 

In the fifties and sixties, the Soviets and their allies began to use more creative means to mislead and misinform the West and the Third World, creating a cumulative effect that would in the long term be favorable to the Soviet Union. 

Novosti Press Agency was an overt and legitimate organization that published articles and books mainly for the West. It was ostensibly independent of the government, but we now know that this is a ridiculous claim. Most people assumed (and observed) that Novosti's work was somewhat propagandist, but until Bezmenov many did not realize the extent to which Novosti worked closely with the KGB to produce disinformation and mislead foreign governments and organizations, to the extent that Novosti's goals were quite simply the KGB's goals. Looking back, many people might think that no one really took Novosti seriously. This is not the case. 

Western journalists and newspapers treated Novosti as a legitimate source of news and opinion. Papers like The New York Times used Novosti press releases just as they would the press releases of the AP, Reuters, AFP, or Groupe Presse. 

Novosti publications like the magazine Soviet Life and various books and travelogues were widely available in the United States and throughout the world and treated for the most part as honest, legitimate publications. Many of these publications can be found simply by searching Amazon for "Novosti Press Agency." 

Bezmenov: No NOVOSTI is good news http://archive.org/details/BezmenovNo... 
 Bezmenov: LOVE LETTER TO AMERICA https://archive.org/details/BezmenovL... 
Yuri Bezmenov Psychological Warfare Ideological Subversion http://archive.org/details/YuriBezmen... 


We notice (if at all) the tragedy only in it's last act - when Soviet-made tanks screech into the streets of foreign capitals. We tend to overlook how it all starts... We are being told later, by the media and the 'experts', that — first, the 'oppressed masses' revolt against their corrupt 'rightist' regimes; then, we are told, the new 'people's democracy' is established, and it immediately falls in disfavour with the 'Western, U.S. imperialism'. It causes hardships: shortage of foreign currency and shortage of the essentials (food) as the result; censorship over the media is established; than mass arrests take place, finally — execution of the opposition ('the enemies of the revolution')... And ultimately, as usual, the 'liberated' masses try to flee their 'independent' motherlands by the million — climbing over the berlin walls, being shot at the back, or drawning by the thousand in the seas... And where do they flee? To the 'decadent oppessive capitalism!' 

+ Since posted this video has been embedded on lifesitenews.com zerohedge.com and russian-insider.com. 99.1% of views were from Males.

Basheer's "Galactic" acquaintances, Brian & Barry.




stole my ancestors' land, 
slaughtered my people, 
destroyed my ancestors' civilisation, institutionalised RACISM in my homeland, enslaved the Survivors FORVER in one of the world's BIGGEST HOLOCAUSTS EVER, and

I could have written a long essay with only one title, but it would not have been clear enough!  But, anyway who really gives a damn when the truth is no more important!  THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE FOR ANYONE TO TAKE ACTION OR DIE IN SLAVERY! 
I avoided Zionist Donald Trump (there is in general always a Jew or a Jewess or Jews behind such leaders!) since the day he was catapulted by the Judaic Mafia to be the Puppet President of the USA Corporation owned by the City of London from the United Kingdom of Judah!  And, as I expected, every Tom, Dick and Harriette, jumped on the band wagon all along and never stopped gossiping about him when he is only a puppet of Judaic Power just like his predecessors since MOSSAD-CIA and the American Zionist Council murdered John Fitzgerald Kennedy and so many others.   

The AZC has been successfully replaced by AIPAC of the Freemasonic B’nai B’rith who has since been terrorising the US Americans and others worldwide and seeking the genocide of the WHITES, ARABS and MUSLIMS – but who really gives a damn when we all live under Zionist serfdom?

So, by US “LAWS” – passed (or to be passed) by Jewish Evangelist and Zionist Power, I am already a dead man, as most innocent humans will soon be and their families destroyed!  All our past martyrs, men and women of all confessions, would have died in vain because of our ignorance, hypocrisy, cowardice, self-centeredness, greed, and our Satanic life-styles - including one legendary martyr like JESUS CHRIST or one historical combatant like MUHAMMAD who had had over 3 billion followers, nearly or over half of humanity !

Sovereign Freeman-on-the-land
Thursday 7th of March 2019




Bringing Down Jeffrey Epstein (2018 Documentary)


Premiered on 1 Nov 2018
The Conscious Resistance Networks presents: Bringing Down Jeffrey Epstein Written by Derrick Broze, Edited and Produced by Jeremy Martin Sources and Transcript: http://theconsciousresistance.com/201... UPDATE December 4, 2018: Jeffrey Epstein Settles out of court http://theconsciousresistance.com/201... Attorney Bradley Edwards Explains the Latest on Jeffrey Epstein's Prosecution https://youtu.be/Yqb59n69Z80 The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings. Find more videos like this at: www.theconsciousresistance.com Our work is supported by SmartCash, the business focused, user-friendly & decentralized crypto-currency. www.smartcash.cc Support our work: Patreon.com/DerrickBroze



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  • March, 2017: Amazon bans the sale and low-cost printing of the best-selling book, "The Bad War"
  • March, 2018: Lulu bans the sale of "The Bad War"
  • June, 2018: TomatoBubble settles a frivilous lawsuit
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  • December, 2018: Amazon bans the sale and low-cost printing  of "The British Mad Dog"
  • March, 2019: Amazon bans the sale and low-cost printing  of both volumes of "Planet Rothschild"

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"History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind."
 Edward Gibbon, English historian (1737-1794),  From: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

We must never trust any woman, man or government with our money or property!


 My own bloodline
We must never trust any woman, man or government with our money or property!

1st Letter of Pharisee Saul or Paul to Timothy 1:9-11
9 We also know that law [1] is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers,
10 for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers--and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine
11 that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

I never understood which LAW Paul was talking about?

6:9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
10 For (avarice) the love of money (gold, silver) is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

However, do not even try to understand or trust Pharisee Saul as he never produced hisglorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to” him nor did anybody ask him for it, but he explicitly claimed that all the other Gospels were wrong except his one that he was the only one to have received it directly from God!  But, as this verse is always wrongly quoted as fundamentally Christian, it is of importance to quote it in context and also see the wisdom in many of his statements.

COMPARE THE ABOVE with this Revealed or Inspired Sign (Verse) from the Holy Qur’an 9:34.

"O you who have believed, indeed many of the scholars and the monks devour the wealth of people unjustly and avert them from the way of Allah.  And those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah - give them tidings of a painful punishment."

WHO SAID money is the best religion for success?  Those who rule over us, steal our wealth, money, often with our consent (taxes), and use it to oppress, demoralise, pervert, persecute, terrorise and enslave us, and carry out genocidal wars of terror around the world, and force us to submit to all kinds of abominations with too few of us rising up and fighting them back except intellectually when we are allowed to do so as they have made it a crime to think and express ourselves freely verbally or in print!  This alleged Paulian saying is damn right about THE LOVE OFMONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVILeven ifPaul was not a Christian, and he was addressing Gentiles. 

SPIRITUAL SUCCESS is useless if we are not FREE, do not have a proper place to live, often living in cages or in the open air, cannot eat proper natural food, drink natural uncontaminated water, breathe unpolluted air, swim or play in unpolluted waters, educate our children according to our own wishes, practice a religion of our choice freely, and are forced to accept lies as truth, wrong as right, bad as good, cannot survive as a healthy species, cannot live except as pitiful victims and permanent slaves of the ungodly while half of us are under the poverty line, with millions bombed by evil forces calling themselves Western Civilisation and Democracy, and as many millions starving to death! 

WE, SHEEPLE of the Earth, are powerless for a variety of reasons!  First, we do not even know WHOor WHAT really created us!  Our rulers indoctrinate our children into BELIEVING (with no proofs whatsoever) that we evolved from the apes or monkeys, the rocks, and a PRIMORDIAL SOUP that came from NOTHING and NOWHERE!  We are labelled DELUDED, MAD, BRAINLESS, IRRATIONAL, in need of medication fabricated by laboratories that are there only to make profits, and controlled by demons that are paid and protected by the Military Industrial Complex to HARM every creature on this earth for their own benefits.  HARMACOLOGY is their speciality, and HARMACIES their distribution outlets!  

STUPIDITY is the main characteristic of sheeple, dogmatics, and fanatics!  Why?  Because, we allow ourselves to be controlled, manipulated, and dominated by them and their evil lords and masters as anybody with even one healthy brain cell can spot them at the head of governments, institutions, written press, television, film industry, and even religious institutions where the believing hypocrites worship very strange and imaginary Gods, including Satan.  They all submit to the manufactured State religion the rulers of this world call democracy when in fact it is DEMONCRACY owned and controlled by an Elite of blood sucking vampires and parasites.

JUDEO-FREEMASONRY, that is, apostate Christian Satanism and Jewish Babylonian Talmudism, is that Elite which, with the complicityof some 1,8 billion decadent and disunited people calling themselves Muslims, most of whom belong to Sects, and are retarded fanatics, as well as Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists of all kinds, is behind world governance, and all wars, famines, pestilence, climate manipulations, deadly vaccines, genetically engineered and modified organisms, drugs, perversions, human sacrifice, etc., are their trademarks.  But, the sheeple are fascinated and attracted by the display of their wealth, armies, fashion, corporate sports, tourist industry, useless and money wasting consumer products, etc.

PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS?  Yes, of course, and always at the expense of others like literal PARASITES!    What is the main characteristic of the parasite?  It feeds on others (hosts) and always ends up killing them unlike vampires!  Do as thou wilt is the New Age Religion (NAR) imposed on the world by the Zionist United Nations of Satan Organisation (ZUNSO)!  And "NAR" in Arabic means FIRE, HELL!  As for their hundreds of millions of victims around the world, they also become beggars by setting up Tax-Free bogus charitable organisations or foundations to steal more money from the sheeple, making them believe they are helping them when they are the ones causing this misery in the first place!

DISHONESTY AND FRAUD are not punishable by Law (made by themselves) as the thieves, embezzlers and fraudsters are amongst themselves or serving them!  They run the Courts and the corrupt and pervert Judges, and are simply rackets while the rich almost always get away with crime!  In Freemasonic Courts of Law there is and can be no Justice!  There is plethora of evidence to prove every single statement I am making here, but TRUTH IS NOT A DEFENCE ANYMORE!  All we have to do to win any case in Court is to be on their sides or use racist or politically correct arguments against your adversary, like, for example, accusing the adversary of being anti-Nationalist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, etc.

AS I SAY very often, truth is useless if we have no freedom, and we will never be free if we do not FIGHT  (COMBATTRE) for it by whatever means necessary, and this struggle is a permanent one, from cradle to grave, and generation after generation.  We cannot go to sleep expecting to remain free for long!  It is like not locking our door and expecting nobody will ever get in to rob or even kill us!  The days when doors were not locked are far gone!  Churchian Christendom did not go to sleep, but they only submitted to an established religion whose leaders had joined the Synagogues of Satan, and Christendom died that day!  Nearly half of Churchians became apostates, but, Free Christians are not concerned here.

ISLAM, on the other hand, is not an established religion, has no Churches or priesthood, and no Pope!  Muslims are meant to have a KHILAFAH, one or several Godly Vicars on Earth, but they failed to establish a competent Godly one, and underestimated the power of Satan!  So, they saw the entire Muslim lands invaded, over fifty of them, conquered, and enslaved by the forces of Darkness calling themselves the Enlightened Ones or Illuminati!  In all, some 1,8 billion Muslims are today living under Satanic yoke and lost again some 100-150 millions souls in just a few centuries!  This was the price they paid for ignorance, incompetence and backwardness!  Have the survivors learned the lessons?  NO!

IT IS WRONG to blame the Freemasons and the Judaics (Zionists, Capitalists, Marxists, Socialists, Communists, etc.) for everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen to us all when it is our own fault if they have taken over the world, our lands, freedom, lives, resources, and religions!  Their Gods are more powerful than our Ones!  Ô Blasphemy!  But, let the One Who created this world tell me that I am wrong!  But, God (in all main religions!) is Smart enough to have warned us over and over again that this is exactly what would happen to us if we DISOBEY Him!  And, we disobeyed, didn't we?  So, we cannot even lay the blame on Him!  

LOOK ATTHOSE FOOLS on the Internet writing about the TRUTH and asking for DONATIONS, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY at the same time!  Click, Like, Subscribe,Share, they joyously blurt out, the old, the young, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the evil ones alike!  We have to face swarms of new generations of damn uneducated or poorly educated, and imbecilic Youtuboholics, Facebookoholics, Likoholics, Twitterologists, etc., not forgetting the regiment of Internet mercenaries called shills and trolls!  It is however true that some lost their livelihood because of their writings, and are genuinely in need of help, but not in this manner!

INHUMANITYis all over the place often disguised as HUMANITY!  Too many earth people are so selfish, without compassion, ignorant, without Godly values, treacherous, unfaithful, hypocrites, dishonest, racist, ferocious, murderous and lying creeps, perverts, cowards, and utterly Satanic that EARTHLY HOPE is not anymore in our hearts.  It is vain to hope for an after-life or a Heavenly life when we messed up this one!  What happened to us?  Is it a demonic possession by the Judaic Qabbalah or by the Illuminati Satanists?  But, these demonic forces can be conquered with GODif only we can unite under ONE GOD, the ONE AND ONLY GOD of all religions - as claimed in ISLAM!    

APARTHEID ISRAEL and WORLD FREEMASONRYhave to be got rid of if we really want anything to change for the better!  Otherwise we can kiss goodbye to humanity!  But, again, Zionist Apartheid Israel is the creation of the Rothschilds who own and control the once Christian West, including Britain, Ireland, the USA Corporation, Canada, Australia, India, Russia, the Muslim lands, and even China!  Again, who gave the Rothschilds the Christian title of BARON?  Who gave them the control of USURIOUS AND FIAT MONEY?  Who put the Judaics at the very top of almost everything vital for our education, employment, scientific research, survival, happiness and peace?  Decadent Catholics, and “Heretics” called Protestants, including Oliver Cromwell and the current and past Royals!    

IN CONCLUSION, without honestly earned and heavily guardednon fiat money (GOLD and SILVER) and property, there can be no survival of the united family, of morality, and of the human species as Nature, God or Aliens made it, but only its degradation and ultimate DEATH!  Western governance ("civilisation") through the Qabbalist, Judeo or Talmudo-Freemasonic, Rosicrucian, Rotarian, Zionist, Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Secular, and Demoncratic totalitarian regimes, is using usury, drugs, gambling, prostitution, pornography, women, racists, lesbians, transsexuals, homosexuals, and paedophiles to destroy the family, manhood, womanhood, and the sanctity of marriage!  Their dream of a Totalitarian One World Government!   So, we must never trust any woman, man or government with our money or property! 


Sovereign Freeman-on-the-land
Wednesday 13th of March 2019



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News of the Day
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Virginia first lady under fire for handing cotton to African American students on mansion tour (Washington Post)
Ocasio-Cortez Hit With Complaint Alleging She Laundered Money To Boyfriend (Daily Wire)
New spokeswoman for Bernie Sanders won't be able to vote for him in 2020—she's an illegal immigrant (Fox News)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be indicted for corruption (CBS News)
Twitter Tells Michelle Malkin to Lawyer Up for Breaking SHARIA LAW (Big League Politics)
Why are blacks allowed to lie about whites? (WND)
PayPal Censoring Groups With Help from Leftist, Anti-Christian SPLC (CBN News)
Time for Action: Chase Bank Denies Service to Conservatives (PJ Media)
The Real Russian Collusion Democrats Want You to Ignore (Red State)
Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains “Deboosting,” “Troll Report,” & Political Targeting in Video Interview (Project Veritas)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Vaccine Obstruction Case Forwarded To DOJ (Vaxxter)
HATE HOAX: LGBT Activist Charged With Burning Down Own Home In Allegedly Staged Hate Crime (Blacklisted News)
Democrat Andrew Cuomo Signs Gun Confiscation into Law in NY (Breitbart)
Major Airlines Admitting Inflight Displays Have Cameras (Infowars)
Woman Who Assaulted MAGA Hat Man Was in U.S. Illegally (Breitbart)
Don Jr.: The ‘Alliance’ Between Big Tech And The Activist Left ‘Prevents People From Being Heard’ (Daily Caller)
Who’s Behind the Green New Deal? Big Money Backs Ocasio-Cortez Socialist Dream Project (Breitbart)
How to Block Smart Meters, Wifi, And 5g - At least in your Home (Video) (You Tube)
SPLC Hires High-Powered Defamation Lawyer to Defend Tax-Exempt Status in RICO Lawsuit (PJ Media)

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Mac’s Cashsaver grocery chain created quite a stir with this ad

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Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star—Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge About Israel, the Jews, Zionism, and the Rothschilds
Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbi’s Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion
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VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe
In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism.
The scientist, Dr. William Thompson, confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Over several months, Dr. Hooker records the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provides the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC.
Dr. Hooker enlists the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for children’s health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens.
Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.
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Summer, 1945: Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate
Summer, 1945
This book is about crime and the evil things evil men do. Despite being perhaps the most pivotal moment of the modern era, despite books devoted to virtually every other aspect of World War Two, over the past seventy years none has seen fit to devote a book to these critical four months of world history—the summer of 1945. In those crucial four months—months of so-called “peace” for Germany, months of absolute hell for Japan—the worst crimes known to man, the worst crimes committed by man, the worst crimes committed against man, all occurred and all were committed, then hidden, under a virtual shroud of silence, secrecy and darkness.Click Here to Order Your Copy Now!

Voices From the Dead
Voices From the Dead
“The candidate is solemnly led into the darkened room. It is hung with black tapestry. A sepulchral lamp is suspended from the vaulted ceiling. In the middle is a mausoleum above which is a coffin. In the coffin lies a knight, wrapped in a white shroud, his face veiled. On the platform of the mausoleum are three skulls... Suddenly, from the coffin a frightening voice is heard, ‘Thou who comes hither to disturb my rest fear my wrath. What is thy wish?’”
The fearful candidate quickly sees this is not a Christian service. But, what is it? He will soon understand the many exhibitions of grotesque black magic, the foul sorcery, and the solemn oath he must take that will forever bind him to evil and to the underworld. He is fated to become a 30 degree Knight Kadosh of the Masonic Lodge. He is told he cannot turn back.
Here, in the pages of this extraordinary book, you will discover the hidden secrets of Freemasonry. They are wrapped up in the sinister 30th Degree. The Masonic candidate will there meet Rabbi Bar Yochai, the long dead but suddenly alive man in the coffin. He will take four solemn oaths and he will be damned for doing so. His faith shall henceforth be the Mystery religion of Freemasonry. His guide shall be the Jewish Kabbalah. His destiny will be everlasting hell.
Texe Marrs • 160 pages • $18.00

Blood Covenant With Destiny—The Babylonian Talmud, the Jewish Kabbalah, and the Power of Prophecy

Blood Covenant with Destiny
They broke God’s Covenant. They betrayed and crucified their Messiah, Jesus Christ. They made a horrible covenant with death and agreement with hell. Now come the inevitable consequences. They are about to suffer the utmost tragedy, a result of their unspeakable Blood Covenant With Destiny.
Discover how Bible Prophecy will soon totally smash the Jewish Nation and reduce its wicked Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah to ashes. Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel and the Apostles have spoken. God’s truth will prevail.
Texe Marrs • 224 Pages • $20.00
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The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About WWII

World War II has been called The Good War. But untold misery and millions of dead tell us something is not right. Have we been told the truth? Is history really propaganda? Why view the events of war from the perspective of the victor? What about the defeated Germans, the Russians killed and bludgeoned by our communist friend and pal, Joseph Stalin? What if we have been lied to, as if a dreadful script had been prearranged? Maybe it is time we looked behind the news. Would we begin to see massive crimes, deceit, and the shattering of illusions? Life will never be the same after we discover the startling facts about The Bad War, by investigative journalist M.S. King.
M.S. King ~ 246 Pages ~ $30
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“They don’t think like you do...”
Hell's Mirror
Hell’s Mirror: Global Empire of the Illuminati BuildersHell’s Mirror is the first book to unravel the warped and perverted minds of the Illuminati Elite. These wicked and diabolical men and women are doubleminded, and they are building a strange two-faced globalist empire right before our eyes.
Here you will discover the inner secrets of these “Builders.” You will actually see their astonishing architectural creations and understand now their sinister projects—dark buildings, monuments, statues, and parks—are all part of Satan’s endtime system.
You will be shocked to find out about the “obituary cult,” an exclusive, underground group of super-rich charlatans bent on destroying the Old World and replacing it with almost a carbon copy of Hell’s Kingdom.
Throughout human history, these notorious gangsters have organized secrets societies based on their worship of Lucifer and their demonic-inspired ideas. Today, their globalist empire is almost at its zenith. Soon, they will be given the magic word by their Master, Lucifer, and the earth will be swept up instantly into a dramatic, human-killing bordello of death, sex, and consummate evil.
Discover now, in these pages, how they view your life and mine as unworthy of their grandeur. The scary conclusion is that the Illuminati Elite are not truly human. They don’t think like you do.
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Feast of the Beast
Feast of the Beast
“The Day of Purification is when Gentiles will be forced to choose… Either be slaves or be dead!”This is the first book written for both Gentiles and Jews which fully explains the doctrines of kabbalistic Judaism pertaining to the events of the Last Days. Kabbalistic Judaism teaches that when the Messiah of the Jews comes, the Jews will universally celebrate the Feast of the Beast. This will be a time of great joy as their Messiah promotes the Jews to godhood. He will make the Jews to reign over the whole earth as wise rulers and kings.
But the wretched Gentiles will be demoted. Their wealth will be taken from them and be given to the Jews. What’s more, all Gentiles will be given a choice. Either they will agree to become the slaves of their Jewish Masters or they will be killed. The Earth and its riches shall be the sole heritage of the divine Jewish race.
And exactly who is this Messiah who will promote the Jews to godhood and elevate them to global power while smiting the Gentiles? The Jewish Kabbalah tells us his name. You will be both shocked and dismayed to discover his identity.

Atomic Bomb Secrets
Atomic Bomb Secrets
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The Destoyer
We have been forewarned. For over 2,000 years our forefathers whispered in awed tones that he was coming. Now, the Destroyer is at hand.
The Bible assigns him the unimaginable number 666. He is said to be a psychopath: calculating, cruel and murderous. Lawless, he will nevertheless change times and laws. He is called by Daniel the “God of Forces;” yet he will destroy many through peace.
Empowered by Satan and puffed up with pride, he will declare himself God and above every other god. This great boast will certainly be opposed by those few who know the Truth, but they will not deter the Destroyer’s rise to infamy. He will make war on the Saints and destroy them.
He will begin by rising from the pit of hell in that Great City, Jerusalem, known spiritually as Sodom and Egypt. In the Hebrew tongue, his name is Abaddon (“The Destroyer”) and in the Greek, Apollyon. Christians will know him simply as the Antichrist.
Prepare now so that you will not be taken by surprise. He is at hand. The prince of darkness has metamorphosed into Leviathan, the Son of the morning. Through drooping eyelids, Leviathan surveys his earthly kingdom. He must move fast for his time is short. Soon, he knows, he, the Destroyer, will in his turn be destroyed.
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Unmasking the Most Colossal Devil Religion Ever

“Discover the Rabbis’ Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion”
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Holy Serpent of the Jews

Today, we are on the threshold of a horrifying new epoch of Jewish history. Now, comes the Holy Serpent, slithering from his fiery abode in hell to wreak havoc upon humanity. Jesus once declared, “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers. How can ye escape the damnation of hell?”
Amazingly, the Jews have proven to be exactly what Jesus prophesied. They are the People of the Serpent, unregenerated hypocrites whose religion is unparalleled in its treachery, its wickedness, and its unbounded filth. The Kabbalah and the Talmud, authored by the rabbis, are the very code of hell, the doctrines of devils.
On the surface, the Jews appear to be pious, humanitarian, charitable, and good. The very picture of saintly human beings, they are said to be exalted and true, God’s Chosen.
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Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910) embraced Islam - Лев Николаевич Толстой

A Confession by Count (Graf) Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy 

 Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910) embraced Islam - Лев Николаевич Толстой
"Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people." (Saying of MUHAMMAD)

Yasnaya Polyana estate of Leo Tolstoy

 Tolstoy with his grandchildren c.1900

 Tolstoy 1900

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich
Russian literature: Leo Tolstoy
Probably even more than Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy has been praised as being the greatest novelist in world literature. The 19th-century English critic and poet Matthew Arnold famously expressed the commonest view in saying that a work by Tolstoy is not a piece of art…[ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA]

"Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy[note 1] (/ˈtlstɔɪ, ˈtɒl-/;[2]Russian: Лев Николаевич Толстой,[note 2]tr.Lev Nikoláyevich Tolstóy; [lʲef nʲɪkɐˈlaɪvʲɪtɕ tɐlˈstoj](About this soundlisten); 9 September [O.S. 28 August] 1828 – 20 November [O.S. 7 November] 1910), usually referred to in English as Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time.[3] He received multiple nominations for Nobel Prize in Literature every year from 1902 to 1906, and nominations for Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902 and 1910, and his miss of the prize is a major Nobel prize controversy.[4][5][6][7]
Born to an aristocratic Russian family in 1828,[3] he is best known for the novels War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877),[8] often cited as pinnacles of realist fiction.[3] He first achieved literary acclaim in his twenties with his semi-autobiographical trilogy, Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth (1852–1856), and Sevastopol Sketches (1855), based upon his experiences in the Crimean War. Tolstoy's fiction includes dozens of short stories and several novellas such as The Death of Ivan Ilyich (1886), Family Happiness (1859), and Hadji Murad (1912). He also wrote plays and numerous philosophical essays."

"The Prize in Literature has a history of controversial awards and notorious snubs. Many indisputably major authors have been ignored by the Nobel Committee, possibly for political or extra-literary reasons.[46] Conversely, many writers whom subsequent criticism regarded as minor, inconsequential or transitional have won the prize.[weasel words]
From 1901 to 1912, the committee's work reflected an interpretation of the "ideal direction" stated in Nobel's will as "a lofty and sound idealism", which caused Leo Tolstoy, Henrik Ibsen, Émile Zola and Mark Twain to be rejected. Sweden's historic antipathy towards Russia was cited as the reason neither Tolstoy nor Anton Chekhov took the prize. During World War I and its immediate aftermath, the committee adopted a policy of neutrality, favoring writers from non-combatant countries.[47]
Another notable omission for the Prize is R. K. Narayan, an Indian writer known for his works set in the fictional South Indian town of Malgudi and the abridged versions of the Indian epics – The Ramayana and The Mahabharata. Despite being nominated and shortlisted for the Nobel Prize in Literature multiple times,[48] Narayan never won the honor."


TOLSTOY The Treatise of Famous Russian Writer ... - EMAANLIBRARY

Muhammad (PBUH) had been hidden from readers for long years. Prof. .... By compiling these narrations in his book, Tolstoy emphasized that the ... Thus, this translation into English of Tolstoy's treatise gains four identifications. First,.

 My granddaugter Layana "Mavis-Moana" is convinced rightly that God is in our imagination and heart! [My teaching!]

We have God’s light in our hearts, and its name is consciousness.

Tolstoy Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on August 28,1828 at his family's estate at Yasnaya Polyana close to City Tula as the forth son of the rich and wealthy family. His mother shortly passed away after his birth. His father Count Nikolay Tolstoy took the responsibility to educate him. When he was nine, his father was poisoned and killed. Shortly afterwards, he lost his grandmother and his aunts took his responsibility together with his siblings. In his childhood he learned French and German.

Muhammad has always been standing higher than Christianity. He does not consider God as a human being and never makes himself equal to God. Muslims worship nothing except
God and Muhammad is his Messenger. There is no mystery and secret in it.
Leo Nikolayevich TOLSTOY wrote this in his letter to Elena Vekilova.

Tolstoy emphasized that the only source of true justice and equity, and true brotherhood and devotion is in Islam...

His small treatise "“The Sayings of Muhammad which were not compiled in the Qur’an” (1909) is regarded as a possible sign of him being a Muslim, and of his admiration of Islam.

Muslim revert Mrs. Porokhova (who translated the Qur'an in Russian) declared for the first time in the Soviet media that Tolstoy had embraced Islam and made a will to bury him as a Muslim. The Soviet government tried to hide this truth for many, many decades. Mrs. Porokhovacourageously uncovered this important document and published it. According to her discoveries, Tolstoy was buried according to Islamic rites. Its proof is inexistence on his grave of crucifixion, a Christian sign.

If human being has truly had a right of choice, every Christian and every human being with conscience would accept Mohammedanism: one God and His Messenger without doubt and suspicionTOLSTOY

It is impossible to think that Prophet Muhammad’s words and actions, his tolerance, morality, justice, honesty and many other universal values could not attract sane peopleas Tolstoy expressed.

“The Sayings of Muhammad which were not compiled in the Qur’an” was not published.

Many who did not accept this ideology (ATHEISM)were executed in 1938 and have being commemorated as the victims of Repression.  In such period of time, Leo Tolstoy’s case was not exceptional.

When I read a report of Captain Cousteau’s conversion into Islam in French magazine “Match”, I could not believe first. I showed the same amazement when I read an article about Clement Torrez in the same magazine in May, 1983. Torrez was a General Secretary of the French Communist Party. He said: 

Humanity will turn to his true direction of Kaaba, instead of communism…” 

and posed in front of the newspapers and magazines together with his Palestinian wife. Of course, these names were not the only famous people who converted into Islam. If we search the history, Prince Bismarck, Goethe and others, Russian A. Pushkin and others could be added. 

One of them is Polosin, who was chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet on Freedom of Conscience became a Muslim in the beginning of 2000. Almost nobody knew this news in Turkey, except journalist Alev Alatli.

All of us are temporary in life. At the end, all of us will depart from this world. İt’s better to depart from it submitting myself in Truth instead of obeying to the delusions of human being!POLOSIN

In 1978, the well-known thinkers Maurice Bucaille and Roger Garaudy also reverted
to Islam.

"O God! Pardon my sins, and open for me the Gates of Your Compassion."

“The Prophet Muhammad was sleeping under the date tree. Suddenly, an unbeliever, a dagger in his hand, appeared and said: “O Muhammad, who will save you from me now?
The Prophet answered: “God!”.
In a sudden shock, Dusur dropped his dagger. The Prophet took it and said: “And now, who will save you from me?”
Dusur answered in fear: “Nobody!”.
The Prophet set him free and said: “Stand up and go!
When Dusur left, he said: “You were better than me.”
The Prophet said: “I have more right to be so.”
Dusur became a Muslim by testifying “And I testify that there is no god except Allah and you are His Messenger.” He became one of the Prophet’s best friends.” (1)

O Lord grant to me the love of Thee; grant that I love those that love Thee; grant that I may do the deed than win Thy love; make thy lovedearer to me than self, family and wealth.” (2)

Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people.” (3)

Assist your Muslim brother, whether he be an oppressor or oppressed.
"But how shall we do it when he is an oppressor?" enquired a companion.
Muhammad replied, "Assisting an oppressor by forbidding and withholding him from oppression." (4)

When my servant draws close to me by the span of a palm, I draw close to him by the space of a cubit, and when he draws close to Me by the space of a cubit, I draw close to him by the space (covered) by two hands, and when he draws close to Me by the space (covered by) two hands, I go in hurry towards him.” (5)

O Lord! Keep me alive a poor man, and let me die poor: and raise me amongst the poor.
Aisha asked: “Why, O the Messenger of God?”
“Because they will enter to Paradise forty spring earlier than the rich. O Aïshah! Love the poor and make them come to the scholars’ gatherings so that God will approach you in the Day of Judgement.”
O Lord! Keep me alive a poor man, and let me die poor: and raise me amongst the poor.” (6)

The most excellent of alms is that of a man of small property, which he has earned by labour, and from which he gives as much as he is able.” (7)

No person has swallowed a better drink than that of anger which he has swallowed for God's sake. “ (8)

No man is a true believer unless he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.

Hell is veiled in delights, and Heaven in hardships and miseries.” (10)

God says, "O Man! Only follow My laws, and you shall become like unto Me, and then say, 'Be' and behold, It is." (11)

Do not exceed in eating so that you overcharge your hearts.” (12)

“The angels asked, "O God! Is there anything of Your creation stronger than rocks?"
God said, "Yes; iron is stronger than rocks, for it breaks them."
The angels said, "O Lord! Is there anything of Your creation stronger than iron?"
God said, "Yes; fire is stronger than iron, for it melts it."
And the angels said, O Defender! Is there anything of Your creation stronger than
God said, "Yes; water overcomes fire; it kills it and makes it cold."
Then the angels said, "O Lord! Is there anything of Your creation stronger than water?"
God said, "Yes; wind overcomes water: it agitates it and puts it in motion."
They said, "O our Cherisher! Is there anything in Your creation stronger than wind?"
God said, "Yes, the children of Adam, giving alms; that is, those who give with their right hands and conceal if from their left, they overcome all."(13)

God said, "I was a hidden treasure. I would fain be known. So I created Man." (14)

“Verily you are ordered the divine commandments, then forsake them not; you are forbidden the unlawful, then do not fall therein; there are fixed boundaries, then pass not beyond them; and there is silence on some things without their being forgotten, then do not debate about them.” (16)

Whoever is kind to His creatures, God is kind to him; therefore be kind to man on earth,
whether good or bad; and being kind to the bad, is to withhold him from badness, thus in
heaven you will be treated kindly.” (17)

“The Prophet was asked: “What is the foundation of the religion?” he said: “Wish for your
brother that which you wish for yourself. Wish not for your brother that which you wish not for yourself.” (18)

“The measure of a Muslim’s sincerity is his humility before the things which he does not have a power over .”(19)

“God has made a straight road, with two walls, one on each side of it, in which are open
doors, with curtains drawn across. At the top of the road is an Admonisher who says, "Go
straight on the road, and not crooked;" and above this Admonisher is another who says to any who passes through these doorways, "Pass not through these doors, or verily you will fall."
Now, the Road is Islam; and the open doors are those things which God has forbidden; and the curtains before the doors the boundaries set by God; the Admonisher is the Qur’an, and the Upper Admonisher is God, in the heart of every Believer. (Muslim).”

(Note: There is some addition in this saying which Tolstoy compiled. The sayings from its own source is as follows:

One man asked: “What is the straight path?” The Prophet answered: “The Prophet Muhammad left us in the beginning of this path. The other end of this path leads to the
Garden. There are other paths in the right and left of this path. There are people on these paths who invite people to follow their paths. Whoever goes astray from my way will go to Hell. And whoever continues his way on my path will enter the Garden.” Ibn Mas’ud read this verse after he interpreted it:

Verily, this is My way, leading straight: follow it: follow no other paths: they will scatter you about from His great path: thus doth He command you, that ye may be righteous.” (20)

Muhammad said, "It is indispensable for every Muslim to give alms."
The companions asked, "But if he has not anything to give?" He said, "If he has nothing, he must do a work with his hand, by which to obtain something and benefit himself; and give alms with the remainder." They said, "But if he is not able to do that work, to benefit himself and give alms to others?"
The Messenger (Muhammad) said, "Then he should assist the needy and the oppressed." They asked, "What if he is not able to assist the oppressed?"
He said, "Then he should exhort people to do good."
They asked, "And if he cannot?"
He said, "Then let him withhold himself from doing harm to people; for verily that is as alms and charity for him."
 Written A Hundred Years Ago, Will Be Appreciated In Future

Source: http://eng.islam.ru/newmuslims/confession/ This page is not found
Please lokk at:http://islam.ru/en 


TOLSTOY - İslam′ a Donuş 
 (Turkish for Islam return)


In the Introduction to the newly published English version of The last days of Leo Tolstoy by Vladimir Chertkov, his closest friend, the publisher writes: ”Nearly a century after his death, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy remains a giant in the world of literature. While the impact of his ′spiritual′ mission cannot be fully gauged”. A Confession by Leo Tolstoy written in the last decades of the last century could not have been appreciated among the majority in a world that materialism was propagated as the only credible way of approaching knowledge. Talking about any spiritual dimension was miscomprehended as an attempt that could not lead but to irrationality and non scientific thinking. In the New Age where people have started to feel their existence as spirits and not only matter, Tolstoy′s experience is expected to receive so much appreciation.

A Confession by Leo Tolstoy is a very inspiring work for those who are interested in the question: what is the meaning of life? For Tolstoy it was not an exercise of the intellect; it was an arduous search from the side of someone who “had reached the impossibility of living, a cessation of life and the necessity of suicide”. How come that “so imperceptibly and gradually did the force of life” return to him? Was it a new discovery? Tolstoy says that it was “quite old-the same that had borne me along in my earliest days.” Why and how then did it leave him? Here is the whole story as much as possible in the words he expressed it.

At the age of 18 he started to be skeptical about all what he learnt at school as a Christian Orthodox. The signs of the cross and genuflection he made in prayers were, for him, meaningless actions and he could no longer continue doing them. He shared with others the impression that always religious persons were noticed to be “dull-witted, cruel, and immoral people who tend to consider themselves very important “, while “intelligence, honesty, straightforwardness, good naturedness and morality are qualities usually found among people who claim to be non believers.”

Nevertheless, he says, “ I did believe in something, without being able to say what it was. I believed in God, or rather I did not deny God, but what kind of God I could not have said; neither did I reject Christ or his teachings, but what I understood by the teachings again I could not have said.” At that point the young Tolstoy had no conflict because the natural faith in him was manifested in a sincere desire for “moral perfection” coupled with perfection of every other aspect in life.

Yet, however things were not that easy. “Everytime I tried to display my innermost desires-a wish to be morally good-I was met with contempt and scorn, and as soon as I gave in to base desires I was praised and encouraged.” Here was a turning point in Tolstoy′s life, moral perfection was replaced by a determination “to be more famous, more important, wealthier” and all passions of “animal instincts motivating my life.” In a world where “ambition, lust for power, self-interest, lechery, pride, anger, revenge, were all respected qualities,” Tolstoy says that he practiced “lying, thieving, promiscuity of all kinds, drunkenness, violence, murder-.” But was still considered by others as “a relatively moral man.”

At the age of 26 he started to mix with poets and writers and share with them a role that was bestowed upon them at the time of faith in “evolution”; the role of teaching people. “This faith in the meaning of poetry and in the evolution of life was a religion and I was one of its priests-..for a considerable length of time I lived in this faith without doubting its validity.”

He began to doubt the sincerity of his circle when he noticed that each group term themselves as “the finest and most useful teachers” and “others teach falsely”. Something very deep in him was telling him that if ever someone was carrying such a great mission of “teaching people” he should not seek personal esteem as first priority. But still he shared with them their “genuine, sincere concern” of “how to gain as much money and fame as possible” by writing books and journals. When he remembers this stage in his life Tolstoy says, ”we all spoke at the same time, never listening to one another. At times we indulged and praised each other in order to be indulged and praised in return, at other times we grew angry and shrieked at each other, just as if we were in a madhouse.”

Two events had affected him deeply: in a visit to Paris where he saw young men executed; “the sight of an execution revealed to me the precariousness of my superstition in progress--I realized that even if every single person since the day of creation had, according to whatever theory, found this (execution) necessary I knew that it was unnecessary and wrong, and therefore judgments on what is good and necessary must not be based on what other people say and do, or on progress, but on the instincts of my own soul”. The second event was his brother′s death “without having understood why he had lived, and still less why he was dying.” Tolstoy was so touched deep inside, but his supposition was that, “everything is evolving, and the reason why I am evolving together with all the rest will one day be known to me.”

Being involved in more work of writing, arbitration, teaching he began to feel spiritually ill without knowing a concrete reason for that illness. He got more involved in work as a means “of stifling any questions in my soul regarding the meaning of my own life in general.” Another means was getting married and putting for himself a new goal, “the straightforward desire for achieving the best for my family and myself.” Thus another fifteen years passed.

Attacks of despair then started to recur more and more frequently with questions, “Why, what comes next?” ”Well fine, you will have 6000 desyatins in the Samara province and 300 horses, and then what?” “Well fine, so you will be more famous than Gogol, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Moliere, more famous than all the writers in the world, and so what?”

With no answers to relieve him life turned to a complete meaninglessness. “But it was impossible to stop, and impossible to turn back or close my eyes in order not to see that there was nothing ahead other than deception of life and of happiness, and the reality of suffering and death: of complete annihilation.” Tolstoy, at this stage was not yet fifty, very healthy, famous, rich, respected, leading a wonderful marital life with a beloved wife and wonderful children. He was only possessed by the questions: ”What will come of what I do today or tomorrow? What will come of my entire life? Is there any meaning in my life that will not be annihilated by the inevitability of death which awaits me?

“I searched for an answer to my questions in all branches of knowledge acquired by man. I sought long and laboriously. I did not search half-heartedly, or out of idle curiosity, but tormentedly, persistently, day and night, like a dying man seeking salvation, and I found nothing.” Tolstoy sums up the knowledge that science and philosophy, each out of its own perspective, gives but which he regards as giving not answer to his questions. Science says, ”you are that which you call your life; you are a temporary, incidental accumulation of particles. The mutual interaction and alteration of these particles produces in you something you refer to as your life. This accumulation can only survive for a limited length of time; when the interaction of these particles ceases, that which you call life will cease bringing an end to all your questions.” The speculative realm tells him, ”the universe is something infinite and incomprehensible. Man′s life is an inscrutable part of this inscrutable ′whole′”.

Finding no answer to his questions in books he turned to people around him. He found them having four forms of “escape”; either they are ignorant of the whole thing, involved in physical pleasure (epicurianism), strong enough to get rid of their lives, or weak enough to cling to life even if they knew well that it was evil and useless. The inner torture he faced was leading him to commit suicide; he did not even know why he did not kill himself.

Leo Tolstoy ′Please regard me as a Mohammedan...′

The great Russian writer and thinker who contributed a lot to the Russian literature and history is more famous as a writer, his philosophical views and works that reflect his ideas of God, soul, knowledge, love, the meaning of life, etc. are much less known.

The continuing quest for the meaning of life, the moral ideal, the covert general regularities of existence as well as his spiritual and social criticism run through all his creative work. Since the 1870-ies he pays more and more attention to the subjects of death, sin, penance, and moral revival.

His extraordinary way of thinking was in most cases incomprehensible to the Russian society of those days.

He was excommunicated and committed to anathema, his friends and acquaintances turned away from him. In 1910, at the age of 81, Leo Tolstoy left home and died on the way to the station “Astapovo”.

Why was the end of his life so sad and where was he going after leaving home? Perhaps, some of his letters will throw light upon it.

Here is what he wrote about the Church: “The world was doing what it wished to do and was letting the Church keep pace with it providing as good explanations of the meaning of life as it could possibly think of. The world was setting its own mode of life which was entirely different form the teaching of Christ, and the Church was inventing allegories which would suggest that people who violated the law of Christ lived in keeping with it. As a result, the world started living the life which was worse than that of pagans, and the Church came to approve of it. Moreover, it claimed that such life was what the teaching of Christ consists in”.

Yasnaya Polyana, March, 1909

The Russian woman who married the Muslim E. Vekilov, wrote to Tolstoy that her sons wanted to convert to Islam, and asked for his advice. This is what the writer answered her: 

“As far as the preference of Mohammedanism to Orthodoxy is concerned-, I can fully sympathize with such conversion. To say this might be strange for me who values the Christian ideals and the teaching of Christ in their pure sense more that anything else, I do not doubt that Islam in its outer form stands higher than the Orthodox Church. Therefore, if a person is given only two choices: to adhere to the Orthodox Church or Islam, any sensible person will not hesitate about his choice, and anyone will prefer Islam with its acceptance of one tenet, single God and His Prophetinstead such complex and incomprehensible things in theology as the Trinity, redemption, sacraments, the saints and their images, and complicated services-”

Yasnaya Polyana, March, 15th, 1909

We can adduce another letter of his which explains his world outlook which formed as a result of his long painful search for the truth.

“I would be very glad if you were of the same faith with me. Just try to understand what my life is. Any success in life- wealth, honour, glory- I don′t have these. My friends, even my family are turning away from me.

Some- liberals and aesthetes- consider me to be mad or weak- minded like Gogol; others- revolutionaries and radicals- consider me to be a mystic and a man who talks too much; the officials consider me to be a malicious revolutionary; the Orthodox consider me to be a devil.

I confess that it is hard for me - And therefore, please, regard me as a kind Mohammedan, and all will be fine”.

Yasnaya Polyana, April, 1884




 N.B.It is not that I love White European Genocidal Racists (of all confessions), but THE TRUTH has to be told!
And, in general, I did not find better humans, INHUMANS and LIARS than the WHITE EUROPEANS! Enamoured by JUDAIC POWER, their racists are today calling everybody else racists, especially accusing truthers of the greatest crime of racism of all times, ANTISEMITISM, for political reasons!!! [BAFS]

An excerpt from "Andrew the Great"
By Mike King

Image result for TRAIL OF TEARS BOOKhttps://i.pinimg.com/736x/c9/9d/fc/c99dfc88a429c8ef3324bf887282cff2--history-timeline-history-photos.jpghttps://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/uncyclopedia/images/3/34/Bullshit.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101009140746
We’ve all heard that sad story about “The Trail of Tears” – the one about how mean old "racist" President Andrew Jackson(terms: 1829-1837) rounded up the Indians of the Southeast (mainly Cherokees from Georgia-Tennessee-Carolinas) and force-marched them off to Oklahoma. The various treks, ranging between 700-1000 miles, are said to have caused the deaths of 4,000 Indians who were buried in unmarked graves along “The Trail Where They Cried.”
There is just one little problem with this unchallenged narrative --- it is not totally false, but it has been grossly edited and wildly embellished, mainly for the purpose of besmirching the great name of the heroic American figure who paid off the National Debt down to zero and “killed the bank” (America’s Central Bank). Let us examine some of the problems with this attack against "the White Man" in general -- and Jackson in particular -- and set the record straight about “The Trail of Tears” once and for all.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/General_Jackson_Slaying_the_Many_Headed_Monster.jpg/300px-General_Jackson_Slaying_the_Many_Headed_Monster.jpg  http://www.todayifoundout.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/andrew-jackson-failed-assassination.jpghttp://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2010/OPINION/11/15/langguth.trail.of.tears/t1larg.trail.of.tears.max.standley.courtesy.jpg
1.Andrew Jackson slays the multi-headed monster of the 2nd Bank of the United States in 1833. 2. Jackson survives an assassination attempt. The Rothschild Globalists have always hated Jackson for paying off the National Debt and killing the Central Bank, which was finally reborn as the "The Federal Reserve" in 1913. 3. The false propaganda tale of "The Trail of Tears" is just another manifestation of that hatred towards Jackson.


1. Judging historical figures out of the context of their times can be misleading.
We do not believe that right and wrong are “relative” concepts, of course. However, we should tread very carefully when pulling any historical personage out of the context of his day and condemning him according to some of the arguably more enlightened attitudes of contemporary times. After all, back in the day, many good and noble men saw nothing wrong with owning slaves, provided they were well-cared for. Does that mean that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson himself and even the estimated 3,700Black slaveholders (here) were all “evil?”  We don’t believe so.
Similarly, let’s not childishly tag all men from the past with the stupid term “racist” so easily just because they foresaw potential problems arising from different races living within close proximity of each other -- a sad historical reality of human existence which has afflicted mankind ever since the Cro Magnons knocked off the Neanderthals. It was simply the way of the world back then.

2. Not all Indians were exactly angels.
What modern day libtards refer to as “toxic masculinity” is not unique to White males. Many innocent White people as well as some of the more docile Indian tribes were persecuted and slaughtered by some of the more violent Indian elements. So let's dispense with all this "evil White Man" talk. Over the course of the centuries of interaction in the Americas, atrocities were committed by both sides. Notwithstanding the many cases of Indians and Whites getting along nicely, the proximity to each other was often problematic in some areas, for both races.

3. The Indian Removal Act was approved by Congress and the Senate.
Jackson was not a dictator issuing Executive Orders to relocate the Indians. In 1830, the US Senate passed the Indian Removal Act by a vote of 28 to 19; and the House of Representatives passed it by a vote of 101 to 97. The Act granted the president authority to negotiate treaties that swapped Indian lands east of the Mississippi River for reservations in the West, and said nothing about removal by force.
This policy of using money and land instead of force was later continued by President Martin Van Buren, after Jackson left office in 1837.

http://canerivertrading.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/MetoyerN_Augustin.27784047_std.jpgImage result for indian slaughter whiteshttp://www.nativehistoryassociation.org/images/s102.jpg
1. Black slaveowner Nicolas Augustin Metoyer of Louisiana and his other family members owned 200 slaves. Was he "evil" too? 2. Not all Indians were peaceful. There were many cases of White women and children being slaughtered. 3. Senate and House majorities also supported Indian relocation in exchange for western reservations.

4. Jackson was more of a realist than a “racist.”
Many northerners opposed the plan. Jackson regarded these northern critics as hypocrites because Indian tribes had become nearly extinct / assimilated in the North -- where Indian hunting grounds gave way to family farms as state law replaced tribal law. If the Indians of the south and their culture were to survive, it could only be done in separation, not integration. The wise words of America’s greatest President made perfect sense for that time:
“Humanity has often wept over the fate of the aborigines of this country and philanthropy has long been busily employed in devising means to avert it, but its progress has never for a moment been arrested, and one by one have many powerful tribes disappeared from the earth.
But true philanthropy reconciles the mind to these vicissitudes as it does to the extinction of one generation to make room for another.… Philanthropy could not wish to see this continent restored to the condition in which it was found by our forefathers. What good man would prefer a country covered with forests and ranged by a few thousand savages to our extensive Republic, studded with cities, towns, and prosperous farms, embellished with all the improvements which art can devise or industry execute, occupied by more than 12,000,000 happy people, and filled with all the blessings of liberty, civilization, and religion?”

5. Jackson (and later Van Buren) had the best interests of the Indians at heart.
According to historian H. W. Brands, Jackson sincerely believed that his population transfer was a "wise and humane policy" that would save the Indians from "utter annihilation."  Brands writes that, given the "racist realities of the time, Jackson was almost certainly correct in contending that for the Cherokees to remain in Georgia risked their extinction." Jackson believed that his paternalism and federal support were generous acts of mercy.
In his autobiography, Van Buren praised Jackson’s vision of Indian removal and thus, preservation.
“No man ever entered upon the execution of an official duty with purer motives, firmer purpose or better qualifications for its performance. We were perhaps in the beginning unjustifiable aggressors (toward the Indians) but we have become the guardians and, as we hope, the benefactors.”

1. Jackson (Image 1) and Van Buren's (Image 2) attitudes towards the Indians were paternalistic and benevolent, not cruel or tyrannical. 3. Cherokee leader John Ross (half White) -- negotiated the transfer deal with the US Federal government, and profited from it. He never spoke nor wrote about any mass deaths.
6. The Indians were well-paid to relocate and received lots of new land.
Unlike, say, the dispossessed and terrorized Palestinians of 1948 and beyond, the Cherokees of the 1830's actually negotiated the terms of their relocation with Washington DC. The Cherokees, though under pressure, were actually well-paid with removal costs running at about $3 million and another $3 million by 1849. In today's money, $3 million would represent as much as $90-100 million. In essence, the Indian relocation was an eminent domain deal, not unlike the transactions which clear out the residents of city blocks in order to make way for bridges, tunnels, skyscrapers etc.
Jackson outlined his policy in his Second Annual Message to Congress, in which he said nothing about the use of force. Rather, his comments on Indian removal began with the words:
"It gives me pleasure to announce to Congress that the benevolent policy of the Government, steadily pursued for nearly thirty years, in relation to the removal of the Indians beyond the white settlements is approaching to a happy consummation. Two important tribes have accepted the provision made for their removal at the last session of Congress, and it is believed that their example will induce the remaining tribes also to seek the same obvious advantages."
Further contradicting the misconception of a mass forced roundup at bayonett point is the historical fact that some Cherokees insisted on staying in North Carolina and had a Federal reservation set aside for them there in later years (here).

https://mazinx.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/1210618080palestinian_refugees_shatat.jpghttps://972mag.com/wp-content/uploads//2014/02/imwas.jpgRelated image
1. 1948: 700,000 uncompensatedPalestinians flee their homes and farms in terror as Jewish gangs commit massacres. 2. 1967: 300,000 more uncompensatedPalestinians are forced out of their lands by the Israeli military. 3. Jewish-run PBS is big on pushing the lie of the Cherokee "Trail of Tears" -- but totally silent when it comes to exposing the real, more recent and still ongoing Palestinian Trail of Tears.
7. Only 12,783 Indians were relocated.
Most products of the American "education" system remain under the mistaken impression that mass numbers of Indians from the Southeast United States was herded out to Oklahoma. Texas historian / writerWilliam R. Higginbotham claimed to have spent 20 yearsresearching original archival data from that era. In a 1988 essay published in The Oklahoman newspaper, he informs us:
"In the Cherokee nation's own files, now on deposit in the Gilcrease Institute in Tulsa, the number of Indians departing the East in 13 main parties is recorded at 12,623, the arrivals West at 12,783. Some stragglers joined on the way. American military counts are almost the same. The Cherokees were being paid per Indian moved."
Even establishment historians do not dispute the relatively low number of the relocated, though their "official" number is 16,000. (here)

8.  The sovereign Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma still exists and is thriving.
From PowWows.com -- sourced from Cherokee.org:
"Citizens of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma reside within 14 counties in  Northeastern Oklahoma, the tribe composes of descendants of those that were forced removed from lands in Southeastern United States during 1838-1839 time period. In addition to those descendants the tribe also comprises of  descendants of ‘Old Settlers' which were those that had moved from lands in the east prior to 1833 and are subject to the 1828 and 1833 treaties. Over 70,000 Cherokee reside within a 7,000 square mile geographical area, which was never a reservation but rather a federally-recognized, truly sovereign nation covering most of northeast Oklahoma.
Today its jurisdictional service area encompasses eight entire counties along with portions of six others. As one of only three such federally-recognized Cherokee tribes, the Cherokee Nation has both the sovereign right and the responsibility to exercise control and development over tribal assets, including more than 66,000 acres of land and 96 miles of the Arkansas Riverbed. Tribal citizenship is granted if a lineal descendant from the Final Roll of the Dawes Commission 1907 of the applicant can be proven through birth and death records."(here)

Related imagehttps://www.tapintotravel.com/uploads/170_Cherokee%20Nation%20map.gifhttps://yearlongadventure.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/dscn0322.jpg
Andrew Jackson: the benefactor of Cherokee culture? Believe it! Whereas northern tribes have long since gone extinct / blended out (as Jackson had said), the racial Cherokees of Oklahoma still exist as a sovereign nationin an area almost as large as the stolen nation of Israel -- with a population many times greater than in 1830!
https://americanhistory.si.edu/sites/default/files/styles/blog_image/public/Watie_stamp.jpg?itok=7-SRLIdr  Stand Watie as leader of the Treaty Party of the Cherokee Nation, 1862
Cherokee Stand Watie moved out west on "The Trail of Tears."  Years later, he became the leader of the Cherokee Nation and attained a general's rank in the Confederate Army during the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865). Watie commanded the Confederate Indian cavalry of the Army of the Trans-Mississippi -- made up of Cherokee, Muskogee and Seminole. He was the last Confederate general in the field to cease fighting at the end of the war. -- And oh, by the way, Waite owned at least 800 Black slaves. (here)

9. The “Trail of Tears” term was actually coined decades later.
“The phrase "Trail of Tears" entered the story much later. In 1958, Gaston Litton, former archivist at the University of Oklahoma, attributed it to a remark by a Choctaw Indian to a Baptist preacher about an Indian Territory road. It reached print for the first time in 1908, 70 years after the exodus, when all the participants were dead.
From then on it spread like an advertising slogan, as if it came from the mouths of the 1830-40 Cherokee Indians who had never heard or used it.”

Noted Oklahoma scholar Gaston Litton -- author of "Cherokee Cavaliers" -- traced the first use of the propaganda term "Trail of Tears" to 1908 -- 70 years after the event!

10. The death toll is grossly exaggerated.
The commonly accepted and endlessly repeated figure of "4000 dead" represents a quintessential (a $10 word for 'perfect example of) case of a hearsay bit of data embedding itself in the public mind to such a depth that none dare question it. (sort of the like the "6,000,000" dead Jews of Holohoax fame, or the phony "350,000" from the mythical "Rape of Nanking"). Such a death toll would mean that 33% of the trekkers died (Higginbotham's numbers), or 25% (if you believe official numbers of 16,000 relocated). Either case is impossible! How could that many people have died on treks undertaken on established trails, in the generally warm / mild-weathered south, with horse-drawn wagons packed with provisions, on journeys that should have lasted only 2-3 months? Where are the "4,000" bodies? What documentation is there to support such a high death total?
“The act caused a spate of articles about how the Cherokees lost 4,000 or more dead on a terrible trek, described as a "forced" march, presumably indicating they were prodded by bullet and bayonet as they moved during the hard winter of 1837-38.
Voluminous records, including those of the Cherokee nation itself, show no loss approaching 4,000….
T. Hartley Crawford, head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, reported on Aug. 6, 1840, in a private communication to the secretary of war that the death toll among the 13 groups was 447
Other deaths, raising the total to more than 800, took place in parties outside the main groups and were carefully reported to the U.S. government.”
Cherokee removal was investigated by Congress to an extent that can be believed only by reading the Congressional Record. Some reports run to hundreds of pages. The written military record exists in detail in U.S. archives. Nothing like an extravagant death toll among the Cherokees exists. Butler’s (hearsay) is the sole source for such a conclusion. No historian mentions that.
(Cherokee leader) John Ross never made unusual claims for deaths, although he returned to Washington repeatedly after 1838 seeking more money.

The piece which William Higginbotham (no image available) wrote for the Oklahoman (here) sums up most of the scam, but fails to identify the main motive.  He wrote:"It (The Trail of Tears) is too good a story as it stands and too well-fixed to disturb. That makes it all the more dishonest." 
Not only do the lower aforementioned death totals (447, or 800 if other groups and separate events are counted) seem much more realistic, but when you consider the fact that during those times, about 25 people out of 1,000 would die naturally each year anyway, (here) the "Trail of Tears"doesn't seem to have been so treacherous after all!
So you see, dear reader, this bullsh nonsense about "The Trail of Tears" is nothing more than a romanticized lie, concocted by "the usual suspects" for the devious purpose of attacking the "evil" White Man and tearing down the reputation of Andrew the Great at the same time. For Jackson, like Hitler, shut down the operations of the International Jewish-Marxist banking Mafia which controls our money and our minds to this very day. That’s the truth, and no amount of Fake History can alter it.
Trail of Tears? Ha! Trail of Smears is more like it.
1. The "critically acclaimed"Broadway Show"Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson"was a historical musical that went out of its way to slander Andrew Jackson over the "Trail of Tears."2. In 2016, the Obongo administration decreed that Jackson would be removed from the $20 bill in the Year 2020, and replaced with an image of the negro Union spy Harriet Tubman. President Trump later rescinded that order. Jackson's place is safe, for now.


Ilhan Omar, Salim Laïbi, Christchurch Masajid Massacre, False Flags, Mike King, ISRAEL.



 Ilhan Omar in Her Own Words: I Know What Hate Feels Like


Actu au Scalpel #34 : le massacre de Christchurch

Published on 16 Mar 2019
Cette vidéo a été réalisée suite au massacre, au carnage du terroriste australien en Nouvelle-Zélande et qui a fait 49 morts et plus de 30 blessés. Cette vidéo veut rappeler que si ce terroriste est passé à l'acte c'est à cause d'une banalisation de l'islamophobie que nous constatons en France et qui est l'œuvre d'une caste politique et médiatique déterminée. Si l'auteur de ce massacre parle de "Grand remplacement" c'est qu'il a lu le livre de Renaud Camus que Finkielkraut à promu sur France Culture ! Il existe des forces ennemies subversives qui veulent détruire la France par une guerre civile interminable et sanglante. Leur stratagème est grossier, leurs méthodes sont ridicules mais ça peut fonctionner car il existe aussi des gens assez stupides pour tomber dans le panneau.

 Ilhan Omar Receives Support from Jews Critical of Israel


Debate Over Ilhan Omar Highlights New Willingness in U.S. to Question Power of Pro-Israeli Lobby


The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution Thursday condemning anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim discrimination, white supremacy and other forms of hate, following a week of debate among congressional Democrats. The controversy began after some lawmakers accused Democratic Congressmember Ilhan Omar of invoking anti-Semitic tropes while questioning U.S. foreign policy on Israel. The House leadership initially drafted a resolution condemning anti-Semitism in what was seen as a direct rebuke of Omar. But many progressive Democrats said Omar, one of the first two Muslim Congresswoman in U.S. history, was unfairly being singled out. The split within the Democratic Party forced the leadership to withdraw its initial resolution and then present a much broader one. Congressmember Ilhan Omar voted for and praised the new resolution in a joint statement with fellow Muslim lawmakers Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and André Carson of Indiana. We speak with Gideon Levy, Haaretz columnist and member of the newspaper’s editorial board. His latest piece is headlined “Keep It Up, Ilhan Omar.” #DemocracyNow#Israel#IlhanOmar Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET: https://democracynow.org Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today: https://democracynow.org/donate
Published on 8 Mar 2019

False flag crisis actor shooting fakery in 2 Christchurch New Zealand Mosques???

NY Times: Two New Zealand Mosques, a Hate-Filled Massacre Designed for Its Time

NY Times: A Mass Murder of, and for, the Internet


False flag / crisis actor shooting fakery has come to the safe island of New Zealand -- one of the English-speaking states which make up the "Five Eyes" intelligence network. The Five Eyes spy alliance - bound together by treaty -- is made up of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Though said to involve only intelligence and data sharing, we'll bet dollars to donuts that the felonious five can and do also cooperate on Deep State stunts. Until now, four of the five have experienced false flag / crisis actor mass shootings -- the only exception being tiny New Zealand (4.7 million population).  

Jacinda Arden, the ultra-libtarded millennial Prime Ministerette of New Zealand with the stay-at-home "baby daddy," has already announced that because of the "massacre" in the city of Christchurch, "gun control" is coming to the previously gun-friendly island. Problem -- reaction -- solution. How conveeenient!

Image result for five eyesImage result for jacinda ardern liberal
1. The 5 Eyes / Deep State includes New Zealand.
2. In the wake of the Christchurch hoax, Jacinda Arden wasted no time in promising "gun control."
3. We've seen this show many times before.
We all know the routine by now. 
The bloodless "victims" 
-- the dry-eyed "crying" 
-- the distraught witness on a cell phone 
--- the instant vigils 
--- the instant professionally printed signs, banners and T-shirts,
--- the catchy slogans and twitter hashtags 
-- the calls for "gun control" and 
laws against "hate speech" etc.
 Image result for new zealand shootingImage result for new zealand shootingImage result for new zealand shooting
Image result for new zealand shootingImage result for new zealand shootingImage result for new zealand shooting
The scriptwriters for this latest mosque shooting managed to achieve multiple objectives with this stunt. In addition to the looming confiscation of "semi-automatic weapons," the framing of a 28-year old blond-haired "Australian White nationalist" is also being used to chill free speech concerning the immigration invasion taking place in New Zealand and Australia. Across the water in nearby Australia -- which had disarmed its population after the Deep State "Port Arthur Massacre" of 1996 -- "the authorities" have just announced that the flamboyant "conservative" speaker MiloYiannopoulos will not be permitted to set foot in the country for a previously scheduled speaking tour.

Furthermore, because the "attack" was live-streamed over the Internet, calls are also emerging for more control over web content -- a dangerous trend which, as "youse guys" all know, has already adversely impacted your humble historian / reporter here (hint hint)

And finally, in the shooter's rambling "manifesto" which was supposedly E-mailed to the Prime Ministeretee just moments before he began the alleged rampage which ended with his arrest -- he praised Donald Trump as "a symbol of renewed white identity!" Oddly enough, he had also praised Black American conservative activist Candace Owens as "a person who influenced me." Evidently, the Deep State must be getting really concerned about Ms. Owen's crusade to lead Blacks out of the Demonrat Party. Why would an Australian "White nationalist" even know who she is, let alone praise her? (here) Perhaps some of the supporting scriptwriters in NZ didn't realize that conservative Candice is actually "a woman of color ?" Oops.

Image result for trump new zealand shootingImage result for new zealand shooter candace owens
 A "White nationalist" -- straight out of Hollywood casting praises Trump. Although he hates the colored races, he cites Candace Owens as an "influence" on his thinking?
Now, in case "youse guys" still have any doubt that this "mass shooting" was a Deep State production cut from the same template as the acts at Sandy Hook Elementary School (2012), Parkland High School (2018) etc, know that just over seven months ago, the traveling freak show that is Florida's Parkland High School's sainted "shooting survivors" took their Deep State-engineered anti-gun advocacy and activism to, of all places, Christchurch, New Zealand! From Teen Vogue magazine, dated August 10, 2018:

28 Parkland Students Traveled to New Zealand to Attend a Summit on Youth Activism

Marjory Stoneman Douglas alumni Delaney Tarr and senior Kai Koerber held a panel for New Zealand high school leaders...
The shooting hoaxsters of Parkland brought their "activism" to Christchurch in Summer of 2018 --- "It is our movement. We all went through this together and we are all in this together.”

A group of 28 MSD students recently traveled to New Zealand, where they not only spread their ideas about gun law reform but also absorbed new strategies for pursuing activism more generally. Over seven days in late July, the students traversed the country,  ...
“Gun control may have been thrust into the limelight because of the tragedy,” Sandra Davis, MSD's social studies department head and a trip chaperone, tells Teen Vogue. “But I think what they are realizing is that whatever it is they believe in, they can use the same road map that the other students have used to galvanize around that movement.”
After more than 14 hours of travel, the students were welcomed in Christchurch, New Zealand. (here)
How conveenient!

Image result for parkland strong t shirtImage result for christchurch strong
Instant slogan-bearing T-Shirts: 
"Parkland Strong" 
--- "Christchurch Strong."
  It's the same script for different countries of the "Five Eyes."




 I leave my kind behind to be free from physical 

and mental slavery!


How can I prove it?  After 73 years spent in it, it becomes clearer in my mind that this world belongs to the Devil and is a prison, the greatest that ever existed in the known, unknown and hidden History of Humankind.  It dawned on me that this phenomenon is quite recent.  At first sight, it seems very complicated, and extremely far-fetched, but to me it is not anymore. 

I was born in the FRENCH-BRITISH SLAVE COLONY OF MAURITIUS on the 23rd of December 1945.  Warmongering European savages and plunderers learned the skills of navigation from the Arabs and the Muslims: Portuguese, Dutch, French, and British.  They even developed their first written alphabet, Greek, from the Arabs or Phoenicians.  They were enlightened in science, philosophy, mathematics, hygiene, and other matters by the Muslims who had embraced the religion perfected by Muhammad, an Arab from Arabia, called Islam.

Islam claimed and still claimsto be the same religion the Ancient and all nations of the world were practicing at the time and since the beginning of humanity.  Islam claims that all Creation is Islamic.  But, some one thousand years later, the Muslims, like the Atheists, the Hindus, the Buddhists, Jews and Christians, became so decadent that the Dark Forces of the Earth made up of monsters were able to conquer the entire word and keep all nations in prison, the first of its kind after massacring hundreds of millions of the Earth inhabitants as well as destroying animal and plant life and polluting the atmosphere and the habitat.  Those demons slaughtered some half a billion humans since they set foot in the Americas, sometimes wiping out entire native populations (genocide). 

Mauritiuswas shown as Dina Arobi by Italian cartographer Alberto Cantino in 1502 as it was first discovered by Arab sailors around 975.  In 1507, it appeared as Cirnein Portuguese records as they too came to the island, but did not settle down  The French settlers gave it the name of Isle de France, but was renamed later Mauritius by the Dutch settlers (1598), a latinised version of the Dutch MAURITS from Prins Mauritzvan Nassaueiland.  On 3 December 1810, French Isle de France was taken over with other islands by the British who had defeated Napoleon and re-given it the name Mauritius.   

It was partitioned into Chagos Archipelagoand Mauritius in 1965 by the same savages who partitioned MuslimMughal Hindustan, and its main island DIEGO GARCIA was “leased” (given) to the US Americans as a military and torture base where Israel, the US, the UK, and Israel (and India) train and bomb other countries and rule their huge prison called the world ! It was cleansed of its inhabitants, and Mauritians did not give a damn about them.  How could they?  They are all willing slaves!

There are more and more places on Earth where humans are not allowed to travel to except the demonic jailers: thousands of military and torture bases around the world (inside the Prison), secret laboratories (HAARP), Intelligence Agencies, Antarctica, Mind Control Institutions (Tavistok), Secret Freemasonic Lodges, Judaic Lobbies around the world, Apartheid Israel their biggest military base in the Middle East and the entire world, Harmaceutical Industries to cull the Prison (World) populations, the Military Industrial Complex to terrorise and deal with the Prisoners by air, sea, earth, from above as well as from under.  Everything is done to destroy religions, God(s), pervert the morals and destroy our humanity.    

The dictatorships in the USA, Alaska, Australia, Britain, Apartheid Israel, Canada, New Zealand, Apartheid South Africa, Antarctica, and even the Totalitarian Soviet Union and their satellites and colonies (conquered and subjugated lands) were their Allies to help them keep all nations of the world in that Huge Prison controlled by their Zionist Totalitarian United Nations Organisation that replaced their Christian League of Nations, all this thanks to a sudden explosion of modern technology that seems to have landed by some miracle into their demonic hands.  Never even try to defend yourself because they would drop an atom, a nuclear, a thermobaric, a phosphorus, depleted uranium, and even an ethnic bomb on you to destroy you completely, rape and sodomise your women, young girls and babies, all in the name of Western Civilisation, Human Rights, Freedom, and Progress.  

DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!  To prove my case, just try and travel to Diego Garcia or to Antarctica instead of wasting your money on drugs, leisure, consumerism, and financing them, and see what happens to you!   
Or build yourself 100 ships (or one, damn it!  You give billions freely to NASA for bogus explorations or to arm the military!), and travel (if they let you!) in straight lines back and forth and map the earth, and see for yourself how our earth and lands that they have stolen and made into a prison really look like!  
 Forget about God as He gave us the job to do!  He will not lift a finger (He has none anyway!) to make things better.  He was said to have created this world for it to end up in Hell except for His Chosen ones, Israel, Christian and other Zionists! 

   Do not waste your time with their Courts of Law where Justice is always absent, their bogus democracies (totalitarian demoncracies), bogus elections, bogus medicine (harmicine) and doctors, fiat money, bogus human rights where only homosexuals, lesbians, transsexuals, paedophiles, abortionists, drug traffickers, warmongers, racists, pornographers, gamblers, celebrities, and the likes have rights above all the others!   And always keep away from anything organic or inorganic that they engineer to kill us!  They practice a new religion called “regime change”!  They decide who can rule over their own nation!  Only their own puppets and mercenaries like in occupied Arabia (Saudia) and Nuclear Apartheid Israel! 

 British?  We read and keep hearing that Mauritius was independent since 1968, but Mauritians were so enamoured by its slavers’ name that they did not even think of changing it! Why?  Because their neo-slave masters did not suggest it to them!  Just ask them where their National Anthem was written?  And, why they still had a Governor-Generalwhen they became “independent”? 

Slave?  We also read and keep hearing that slavery was abolished in 1815 in that slave colony?
Independence?  We also read and hear that it became a Republic, but Mauritius is still not a free country, but a slave neo-colony of the West, the Word Bank, the IMF, and India with the usual brothels, casinos, drug dens, folklore, etc., for their tourists?  But, there is something called EMANCIPATION FROM MENTAL SAVERY that they never heard of!  For singing or talking like this and being anti-establishment, the CIA murdered people like Bob Marley, Malcolm X, William Milton Cooper, and thousands others.  And even their own President who wanted to stop the demons!  

At “independence”, Mauritius was still a colony because it was a Crown Colony and a subject State of the British Commonwealth for the benefit (wealth) of the French and British slave owners on the condition that the subjects follow their orders and accept to be knighted by the Royals or the French State when they behave like docile slaves and keep doing the bidding of their British, European, US American, Apartheid Israel, and UN masters by keeping gambling institutions, brothels, selling alcohol, cigarettes, the British system of indoctrination, slaves for the multinational , and sell their poisonous products like public schooling, tourism, deadly harmaceuticals, vaccines, and genetically modified organisms, divide and rule policies, abortion, deadly contraception, and institutionalised racism, the subjection of all religions to the Totalitarian “democratic”  State, corrupt Courts, little or no Justice, Police terrorism and torture, widespread witchcraft, controlled media, crime, drugs, Friends of Apartheid Israel, and Genocidal Racist and Terrorist India, and on and on!

The few people who really pay attention to the truth that is printed on social media (not presstitute media!) are not the State professional prostitutes, and they have literally no power at all and more often suffer tyranny in silence for obvious economic and cultural reasons.  Normally they do not vote in staged elections.  I am here writing from my own Vedanta-Christic Muslim perspective, which I am sure Vedantists (“Hindus”), Christians as well as Muslims will not like, but I do not give a damn as I can only write from my own perspective, and not to please others or the Totalitarian State.  The Muslim fate in Racist India is so deplorable that I have read that some 75-150 Muslims of India ARE MISSING because of the Hindu Racist Regimes!

So many Hindu intellectuals of my time (1945-1964; 1968-1975; 1988-1991) are anti Muslim and anti-Arab racists while they eulogize the Europeans, the US Americans and Israel, but not the common Hindu I socialised with, even Brahmins like the Nuckcheddy family of Sainte Croix, Port Louis as we indeed constituted one large family! But, US Americans remain by far the avant-garde of REVOLUTION that can rid us of enslavement under a World Government and in a World Prison!  But whether I write 23,000 words overnight or these hasty 1,600 words (while my baby is having a nap!), the truth will not be heard and change not made for the better – only useless public demonstrations (picnics), signing of petitions, all talk (crap) and no action (boycott) in the right direction!  

Sovereign Freeman-on-the-and
Tuesday 19th of March 2019




"Evolution" is not science, but philosophy, dogma, religion, Satanic politics!  

 School textbooks are filled with LIES!  
Gandhi, the British Pervert Puppet, called public schools CITADELS OF SLAVERY!!!  He did not send his children to ANY PUBLIC school!!! 

 Life, History, Science and Space with Eric Dubay
Published on 1 Jan 2019

Thanks to Evita Ochel of EBTV for the wonderful interview covering topics ranging from spirituality and science, to health and veganism, to conspiracies and the flat Earth. 


Friday, 23 March 2012 


 We, humans, evolved from Jack and Jill?

Dedicated to my children and grandchildren
To my very dear and faithful  friend Adalberto Erazo Jr.
And to all seekers of knowledge

From Daryl's Encyclopedia (updated 4 May 2013)
(Re-posted in 2014)


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26 Aug 2005 at 16:53

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Ex-Biology teacher

Head of Biology (TRINITY COLLEGE)

Friday 26th of August 2005


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The History of Flat Earth by Eric Dubay

Published on 17 Dec 2017
By far one of the greatest Flat Earth videos ever produced by Eric Dubay. I'm so glad I downloaded it months ago so that now I can re upload it so you can download it. Everyone share this and don't forget to help out Eric and subscribe to his channel. Eric Dubay: 

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