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Pr. Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce



Merveilleux Débat D' Alain Soral - Mars 2018.

Published on 23 Mar 2018
La Nouvelle Chaine : https://www.youtube.com/user/djberhom :





ISLAM UPSIDE DOWN, BUT STILL THE BEST! SALVATION NIGHT! Laylat al-Bara’at or Niṣf Sha‘bān or Shab-e Bara’at.

Wednesday 2nd May 2018 
While writing and posting this! 2:30 A.M.

When my Baby Angels are with me, every night is

Laylat al-Bara’at or Niṣf Sha‘bān or Shab-e Bara’at.  And, I do not BEG GOD, but THANK HIM 'millions' of times!!!

ISLAM UPSIDE DOWN, BUT STILL THE BEST!  SALVATION NIGHT!  Laylat al-Bara’at or Niṣf Sha‘bān or Shab-e Bara’at.

* Arabic Laylat al-Bara’at or Niṣf Sha‘bān

* Persian and Urdu - Shab-e Bara’at. 

* See Laylat al-Qadr, Laylat al-Mi'raj and Laylat al-Raghaib.






 Night of "Salvation", Innocence, Records, Assignment, or Deliverance. (I DID NOT FIND THIS IN THE HOLY BOOK!!!???)


Holy Quran

"Indeed, We sent it down during a blessed night. Indeed, We were to warn [mankind]. On that night is made distinct every precise matter-"[Quran 44:3–4]
According to Tafsir Ibn Kathir,[4]the more correct interpretation of this blessed night been attributed to another Islamic holy night, Laylat al-Qadr, based on additional verses.[5][6][7]



Birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi

According to Twelver Shias, Muhammad al-Mahdi, the final ShiaImām, was born on 15 Sha'ban. Shi'as celebrate Muhammad al-Mahdi's birthday on that day and perform religious acts such as prayers, fasting, and worship. Iranian cities are decorated on night of Mid-Sha'ban.[8][9]

Not disregarding its 'good' side, this is Islam upside down!  It makes Muslims feel good that this 15th night of Sha'ban (8th month of the Muslim Calendar) is regarded as very blessed.  Why? Muslims pray, beg, supplicate, remember Allah to SEEK FREEDOM FROM GOD'S PUNISHMENT (AZAAB)and from CALAMITY, but does not do God's Will!



GOD: I will never free a disobedient, cowardly, hypocritical,  selfish, lazy, and ignorant people!  How dare they even ask me for anything when they hardly do what I guided the whole of humankind to do for more than 1400 years, just like I did the Bani Isra'il (Jews) and the Nazarenes (Christians) before them, and those before them?   
GOD:  You, hypocrites, you always come to Me repenting and seeking forgiveness when you never stop sinning apart from a very few amongst you, many of whom are new reverts to Islam!

GOD:  Do you think that I lack in Mercy to forgive the sins and transgressions of ONLY MUSLIMS?  Do hundreds of millions of "non-Muslims" not deserve My Mercy too?  You do not even forgive one another and live an entire life of disunity!  

GOD:  Do you ever come to me showing that you have settled all debts owed to you by Muslims and non-Muslims alike?

GOD: What is this nonsense about "Sunni" Ahl as-Sunnah Wah Jama’ah, Shi'a or whatever Muslim you like to call yourselves and others? 

Achtung!  Never believe what I say or write!  

GOD:  Did I ever tell you that if you recite “La Hawla walaa Quwwata illa Billahil-aliyil Azeem” forty times with three times Durood Shareef before and after"I will forgive forty years of your sins and forty Hoors will await to serve you in Jannat al-Firdous"?  Did I create "humans" like you, or Shaytaan did?
GOD:  Did I ever tell you that "the departed souls (Arwaah) of the Muslims visit the houses of their friends and relatives on this night"?  How can they when your homes are filled with Shayatiin and Evil Djinns?  Your dead never come back!!! 

 Some devils try to harm my Angels!
GOD:  Ô Humankind, do not believe everything you read or hear, and STOP BEGGING ME while you refuse to DO THE WORK (JIHAAD) you have been assigned for your own good and for that of the whole of Creation, the good, the bad, and the ugly!

 I do not seek to convince anybody!  
My example speaks for itself!

??? Hadrat Ayesha Siddiqa (radi Allahu ta’ala anha) reports:
 “One night, which was the 15th of Shabaan, I did not find the Beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) in the house so I went in search of him. After a long search, I found him in Baqiah (the cemetery of Madinah) offering Du’a for the deceased and praying for their forgiveness”. (Baihaqi)
??? "...the Most Beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is been reported as having visited the cemetery on this night and spending a long time therein, lamenting, reading and praying for the deceased."
??? "According to the Hadith Shareef which is narrated by Ibne Habaan (radi Allahu ta’ala anhu) that Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said:
??? “When the night of 15th Shabaan arrives spend the night awake and keep fast the next day”.
??? Whoso fasts for three days during Shabaan, all his past sins are wiped off”. (Baihaqi) Fasting is also recommended on the 13th, 14th and 15th of Shabaan.
??? "...if one reads Surah Dukhan seven times on this night, Almighty Allah will reward you with 70 worldly needs and 70 deeds for the Hereafter."
??? Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said:
??? “Almighty Allah forgives all Muslims on this night, besides the fortune tellers, the magicians, the alcoholics, those who disrespect their parents and those who take part and encourage adultery”.
??? "In another narration, the following people have also been mentioned:
One who deals in usury (Riba),
??? "One who wears his trousers below his ankle with pride and arrogance..." 
One who creates disunity among two Muslims,
??? The person who unjustly takes away the right and property of another Muslim and has not yet rectified himself.
??? offer special prayers and repent sincerely for our past sins and ask for His Forgiveness.
??? on this night the Doors of Mercy and Forgiveness are opened wide, 
??? "While we are praying and asking for ourselves and family, we should also remember in our Du’as the Muslim Ummah facing calamities in many parts of the world, that may Allah Ta’ala grant them the strength and Istiqaamat (steadfastness) in Deen." 

 My children, DO THE JOB, and Allah will always bless you!

??? "Basharat of Jannat: Sayyiduna Rasulullah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is reported to have said that Allah Ta’ala instructs and assigns 100 angels to the person who performs 100 Nafil Salaahs on this auspicious night – 30 of which will bring the good news of Jannat, 30 angels to protect one from the Azaab (Punishment) of Dozakh (Hell), 30 to remove all misfortunes and miseries of this world and 10 angels to protect one from Shaitaan."
??? "Reward for ten thousand good Deeds: Anyone who performs 20 rakaahs of Nafil after Maghrib in such a way that after Surah Fatiha, recites Surah Ikhlaas 10 times in every rakaah, will be rewarded abundantly by Allah Ta’ala, and ten thousand good deeds will be recorded in his Amal Namaa (Book of Deeds)."  
And on and on !!!???

Allah gave me both Paradise and Hell on Earth, and I am always thankful to Him FOR THE PARADISE!

GOD:  Ô Humankind, do not believe everything you read or hear, and STOP BEGGING ME while you refuse to DO THE WORK (JIHAAD) you have been assigned for your own good and for that of the whole of Creation, the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd May 2018


"The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vicesor cardinal sins, is a grouping and classification of vices within Christian teachings."

"According to the standard list, they are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth,[2]which are also contrary to the seven virtues. These sins are often thought to be abuses or excessive versions of one's natural faculties or passions (for example, gluttony abuses one's desire to eat)."

"The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines virtue as "a habitual and firm disposition to do the good."[1] Traditionally, the seven Christian virtues or heavenly virtues combine the four classical cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, temperance and courage (or fortitude) with the three theological virtues of faith, hope and charity. These were adopted by the Church Fathers as the seven virtues.

The Paradise of the Desert Fathers

“The Paradise of the Desert Fathers” is a collection of sayings and narratives written about the Desert Fathers of the Egyptian desert. The collection is widely known in the Coptic Church as Bustan Al-Rohbaan (transliterated Arabic) or The Monks’ Garden.

paradise 4
A photoreprint of the 1907 work translated and edited by Ernest A. Wallis Budge (Chatto and Windus, London) – Paradise or Garden of the Holy Fathers, Being Histories of the Anchorites, Recluses, Monks, Coenobites and Ascetic Fathers of the Deserts of Egypt between AD CCL and AD CCCC Circiter Compiled by Athanasius Archbishop of Alexandria; Palladius Bishop of Helenopolis; Saint Jerome; and Others” – is available at http://www.ccel.org/ccel/athanasius/paradise1.titlepage.html [Volume I] and http://www.ccel.org/ccel/athanasius/paradise2 [volume II] and at http://archive.org/details/theparadiseorgar01unkwuoft These volumes are translated from a Syriac manuscript discovered in 1888.
paradise 2
A photoreprint of the 1909 American reprint of Budge’s work is available at http://www.strobertbellarmine.net/books/Palladius–Paradise_Vol_01.pdf
paradise 1
Extracts from The Paradise can be found at http://www.ewtn.com/library/SOURCES/DSRTFATH.TXT and http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/arbible/conversations/topics/23931
paradise 3
Various modern editions and reprints (of widely varying qualiuty and accuracy) of the 1907 work are available: for example, “Stories of the Holy Fathers [or The Paradise or Garden of the Holy Fathers: Being Histories of the Anchorites, Recluses, Monks, Coenobites, and Ascetic Fathers…”, Martino Fine Books, 1912; and “The Paradise of the Holy Fathers,” vol. II, translated by E. A. Wallis Budge, Seattle: St. Nectarios Press, 1984.

Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge (27 July 1857 – 23 November 1934) was an English Egyptologist, Orientalist, and philologist who worked for the British Museum and published numerous works on the ancient Near East: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._A._Wallis_Budge and http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/search_the_collection_database/term_details.aspx?bioId=93650
Palladius of Galatia (368? – 431?) was a disciple of Evagrius and was ordained bishop by John Chrysostom. He was also one of the earliest historians of Christian monasticism. This work is a set of vignettes of leading Desert Fathers and Mothers.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palladius_of_Galatiahttp://desertfathers.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/palladius-368-431.html and http://www.ccel.org/ccel/wace/biodict.html?term=Palladius,%20bp.%20of%20Helenopolis

 paradise lasasi 2
Palladius’ Lausiac History (Historia Lausiaca) is a seminal work archiving the Desert Fathers (early Christian monks who lived in the Egyptian desert) written in 419-420 at the request of Lausus, chamberlain at the court of the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II. The introduction declares: “This book is a record of the virtuous asceticism and marvellous manner of life of those blessed and holy fathers, the monks and anchorites which inhabit the desert, (written) with a view of stirring to rivalry and imitation those who wish to realize the heavenly mode of life and desire to tread the road which leads to the kingdom of heaven. It contains also memoirs of aged women and illustrious God-inspired matrons, who with masculine and perfect mind have successfully accomplished the struggles of virtuous aceticism, (which may serve) as a model and object of desire for those women who long to wear the crown of continence and chastity.”
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lausiac_History
paradise lasaic

A translation in English is available athttp://www.tertullian.org/fathers/palladius_lausiac_01_intro.htmhttp://www.tertullian.org/fathers/palladius_lausiac_02_text.htm
A photoreprint of the 1898 translation by Dom Cuthbert Butler is available at http://archive.org/details/lausiachistoryof01pall and of the 1918 translation by W.K. Lowther Clarke is available at http://archive.org/details/lausiachistoryof013039mbp
“The Lausiac History by Palladius (c. 365–431) is one of a handful of important texts from which we gain an eyewitness knowledge of early Egyptian monasticism. The text gets its name from the person to whom it is dedicated; Lausus was a chamberlain for the emperor Theodosius II. Palladius himself had been a pupil of the famous desert dweller Evagrius of Pontus. Similar in style and content to the Lives of the Desert Fathers written in the late fourth century, the Lausiac History contains seventy-one biographical “chapters” on desert ascetics in Egypt, Palestine, Syria and even Asia Minor.
The text is written for us, says Palladius, so that we might “emulate and imitate” those early monks in their journey to the kingdom of heaven. But his very first paragraph includes a startling addition. He records the lives of not only the desert fathers but also of the desert mothers or ammas. “It is written also to commemorate women far advanced in years and illustrious God-inspired mothers who have performed feats of virtuous asceticism in strong and perfect intention, as exemplars and models for those women who wish to wear the crown of self-abnegation and chastity.” These “holy highborn women,” writes Palladius, “lived the best and loftiest lives.” Unlike the Lives of the Desert Fathers, Palladius introduces us to several dozen women renunciants.
One writer speaks of the “huge silence” of the desert, but the Lausiac History also demonstrates the sheer scale and scope of early monasticism. There were hundreds of hermitages, large and small, that served tens of thousands of mothers and fathers. Palladius describes their bustling bakeries, tailors, metal workers, shoemakers, weavers, gardeners, carpenters, camel drivers, doctors, fullers, scribes, liturgies, and steady stream of visitors: “They work at every sort of handicraft and from their surplus they provide for the monasteries of women and the prison.” Former slaves, extraordinarily wealthy women like Melania, the blind Didymus, learned scholars, business merchants, a cripple named Eulogius, a rustic herdsman named Paul, palace dignitaries like Innocent, a robber named Capiton — all these and many more grace these pages. They witness to a way of life that feels both strangely ancient but nevertheless attractive, renouncing all in order to gain all.”


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  1. B.A.Frémaux-SoormallySays:Your comment is awaiting moderation.May 2, 2018 at 9:38 am
    All Arab or “Semitic” names have been westernised (latinised, etc.) and this gives an extremely false impression about all Arab (desert) mystics.



Jonas E. Alexis
Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, history of Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book Zionism vs. the West: How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.

HomeWorldMiddle EastNetanyahu to Putin: Iran seeks to destroy 6 million Jews

Netanyahu to Putin: Iran seeks to destroy 6 million Jews

No matter how you cut it, Netanyahu lacks the moral and political backbone to be a head of a state.

…by Jonas E. Alexis

You can’t make this stuff up: Netanyahu, the problem child in the Middle East, has told Vladimir Putin that Iran has vowed to annihilate six million Jews! If you think that Netanyahu would never come up with something so dumb, then you are underestimating Netanyahu’s fantastical imagination. This is his exact word:
“There is a country in the Middle East, Iran, which calls for the destruction of another 6 million Jews.”[1]
No one with an ounce of brain cells knocking together would invent such a stupid statement. The simple fact is that outside of Israel, Iran has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East. Moreover, “Jews feel safer in Iran than in US & EU despite Tel Aviv-Tehran tensions.”[2] And they have been there for centuries! How does Iran plan to annihilate those people? Who is Netanyahu really fooling this time? his finest puppet (Donald Trump)?
When Netanyahu made similar statements back in 2015, Iranian officials responded by saying: “It is truly, truly regrettable that bigotry gets to the point of making allegations against an entire nation which has saved Jews three times in its history…”[3]
What do Iranian Jews have to say about Benjamin Netanyahu himself? Do they regard him as their representative? Or they see him as their leader? Or do they view him as another Israeli demagogue? Ciamak Morsadegh, an elected Iranian parliamentarian who happens to be Jewish, declared:
“Benjamin Netanyahu and the anti-Semites need each other: they supply each other with what they need – intolerance and hatred. The fact is, Iran is a place where Jews feel secure and we are happy to be here. We are proud to be Iranian. I know this doesn’t follow the Zionist script, but this is the reality. No one forces the Jews to stay here.
“The Israelis offer money to Jewish people to emigrate to Israel, but we choose to stay. My view is that the actions of Netanyahu and his government, the way they behave towards the Palestinians, cause problems for Jews everywhere. I am not the only one holding these views. Am I not allowed to say it because I am a Jew?”[4]
Mr. Bibi, we have a situation here. If Iranian Jews are largely happy and do not feel threatened, how can you say that Iranian officials are seeking to destroy at least six million Jews? Where did you get that figure?
Here again and again we see that Netanyahu is either crazy or is following a diabolical script. Avner Cohen has said in the past that Netanyahu is sometimes “crazy.”[5] Former Shin Bet director Yuval Diskin declared that Netanyahu makes “decisions from messianic feelings.”[6]
No matter how you cut it, Netanyahu lacks the moral and political backbone to be a head of a state. If the Jewish community in Iran even approves a nuclear deal,[7] then how can Netanyahu really say that Iran has “a ruthless commitment to murder Jews”? This is one reason why Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein calls him “a maniac.”

  • [1] Quoted in Henry Meyer , Andrey Biryukov , and David Wainer, “Netanyahu Warns Putin That Iran Wants to Destroy 6 Million Jews,” Bloomberg, May 9, 2018.
  • [2]“Jews feel safer in Iran than in US & EU despite Tel Aviv-Tehran tensions,” Russia Today, February 9, 2018.
  • [3]“We saved Jews 3 times, Netanyahu should revise history lessons – Iranian FM,” Russia Today, March 5, 2015.
  • [4]“Iran’s Jews on life inside Israel’s ‘enemy state’: ‘We feel secure and happy,’” Independent, March 16, 2016.
  • [5] Avner Cohen, “Israel’s leadership: Messianic and then some,” Haaretz, May 6, 2012.
  • [6] Quoted in Daniel Tauber, “Can Netanyahu’s messianism save us?,” Jerusalem Post, July 3, 2012.
  • [7] See for example Reese Erlich, “Iran’s Jewish community gets behind nuclear deal with U.S.,” USA Today, August 7, 2015.
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  1. Putin had satan stand next to him at his parade where the Panzir was on display. On the way home, Nutty gave Putin the shaft, taking out a Panzir that was caught napping and didn’t even put up a defense. How did it feel President Putin to entertain satan and then see him screw you….and you did get screwed.
  2. Dear VP,
    Satanyahu and their Rathschilds masters want:
    – Destroy 6 BILLION of good people (called by them goyim) by a big Nuclear war.
    – Put the survivors as slaves controlled by the RFID chip.
    – Establish the talmudic judaism as religion.
    For doing that they need destry Syria, Destroy Iran, Destroy China and Russia.
  3. It’s one thing to talk such nonsense to general public, there it could be accepted from some, but to go visiting Putin, and feed him with such a propaganda, that is so stupid!But then again, it was addressed to the general public at home!
  4. LS…
    You do not believe it: Israel won the Eurovision Song Festival !
    Some ugly screaming gnome from hell did it because she got the maximal vote from the so called professional jury at the last minute ! After that the international audience was put in a scary red light ! She must be Netanyahu’s troll !
  5. the 6 million dollar man….”Steve Austin…..a man barely alive….we can rebuild him…we have the technology..”…..where’s Oscar Goldman (a jew perchance) when you need him…???
  6. Compared to Netanyahu’s sophisticated, razor sharp, thought mechanisms, Putin is little more than a simple, sentimental child. So, of course Putin will fall for Netanyahu’s very clever use of mournful violins and magic numbers.
    • You wrong, Putin is a very smart player guy but he have limitations what can do or not…
    • Zionist troll.
      Satanyahu is a deranged, pathological liar and no body believe anything he says, least of all Putin. Maybe Boris the clown and British prostitute, Theresa May and of course tRump will swallow Nutty’s b.s. but no on else will.
    • I agree with JohnZ – mijj is a Zionist troll and not very bright! Putin is smarter than Netanyahu could ever hope to be! The lies that come out of Netanyahu`s mouth are so transparent a 2 year old can see them.
    • martsiva, be that as it may, we have a lot of Murcans with lesser IQs, the ones who watch MSM news ie: Fox or CNN and the result is an even less informed but dangerously propagandized people.
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 Sunday 13 May 2018
Now, I am struggling to give my grandchildren number 3 (LAYANA) and 4 (KENJI) a semblance of Islam!

14 2017

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Koen Roffel

Koen RoffelNice pictures!
And a real grandpa!

Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus to Vickie Jacobs
“MUSLIM” SUMMER FÊTE organized by “House Negro” Muslims and reported by “The Guardian News” on Thursday 4 July 2013.

It is the first time since I am in the United Kingdom of Judah (1990/1-2013) that I attended such a venue with my then two granddaughters Jumaymah and Aïshah, accompanied by their father. One “Black Muslim” security assaulted me, assisted with a team of some 10 or more Brownidiots after a young Muslim girl manning a fair-ground ride reported to them that I had taken her photograph. I was ordered by security to show my camera and asked to delete all photographs I had taken of her. I showed them my camera and they saw I had taken photographs of my family, but the girl who was talking to my son was also seen in the background trying to sell him tickets for a ride probably. They called for assistance and this is when the “Black Security” manhandled me!

I was labelled a PEDOPHILE, and the small “Muslim” regiment tried to drag me under a tent to call the Police. My son and granddaughters knew nothing of this, and I was separated from them for some 20-30 minutes having been “arrested” by those idiots, preventing me from joining my family, and I was manhandled by a “Black” security I have known of in the past! Another Muslim (not a savage from the “Indian sub-continent”!) saved me from the madness of the Security team! 

The people who hosted the event also run a local Masjid (the West calls this place of worship by the insulting name of ”mosque”!), but I stopped going there when I found out it was controlled at the time (or maybe before) by a Jewish Member of Parliament, HARRY COHEN, but my granddaughters were attending classes of "Arabic" there and where they were being brainwashed with a kind of primitive and Sectarian religion they called Islam. Later, I learned that their mother (my beloved daughter-in-law who took the Shahada to marry my son!) who TOOK custody of my grandchildren had removed them from there, and totally deprived them of all Islamic education to this very day! Oy vey! Good grief! 

But, this is not the reason I am posting this here. I was wondering if any smart reader who happens to be interested in this short exposé might understand why out of TWELVE THOUSAND people who were reported to have attended the “fête” (fête, not for me!) the journalist I met on site and to whom I told my misadventure took my picture with my granddaughter Aïshah and printed it in his newspaper (rag)!  And, he did not mention a single word of what I told him!  (He was not prevented by the bullies from taking pictures!)

I AM INTRIGUED!  I can speculate endlessly, but I leave it to others to make their mind. Thank you for reading or not reading!   Have a nice day!
Sunday 14th May 2017

P.S. Sorry, Vickie, I am encountering some problems posting on my page!


In general, Muslims do not give a damn about Islam, but only about their tribe, sect, clan, nationalist culture, etc.

Fighting for freedom, truth, justice, Christ and Islam. National and universal reconciliation.

Image may contain: 2 people, text 



Since his childhood BAFS learned a lot more about Christianity than about Islam although he was born in a so-called Muslim family.

The White pre-Christian, Greek Orthodox Christian, Catholic and Protestant European so-called WEST who have produced the greatest civilisation in Europe, has always wanted to own and rule the world, until one day they decided to join the AbominableTalmudist Khazar IsraelILLUMINATI (QABBALAH) to share that ownership and rule, at least since the Crusades and the Christian-Mongol Invasion of Muslim lands.   

ISLAM is just an inspiration from MUHAMMAD, the greatest free thinker ("philosopher") and mystic that ever existed!  BAFS read his recorded Revelations from the Invisible World, it is (in translation) a human talking, NOT GOD!  The divine language and expressions are too human to be from God Himself  WHO TO THIS DAY NOBODY KNOWS FOR SURE WHETHER HE REALLY EXISTS OR NOT AS MOST BELIEVERS DO BELIEVE!  Or is it just a translation of God's Word (The Forces of Good from Invisible Realm) into the best of the Arabic language of the time.

In one Surah alone, the longest one in the Holy Book, Al-Baqqarah THE GOLDEN CALF, there is plethora of evidence to prove this.  BAFS has learned to read all Holy Books at a different level where he always try to find out common foundational values like the FIGHT FOR FREEDOM, TRUTH, JUSTICE, and for a MORAL WAY of life, God or no God!  

14 May 2018

 (Protestant Faith perspective)

 The Messianic religion of THE EYE is taught by Rabbis in France on live television!
Published on 22 Feb 2018
An Exploration of the Vatican, the "Temple of Lucifer" Exposed! The Jesuit Illuminati Conspiracy to unveil the anti-Christ. An R$E Production 2018. Music: 88Ultra - Para Bellum - Sad World Private Domain - Death and Maiden Emmit Fenn - Blinded All songs used with express permission. With thanks to the artists for providing the soundtrack to this production. Filmed on Location in Rome, Vatican City and Jerusalem.


Denis Piploume aggrave son cas, comédie fantastique à tendance surnaturelle - Jacky Sigaux, Renaud Castel, Sabrina Mortier,


Denis Piploume aggrave son cas

Comédie fantastique, à tendance surnaturelle.

Postulat de la nouvelle pièce de Jacky Sigaux (régisseur de Dieudonné). Aidez le sur ULULE !


À propos du projet

Notre projet est de monter cette pièce dans un théâtre parisien (ou en Île de France) pour Octobre 2018.
A la suite d’une violente chute sur la poitrine, Denis Piploume se retrouve avec un tee-shirt maculé de sang. Alors qu’il l’enlève pour constater les dégâts, il découvre qu’aucune blessure, même infime, ne vient entacher la peau de son torse. Entre en scène le docteur Loring, missionné pour réaliser une mise aux normes des poètes. Le docteur est un chirurgien spécialisé dans l’ablation de la mémoire. Sans mémoire, pas d’imagination. On le verra alors opérer sa victime à son insu par l’intermédiaire d'une poupée (principe de la sorcellerie Vaudou).Mais qui lui a donné cet ordre ? Comment réagira Denis Piploume quand il découvrira que dans son propre garage un chirurgien penché sur une poupée, est en train de lui prélever toute sa mémoire ?! Et surtout, quelle sera la réaction de Denis lorsqu'il verra ses souvenirs apparaitre sur un moniteur médical et qu'il constatera qu’une femme qu’il n’a jamais vu de toute sa vie, s’immisce entre deux souvenirs ?!! Quelle est donc cette étrangère au regard de glace que l'on voit tout le temps dans une allée forestière ?!! Pourquoi Denis Piploume aggravera son cas en tombant sous le charme de cette créature ? Très importante interaction entre l’écran et la scène. Voilà pourquoi cette pièce sera interprétée par deux comédiens et une actrice car cette dernière sera uniquement visible dans un moniteur médical. Et vous ? Qui de vous tous nous suivra pour participer au financement de cette œuvre si singulière et si humoristique que nous pouvons la cataloguer de comédie fantastique ?

Présentation des comédiens, par ordre d'entrée en scène:
Jacky Sigaux interprètera le personnage de Denis Piploume.

Renaud Castel est visible un peu partout dans le monde culturel. On a pu le voir, aussi bien dans des télé-series, que dans des publicités, des courts-métrages, des clips pour des comédies musicales. Au théâtre, il a joué dans "Autour de ma pierre il fera nuit" mis en scène de Sébastien Bonnabel, au theatre Clavel, "Nuit d'été" mis en scène de Nicolas Morvan, au theatre des Beliers (Avignon) puis au Café de la Gare, "Comment elever un ado d'appartement", mis en scène de Hélen Zidi-Cherny, en Avignon. Aujourd'hui il joue dans la pièce à succés: "Les faux British", mise en scène de Gwen Aduh, au Theatre Saint-Georges, à Paris. Dans "Denis Piploume aggrave son cas", Renaud Castel interprètera le rôle du Docteur Loring, chirurgien specialisé pour réaliser une mise aux normes des poètes.


Sabrina Mortier est comédienne, actrice et auteure. Au théâtre, outre le fait qu'elle a jouée dans "Procès à Domicile", de Jacky Sigaux, on peut la voir entre 2011 et 2018 dans des comédies aussi diverses que "Une Vie 2 rêves" mis en scène de Raphaël Beauville "Comic strip Girls", mis en scène de Leslie Billard, "Ma Voisine Ne Suce pas que de la Glace", mis en scène de Jérémy Wulc, "Mission Cupidon", mis en scène de Olivier Maille, "Un Apéro Presque Parfait", mis en scène de Samy Berry, et "Ils ont cousu le cheval dans les rideaux", mis en scène de Jacky Sigaux. Dans "Denis Piploume aggrave son cas", Sabrina Mortier tiendra le rôle de Kitty, personnage central de cette comédie, qui interviendra uniquement dans un écran.

A quoi va servir le financement ?

Pour monter cette pièce que nous souhaitons vous présenter pour la rentrée 2018, nous ne bénéficions d’aucune subvention et autre aide, nous n’avons pas non plus de théâtre pour nous accueillir. C'est la raison pour laquelle il est capital d’atteindre les 3300 euros demandés car si cette somme n’est pas atteinte, il faut savoir que les fonds collectés ne nous reviennent pas puisqu’ils vous sont retournés. Et quand on constate que le montant total du budget prévisionnel est de 15200 euros, le rêve serait de dépasser nettement les 3300 euros car "Plus on s'approche du montant du budget total, plus on a les moyens de le boucler"; proverbe amérindien.


Location d’une salle de théatre comprenant les répétitions, les 10 premières représentations, le salaire du régisseur: 4500 euros (500 euros pour 15 jours de repetitions, prévoir un minimum de 300 euros par représentation: 10 représentations : 3000 euros. salaire régisseur 100 euros par représentation: 1000 euros pour les 10 représentations)

Le décor.
Le décor représente un studio sobre attenant à un garage. Les 2 espaces communiquent par une porte. Des toiles peintes figurent un fond de garage chargé d'étageres et d'outils: 800 euros

Costumes pour les 3 comédiens: 400 euros.

Accessoires, matériel pour effets spéciaux: 2000 euros

Accessoires: de quoi suggerer un studio d'étudiant et un garage + un bloc opératoire, une poupée, un écran, une valise et un arc à flèches professionnel. Matériel effets speciaux:  ordinateur, vidéo-projecteur et trucages necessaires pour l'apparition d'objets envoyés de l'écran et qui doivent attérir sur le plateau.

La vidéo, partie intégrante de cette pièce.
La présence de la vidéo est très importante (l’écran fixé au dessus d’une poupée couchée sur un bloc opératoire, représente un moniteur médical de la mémoire, les images incarnant  les souvenirs de Denis qui viennent d'être prélevés). La réalisation de ce film nécessite donc un grand travail de recherches d’images très subtiles, comme par exemple des plantes poussant en accéléré ou un python attrapant une souris). De plus le tournage d’un petit film sera nécessaire car un personnage interprété par une actrice aura une place prépondérante dans l’histoire.Ce tournage demande un travail d'une précision particulière car une interaction entre l'image filmée et les comédiens sur scène aura lieu. la précision doit donc être subtile car un objet envoyé de l'écran par l'actrice doit réellement atteindre le plateau.

Budget total de cette partie vidéo (salaire du réalisateur-monteur compris):  2500 euros.

Budget communication : 5000 euros  (Salaire attaché de presse, affiches, Flyers, réalisation de teasers, campagne de publicité reseaux sociaux)

La Compagnie de l’Armoise est une compagnie de spectacle vivant, basée entre la Normandie et Paris. Fondée en 2015, elle produit, diffuse et porte des spectacles engagés, humoristes et musicaux. Cette compagnie a produit en octobre 2015 la pièce de Jacky Sigaux « Procès à domicile » pour 22 représentations, au théâtre de la Comédie Nation à Paris. (La vidéo visible sur cette page est un extrait de cette comédie ou l’on voit le personnage de la Norme s’exprimer).

À propos du porteur de projet

Fils de l'écrivain Gilbert Sigaux, Jacky a eu le privilège de grandir dans une maison de campagne emplie de livres, d'enfants, de chiens et de fleurs sauvages. Enfant, il aimait écrire des histoires sur un petit carnet alors que l'école lui donnait des boutons partout tellement il en avait horreur. Il quitte cet établissement qu'il considère comme une prison pour commencer sa carrière d'assistant à la mise en scène pour Raymond Rouleau, sur 2 pièces : « L’Ecole des Femmes » de Molière (interprété par Isabelle Adjani et Bernard Blier) et «Vogue la galère » de Marcel Aymé (avec Isabelle Huppert et Robert Hossein). Puis sa sœur Sotha qui est une des fondatrices de la troupe du Café de la Gare, lui permet de jouer de nombreuses pièces au côté de Romain Bouteille, Patrick Dewaere et Henri Guybet. Il écrira ensuite un one man show intitulé « Le seaside rendez-vous », et part en tournée à travers la France. En 1983, il reçoit pour cette oeuvre le prix du meilleur texte au Festival de Café-théâtre de Cannes. En 2010, après avoir continué de jouer une vingtaine de pièces au Café de la Gare, il écrit et met en scène pour ce lieu une comédie policière, intitulée: « Ils ont cousu le cheval dans les rideaux »; pièce dont l’action se déroule au QG d'un subconscient dans le cerveau d’un dormeur. En 2015, grâce au budget récolté sur Ulule, il monte une nouvelle comédie « Procès à domicile » au théâtre de la Comédie Nation, à Paris. Cette pièce nous permet de suivre les procès des cinq responsables les plus recherchés par les poètes, les enfants et les fous que sont la Bible, le faux amour, l’école, la norme et le coton-tige.
Depuis quelques années, Jacky Sigaux donne aussi des cours de théâtre, tout en aidant ses élèves à mener à bien leurs propres projets théâtraux.


Si vous avez encore des questions, n'hésitez pas à contacter le porteur du projet.
Poser une question


BÉATRICE EL BEZE, TORTURÉE ÉLECTRONIQUEMENT - Salim Laibi, procureur répugnant, et Nicolas Sarkozy contre Dr. Tariq Ramadan.


De nouveau, cette France de merde!  

Mois aussi, je fus jadis victime du fameux Lobby, y compris de Nicolas Sarkozy, alors Maire de Neuilly-sur-Seine!


(I do not share B. El Beze's posture regarding Alain Soral and Dieudonné, and need to research what's the problem!)

Mais, je suis de tout coeur avec elle! 

BÉATRICE  EL BEZE : "Salim Laibi, procureur répugnant contre T.Ramadan !; le nom de Sarkozy apparait"

Béatrice EL BEZE - BLOG - Juive antisioniste persécutée et torturée par l'Etat français via le suppôt du lobby judéonazisioniste Nicolas SARKOZY (voir l'horreur de  l'affaire depuis fin 2002 à ce jour, dont Assassinat progressif ("slow kill") depuis nov 2013 par Torture Electronique =brulée vive! par microondes), suppôt actif dans l'ombre, réélu ou pas...


 Photo de moi, en juin 2014...après 8 mois de torture électronique, infligée depuis le 12 nov 2013.,  et non stop depuis et pire que jamais à ce jour . 

 Pour  info j'écris aussi des poèmes (  voir rubrique à  droite  "Mes poèmes  (78 poèmes protégés à la SGDL )" qui vous aideront à mieux comprendre qui je suis réellement ..puisque le lobby et Sarkozy, suppôt criminel aux manettes dans mon affaire, me fait diaboliser depuis fin 2002. (Il était déjà ministre del' l'Intérieur ...) .
Parce que j’ai parlé de «lobby juif », moi Beatrice EL BEZE, issue de la communauté juive…" (voir mes courriers politiques antisionistes publiés à mon nom dans JEUNE AFRIQUE L" INTELLIGENT (hebdomadaire politique international) courant 2002, qui sont la seule raison et génèse de toute l'affaire en cliquant ICI).... 

 ... ou déjà 15 ans de grave persécution avec l'horreur des méthodes  criminelles du lobby judéonazisioniste via son suppôt Nicolas SARKOZY, ministre de l'Intérieur  dès 2002.. - et  impliqué directement et nommément dans mon affaire dès 2006 -... méthodes pires que jamais à ce jour !. voir ci dessous l'affaire...  

* Pour comprendre l'horreur de cette affaire criminelle, écoutez ma vidéo ci dessous, intitulée "Un monstre, Sarkozy,  aux manettes dans ma terrible persécution de fin 2002 à ce jour / déc 2017", faite fin déc 2017 


et  Voir en vidéos la narration chronologique de l'affaire de 2002 à ce jour  (nov 2017 ) = 7 vidéos en tout :cliquer ICI
Liste NOMS (avec détails) des principaux protagonistes ICI  
 *Documents-preuves cliquer)  ICI !!!   
Mes vidéos You tube (cliquer):  ICI
        Ces liens ci dessus sont aussi à droite du blog ..et cette page est  actualisés au fur et à mesure...(mai 2018) 
insert aout 2017 : suis bannie sans explications et définitivement de Facebook depuis fin mai 2017 et encore plus terriblement torturée électroniquement depuis en assassinat progressif, juste après mon  procès gagné en mars 2017 contre mon internement étatique par la Police du lobby aux ordres de Sarkozy,  aussi  pour ne pas crever cet été, ai décidé de me montrer pour ralentir mon meurtre progressif par torture électronique / voir mes vidéos faites sur youtube dès juillet 2017 et ensuite (en cliquant) : ICI   (attention ! :compteur de vues bloqué ou mis très très au ralenti   sous toutes  mes vidéos 2017!. quasi tous vos commentaires bloqués.en amont  alors que la fonction commentaires est ouverte ..,  le clic  "jaime" très souvent  bloqué, ...le  nombre d'abonnés trafiqué et vidé au fur et à mesure... fa fonction promotion d'une vidéo bloqué .. ..  sur consignes des faussaires du lobby qui font trafiquer ma  page Youtube  pour m'isoler sur YouTube aussi  (écoutez ma vidéo  'Les sales consignes du lobby sur ma page YouTube" pour comprendre  ).  

Parce que j’ai parlé de «lobby juif », moi Beatrice EL BEZE, issue de la communauté juive..

Les méthodes criminelles qui me seront appliquées dès fin 2002, pour seules raison dopinions politiques  et sur feu vert de Nicolas SARKOZY suppôt lobby judéonazisioniste  (lire plus bas  le paragraphe sur son rôle indéniable dans mon affaire) sont celles abominables du harcèlement criminel en réseau (institutionnel) jusqu'à mon  internement arbitraire en 2013 ( procès entamé entamé 2014  et gagné en mars 2017  avec Maitre Coutant Peyre) exécuté pour décrédibiliser la parole de la victime (moi)  et suivi aussitôt après, pour me faire taire, et non stop depuis, par l'abomination de (cliquer) la torture électronique en assassinat progressif (= brulée vive 24/24 depuis)  - qui est généralement la phase finale du harcèlement en réseau, même si celui ci se poursuit en parallèle -.Mon père, Jean Claude Rahmin EL BEZE  (nom EL BAZ ),juif"  né à Constantine en Algérie, et  que j'avais recontacté dès juin 2006 et qui voulait m'aider -  moi même déjà embarquée menottée  à l'hôpital le 23 déc 2004  sans raison, et menacée d'internement avec soins forcés le lendemain par le commissaire de Nanterre M. Clouzeau, toujours sans justification ni dossier médical à l'appui ni alors ni ensuite -....mon père donc a lui aussi été aussitôt fait passé pour fou  deux mois après en sept 2006, embarqué à l'hopital psychiatrique   de Leyme, avec mensonges abjects et sans preuves, pour lui aussi  comme pour moi ..  puis  balancé aux urgences début 2007  e t là  soudainement détruit physiquement (et rendu presque muet)  avec diagnostic a postériori de soi disant  (cliquer)"maladie juive génétique très rare" (diagnostiquée en ces termes par pascal Rischmann  urologue CHU rangueil toulouse, en mars 2007)  pour le faire taire lui aussi dès  ses accusations de faux dossier psychiatrique ..puis il aura ume jambe coupée 3 mois plus tard .. moi ce sera la torture electronique dès  nov 2013 =  peu après ma sortie d'internemeent ...  Méthodes terrifiantes et barbares sur une fille et son père en France, faits passés pour fous tous les deux  avec faux  dossier psychiatrique puis torturés massacrés dans l'indifférence de tous,  pour les faire taire !  (mon père décédé en fév 2013..  et moi qui survis torturée  électroniquement(=brulée vive) plus que jamais  actuellement (juillet 2017) ..et qui vais en crever  bientôt si personne ne m'aide ...
*voir ce lien pour bien comprendre le rôle indéniable du lobby judéonazisioniste et de Sarkozy , Noms à l'appui, dans toute mon affaire (cliquer sur:)RéSUMé DE MA PERSECUTION POLITIQUE TERRIBLE PAR LE LOBBY JUDEONAZISIONISTE ,ET Où JE SUIS EN DANGER DE MORT PLUS QUE JAMAIS.. / janv 2017  
*Voir  Vidéos plus bas de mon émission  Metatv  du 15 mai  2014 !... et ma vidéo de juillet 2017 sur la collaboration infâme de Dieudonné et Soral avec le lobby dans mon affaire..
 et  Merci de SIGNER!  la pétition en mon soutien ICI  " Soutien à Beatrice EL BEZE , persécutée et torturée par l'Etat français",   créée depuis le 01 sept 2016 et adressée à LDH et Amnesty International, officines collabos criminelles qui me refusent tout rdv et  toute aide bien qu'informées(voir détails ici )!
insert du 31 mars 2017 :procès gagné ! avec avocate maitre I.Coutant Peyre(Voir documents -preuves ajoutés tout en bas de cet article ) contre mon internement arbitraire étatique,  exécuté par la Police du lobby en juillet 2013 (pour me faire taire sur mon affaire)   avec uniquement des mensonges abjects sans preuves et  après 10 ans de traque criminelle étatique  en psychiatrie, via le lobby ! ; ce procès gagné  qui prouve ma persécution par l'Etat (= le lobby) est accompagné d'une intensification  terrible   de la torture électronique..  car il ne reste au lobby (qui avait donc prévu de me faire passer pour folle) que la destruction physique en assassinat progressif,  ou l'accident fomenté, pour me faire taire désormais ! ; comprenez bien que si j'avais inventé mon affaire'mise sur mon blog dès 2008, jamais je n'aurais gagné mon procès ce jour en 2017 !..or mon blog dénonce depuis 2008 publiquement NOMS ET DOCUMENTS  à lappui, le harcèlement criminel en réseau institutionnel que je subis depuis fin 2002 !, (voir toute l'affaire)  dont l'internement forcé en 2013  via la Police, fait partie ..or ai gagné ce jour en mars 2017  ce procès  et la partie adverse s'est tue sur mon affaire , ne pouvant s'en servir contre moi car il y a trop de preuves, de mes dires.. ce procès gagné est donc la preuve que je suis crédible  sur  toute mon affaire  depuis fin 2002... mais aussi sur la suite infligée en phase finale depuis ma sortie d'internement en 2013 à savoir : la torture électronique en assassinat progressif!,pour méliminer et que je dénonce depuis 2013 publiquement sur mon blog aussi,   torture infligée non stop depuis et  couplée avec le harcèlement électronique au logement pour privation maxima de sommeil , tortures   et brulures  pires que jamais à ce jour!. . (B.E/ 20 mai  2017)
* Les méthodes barbares nazisionistes de Sarkozy et des siens  dans mon affaire depuis fin 2002 sont celles ci :  
 (cliquer sur :)  harcèlement diurne et nocturne réitéré d'un logement à l'autre via la Police (dès fin 2002 = peu après mes écrits antisionistes publiés, exécuté non stop depuis..) pour moi...  /embarquement menottéeà l'hopital (pour moi) et menaces d'internement avec soins forcés faites le lendemain par le commissaire Matthieu Clouzeau, toujours sans rien ni dossier médical à l'appui (2004)... / faux dossier de fou fait pour mon père (en 2006) ...puis pour moi en 2013... / falsification de documents officiels en justice (sur mon enfance) remis à moi par TGI Nanterre (falsification exécutée en 2006) ... / grave destruction physique avec invention  à posterioride diagnostic  de "maladie juive génétique très rare" (qui soi disant rendrait "fou" puis pratiquement muet.. ) pour faire taire mon père (2007) qui décèdera en fév 2013 .../ fausses déclarations en justice et/ou "faux et usage de faux" par les administrations  en réseau criminel à Nanterre (pour moi), à savoir  : Police (2011), Opdhlm (2010) Université (2006 et 2008), Hopital Nanterre( 2013) .../  Mise à isolement dans un local sans travail dès 2008  avec faux faits par la  direction de l'université Nanterre dès 2006 puis en 2008 pour faciliter un  internement arbitraire en entente mafieuse avec la Police nazifiée  .../     internement arbitraire avec soins forcés (en procès actuellement avec avocate / voir ici doc preuve  )  sans rien à l'appui, pour moi (en  juillet 2013)  4 mois après la mort de mon père... / puis 3 mois après ma sortie d'internement, l'horreur de la torture électronique pour assassinat progressif (depuis le 12 nov 2013 et 24h/7j depuis..) pour me faire taire ../.. ..  méthodes criminelles toujours en cours, et acharnées malgré des plaintes dès 2004 et avec partie civile toujours en cours à ce jour ! notamment celle contre la police de Nanterre (documents à l'appui ) dans mon affaire débutée fin 2002  jusqu'à ce jour..   et celle contre B. MADEUF( présidente univ Nanterre) dès 2008 .....
* Pour comprendre toute l'affaire, voir ce Récit détaillé + NOMS + liens vers Documents Preuves(cliquer sur) :Chronologie (+Preuves) des méthodes monstrueuses et criminelles en cours  via Sarkozy dans mon affaire /déc 2014/ par Beatrice EL BEZE  
  Pour info :je survis avec ce blog fait pour ma sécurité tous documents à l'appui ,isolée et affublée d'un faux dossier psychiatrique grave ..et empêchée arbitrairement de travailler,(=misère financière ) (,procès est en cours avec avocate et dont dépend ma sécurité).....et suis détruite physiquement jour et nuit par addition de tortures,  à savoir l'horreur de la torture électronique  (= brûlée jour et nuit   .  +  le  harcèlement criminel par la Police de Nanterre  via ses indics locaux ( =  vermines  criminelles logées dans le voisinage immédiat,)  pour privation intentionnelle de sommeil et repos à mon logement F2 hlm, (= torture) aggravée considérablement par 'intenses vibrations électroniques jour et  nuit à mon logement, intensifiées par les indics  à volonté (par probable boitier)  pour le rendre inhabitable, alors que je sius malade .physiquement !  Pour comprendre ces méthodes criminelles locales couvertes par Mairie, OPDHLM,, TGI, TI, en entente avec la Police, en réseau  de harcèlement criminel, voir ce lien : Nanterre ville criminelle institutionnellement ! ; Ma lettre ouverte à A.CASSOU, maire adjoint / 14 déc 2016./ beatrice EL BEZE ,
 *ci dessous, document médical récapitulatif récent de fin mai 2017 -  destiné à l'unité antidouleur de l'hôpital Foch -(tant je souffre) jour et nuit  - .. qui  prouve la dégradation de ma santé physique depuis le 12  nov 2013 (=début de la torture electronique en assassinat progressif appelé aussi "slow kill "(= meurtre lent),  infligée  peu après ma sortie d'internement  fin juillet 2 013  (or je ne fume pas et ne fumais pas et n'avait aucun de ces symptômes avant nov 2013  aussi mon docteur (qui l'a déjà mentionné dans des documents ICI) ne comprend pas ce que j'ai... car (cliquer pour détails) torture électronique ( = brulée vive 24/24 , cuite vivante  avec moment atroces !) ..est une pure abomination criminelle officieuse, aux mains du lobby judéonazisioniste assassin
...... et eegardez ensuite cet article capital sur les  graves  falsifications opérées depuis  8 mois par le  docteur directeur Médecine Interne , Jean Emmanuel  KHAN  (issu de la communauté juive comme moi) de l'hopital Foch, pour cacher sur consignes du lobby , la torture électronique , voir ce Lien vers mon récent article cité tous documents preuves à l'appui  :"Graves falsifications en chaine par le dr J.E KHAN pour cacher à tout prix la torture électronique !/ mars 2018    :

 Ma situation actualisée :  mai 2018   
.....très brulée  électroniquement actuellement par torture electronique (  en représailles aussi en raison des mes vidéos YouTube ) ..+  harcèlement  électronique au logement  via les ordures  d'indics harceleurs logés  juste  au dessus de chez .moi (famille OULD amar) qui agissent pour le  compte de la police nazifiée de Nanterre , pour privation maxima de sommeil ..
. voir ici  cet article majeur avec tous les documents rapports comptes rendus médicaux tendancieux   fait, le 14 oct 2017  suite aux falsifications volontaires d es médecins de l'hôpital Foch  à  l' été 2017 ,sur mon santé  physique pour cacher  mes symptomes (multiinflammations et surinctions chroniques) et cacher  ainsi la torture électronique ( les ai  obligés par mon courrier AR à la direction hôpital Foch,  à des 1ères  corrections !... *
et voir mes vidéos  faites sur Youtube depuis juillet 2017 (en cliquant): ICI   
*PAGE A SUIVRE ! sur mon état de dégradation physique par torture électronique :ICI, documents médicaux à l'appui -
*Ne suis pas encore morte parce que je me suis rendue visible avec ce blog, documents, noms et  et vidéos à lappui , et à cause du  procès e qui étaie en cours avec avocate dès 2014 sinon  je serais certainement déjà morte queoit par faux "accident" ou par torture électronique que je fais connaître ralentissant certainement ainsi mon  meurtre progressif programmé , bien comprendre  qu'ave ec ces pourritures  tarées nazisionistes (sarkozy et le siens)    me taire en ferait  que faciliter mon meurtre. 
*Voir le lien de cette lettre en 2015 en AR et explicite  MA LETTRE OUVERTE d'avril 2015 à F. Hollande, M.Valls, C.Taubira, S.Royal / par Béatrice EL BEZE  , restée anormalement sans réponse..
-addition  cruelle des tortures  :
-  torturée ="brulée vive 24/7 "  par Torture Electronique (= assassinat progressif ciblé, , documents médicaux à l'appui ici  :  assassinat progressif exécuté depuis nov 2013, soit 3 mois après ma sortie d'internement,  méthode  abominable de meurtre officieux utilisée contre certains opposants   
- et torture par la Police de Nanterre via ses indics locaux, pour privation intentionnelle de sommeil et de repos  jour et nuit   -  par harcèlement électronique diurne et nocturne dès le début de l'affaire  fin 2002  et très . aggravé depuis mai 2015  par appareil pour rendre mon logement inhabitable,  
aussi, insert 2016 :  " Je fais savoir que je crains au vu de la dégradation de ma santé physique par addition des tortures citées ci avant(et très intensifiées depuis mon procès gagné en  mars 2017  ( torture electronique par microondes ciblées (= brulée vive 24h /24)  ..  + privation  récurrente de sommeil et repos par harcèlement électronique au logement (= vibrations et nuisances sonores électroniques ), que coincée par toutes les preuves dans mon affaire , la clique du criminel  Sarkozy (lire plus bas explications sur son implication indéniable dans mon affaire)  accèlère mon élimination via son réseau criminel, avant la fin de mes plaintes en cours (laissées sans traitement depuis juil 2016!) et à cause aussi de ce procès gagné   par mon avocateMaitre Isabelle Coutant Peyre (voir document preuve ICI)   pour contestation de mon internement arbitraire et faux dossier psychiatrique fait après enfermement dans l'hopital ( faux dossier de soi disant" schizophrène paranoiaque avec délires persistants et toubles du comportement " !)     , internement exécuté en juillet 2013 par la Police et Rectorat ,   uniquement  avec des mensonges !sans rien à l'appui  et malgré mon blog fait pour ma sécurité dès 2008 tous documents à l'appui  :  .. * et ai  décide de faire savoir le nom( de mon avocate connue, maitre Isabelle COUTANT PEYRE  dès 2014, en raison de l'extrême gravité de mon affaire, ma sécurité dépendant directement de cette plainte pour ne pas être réinternée arbitrairement "avec injections" comme  j'en ai été menacée dès ma sortie d'internement en 2013,  et  détruite ainsi aussi  pour me faire taire (comme fait aussi sur mon père) sur toute mon affaire et sur mes autres plaintes en cours avec partie civile dont : celle contre la Police et  le commissaire Mathieu Clouzeau .../. celle pour faux et usage de faux , associations d malfaiteurs (avec la police) " , ontre la présidente Bernadette Madeuf  et le secrétaire général Didier Ramond  de l'universite Nanterre,  /  et celle  pour falsification de documents officiels  en justice sur mon enfance,  remis par procureur au TGI nanterre ..,(toutes plaintes que je mène seule sans avocat par manque de moyens financiers, seule celle pour contestation internement et faux dossier psychiatrique est faite avec avocate I Coutant Peyre)
JUSTICE  "AUX ORDRES" DANS MES PLAINTES !!!.. mafia judicaire salement aux ordres du lobby et donc  aux ordres  à Sarkozy et des siens , voir ce lien détaillé documents à l'appui  voir entre autres ce lien , documents  à l'appui, pour voir  jusqu'où ils vont ! avec  invention d'audition s!  et  invention  de propos  !! :  Grave FRAUDE ! par la Cour d'Appel pour bloquer ma plainte contre Police !/ voir mon pourvoi cassation /juill 2016 B.ELBEZE 
insert : juillet 2017 ! mes plaintes  avec partie civile toujours  en cours contre Police ( en pourvoi en cassation depuis juillet 2016)   et celle contre présidente univ  Madeuf ( appel de non lieu gagné par moi en juillet 2016), sont  laissées anormalement sans traitement depuis juillet 2016!. par la justice . (ils attendent que je crève ou quoi?? )
 voir liste de NOMS (avec détails!) : ICI
           Voir DOCUMENTS -PREUVES de mon affaire ICI 
...   en voir quelques-uns mis aussi plus bas !
Explications  sur mon affaire          
Ma terrible affaire, débutée fin 2002 et où je suis en danger de mort plus que jamais à ce jour (2017)  et pour seule raison d'opinions politiques antisionistes publiées en 2002,  illustre magistralement non seulement les intox monstrueuses du lobby nazisioniste via Sarkozy (lire plus bas le paragraphe sur les raisons pour lesquelles j'accuse Nicolas  SARKOZY nommément ) et les siens =l ( lobby judéonazisioniste ) dans mon affaire,....mais illustre cette méthode de meurtre officieux barbare aux  mains du  lobby judéonazisioniste  : le harcèlement  en réseau criminel institutionnel suivi de torture électronique en phase finale pour assassinat progressif
*pour bien comprendre les méthodes barbares du lobby judénazisioniste = de  Sarkozy et des siens et utilisées dans mon affaire,  voir ce lien où elles sont clairement expliquées : Police nazifiée et Psychiatres Herr docktors pour Torture Electronique main dans la main .:
 ;  le harcèlement criminel en réseau institutionnel (HCR, appelé aussi "gang stalking" / voir photo et documents mis tout en bas de l'article !! ) -   est exécuté avec la collaboration faite sciemment à des procédés criminels par les administrations "aux ordres"(police, justice, mairie, préfecture, université, opdhlm, hopital, CMP, ... / voir Preuves de ces méthodes criminelles sordides et faux témoignages et usages de faux par ce réseau) sur ce lien :  réseau criminel institutionnel dans le 92 (fief de Sarkozy ) et certains documents mis plus bas) -  ..... avec comme  finalité monstrueuse du harcèlement en réseau criminel et généralement juste après après internement  arbitraire : la Torture Électronique (appelé  aussi "slow kill"=meurtre lent) pour tuer progressivement la cible en la rendant malade . Ces méthodes existant aussi dans d'autres pays (USA, Angleterre Pays bas..etc)  où le  lobby judéosioniste est aussi tout puissant , et  ont été incitées et couvertes par Nicolas Sarkozy dès fin 2002 en France et dans mon cas pour seules raisons d'opinions politiques antisionistes, et continuent de l'être à ce jour, vi son réseau criminel et ses pions mis en place   ... Ainsi à la lecture de cette affaire épouvantable vous comprendrez mieux l'état réel, depuis Sarkozy notamment et de la main mise du lobby nazisioniste sur la France (CRIF et compagnie) de ce qu'on ose appeler la soi disant  "démocratie " et "les droits de l'homme" de fait  inexistants en France,.... ainsi que la nature véritable et collabo de la soi disant dissidence française (celle du club  privé Soral Dieudonné et leurs amis VIP ainsi que le réseau Voltaire France) . et toutes les sales intox que le lobby judéosioniste - qui tient la France depuis 2007-  vous sert en politique nationale (attentats sous faux drapeaux =false flag,etc)  comme internationale.lire ICI la suite ...
*Voir ce résumé de mon affaire relayée le 07 fév 2014 par Alain BENAJAM, Président du "Réseau Voltaire France ", ici :Beatrice El Beze Persécutée par l'Etat pour délit d'opinion et de rebellion(cf  extrait  A. Benajam : "Le Réseau Voltaire et moi-même avons décidé d'apporter un soutien politique et juridique à Béatrice dont l'histoire extraordinaire m'a beaucoup touché, je lui laisse la parole"... etc)... mais suivie 3 mois après de la grave (voir  ses mails à l'appui : ) trahison et collaboration d'Alain Benajam, sur pressions probables du lobby dès  mi mai  2014... alain Benajam a supprimé son article( que j'avais heureusement  copié collé)  en oct 2015
  ************ ******************
  .en raison de ma résistance non prévue par Sarkozy et les siens, ma situation est  devenue pire que jamais par addition des tortures entre la torture électronique et le harcèlement par la police au logement via ses indics locaux.  Ainsi peu après mon internement arbitraire sans rien à l'appui en juillet 2013 (voir le déroulement violent des faits)  pour me faire taire sur toute mon affaire et sur mes plaintes en cours avec partie civile,.  ce sera le début de la torture électronique infligée 3 mois plus tard (depuis le 12 nov 2013) et non- stop depuis pour m'éliminer progressivement =assassinat ciblé = l'horreur et la barbarie! ...  à laquelle s'ajoute     la  poursuite féroce de la privation intentionnelle de sommeil et repos( voir ce lien :) par la Police vi se indics  , débutée dès fin 2002 et non stop depuis , 14 ans plus tard!  -  méthode classique du harcèlement criminel en réseau par harcèlement sonore électronique au logement (réitéré d'un logement à l'autre, de St Cloud et à Nanterre )  en HLM - par sortes d'ultrasons puissants,, sifflements, fréquences basses et fréquences hautes, vibrations etc,  la nuit et très souvent en journée aussi..et dès que je tente de me reposer , logement mis sous surveillance  étroite .. -  harcèlement destructeur physiquement et douloureux à subir au quotidien , empêchant tout sommeil ou repos autre que comateux et provoquant des maux de tête fréquents et grande fatigue récurrente ...  aggravée considérablement depuis le 25 mai 2015 par harcèlement par procédé électronique, infligé  non stop au logement (et produisant d'intenses vibrations dans mon F2 .  procédé  impossible à prouver car mon logement est sous surveillance plus étroite que jamais,  ce procédé cruel est destiné aussi à tenter de me faire passer pour folle  (voilà le niveau des procédés minables de la police  locale, avec complicité mairie,  OPDHLM, TGI nanterre ) . les indics (actuellement famille  OULD Amar) se sont vus attribués un second logement à l'automne 2015, peu après mes dénonciations par courriers dans ma tour (ou ils ont donc deux logements dans la tour  à ce jour, au 9ème et au 17 ème )  afin de faciliter le harcèlement de mon logement ,diurne et nocturne .. Pour comprendre ces méthodes de harcèlement  criminel infligé au logement  (avec menaces de mort, agressions physiques,  privation de sommeil ,et repos , dégâts des eaux fomentés récurrents,  diffamation locale orchestré ... ) , voir ce lien :  Au coeur du stratagème criminel de la Police / voir mes déclarations au Greffe Tribunal Instance nov 2015 : 


Published on 3 May 2018
0660839079/ Abonnez vous à ma page Youtube ici : 
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnut... vidéo où après une intro obligée sur ma situation terrible, , je parle des vidéos répugnantes de Salim Laibi qui se transforme en procureur à charge pour enfoncer à fond et sciemment Tariq Ramadan, qui de toute évidence a est victime d'un grave et ignoble complot par le lobby . judéonazisioniste , ,car le nom de Sarkozy apparait ... ce qui ne 'm'étonne pas ( "écoutez a vidéo pour comprendre) .;. attention ai fait une erreu (internement arbitraire en juille t 2013 avec et , procès gagné sur a tolalité en marts2017!, contre cet internement étaitque )vidéo que je refais sur le même sujet , car celle faite hier soir a été restreinte par YouTube, , où je parlais de l'intox sur les casserus black blocs, du er mai /.. oùje parel dnOrman Finkelstein ..et des récentes intox de Nethanyhu et Trump sur l(Iran en numéor de duettistes . programmé.. Attention!!! grave fraude électronique ( au nombre de vues, bloquées ou compteur vues mis très au ralenti , et likes, souvent bloqués, la plupart des abonnés supprimés en douce et non comptabilisés, pour stopper la montée incessante des abonnés ..! , la majorité des commentaires supprimés) sur ma page par un faussaire du lobby . pour isoler mes vidéos= censure aussi . VERIFIEZ VOTRE ABONNEMENT ! DE TEMPS EN TEMPS et si votre abonnement a été supprimé à votre insu par l'ordure, , REABONNEZ VOUS !!( lien au dessus) en rendant vos abonnement s visibles ( en décochant dans cos paramètres, la case " gardez vos abonnements privés car ça aide à ma sécurité ! Merci ) Signer et faire signer cette pétition " Soutien à Beatrice EL BEZE , persécutée et torturée par l'Etat français " ici : 
Lien vers mon affaire sur mon blog

DR. KEVIN BARRETT - Jerusalem al-Quds Eternal Capital of Palestine - Conference in Mashhad, Iran


Jerusalem al-Quds: Eternal Capital of Palestineconference in Mashhad, Iran

Veterans Today represented among global heavyweight dissidents



L to R: Alexander Dugin, Arash Darya-Bandari, Reza Montazami, Scott Bennett, Philip Giraldi
Mashhad, Iran
6:00 pm, Al-Ghadir Hotel lobby

The post-conference wrap-up session for the 6th New Horizons Conference just finished an hour ago. Its theme “Jerusalem al-Quds: Eternal Capital of Palestine” was painfully timely, since Trump chose this week to move the US Embassy to Occupied Jerusalem al-Quds and tear up the Iran nuclear deal in acts of obsequious fealty to Netanyahu. Meanwhile, Israeli sharpshooters mowed down thousands of unarmed Palestinians with live gunfire and exploding bullets. Being here in Mashhad for this event was an act of protest against such insane barbarity—as I will tell the DHS interrogators when I arrive home in the United States.
This year’s conference was the first to include former US military, intelligence, and diplomatic people, including myVeterans Today colleague Jim Dean, former CIA officer Philip Giraldi, US Army psy-ops whistleblower Scott Bennett, and ex-State Department whistleblower Michael Springmann. It also included a born-in-Israel guest, Miko Peled, son of the Israeli 1967 war hero general Matti Peled.
In the past, people with US government backgrounds and Israelis were off limits due to the Iranian government frowning on issuing visas for such people. I argued strenuously for including them, and am very happy to see the Iranian decision-makers choosing to do so.
Below is the final statement I read aloud at the conclusion of the Conference.
Kevin Barrett

6th International New Horizons Conference Summary

By Kevin Barrett, Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance for Truth (MUJCA.org) and TruthJihad.com

New Horizons Conferences, held fairly regularly in Iran, bring together dozens of the world’s most provocative thinkers and activists.  I have attended five of the six New Horizons Conferences and can unequivocally affirm that they are the most interesting intellectual get-togethers I have ever experienced.
Attendees represent a considerable portion of our planet’s national, ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity. They also represent wildly diverse projects and ideologies. But I believe all participants agree on two things: We support the transition from a unipolar world system to a multipolar one; and we support the liberation of Palestine.

This year’s conference coincides with Trump’s moving the US Embassy to Occupied Jersualem. Trump’s move symbolically supports the Zionist claim to Jerusalem—a claim that grossly violates international law, basic justice, and simple common sense. The notion that tribalist fanatics purporting to represent fewer than 20 million Jews (most of whom are not especially religious) should invade, occupy, ethnically cleanse, and assert sole ownership of a land that is holy to roughly four billion people, virtually all of them Christians and Muslims, is an absurdity and an abomination. There is only one possible response to such a ludicrous and criminal project: This will not stand!

Participants in the New Horizons Conferences have come to their shared anti-Zionist position from a wide variety of starting points. Some, especially those of us who were educated in the West, began as true-believing adherents of the religion of secular humanism, which holds the human being and his or her individual aspirations (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) as the one thing that is truly sacred. Corollaries of this secular humanist religion, which is the dominant creed of Western elites, include an individualist conception of human rights; special protected status to “oppressed minorities” that include majorities (women) and economically privileged groups (Jews, homosexuals); belief in never-ending “progress”; sacred and unquestionable narratives of mass human sacrifice events  (the Holocaust, 9/11); a materialist rather than spiritualist worldview; and a patronizing dismissal of traditional religion.

The secular humanist religion of Western elites is rarely recognized as a religion by its adherents, in the same way that fish are rarely aware of water. It is only when the fish leaves water that it becomes aware of what it used to be swimming in. Likewise, when those of us formed in an orthodox Western milieu come to New Horizons conferences in Iran, we often experience intellectual culture shock when we encounter the worldviews of those who have left Western elite orthodoxy even further behind than we ourselves have. And although we may in fact have good reasons for disagreeing with some of the unorthodox perspectives we encounter in Iran, we should also remain humble enough to recognize that we may have something to learn from them. In that spirit of the eternal quest for truth through questioning and humility I wish all of you a pleasant and productive return home. May God bless and protect you and help us all work together for a better world.

Veterans Today Editor Jim Dean looks pretty sharp in a keffiyeh -but what is he saying in Farsi?
Alexander Dugin, one of the world’s most influential intellectuals
Rabbi Dovid Weiss, the world’s best-known anti-Zionist Jewish leader, is a regular at New Horizons conferences

US Army psy-ops whistleblower Scott Bennett
Alison Weir, author of Against Our Better Judgment
Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son, engaged in lively discussion
Noted Catholic intellectual E. Michael Jones moonlighting as art critic
NYC Congressional candidate Sander Hicks sings out for Palestine
Ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi tells the hard truths about Zionism—and its horrific effects on America
Renowned international journalist Pepe Escobar contemplates Paint for Palestine

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 Friday, 18 May 2018

BÉATRICE EL BEZE, TORTURÉE ÉLECTRONIQUEMENT - Salim Laibi, procureur répugnant, et Nicolas Sarkozy contre Dr. Tariq Ramadan.

De nouveau, cette France de merde!  

Mois aussi, je fus jadis victime du fameux Lobby, y compris de Nicolas Sarkozy, alors Maire de Neuilly-sur-Seine!


(I do not share B. El Beze's posture regarding Alain Soral and Dieudonné, and need to research what's the problem!)

Mais, je suis de tout coeur avec elle! 

BÉATRICE  EL BEZE : "Salim Laibi, procureur répugnant contre T.Ramadan !; le nom de Sarkozy apparait"



My position about the Saudis (Crypto-Jews) was consolidated all along after I vowed, while still a teenager, never to set foot in Occupied Arabia or even perform Hajj as long as Arabia remained occupied by foreign powers, mainly the USA-Israel, the UK-Judah, and France-Israel.  But, most Muslim "Hajjis" are fanatics, and are all after an inexistant Heavenly Paradise, serving corrupt leaders, and do not give a damn at what is really happening on this static disk called Earth!  Or this Tilted Spinning Globe with an unproven Gravity?

Dieudonné - Les pleurniches de Sarkozy // Mouammar Kadhafi, Alain Soral, Algérie



ROYAL WEDDING SPECIAL - Rule By Bloodline? Time To Grow Up - The David Icke Videocast

Published on 18 May 2018
To have David's Dot Connector Videocast sent to you in full every week, Click here http://www.davidicke.com/registerWorld Tour Tickets - https://www.davidicke.com/shop/produc... All David's Books Now Available Here http://www.davidIcke.com/shop Latest News From David Icke - www.davidicke.com Social Media https://www.facebook.com/davidicke/https://twitter.com/davidicke

Trump Jr. and Other Aides Met With Gulf Emissary Offering Help to Win Election

Donald Trump Jr. met in Trump Tower in the summer of 2016 with a representative of two wealthy Arab princes who said they were eager to help his father win election.CreditHiroko Masuike/The New York Times

By Mark Mazzetti, Ronen Bergman and David D. Kirkpatrick
WASHINGTON — Three months before the 2016 election, a small group gathered at Trump Tower to meet with Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son. One was an Israeli specialist in social media manipulation. Another was an emissary for two wealthy Arab princes. The third was a Republican donor with a controversial past in the Middle East as a private security contractor.
The meeting was convened primarily to offer help to the Trump team, and it forged relationships between the men and Trump insiders that would develop over the coming months — past the election and well into President Trump’s first year in office, according to several people with knowledge of their encounters.
Erik Prince, the private security contractor and the former head of Blackwater, arranged the meeting, which took place on Aug. 3, 2016. The emissary, George Nader, told Donald Trump Jr. that the princes who led Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were eager to help his father win election as president. The social media specialist, Joel Zamel, extolled his company’s ability to give an edge to a political campaign; by that time, the firm had already drawn up a multimillion-dollar proposal for a social media manipulation effort to help elect Mr. Trump.

The company, which employed several Israeli former intelligence officers, specialized in collecting information and shaping opinion through social media.

Donald Trump Jr. was said to respond approvingly to a proposal for a social media manipulation effort to help elect his father as president.CreditDamon Winter/The New York Times

It is unclear whether such a proposal was executed, and the details of who commissioned it remain in dispute. But Donald Trump Jr. responded approvingly, according to a person with knowledge of the meeting, and after those initial offers of help, Mr. Nader was quickly embraced as a close ally by Trump campaign advisers — meeting frequently with Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, and Michael T. Flynn, who became the president’s first national security adviser. At the time, Mr. Nader was also promoting a secret plan to use private contractors to destabilize Iran, the regional nemesis of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates.
After Mr. Trump was elected, Mr. Nader paid Mr. Zamel a large sum of money, described by one associate as up to $2 million. There are conflicting accounts of the reason for the payment, but among other things, a company linked to Mr. Zamel provided Mr. Nader with an elaborate presentation about the significance of social media campaigning to Mr. Trump’s victory.
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The meetings, which have not been reported previously, are the first indication that countries other than Russia may have offered assistance to the Trump campaign in the months before the presidential election. The interactions are a focus of the investigation by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, who was originally tasked with examining possible Trump campaign coordination with Russia in the election.
Mr. Nader is cooperating with the inquiry, and investigators have questioned numerous witnesses in Washington, New York, Atlanta, Tel Aviv and elsewhere about what foreign help may have been pledged or accepted, and about whether any such assistance was coordinated with Russia, according to witnesses and others with knowledge of the interviews.

Erik D. Prince, the founder of Blackwater, arranged the meeting with Donald Trump Jr., George Nader and Joel Zamel.CreditAndrew Harrer/Bloomberg News

The interviews, some in recent weeks, are further evidence that special counsel’s investigation remains in an intense phase even as Mr. Trump’s lawyers are publicly calling for Mr. Mueller to bring it to a close.

It is illegal for foreign governments or individuals to be involved in American elections, and it is unclear what — if any — direct assistance Saudi Arabia and the Emirates may have provided. But two people familiar with the meetings said that Trump campaign officials did not appear bothered by the idea of cooperation with foreigners.
A lawyer for Donald Trump Jr., Alan Futerfas, said in a statement that “prior to the 2016 election, Donald Trump Jr. recalls a meeting with Erik Prince, George Nader and another individual who may be Joel Zamel. They pitched Mr. Trump Jr. on a social media platform or marketing strategy. He was not interested and that was the end of it.”
The August 2016 meeting has echoes of another Trump Tower meeting two months earlier, also under scrutiny by the special counsel, when Donald Trump Jr. and other top campaign aides met with a Russian lawyer after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton. No evidence has emerged suggesting that the August meeting was set up with a similar premise.

Stephen Miller, a senior aide to President Trump, was in Donald Trump Jr.’s office when the others arrived for the meeting.CreditShawn Thew/EPA, via Shutterstock

The revelations about the meetings come in the midst of new scrutiny about ties between Mr. Trump’s advisers and at least three wealthy Persian Gulf states. Besides his interest in Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, Mr. Mueller has also been asking witnesses about meetings between White House advisers and representatives of Qatar, Saudi Arabia’s bitter rival.
A lawyer for Mr. Zamel denied that his client had carried out any campaign on Mr. Trump’s behalf. “Neither Joel Zamel, nor any of his related entities, had any involvement whatsoever in the U.S. election campaign,” said the lawyer, Marc L. Mukasey.
“The D.O.J. clarified from Day 1 that Joel and his companies have never been a target of the investigation. My client provided full cooperation to the government to assist with their investigation,” he said.
Kathryn Ruemmler, a lawyer for Mr. Nader, said, “Mr. Nader has fully cooperated with the special counsel’s investigation and will continue to do so.” A senior official in Saudi Arabia said it had never employed Mr. Nader in any capacity or authorized him to speak for the crown prince.

Mr. Trump has allied himself with the Emirati crown prince, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, endorsing his strong support for Saudi Arabia and confrontational approaches toward Iran and Qatar.CreditAl Drago for The New York Times

Mr. Prince, through a spokesman, declined to comment. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

Advisers to the Court

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan of Abu Dhabi, the de facto ruler of the United Arab Emirates, and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, the king’s main adviser, had long opposed many of the Obama administration’s policies toward the Middle East. They resented President Barack Obama’s agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, his statements of support for the Arab Spring uprisings and his hands-off approach to the Syrian civil war.
News outlets linked to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates fiercely criticized Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump’s Democratic opponent, when she was secretary of state, and diplomats familiar with their thinking say both princes hoped for a president who would take a stronger hand in the region against both Iran and groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.
Mr. Nader had worked for years as a close adviser to Crown Prince Mohammed of Abu Dhabi, and Mr. Zamel had worked for the Emirati royal court as a consultant as well. When Mr. Trump locked up the Republican presidential nomination in early 2016, Mr. Nader began making inquiries on behalf of the Emirati prince about possible ways to directly support Mr. Trump, according to three people with whom Mr. Nader discussed his efforts.

One of Mr. Zamel’s firms did work for Oleg V. Deripaska, an aluminum magnate, who has been linked to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.CreditSergei Karpukhin/Reuters

Mr. Nader also visited Moscow at least twice during the presidential campaign as a confidential emissary from Crown Prince Mohammed of Abu Dhabi, according to people familiar with his travels. After the election, he worked with the crown prince to arrange a meeting in the Seychelles between Mr. Prince and a financier close to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
Companies connected to Mr. Zamel also have ties to Russia. One of his firms had previously worked for oligarchs linked to Mr. Putin, including Oleg V. Deripaska and Dmitry Rybolovlev, who hired the firm for online campaigns against their business rivals.
Mr. Deripaska, an aluminum magnate, was once in business with the former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who has pleaded not guilty in the special counsel investigation to charges of financial crimes and failing to disclose the lobbying work he did on behalf of a former president of Ukraine, an ally of Mr. Putin. Mr. Rybolovlev once purchased a Florida mansion from Mr. Trump.

Mr. Nader’s visits to Russia and the work Mr. Zamel’s companies did for the Russians have both been a subject of interest to the special counsel’s investigators, according to people familiar with witness interviews.

Mr. Prince has known Mr. Nader since he worked for Blackwater in Iraq.CreditZach Gibson for The New York Times

A String of Meetings

Mr. Zamel and Mr. Nader were together at a Midtown Manhattan hotel at about 4 p.m. on the afternoon of Aug. 3 when Mr. Nader received a call from Mr. Prince summoning them to Trump Tower. When they arrived, Stephen Miller, a top campaign aide who is now a White House adviser, was in Donald Trump Jr.’s office as well, according to the people familiar with the meeting.
Mr. Prince is a longtime Republican donor and the brother of Betsy DeVos, the education secretary, and Mr. Prince and Mr. Nader had known each other since Mr. Nader had worked for Blackwater as a business agent in Iraq in the years after the American invasion. Mr. Prince has longstanding ties to the Emirates, and has frequently done business with Crown Prince Mohammed.
Mr. Prince opened the meeting by telling Donald Trump Jr. that “we are working hard for your father,” in reference to his family and other donors, according to a person familiar with the meeting. He then introduced Mr. Nader as an old friend with deep ties to Arab leaders.
Mr. Nader repeatedly referred to the Saudi and Emirati princes as “my friends,” according to one person with knowledge of the conversation. To underscore the point, he would open his mobile phone to show off pictures of him posing with them, some of which The New York Times obtained.

George Nader in 1999. He is an adviser to the Emiratis who is cooperating in the special counsel investigation.CreditRon Sachs/Picture-Alliance, via Associated Press

Mr. Nader explained to Donald Trump Jr. that the two princes saw the elder Mr. Trump as a strong leader who would fill the power vacuum that they believed Mr. Obama had left in the Middle East, and Mr. Nader went on to say that he and his friends would be glad to support Mr. Trump as much as they could, according to the person with knowledge of the conversation.
Mr. Zamel, for his part, laid out the capabilities of his online media company, although it is unclear whether he referred to the proposals his company had already prepared. One person familiar with the meeting said that Mr. Nader invited Donald Trump Jr. to meet with a Saudi prince — an invitation the younger Mr. Trump declined. After about half an hour, everyone exchanged business cards.

“There was a brief meeting, nothing concrete was offered or pitched to anyone and nothing came of it,” said Mr. Mukasey, the lawyer for Mr. Zamel.
By then, a company connected to Mr. Zamel had been working on a proposal for a covert multimillion-dollar online manipulation campaign to help elect Mr. Trump, according to three people involved and a fourth briefed on the effort. The plan involved using thousands of fake social media accounts to promote Mr. Trump’s candidacy on platforms like Facebook.

Mr. Nader and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia in a photograph obtained by The New York Times.Credit.

There were concerns inside the company, Psy-Group, about the plan’s legality, according to one person familiar with the effort. The company, whose motto is “shape reality,” consulted an American law firm, and was told that it would be illegal if any non-Americans were involved in the effort.
Mr. Zamel, the founder of Psy-Group and one of its owners, has been questioned about the August 2016 meeting by investigators for the special counsel, and at least two F.B.I. agents working on the inquiry have traveled to Israel to interview employees of the company who worked on the proposal. According to one person, the special counsel’s team has worked with the Israeli police to seize the computers of one of Mr. Zamel’s companies, which is currently in liquidation.
In the hectic final weeks of the campaign and during the presidential transition, several of Mr. Trump’s advisers drew Mr. Nader close. He met often with Mr. Kushner, Mr. Flynn and Stephen K. Bannon, who took over as campaign chairman after Mr. Manafort resigned amid revelations about his work in Ukraine.
In December 2016, Mr. Nader turned again to an internet company linked to Mr. Zamel — WhiteKnight, based in the Philippines — to purchase a presentation demonstrating the impact of social media campaigns on Mr. Trump’s electoral victory. Asked about the purchase, a representative of WhiteKnight said: “WhiteKnight delivers premium research and high-end business development services for prestigious clients around the world. WhiteKnight does not talk about any of its clients.”
After the inauguration, both Mr. Zamel and Mr. Nader visited the White House, meeting with Mr. Kushner and Mr. Bannon.

At that time, Mr. Nader was promoting a plan to use private contractors to carry out economic sabotage against Iran that, he hoped, might coerce it to permanently abandon its nuclear program. The plan included efforts to deter Western companies from investing in Iran, and operations to sow mistrust among Iranian officials. He advocated the project, which he estimated would cost about $300 million, to American, Emirati and Saudi officials.
Last spring, Mr. Nader traveled to Riyadh for meetings with senior Saudi military and intelligence officials to pitch his Iran sabotage plan. He was convinced, according to several people familiar with his plan, that economic warfare was the key to the overthrow of the government in Tehran. One person briefed on Mr. Nader’s activities said he tried to persuade Mr. Kushner to endorse the plan to Crown Prince Mohammed in person on a trip to Riyadh, although it was unclear whether the message was delivered.
Asked about Mr. Nader’s plans to attack Iran, the senior Saudi official said Mr. Nader had a habit of pitching proposals that went nowhere.
Mr. Nader was also in discussions with Mr. Prince, the former head of Blackwater, about a plan to get the Saudis to pay $2 billion to set up a private army to combat Iranian proxy forces in Yemen.
Since entering the White House, Mr. Trump has allied himself closely with Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. His first overseas trip was to Riyadh. He strongly backed Saudi and Emirati efforts to isolate their neighbor Qatar, another American ally, even over apparent disagreement from the State and Defense Departments.
This month, Mr. Trump also withdrew from an Obama administration nuclear deal with Iran that both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had campaigned against for years, delivering them their biggest victory yet from his administration.

Mark Mazzetti reported from Washington, Ronen Bergman from Tel Aviv and David D. Kirkpatrick from London. Maggie Haberman contributed reporting.

A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Trump Inquiry Grows to Include Contacts in Gulf. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe

YA HABIBI, YA MUHAMMAD! Traditional Morroccan Andalusi Firdaus Ensemble, Sarajevo 2018.



By Sheikh Fares Abbad



Published on 10 Jan 2018
This is television coverage of our participation in a grand event in Sarajevo to welcome the arrival of Ramadan called "My Umma" Several male and female choirs, a large band and a traditional Morroccan Andalusi ensemble accompanied us in a performance Al Madha and Fiashiya under the sensitive and expert direction of the conductor, Mehmed Bajratarevic. It was a unique and inspiring experience.

Sharifah Khasif breathtaking performance in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina


Published on 25 Mar 2018
Sharifah Khasif (International Qariah of Malaysia) performing at a glorious Quran & Qasidah nite in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. She is the only woman performing alongside with other guests performer from Iran, USA, UK & Turki delivering a wonderful quran recitation & salawat Salatullah Salamullah in front of more 10,000 fans from all over the world.

Merdunya |Amantu Billahi | Group Nasyid Negara Chechnya

Published on 12 May 2017
Merdunya |Amantu Billahi | Group Nasyid Chechnya Kumpulan lantunan Shalawat-Shalawat terbaik dengan Suara-suara yang cukup indah, yang membuat kita semakin Rindu pada Rasulullah Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasalam. jangan lupa di like & di suscribe serta berikan komentar pada channel ini (Rindu Rasulullah) untuk mengupdate shalawat-shalawat lainnya. 

Ya Nabi Salam alaikkum by the Cechniyan Presidents daughter feat Maher Zain

Published on 29 May 2017
For More Updates Subscribe Our Channel | http://bit.ly/BeOriGinalYa Nabi Salam Alayka Arabic Nasheed Naat Sharif Beautiful Voice by Chechen Girl (Must Listen) ►► Watch More ►► Maula Ya Salli Wa Sallim Beautiful Voice Must Listen ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuifZ... Ya Nabi Salam Alaika by Amina Sultani ►https://youtu.be/qFhZCRoHNvY Humari Eid Kab Ho Gi - Urdu Poetry Female Voice ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIhvw... Woman Gives Birth To 11 Babies | Be OriGinal ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3Y8R... Flash Qur'an Free Download ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8i96... Best Quran Recitation Really Beautiful By Little Girl ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x25kj... Darguzar Karne Ki Policy Ki Hai Must Watch ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjbEy... Umar Ibn Khattab RA Ki Pori Zindage Kay Waqiat ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwMPq... For More Interesting updates like Facebook Page And Subscribe My Channel on YouTube ►YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/dilxse►Facebook Profile : https://www.facebook.com/BeOriGiinal►Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/DilSeDiilTak►Follow Twitter : https://twitter.com/BeOriGiinal_►Google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/+BeOriGin...►Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bepakistani►Snapchat : bepakistani We Never Upload Any Copyrighted Material But If We Have Mistakenly Uploaded Any Copyright Material Please Feel Free To Contact Us,we Will Take It Down Immediately








Dr. TARIQ RAMADAN'S DAUGHTER Maryam Ramadan - Je ne défendrais pas mon père si je pensais qu’il était un violeur!

Published on 16 Aug 2011
We had serious conflicts with Pr Dr Tariq Ramadan on certain Islamic and political issues, but the video clip here has nothing to do with those issues. This is purely spiritual. His act of devotion is of such a high calibre that we would be wrong not to share it with others, except for the poor quality of the shooting and the ridiculous display of irrelevant and annoying material at the end while the act of devotion was still going on.. 
 "J'ai eu l'immense plaisir de voir et d'entendre récemment le Frère et Dr Tariq Ramadan changer complètement de ton et d'arguments vis-à-vis des pouvoirs fascistes anti-musulmans ! Alhamdulillah ! Il doit affronter en ce moment des racistes anti-musulmans notoires tels les pro-Sionistes Taguieff, Adler, Finkielkraut, Glucksman, Kouchner, BHL, etc." 
Tuesday 16th of August 2011
“Ramadan Mubarak 2010 : Chronicle 18”

Brother Tariq
We have asked Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala to forgive us if we have caused you unnecessary grief by our writings. By systematically refusing to reply to us, this has made things worse.
We just listened to a du’ah by you on Youtube in the presence of an audience mentioning Palestine and other countries. We have been greatly moved by it and realise that your reward with Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala will be great.
We thank you from the bottom of our heart and soul and may Allah bless you and your loved ones. If you can forgive us as well, we will much appreciate.
Jazaak Allahu Khayran

Basheer Ahmad Frémaux-Soormally
Ghyslaine ROC

 "Je n’en serais pas à défendre mon père, un soi-disant violeur, si je pensais qu’il en était un."

Maryam Ramadan: «Je ne défendrais pas mon père si je pensais qu’il était un violeur»

Maryam Ramadan, 31 ans, fille de Tariq Ramadan, à Vigneux-sur-Seine, le 19 mai 2018.


Maryam Ramadan: «Je ne défendrais pas mon père si je pensais qu’il était un violeur»

La fille aînée de l’islamologue suisse, mis en examen et incarcéré depuis le 2 février en France, explique le combat de sa famille pour faire libérer son père
Maryam Ramadan, 31 ans, née à Genève mais qui réside habituellement au Qatar, a répondu aux questions du Temps samedi 19 mai alors qu’elle venait, avec sa mère, de rendre visite à son père détenu provisoirement à l’hôpital carcéral de Fresnes. La Cour d’appel de Paris doit se prononcer ce mardi sur une demande de libération de l’islamologue accusé de viol, suite à un précédent refus, le 4 mai.

Lire aussi: La défense de Tariq Ramadan fait peau neuve à Genève
Le Temps: Vous sortez d’un parloir avec votre père. Dans quel état se trouve-t-il?
Maryam Ramadan: Nous sommes contents de pouvoir le voir, parce que pendant quarante-cinq jours, à compter de sa mise en détention provisoire début février, on était resté sans nouvelles. C’est par la presse qu’on a appris qu’il avait été admis plusieurs fois en urgence à l’hôpital. Cette période a été très difficile. Là, on peut enfin lui rendre visite, ma mère et moi, trois fois par semaine. On en est heureuse, mais c’est aussi très bouleversant. Physiquement, mon père va mal, il a beaucoup maigri. Il est atteint, comme nous le savons dans la famille depuis 2014, d’une sclérose en plaques. Lui qui est entré en prison en marchant normalement est maintenant handicapé et doit s’aider d’un déambulateur pour se déplacer. Il a de constants et violents maux de tête, de la peine à se concentrer. Il a des crampes insupportables dans les jambes qui le réveillent la nuit et qui l’empêchent de dormir plus d’une ou deux heures. La prise de nombreux médicaments le laisse vaseux. Son état de santé se détériore de jour en jour.
Moralement, comment va-t-il?
Il reste fort. Il le dit lui-même: «Mentalement je suis fort, mais mon physique ne tient pas.» Alors qu’il s’était rendu de son plein gré à la convocation policière du 31 janvier à Paris, il a le sentiment de vivre une profonde injustice. Il est placé à l’isolement complet qui s’apparente à une torture psychologique. Chaque fois qu’il va prendre une douche, personne ne doit se trouver dans les couloirs. Pareil pour la promenade. Du coup, il y est souvent envoyé très tôt le matin. Par exemple, ce matin [samedi 19 mai, ndlr], les gardiens lui ont demandé de choisir entre appeler sa famille ou se rendre à la promenade. Il est déjà seul, il n’allait pas renoncer aux appels. On lui rend tout difficile. La plupart des jours, il reste entre 23h30 et 24h dans sa cellule. Il devrait avoir au moins une séance quotidienne de kinésithérapie, il n’en a même pas trois par semaine.
Il ne bénéficie pas de la présomption d’innocence: il est dans les faits présumé coupable, alors que ses accusatrices bénéficient d’une présomption de sincérité, ce n’est pas normal
Lit-il des livres?
Ses migraines constantes ne favorisent pas la lecture. Il a relu l’autobiographie de Nelson Mandela. Comme je sais qu’il aime beaucoup Malcolm X, je lui ai ramené son autobiographie. Il m’a demandé aussi de lui apporter Le Capital au XXIe siècle de Thomas Piketty. Il est en train de lire l’ouvrage d’Eric Dupond-Moretti, Le dictionnaire de ma vie, et puis bien sûr le Coran, tout le temps, d’autant plus en ce mois sacré du ramadan.

Comment vivez-vous personnellement cette détention provisoire?
Honnêtement, ma famille et moi, nous n’avons pas été préparés à vivre cela. Mon père n’a jamais rien fait de répréhensible pour qu’on puisse un jour imaginer lui rendre visite dans une prison. Je ressens une grande injustice. Il ne bénéficie pas de la présomption d’innocence: il est dans les faits présumé coupable, alors que ses accusatrices bénéficient d’une présomption de sincérité, ce n’est pas normal. De plus, il est malade. Il faut qu’on reste fort pour pouvoir se battre.
Le comité de soutien à Tariq Ramadan, auquel vous participez, estime que les éléments à décharge ne sont pas pris en compte. Quels sont-ils?
Parlons des plaignantes françaises. Leurs récits sont marqués par de nombreuses incohérences. Par exemple Mme Ayari, qui affirme avoir cessé tout contact avec mon père après le soi-disant viol, alors qu’elle lui a envoyé par la suite plus de 200 messages par un second compte Facebook qu’elle aurait ouvert. «Christelle», ensuite, qui a confié en 2009 à une amie qu’elle essayait de nuire à mon père. Ces éléments et d’autres nous semblent constituer pour le moins matière à réflexion pour la justice. Or elle n’en tient visiblement aucun compte.

Votre père fait face à quatre plaintes pour viol, trois en France, une en Suisse, ainsi qu’à une plainte pour agression sexuelle de la part d’une Américaine. Est-ce que vous pouvez imaginer de lui pareil comportement ou cela vous paraît-il complètement fou?
Ça me paraît complètement fou, bien sûr. Cela fait 31 ans que je vis avec mon père et je n’ai jamais observé chez lui la moindre violence. Vous savez comment, quand on est enfant, on pousse les parents à bout, et quand j’y repense, je crois qu’il m’a donné une seule fois une fessée. Ce n’est pas du tout quelqu’un de violent. Même lorsqu’il est fâché, il privilégie toujours la discussion. Donc, oui, tout ça me paraît totalement fou. Les accusations qui le visent reposent sur des allégations sans preuves. S’il y en avait, elles auraient déjà été produites.
Pourquoi le garder en prison si ce n’est pour des raisons politiques?
Peut-on, sur un autre plan, pardonner l’infidélité conjugale, si cela devait être avéré, l’une des plaignantes, «Marie», disant en détenir la preuve?
Pour commencer, personne n’est en droit de faire un procès de moralité. C’est une question qui ne regarde que mon père et ma mère. Et quand bien même il aurait fauté, il est un être humain comme nous tous. Ce n’est pas une discussion que nous avons envie d’avoir dans les médias. Votre question est importante, car elle est très révélatrice: les gens confondent aspect juridique et aspect moral. C’est primordial de faire la différence entre les deux.

La détention provisoire de votre père a-t-elle selon vous une dimension politique, ainsi que le dénoncent ses soutiens sur les réseaux sociaux?
Oui, c’est bien l’impression que j’ai. Quand on voit le refus opposé début mai par les juges à la demande de libération faite par notre avocat, Me Marsigny, demande fondée sur de nouveaux éléments à décharge et l’état de santé aggravé de mon père, on ne peut que se poser des questions. Les deux médecins experts désignés par les juges ont estimé que son état de santé était compatible avec son maintien en détention, mais seulement sous conditions. Or, la maison d’arrêt de Fresnes où il est incarcéré n’est pas en mesure d’assurer les soins auxquels était conditionnée sa détention provisoire tels que des séances régulières de kinésithérapie. Donc pourquoi le garder en prison si ce n’est pour des raisons politiques?

Si vous deviez présenter votre père, que diriez-vous de lui?
Comme vous le savez, c’est un conférencier qui se déplace beaucoup. Mes deux frères, ma sœur et moi avons vécu avec le fait qu’il est souvent absent. Mais en même temps, il a toujours privilégié la qualité à la quantité des moments partagés avec nous. On a eu de la chance qu’il soit enseignant, toutes les vacances scolaires, on les passait ensemble. C’est un père qui a toujours voulu qu’on connaisse le monde, qu’on voyage. Il m’a ouvert l’esprit sur les différentes cultures, religions, sur la nécessité d’être proche des pauvres. C’est en faisant des voyages avec lui, notamment dans des pays majoritairement musulmans où les femmes sont souvent privées de droits, que j’ai entrepris des études de genre, jusqu’à l’obtention d’un master. Je n’en serais pas à défendre mon père, un soi-disant violeur, si je pensais qu’il en était un.


La défense de Tariq Ramadan fait peau neuve à Genève

L’islamologue a mandaté Mes Pierre de Preux et Guerric Canonica pour l’assister dans la procédure ouverte par le Ministère public. Un changement précédé de moult intrigues
Le bruit courait depuis un moment. La défense de Tariq Ramadan fait aussi peau neuve à Genève. Depuis sa cellule médicalisée de la prison de Fresnes, en région parisienne, l’islamologue a finalement écrit à ses avocats, Mes Marc Bonnant et Yaël Hayat, pour exprimer sa volonté de mettre fin à leur mandat. Sans donner d’autre explication.
Cette décision reflète surtout l’influence grandissante exercée désormais par l’entrepreneur franco-tunisien Lotfi Bel Hadj, qui a notamment réussi à gagner la confiance de l’épouse de l’intellectuel musulman, à marginaliser les trois frères qui ne souhaitaient pas ce changement et à bousculer le casting de l’affaire. Mes Pierre de Preux et Guerric Canonica vont désormais reprendre ce brûlant flambeau.

«Interventions extérieures»

Annoncé mardi par la RTS, le changement d’avocats est confirmé par les principaux intéressés. La lettre de Tariq Ramadan est arrivée ce lundi sur le bureau de ses conseils. «Rien dans les liens directs avec notre client ne laissait présager une telle évolution. Celle-ci fait suite à diverses interventions extérieures. La seule chose à faire est d’en prendre acte», réagit Yaël Hayat.
Nouvel «organisateur» de la défense de Tariq Ramadan, Lotfi Bel Hadj était déjà à l’origine de l’arrivée de Me Emmanuel Marsigny dans le dossier parisien, en lieu et place de Me Yassine Bouzrou. L’entrepreneur semble avoir bel et bien étendu ses filets au-delà des frontières. «Il a pris des initiatives», relève Me Bonnant, tout en souhaitant bonne chance et beaucoup d’énergie à ses successeurs.
Lire aussi:Lotfi Bel Hadj, au cœur du dispositif de soutien à Tariq Ramadan
De leur côté, Pierre de Preux et Guerric Canonica confirment leur constitution mais se refusent à toute déclaration avant d’avoir rencontré leur nouveau client. Ils devront aussi se familiariser avec les coulisses très particulières de cette affaire et mesurer son impact médiatique hors du commun.

«Vent de panique»

Toujours solidement arrimé à son mandat, Me Romain Jordan, conseil de la Suissesse qui a porté plainte à Genève début avril et qui accuse l’islamologue de l’avoir cruellement violée dans une chambre d’hôtel en 2008, réagit aux dernières nouvelles: «Ce changement révèle le vent de panique qui anime Tariq Ramadan et sa défense.»
La procédure judiciaire cantonale n’en est qu’à ses débuts. Ce dossier sensible a été confié au premier procureur Adrian Holloway. «Ma cliente n’a pas encore été entendue», précise aussi Me Jordan.
Tariq Ramadan, qui fait désormais l’objet de trois plaintes en France, une aux Etats-Unis et une autre à Genève, est incarcéré à Paris depuis le 2 février. Sa demande de mise en liberté, essentiellement motivée par des problèmes de santé, a été rejetée vendredi dernier par le juge des libertés et de la détention. Me Emmanuel Marsigny a annoncé faire appel de cette décision.
Encore 9 articles gratuits à lire

GHAZZA RIOTS - Fadi Abu Salah, one of the protestors murdered by ISRAEL DEATH FORCE (IDF) and the US of Satan!


Published on 19 Feb 2016
Credits: WhyIslam877 (check out their channel en subscribe!)

Quranic Explanation on how Satan is Tricking us - by Nouman Ali Khan


We should open FARMACIES selling natural products produced in FARMS, and FARMOLOGY (FARMING) should be taught in our schools and universities and humans encouraged to eat and drink ONLY WHAT THEY PRODUCE and not what factories produce.
When humans can still not produce their own NATURAL TOOTH CLEANING substances and brushes made of organic material, they have not developed, STILL LIVE IN SLAVERY, and are going to end up badly! 


As salaamu 'alaykum!
"local Muslim pharmacists and chemists, urging them to stop doing any business with TEVA"
You do not seem to know how pharmacists operate in the U.K.! 
Muslim HARMACISTS are the agents and slaves of BIG PHARMA, but they will be out of a job if they denounce them or help in the boycott!
Have you seen WHO regularly comes in the Harmacy to put harmicines on the shelves?
The Muslim harmicists have no say in the matter just like the Muslim Doctors in Harmology, and they are mostly agents of  BIG HARMA and Shaytaan!
Monday 28 May 2018

BOYCOTT ‘TEVA’ (a major Israeli pharmaceutical company) 2

Muhammad Massari

27 May 2018 at 18:47

2017/12/18, 08:11:19: Idriss Ameen:
Dear all

Please join the campaign to boycott ‘TEVA’, a major Israeli pharmaceutical company that has billions of pounds of business not just in the UK but globally. Nearly all of us get prescriptions from our GPs from time to time and some of us are on regular medication. Without realising, Muslims all over the UK have been customers of TEVA, making their business boom. From now on, every time you hand your prescription to your chemist, tell them you don’t want ‘TEVA’ brand medicine. Or you can write a side note on your prescription saying ‘no TEVA please’. If we all start doing this, we can definitely affect the company’s sales. Also, if you are more enthusiastic, talk to local Muslim pharmacists and chemists, urging them to stop doing any business with TEVA. With so many other pharmaceutical companies making the same medications, there are plenty of alternatives.  

We have tried boycotting other Israeli products such as dates, Pepsi, coca cola, star bucks and many more, but rest assured that boycotting TEVA can, Insha’Allah, break the backbone of Israel’s economy. Please spread the word by forwarding this message to as many as you can including your friends and relatives in USA, Canada and Europe as Teva has worldwide business. Time for some action now instead of just words.



Saturday 16th of June 2018

 Murdered child!

Victims of money at the expense of blood and family or of truth and justice or HUMANITY - are countless!   

Inspired by (not copied or plagiarised from) John Taylor Gatto, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Mark Hanson, the Holy Bible (so-called Old and New Testaments), and the Holy Qur'ân.

GOD is beyond human comprehension, but not the Gods we see humans worshipping sincerely or not on a daily basis, as the latter can be easily evaluated and even debunked in many cases.  One God who is easily debunked is the One in the Old Testament who demanded an exclusively Chosen group of His people to mass murder entire nations and steal their wealth and land and to bring Him gold and other riches.  The Chosenites called Him Hashem of the Torah.  These are the ones who together with the Illuminati own and run almost the entire world though the medium of fiat money, public schools, and Fascist Totalitarian States they called Democracies, the FTSD, under the Military Control of the ZUNO, the Zionist United Nations Organisation, and under the Money Control of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.   

But, experts and geniuses have already fully answered why this world, not our world anymore, is in such a pitiful state for nearly or more than half of its human inhabitants.  Yet, how many of us really care?

At 72, I live today without FAMILY, without FRIEND,up to 99,9%, but, thank God, I still have my grandchildren occasionally!  Is it because I do not like family and friend?  Is it because I am an antisocial human?  Is it because I have lost my mind?  Or is it because I am possessed by the devil, by one or more demons?   

Just by asking such questions should disqualify me from any of the above mentioned because I am convinced, not that I can prove it, that I am none of the above.  Anyway, what is proof in a system where only might is right! And, who is mighty owns the money, most of it!  The money makers own the military, but who made the money makers?  We made them? Why?  Are we that stupid?  Yes, we are!   

We always go to war when the money makers decide we should go!  It is not a matter of any Court decision, of any real threat perceived by the nation or government, of any legitimacy in self-defence, none of those!  But, of madness, demon possessed humans, greed, that apparently inherent impulse to steal what belongs to others, that lust for the blood of the innocent, a nurtured perversion of the human species, and of the mind.

The truth is that the war and the money makers know they cannot keep full control over humans indefinitely.  For that reason they have developed technology to replace them with robots and artificial intelligence.  But, even then, humans are not responding to such an overt attack on their survival, but keep going along with it as long as they feel comfortable, which only a job and money can provide to them even if so many of us are deprived of same.   

The powers that be have made laws for the rich and against the non rich, made schools obligatory, manufactured celebrities and legalised drugs like nicotine and alcohol (and worse!) to keep the masses distracted and make the maximum of money from them by perverting them, killing them slowly, but surely. 

     I knew about "Beyond Money" and "Beyond Schooling" over more than a decade ago, thanks to the Internet, and even wrote a brief essay on the Syrian Holocaust inspired by it that I posted on my Blog  on Sunday, 9 September 2012:



Proverbs 31:8-9
New International Version (NIV)

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.


John Taylor Gatto - Beyond Money 1994

Quoted by John Taylor Gatto in “Beyond Money” - 1994

The millions of so-called Muslims who never stopped going on "pilgrimage" to US-SAUDI Occupied Arabia, year after year, do not seek the Common Good, but only to gain a hypothetical (inexistent) heavenly Paradise when humans are living in real Hell right here on Earth!  So, they do not give a damn what is happening right here on Earth as they are themselves victims of the same Money Masters and Freemasonic Organisations that own and run this static and non spinning Earth Disk (?) and all that is beneath, under, around, and over it! 

The Empire that terrorises this world can eliminate 95% of the Earth inhabitants, destroy the nature of all its living specimens, pollute their habitat, and even destroy all morality by replacing it with State imposed religions or utter perversion and degeneration, and make all Gods powerless and all major religions useless if not Satanic, there are only a very few who are really concerned.  Many have been murdered, persecuted, fined, imprisoned, have lost their livelihood, and most of us are not really concerned.  In recent times, the persevering battles of, for example, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Malcom X, Milton William Cooper, Eustace Mullins, John Taylor Gatto, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Hanson, Sheikh Imran Hosein, Imâm Muhammad Al 'Asi,  Dr. Kalim Siddiqui, Ahmad Huber, Imâm Moosa, Alain Bonnet de Soral, Dieudonné, and so many others, count very little in the minds and daily lives of so-called God-fearing people! 

All is materialistic, egocentric, hypocrisy, mendacity, and never aimed at the Common Good.   

But, the battle must continue no matter what! 

Saturday 16th of June 2018


Dessins Cancrelats, l’Échiquier - 1 an d’emprisonnement et 30.000 euros pour Alain Soral - Financement participatif E&R


Financement participatif E&R
Soral a (presque toujours) raison

Qui, quand, pourquoi ?

Alain Soral, intellectuel punk et avant-gardiste, anime le débat politique et culturel français depuis plus de 20 ans.

Devenu ennemi public n°2, voire n°1, il subit de plein fouet les persécutions du Système : procès à répétition, harcèlement fiscal et même peine de prison ferme... Autant de coups bas de l’oligarchie qui tente, par tous les moyens, d’empêcher la réconciliation nationale des souverainistes de la gauche du travail et de la droite des valeurs.

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Plutôt que des dons épars et sporadiques, des virements mensualisés qui lui permettront de défendre avec plus de stabilité l'honneur et le panache français.
La liberté, c'est d'abord la liberté économique !
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When Does a Human Fetus Become Human - Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Mark Hanson

|Hamza Yusuf Nov2015Cropped

When Does a Human Fetus Become Human?

Studies of a Fetus in the Womb
Studies of a Fetus in the Womb, a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1510 to 1512
Do not sever the bonds of the womb.
Qur’an 4:1
Do not kill your children from fear of poverty.
Qur’an 17:31
On the Day when the one buried alive will be asked for what sin was she killed.
Qur’an 81:8–9
Marry and be fruitful, for I will be proud of the multitudes of my community of believers on the Day of Judgment.
Prophet Muĥammad
To die by other hands more merciless than mine.
No; I who gave them life will give them death.
Oh, now no cowardice, no thought how young they are,
How dear they are, how when they first were born;
Not that; I will forget they are my sons
One moment, one short moment—then forever sorrow.
Euripides’ Medea
In English, the term we define ourselves with, human being, emphasizes “being” over doing. It is not our actions that mark us as humans but our mere being. When, then, do we come to be? When does that being we identify as human first become human? The answer is consequential for many reasons, not the least of which is that our nation’s foundational document states that all human beings are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights” that include the rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The question of when human life begins stubbornly remains a central point of contention in the debate, now raging for half a century, regarding the ethics of abortion. The Supreme Court made its decision, but for many, it is far from a settled matter.
Beyond our borders, meanwhile, induced abortion rates are increasing in developing nations, despite declining slightly in developed nations; an estimated one-quarter of all pregnancies worldwide end in abortion.1 The debate over abortion still rages across parts of Europe and remains contentious in North Africa, the Middle East, Asia, as well as Central and South America. While the Catholic Church continues to prioritize abortion as an egregious social ill, for many, abortion has become an acceptable option for dealing with unwanted pregnancies. Increasingly, some Muslims are adding their voices to the conversationsome even supporting legalization in areas where abortion remains illegal.
Given this global trend, it becomes all the more urgent to re-examine the normative view of infanticide and abortion in the Islamic legal tradition, which relies on the Qur’an, prophetic tradition, and scholastic authority for its proofs.
Abortion derives from the Latin word aboriri,2 meaning “to perish, disappear, miscarry.”3 The verb to abort is both intransitive (meaning to “miscarry” or “suffer an abortion”) and transitive (“to effect the abortion of a fetus”).4 In standard English, we also use the word to connote the failure of something, as “an aborted mission”—something that ends fruitlessly. As a noun, abortion means “the expulsion of a fetus (naturally or esp. by medical induction) from the womb before it is able to survive independently, esp. in the first 28 weeks of a human pregnancy.”5
Historically, civilizations and religious traditions often grouped abortion with infanticide—defined as “the killing of an infant soon after birth” by the Oxford Modern English Dictionary. Indeed, even some modern philosophers link abortion and infanticide by arguing for what they euphemistically term “after-birth abortions.”6 Reviewing the sordid history of infanticide since the Axial Age7 and how the different faith traditions inspired a change in attitudes about both practices helps set the stage for understanding the Islamic ethical vision toward abortion, which depends ultimately, as we’ll see, on the central question of when human life begins. The Mālikī legal school—or the Way of Medina,8 as it was known—offers modern Muslims a definitive response rooted in the soundest Islamic methodology to a seemingly intractable problem vexing our world today.

Infanticide and Abortion in Premodern Civilizations

Arguably, the justifications proffered for infanticide approximate those proposed for abortions, although significant differences remain. A striking aspect of both infanticide and abortion, however, is their apparent historical universality. Historian Anne-Marie Kilday9 quotes Michelle Oberman, author of When Mothers Kill: “Infanticide was common among early people, particularly insofar as it enabled them to control population growth and to minimize the strain placed on society by sickly newborns.”10 Kilday continues,
In the main, therefore, there have been two contexts for child murder throughout history: first, the killing of what were considered to be “defective” offspring, and, second, the killing of “normal” but unwanted children. The exposure and/or infanticide of sickly or disabled infants was an accepted feature of ancient Greco-Roman cultures, as is evident from various contemporary literary sources such as Plato, Aristotle, Seneca and Pliny. In the city-state of Sparta, for instance, only children expected to make good soldiers or healthy citizens were allowed to survive past infancy. In Ancient Egypt, in China, India and throughout the Orient, a similar approach was adopted toward “defective” infants.11
The ancient Greeks apparently had few qualms about infanticide and would leave deformed or unwanted children exposed to the elements to perish. Such a cold act of exposure was perhaps less heinous, in their minds, than the hot act of forcefully murdering the child; it was a sin of omission that mitigated the savagery of a sin of commission. In Plato’s Republic, Socrates, in describing how the guardians will be raised, tells Glaucon:
Then the children as they are born will be taken in charge by the officers appointed for the purpose, whether these are men or women, or both.… The children of good parents, I suppose, they will put into the rearing pen, handing them over to nurses who will live apart in a particular portion of the city; but the children of inferior parents and all defective children that are born to the others they will put out of sight in secrecy and mystery, as is befitting.12
In The Politics, Aristotle echoed a similar sentiment:
As to the exposure and rearing of children, let there be a law that no deformed child shall live, but where there are too many (for in our state population has a limit), when couples have children in excess, and the state of feeling is averse to the exposure of offspring, let abortion be procured before sense and life have begun; what may or may not be lawfully done in these cases depends on the question of life and sensation.13
Classics scholar Jerry Toner, using a fictitious Roman nobleman speaking of the “occupational hazard” of getting slave girls pregnant, writes:
I like to treat these offspring with greater indulgence than I would normal slaves, and give them slightly better rations and easier work…. Obviously I cannot be expected to treat all my illegitimate offspring in such a way. So if when born they look sickly, or if I already have enough in my household, I order the mothers to expose the infants by leaving them at the dump.14
Merciless as those views may seem, the “right” to kill one’s children can be found in Rome’s earliest recorded law code, the Law of the Twelve Tables (Leges Duodecim Tabularum). Table VI legislated “that terribly deformed children shall be killed quickly.” Roman law also permitted a father to kill any newborn female.15 Among Stoic philosophers of Rome were those who did not consider a fetus human, thereby legitimizing abortion as an acceptable personal choice. It was only Christianity’s powerful influence within Roman society that would eventually radically alter these views.16
As the religious traditions of the Axial Age penetrated large regions of the earth, they condemned infanticide as an affront to the sanctity of life. Abrahamic religious sentiment—and religious sentiment alone—shifted the attitudes of large numbers of peoples and inspired laws to prohibit infanticide and abortion. Child sacrifice, for instance, was thought to appease Molech, the god of the Ammonites, making infanticide a common practice in Phoenicia and other surrounding countries. But Leviticus 18:21 commands the Israelites, “Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech.”17 Due to the enormity of child sacrifice, the Mosaic law prescribed stoning as a suitable punishment.18
Genesis 9:6 further states, “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.”19 An alternate reading of this text renders “whoever sheds the blood of man in man,” which some rabbis argued referred to a fetus. For example, Tractate Sanhedrin of the Babylonian Talmud offers a rabbinical opinion concerning abortion:
In the name of Rabbi Yishmael20 they said: “[A Noahide receives capital punishment] even for [destroying] a fetus.” What is the reason of Rabbi Yishmael? It is the verse “he who sheds the blood of man in man (adam bādam) shall his blood be shed” (Genesis 9:6). What is the meaning of “man in man?” This can be said to refer to a fetus in its mother’s womb.21
Josephus,22 a first-century Jewish historian, wrote, “The law orders all the offspring to be brought up, and forbids women either to cause abortion or to make away with the fetus.”23 Jewish rabbinical tradition prohibits abortion unless the pregnancy threatens the mother’s life. Undeniably, Judaism’s strong stance against both infanticide and abortion informed early Christianity and the doctrine of the Church that emerged. An early Christian handbook for Church doctrine, the Didache (c. 85–110), states, “Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion nor kill them when born.”24 Some biblical scholars have even argued that the absence of abortion from the New Testament can be explained by its inconceivability to early Christians. In fact, according to C. Ben Mitchell,
Early Christians did not just condemn abortion and infanticide; Christian communities were at the forefront of providing alternatives, including adopting children who were destined to be abandoned by their parents. Callistus (died c. 223) provided refuge to abandoned children by placing them in Christian homes. Benignus of Dijon (third century) offered nourishment and protection to abandoned children, including some with disabilities caused by failed abortions.25
Strong prohibitions against infanticide and abortion also exist in Hindu and Buddhist literature. India, despite Hinduism’s condemnation of abortion, currently suffers from an epidemic of female feticide and even infanticide.26 Buddhism, much to the chagrin of Western pro-choice advocates who view the faith as meshing with a progressive ethos, clearly condemns abortion in its earliest scriptures. The Dhammapada, an early collection of sayings of the Buddha, states, “Considering others as yourself, do not kill or promote killing. Whoever hurts living beings ... will not attain felicity after death.”27 Professor of religion and Zen teacher David R. Loy writes,
Abortion [in Buddhist tradition] is killing. According to the Pali Canon, the Buddha said that it breaks the first precept to avoid killing or harming any sentient being. Any monastic who encourages a woman to have an abortion has committed a serious offense that requires expiation.... This absolute rule in early Buddhism is a source of discomfort and embarrassment to many Western Buddhists, and is often ignored by those who are aware of it.28
Concerning the sanctity of life, including the sanctity of life within the womb, tomes from the world’s religious traditions could be written, but it remains safe to say that the normative premodern traditions of the world’s religions have universally condemned abortion and infanticide. Islam, the last of the Abrahamic faiths, is no exception, for its primary source, the Qur’an, presents its teachings as an extension of previous dispensations.
Arnolfini Portrait
Arnolfini Portrait, Jan van Eyck, 1434

The Qur’anic Ban on Infanticide

The great prophets of Judaism and Christianity find constant mention as early messengers in the Qur’an, and God reminds the Prophet Muĥammad ﷺ, “Say, ‘I am not an innovator among the messengers’” (Qur’an 46:9). Pre-Islamic Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula practiced infanticide but employed a different, if no less brutal, method than the Greco-Roman culture’s practice of death-by-exposure: the Arabs buried their children alive. They did it usually as a form of birth control, for reasons of poverty, or else out of shame at the birth of a girl. (The killing of male infants, driven by the scarcity of sustenance in the arid desert climate, was less common, though still practiced.) Commenting on the Qur’anic verse “Do not kill your children from poverty” (6:151), Imam al-Qurţubī29 (d. 671/1273) states, “Among [the Arabs] were those who also killed both their female and male children for fear of poverty.”30
Several verses in the Qur’an prohibit infanticide. The sixth chapter states, “And thus their [belief in] false gods made the killing of their children appear good and led them to destruction while confusing them about true faith. If God willed, they would not have done that; so leave them and their lies” (6:137). Shortly after those verses, the Qur’an lays out what are considered by Muslim scholars to be the first principles of Abrahamic morality:
Say: Come, I will recite to you what your Lord has forbidden you. You should not associate anything with Him; and be good to your parents, and do not kill your children on account of poverty—We provide for you and for them—and do not approach sexual indecencies, open or secret, and do not kill the soul—which God has made sacred. (6:151)
Another verse addresses this topic with the subtle nuance of fear of poverty as opposed to the previous verse, which prohibits killing the child on account of poverty—in other words, an actual impoverished state. The pronouns in the above verse (for you and for them) emphasize that God provides for the parents first and then the children in the case of actual poverty to alleviate their fears. In the following verse, the pronouns are reversed (them and you), for the parents are afraid the addition of new children will reduce them to poverty despite their current well-being: “And do not kill your children out of fear of poverty—We provide for them and you. Indeed, killing them is an enormous sin. And do not approach fornication: surely it is an obscenity and leads to an evil end. And kill not the soul which God has forbidden, except for just cause” (17:31–33). Commenting on this verse, Qāđī Abū Bakr31 (d. 543/1148) relates a hadith where the Prophet ﷺ said killing a child from fear of poverty was the second gravest sin next to setting up “partners with God.” Then Abū Bakr mentions that infanticide “is the greatest of sins because it is an assault on the entire species,” and also because it “involves men taking on the qualities of predatory beasts.”32
Similarly, another verse also prohibits infanticide and pairs it with censure of sexual deviance: “O Prophet, when believing women come to you to pledge allegiance to you that they will not associate anything with God, and will not steal, nor commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor bring a calumny which they have forged of themselves, nor disobey what is good, then accept their pledge and ask God to pardon them, for surely God is most forgiving, most merciful” (60:12).
Regarding the practice of killing female infants, the Qur’an states, “And when news of the birth of a daughter is given to one of them, his face darkens, and he grieves within. He hides himself from the people out of distress at the news he’s given. Shall he keep it, in spite of ignominy, or shall he bury it (alive) in the dust? Oh, what an evil decision they make!” (16:58–59).
The Qur’an thus unequivocally prohibits infanticide; scholars, by consensus, hold this position based upon the Qur’an, the prophetic tradition, and the consensus of the companions. In the history of Islam, there has never been debate about this issue.
So what of abortion in Islam? In order to address that question, it will help to examine the surprisingly numerous verses in the Qur’anic discourse on embryology and the accompanying traditions attributed to the Prophet ﷺ.

The Birth of Humans in the Qur’an and Hadith

Ibn ¢Abbās33 (d. 67/687), the Prophet’s companion and cousin, stated that the passage of time will continue to explain the Qur’an. We can appreciate the wisdom of that statement when we consider the Qur’anic verses and hadith that relate to how and when human life begins, especially in light of what today’s science has discovered about the process of birth. Scripture and science, taken together, can lead believers to rethink our understanding of when life begins, of the miracle of revelation, and most certainly of abortion.
Unfortunately, commentaries on such Qur’anic verses and hadith contain many mistakes due to the difficulty in understanding the premodern, nontechnical terms used and the reality that the commentators of yore simply lacked the sound knowledge of embryology that we now possess through scientific discovery.
More than a Clot
Arabic words are notoriously difficult to translate due to the nuances involved in the root system of Arabic that cannot be replicated in other languages. In the first verses revealed to the Prophet Muĥammad ﷺ, the Qur’an declares, “Read, in the name of your Lord, who created: created man from an ¢alaq” (96:1–2). The word ¢alaq was traditionally understood as simply a “blood clot.” The root ¢aliqa, however, means “to become pregnant”; according to Ibn Manżūr’s34 (d. 711/1311) Lisān al-¢Arab, an authoritative Arabic dictionary, ¢alaq also means “the desire of spouses for one another,” due to its root meaning “to cling to.”35 Other meanings are “anything attached to something, something that imbeds itself into another, such as a mountain or earth, blood of any type, or a portion of it, the cord of a bucket, any cord that holds something, a leech, a clot.”36 The most appropriate connotation is “something that imbeds itself into something else,” as in the imbedding of an embryo, or blastocyst, into the woman’s uterine wall. Another possible meaning is a clot, as in “a small compact group of individuals,” given the blastocyst is a collection of rapidly dividing individual cells. The classical understanding and subsequent translation of ¢alaq as “blood clot” is simply wrong, though understandable given that a miscarriage often reveals congealed lumps that appear to be blood clots from the prematurely formed fetus.
Also, regarding the creation of human beings, the Qur’an clearly states, in many verses, that we originate from the earth: “God has caused you to grow as a growth from the earth, and afterwards, He will make you return there. He will bring you forth again anew” (20:55). “God created you from the earth” (53:32). “God created you from clay” (32:7). “We began the creation of the human being (insān) from clay” (37:11). Another verse states that man was created from water: “He is the One who created from water man and established bonds of kinship and marriage” (25:54). These verses, according to exegetes, refer to the creation of Adam, peace be upon him, from earth and water, but they equally apply to all men, as earth and water are the sole components of our physical being.
Interestingly, the Qur’an also states that man was created from a nuţfah: “God fashioned man from a nuţfah” (16:4). Again, we are confronted with the problem of translation. The meanings of nuţfah are “a minute quantity of fluid,” “a drop,” “a tiny drop left in a container,” “a flowing drop,” “drop of sperm,” “female drop [ovum].”37 What is striking about these Qur’anic verses is the accuracy with which they describe what we now know to be the male spermatozoon and the female ovum, both of which are shaped like a drop of water. The male reproductive cell, the spermatozoon, represents one of billions in the overall sperm ejected into a woman’s womb. These tiny spermatozoa, each containing a unique genetic code, race to reach the released ovum, which also contains a unique code, but only a few complete the journey, and only one or two actually penetrate the female’s ovum. The hadiths regarding this reproductive process reveal strikingly accurate details that premodern commentators misinterpreted due to their lack of the scientific knowledge necessary to understand them properly.
For instance, according to one hadith, a Jewish man came to the Prophet ﷺ and asked a question that, according to him, only a prophet could answer: “From what is a man created?” The Prophet ﷺ replied, “It’s determined by both [the male and the female], from the nuţfah of the man and from the nuţfah of a woman.”38
In a different narration of the same hadith, the man asked what determines the sex. He was told, “A man’s fluid is coarse white, and a woman’s is translucent yellow (aśfar raqīq). When they meet, if a male sperm (maniyy) (y chromosome) is dominant (¢alā), then it is a boy. But if the female sperm (maniyy) (x chromosome) is dominant, then it is a girl.” The Prophet ﷺ clearly distinguishes between the ovum (female nuţfah) and the spermatozoon (male nuţfah) and the sperm (maniyy), which he described as being both male and female (x and y chromosomes that a man receives from his mother and father).
Translucent yellow human ovum emerging from ovary; image: Jacques Donnez
An astonishing part of this hadith is the description of the woman’s contribution to conception: aśfar raqīq, a precise translation of which is “translucent yellow.” Only recently has technology enabled us to actually photograph, in color, the release of an ovum from the ovaries; as it emerges, it is clearly a tiny egg in the shape of a drop, and its color, due to the cumulus oocyte complex that surrounds the ovum, is described in the literature as “translucent yellow.” In short, the nuţfah in the Qur’anic verses and the above hadith refers to both the male “drop” of sperm and the female “drop” of the ovum, described elsewhere in the Qur’an and the hadith39 as the woman’s “water” and the man’s “water,” both relatively accurate terms, given that more than seventy-five percent of the material is water.
What Begins Life?
Another meaning of nuţfah in modern technical terminology is “zygote” and the subsequent embryological stages during the first nine days. A zygote is formed by a fertilization of two gametes, male and female, before cleavage occurs. On the tenth day, embryogenesis results, and the ¢alaq phase begins in which the newly formed life imbeds (ta¢allaq) in the uterine wall. The proof that nuţfah also means zygote and embryo is in chapter seventy-six of the Qur’an, appropriately entitled “The Human Being” (al-Insān). The first two verses state, “Hasn’t there been a time when man was nothing worth mention, for We made man from a mixed drop” (76:1–2).
DNA Double Helix
DNA Double Helix, National Human Genome Research Institute
The words “mixed drop” are a translation of nuţfahamshāj, an Arabic phrase that caused much confusion among commentators because the noun nuţfah is in singular form while amshāj, its adjective, is plural; in Arabic grammar, the adjective, in a case like this, should agree with the noun in number. Al-Zamakhsharī 40(d. 538/1144), in his attempt to solve this vexing grammatical dilemma, goes as far as saying amshāj is singular despite its clear plural form. It could also be an appositive of nuţfah. The point, however, is the two nuţfahs of the male and the female (i.e., the spermatozoon and ovum) become one nuţfah mixed (amshāj) with the genetic material of the two parents. Setting aside whether it is an adjective or an appositive, the word amshāj, according to Lisān al-¢Arab, can mean “the mixing of two colors” and “the mixing of a man’s water (spermatozoon) and a woman’s water (ovum), then it goes from stage to stage.”41 In modern Arabic, mashīj, the singular of amshāj, is “gamete.”42 This appears to be an excellent description, given that each human cell contains twenty-three pairs of chromosomes, and each chromosome is formed by the joining of two nucleotides, which make up the strand of DNA. Scientists have color-coded the strands of nucleotides to better visualize the DNA. The model of “joining of two colors” in each strand is now universally used in teaching about the genetic code of life.
In a well-known hadith narrated by Ibn Mas¢ūd43 (d. 32/653), the Prophet ﷺ begins describing the process of human creation by saying, “Verily, the creation of one of you is brought together in the mother’s womb for forty days.”44 Commenting on this hadith, Mullah ¢Alī al-Qārī45 (d. 1014/1605) states, “The material of his creation (māddat khalqihi) is gathered and then protected.”46 He then explains the meaning of the “gathering” (jam¢) using a tradition from Imam al-Ţabarī47(d. 310/923) and Ibn Mandah48 (d. 395/1005), in which the Prophet ﷺ was reported to have said,
If God desires to create a servant, He does so through the man having intercourse with the woman in which his “water” penetrates every root and part of her [“water”](¢irq wa ¢uđw), and on the seventh day, He gathers it, and then produces [a new life] from every “genetic disposition” (¢irq) back to Adam. [And then the Prophet ﷺ recited the verse,] “In whatever form He wishes to assemble you from various components (rakkabak).” (82:8)49
The word the Qur’an uses for assemble (rakkaba) means “to assemble from various parts” or “put together,” “to make, prepare out of several components or ingredients.”50 Mullah ¢Alī then says, “This meaning is confirmed by the Prophet’s words when a light-skinned Arab woman gave birth to a black boy and her husband accused her of infidelity. The Prophet ﷺ said, ‘Perhaps it is from a distant root (naz¢ahu ¢irq).’”51 Today we would call this a recessive gene. The hadith implies the vast genetic variations that happen with each individual spermatozoon and ovum. Each contains a unique combination (tarkībah) that will provide an entirely new individual never before existent.
Rethinking the Stage of Ensoulment
At what stage during the creation of the human being does ensoulment occur? Clearly, the Qur’an describes each stage of growth within the womb as one we passed through as a human being: “Surely We created the human being from a quintessence of clay, and then We made him [man] a fertilized egg (nuţfah) in a safe place, and then We made him [man] a clot, and then We made the clot an embryo, and then We made the embryo bones and clothed the bones in flesh, and then We originated another creation” (23:12–14). Commenting on this verse, the eminent Malaysian scholar and metaphysician Syed Naquib al-Attas writes,
From the fusion of the two gametes God created (khalaqa) a new individual organism; and from this organism He created (khalaqa) an embryo; and from the embryo He created (khalaqa) a foetus. Thus we see from this that the whole process in the various stages of the emergence of the animal being into definite shape and construction complete with organs is not something natural; i.e. it is not something due to the workings of nature, but that at every stage it is God’s act of creation setting the created thing in conformity with its constitution in the womb (i.e. its fiţrah). Then from this final foetal stage, God originated (ansha’a) another creature. This refers to the introduction of the spirit (al-rūĥ) that God breathed into the animal being after He had fashioned it in due proportion.52
One of the derivations of the word originate (ansha’a) in Arabic means “to elevate.” It is the introduction of the immaterial aeviternal soul that elevates the new creation to a spiritual human being that exists as body and soul. The partially quoted aforementioned hadith of Ibn Mas¢ūd says, “Verily, the creation of one of you is brought together in the mother’s womb for forty days in the form of a drop (nuţfah), then he becomes a clot (¢alaqah) for a like period, then a lump for a like period, then there is sent an angel who blows the soul into him.”53 Based on this hadith, the majority of scholars in the past claimed ensoulment was on the 120th day after conception.
A second interpretation argued that the words “a like period” (mithla dhālik) refer back to the first forty, and thus all the stages occur during a forty-day period. Another hadith in Imam Muslim’s54 (d. 261/875) collection (Śaĥīĥ Muslim) clarifies the ambiguity of the number of days in the above hadith by saying the angel comes at six weeks to blow the soul into the fetus. Scholars have been in agreement that the ensoulment occurs immediately after the “lump” phase, when the fetus takes on a form: modern science has confirmed this occurs around six weeks; the hadith related by both Muslim and Abū Dāwūd55 (d. 275/889) concurs with modern science.
The argument that ensoulment occurs soon after 40 days ultimately proves far stronger than the traditional majority view that it occurs after 120 days, given what we know of embryogenesis today. The basis for 120 days, if taken from the hadith in its standard interpretation, would mean that the hadith contradicts today’s medical views that are based upon unshakeable biological evidence. The well-known criterion among hadith scholars is that a hadith cannot contradict something known by reason with proofs beyond reasonable doubt. Thus, should a hadith contradict agreed-upon factual knowledge, scholars either reject it or, if possible, reinterpret it if the language allows for other possibilities, as can be done in this case. As mentioned earlier, one alternate view among early scholars was that the three 40-day periods are not consequential but concurrent; the three stages occur in the same forty days based upon the ambiguity of the phrase “a like period.” This interpretation, which the Arabic allows for, and given the soundness of its chain, remains the only acceptable one.

Does Human Life Begin Before Ensoulment?

In the view of Imam Mālik b. Anas56 (d. 179/795) and the Mālikī scholars of the Way of Medina, a child (walad) is created at inception, when the exchange of genetic material occurs and the requisites for the formation of a unique human being exist. Were it not so, argue the jurists of this school, the Prophet ﷺ would not have made blood compensation necessary if a person caused a woman to miscarry.
The hadith related by Ibn Mājah57 (d. 273/887) quotes the Prophet ﷺ as saying, “A miscarried fetus will fumble about the door of paradise saying, ‘I won’t enter until my two parents enter.’”58 Khaţīb al-Tabrīzī59 (d. 741/1340) relates a similar version: “Surely the miscarried fetus will dispute with its Lord if its parents end up in Hell, and it will be said, ‘O miscarried one, bring your parents to paradise.’”60 When a woman from the Hudhayl tribe struck another pregnant woman from her clan, causing her to miscarry, the Prophet ﷺ told the woman’s agnates that blood money was owed. When one of her clan members asked, “Do we compensate for what never ate, nor drank, nor sighed, nor cried; can such a one be said to have been killed and died,” the Prophet ﷺ replied, “Are these the rhymes of the days of ignorance? Pay the blood money of the child.”61
The Mālikī scholars point out that the Prophet’s ruling was not based on the stage of the pregnancy. They argue that the embryo is considered a child even at the earliest stages of pregnancy, and blood money would be owed. Moreover, the Prophet ﷺ called the miscarried fetus “a child” (śabiyy), and so the matter falls under the prohibition of the Qur’anic verses that prohibit killing children. Ibn Abī Zayd al-Qayrawānī62 (d. 386/996), an authoritative voice in the Mālikī school and in the Islamic tradition, writes:
Mālik says, “If a pregnant woman is struck, causing her to lose her child, whether still in lump phase (muđghah) or even an imbedded embryo (¢alaqah), and nothing is discernible from its creation—neither eye nor finger nor anything else—if the women who know about such things determine that it was a child [i.e., that she was actually pregnant], then financial compensation is owed….” Ibn Shihāb [d. 124/742] said, “Whether the fetus was formed or not [money is owed]. If there were twins or triplets, each demands compensation.”63
Imam al-Rajrājī64 (d. 633/1236), in his commentary on Imam Mālik’s position on abortion, also concurs, and adds that a fetus at any stage is considered a child.65
The term the Qur’an uses for a life within the womb is janīn, which means what is hidden from the eye or concealed; the greater the concealment, the more applicable the name. Thus, a zygote, embryo, blastocyst, and fetus are all called janīn in Arabic. Rāghib al-Iśfahānī66 (d. 502/1108) defines the janīn as “a child (walad) as long as it is in the womb of its mother.”67 Other Qur’anic verses affirm that God considers all stages of fetal development to be a human life: “Does the human being think he’ll be left for naught? Was he not an embryo from male and female fluid released?” (75:36–37).68 The verse could have said, “Was he not created from an embryo,” but instead it states unambiguously, “Was he not an embryo.” Another verse states, “Surely We created the human being from a quintessence of clay, and then We made him into an embryo in a safe place” (23:12–13). Again, it says clearly that “We made him into an embryo.” The Qur’anic narrative ineluctably defines our creation at each stage of our individual journeys within our respective wombs as a unique human being.
The ensoulment most likely relates to and initiates human brain activity that will eventually develop into the capacity for human thought, which, according to traditional Islamic metaphysics, is immaterial by nature and only occurs through the vehicle of, but is not synonymous with, the brain—hence, our distinction in English between mind and brain, and in Arabic between ¢aql and dimāgh. Michael Gazzaniga,69 a leading researcher in cognitive neuroscience, writes that from the time of fertilization of the human sperm and egg, “the embryo begins its mission: divide and differentiate.” Within hours, it develops layers of cells that then become the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm, the layers that will give rise to every organ in the human body. Within weeks, the neural tube of the embryo spawns the central nervous system, the ventricles of the brain, and the central canal of the spinal cord. By the fourth week, he explains, the neural tube develops bulges that become the major divisions of the brain. He continues, “Even though the fetus is now developing areas that will become specific sections of the brain, not until the end of week 5 and into week 6 (usually around 40–43 days) does the first electrical brain activity begin to occur.”70
This description of the development of the brain, and the timing of the start of brain activity, correspond quite precisely to the prophetic tradition of ensoulment within six weeks.
Still, the infusion of the soul (nafkh al-rūĥ), its nature, and its exact time remain a mystery. In Imam Muslim’s collection, in a chapter entitled “The Jew’s Question to the Prophet About the Soul (rūĥ),” the Prophet ﷺ was asked by a Jew about the nature of the soul. The Prophet ﷺ was silent, and the narrator said, “I knew something was being revealed to him.” When the revelation came, the Prophet ﷺ replied from the Qur’an, “They ask you about the soul. Say, ‘The soul is from the command of my Lord; and you are given but a little knowledge’” (17:85).71

The Islamic Consensus on Abortion

The position of the scholars of the Way of Medina, that the fetus in all its stages is a living child, continues down to the present day without any dissenting voices. Qāđī Abū Bakr b. al-¢Arabī, a formidable Mālikī mujtahid (one who is capable of independent juridical reasoning, or ijtihād), says in his commentary of Mālik’s Muwaţţa’,
Three states exist concerning child-bearing: the state before conception when coitus interruptus is used to prevent pregnancy, and that is permissible; the second state occurs once semen has been received by the womb, at which point it is impermissible for anyone to attempt to sever the process of procreation as is done by some of the contemptible merchants who sell abortifacients to servant girls when their periods stop; the third situation is after the formation of the fetus and the ensoulment, and this third state is even more severe than the first two in its proscription and prohibition.72
This view is affirmed by other Mālikī scholars, with some minor dissensions. For instance, Qāđī ¢Iyāđ73 (d. 544/1149) says, “Some opined that the embryo has no sanctity for the first forty days nor the legal stature of a child (walad); others argued that it is not permissible to disrupt conception or cause an abortion once conception has occurred in any way whatsoever! However, coitus interruptus differs in that it has not reached the womb.”74 Most Mālikī scholars clearly believed in the sanctity of life from inception onward. Imam al-Khirshī75 (d. 1101/1690) says, “It is not permissible for a woman to do anything that would lead to an abortion causing the fetus to miscarry, nor is it permissible for the husband to do so, even if it is before forty days.”76 Imam Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbī77 (d. 741/1340) says, “If the womb receives the sperm, it is not permissible to attempt to thwart [conception] or harm it. Even worse involves an attempt once conception occurs, or worse yet after ensoulment, which, by consensus, is murder.”78 Finally, in the authoritative collection of legal responsa of the Mālikī school, Imam al-Wansharīsī79 (d. 914/1508) writes, “Our imams have prohibited using any drugs that cause infertility or that remove semen from the womb; this is the opinion of the masters and experts.”80 Then, after quoting the statement above from al-Qabas of Qāđī Abū Bakr, he continues,
If you have contemplated the conclusion of what was presented from the master jurist Qāđī Abū Bakr, you should realize without any doubt that an agreement between the husband and the wife to abort their child or any attempt to do that is absolutely prohibited—forbidden! It is not permitted from any perspective. And if the mother should do so, she owes blood money and should be punished according to the discretion of the judge…. Along the same lines, ¢Izz b. ¢Abd al-Salām81[d. 660/1262] was asked, “Is it permissible to give a woman drugs that would prevent pregnancy?” He replied, “It is not permitted for a woman to use medicine that would eliminate her capacity to become pregnant.”82
The references to induced abortion in early Islam are scarce and generally occur in books of jurisprudence, in sections on blood compensation (diyah), which examine situations where someone caused a woman to lose her child. The permissibility of abortion was inconceivable to early Muslims even though abortifacients were readily available.
The Persian polymath Avicenna83 (d. 428/1037) records more than forty abortifacients in his magisterial medical compendium al-Shifā’. In the only section dealing with abortion entitled “On Situations Requiring an Abortion,” he writes: “There may be a situation in which you need to abort a fetus from the uterus in order to save the mother’s life.”84 He lists three conditions where a pregnancy threatens a woman’s life and then lists several ways to induce an abortion in cases where those conditions exist. He gives no other reasons for aborting a fetus.85
The sole exception among Mālikī scholars regarding abortions was Imam al-Lakhmī86 (d. 478/1085), who permitted abortion of an “embryo” (nuţfah) before forty days. Arguably, he would recant his position if he knew what we know today about fetal development. Nevertheless, his position was never taken up for serious discussion by any Mālikī scholar and remains a mere mention as a sole dissenting voice in books of legal responsa.
Far too often today, the positions favoring the permissibility of abortions in other schools of jurisprudence are presented in articles and fatwas, without the nuance that one finds in the original texts. This results from either disingenuousness or shoddy scholarship. For instance, Imam al-Ramlī87 (d. 1004/1596), held in high esteem in the Shāfi¢ī school, is invariably quoted as permitting abortion, but he clearly qualifies his position. He states, for instance, “If the embryo results from fornication, [abortion’s] permissibility could be conceivable (yutakhayyal) before ensoulment.”88 He also believed that the stages of nuţfah, ¢alaqah, and muđghah, occurred during the first 120 days, but we now know they occur in the first 40 days; the question remains whether he would alter his position had he known this. Mistakenly, he also claims that Imam al-Ghazālī, perhaps the most important legal philosopher in the history of Islam, did not categorically prohibit abortion. In The Revival of Religious Sciences, Imam al-Ghazālī89 discusses various positions of scholars on birth control and then states,

It should not be viewed like abortion or infanticide, because that involves a crime against something that already exists, although the creative process has degrees: the first degree of existence is the male sperm reaching the female egg in preparation for the beginning of life. To disrupt that is criminal (jināyah). If it becomes a clot or a lump, the crime is even more heinous. And should ensoulment occur and the form completed, the crime is even more enormous; the most extreme crime, however, is to kill it once it has come out alive.90

Clearly in this passage, Imam al-Ghazālī prohibits abortion, in no uncertain terms, during each stage of fetal development but opined that as the fetus developed within the womb, the severity of the crime increased by degrees.
Even regarding coitus interruptus, according to a sound tradition from ŚaĥīĥMuslim, the Prophet ﷺ stated, “That is a hidden type of infanticide (al-wa’d al-khafiyy).”91 Scholars interpret that to mean it is disliked, but the Prophet’s strong language concerning birth control by likening it to a hidden form of infanticide indicates that aborting a fetus would surely be considered infanticide. And this is the position of the jurist Imam Ibn Taymiyyah92 (d. 728 AH/1328 CE), who asserts that abortion is prohibited by consensus: “To abort a pregnancy is prohibited (ĥarām) by consensus (ijmā¢) of all the Muslims. It is a type of infanticide about which God said, ‘And when the buried alive is asked for what sin was she killed,’ and God says, ‘Do not kill your children out of fear of poverty.’”93
Mother and child
The overwhelming majority of Muslim scholars have prohibited abortion unless the mother’s life is at stake, in which case they all permitted it if the danger was imminent with some difference of opinion if the threat to the mother’s life was only probable. A handful of later scholars permitted abortion without that condition; however, each voiced severe reservations. Moreover, none of them achieved the level of independent jurist (mujtahid). To present their opinions on this subject as representative of the normative Islamic ruling on abortion is a clear misrepresentation of the tradition. Those scholars permitted abortion only prior to ensoulment, which they thought occurred either within 40 days or 120 days. Further, these opinions were based on misinformation about embryology and a failure to understand the nuances of the Qur’anic verses and hadiths relating to embryogenesis. Modern genetics shows that the blueprint for the entire human being is fully present at inception, and thus we must conclude once the spermatozoon penetrates the ovum, the miracle of life clearly begins. Ensoulment occurs after the physical or animal life has begun. Given that twenty percent of fertilized eggs spontaneously abort in the first six weeks after inception, the immaterial aspect of the human being, referred to as “ensoulment” (nafkh al-rūĥ), would logically occur after that precarious period for the fertilized egg at around forty-two days; but God knows best.
Abortions, especially those performed after forty days of fetal development, also violate a different teaching of the Islamic tradition: the prohibition of mutilation. A six-week-old fetus clearly has the form of a child, with budding arms and legs, a head, the beginning of eyes and ears. Imagery of actual abortions performed is pervasive in its depictions of ripped arms and legs from the bodies of fetuses. Ibn ¢Abd al-Barr94 (d. 463/1071) said, “There is no disagreement on the prohibition of mutilation.”95
The Qur’an states that God created us in stages (71:14). Each of these stages—the zygote, the embryo, the clot of cells, the lump formed and unformed, and finally the growing fetus—is a stage every human being experiences. The Prophet ﷺ said, “God says, ‘I derived the womb (raĥim) from My own Name, the Merciful (al-Raĥmān), so whoever severs the womb bond, I will sever him from My mercy.’”96 What constitutes a greater severance of the womb bond than aborting a fetus bonded to the womb? The act of abortion surely “severs the womb bond,” and the womb is a place the Qur’an calls “a protected space” (23:13), meaning God is its protector. Any act of aggression on that sacred space aggresses on a place made sacred by the Creator of life itself.
The Arabic word for “womb” (raĥim) has an etymological relation to the word for “sanctity” (ĥurmah) in what Arabic linguists call “the greater derivation.” The womb has a divine sanctity. God created it as the sacred space where the greatest creative act of the divine occurs: the creation of a sentient and sapiential being with the potential to know the divine. The miraculous inevitability of a fertilized egg occurs only by the providential care of its Creator. Each forebear—from the two parents to their four grandparents to their eight, exponentially back to a point where they eventually invert back to only two people—had to survive wars, famines, childhood sicknesses, natural disasters, accidents, and every other obstacle to the miracle that stands as the myriad number of people alive today. We are each a part of an unbroken chain back to the first parents.
Extreme poverty and the desire for independence from children in a world that has devalued motherhood through intense individualistic social pressures related to meritocracy, psychology, and even the misuse of praiseworthy gender egalitarianism are the primary reasons people in the West today choose abortions. No doubt, many women are genuinely challenged and feel inadequate and unprepared as mothers. The largest demographic among the poor in America remains single mothers. Abortions motivated by knowing, through the miracle of ultrasound technology, that the offspring will be female, as is the case in China and India, can be seen as an “advanced” form of the infanticide that was practiced in ancient times after birth. Arguably, if the pre-Islamic Arabs had possessed ultrasound and modern methods of abortion, they would not have waited for the female child to come to term; rather, they would have aborted the infant in the early stages of pregnancy. Genetic testing can also now predict (not always reliably) any number of serious disabilities a child may be born with. Absent any religious injunctions on the sanctity of life, abortion is arguably a “valid” way of dealing with unwanted pregnancies and overpopulation, not to mention the promotion of eugenics.
When the angels inquired as to why God would place in the earth “those who shed blood and sow corruption,” God replied, “I know what you do not” (Qur’an 2:30). God knew there would be righteous people who would refuse to shed blood. Abortions are noted for the blood that flows during and after them. For anyone who believes in a merciful Creator who created the human being with purpose and providence, abortion, with rare exception, must be seen for what it is: an assault on a sanctified life, in a sacred space, by a profane hand.



Conférence d’Alain Soral et Jacob Cohen à Marseille 1/2 (26 avril 2015)

Published on 13 May 2015
Seconde Partie : http://www.sharp-infoclash.com/confer... Alain Soral et Jacob Cohen étaient à Marseille le 26 avril dernier pour une conférence sur le thème de la réconciliation nationale. Sans l’imam Abdelfattah Rahhaoui, qui s’est désisté. 

Conférence d’Alain Soral et Jacob Cohen à Marseille 2/2 (26 avril 2015)

 Première partie : http://www.sharp-infoclash.com/confer... Alain Soral et Jacob Cohen étaient à Marseille le 26 avril dernier pour une conférence sur le thème de la réconciliation nationale. Sans l’imam Abdelfattah Rahhaoui, qui s’est désisté. Source : http://www.dailymotion.com/ERTVPlus d'infos : http://www.sharp-infoclash.com


Alain Soral, Jacob Cohen et Béatrice Pignède - Projection débat Oligarchie et sionisme 2

Conférence débat autour du documentaire de Béatrice Pignède : « L’oligarchie et le sionisme »


Published on 17 Jul 2013
Projection débat du film de Béatrice Pignède : l'Oligarchie et le Sionisme - 10 juillet ! http://www.cercledesvolontaires.fr/20...

Alain Soral répond à Enrico Macias par anticipation

Nouvelle version re-up et re-montage affiné de la vidéo de Panamza.


La France est une province israélienne!


Published on 24 Jul 2014









Abderraouf Ben Halima  IS GREAT AND UNIQUE 



Campagne Roqya Episode 06

Abderraouf Ben Halima 

Nous avons suivi Cheykh Abbderraouf Ben Halima en campagne de roqya dans différents pays d'Europe tel la Belgique, la France, Les Pays-Bas, l'Allemagne,... Afin de mettre en évidence l'importance de cet effort au sein de la communauté à travers le monde.


L'ENTRETIEN : Traitement des Djinns par le coran avec Ben Halima Abdel Raouf - LUNDI 21 MARS 2016

Published on 22 Mar 2016

Ben Halima Abdel Raouf responsable du centre Ruqiya depuis 1997, est l'invité de L'ENTRETIEN. Il nous parle du Coran, comme arme absolue de protection contre les attaques mystiques et de sorcellerie, pour la maîtrise des djinns qui peuvent en être les agents. 
2STV, lundi 21 Mars à 23 heures. Rediffusion, samedi 26 Mars, à 10 heures. www.2stv.net Iptv disponible sur 2stv.sn

 Conférence sur la ruqya à Bruxelles

Published on 21 Jul 2017
Pour toutes les infos sur les campagnes à venir, la liste des soignants ou quetions, allez sur le site du cheykh http://www.benhalimaabderraouf.fr/index.php/fr/Vous pouvez le contacter directement UNIQUEMENT par mail à raoufbh@gmail.com


Published on 18 Sep 2014

Lors du colloque organisé par le centre El Hikma sur la science du monde paranormale. Abdelraouf Ben Halima raqui (exorciseur) donne des réponses assez surprenante sur les djins et les méthodes de théraphie.

 (Le complot contre l'Islam)
 (Le complot contre l'Islam)

 Les "Frères Musulmans" manipulés pour tuer d'autres Frères Musulmans avec des mains étrangères en dessous qui activent le feu. Le captage dans cette vidéo dévoile plusieurs secrets sur le complot organisé contre l'Islam.

Histoire réelle du monde des djinns conté par Cheikh Abdellraouf Ben Halima à la mosquée At-Tawba. Questions réponses suivies d'un gag.




Published on 6 Jan 2018
Surat Al IKhlas https://quran.com/112Surat AL Falaq https://quran.com/113?translations=20Surat AL Nas https://quran.com/114?translations=20(Surat AL Falaq and Al Nas= Muawiztan) Abu Saeed al-Khudri said: 
“The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.S.) used to seek refuge with Allah from the jinn and from the evil eye until the Mu’wadaitain were revealed, and when they were revealed he started to recite them and not anything else” (narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2058; he said it is hasan ghareeb. Also narrated by al-Nasaa’i, 5494; Ibn Maajah, 3511). 
These 2 Surahs were revealed to the prophet peace be upon him when he was affflicted with knotted black magic composed of 11 knots by a magician Labid ibn Al Asam and thrown in a well in Medinah. Every verse the prophet recited of these 2 powerful chapters ruined 1 knot until all 11 verses broke the spell. these 2 chapters are very powerful on external and internal (eaten) magic. finding the magical item is not always possible but these 2 chapters will ruin the spell wherever it is on Earth by Allah's will. 
Surat Al Ikhlas expresses the monotheism of Islam and every 3 times it is recited is equivalent to reciting all the Quran as told in a hadith by the prophet. Play this video to remove all curses and for a powerful protection from all Evil and Negative Energies 
This is a recitation of the Holy Quran which is God’s words revealed to his messenger and Prophet Muhammad ibn Abd Allah 1400 years ago. The words of Allah swt are a mercy to humankind and a cure to all evil. Quran is the best treatment for black magic in Islamic teachings in addition to other diseases. 
Please, follow the instructions 
1 The word of Allah is mercy and cure to all believers and the merciful Allah will give this cure to Non Muslims who trust and try to see for themselves. It is also a punishment for all aggressors especially evil spirits 
2. The proper cure to black magic is asking Allah for help, but asking other jinn or demons for help is not efficient as asking their mighty creator. 
Unlike some people who ask spirits and blue powerful Efrit or Marid jinn and devils for help we ask Allah the one and all powerful for help. This is why treatment is much more effective than by any of the cursed sons of Iblis the demon king 
3. Play this video loudly and watch out for any of the following symptoms while the video plays to check if you are afflicted by any magic. 
Note: Evil spirits and magic are punished and burned because they are aggressors which results in negative reactions with those afflicted 
. sudden crying (could mean a jinn is protecting eaten magic and he was tortured) 
. sudden sleep or fainting 
. twitching or shaking 
. Numbness or tingling 
. Stomach pain (eaten/ drunk magic) 
. gas in the stomach 
. sudden heat 
. bad smell appears (eaten/drunk magic) 
. difficulty breathing or fast heartbeat 
. stomach pain (eaten magic) 
. Dizziness or headache that increases or decreases 
. headache that goes away when video is played but returns after (buried magic) 
. flashing lights or blue stars seen(magic destroyed or devils running away) 
. confusion and forgetfulness ( usually magic written on a paper) 
. pain in the legs or feet ( stepped on magic powder) 
. vomiting strange colored liquids or strings (eaten magic) 
. diarrhoea (eaten magic) 
. tense muscles . pain in lower stomach or colon (eaten magic ) 
. feeling pricked by needles (voodoo magic which causes Fibromyalgia) 
. Seizures 
. Uncontrollable laughing (used by jinn to trick people that they are not harmed) 
. Extreme heaviness or weakness 
. suddenly sweating 
4. some types of magic 
. love magic 
. magic of divorce or separation 
. killing magic 
. confusion magic 
. Sexual Impotency 
Magic Note: Through experience Fibromyalgia is sometimes caused by spiritual black magic and even Cancer in some cases Even the toughest types of Black magic like Kabbalah are obliterated by consistently playing this video until symptoms disappear. 
Islamic Ruqya 
How to Break the spell 
How to cure black magic 
How to know if you have black magic 
How to break curses 
How to get rid of Negative Energy 
Black magic cure in Islam 
How to cure Black magic with Quran 
These symptoms must appear with the video if not then you are not afflicted by any magic.
 Subscribe to see further topics regarding Spiritualities.
 Please describe how it affected you if you were afflicted and, if not thank The Almighty creator Allah for being ok. إبطال السحر السفلي و الكابالا اليهودي إبطال سحر الفودو الأفريقي إبطال السحر المأكول و المشروب إبطال السحر الماسوني إبطال السحر المغربي حرق و تعذيب خادم السحر الخبيث علاج للسرطان و الأمراض روحانية الأصل بالقرآن الكريم إبطال السحر الهندي و سحر الصابئة 
magia negra черная магия, колдовство magie noire, sorcellerie; magie schwarze Magie
 מגיה שחורה, כישוף 黒魔術 마법, 마술 kara büyü, şeytan büyüsü 魔术; 妖术 μαύρη μαγεία 
sorcery, witchcraft magia nera

French Mother and Nurse Dominique Cottrez confessed murdering her 8 babies at birth in Villers-au-Tertre, France.



 France woman admits killing 8 newborn babies

 Al Jazeera's Tania Page reports on a case that has shocked the country. [July 30. 2010]


French mother confesses to killing eight babies

Getty Images
A 47-year-old French woman confessed to suffocating eight new-born children and hiding her babies' bodies, a prosecutor said today, in what experts declared as the country's worst recorded case of infanticide.
The woman and her husband, also in his forties, were detained on Tuesday when the bodies were found wrapped in plastic bags at two homes in Villers-au-Tertre, a village of about 650 people 120 miles north of Paris.

Dominique Cottrez, an auxiliary nurse, initially confessed to killing two children at birth before admitting to police she had murdered six others dating back to the early 1990s, public prosecutor Eric Vaillant told a news conference.

"The mother knew she was pregnant ... She didn't want any more children and didn't want any doctors involved," Vaillant said, adding that her first pregnancy had been a traumatic one.

Cottrez told police she had not informed her husband about the pregnancies or her decision to kill the babies. Her large build would have made it easier for her to hide the pregnancies, the prosecutor said.

The crime came to light after new owners of the couple's previous home unearthed the remains of two babies under a tree in the garden. They alerted police who, after questioning Cottrez, found six other bodies in the garage of their new home.

"According to an autopsy, the bodies were not beaten ... The mother admits suffocating the babies at birth," Vaillant said.

Authorities have remanded Cottrez in custody at a secret location and placed her under formal investigation for the murder of minors, a prelude to presenting criminal charges.

Her husband, a carpenter, has been released after telling police he knew nothing about the crime. Vaillant said he appeared to learn about the killings when told by police: "He looked as though his world had fallen apart."

There was no immediate comment from the couple's lawyers.

Video: Mother admits 8 baby killings

Although Cottrez says there were no more victims, police are continuing their search. Authorities were also conducting psychological tests on Cottrez to assess her criminal responsibility.

"We are trying to understand what happened," said Vaillant. "This is an out-of-the-ordinary case given the number of newborns."

Neighbours in the village said the couple, who have two daughters in their twenties, had never acted suspiciously. The husband was a member of the local council, the local mayor said.

"They were always smiling and warm-hearted," Madame Candelier, owner of the couple's former house where some of the bodies were discovered, told local television.

Sophie Marinopoulos, psychologist and author of a book on infanticide, said the case appeared to be the worst ever recorded in France.

A 38-year-old Frenchwoman was sentenced in March to 15 years in prison for killing six babies at birth between 2000 and 2007, until now the worst infanticide in the country. Another woman was released conditionally in June 2009 after she was convicted of killing three of her newborns between 1999 and 2003.
In both cases, the husbands were not judged as there was no evidence either was aware of the pregnancies or murders.

Experts say such killings often involve "denial of pregnancy", when women refuse to accept they are pregnant, sometimes leading to the murder of their children at birth.

Israel Nisand, professor at the University Hospital in Strasbourg, said there were about 500 cases of woman denying their pregnancies each year around the world.

"It's serious and dangerous, but not very well known about. It's as if there is a denial of the denial," he said.





Alain Bonnet, dit Alain Soral (son nom d’usage étant Bonnet de Soraln 1), est un essayiste, idéologue d'extrême droite et chef d’entreprise franco-suisse, né le 2 octobre 1958 à Aix-les-Bains. 

Alain Soral affirme avoir été membre du Parti communiste français dans les années 1990. Parallèlement, il évolue dans les médias et le monde du spectacle jusqu’au début des années 2000. Au cours de cette décennie, il devient, aux yeux de la plupart des observateurs, un idéologue d’extrême droite, oscillant entre un antisémitisme traditionnel et le nouvel antisémitisme. Il se réclame à la fois du nationalisme et de la gauche — notamment du marxisme — et se présente comme un « national-socialiste français »n 2. Il devient par ailleurs l’ami, voire l’« éminence grise », de Dieudonné, ce qui permet d'observer une continuité entre ses discours et les spectacles de l'humoriste. Après s’être rapproché du Front national (FN), dont il est un temps membre du comité central, il fonde en juin 2007, avec d’anciens membres du GUD, le mouvement Égalité et Réconciliation (E&R) qu’il préside depuis lors. Cette association, qui se présente comme « nationaliste de gauche », est souvent classée à l’extrême droite par les observateurs. Il quitte le FN en février 2009 et se présente aux élections européennes de juin 2009, en cinquième position sur la « liste antisioniste » conduite en Île-de-France par Dieudonné. En mars 2011, il fonde la SARL Culture pour tous, qui comprend notamment la maison d’édition Kontre Kulture. Depuis 2008, Alain Soral est régulièrement condamné pour « diffamation », « injures raciales ou antisémites », « incitation à la haine raciale », « provocation à la haine, la discrimination ou la violence », « apologie de crimes de guerre et contre l'humanité ». 

Published on 20 Jun 2018

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 Soral répond... sur ERFM ! – Huitième fournée !



Published on 27 Jun 2018
Après deux ans de questions-réponses en vidéo sur ERTV, l’émission Soral répond revient sous un nouveau format sur ERFM, la radio en ligne et en continu d’Égalité & Réconciliation. Le principe : les auditeurs qui le souhaitent posent leurs questions sur le répondeur d’Alain Soral, qui choisit les meilleures et y répond ! Le numéro du répondeur : 0 899 25 22 66 (0,25 €/min) Le numéro est surtaxé afin de limiter les insultes et les messages interminables. Pour ne pas payer trop cher, soyez clairs et concis ! Pour commenter :



Published on 14 Apr 2017

Dans «Les Religions, la Parole et la Violence», publié chez Odile Jacob, le linguiste Claude Hagège analyse les discours des religions. Gallimard publie dans la collection Quarto 11 romans de Tahar Ben Jelloun. L'auteur et conteur marocain a lui-même choisi les oeuvres contenues dans cet ouvrage. De son côté, dans «Nos ancêtres les Arabes. Ce que notre langue leur doit» (JC Lattès), le lexicologue Jean Pruvost rappelle ce que la langue française doit à l'arabe. Correctrice au journal «Le Monde», Muriel Gilbert publie «Au bonheur des fautes : Confessions d'une dompteuse de mots», à la Librairie Vuibert. La journaliste américaine Lauren Collins évoque son apprentissage du français dans «Lost in French», édité par Flammarion. 

Des mots français d'origine arabe selon Saladin ( mdr )

Published on 15 Jan 2018

Je ne détiens pas de droits d'auteur j'ai modifié et coupé une série sur les croisades afin de mettre en avant les mots d'origine arabe raconté par le grand kurde Saladin qui avait repris la ville sainte des chrétiens suivez leur chaîne youtube c'est du très bon contenue 


Entretien TDP avec Jean Pruvost : Nos ancêtres les arabes, ce que notre langue leur doit

Published on 5 Oct 2017

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Vie après la mort: un hadith en parlait déjà

Published on 29 Jan 2013
 Auteur du best-seller, "Les 7 bonnes raisons de croire à l'au-delà," le docteur Jean-Jacques Charbonier est l'invité exceptionnel de l'Esprit d'actu. Médecin anesthésiste-réanimateur depuis plus de vingt ans, membre de la Société Française de Réanimation, Jean-Jacques Charbonier est l'un des meilleurs spécialiste sur les états de conscience modifiée et les expériences de mort imminente, un phénomène qui intrigue la science : L'expérience de mort imminente. Plongés dans un profond coma ou morts cliniquement, des millions d'individus dans le monde font le même récit après leur réanimation : "la sensation de se détacher de leur corps, d'assister à leur propre réanimation". Un Hadith du Prophète (SWAS) évoque à ce sujet: "A la mort de l'homme, son âme quitte son corps (Muslim n° 2872, Abu Daoûd n° 4753, Ahmad n° 17803).
 La conscience intuitive extra-neuronal, Dr. J-J. Charbonier au Québec


Published on 20 Nov 2017
Entrevue lors du passage du Dr. Jean-Jacques Charbonier et la médium Geneviève Delpech au Québec en novembre 2017 pour une série de conférences et d'ateliers. http://jean-jacques.charbonier.fr/con... 

EMI (NDE) de Pamela Reynolds


Published on 8 Jan 2014
Pam Reynolds, 35 ans, chanteuse, est atteinte d'un anévrisme artériel. Elle se sait en sursis et tente alors l'opération de la dernière chance. Celle-ci nécessite un arrêt cardiaque hypothermique. Nous sommes en 1991. Le procédé est novateur et son issue, incertaine. Mais Pam n'a plus grand-chose à perdre. Dans le bloc opératoire, elle est mise en situation de mort clinique : son cœur est arrêté, son cerveau cesse toute activité. Sa température corporelle chute à 15,5 °C, au lieu des 37,7 °C habituels. Le temps est compté. Le chirurgien prend ses outils et commence à découper la calotte crânienne. C'est à cet instant que Pam se sent s'élever au-dessus de son enveloppe charnelle. Dans une rotation à 180°, elle peut observer son corps inerte, sur lequel se penche l'équipe de médecins. Des détails la frappent. Ses cheveux partiellement rasés. La scie utilisée par le chirurgien ressemble à un outil de dentiste ; elle en note la marque : une Midas Rex. Elle écoute les échanges, entend les ordres. Puis, toujours en lévitation, elle quitte la salle pour traverser un tunnel baigné d'une lumière brillante et merveilleusement chaleureuse, qui lui semble à l'origine de l'existence. Elle croit voir des parents et amis décédés. Elle reconnaît un oncle mort qui la reconduit jusqu'à son corps. «Ce fut comme plonger dans une piscine d'eau glacée... » Tel est l'extraordinaire récit que Pam, dès son réveil, rapporte à l'équipe médicale, éberluée. Un témoignage troublant, qui fait référence. La situation de mort clinique est indéniable, constatée - et en l'occurrence provoquée - médicalement. Avec une interruption complète du flux sanguin, un cortex cérébral sans activité - attesté par le monitoring -, comment Pam a-t-elle pu enregistrer et se souvenir de faits - vérifiables - qui se sont déroulés en son « absence clinique » ?





Lone Survivor: How Muhammad Gulab, an Afghan, and Marcus Luttrell, a Navy SEAL, became "brothers"




Published on 23 Jan 2014

All content belongs to respective owners http://www.anonews.co/

Published on 31 Jul 2016

The Last Soviet in Afghanistan

More films about Afghanistan: https://rtd.rt.com/tags/afghanistan/
  “First tell us what you did in Afghanistan all those years. Then we'll decide whether or not we can shake hands,” said Gennady-Nikmamat's fellow soldiers after he had been assumed to be a traitor and disappeared for 29 years. 
 This is the unique story of Gennady-Nikmamat, a former Soviet soldier who was captured by the Mujahideen during the Soviet war in Afghanistan. He was presumed a turncoat, which carried a criminal penalty if he ever returned to his homeland. 
Thus he had no choice but to stay in Afghanistan and adopt a Muslim way of life. Gennady-Nikmamat married an Afghan woman, had four children with her and has lived a full life, but he never abandoned the dream of returning home. 
After finally coming back to Ukraine to see his relatives and visit his parents' graves for the first time, he still can't decide whether it was better that he survived or if he should have ended up just another unknown soldier lost in the turmoil of war. 
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 N.B. I am still looking for the letters I wrote to 3 personalities regarding my regarding my son Olyeg who was due to be sent to Afghanistan to murder innocent Afghanis: 

 1.  Treacherous President Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (1964 to 1982, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, presiding over the country until his death and funeral in 1982.)

Leonid Brezhnev Portrait (1).jpg 

President Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev - 1967  

(I left the USSR in January 1968)

2.  Treacherous François Maurice Adrien Marie Mitterrand(26 October 1916 – 8 January 1996), French President of France from 1981 to 1995, the longest time in office of any French president. As leader of the Socialist Party, he was the first figure from the left elected president under the Fifth Republic.)

Mitterrand (arms folded).jpg 

François Maurice Adrien Marie Mitterrand - 1981  

(I lived and worked in France from 1975-1988)

3. US-French mercenary fighter Ahmad Shah Massoud(September 2, 1953 – September 9, 2001), a foolish Afghan with no military training skills and brain who fough a murderous US war against the Soviets in his homeland between 1979 and 1989.)

Image result for Ahmad Shah Massoud 

Ahmad Shah Massoud - Keran and Minjon, Afghanistan, 1989.

Murdered in September 2001 by the CIA with French complicity when he was not needed anymore!

But, Massoud's murder was blamed on a scapegoat Dahmane Abd al-Sattar whose widowed wife Malika el Aroud I had planned to marry, but changed my mind because of her extremist views and total ignorance of world politics, and after I had met her in Belgium at her home!

Image result for Malika el Aroud

 Malika el Aroud, a Mujaahida, (born 1960) was arrested on false charges and jailed for "having ties with al-Qaeda", for defending Islam and helping the survivors of the Afghan Holocaust, for "for her writings on the Internet...for liking Sheikh Usama Bin Ladin...recruiting terrorists...", etc. 


WIKIPEDIA:" In 2003 she was one of 22 people tried in Belgium for complicity in Massoud's murder, but there was insufficient evidence to convict her. In June 2007 she and her second husband Moez Garsalloui were found guilty by a Swiss court of supporting radical Islamist organizations via internet sites.
El Aroud has been called a danger by a European terrorism expert because her high-profile advocacy has made her a role model and a source of inspiration to female jihadists.[3]"

"On December 11, 2008, she was arrested by the Belgian police with a group of people suspected of terrorist links.[7]
In February 2009, CNN presented an interview with El Aroud, as well as various people familiar with her activities or involved with her court proceedings, as part of CNN's regular program, "World's Untold Stories".[5]
In May 2010, she was convicted in Brussels on terrorism charges.
In December 2017, she was stripped of her Belgian citizenship by the Court of Appeal in Brussels [8]."


"Belgium: Terror Suspects Convicted, Sentenced

(May 13, 2010) It was reported on May 10, 2010, that eight people were convicted in Belgium for leading a terrorist group and recruiting people to fight for the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The fighters were recruited from Belgium and France. (Belgium Convicts Eight on Terrorism Charges, BBC NEWS, May 10, 2010, available athttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8673229.stm.)
Among the convicted was Malika El Aroud, a Belgian woman born in Morocco, who received a sentence of eight years of imprisonment for “creating, directing, and funding” a terrorist cell. (Nic Robertson & Paul Cruikshank, Belgian Court Convicts Three of Recruiting to Fight in Afghanistan, CNN AFGHANISTAN CROSSROADS, May 10, 2010, available at


El Aroud's actions included establishing a website, minbar-sos.com, designed to recruit participants to work for al-Qaeda. (Marco t'Hoen, Belgian Terrorist Recruiter Convicted, THE EPOCH TIMES, May 11, 2010, available at 

Her first husband, Abdessatar Dahmane, had carried out a suicide bombing attack on September 9, 2001, that killed Ahmed Sha Massoud, then head of the anti-Taliban group Northern Alliance, in Afghanistan. El Aroud's second husband, Moez Garsallaoui, was tried in absentia and sentenced to eight years as well. (BBC NEWS, supra.)

El Aroud had been arrested with eight others in 2009; prosecutors stated that plans for a suicide attack had been found at that time. One member of the group was acquitted, while the other seven were given sentences of imprisonment ranging from three to five years. (Id.; Robertson & Cruikshank, supra.)"


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